Garnet bracelet plot briefly. Read book garnet bracelet. Farewell Farewell with love

If you need to remind yourself of the main events from a book you read a long time ago, take a quality brief retelling by chapters: it will allow you to put all the necessary details and details in your head, but it will not take much time. And for a complete immersion in the plot twists and turns of the "Garnet Bracelet" use.

Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina lives in her suburban house. All summer the weather is terrible - harsh winds, heavy rains and thick fog.

Sheina cannot leave the dacha, her town house is still being renovated. But by September the weather improves, which undoubtedly pleases Vera.

Chapter II

The name day of Vera Nikolaevna is coming. She is relieved that the holiday falls on "out-of-town" time - much more would have to be spent in the city, and the Shein family is experiencing serious financial difficulties. The princess hopes to see only her closest friends.

In the morning, Vera discovers a gift from her husband - earrings made of pear-shaped pearls, this has a beneficial effect on the mood of the birthday girl. She hears the sound of a car from the road, it is Anna, the princess's younger sister, a short and mocking girl. Anna inherited her father's traits, which greatly affected her quick-tempered and hot temper. She is the absolute opposite of Vera, a tall and fair-haired girl with aristocratic features that she received from her mother. She did not have a child, although she really wanted to have children. By this time, Anna had already raised two, a boy and a girl, but she did not love her husband at all.

The sisters greet each other warmly and go for a walk.

Chapter III

The sisters are talking, sitting by the cliff. Anna is delighted with the height and the incredible sea, but for Vera this is a routine in which it is difficult to see beauty.

Anna gives her older sister a gift - a notebook with a stunning pattern on the cover. Vera is delighted with an ancient thing that a relative found in an antique shop.

The princess is worried about the upcoming reception, she wants to serve good food to the guests, but complains about the inability to get desired products. The sisters list all the visitors and prepare for their arrival.

Chapter IV

In the evening, the first guests gather. Among them are Vera's brother Nikolai, Prince Vasily Lvovich, his sister Lyudmila, the famous pianist Jenny Reiter and others.

The most remarkable of those gathered at the name day is General Anosov, a military man and a close friend of the Shein family. Once he was imbued with sincere love for the charming sisters, they affectionately call him their grandfather. Anosov participated in many military campaigns, he did not want to resign and became the commandant of the fortress.

Chapter V

At the height of the holiday, the princess is distracted by the maid Dasha. She shows Vera Nikolaevna a parcel in which she finds a gift from an unknown person - a garnet bracelet. Inside precious stones embedded in a bracelet, as if blood is burning.

In the letter attached to the parcel, a secret admirer congratulates the princess on her birthday. The message says that the bracelet was worn by the sender's great-grandmother, that this elegant accessory will protect the one who wears it. The author of the message apologizes for all the correspondence that he sent seven years ago. At the end of the letter, only the initials - G.S.Zh.

The princess is in doubt whether to show the letter to her husband or not. “And if you show it, then when? - Vera Nikolaevna thinks. Her gaze is drawn to a bracelet of incredible beauty.

Chapter VI

Guests entertain themselves card games, and Prince Vasily Lvovich reads his ironic essays, illustrating this with drawings from his home album. He humorously describes the life of his sister, and then proceeds to another story called: "Princess Vera and the telegraph operator in love."

The prince informs the guests that this story has not yet reached its finale. Vera gently asks him not to tell her: “Better not,” she says. Vasily Lvovich, as if not having heard the words of his wife, begins his story in the usual manner.

Inside Vasily's story, Vera receives a letter in the mail with declarations of love. The signature at the end of the message is P.P.Zh. The prince shows the assembled listeners a portrait of the sender - an unfortunate telegraph operator who sneaks into the princess's house under the guise of a chimney sweep, and then gets a job as a dishwasher, if only to see the object of his adoration more often. The telegraph operator, unable to endure the torments of cruel love, ends up in a psychiatric hospital, and then goes to a monastery. Before his death, he sends Vera two telegraph buttons and a small bottle with his tears.

