Pink Party: Bright, fun and sexy. Black and white party: script, design, menus and competitions

Expensive, shocking and brilliant - the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning a Hollywood party. How else? World-class celebrities, film masterpieces, nominations and awards, hundreds of camera flashes and crowds of fans! But it’s also props and scenery, and therefore a Hollywood-style party does not have to cost like a suite at the Roosevelt Hotel.

The colors of the evening are deep red, shining gold and black. Instead of gold, silver can prevail, and bright blue is great for adding zest to the decor. If you're planning an Old Hollywood party, prepare black and white decorations. A few ideas for decorating the hall (room, private courtyard?):

  • No Hollywood party is complete without a glamorous red carpet. It can be made from painted and glued pieces of drawing paper, rented or bought three meters of exhibition carpet (the cheapest version of a real track).
  • Place posts with sagging ropes along the path. We cut out a “washer” from the foam, stick a piece of plastic pipe into it, and put a ball for a dry pool on top. Zilch from a can of gold, pull the "ropes" - you're done!

  • Set up an "advertising" banner for photos of guests at the entrance. Instead of advertising, write catchphrases from films, the motto of the evening, or congratulations to the hero of the occasion. Designate a place for the stage (many competitions will be held here).
  • At a Hollywood-style party, you can’t do without posters, posters and photos of famous actors. If you have invited friends to Old Hollywood, black and white or sepia images are desirable.

  • At the entrance and along the walls, place cardboard silhouettes of cameramen, journalists, and fans. Ideally fit palm trees in large tubs or palm leaves as part of the compositions.
  • Cinematic attributes are useful for decoration. Film reels and crackers, cameras and large umbrellas, buckets of popcorn, tickets, etc. You will have to paint, draw and glue a lot, but no special expenses!

  • Make large HOLLYWOOD letters out of plywood or thick cardboard. Put on the floor or hang on the wall, use for photo shoots. On the wall or floor, organize the Walk of Fame - five-pointed stars with the names of the party guests.

To add Hollywood shine, use in the design of the hall:

  • glass beads
  • serpentine, New Year's rain (not colorful)
  • electric garlands (miniature, round or star-shaped)
  • foil, glitter paper
  • satin or silk for draping walls, furniture
  • balloons (glossy, sparkling, plain or star-shaped)
  • CDs (if you split them into uneven pieces and stick them with the “cover” inside on a shiny cord, you will get beautiful garlands).


There are no less options than Hollywood celebrities! Take any of the already mentioned movie symbols as a basis. For example, two photo reels glued together (printed, glued to cardboard) with a protruding label - pulled, and a “film” with text is pulled out from the inside. Or a black-and-white cracker with a laconic inscription “Hollywood party 12/12/17 at 16-00 Take one”, and details on the back. A star, an Oscar silhouette, a ticket, a miniature poster - lots of options!

Read also: Original do-it-yourself veil for a bachelorette party (+ photo and pattern)

Play up the content like an invitation to a screen test, a premiere, a season-end, an awards ceremony. And funny, and a kind of beginning to win back the script.

The original invitation will be a short video recorded on CD or sent by e-mail. You can pack a can of Coca-Cola and a bucket of popcorn by attaching a card. Or send out golden paper postcards with ornate official text.


Don't forget to discuss the dress code, because wearing a “grandmother's” sweater to a pompous Hollywood party is definitely ruining the surroundings. Of course, if the sweater is not part of the image of a famous actor or movie character. Don't want Princess Leia and Lara Croft, Jack Sparrow and Mad Max to be in the same society? Designate the genre and / or era - New or Old Hollywood. And find out in advance who chose what image, so that five Bonds do not have to entertain seven Marilyns.

Trying on someone else's image is not your topic? Then the option "to himself a Star": girls in chic flowing dresses, men in suits with a needle and polished shoes to a shine. Festive clothing for a Hollywood-style party does not just hint, but directly says - in front of you, well, very rich and famous! Makeup, accessories, hairstyle must match.

Catchy jewelry and "expensive" sparkling accessories can be bought at a jewelry store, and butterflies, ties and hats can be made from improvised means.

