World Anti-Doping Agency. Wada report - dead end, breakthrough or disaster? What kind of samples

Allowed US citizens tennis players Serena and Venus Williams, gymnast Simone Biles, basketball player Elena Delle Donn, as well as other "athletes" from the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Germany and other EU / NATO countries to take doping and drugs for "therapeutic" purposes. This is evidenced by documents released by a group of human rights activists from Fancy Bears.

The Canadian World Anti-Russian Doping Agency WADA, which accuses Russian athletes of doping without evidence, now accuses Russian hackers of hacking the WADA server without evidence.

The documents, released by human rights activists from Fancy Bears, say that Serena Williams in 2010, 2014 and 2015, with the approval of WADA, took oxycodone, hydromorphone, prednisone, prednisolone and methylprednisolone. Her sister Venus was allowed to take prednisone, prednisolone, triamcinolone and formoterol in 2010-2013.

At the same time, the documents do not say what kind of diagnosis of the athletes the agency was guided by when issuing permission. At the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Venus Williams "won" silver.

As for the heroine of the Rio Games, Simone Biles, not only was she allowed to use dexmethylphenidate and amphetamine/dextroamphetamine, but she was not made public as a positive test for methylphenidate (a psychostimulant). Biles passed her in August 2016, but went to the Olympics in Rio, where she “won” four gold medals.

Another “triumphant” of Rio, American basketball player Elena Delle Donn, was caught on amphetamine in August 2016, and in 2014 received permission to take dextroamphetamine and hydrocortisone. All of these substances are on the WADA Prohibited Substances List.

As the former head of the Russian Anti-Doping Service (RUSADA) Nikolai Durmanov told the R-Sport agency, in the case of American athletes we are talking about very strong drugs.

“For example, Ritalin is a very strong psychostimulant, which, by the way, is banned in Russia. In Europe, in some countries for its illegal acquisition, you can go to jail. They write that it was used by Simone Biles. The Williams sisters are charged with a whole bunch: oxycodone, hydromorphone ... These are again the strongest painkillers. In addition, it is written that they used corticosteroids and asthma drugs,” said Durmanov.

According to him, for the use of such drugs, the diagnoses must be very serious.

Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic opioid derived from thebaine. After repeated doses of the drug, physical and psychological dependence occurs.

Hydromorphone is an opioid pain reliever derived from morphine.

Amphetamine is a stimulant of the central nervous system, a derivative of phenylethylamine. Amphetamine is a recreational psychoactive substance that can cause psychological dependence.

Methylphenidate is a drug from the group of psychostimulants. Methylphenidate in Russia and a number of other countries (Oman, Yemen, Thailand, Togo, Nigeria, etc.) is withdrawn from circulation medicines. At the same time, in some countries (in particular, in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Australia, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Italy (since 2007), Turkey, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Portugal, Israel, Japan) is used to correct attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Anglo-Saxon "gentlemen" resent

Canadian The World Anti-Russian Doping Agency WADA confirmed the hacking of its database, accusing Russian hackers of everything without evidence.

"WADA condemns these ongoing cyberattacks that are being carried out in an attempt to disrupt WADA and the global anti-doping system," Citizen's CEO was quoted as saying England Olivier Niggli official website Canadian World anti-Russian doping agency WADA.

According to Olivier Niggli, the information of human rights activists Fancy Bears jeopardizes the attempts of the world community to restore confidence in Russia after the report of the citizen's commission Canada McLaren.

The head of the American Doping Agency (USADA), a citizen, also criticized Fancy Bears human rights activists. USA Travis Tygart.

Tygart called the incident "despicable and cowardly cyberbullying against innocent athletes" and called on the world community to unite against "cyber attacks on clean sport and the rights of athletes."

According to him, the athletes “did everything right,” and all permits were approved by the IOC and USADA.

The International Olympic Committee limited itself to a short comment that sisters Williams and Simone Biles did not violate anti-doping rules at the Rio Olympics.

The Kremlin completely ruled out involvement Russian services to hack the WADA database.

“But, on the other hand, such unfounded accusations, they do not adorn any organization if they are not supported by something significant. I don’t know if those who made such statements have any significant arguments, ”added the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

He recalled that modern hackers are able to redirect their actions through any third country.

The reaction of the Canadian World Anti-Russian Doping Agency WADA and the Federation Council were not surprised.

“Given the reputation of the World Anti-Doping Agency, something like this must have come out sooner or later,” Franz Klintsevich, first deputy chairman of the defense and security committee, told reporters.

According to him, the information received by the Fancy Bears human rights activists exceeded all expectations in its scandalousness.

Previously, the International Paralympic Committee at the suggestion of WADA (WADA, Canada), due to alleged doping.

Despite all the fascist attacks and the non-admission of a third of Russian athletes, the Russian team at XXXI Olympic Games in Brazil Brazil, Germany, Australia, France, Japan, Canada, Italy, Spain.

