Why are roundworms dangerous? Roundworms parasites of humans animals and plants video tutorial Roundworms parasites of animals and humans representatives

roundworms(and there are more than 20 thousand species) have a unique ability - the ability to adapt to any living conditions.

About 40 species of worms enter the body through the skin and mucous membranes upon contact with contaminated soil and water. It can also occur due to thermally unprocessed food, insect bites, through household items, from pets and other family members.

  • roundworm;
  • Trichinella;
  • Filariae;
  • Pinworms;
  • hookworm;
  • Crooked head;
  • Vlasoglav;
  • Rishta and others.

Ascaris human is the most common type of roundworm that causes ascariasis. This is a large-sized helminth, the body of which has the shape of a cylinder, tapering towards the end. In males, it reaches 20 cm, twisted to the ventral side. Females can grow up to 40 cm in length.

This species is similar to the pig roundworm, which is common in Southeast Asia. In that area, the disease can be transmitted from pigs to humans and vice versa.

Worth knowing! When infected, weakness, headaches appear, and performance deteriorates. The person becomes forgetful and irritable for no reason. To identify the disease, a stool test is given.

Enterobiasis is a common ailment that causes pinworms. These are small round worms. white color. The female grows 10 cm long, the end of her body is pointed. The male is usually not larger than 5 mm.

Often enterobiasis occurs in children. Usually the first sign is itching in the anal area. The child does not sleep well, is irritable, problems with learning begin, because. performance decreases. The disease is diagnosed with a scraping from the surface of the skin of the anus.

This type of roundworm carries out its activity in the lower sections of the small intestine. It is introduced into the shell of the intestine, due to which there is a violation of the integrity of the connective cover. This leads to an inflammatory process. The helminth does not feed on the contents of the internal organ, but only on blood. Treatment causes many problems and usually drags on for a long time.

Trichuriasis is accompanied by the following symptoms: headache, irritability, drowsiness, lethargy. There may be convulsions, abdominal pain, intestinal dysbacteriosis, and sometimes appendicitis. The disease leads to anemia. To confirm the diagnosis, a stool test to detect worm eggs should be taken.

The fight against nematodes is simply necessary. Despite the type of helminths, they all cause significant harm to a person, affect his ability to work, lead to psychomotor developmental delay and absorb nutrients. If after all medical manipulations the diagnosis is confirmed, you will be prescribed the necessary treatment.

Symptoms of roundworms in the human body

Important! The disease may not appear immediately, the incubation period of some worms is quite large (up to 1.5 years).

  • defecation disorder,
  • itching in the anal area,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • bloating,
  • change in appetite
  • convulsions,
  • weight loss,
  • headache,
  • anemia.

Nematodes multiply rapidly and begin to affect all organs and systems of the human body. So damage to the heart, intestines, liver, muscles can appear. Sometimes worms even attack the eyes. There are symptoms such as allergies, itching, increased levels of eosinophils in the blood.

Intoxication leads to general malaise and, in some cases, mental disorders. Worms contribute to a decrease in immunity. This especially affects the children's body. The child becomes sick. Colds are not so easy to cure.

Because of such a list of symptoms, it is sometimes difficult to establish that helminthiasis is the cause of the condition. Even through the analysis of feces, it is not always possible to identify nematodes, because. they adapted to life in man without detection. Therefore, several diagnostic studies should be carried out.

There is the following division of worms:

  1. Geohelminths (have only the final host);
  2. Biohelminths (larvae live in the intermediate host, and then develop into the final one).

Geohelminths do not have an intermediate host. Therefore, their formation occurs in the soil or a person.

In the end, we recommend watching an educational film about helminths in our body:


Roundworms are different types, differ in size and shape. But they are united by the ability to conduct active life in the organisms of animals and people. Infection occurs accidentally or due to poor hygiene, improperly prepared or dirty food.

Despite the abundance of drugs, getting rid of helminths is quite problematic. Treatment can take a long time. Therefore, we should do the prevention of worms and be attentive to our health and what we eat.


Ascaris (Ascaris lumbricoides) is a spindle-shaped and rather large "worm" that lives in the human intestine, is found in all countries and all peoples.

However, infection with roundworms depends on the cultural level and living conditions of the population: among peoples who are backward in their culture, ascariasis is more common than among civilized peoples, and is more often observed in children and adolescents than in adults. The usual location of adult roundworms is the small intestine; from there they sometimes enter other parts of the intestine and are carried out along the digestive tract with feces.

The shape and structure of the body.

Roundworms living in a person are rather large worms of a dirty pink color. They are dioecious; males are smaller than females and have a length of 15-25 cm, the rear end of their body is bent with a hook - a device that allows the male to embrace the female during fertilization. In the female, the posterior end of the body is not curved and the length reaches 40 and even up to 45 cm.

The body of the roundworm is covered with a dense cuticle, which outer layer her musculocutaneous sac.