Hollywood dress code for teenagers can go a little beyond the traditional classics. For example, sneakers + jeans + jacket. For girls - cocktail dresses and low-heeled shoes. Watch a recording from the Academy Awards or an interview from some high-profile premiere - Hollywood youth more often prefers convenience, but stylish and fashionable.


Everything is simple here - treats for one bite. Tartlets, kebabs, canapes, vegetable and fruit cuts. Tiny sandwiches, ham, caviar and seafood - great variety but small portions. The design of the menu should be such that the guest does not have to pick at the plate. Don't forget cocktails, the obligatory champagne and soft drinks. Arrange vases with beautifully arranged sweets and cups with desserts.

Read also: Party in space style (+ photo)

Prepare sprigs of herbs, beautiful sprinkles, candied flowers and shaped ice to decorate dishes worthy of the Hollywood beau monde!

Serving - buffet, buffet or several tables for 3-4 persons. Long, flowing tablecloths and nameplates. Napkins in gold rings and miniature vases with fresh flowers. Chocolate fountains and ice figures. "Silver" and "crystal", laconic one-color or blatantly "expensive" dishes. In general, at the highest level!


Right from the door, friends should enter the role of a famous movie star - start the party script with a short Hollywood-style interview: “Mr. Alex, are you glad to be among the guests?”, “Miss Angela, what emotions do you expect from the premiere?” etc. To make the photos interesting, let the presenter and the next guest stand against the background of the "advertising" banner.

And then the premiere, screen tests or awards, there is not much difference. All competitions offered below will fit in. If the script is about awards, then name the games "Best actor, screenwriter, make-up artist." If this is a premiere, then "Scene one - the star is in shock", "Scene two - a childish surprise", etc.

Star in shock

And the Star is sad, fun, disgusting, scary. Prepare emotion cards. The guest pulls out one, reads it and silently shows it. The rest guess.

May 5, 2016

Pink color is delicious, seductive, delicate and feminine. Until recently, everyone associated it exclusively with glamorous women or cute little girls, but nowadays even brutal men have begun to show interest in this color. There is nothing surprising in this, because there is both style and sexuality in pink. This shade has many variations: from pale to bright juicy tones.

Pink Sweet Party is a bright and unforgettable party for everyone who loves to have fun in the company of close friends no matter what!

What does everyone associate the Pink Party with? Naturally, with Barbie dolls, bows and ruffles, Bubble Gum and beautiful fairies in pink dresses with fluffy wands. But do not rush to feel sorry for the men - party guests, because slender girls in sexy outfits a la Barbie will definitely interest the stronger sex!

Pink Sweet Party is perfect for celebrating March 8, birthday, bachelorette party, New Year, corporate party, Valentine's Day and other fun events.

1. Venue

This party does not imply any special venue. A holiday can be arranged in an apartment, in a country house, in a cafe, in an office, in nature, in a limousine. The main thing is to have the right mood. And balloons of bright shades of pink, strawberries with cream, purple butterflies on men's shirts and rich fuchsia-colored dresses for girls will definitely help to create it.

2. Invitations

In childhood, all girls loved to play with dolls, do their hair, dress up and take care of them. Childhood has passed, but the skills remain. Why not design invitations in a childish style and, of course, in pink. There are many options for inviting friends to a party. You can send invitations by e-mail or create a separate page on the social network, where you can discuss with potential guests the nuances of the party, dress code, menu and drinks.

In order for the invitations to remain for the guests for a long memory, it is worth making them with your own hands. The shape can be different - a sweet candy on a stick, a sexy female corset, or a cute postcard with a crown, a symbol of a real princess. To design invitations, you will need colored cardboard, mostly pink, glue, beautiful colored ribbons, strong threads, sparkles, scissors and other auxiliary materials as needed.

Since the party is themed, you should warn guests about the presence of a dress code, indicate the date and place of the holiday.

3. Interior decoration

Interior decoration is supposed to be in various shades of pink. Decorations made of crepe paper, in the form of hearts, flowers or bows are perfect. Balloons will look beautiful under the ceiling and scattered on the floor of the room.

Tables decorated with satin pink ribbons and beautiful massive bows will add a special charm to the surroundings of the holiday.

