English for kids materials for printing. Learn English with beautiful flashcards. English cards letters C, D

Hello again!

Did you know that the most effective way to learn words is to use English flashcards for kids? Where to get them for free - or buy, if necessary - how to work with them and why they are so useful - about this in today's article.

Word cards are one of the most effective ways to learn. In general, the essence is simple: these are such small paper or cardboard squares, where on one side a word is written in English, and on the back - a translation of the word into Russian. This method, as I have already said, is suitable for any age: from a student of the 2nd grade, to a university student or a translator who decided to expand his vocabulary.

Attracting children with just one piece of paper is not a fun activity. And kids just need something more fun. Therefore, I have several options on how to make this process interesting both for the baby and even for you.

  • Break it down into topics.

To make it easier for the kid to remember - break words into topics. Fruits and berries, clothes and colors, animals and seasons - divide the words into groups and it will be easier for you. First, you have already divided your English learning into stages. And secondly, it will be more convenient for the child to memorize the group. related words than making unnecessary associations.

  • Cut, paint and color.

You can download ready-made items for free. And then the fun begins. They also need to be cut, laid out, painted, or just something useful to draw on them. Do it together. Speak them out when you cut them. Speak them out as you draw the meaning of the word on them.

  • Play Bingo.

The game is very simple. You give your child a few cards. For small children, it is better to give 3-4 pieces, and for older children - at least 9. So, the conditions of the game are as follows: you name a word, and your child crosses it out in his picture. So, when he crosses out the last word, he has to stand up and shout "Bingo". This version of the game is great if there are several children. If you have one child, then you can play with the whole family. Or the kid himself at the end of the game can get up and start performing a dance as a sign of victory.

  • Play True or False.

Another fun way to memorize words is the True or False game. Lift the card up and ask the kid: “Is it a cat? - This is a cat?". If yes - he should answer in English “Yes, it’s a cat”, and then stand up and clap his hands. If the answer is no, then he should say “No, it's not a cat. It's a dog, "and then get up and stomp your feet.

How to do it?

Well, and yet the question arises: where can you get such cards or how to make them? First, you can easily make them yourself. I have on my site where you can see the words you need to start. There is also a translation and voice acting with transcription. You can download them for free. The next step is to print and cut. And oops ... your words are ready. Then just play and remember.

Where to buy and what to choose?

If you are a little lazy to do all this - download, print, draw, etc. - you can buy them. Cards from the Ozone online store and My-shop.ru took their place in my heart.

These are ready-made squares printed in the printing house. Very good quality, among other things. You can choose your own set.

These may be the first necessary words to start the engine of English, so to speak. These cards are the favorites of buyers (you can click on pictures for a detailed description and price):

My First English Words (333 cards)

Educational cards + poster (50 cards)

Learning flashcards "English for Toddlers" (36 flashcards)

For those who are older, these can be the most common adjectives, nouns or verbs:

500 adjectives

500 nouns

500 verbs

This option is convenient because you do not need to spend a lot of time, and you immediately get a large amount of vocabulary, which you just have to learn and learn. And the bright and beautiful cards themselves will not leave a child indifferent. And they will last a lot, because they are not printed on plain paper, but on special cardboard.

Well, my dear ones, that's all for me. I am sure that you and your little ones will have a fun and interesting time doing this method. Write in the comments how your classes are going and whether the cards help you. And in order not to miss anything important - subscribe to my blog mailing list. I promise you will love it.

Until next time, my dears.

Learning English for children in most cases starts with getting to know the flashcards on which the selection is presented. foreign words... This presentation of the material greatly facilitates the acquisition of the language at the initial stage. Flashcards of English words affect visual memory, and therefore knowledge is assimilated much more efficiently.

If you observe the teachers foreign language, then you can see that the use of cards of English words is ubiquitous among them. They even advise adults to make arbitrary cards with words and hang them on the walls. And what can we say about children, for whom any information is absorbed much faster? English flashcards will help them learn a foreign language much faster... They can contain the names of objects, professions, natural phenomena, flowers, geometric shapes, etc. Each inscription is accompanied by a transcription (pronunciation record) and a picture illustrating what the word means. Thanks to such a simple but effective technique, you can be calm: your baby will know a foreigner.