Its movements are simple: a live roundworm (especially if it is placed in water heated to the temperature of our body) bends its body, but cannot stretch it in length, as earthworms do, since its muscles consist of only four longitudinal muscle bands. : when one or the other of them contracts, the body of the roundworm bends towards this muscle (compare further with the muscles of the earthworm).

Excess water and liquid decay products are removed from the body through the excretory system - through two very thin channels that stretch along the side walls of the body and end at the front end with one common opening.

In the male, reproductive products are excreted through the cloaca at the posterior end of the body; the female has a special genital opening at the border of the first and second third of the length of her body - where an annular constriction is noticeable on her body.

Distribution of roundworm eggs and routes of infection. In those microscopically small testicles that the female roundworm secretes, under a dense membrane there are already formed embryos. However, in the intestines of the former host, the embryos do not hatch from their shells, and the eggs are passed out of the body along with the feces. Thus, the eggs fall either into the soil or into the water, where they are carried by rain streams, and under these conditions they can remain alive and ready for further development for 5-6 years.

Together with manure and sewage, roundworm eggs can get into garden fertilizer, and then we risk swallowing them by eating poorly washed carrots, radishes, lettuce, and cucumbers raw. Along with other contagion, they can be transferred to our food supplies by flies. Children, playing near dwellings on polluted soil, love to dig in the ground, and after that they put their fingers in their mouths or take food with unwashed hands and therefore become especially often infected with worm eggs. Finally, roundworm eggs can be washed away from the soil into rivers, and then a person can become infected with them if he drinks raw river water. In a word, in one way or another, some part of the ascaris testicles taken out of the intestines (of course, only the smallest fraction of them!) Gets into the intestines of a new host and there gives rise to a new generation.


In terms of body shape and structure, pinworms resemble ascaris, but only in a greatly reduced form. Males are half the size of females, and their backs are curved in a spiral. In a living state, only females come out; they reach 10 mm in length, and their body ends at the back with a pointed tail (from which the worms got their name).

The body of the pinworm is translucent, and if the female is viewed through a strong magnifying glass through the light, she can see a strongly swollen uterus, stuffed with a huge number of testicles (up to 10-12 thousand - approx. site).

Reproduction of pinworms and ways of infection. Creeping out through anus from the intestines, the female pinworm immediately begins to lay her testicles nearby. Feeling an irritating itch, a person - especially in a dream - begins to scratch, crushes worms, and hundreds and thousands of pinworm eggs stick to his fingers. Now all he has to do, without washing his hands thoroughly, slip his fingers into his mouth or hold something edible, as the testicles again fall into the intestines and give rise to a new generation of pinworms.

In some cases, on the basis of infection with pinworms, more serious diseases were also observed: convulsions, impaired vision, purulent inflammation of the process of the caecum, etc.

Rice. 94. Appearance horse roundworm: / - female; // - male

Roundworms have a fusiform body, in males the tail section is i bent with a hook (Fig. 95). Length of horse askari-I dy (Paraskarisequorum) up to 37 cm, pork (Ascarls I suum) - up to 30 cm, human (AscarisLumbrc- 1 coides) - up to 20 cm with a diameter of up to 3-5 mm. | The female is much larger than the males. Ascarids I are very fertile - female horse roundworm at lays up to 200 thousand eggs per day. Fertilization is internal. A fertilized roundworm egg is dressed in four shells that reliably protect it from various adverse environmental influences (Fig. 96). Ascaris eggs remain alive for 1.5 months when immersed in a 3% solution of formalin and for a month in a 2-4% solution of sodium hydroxide or caustic potassium. But a 5-10% solution of Lysol quickly kills them, which allows the use of this drug to disinfect the room from ascaris eggs. For the same purpose, boiling water can be used, since at temperatures above 60 ° C, ascaris eggs die. Crushing of ascaris eggs begins in the mother's body, but mainly the development of the larva occurs in the external environment for 10-15 days, depending on the temperature of the environment.When a larva develops in an egg, it becomes invasive.After swallowing such an egg, an animal or a person can become ill with ascariasis.In the intestines of the host, microscopic small larvae come out of the eggs, which are introduced into the intestinal wall, enter the blood vessels and migrate through the bloodstream through the body of the host.After entering the lungs, they exit into the lumen of the pulmonary vesicles, and from there through the bronchi and windpipe reach the oral cavity. losti. From it, together with saliva and food, already grown larvae again enter the intestines of the same host, where they complete their development. The entire development cycle of ascaris larvae in the host body lasts about 3 months.