A themed tantamaresque will not hurt, where every girl can feel like a real princess, and men have plenty of fun with their friends, because it’s not every day you meet a bearded Snow White or a little mermaid Ariel with bristles and sideburns.

Beautifully complement the interior garlands of silhouettes of flowers, animals or geometric shapes, cut out of cardboard, in pastel shades of pink. Since not only girls, but also boys are present at the party, it will not be superfluous to place a poster of the legendary Pink Floyd band and images of the Pink Panther on the wall.

Another wall can be decorated in the style of "pink memories". Each guest will be given a pink puzzle frame in advance, where the guest will have to print and insert a photo from common parties, walks, work or study. Arriving at the holiday, everyone forms such a puzzle collage with photos. Memorable pictures will definitely cause a lot of warm and pleasant memories. You can dilute the complete “mi-mi-mi” of your loved ones with not entirely successful pictures, where friends are captured in stupid poses and with a funny expression on their faces.

What is a pink party without fresh flowers? Roses of all shades of red will give pleasant aromas to all guests of the evening. Petals can be scattered around the room, on tables, put in transparent vases with flowers - it will be beautiful and romantic.

You can create muted colors with scented candles, with a delicate scent of vanilla or lavender. But it is not necessary to have a candlelit party, in the store you can buy lamps with any color of the ceiling, even pink.

Like it or not, pink is still inextricably linked with fashion. Therefore, the new fashion magazines laid out on the tables will obviously not be superfluous.

At the Pink Sweet Party, you should not waste time on trifles, the more thematic color will be in the interior, the better. Therefore, buying pink textiles for tables and chairs will be very helpful.

You can also place posters with celebrities in pink outfits, for example, with Paris Hilton.

4. Party dress code

The invitation clearly states the presence of a dress code - this is important for creating the appropriate mood for the holiday. But you can go further and offer guests entrance to the party only if you have a pink furry friend. It can be played by a cute pig, a bunny, a Barbie doll, a Pinkie Pie pony, a Hello Kitty cat, a Tinker Bell fairy, etc. These toys can be purchased at any children's store.

The clothes, shoes, accessories and jewelry of the audience should contain a lot of pink elements.

Barbie-style is suitable for girls, and this is a lot of accessories and shiny clothes in different variations: overalls, suits, dresses, etc. You can come in the form of a fairy or a princess, most importantly, a lot of pink. Stilettos, large curls, bright makeup and lipstick will complement the image.

For men, a suit and tie, bright shorts and an even brighter shirt are ideal, especially funny ones can come to the event in a tooth fairy costume.

The organizers should take care of the availability of all the necessary accessories for forgetful party guests. For example, purchase Playboy bunny ears, a glamorous cowboy hat and wigs.

5. Treats

The design of the tables should be decorated with thematic accents - rose petals, patterned napkins, heart confetti, flags, straws and umbrellas - all in pink.

The menu should also be "in the subject." Consider some of the most interesting dishes.

"Shrimp Bouquet"

Boil large shrimp and put them on lettuce leaves, complement the dish with slices of tomato or radish.

"Pink Snacks"

Miniature sandwiches with baguette, smoked salmon, red caviar and red onion rings on lettuce.

"Crazy Canapes"

Why crazy? Yes, because the taste will be the most reckless. Take skewers about 5 cm long and put 4 food items on them, and this can be your choice: salmon, grapefruit, sausage, tomatoes, radish or cucumber.

The sweet version includes pieces of Turkish delight, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, watermelons, etc.

In addition to canapes, you can serve all kinds of cookies, cakes, cotton candy, popcorn, strawberry mousse, cottage cheese dessert, cupcakes and even a cake in the shape of a Barbie doll.

From drinks you can offer red and rosé wine, as well as a variety of rosé cocktails. They are made with strawberry and pomegranate syrup, cherry and raspberry juice. Glasses are decorated with pieces of strawberries or raspberries.

If the soul requires exotic, you can cook pink sangria based on red wine.
The recipe is this.


  • Dry rose wine - 1 bot.
  • Orange liqueur - 100 ml.
  • Sugar - 80 g.
  • Lemonade - 700 ml.
  • Watermelon pulp - 300 g.
  • Lemon lime - 1 pc.