Seeing such a result, he removed all Russian athletes with disabilities from the Summer Paralympic Games.

Medal count at the 2016 Summer Olympics

Place ↓ The country Gold Ser. Br. Total medals Athletes
1 USA* 46 37 38 121 554
2 Great Britain* 27 23 17 67 366
3 China 26 18 26 70 413
4 Russia 19 18 19 56 282
5 Germany* 17 10 15 42 425
6 Japan* 12 8 21 41 338
7 France* 10 18 14 42 395
8 South Korea* 9 3 9 21 205
9 Italy* 8 12 8 28 309
10 Australia* 8 11 10 29 421
11 Netherlands* 8 7 4 19 242
12 Hungary 8 3 4 15 160
13 Brazil 7 6 6 19 465
14 Spain* 7 4 6 17 306
15 Kenya 6 6 1 13 89
16 Jamaica 6 3 2 11 68
17 Croatia* 5 3 2 10 87
18 Cuba 5 2 4 11 120
19 New Zealand* 4 9 5 18 199
20 Canada* 4 3 15 22 314
21 Uzbekistan 4 2 7 13 70
22 Kazakhstan 3 5 9 17 104
23 Colombia 3 2 3 8 147
24 Switzerland* 3 2 2 7 104
25 Iran 3 1 4 8 64
26 Greece 3 1 2 6 95
27 Argentina 3 1 0 4 213
28 Denmark* 2 6 7 15 122
29 Sweden* 2 6 3 11 152
30 South Africa 2 6 2 10 137
31 Ukraine 2 5 4 11 203
32 Serbia 2 4 2 8 104
33 Poland* 2 3 6 11 243
34 North Korea 2 3 2 7 35
35 Belgium* 2 2 2 6 108
35 Thailand 2 2 2 6 54
37 Slovakia 2 2 0 4 51
38 Georgia 2 1 4 7 39
39 Azerbaijan 1 7 10 18 56
40 Belarus 1 4 4 9 121
41 Turkey 1 3 4 8 103
42 Armenia 1 3 0 4 33
43 Czech* 1 2 7 10 105
44 Ethiopia 1 2 5 8 34
45 Slovenia 1 2 1 4 61
46 Indonesia 1 2 0 3 28
47 Romania 1 1 3 5 97
48 Bahrain 1 1 0 2 35
48 Vietnam 1 1 0 2 23
50 Taiwan 1 0 2 3 60
51 Bahamas 1 0 1 2 28
51 Ivory Coast 1 0 1 2 12
51 Independent Olympic Athletes 1 0 1 2 9
54 Jordan 1 0 0 1 8
54 Puerto Rico 1 0 0 1 42
54 Singapore 1 0 0 1 25
54 Tajikistan 1 0 0 1 7
54 Fiji 1 0 0 1 51
60 Malaysia 0 4 1 5 32
61 Mexico 0 3 2 5 125
62 Algeria 0 2 0 2 67
62 Ireland* 0 2 0 2 77
64 Lithuania* 0 1 3 4 67
65 Bulgaria* 0 1 2 3 51
65 Venezuela 0 1 2 3 87
67 India 0 1 1 2 124
67 Mongolia 0 1 1 2 43
69 Burundi 0 1 0 1 9
69 Grenada 0 1 0 1 6
69 Qatar 0 1 0 1 38
69 Niger 0 1 0 1 6
69 Philippines 0 1 0 1 13
74 Norway* 0 0 4 4 62
75 Egypt* 0 0 3 3 120
75 Tunisia 0 0 3 3 61
77 Israel 0 0 2 2 48
78 Austria* 0 0 1 1 71
78 Dominican Republic 0 0 1 1 29
78 Morocco 0 0 1 1 51
78 Moldova 0 0 1 1 23
78 Nigeria 0 0 1 1 75
78 UAE 0 0 1 1 13
78 Portugal* 0 0 1 1 92
78 Trinidad and Tobago 0 0 1 1 32
78 Finland* 0 0 1 1 56
78 Estonia* 0 0 1 1 45
Iceland* 0 0 0 8
Latvia* 0 0 0 34
Luxembourg* 0 0 0 10
Malta* 0 0 0 7
All countries 307 307 360 974 11544

Countries that are in the anti-Russian system. Athletes from these countries

The UK Anti-Doping Agency (UKAD) has released a list of 53 British athletes who have been allowed to take substances that are on the banned list for therapeutic purposes, reports the BBC.

All these athletes are participants in the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Among them are three-time Tour de France winner Chris Froome and five-time Olympic champion cyclist Bradley Wiggins.

The files that revealed this information were stolen by the Fancy Bears hacker group from the WADA database. Earlier it became known that a hacker group hacked into the WADA database and published documents according to which gymnast Simone Biles, as well as tennis players Serena and Venus Williams received permission to use illegal drugs for health reasons. On Thursday, hackers released the names of 25 participants in the Rio Olympics who were allowed to dope.