Chapter VII

Some guests leave the prince's house. Anosov, surrounded by two sisters, slowly tells the vivid stories of his past. In one of them, the general, arriving in Budapest, lost his mind, he believed that his name was not Nikolai, but Yakov. But they gave him water to drink, and the turbidity seemed to disappear by hand. Another story tells about the romance of a warrior with a young Bulgarian woman. The sisters ask Anosov about his military past: “Did you experience fear during the battles? ' Anna asks.

The general decides to meet his crew, the sisters go with him without hesitation. Before leaving, Vera asks her husband to look into the box, there is a letter from G.S.Zh. “Read it,” says the princess.

Chapter VIII

On the way to the carriage between the sisters and Anosov, a conversation about love comes up. The general claims that true love is possible, although sometimes it takes unusual and bizarre forms.

He tells of the case of a soldier who fell in love with a depraved woman, who quickly rejected the military's feelings. He threw himself under the train, but in the last seconds they tried to save him, and only the hands were cut off the victim. As time passed, he became a beggar and died on the street from the cold. The general also spoke about an officer whose wife cheated and did not respect her husband at all, but he still loved her with all his heart.

The princess decides to tell a story about her admirer, who has been sending her letters for a long time. Anosov tells Vera that, perhaps, in her everyday life Leaked the same - real passion.

Chapter IX

Faith returns to Vacation home and hears a noise: Prince Vasily Lvovich and Nikolai Nikolaevich, the brother of the princess, are arguing loudly. Nikolai is outraged that the Sheins are so indifferent to the stranger's parcels - after all, this may have a bad effect on the reputation of Vera Nikolaevna.

Vasily Lvovich and Nikolai decide to put an end to this story. They come to the conclusion that it is impossible to solve the problem through the gendarmes, because this will attract unnecessary attention. Therefore, Nikolai intends to track down the stranger with the help of his connections and pay him a visit: return his trinket and forbid him to send letters.

X chapter

The unknown sender of the letters turns out to be a certain Zheltkov. It is to him that Nikolai and Vasily come to his apartment. Mr. Zheltkov is a thin young man with long blond hair.

Zheltkov invites those who entered to sit down, but Nikolai and the prince refuse. The princess's brother gets straight to the point - he returns the bracelet and directly declares that the telegraph operator should stop bothering the Shein family. The embarrassed man turns to Vasily, he assures him that he is ready to fulfill the request, although he really loves Vera Nikolaevna. He admits that he can't control his feelings. The prince sees that Zheltkov is leading his confession from pure heart and softens towards him. The young man asks for permission to finally call and write a letter to Vera. Nikolai is indignant, but the prince allows Zheltkov to do this, and the owner leaves the room.

Zheltkov returns and promises his guests that from now on he will no longer disturb the princess. Returning home, the husband retells what happened to his wife. Vera is horrified: she guesses that her admirer can lay hands on himself.

Chapter XI

Vera Nikolaevna in the latest issue of the newspaper discovers a note about a certain Zheltkov, who shot himself in his own house. The princess is horrified, because she foresaw such an outcome of events.

The heroine receives the last letter. In it, Zheltkov apologizes for the inconvenience caused, he describes his true feelings for the princess, but makes a vow that he will soon leave the city, and Vera will not hear from him again. Zheltkov only asks the princess to play Ludwig van Beethoven's sonata - D-dur, No 2, op. 2.

The woman experiences an emotional shock, she approaches Vasily with tearful eyes: “Something terrible has interfered with our life,” says the princess. He confesses to his wife: at a personal meeting with Zheltkov, he realized that he had never been a mentally ill person. The prince informs Vera that the young man really loved her. The princess asks her husband for permission to see the deceased, and Vasily agrees.