Steps for making Pink Sangria:

  • The flesh of the watermelon is cut into cubes. The lime is sliced ​​along with the skin. Sliced ​​fruits are placed in a deep bowl.
  • Liquor and sugar are added. The mixture is stirred until the sugar dissolves, and hides in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • After the time has elapsed, you need to add wine and lemonade to the cooled mass and mix everything well.
  • The already prepared drink is poured into a jug and served on the table with ice cubes.

6. Musical accompaniment

The motifs of The Pink Panther movie, songs of Pink Floyd, Aqua, Pink singers, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Lady Gaga, Beyonce and other incendiary hits are ideal as background music.

7. Party fun in pink style

What holiday is complete without entertainment? We will prepare the most positive contests and games.

"I haven't done this before"

The participants of the game sit in a circle, each is given 10 candies. A hat or any other deep container is placed in the center into which candy can be thrown. Players take turns telling a true fact from their lives, something that has never been done before in their lives. If another participant in the game has already tried something similar, then he throws a candy into the hat. For example, one says: "I've never flown in an airplane." The one who has already flown throws sweetness into the hat. In turn order, the players make new statements until all but one of them get rid of their candy.

"Guess Me By Smell"

The game will require from 4 to 8 participants. Everyone is blindfolded. The host will bring objects to the nose of the participants, and they will have to determine what they are by smell. As items for guessing, you can offer perfume, meat, dill, beer, flowers, a diaper and a massive male fist. Whoever guesses the most items wins.

"Spicy Clothespins"

This game is ideal for both couples and those who are in search. Participants are divided into two, they are blindfolded. A lot of clothespins cling to the clothes of one of the couple. The task for the other player is to remove more clothespins, carefully feeling his partner. The winner is the pair whose participant removed all the clothespins.

"Pink Clothes for Baby"

The games are intended for 3-4 participants of different sexes. In front of each is a bag full of old-fashioned things, ideal if you can pick up a pink wardrobe. The essence of the game is for each participant to put on as many things as possible for themselves, including accessories and shoes, in the shortest possible period of time.

To make it more fun, girls are encouraged to offer items from the men's wardrobe. For a guy - women's things: underwear, a translucent dress, high-heeled shoes, a hat with a feather, a handbag. The first one to dress everything up gets a prize. After the finish, the participants will have a photo session.

« Miss Barbie»

All girls love to dress beautifully and show their skills to others. To select Miss Barbie of the evening, all participants will go through several stages: a performance, a swimsuit competition and the most charming smile. The girl with the most standing ovations wins the crown.

"Secret Friend"

All guests write their name on a piece of paper, carefully fold it and put it in a hat. Then, each in turn pulls a note with the name of the guest. The dropped name is a new secret friend for the evening. The bottom line is to look after your secret friend throughout the holiday, invite you to dance, bring cocktails, have interesting conversations and please in every possible way. At the end of the holiday, everyone takes turns expressing thoughts about who his secret friend was.

"Incendiary Dances"

Participants of the competition are divided into teams, one half is given pink balloons, the other red. When dancing, you need to hide the balloon so that the competitors do not burst it, but at the same time try in every possible way to disable the opponent's balloon. You can hide the ball between your bodies, under a dress, under a shirt, etc. The team that bursts all the opponent's balls wins.

"Anecdote on the topic"

Competition for the knowledge of the funniest anecdote about blondes. The winner will receive a white wig as a gift.

"Inflate me"

Participants are given a pack of chewing gum. You need to inflate the biggest balloon. The one who completes the task faster and better than the others wins a prize.

8. Incentive prizes

Contest participants can be offered bunny ears, a beautiful pink pen, fluffy slippers or pink candies as an incentive present.

Remembering childhood and having fun in the company of close friends is priceless! Imagine and make every day of your life memorable.

Pink Sweet Party is the best place for princesses, Barbies and brutal tooth fairies!

Art holiday script"Red Holiday"

All children love holidays. They may not always be timed to coincide with some important calendar event, and then you can spendred holiday.