Over the past few months, it's hard to think of a more intrusive figure for Russian sports than the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). It has already come to the point that we are seriously discussing the conspiracy theory against Russia, and the world hackers at some point only confirmed these thoughts by exposing the famous American tennis players the Williams sisters, and then the gymnast Simone Biles. But here's the bad luck: despite the one-sidedness on the eve of the 2016 Olympics, the organization avoided double standards in Rio de Janeiro itself, because one Russian appeared on the list of "legalized" - silver medalist in boxing Misha Aloyan.

This story will have many consequences and will be dealt with for a long time. Courts of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), I don’t know what other instances. A trials, B trials… Coaches and athletes will plead not guilty, pointing to therapeutic directions. It just doesn't matter.

I will even omit the problem that this has basically become too common a scam, where it is almost impossible to distinguish lies from the truth, and in this case, sports from pharmacology.

Let's get back to the conspiracy. Misha Aloyan's body was found to have tuaminoheptane, a stimulant that improves breathing. Boxing is definitely a great thing. According to the athlete, he never deliberately took doping, and this drug came to him along with drops in his nose, because he had caught a cold earlier.

If the action against Russia had existed, then a positive test would have been known even before it was handed over. True, there is another option in which Aloyan is disqualified, and the rest of the athletes are not - fantastic, of course, but what kind of world do we live in. Then yes, then the conspirators would be right.

In the meantime... So far, we have become hostages of our own fears, our own stiffness, screaming at every step that we are being pinched. From our dark corner, in which it is necessary to clean up the mess and turn on the light, we are happy to believe that the rest of the athletes do not really need illegal drugs, and the doctors did not prescribe “medicines” for them, but at the same time we will protect our boyfriend to the last, believing he actually had a runny nose.

This is where the problem is. I ask you to understand correctly: I do not blame Aloyan, by no means! Moreover, I myself believe him. Just since WADA was able to avoid double standards, then let's do it ourselves. Either we will accuse all 25s, or we will acquit. Exactly until the very moment when their individual doping applications are re-examined individually by independent experts.

Peskov: Russia will help WADA in the fight against hackers if the organization receives a request

The presidential press secretary stressed that Russia consistently advocates the fight against cybercrime and consistently invites all states to international cooperation in this area.

If the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) officially asks Russia to help in the fight against hackers, Russia will provide such assistance. This was announced to journalists by the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov.

“If we are talking about a request for help, then certainly,” the Kremlin spokesman said, answering the question of whether Russia is ready to respond to the call of the anti-doping organization to stop the activities of hackers. Peskov clarified that this would happen "if such an appeal is received."

The presidential press secretary stressed that "Russia consistently advocates the fight against cybercrime, consistently invites all states to international cooperation in this area." “This position of Russia is well known,” he added.

Earlier, WADA Director General Olivier Niggli said that the Russian authorities should do everything possible to stop the activities of hackers who publish confidential data on the use of prohibited substances by athletes. According to the representative of the organization, the hacker attack by the Fancy Bear group, which resulted in the publication of documents that WADA allowed the American Olympic champions the Williams sisters and a number of other athletes from the United States to take illegal drugs, is in retaliation for the reports of independent commissions Richard Pound and Richard McLaren .

25 athletes entered the list of doping users with the permission of WADA

The hacker group Fancy Bears has published another piece of information about athletes who used doping with the permission of the World Anti-Doping Agency. The names of another 25 athletes have been named.

Most of them are representatives of the USA, Great Britain and Germany. There is, however, one Russian - the silver medalist of the Rio Olympics in boxing Misha Aloyan. He has already issued a rebuttal, saying that it would be foolish to use illegal drugs on the eve of the Olympic Games, especially while under close supervision. His coach Eduard Kravtsov explained that the only medicine Aloyan used in preparation for the Games was a cold spray. In general, the list looks like this.

USA: Bethany Mathek-Sands (tennis), Brittney Griner (basketball), John Conger, Kathleen Baker (swimming), Dagmara Wozniak (fencing), Diana Price, Michelle Carter (athletics), McQueen Baron (water polo), Sam Dorman (diving), Tervel Dlagnev (wrestling);

UK: Bradley Wiggins, Christopher Froome (cycling), Charlie Hull (golf), Heather Fisher (rugby sevens), Sam Townsend (rowing);

Germany: Robert Harting, Christina Obergfell (athletics), Franziska Hentke, Christian von Lehn, Christian Reichert (swimming).

A number of other countries are represented on this list by one athlete: Petra Kvitova (Czech Republic, tennis), Blum Pernille (Denmark, swimming), Natalia Madai (Poland, rowing), Roxana Kogianu (Romania, rowing), Misha Aloyan (Russia, boxing).

The other day, we recall, information was published according to which WADA allowed the use of illegal drugs by American tennis players Venus and Serena Williams, four-time Rio champion from the USA, gymnast Simone Biles and basketball player Elena Delle Donn. This information was obtained by hackers after hacking the WADA database.