Chapter XII

Vera arrives at the apartment that Zheltkov rented during his lifetime. The hostess leads the princess into a room where the body of the deceased lies on the table. Vera recalls the words of General Anosov about love, she peers into Zheltkov's pale face and kisses him on his cold forehead.

The woman is about to leave, but the hostess stops her. She gives Vera a note that the deceased bequeathed to give to a certain lady if she suddenly appears. It was written in Vera's familiar handwriting: “L. van Beethoven. Son. No 2, op. 2. Largo Appassionato. The princess cannot restrain her feelings and cries.

Chapter XIII

The heroine returns to her estate and finds Jenny Reiter at her place. Vera unobtrusively asks the pianist to play some composition on the piano, the princess is sure that Reiter will play exactly that Beethoven sonata. This is what happens. Vera clings to the acacia tree and cries again. It seems to her that the late Zheltkov communicates with her through this music, as if he calms her down.

Vera Sheina fully realizes that the person who sent all these letters for many years truly and wholeheartedly loved her. She excitedly kisses Jenny with tears in her eyes: “He has forgiven me now. Everything is fine, ”the heroine says quietly.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

On the seventeenth of September, Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheyna has a name day. A messenger delivers a gift in her name - a case with a garnet bracelet. Bracelet made of blown gold of low standard, covered with red garnets. Among them is a small green stone - also a garnet, but very rare. A letter is also enclosed in the case, in which congratulations on the day of the angel and a request to accept this bracelet as a gift, which belonged to the great-grandmother of the writer.

A green pebble is a kind of talisman that gives a woman the gift of foresight, and protects a man from violent death. "Just like blood!" - the princess suddenly thought anxiously, looking at the densely red live lights of the pomegranates. The letter was signed: "Yours until death, after death, obedient servant G.S.Zh."

The princess returns to the living room. Her husband, Prince Vasily Lvovich, is just demonstrating his own work - the home album "The Princess and the Telegrapher in Love". There, in drawings and funny comments, the story of the telegraph operator G.S.Zh., besieging Princess Vera with love confessions, is presented. Here, for example, is a picture where young Vasya Shein returns Vera's engagement ring with the words: "I dare not interfere with your happiness, but it is my duty to warn you: telegraphers are seductive, but insidious."

For some reason, Vera is annoyed by this cute homely humor. She offers guests tea. After tea, the guests leave.

The old General Anosov, whom Vera and her sister Anna call Grandpa, stays with Vera in the garden and asks her to tell him about this story.

G.S.Zh. began besieging Vera with love letters two years before his marriage. He obviously watched her tirelessly, saw her at parties and in the theater, noted every detail of her hair and dress. Vera finally answered him and asked him not to disturb him anymore. The mysterious correspondent no longer wrote about love, but continued to congratulate on holidays.

Anosov thought: “Maybe, Verochka, your life path crossed exactly the kind of love that women dream of and that men are no longer capable of.

After the guests left, Vera's brother Nikolai saw the bracelet and became angry: “He will brag about the fact that Princess Sheina accepts gifts from him! This ridiculous bourgeois thing! The bracelet must be returned!”

The husband of the princess trusts her, he is generally an easy and condescending person. But under pressure from the stern Nikolai, he decides to return the bracelet and make an exemplary reprimand to the obsessive admirer. Soon they found out his address and surname - Georgy Zheltkov.

Very pale, "with a tender girlish face, with blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle," Zheltkov looks like a romantic youth in his 30-35 years.

He does not deny anything and even recognizes the indecency of his behavior. However, a certain dignity is felt in him: Zheltkov ignores the aggressive Nikolai and communicates only with Vasily Lvovich, who sympathizes with him. Let the gentlemen not worry: he will hide from the city and will not be heard from again. Shein felt that he was present at "some huge tragedy of the soul." Vera also has a premonition that this story will end with a quick death.