Preliminary work: Red caps with an elastic band and rims with a red sun (according to the number of children in teams), red medals (according to the number of children, with first and second places), red chips (according to the number of competitions) are made in advance. For a Red character, the T-shirt, shorts, shoes, and hat of any type are all red. Red balls are hung in the hall, red toys are placed. The stage is decorated with large red letters P R A D N I K.

Methodological support: 1. Red square, cut into geometric shapes (2 pcs.). 2. A large glass with a drink, straws for each team member (2 pcs.). 3. A set of silhouette pictures of vegetables, fruits, berries, a basket (2 pcs.). 4. Picture - coloring, colored pencils for each team member (2 pcs.). 5. Silhouette of a vase, flower petals of different colors cut from colored paper and round yellow centers (2 pcs.).

Educator. In Russia, red has long been loved. The front porch in the house was called red, an elegant Russian sundress was also red, they said about a beautiful girl “a beautiful girl”. And in fairy tales, beautiful Helens are often found. The main square of Moscow is Red. And there is a lot of red around us, let's look for it (children name objects, clothes, etc., where they find red). The hall includesRed color . Educator. Guys, look who came to visit us. This is also red.Red color . Good afternoon, guys, I'm Red, I'm not more beautiful, you will be friends with me, we won't have to grieve. Guys, do you like me? (Yes) And I liked you right away too. I see you are very cheerful, but do you like to play? (Yes) I invite you to play different games, but these games are all red, right? (Yes) To do this, we need to split into two teams, one team will be called "red suns", the second - "red caps". The teacher and the Red color help the children to divide into teams and put on their heads distinctive signs (red caps and rims with red suns), and also determine three people in the jury (one adult and two children). All competitions are held by the Red Color, and the teacher helps the children cope with the tasks.1 contest "Red Square". The teams are given two identical red squares cut into pieces (geometric shapes). The team that quickly assembles a whole square from the parts wins. The winners are awarded a red chip.2 competition "Pumps - red noses". Each team receives a large glass of red drink (cranberry juice) and straws according to the number of children. The team whose members drink the drink faster through straws wins. The winners are awarded a red chip.3rd competition "Red Garden". Teams are given baskets, and silhouette pictures of vegetables, fruits and berries are laid out on the floor. – Various vegetables, berries and fruits grow in the fairy garden. Guys, you need, in 1 minute, to collect in your baskets only those vegetables, fruits and berries that are red. The team with the most correct pictures wins. The winners are awarded a red chip.Red color. Oh guys, we're a little tired. Let's take a break and talk. My friends, do you know that red is used not only for beauty and good mood. He can also tell us a lot and even help us. For example, a red light is on at a traffic light, what does it tell us about? (Movement Prohibition). Right. And when we pick mushrooms and meet a beautiful mushroom with a red hat with white spots, can we pick it? (Not). And why? (This is a fly agaric. It is poisonous). Right. And if we pick berries, will we pick green or red ones? (Red, green - not ripe). All right guys, well, rested? Are we playing further?4th competition "Red Artists". Each participant receives a red pencil, and the teams are given an uncolored drawing. In 1 minute, the participants must color in everything that can be colored in red. The team that did the best in this competition wins. The winners are awarded a red chip.5 contest "Red Flowers" On the tables are laid out flower petals of different colors and round yellow centers for them. In vases cut out of colored cardboard, you need to collect “bouquets” of only red flowers from individual elements (fold flowers from petals and centers so that you get a bouquet). The team with the best bouquet wins. The winners are awarded a red chip.Educator. Well, our cheerful red holiday has ended. Now our jury will count the total number of chips you have won and determine the winners. Guys, did you enjoy playing with Red? Let's thank him for coming to visit us and making us laugh so much.After summing up, both teams receive red medals for the first and second places.

№ 1220
During my stay in Torrevieja, Seaside Continental has become one of my favorite places. It has a special atmosphere of friendliness and hospitality! Loved everyone, and that doesn't happen often to me, you know. She came alone, brought her friends... It's a pity that this performance of Zhenya Shakhrai was the last one in this restaurant, he is changing his stage in Torrevieja.

When I saw this ad, I immediately signed up, although I had never heard of Igor Sorokin before. It was enough for me that Zhenya Shakhrai would sing! And I also wanted to see how the disco of the 90s went, because during these years I was already engaged in the forest business and they passed me away from such entertainment.