Sports, drugs and WADA

Hackers from Fancy Bear published materials according to which WADA allowed some American athletes to take ... drugs for therapeutic purposes. And this is while athletes from the Russian Federation fell in an unequal struggle with the “McLaren report”.

And what a glorious start! What a glorious hunt was arranged for Russian athletes. How they were aptly "shot" from the Olympics in Rio! Meldonium? Yes that there meldonium! When there is a weapon much more powerful, and besides, invisible, guaranteed to kill everyone and everything on the spot. Weapons of Mass Destruction of the 21st Century - The McLaren Report. How many this WMD knocked down! The Russian Olympic team suddenly lost a lot of people in its ranks, and our Paralympic athletes completely fell as a whole team in this unequal struggle with invisible and formidable weapons ...

And here's to you! Some hacker group Fancy Bear decided to interfere with this universal triumph of justice. They made public the secret documents of WADA, from which it follows that this respectable organization allowed some American athletes to take ... drugs for therapeutic purposes. Probably, in order "not to forget the taste," as the hero of the popular movie "Love and Pigeons" said.

So far, only four "patients" have been reported. These are tennis players Williams sisters, gymnast Simone Biles and basketball player Elena Delle Donni.

They take a lot. Here and hydromorphone, and amphetamine, and methylphenidate ... However, I will not bore you with all these medical names. Let me just say: all these are stimulants and drugs.

Take, for example, the "patient" Venus Williams. She was diagnosed with Shengren's syndrome - an autoimmune systemic lesion connective tissue. And what? Doctors prescribe steroids to her, she consumes them, but at the same time she continues to play professional tennis. Everything is legal - permission from WADA in your pocket. And gymnast Simone Biles, a four-time Rio Olympic champion, turns out to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Many scientists around the world doubt the existence of this disease, but in the United States this mental disorder has already been officially recognized. And so Biles, with the permission of the IOC and WADA, legally uses drugs based on drugs. But Sharapova did not receive permission for mildronat - now she is “out of the game”. And this is normal, according to the law, some say. Although, of course, mildronate compared to what, say, the Williams sisters took, this is so, a children's vitamin. But the law is upheld.

And how can you not remember the Scandinavian biathletes and skiers. Almost without exception asthmatics. And nothing - they win gold after gold, bringing absolutely healthy athletes from other countries to envious suffocation ...

And now let's discard all this medical and legal nonsense, let's not recall Tarpishchev's words about the Williams sisters, but look at all these facts from an ordinary, everyday point of view. So, with the permission of WADA and the IOC, illegal drugs can still be used. Question - why? Who benefits from this? After all, Biles, judging by the conclusions of American doctors, is a sick person. Why put her health at even greater risk by allowing her to play professional sports? After all, this is a sport of superpowers. Sports for absolutely healthy people. And Biles doesn't really belong here. And in this statement of mine there is no discrimination. Not everyone, for example, is taken to the cosmonauts, pilots, divers for medical reasons. But after all, none of those for whom such professions are contraindicated, and it never occurs to complex because of this. It's the same with big sports. And if you're not quite healthy, go in for physical education.

The IOC immediately reacted to the hacker leak: they say that drugs are allowed for health reasons, anti-doping rules are observed. But hackers must be convicted to the fullest extent of the law.

WADA also did not stand aside. Agency CEO Olivier Niggli did not dwell on the medical "Molotov cocktails" of the Williams sisters for a long time, but immediately took the bull by the horns: the servers of the World Anti-Doping Agency were attacked by Russian hackers. And this attack jeopardizes the attempts of the world community to restore confidence in Moscow after the Richard McLaren report.

I don’t know what kind of Niggly took figli-migli, I wanted to say drugs, but he clearly had some kind of euphoria, a drug dream. He sees invisible Russian hackers (proof, please provide) and some attempts (first, second?) of the world community.

This is already something from the realm of fantasy, otherworldly. Therefore, I will keep silent about the report of McLaren, which has already become almost mythical. Because there is nothing to talk about. It's something like a vision from Niggly's painful dream. McLaren's report has already become a world epic, a myth, just like, say, the adventures of Odysseus. A myth, as you know, does not need any evidence. They just live in it.

Pushkov: There can be no trust in WADA

After the publication of the databases of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), there can be no confidence in this organization, says Alexei Pushkov, head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.

“After it turned out that WADA allowed American athletes to take illegal drugs, there can be no confidence in it,” the deputy wrote on his Twitter.

Recall that on the afternoon of September 13, hackers hacked WADA databases and found out that the American Olympic champions - tennis players Serena and Venus Williams, gymnast Simone Biles and basketball player Elena Delle Donne - were allowed to take illegal drugs, after which they won gold medals.

Documents of another 25 athletes from eight countries appeared on the network - the USA, Great Britain, Denmark, Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Germany and Russia.