The next day, Vera Nikolaevna read in the newspaper about the suicide of G. S. Zheltkov, an official of the control chamber. In the evening the postman brought his farewell letter. He calls his love for Vera "an enormous happiness sent to him by God." As he leaves, he repeats in delight: "Hallowed be thy name." If suddenly the adored woman remembers him, let her play the D major part of Beethoven's Appassionata.

The sensitive and delicate husband of Vera allows her to say goodbye to the deceased. In a poor apartment, the princess is met by a tearful Polish hostess, sadly remembering "Pan Jerzy". On the face of the deceased there is an expression, as if he had learned a deep secret. Vera Nikolaevna kissed the cold forehead of the coffin and placed a red rose under his neck.

Returning home, Vera found her college friend, the famous pianist Jenny Reiter. The princess asked me to play something for her. And - by a miraculous coincidence - Jenny played exactly that part of the "Appassionata", which Zheltkov mentioned in his farewell letter. Each musical period ends in the thoughts of Vera Nikolaevna with a solemn and sad, prayerful “May the your name...».

What's the matter? Jenny was alarmed, noticing tears on her friend's face.

No, no... He has forgiven me now... I feel good... - Vera answered.


In September, a small festive dinner was being prepared at the dacha in honor of the name day of the hostess. Vera Nikolaevna Sheina received earrings as a gift from her husband in the morning. She was glad that the holiday was to be arranged at the dacha, since the financial affairs of her husband were not in the best way. Sister Anna came to help Vera Nikolaevna prepare dinner. Guests were arriving. The weather turned out to be good, and the evening passed with warm, sincere conversations. The guests sat down to play poker. At this time, the messenger brought a bundle. It contained a gold bracelet with garnets and a small green stone in the middle. The gift was accompanied by a note. It said that the bracelet is a family heirloom of the donor, and the green stone is a rare garnet that has the properties of a talisman.

The holiday was in full swing. The guests played cards, sang, joked, looked at an album with satirical pictures and stories made by the host. Among the stories was a story about a telegraph operator who was in love with Princess Vera, who pursued his beloved, despite the refusal. The unrequited feeling drove him to a madhouse.

Almost all the guests have left. Those who remained had a conversation with General Anosov, whom the sisters called grandfather, about his military life and love affairs. Walking in the garden, the general tells Vera about the story of his unsuccessful marriage. The conversation turns to understanding true love. Anosov tells stories about men who valued love more than their own lives. He is interested in Vera's story about the telegraph operator. It turned out that the princess had never seen him and did not know who he really was.

Returning, Vera found her husband and brother Nikolai having an unpleasant conversation. Together they decided that these letters and gifts defame the name of the princess and her husband, so this story must be put to an end. Knowing nothing about the admirer of the princess, Nikolai and Vasily Lvovich Shein tracked him down. Vera's brother attacked this pathetic man with threats. Vasily Lvovich showed generosity and listened to him. Zheltkov admitted that he loves Vera Nikolaevna hopelessly, but too much to be able to overcome this feeling. In addition, he said that he would no longer disturb the princess, as he had squandered government money and was forced to leave. The next day, from a newspaper article, it became known about the suicide of an official. The postman brought a letter from which Vera learned that love for her was for Zheltkov the greatest joy and grace. Standing at the coffin, Vera Nikolaevna understands that the wonderful deep feeling that Anosov spoke of has passed her by.

(10 )

In mid-August, the weather suddenly turned bad, it began to rain, and the inhabitants of the suburban resort began to hastily move to the city. But in early September, warm and sunny days came, which were not even in July.

Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, the wife of the marshal of the nobility, could not leave the dacha. because their city house had not yet finished repairs, and now she was very happy about the warm days that had come, silence and solitude.