I like that in the restaurant the hall is decorated differently for each event...

The place I had was just for a VIP guest, which I love. I met Nastya Klepikova exactly a year later and again in a restaurant, albeit in a different one. We are destined to meet only at such parties, apparently ...

And then Zhenya came up to us ...

I met Nikolai Stepanov, Nastya's friend. This couple was the "nail" not only of the dance floor, where Nastya shone, but also of the scene where Nikolai sang wonderfully. Beautiful and harmonious couple, looked at them with pleasure!

The ticket price included such a huge portion of a hot dish and a glass of wine to choose from ...

Sometimes a handsome young man sat down next to me, who took all the pictures that I could not take myself. Meet Danila Shakhrai, Zhenya's son! He surprised me with prudence beyond his years and independence. A handsome young man I liked very much!

There were a lot of people in the hall, almost all the seats were occupied ...

I doubted whether I would like Igor's performance, because his repertoire was special, but after 5 minutes I forgot about my fears. He ignited the audience just from the first note! That's when I realized why so many people came to his performance! Well done, he knows how to work with the audience!

Sometimes Igor and Zhenya sang a duet...

And this "clockwork girl" is called Natasha. How I liked her! It’s a pity that our joint photo didn’t work out ... Danila got tired of taking pictures of us, lit up the photo.
These photos were taken during Igor's performance of the song "Let's wait for your mother"...

The Red Party went off with a bang! Igorek Sorokin, Zhenya Shakhrai, Garik, the son of Anechka, the restaurant's chef, Nikolai Stepanov - Nastya's friend, Artur, just a guest of the restaurant that evening, sang.
Evgeny Shakhrai sings...

Garik sings...

Nikolay Stepanov sings...

Arthur sings...

The audience gathered prepared and the dance floor was practically not empty ...

During the break we had a joke game... The girls were great!

Delicious food, excellent wine, wonderful organization of the evening. And a photo for memory with Igor...

The soul of the evening and the host of the entire program is Yevgeny Shakhrai!

I enjoyed the evening so much that I came home the next morning. And the youth still did not think to disperse at this time! But I got it...

Posted by the author - - January 15, 2016

Have you noticed how much better black and white photos look? They have style, sophistication, and a certain retro romance. Now imagine that you are the hero of a black and white movie? Not necessarily dumb.

Here is a great idea for an original themed party at home or in a cafe. It is not as popular as popular or. And this is her exclusive.

It's about time have a black and white party. A place where the two most opposite colors collide. This will be the main idea (concept) of the party. And now let's look at the script, design, menu, drinks, dress code, music, contests and games for this holiday.

Theme of the evening

Good and Evil, Snow and Soot, Truth and Lies, Day and Night, Angels and Demons, Salt and Pepper, Paper and Ink, Marshmallow and Chocolate, Milk and Coffee, Hatred and Love, Shadow and Light, Prayer and Sin…

Perhaps you can imagine the noble snow-white skin of an aristocrat under a chic black veil?

What associations do you have when you think about Black and White?

By the way, great idea for a contest. Let the participants take turns calling their associations. The winner is the one who says the last pair of antonyms that comes to mind.

You can choose a specific topic, taking as a starting point one of the associations of the list indicated at the beginning. Or you can come up with something of your own.

1. Relevance

A black and white party would work well for birthdays, hen/stag parties, Halloween, and today's boldness of choice will make it the highlight of even weddings and anniversaries.

2. Season and meeting time

These colors suit any season. So if you have a birthday in the winter, then this is for the best. White snow outside the window will add color. Such a holiday is best spent indoors, so as not to dilute the black and white illusion with the color of green grass and blue sky.

The start time is in the evening when it gets dark. But you can clearly follow the party idea and invite guests at a time when the day has not yet ended, and the evening has not yet begun. So to speak, the moment of the collision of dark and light.

3. DIY invitations

Black, white cardboard (preferably velvet), lace fabric, ribbons, beads and pearls. These elements will allow you to make your own original postcards in the style of the coming evening. Sign the invitations in beautiful handwriting with an ink pen.