14 athletes from this list at the recent Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro won awards of various denominations. Among them are US athletes - tennis player Bethany Mattek-Sands (gold in the mixed doubles), weightlifter Michelle Carter (gold in shot put), Sam Dorman (silver in synchronized ski jumping), Dagmar Wozniak (bronze in team fencing). Two winners of the 2016 Olympics and among the British are cyclist Chris Froome (bronze in the time trial race) and his colleague Bradley Wiggins (gold in the team sprint).

The doping test did not go to the gold medalist in swimming Pernilla Blume (Denmark), the owner of gold in rowing Natalia Madai (Poland), as well as bronze medalists from the Czech Republic (tennis player Petra Kvitova) and Romania (rower Roxana Kogianu).

Russian boxer Misha Aloyan, who won a silver medal, is also charged with doping during the Rio Olympics. The athlete himself has already denied the information that has appeared.

“How can you take some kind of doping, being under close daily supervision? There is no point in doing this. I have never taken anything forbidden - this is generally my life principle. Yes, this is impossible under such close supervision! Aloyan told TASS.

The leak of a new package of documents from the Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS) has already been confirmed by WADA.

"This attack, which has so far resulted in the release of the personal details of 29 athletes, will negatively impact the athletes in question and raise the fears of all athletes who participated in the Rio 2016 Olympics," the Director said. Oliver Niggli's WADA on the organization's official website.

Earlier, documents appeared on the group's website that confirm doping by American tennis players Serena and Venus Williams, gymnast Simone Biles and basketball player Elena Delle Donn.

Note that the World Anti-Doping Agency, and the US Gymnastics Federation, and the American Anti-Doping Agency hastened to defend American athletes. According to them, they are all included in the list of athletes with a therapeutic exception (TUE). This means that, for health reasons, they are allowed to take drugs that are officially declared doping.

WADA confirms the authenticity of new documents posted by hackers

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) commented on the leak of the second batch of documents that were posted online by hackers from Fancy Bears. WADA recognized that the new papers are genuine.

Again "Russian trace"

WADA accused “Russian hackers” of leaking documents. At the same time, the agency admitted that the leak did indeed come from the ADAMS system (Anti-Doping Administration and Management System - Anti-Doping Administration and Management System).

“Continued cyber-attacks emanating from Russia are seriously undermining the work being done to restore a compliant Russian anti-doping program,” said WADA Director General Olivier Niggli.

In its data on Moscow's involvement in the leak of documents, WADA refers to the FBI. The agency's website says that the bureau, when investigating attacks on the websites of the US Democratic Party, also mentioned the Fancy Bears group. At the same time, FBI agents even connected the hackers with the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate.

Moscow has repeatedly denied Russia's involvement in the actions of hackers. So, for example, the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov called all the accusations absurd and unsubstantiated.

Who got caught doping

In total, the documents contain the names of 25 athletes. Largest number violators - Americans, ten people at once. Also in the list "lit up" five athletes from Germany and the UK. Isolated cases were recorded with the participation of athletes from Russia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Poland and Romania.

Russian fans there are most interested in boxer Misha Aloyan, who was found to have a stimulant tuaminoheptane in his A doping test.

There are also athletes with old “sins” on the list. So, it turned out that in different years tennis players Petra Kvitova (Czech Republic) and Bethany Mattek-Sands (USA), the champion of the 2016 Olympics in the team pursuit race on the track Briton Bradley Wiggins, his compatriot Christopher Froome, the winner of the Tour de France "-2016, as well as the Olympic champion of the 2016 Olympics in the 4x100 medley relay American Kathleen Baker.

Not a word about Williams and Biles

At the same time, WADA does not comment on the first batch of documents, which was previously "leaked" to the Fancy Bears network. At the same time, the names there are much more famous.

According to these papers, tennis players Serena and Venus Williams, gymnast Simone Biles and basketball player Elena Delle Donne took banned substances.

At the same time, the documents say that American women used drugs with the permission of WADA itself. Allegedly, the athletes were in dire need of medicines for medical reasons.

WADA asks Russia to help fight hacker attacks

World Anti-Doping Agency Claims Russian Specialists Behind Attacks

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has contacted Russian authorities with a request to help in the fight against hacker attacks on the agency. This was reported by TASS with reference to a statement by WADA Director General Olivier Niggli.

Today, June 17, is a historic day, the outcome of which is already a foregone conclusion. At about 18.00 Moscow time, at a special press conference in Vienna, it will be announced that our athletes will not be able to participate in the 2016 Olympics. Deputy Chief Editor of the "Championship" Evgeniy Slyusarenko with numbers in hand, explains why the Russians will be the victims of the biggest bias in the history of world sports this evening.

Suspects and criminals

About a month ago, I was approached by a leading specialist of the Department of Comprehensive Scientific and Methodological Support for Athletes of the GKU "TsSTiSK" of the Moscow Sports Committee Mikhail Vinogradov. It sounds threatening, but actually Mikhail is a practicing specialist, a scientist, a well-deserved coach of Russia, who worked in Norway for two years. Here is what he wrote: “I have evidence that the fight against doping is a sieve full of holes. Systematically, for many years only creates the illusion of control over the situation, but in fact there are dozens, hundreds of athletes who win medals at world championships and the Olympics, but at the same time they have not been tested for doping outside of competition for years. Do you want to write about it?