Today was her name day, the seventeenth of September. Husband, Vasily Lvovich, leaving for the city, put a case with earrings made of beautiful pear-shaped pearls on the night table, and this gift amused her even more. She was alone in the house. For dinner, my husband promised to bring a few - only the closest acquaintances. It was good that the name day fell on the summer season: in the city it would have been necessary to give a ceremonial dinner, but now it was possible to get by with modest expenses and a narrow circle of guests. The fact is that Prince Shein could barely make ends meet.

The estate was practically ruined by his ancestors, and he had to live above his means: he occupied a prominent position in society, and it was necessary to look appropriate, maintain a house, make receptions, and do charity work. The former passionate love for her husband had long grown into a feeling of faithful and true friendship, and Vera tried with all her might to help him save himself from ruin.

The princess was walking around the garden and cutting flowers for the dinner table when her sister Anna arrived to help with the housework. The sisters kissed happily. Since childhood, they were very attached to each other, although outwardly they were striking in their dissimilarity. The eldest - Vera - went to her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman. She had a tall, lithe figure, a delicate but cold and proud face, beautiful hands, and a charmingly sloping sword.

The youngest - Anna - inherited the Mongol blood of her father, a Tatar prince, whose family went back to Tamerlane himself. Anna was half a head shorter than her sister, slightly broader in the shoulders, lively and frivolous. The face is of the Mongolian type, with rather noticeable cheekbones, narrow eyes, which she screwed up due to myopia, with a haughty expression sensual mouth and a slightly protruding lower lip.

However, her graceful non-beautifulness excited and attracted the attention of men much more often and stronger than her sister's aristocratic beauty. Anna was married to a very rich man, she could not stand her husband, but bore him two children. Vera had no children, although she passionately desired them. Anna was careless and willingly indulged in flirting, but she never cheated on her husband, whom she contemptuously ridiculed in the eyes and behind the eyes, she was wasteful, loved gambling and thrill, but was distinguished by generous kindness and deep, sincere piety. Vera, on the other hand, was strictly simple, coldly kind to everyone, independent and royally calm.

The sisters sat on a bench near the cliff, looked at the sea and chatted. Anna loved the sea, admired and never tired of admiring it. Vera said that her sea excites only when she sees it after a long break, and then it starts to crush her. She loves the forest much more.

Anna suddenly remembered that she had brought her sister a present. It was a notebook in an old velvet binding with a golden chain as thin as a thread, instead of pages - ivory tablets. A real work of art. Vera kissed her sister and they went into the house.

After five, guests began to arrive. Prince Vasily Lvovich brought his widowed sister Lyudmila, a plump, good-natured and unusually silent woman, and
also the secular young and rich varmint Vasyuchka, the famous pianist Jenny Reiger. Vera Nikolaevna's friend at the Smolny Institute, and her brother-in-law Nikolai Nikolaevich Bulat-Tuganovsky. They were followed by Anna's husband in a car with Professor Sveshnikov and the local vice-governor von Seck. Later, accompanied by two staff officers, General Anosov, whom the sisters called grandfather, arrived.

General Anosov, a corpulent, tall, silver old man with a rude, red face, a fleshy nose, a good-naturedly majestic and slightly contemptuous look in narrowed eyes, climbed heavily from the footboard of the landau, holding an auditory horn in his left hand. He was a comrade-in-arms and devoted friend of the late Prince Mirza Bulat-Tuganovsky. After the death of the prince, he transferred all friendship and love to his daughters. The kids just adored him.

Starting from the Polish war, he participated in all campaigns except the Japanese one. He would have gone to this war, but he was not invited. Radetsky and Skobelev treated him with respect. He returned deaf from the war, with a sore leg, on which three fingers, frostbitten during the Balkan crossing, were amputated, and with rheumatism acquired on Shipka. They wanted to send him into retirement, but he became stubborn, and in St. Petersburg they decided to respect the veteran and gave him a lifetime position as commandant of the fortress in the city of K. Everyone knew him there, young and old.