Be original - these little things create pictures in the minds of your guests, or maybe entire videos or even films. Naturally, black and white films! Emphasize that the start time of the celebration is indicated black on white Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to be late!

Invite your friends to a kind of looking glass, from where the evil wizard sucked out all the colors, and now you need to create a new, better world from black and white!

4. Dress code

Explain to the invitees that the ideal option would be to create an image in an absolutely pure color: black or white.

men wear classic suits, tuxedos or tailcoats. Canes, top hats, butterflies, or just trousers with a matching shirt - from the initiative and character of the guest. If you don't have anything like this in your wardrobe, rent it for one day - it's not expensive.

Important! Remember that not all people can be equally creative and “easy-going”, so do not put too much pressure on the dress code. The main thing is not to break the planned exclusive with a green tie or a checkered shirt (if it's not a black and white check!).

Women also wear black or white dresses. The style does not matter, even if they come in wedding dresses! To your taste the same tights, shoes, accessories.
Those who are especially responsible can even wear wigs, but this is definitely an optional condition! Make-up - natural or with elements of the main colors of the holiday.

But keep in mind that there should be approximately equal numbers of “blacks” and “whites”, so it would be useful to specify the colors of each guest’s suits in advance. A couple of people can be in combined black and white outfits. Let them play the role of intermediaries - persons interested in the reconciliation of black and white.

5. Decoration of the hall for a party in black and white style

Here we show our talent as a designer like never before! Choose a room with the desired wall color, for example, a separate room in a small nightclub or a room in a cafe. In the imagination, divide it into sectors. Don't put tables in the center - leave a decent area open. The sectors outside the dance floor can be decorated as follows: cut out large squares (about 40x40cm) from white glossy cardboard, lay them out on a black floor so that you get a decent chessboard. Maybe in the middle of the evening you will temporarily turn into living chess pieces!

In another sector, cut long strips from the same cardboard, fix them in such a way that you get a pedestrian crossing. Cardboard can be attached to the floor with small pieces of ordinary double-sided tape. At the end of the pedestrian crossing, build bicolor traffic light: Attach a top resembling a birdhouse to an arbitrary rack, in which place two large light bulbs (spotlights), put a cover made of thick black fabric on one of them. Voila!

The grand piano will be a chic decoration of the evening, but this is how lucky - the decoration is heavy and rather scarce. On small tables, put a chessboard with arranged chess, lay out notebooks with notes, and if there are black musical instruments.
Leave open books, unfolded newspapers on the tables.

Why not put white flowers in black vases? The composition in the form of a white rose in a black vase is chic. Most of the guests will appreciate this exclusive and will surely take very beautiful photos! Design beautiful bouquets of artificial flowers that will serve as table decorations or gifts for contestants.

Hang from the ceiling garlands of black and white hearts, you can also cut out circles or squares.
Lights-garlands - only white. Attach bleached photos of invitees in a similar way.

The tablecloth is black, white or "zebra", black and white feathers, candles, the same napkins.

Scatter decorative pearls on the table. Make balloon arches and hang them around the room. Fill a few balloons with helium - tie ropes to chairs or to heavy objects on tables. Hang posters from the era of black and white cinema: Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin, Audrey Hepburn.

Select a corner for a photo. Put flags there on which you can write your thoughts or wishes to the birthday man and those present with chalk before taking a photo,
masquerade masks, unusual attributes, even musical instruments! Take the most unforgettable pictures!

If there are screens in the hall, put on good old films with a suitable picture, for example: “It's a wonderful life”, “Only girls in jazz”!

The design of such a themed party at home or in a cafe is not fundamentally different. It is not necessary to decorate the entire apartment, just the hall in which they decided to have an original birthday.

6. Music

Meet the guests to the legendary hit of Michael Jackson: "Black or White"! You can even sprinkle them with spectacular black and white confetti!

Throughout the evening, let the most diverse songs with the mention of black and white colors please the ear: “On the white and white bedspread of January”, “Song of the black and white swans” by Vysotsky, “Black and white color” by Valery, “Black and white” from "Big break" ... And for dancing, choose music that suits the secondary theme of the holiday. What you decided to time these two gorgeous colors for. Jazz and rock and roll hits will be universal!