To be honest, I wasn't too impressed at first.

In Italy and Germany for the whole year, local agencies did not test a single athlete! Yes, yes, in the same Germany, the president of the athletics federation of which recently called for Russian colleagues not to be allowed into Rio.

Somehow we got tired of the songs that sound from every iron that the Russian people are offended and it is beneficial for someone to put us on our knees. Let talk shows on the main channels do this. But the more Vinogradov got out of the sleeve of figures and facts, the more I realized that this could not be kept silent.

There are other suspects as well. Yes, they can be guilty too. Or maybe not - who knows? To understand this, you need to dig. But nobody does it. Or he does - but so slowly that it is almost impossible to collect evidence. And why, when there is the first group, whose members have already been convicted of crimes more than once, which means that they need to be even more controlled (familiar rhetoric - Russian athletes themselves are to blame for the fact that they take the most samples). The rest remain suspects and live perfectly in this status all their lives.

For those who read not what is written on the screen, but what is written in their heads, let us explain: we are not talking about the fact that our athletes are angels. We are talking about equal rights, equal duties and equal responsibilities. For all.

Well, now a story about how to become a world champion and avoid doping control.

"Fools come across in competitions"

For example, we decided to take athletics. Firstly, because it was this sport that took the liberty of disqualifying an entire national team - which means that it must have iron-clad evidence of its guilt and the purity of its rivals. Secondly, so as not to be accused of slander: athletics (along with cycling) is a relatively safe sport in terms of anti-doping. In the sense that the “nets” thrown over the athletes are relatively dense. For example, in amateur Olympic boxing, out-of-competition doping control is practically absent as a fact, and in swimming and triathlon there has not yet been a single disqualification on a biopass (there are already about a hundred of them in athletics and cycling).

Here is what Vinogradov claims. In the world of athletics, there is a large “gray zone” - that is, the opportunity for athletes to go into this zone and practically not be tested for doping. It is out-of-competition control that is meant - at competitions, as a rule, “fools” (treatment with stupid drugs or naive idiots) come across for doping. The main “catch” is provided by a biopass (which makes sense to take samples mainly out of competition) and out-of-competition visits of doping officers. For example, in order for the biopass to show something intelligible, you need to take from 5 to 9 samples with a break of at least 3 weeks.

Anti-doping control currently consists of two "networks" - it is understood that if a fraudulent athlete does not get into the first, he will be caught by the second. The first network is the so-called international federation testing pool (in our case, the IAAF). Every year, the IAAF compiles a list of athletes from the most different countries, which is transferred to, and has the right to send doping officers to any of the persons on the list at any time during the year. The second network is local control through accredited national anti-doping agencies (in our case, RUSADA). Ideally, each country has such an agency that catches those who are not caught.

"Conscience is a sieve of holes"

Sounds powerful and solid, right? Then let's immediately expose the national anti-doping control. To do this, let's take the latest of all available reports - for 2014 (for 2015 it will be released only in July).

So, officially there are 139 national anti-doping agencies (which is significantly less than the number of countries participating in the world championships in athletics or the Olympics - there are more than 200 of them).

We open page 36 of the report and look at the list of agencies that carried out the tests - in other words, they do not exist on paper, but in reality. Of the 139 agencies, less than half did the tests - 65! Of these 65, the lion's share made 1-2 samples per year (). And only 27 agencies make more than 15 samples a year, and it's still extremely small, it won't even close the national championship in one sport! For comparison: RUSADA was one of the three strongest in the world, annually doing 12-15 thousand tests.

At the same time, there are already more than 40 countries among the winners of the world championships in athletics, among them such exotic ones as Burkina Faso, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago and others. You can be one hundred percent sure that representatives of these states are not tested inside the country - due to the virtual absence of national control.

For interest, we look at the table, which indicates how many national agencies tested their athletes in athletics in 2014. Bah, what do we see! In Italy and Germany for the whole year, local agencies did not test a single athlete! Yes, yes, in the same Germany,. His conscience is a sieve full of holes, as the Russian proverb says. The same sieve as the whole system.

“A third of the championship winners were not tested”

Well, we sorted out the sieve inside the countries. We pass to the main sieve - international. For example, we take the 2014 Winter World Cup in Poland - the last one at the moment, for which there is data on both national and international control. For the purity of the experiment, we consider not only the winners, but also the top 8 finalists, since their level allows them to compete for medals, and also ensures their participation in commercial starts.

The statistics are again amazing - you just don’t want to believe in it. 587 athletes from 141 countries of the world took part in the competition, representatives of 30 countries won medals (both in individual events and in relay races). 193 people were in the top 8 in individual events. Of these, 106 people - 54.9% - are not included in the IAAF testing pool, that is, they have never been tested for doping out of competition throughout the year.