He often visited the guardhouse, questioned the arrested officers, and if one of them was contented from a soldier's cauldron for lack of money, he gave orders. for the poor fellow to have lunch from the commandant's house. Anosov was once married, but his wife ran away with a passing actor. The general sent her a pension until her death, but did not let her into his house. They didn't have children.

At dinner, Prince Vasily Lvovich amused everyone. He talked about those present funny stories in which truth is skillfully intertwined with fiction. After dinner they started playing poker. Vera, who did not take part in the game, went out onto the terrace, where tea was served, but the maid Dasha called her from the living room.

She placed a small square object on the table, neatly wrapped in white paper and tied with pink ribbon, and said that a messenger had brought it. Vera released the maid and cut the ribbon. A small jewelry case was wrapped in paper, in which there was a bracelet and a note. The bracelet was gold, low-grade, very thick, but puffy and completely covered on the outside with small old, poorly polished garnets. But on the other hand, in the middle of the bracelet, surrounded by some strange little green pebble, five beautiful garnets, each the size of a pea, rose. A beam of light fell on the bracelet, and deep red living fires suddenly lit up inside the stones. With unexpected anxiety, Vera thought it looked like blood.

She opened the letter with a lot. An unknown man congratulated her on Angel Day and asked her to accept his gift. He admitted that he did not have fine taste and money, but this bracelet belonged to his great-grandmother. In the middle, between large stones, the princess will see a very rare green garnet, which tends to give women who wear it the gift of foresight and drives away difficult thoughts, and protects men from violent death. The princess can throw away the bracelet or give it as a gift, but he is already happy that this thing touched her hands. He asks to forgive him for his insolence and those stupid letters that he wrote to her seven years ago.

Now only reverence, eternal admiration and slavish devotion to her remained in him. The note was signed with the initials G.S.Zh. Princess Vera pondered when it would be better to show the gift to her husband and whether to show it at all, but she herself could not take her eyes off the bloody fires trembling inside the pomegranates.

She returned to the guests. Four men were playing poker, four more Vera Nikolaevna sat down to play vint. On the sofa, Anna flirted frantically with the hussar, and Prince Vasily Lvovich. sitting at a large round table, he showed his sister, brother-in-law and Anosov a homemade humorous album, which served as a supplement to the satirical stories of Prince Vasily. Funny drawings with captions were drawn on the sheets of the album.

Shein demonstrated short biography Lyudmila Lvovna, whom for some reason he called Lima. It was really very funny. After the "History of the Maiden of Lima. followed by the story "Princess Vera and the telegraph operator in love", new and not yet finished: there were no texts for the drawings. Vera softly touched her husband's shoulder and asked him not to talk about this story, but he either did not hear or did not attach any importance to her words and began to comment on the drawings in his usual manner.

Long ago, one fine day in May, a girl named Vera received a letter in the mail containing an ardent and very colorful declaration of love. At the end it was written that the poor telegraph operator does not dare to reveal his last name, because it is very indecent and is signed only with initial letters: G.S.Zh.

What's next! Verochka's heart is pierced (look at the picture: here is the heart, here is the arrow); Vasya Shein, sobbing, returns her wedding ring, because he does not dare interfere with her happiness, but asks to check his feelings. Six months pass. Vera forgets her suitor and marries the handsome young Vasya, but the telegraph operator follows her everywhere. He gets into crazy house, but even from there every day he sends her passionate letters, dripping with tears.

Finally, he dies, but before his death, he decides to give his beloved two telegraph buttons and a perfume bottle filled with his tears.

When almost all the guests had left, Vera went to see Anosov off, but first she quietly ordered her husband to look at the contents of the case that was in her desk and read the letter.

The old general, taking Vera by the arm. He said that people have forgotten how to love. He does not see the real feeling. The princess asked if Anosov did not consider her marriage to Vasily happy. He was silent for a long time, then reluctantly replied that they were an exception, but he meant something else: love that is as strong as death. love is selfless, selfless, not waiting for a reward. Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No calculations and compromises should concern her. He saw only two such cases in his life.