7. Menu

Sushi and rolls look very good on festively decorated tables. You can cook other dishes from rice, white fish, brynza cheese, olives, eggplant. Make sure you have white sauce. White bread with black caviar, if you are fattening 🙂 and black crackers with butter. Feel free to add salads with coarsely chopped vegetables and contrasting juicy greens.

On the dessert: a chic black and white cake, themed cakes, Raffaello sweets, marshmallows in chocolate, chocolate muffins ...
Arrange the casually broken black and white chocolate on saucers.
You can offer guests ice cream in chocolate - very appropriate. Blueberries, currants, grapes are perfect for the festive table! If the party idea is based on the theme of black and white cinema, do not forget about popcorn in black and white cardboard buckets.

Beverages: On the table there must be snow-white or two-color milkshakes, black strong coffee with a vase filled with white refined sugar placed nearby.
Coca-Cola will put its word into the dialogue of festive drinks! The rest of the drinks don't meet the strict 'appearance' criteria, but we're not very strict on organization, and will allow fine golden champagne, white wine and gentlemen's cognac!

8. Entertainment and competitions

If the party is not saturated with tear-off fun, you can invite guests to play "dominoes" or "Mafia".

If someone knows how to play the piano, and there are conditions, you get a wonderful lyrical digression from dancing and fun.

But what about without groovy contests on the topic?

Competition "Dancing on the newspaper - a classic of the genre": Guests dance in pairs on an unfolded newspaper. It is forbidden to step on the floor. Every 30 seconds, the newspaper folds (in half, then four times). The winner is the couple that remains standing on the newspaper and at the same time is able to perform some kind of dance movement.

Competition "Guess who?". Find your friends at the baby photo booth. The most unrecognizable guest wins. Of course, you need to ask for photos in advance, two weeks in advance, from each invitee.

Competition "Shadow Theatre". A white fabric is stretched, behind which a table lamp or spotlight shines. Guess the depicted images. The latter are desirable to have chosen colors: panda, zebra, bat, panther, polar bear, penguin, raven, death with a scythe, angel, demon, and so on. But you can not bother with restrictions. The main thing is to have fun.

Competition "Hold the newspaper". Couples dance with a newspaper between their bellies. If no one has fallen, or two pairs have been kept, it is determined from whom the newspaper has retained a more presentable appearance.

Harry Potter Chess Competition. If your company has a decent number of guests, try playing live chess or checkers! For sure it will be very fun and unusual! The rules will have to be adjusted based on the number of guests. On the heads of the participants from cardboard we make hats denoting a chess piece. If the game doesn’t work out well, then the photos will definitely please.

Black Box Competition. We put 20 black items in a black box. It can be anything: a button, a handkerchief, a bow tie, a shoe... The contestant carefully examines the items in a couple of minutes. Then he is blindfolded, and 3 items of bright colors are placed in the box. With his eyes closed, he must put all the black objects out of the box, leaving only the last three. For the correct result - a reward.

Option two: which of the guests can remember more objects, that is the winner - the owner of the best photographic memory.

Competition "T-shirt for the birthday boy". Several participants are given a white T-shirt and a black marker (you can use black gouache). It is necessary to skillfully organize a painting for the birthday man. Whose T-shirt will be the most beautiful or original is the winner of the contest.

As incentive gifts prepare completely black and white playing cards, a Men in Black disc or a book in the design of the appropriate colors, you can also use 50 Shades of Grey. Also for girls, cool black and white jewelry is suitable.

If it's a birthday, give the birthday person a huge white teddy bear or panda. Maybe a crisp white bathrobe for a pool party or sauna birthday party next year. Or maybe a black and white scarf or a nice accessory in a charming classic style!

9. At the end of the holiday

Distribute white sheets of paper and black markers to all guests. Let everyone write on them the most cherished desires. Tie them with ribbons to balloons filled with helium and arrange a romantic ceremony for launching wishes into the starry sky!

Soon, among the original parties, a yellow, blue or rainbow party may appear! But today - only the lights are off, an absolute classic and two universal colors that fit absolutely everything: BLACK and WHITE ...