Related materials

Here you can download free simple flashcards for learning English for children of all ages, as well as adults who are learning English. The selection of words in the cards is very simple, they consist of 3 letters. Each card for learning English is accompanied by a text and a picture to it, with the help of which you can understand what a particular word means. The site also has flashcards for learning words. english alphabet which you can also download for free. English learning word cards are designed for both individual and group English lessons. The cards contain such English words as:

dog, cat, cub, box, dad, mom, nut, bus, gum, hug, cub, fox, jug, bat, hat, rag, bag, rat, pan, pot, fan, run, can, man, van, map, net, ham, jаm, net, wet, vet, jet, hen, ten, pen, mad, sad, bed, red, leg, pig, wig, win, log, zip, dot, hot, mud, mop, top, op, cup, sun, gun, hum, tug, pup, dig, pet, fog, bit, bad, sip, lab, cob, hog, job, cop, hut, tap, bud, hit, bad, mug, gas, bug, web, rug, sit, tag, kid, rod, bun, beg, pin, big, pit, fin, lid.

Other materials

How can you play with them?

Print the material, cut it into cards, show your child several cards of English words several times a day. Pronounce the names of items or actions clearly English language which are shown in the pictures.

Print 2 identical sheets with cards of English words - cut one option into cards, and offer the second one to spread out to the child, while voicing the words in the pictures.

Also supplement your classes with the alphabet with transcription in English. This is a small poster that you can color with your child and place in an accessible place.

Here are the simplest options for playing with cards for children. Subsequently, they can be improved and complicated. For example, you can play lotto with pictures by combining a word and a picture on a poster. However, this method of play is possible when the child knows English at a fairly good level. In the meantime, you can combine pictures on the poster and pictures on cards so that the spelling and sound of words will gradually be remembered. By the way, when combining pictures, be sure to name them in English and translate them. Only if the maximum number of types of memory works, you can get good result.


Thus, if you decide to start learning English with your child, word cards will be great helpers for you.

If you are a supporter of early teaching of the English language to your children, then you are probably wondering how to do it correctly so as not to harm your tender, so vulnerable and beloved creature. Somewhere intuitively, you feel that visual material, in order for your child not to fall asleep in the first lesson, should not look like a regular textbook. Probably, you have already heard about some English cards, with the help of which your neighbors, acquaintances, colleagues at work taught the language of their children?

Flashcards with words in English for kids

Once Glenn Doman, the famous American physician and writer, discovered that if you write a word on a piece of cardboard and show it to your baby for one second, he will remember it. Thus, using the unique capabilities of the child's brain, he quickly taught young children to read, and after a while they could already read not only words, but whole sentences and even books. And as the first visual material for very little kids, he made picture cards, where there were images of the objects most recognizable by children, along with inscriptions.

Learning English with flashcards works the same way. You show your child with a picture and pronounce clearly what is depicted on it: a cat, a bird, a ball, an apple, a car. The pictures should contain what surrounds the baby and is clear to him. Ask him to repeat these words after you and during the day return twice more to the passed cards. The next day, add a few more new ones and also study them three times, and do not forget to repeat the words already learned three times.

What English cards look like

Now about what modern cards for children look like. There are two types:

  • both the picture and the title are depicted on one side (the word is usually at the bottom)
  • picture on one, title on the other.

Words are usually written in two languages ​​so that the child can do two-way translation.
There are today a lot of sets of cards on different topics: the alphabet, numbers, animals, plants, toys, cars, people and much more.

When buying a card, make sure that it is made exactly like a “bit of intelligence” card: it should contain only one bit of information and nothing superfluous. It means -

  • the image should be clear and understandable: children should not think that there is a turkey or a pig in front of them;
  • no external backgrounds: for example, a chicken posing against the backdrop of a picturesque yard filled with bird lads;
  • singularity of the object: if the word "chicken" is written, then there should be only a chicken, and not a touching family photo, such as "chicken and chicken"

Why is it easier to memorize words from flashcards

It seems to be so simple: we show one or two seconds, pronounce the word clearly and clearly, be sure to let the baby hold it, smell it and even chew it. (No, perhaps, we will not give chew, as our cards will quickly become unusable). And it’s easier to just memorize by cards, because memorization is with the help of almost all of our senses. Of course, the main thing here is sight and hearing. But even the fact that these cards are so pleasant to the touch, brand new, even smell of novelty, they can be taken, sorted out and examined, and, most importantly, they are yours! - all this is very, very important for children.