And at the request of Vera Anosov told her two stories. Somehow they sent a young warrant officer to their division, and he had the misfortune to fall in love with the wife of a regimental commander, bony, red-haired, extremely domineering and with a passion for diversity in relations with men. She made him a page, a servant, a slave. But very soon the young man got tired of the old harlot. she returned to one of her former gentlemen, and the ensign followed her like a ghost.

Tired, emaciated. turned black. Jealous of her terribly. Once in the spring they had a picnic in the regiment, they drank a lot. They returned back at night, on foot, along the canvas railway. A freight train was moving towards them, and only the locomotive caught up with the company. the commander whispers to the ensign that if he really loves her, then let him prove it - throw himself under the train! He, without saying a word, ran - and under the train.

I calculated correctly - between the front and rear wheels - it would have been cut in half. Yes, some idiot took it into his head to keep him. but didn't make it. The young man clung to the rails with his hands, and both his hands were cut off. He had to leave the service. A person has disappeared.

And the other "case was quite miserable." And the woman was the same type as the first, only young. Everyone was jarred by her novels. but the husband knew everything and was silent. In the end, she got along with a lieutenant from their company, and so the three of them lived, as if this was the most legitimate form of marriage. And then there's the war.

Seeing off both, she demanded from her husband to take care of her lover. And what?! The husband looked after this coward and loafer like a nanny, covered him with his overcoat, went on guard instead of him. Everyone was delighted when they learned that the lieutenant had died in the hospital from typhus.

After listening to the general very carefully, Vera Nikolaevna asked. did he know women capable of such selfless love. Anosov answered in the affirmative, adding that almost every woman is capable of the highest heroism in love. Then he asked Vera to tell him the story of the telegraph operator.

The princess spoke in detail about the unknown madman who began to pursue her two years before her marriage. She has never seen him and does not know his last name. He signed the letters to G.S.Zh. and once slipped his tongue. who serves in some state institution as a petty official. At first, the messages were vulgar and curiously ardent, but one day Vera answered, asking the young man to no longer bother her with love outpourings, and he fell silent. just wishing you Happy Holidays.

She also told about today's package. Anosov paused, and then noticed that maybe this person was really crazy, or maybe her life was crossed precisely by the love that women dream of and that men are no longer capable of.

Returning to the house with an unpleasant feeling, Princess Vera heard loud voices from a distance. Her brother Nikolai said irritably that he insisted on stopping this stupid story, that he found this correspondence impudent and vulgar. Prince Shein clarified. that there was no correspondence: only an unknown person wrote, but he agreed with his brother-in-law that the bracelet should be returned. Nikolai promised to find out the address and surname of the official by the initials.

Princess Sheina returned home late in the evening and was glad that she did not find either her husband or her brother at home. But she was waiting for Zhenya Reiter. Excited, Vera asked her to play something, went out of the room into the flower garden and sat down on a bench. She had no doubt that Jenny would play exactly the part of Beethoven's second sonata that Zheltkov had asked for.

She immediately recognized this unique piece of work. The music merged with her thoughts, turning into couplets that ended with the words: "Hallowed be thy name," Princess Vera hugged the trunk of an acacia tree, clung to it and began to cry. And then the amazing music, as if obeying her grief, began to calm her down: “Calm down, dear, calm down, calm down. Do you remember me? Do you remember? You are my one and only last love. Calm down, I'm with you ... "

Chapter 1

The story begins with a description of the bad weather that came at the end of summer on the Black Sea coast. The bulk of the inhabitants began to move to the city in a hurry, leaving the gardens. Princess Vera Sheina could not leave because her apartment was being renovated.

Autumn came, and again it became good, warm. The girl was very happy about the new warmth.

Chapter 2

On September 17, the girl celebrated her birthday and was waiting for guests. The husband was busy with business in the morning, but promised to return by dinner, along with the guests.