Rice. 95. Internal structure roundworm:

/ - mouth; 2 ~~ esophagus; 3 - intestine; 4 - peripharyngeal nerve ring; 5 - abdominal nerve cord; 6* - lateral ridge of the hypodermis with a channel excretory system;
7-- phagocytic cells; H
- ovaries; At- oviducts;
10 uterus; // nglish; 12 - anus; 13- testis; /-/ - seed tube; 15 -- ssmyannvergative channel

/ - pinworms; 2 - whiplash; 3, 4- roundworm; 5 - hookworms (piling)

5 B. A. Kuznetsov et al.

The products of ascaris secretions are poisonous, therefore, patients with ascariasis often experience fever, heart rhythm disturbances and other symptoms of poisoning. Ascaris larvae, migrating from the intestines, open the way for bacteria to the internal organs. Sometimes ascaris larvae penetrate into the bile ducts of the liver and pancreas, which leads to damage to these organs. People have cases of hemoptysis caused by damage to the walls of the lungs by migratory roundworm larvae. Ascariasis of people, as well as farm animals (especially horses and pigs) are widespread. In the fight against them, along with the deworming of patients with the help of various drugs, it is important to keep the room clean, and for people to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

According to the shape of the body, worms are divided into three types: Flat, Round and Ringed. All worms are three-layer animals. Their tissues and organs develop from three germ layers - ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm.

Type Flatworms their characteristics

Type Flatworms unites about 12,500 species. In their organization, they are higher than the coelenterates, but among the three-layered animals they are the most primitive. These animals can crawl slowly. Most feature flatworms - a flattened (flattened) body, in the form of a long ribbon.

The figure below shows the structure of the Flatworm using the example of Planaria.


The body is flattened in the dorsal-abdominal direction, the space between the organs is filled with a special tissue - the parenchyma (there is no body cavity)

body integuments

Skin-muscular sac (skin fused with muscle fibers)

Nervous system

Two nerve trunks connected by nerves ("ladders")

sense organs

Ocelli in front of body, tactile cells scattered throughout body

The digestive system is blindly closed; have mouth --> pharynx --> branched intestine

Whole surface of the body


A system of tubules that open outward on the sides of the body

Reproduction of a flatworm

Hermaphrodites; spermatozoa ripen in the testicles, eggs - in the ovaries; the female lays eggs that hatch into young worms

Variety of Flatworms, their main classes

Type Roundworms and their characteristics

Type Roundworms- a large group of animals with a long, round body in cross section, which is pointed at the front and rear ends. Roundworms are characterized by the presence of free space inside the body - the primary cavity. It contains internal organs surrounded by abdominal fluid. Washing the cells of the body, it is involved in gas exchange and the transfer of substances. The body of roundworms is covered with a strong shell - cuticle. This group includes about 20 thousand species.

The figure below shows the structure of the Roundworm using the example of Ascaris.


An elongated cylindrical body, pointed at both ends, round in cross section, is a body cavity

Skin-muscular sac

Nervous system

Abdominal nerve cord

Mouth (3 hard lips) --> pharynx --> intestinal tube --> anus

Whole surface of the body


Through the surface of the body


Most are dioecious; the female lays eggs that hatch into young worms


Type annelids their characteristics

Type Annelids- a group of animals whose representatives have a body divided into segments resembling rings folded one after another. There are about 9 thousand species of annelids. Between the skin-muscle sac and internal organs they have in general- secondary body cavity filled with fluid.


The body consists of segments, there is a body cavity

Leather; muscles - longitudinal and circular

Nervous system

Supraglottic and subpharyngeal nerve ganglions and the ventral nerve cord, from which the nerves depart in each segment

Mouth --> pharynx --> esophagus --> crop --> stomach --> intestine --> anus

the entire surface of the body; marine have special outgrowths of the body - gills


In each segment - a pair of tubules that open outwards with excretory pores

Reproduction of annelids

Hermaphrodite; the female lays eggs in a cocoon, from which young worms emerge


1. Class Small-haired - live mainly in soil and fresh water, have small bristles on each segment (representative - earthworm)

2. Class Multi-haired - live in the seas; have paired outgrowths with bristles on the sides of the body (representative - nereid, sandworm)


The source of information: Biology in tables and diagrams. / Edition 2e, - St. Petersburg: 2004.

Class Tapeworms (Cestoda).

Class Flukes (Trematoda).

Type Flatworms (Plathelminthes).

FOM - fecal-oral mechanism AtM - atypical mechanism GM - hemic mechanism

All of the following members of this class cause a group of diseases called cestodoses. Diseases caused by bovine and porcine tapeworms are called taeniasis.

Cysticercosis. If personal hygiene is violated, helminth eggs can get into the mouth and then into the stomach of a person. Sometimes this happens with vomiting, when, along with the contents of the intestine, mature tapeworm segments can be thrown into the stomach. Here they break down and eggs come out of them. Eggs that enter the intestines begin to develop. The first larval form oncospheres they are carried through the blood vessels throughout the body and turn into a second larval form - the Finns (cysticerci). A severe disease of cysticercosis develops. At the same time, Finns-cysticerci spread throughout the body, but their localization in eyeballs and the brain. The larvae reach a size of 0.5-1.5 cm. This leads to loss of vision and severe nervous disorders.

The treatment of teniosis has an important feature: those that can provoke vomiting, for example, Phenasalum, are excluded from the number of anthelmintic drugs. Treatment of cysticercosis is surgical and anti-allergic.