Try to use not only the baby's external vision, but also the internal one. When you memorize an object, be sure to ask your child to imagine it at first in the imagination. Of course, he still does not understand what imagination is, so ask the kid before he looks for a card, for example: “Come on, do you remember that dog, we met her yesterday? Let's find her. " Memorization occurs through associations that are stored in the child's imagination.

Necessary learning conditions

Needless to say, it is difficult even for children with phenomenal memory to learn English without memorization and repetition. So don't try to learn as many flashcards as possible in a day. The kid, of course, is able to remember them, but without repetition he will forget them just as quickly.

Why do you need to show one card for a short time and several times? Children cannot focus on one thing for a long time. Observe your baby: his eyes, like small lenses, try to fix absolutely everything around at once, and his head, like a periscope, rotates in all directions. And there is no need to shout and pull back: your child knows that he has to do everything while he is small, and the computer in his brain is still brand new, uncluttered by tons of information, like we adults have.

In what environment should learning take place? In the warmest and most comfortable place for the baby:

    • use the time of his increased activity;
    • finish classes before he gets tired;
    • do not be an evil dragon in the imagination of a child, but too kind too.

What is the result of coaxing children with candy for every correctly guessed word? To the fact that after a while your child will refuse to study without candy, and even to diabetes mellitus, because children remember very quickly, and you will also very quickly run out of money for candy.

Where can you get these great language learning cards?

Family in English - educational cards for children for mastering the topic "family", in high resolution and good quality, which can be printed and downloaded.

The cards are visual aid, which will allow the smallest polyglots to learn and remember such important words as mother - mother, father - father, son - son, daughter - daughter, brothers - brothers, sisters - sisters, brother and sister - brother and sister, parents - parents, child - baby.

Family in English with transcription in pictures

Family in English flashcards download. Family in English printable cards. Family English flashcards for kids. Family in English flashcards. Family translation into English.

The second set of pictures includes cards that teach children such words on the topic as grandmother - grandmother, grandfather - grandfather, granddaughter - granddaughter, grandson - grandson, grandchildren - grandchildren, aunt - aunt, uncle - uncle, niece - niece, nephew - nephew ...

Family in English with transcription in pictures - a basic set of pictures, thanks to which your children can quickly learn the basic vocabulary of the topic "Family" in English.

Family English flashcards download. Family in English cards to print. Family English flashcards for kids. Family in English flashcards. Family translation into English.

All these cards are collected in two collections - two cards per A4 sheet in a PDF file. These files can be downloaded for free from Yandex Disk using the link below, printed. cut and use in educational game with your little polyglot.

Enjoy the game and the joy of communicating with your baby!

Family in English. List of words with transcription and translation.

father[‘Fʌ: ðə]dad
cousin[‘Kʌzn]cousin, cousin, cousin, cousin
daughter[‘Dɔ: tə]daughter
grandchild['Græntʃaıld]grandson, granddaughter
granddaughter[‘Græn, dɔ: tə]granddaughter
grandfather[‘Grænd, fʌ: ðə]Grandpa
grandmother['Græn, mʌðə]grandmother
niece niece
son a son

In the article you will find materials and ideas for organizing an English lesson "Food, vegetables and fruits".

Necessary English words on the topic "Food, vegetables, fruits" for beginners, children: a list with transcription and translation

Learning Food, Vegetables and Fruits is a lot of fun in English. It is always interesting to observe colorful visuals for the lesson, to list the names of "sweets" and to be interested in the food preferences of your friends. The vocabulary of this topic is very large and therefore requires more than one lesson (at least three: food, vegetables, fruits).

Nevertheless, the entire vocabulary must be written out in the dictionary along with translation and transcription, which will always help to correctly read the sounds of unfamiliar words. You cannot do without visualizations in the lesson with this topic, because there are few associations and memories of what a certain fruit or drink looks like; visual connection is required.

IMPORTANT: Each teacher should measure the number of words to memorize independently, choosing those that are most often used and easy for a child of a certain age to understand.

Vocabulary of the topic "Vegetables and fruits"

Vocabulary of the topic vegetables and fruits:

Vocabulary of the topic "Vegetables and fruits"

Exercises in English for children on the topic "Food, vegetables, fruits"

It is very interesting to perform exercises, both written and oral, in this topic. As an individual work, you can prepare cards or individual tasks.