The girl was happy that there was no need to organize a rich reception. They are on the verge of bankruptcy, and the position of the husband obliges them to live above their financial capabilities. The girl understood her husband and tried to support him in everything, infringing on herself in some way.

That day her sister Anna Nikolaevna Friesse arrived. The girls were nothing like each other, but their friendship was very strong.

Chapter 3

The princess had not gone to the sea for a long time, so they decided to take a walk and admire the local landscape.
Where she received a gift from her sister - a notebook in an old binding.

Chapter 4

By evening, guests began to gather. The visit was also made by General Anosov himself, a good acquaintance of Prince Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovsky, the deceased parent of the girls. He warmly treated his sisters, and they reciprocated, perceiving him as a grandfather.

Chapter 5

The guests were amused by Prince Vasily Lvovich himself. He was very good at telling funny stories, where the main person was someone he knew. This time he was talking about the broken wedding of his brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich.

Rising from the table, the girl inadvertently counted those present - there were thirteen of them. Vera got nervous.
At the end of the meal, we decided to play cards. The girl was called by the maid and, having retired to the office, she handed her a small package, explaining that it was ordered to be handed over to her personally.

In the package I found a gold bracelet and a note. After reading the note, she realized that this gift was from a secret admirer who had loved her for many years.

Chapter 6

Guests continue to play poker. Vasily Lvovich demonstrates an album with his works and continues to make people laugh with different stories.

Chapter 7

Some of the guests have already left. The rest went out into the street. Now grandfather tells about his young years. The sisters listen carefully.

When Vera was able to be alone with her husband, she decided to confess to him about the secret admirer and his gift.

Chapter 8

The sisters and "grandfather" went for a walk. Where their conversation turns to feelings, and that Anosov never truly loved. And then the girl decides to confess about the secret boyfriend and about the present received from him.

Chapter 9

After saying goodbye to her friends, Vera returned home, where her husband and her brother were. Nikolai Nikolaevich is annoyed by the act of a secret admirer, and thinks that everything should be stopped immediately so as not to spoil the family's reputation.

Chapter 10

The prince and brother of Vera pay a visit to an admirer. It becomes none other than a rather young official Zheltkov, who confesses his immense feelings for the princess and he is ready to sacrifice his life for her. Asking permission to call Vera, he leaves.

But having heard from the girl that the official should not disturb her anymore, he decides on an extreme note for Vera, saying that they will never hear or see him again.

Chapter 11

The next day, the newspapers write that due to the waste of state money, the official Zheltkov committed suicide.
At the same moment, he receives a letter from the deceased official, where he writes how much he loved Vera, and this was the whole essence of his life. He apologized for trying to get into her life. He is immensely glad that he met Vera on his way and with thoughts of her, he commits suicide.

After reading the note, the girl asked her husband to go to the funeral, to look at least at parting in the face of the one who loved her so much. Husband gives good.

Chapter 12

Vera went into the apartment where the deceased lay. Looking at his face, she realizes that she has lost her great love, which she will never meet again in her life.

Before leaving, the mistress of the house passes a note from the late Zheltkov with Beethoven's works “L. van Beethoven. Son. No. 2, op. 2 Largo Appassionato.

The girl was deeply moved, but in order not to reveal her true feelings, she explained that she was being crushed by the local atmosphere.

Chapter 13

The girl returned home only in the evening. Reiter was waiting for her, and Vera rushed to her with a plea that you play something for her. And the girl from the first notes recognized the melody, about which the official wrote in a note. The girl's heart froze. She thought about the great feeling of love, and why the names of this melody sounded.

The girl was very sorry that the great feelings of love passed her by. When the music stopped, she calmed down too.
When Jenny asked what was wrong with her, she replied that everything was fine. Vera understood, Zheltkov forgave her.

Picture or drawing Pomegranate bracelet chapter by chapter

Summary Alexin Very scary story

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