A logical question arises: what kind of control system is this?! Maybe it's worth it, sir ... to disassemble? And leave the athletes alone until all the circumstances are clarified?

More than half! 25 people have won gold medals - 6 of them are not in the IAAF pool (24%). Finally, 72 winners in individual disciplines - 26 of them are not in the pool (36.1%). We deliberately do not provide statistics for each discipline of that World Championship (although we compiled a special plate for personal use) - so as not to confuse you with numbers at all. Take my word for it: there are disciplines where more than half of the final eight are not integrated into the doping control system in any way.

A shocking fact already confirmed: in 2006-2012 in Kenya, Ethiopia and Morocco, not a single person donated blood for doping out of competition. And these are the countries that regularly “mow down” medals in the middle and long distances! A logical question arises: what kind of control system is this?! Maybe it's worth it, sir ... to disassemble? And leave the athletes alone until all the circumstances are clarified?

“Anti-doping funds are smeared like porridge on a plate”

Let's recap. The numbers show that the modern doping control system is a sham. A real anti-doping policy, covering at least the top 10 in every Olympic sport, would require enormous resources: a) analysis of samples in the laboratory costs from 150 to 500 euros; b) building a biopassport - in addition to sampling, this is an expensive work of experts and renting a Swiss program; c) the work of anti-doping commissioners - see how much a ticket to Nairobi or Kampala costs; d) the windows of detection of many drugs are calculated in days. To guarantee the purity of international sport requires simply unrealistically many funds. As a result, funds are sprayed (“porridge is smeared on a plate”) to create the appearance of a hard struggle.

What does Mikhail Vinogradov suggest? I quote: “In order to solve the problem (without going beyond the problem, if I may say so - such as, for example, removing prize money and reducing public interest in the winners), it is necessary: ​​or / and increase the resource base of anti-doping (which is being done now, but not enough) ; or use police measures (informants, professional detectives, interrogations under pain of prison); or make out-of-competition testing as smart and targeted as possible (these are already issues of adapting artificial intelligence and big data analysis systems, this is ultimately also a matter of money - and big money).”

In the meantime, anyone can be blamed. Who will be appointed? Russian athletes will be appointed tonight. My condolences guys.

Every day is not Sunday. The formidable monster of modern sports, the International Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), has serious problems. The most curious thing is that these problems are described in detail on the organization's website.

good old scheme

WADA's Swiss partner, Berlinger, officially notified the agency about the termination of the contract with him. It seemed to be a matter of life. But only at first glance.

Berlinger supplied WADA with its main and formidable weapon - test tubes. Containers for collecting doping samples, urine colloquially.

For many years, the business of the partners was going as well as possible.

WADA annually ordered millions of dollars worth of test tubes from the Swiss, acting as a monopolist in this market and obliging national agencies to centrally purchase them from themselves, as if through third parties. The national agencies had no choice - you get capricious, you mention another supplier and ...

And that needs to apply for a license to WADA.

Do these diagrams sound familiar to you?

Everyone is happy, the margin of safety for the contracts of the agency and Berlinger seemed gigantic.

And then - unexpected as a bolt from the blue demarche of the Swiss, who claim that their company is not ready to risk its reputation.

Test tubes can't withstand frost

The fact is that WADA decided to freeze doping samples. So that in ten years it would be possible to catch an athlete using a drug that was not yet detected at the time of taking it. But the agency, which wanted to reign supreme in the sport of high achievements, did not inform its partners about this decision. What is it to them, sculpt test tubes for yourself and make a profit.

But then an unprecedented attack by WADA on Russia, our athletes and the Sochi Olympics began. Grigory Rodchenkov jumped out from somewhere in the paranormal behind the scenes, cheerfully telling the whole world how cunningly he opened test tubes in Sochi and replaced the biomaterial of Russian Olympians. The evidence of their guilt, according to the division of reports, commissions and semi-documentary German films that multiplied like single-celled ones, was not illegal drugs in the urine, but scratches on test tubes.

Berlinger realized that without her, she was married, dragged into a dirty game that is really fraught with reputational costs that are detrimental to business.

After that, she officially informed WADA about the termination of cooperation, because the test tubes of the BEREG-KIT Geneva model produced by the company (attention, now the bird will fly out!) ... crack when frozen! Plus, they don't close well! The BEREG-KIT test tubes have similar problems.

The bewildered agency is now contacting national licensees to see if they have had many problems with Berlinger products.

Nobody wants to know anything from RUSADA, what to talk about with Russians who do not have a license?!

It turns out that if there were scratches on the test tubes of the Russian Olympians in Sochi, it was by no means because the possessed Mr. Rodchenkov, stealthily looking around, made his way to the laboratory at night through a hole in the wall, made by the power of his own spirit, but due to a design defect in the products of the Swiss company.