  • You must correctly name and label all fruits and vegetables depicted. Suggested words are listed on the table below.
  • You should think about and remember all the names of the products (leafy, leguminous, root vegetable, and others). List all names in the columns under the pictures.
  • Solve the crossword puzzle by correctly entering the words - the names of the fruits depicted.
  • Take a close look at the grocery counter and fill in the words written on the counters with missing letters.
  • This is a logical task consisting of two parts. The first part assumes that you distinguish the "hidden" word in the theme "Food", and then use it to formulate sentences.
  • A simple task for toddlers, just follow the path from the bunny to his favorite food, and then name it.

Dialogue in English for children on the topic "Food, vegetables, fruits" with translation

Coming up dialogues on the topic "Food" is not difficult and fun, because there are a lot of thoughts for coming up with proposals. It is best to act out the dialogue by imagining a “real” situation (this is how children feel freer when faced with this in life).

You can play out the dialogue:

  • Shopping at the grocery store
  • At the checkout
  • On the market
  • On the kitchen
  • In a restaurant or cafe
  • On the holiday
  • Away (treats)


Dialogue on the topic "Food"

Phrases in English for children on the topic "Food, vegetables, fruits" with translation

Ready-made phrases in this topic will help you easily build dialogues and write sentences for stories.

English Translation
A cup of tea A cup of tea
Meat sandwich Meat sandwich
To buy food Buy food
To cook Prepare
I would like to eat something tasty I would like to eat something delicious
Expensive food Expensive food
Menu Menu
Food market Grocery store
Fresh vegetables Fresh vegetables
Sweet fruits Sweet fruit
My favorite dish My favorite dish
Dish Dish (on a plate, already cooked)
Tasty breakfast Tasty breakfast
Delicious Very tasty
Sweets Sweets

Additional vocabulary:

Songs for children in English on the topic "Food, vegetables, fruits" with translation

Songs using the Food, Fruits and Vegetables vocabulary are not difficult to remember and are always sung merrily.


Flashcards in English on the topic "Food, vegetables, fruits" with transcription and translation

For a lesson on this topic, you should prepare many colorful and interesting cards. Try to find images that separate fruits, vegetables and other food items (preferably also have an English name and transcription).

What cards are suitable:

Cards for the lesson "Food" number 1

Cards for the lesson "Food" number 2

Cards for the lesson "Food" number 3

Games in English on the theme "Food, vegetables, fruits"

Playing in class can be both rewarding and fun. Suggest some play options to encourage your child to enjoy these activities and enjoy learning.


  • Fruits and colors. To do this, you should prepare in advance small cards with pictures and "baskets" (these are large sheets of colored paper). The student's task is to arrange the fruits in accordance with the colors and correctly name each one.
  • Edible - inedible. The game is very simple: the teacher names products and objects English words, and children should clap their hands when they hear the name of something edible.
  • "In the shop". This is a small reenactment of a store where customers go to buy groceries. Each has its own role and at a certain moment voices it.
  • Guesses. The teacher reads riddles, hinting at a certain fruit, and the children guess it. It is best to play as a team in order to earn points in the form of a competition.

Assignments in English on the topic "Food, vegetables, fruits"

A few more tasks for the lesson:

  • Correctly guess the words (names of fruits) and enter the missing letters in the lines. Then arrange the titles according to the pictures.
  • Find a translation for each fruit
  • : Sort the food correctly (first part), find the required food in the picture (second part).
  • : Guess the word and write the letter you want (part one), translate the words and tell us about your favorite foods (part two).

Riddles in English on the topic "Food, vegetables, fruits" with transcription and translation

Solving riddles is very fun, and therefore, feel free to introduce this form of work in English lessons. Riddles for lesson number 3


  • Instead of visuals, you can bring real fruits and vegetables to the lesson to bring your lessons as close as possible to real situations and sensations. Also, vegetables and fruits can help you act out the "in the store" scene.
  • One of the simplest but most interesting tasks on this topic is to write a shopping list for a store or a restaurant menu with dishes. Thus, the child will remember everything that he remembers from the given topic.
  • Solving crosswords is best done in a group rather than individually, for example, dividing the class into two teams and giving each the opportunity to earn a point.
  • Ask your child to do an unusual task after class: have him go to the refrigerator, open it and list in English all the foods he sees and knows there.

Video: "I like my food: song in English"