Hundreds of broken destinies of athletes, not to mention the feelings of the fans!

And this WADA, which is not able to stock up on normal, ashamed to say, test tubes in the 21st century, is a nightmare for world sport, let alone Russia.

This bomb is already three days old. It is curious that no reaction from our sports leaders has yet followed.

In fact, if guided by the norms of elementary decency, members of the WADA executive committee are required to resign. It's hard to believe it.

The Independent Commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) accused the Russian state of creating a system of large-scale concealment of violations related to the use of prohibited drugs and methods, which has been in force since 2011. There are serious doubts about the independence of this commission, but the accusations are so serious that they require building a line of defense. Or rather, counteroffensives.

Meldonium: doping or not?

"Doping schemes in 30 sports in Russia mean that there can no longer be any presumption of innocence against Russia," a WADA spokesman said yesterday. According to the agency, Russia won the Sochi Olympics by dishonest means.

The Guardian calls the report "devastating". "It showed that the Russian government, intelligence agencies and sports departments colluded to cover up widespread doping in most summer and winter sports," the newspaper writes.

Der Spiegel points out that the WADA report "clearly proved that doping in Russia has been used intensively and systematically for decades. Now the head of the IOC will not have to suffer for long so that at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro Russia should be present exclusively as a spectator."

In Russia, there are two opinions on this issue. The first is that Minister of Sports Mutko stupidly reached into the bottle after the department warned him about the use of doping in Russian athletics. "And you prove it," said Mutko. They proved it to him: they checked samples 12 years ago with a predictable result. There is a reason for this version of the conflict. Thus, the Kenyan Ministry of Sports behaves calmly on such claims, and no one removes anyone.

But here the question arises, how can an international influential organization live "according to the rules"? The agency, over its 17 years of existence, has been marked by major scandals against individual athletes, but for several years it ignored signals from Russian colleagues about the scale of doping in the World Athletics Federation (ARAF), whose representatives were mired in corruption, hiding not only violations in Russia. It has become a practice in the federation to hide a positive sample for a bribe. It got to the point that the athletes became in exchange for "relaxation" in doping control. Isn't that why the ARAF, with the support of WADA, started a campaign to discredit Russian athletes?

Another question. Doesn't meldonium have an analogue used by American athletes? Yes, but in the US, pharmacology is ahead of drug discovery technology. It is also possible that WADA is acting in the interests of Western companies producing alternative doping drugs. Another question: if within WADA one scandal follows others, then what is the responsibility of the agency? She is huge.

The problem is that the doping test will always be . Because the one who "runs away" from a "positive" result invents new drugs. Big sport cannot exist "pure" because "pure" will always lose.

Everything in this story "smells bad", so the second opinion is more true - that this is a carefully planned operation to undermine the image Russian state, since the sanctions failed. This is well evidenced by the above quotes from the Western media and even Rodchenkov's testimony - a mixture of truth (it is unlikely that he would shake "empty test tubes") and fables. Alcoholic cocktails for athletes and the participation of FSB officers in the substitution of samples is, of course, complete nonsense.

It must be understood that the laboratory in Sochi was under the control of international experts, video cameras. The doping samples were transferred to storage in Lausanne two years ago, and no one made any claims about the containers (manufacturer Klaus Metzler Eckmann said that they could not be opened without visible damage), for the time being, namely, before the start of the Olympics in Rio.

The first to remove Russia from the competition Is it in the interests of sports? No, this is a matter of American greatness. The conclusion suggests itself that WADA does not work "for beautiful eyes" for

There is no "anti-doping culture of Russians", there is a global anti-doping culture that lives by the principle "not caught - not a thief." For Russia in this situation, it is important to conduct an investigation. This is exactly what President Putin said yesterday. An investigation team has been set up. It is important to determine the personal responsibility of each athlete, coach, functionary of the ARAF, WADA. If a person is guilty of violations, then he is responsible.

“As a former professional athlete, I can say that doping is used in absolutely all countries of the world, and the methodology for training Russian athletes is no different from the training of English, German or American colleagues,” the site said. lawyer Dmitry Agranovsky. - It's in its purest form. Suspension of our team from the Olympics is, of course, a gesture of desperation. This is a completely extreme method that the United States is going to, because they cannot break Russia on other issues: over Ukraine, over Syria. And this step is certainly not popular in the world community, no matter what some pro-American media are telling us now."

According to Agranovsky, WADA is just a tool. He serves the one who has the power, the one who is stronger. "Therefore, today we need to take care of ourselves first of all, build our own state, we need to declare our interests. Justice should not be selective - if punished, then everyone, and if not punished, then also everyone. In order for Russia to be judged alone, there should not be an investigation against only Russian athletes. We must state this publicly. In any process of this kind, one must take an offensive position. One must understand the psychology of the Americans - they take any attempts to beg for forgiveness only as weakness and start to push even harder.As a lawyer, I will say that international law is the right of the strong and nothing else," the lawyer summed up.