Lineage Eternal's First Korean CBT - All Content Available. How to get a key in the closed beta test? When will lineage 3 come out?

Any modern gambling addict who prefers to choose the exciting and best online games s in modern style MMORPG, must be familiar with the modern game Lineage. In other words, fans of the best online game call it a lineup. Since this legendary game, popular today, involves many modern users in the entire original process. And it pleasantly surprises with a mesmerizing plot, well-chosen graphics, vivid illustrations and great picture, which is remembered for a long time. One of the best online RPGs has long been the most popular and legendary in its own genre. Since the distant 1998, interest in it has surged from all over the world, and it has not become an exception. the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus.

At the time of the release, which many were waiting for the second part of the game, it has gained immense popularity among many gamers in the CIS countries and not only. For an impressive amount of time, fans sincerely believed in the best and expected the next part and in 2011 the original video of Part 3 of Lineage was released. Diligent developers have been working on a new long-awaited version for a long time, and have introduced unusual solutions into the process. Thus, they inspired gamers, and also made them look forward to the release of the legend. So let's take a closer look at whether Line 3 Eternal is also worthy of the release date in Russia, which has already been announced or not?

Lineage Eternal - review of the new Lineage 3

Many gamers know that in the new part of Lineage 3 the release date in Russia, which is already known to be a unique plot, it perfectly continues the previous parts. All events take place in the same world after 200 years all. Namely, the dark emperor conquered the country due to the presence of non-mortal orcs. And all the locals had to bow, except for a certain number of heroes who bravely fight and challenge the order of legendary darkness. Therefore, Lineage 3 release date in Russia, which is known so relevantly among the majority of gamers.

In the newest parts of Lineage 3 eternal, it will be possible to equip your own hero exclusively with equipment that individually suits his class and parameters. Due to this, any of them have unique effects. Also in the game there are armor, amulets and other equipment, as in the previous parts. If desired, you can purchase special reliable and reinforcing equipment for all kinds of emergency situations in battle.

It became known that a special third closed beta test was carried out in early April 2016. Therefore, the release date in the Russian Federation is already known for every interested person in a unique plot and mesmerizing gameplay.

Lineage 3 or Lineage Eternal - one of the "long-term construction" in the world of online games. However, despite the scarce information coverage of the project, the GamesQA editors were able to prepare a preliminary review and interview one of the experts in the field of game development.

More than a year is left before the release of Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance, the third installment of the legendary MMORPG series Lineage. Exact date there is still no release of Lineage 3, and the information that NCsoft puts on the global network is too little to say anything with certainty. However, our portal, based on the crumbs that we managed to collect about the Lineage 3 project in the English-speaking sector of the Internet and on the Korean forums, managed to compile the first preliminary review of Lineage Eternal. So, what will it be, the third part of Lineage?

Lineage 3 graphics

The graphic component of modern MMORPGs should be on high level... You can argue as long as you like on the importance of gameplay, but the fact remains - hardly any of the modern gamers will spend their time and money on a project with angular textures and terrifying special effects.

In this regard, Lineage Eternal, thank God, is doing well. The visual component of Lineage 3 is very similar to the third part of Diablo - the same third-person view from above - the so-called 2.5D mode. The similarities between the two games are really significant. No matter how NCsoft disowns in its interviews Diablo iii, but the eyes of the players cannot be fooled.

However, this relationship between Lineage 3 and Diablo is not a bad thing. Considering that the emphasis in Lineage 3 is on intense fights with crowds of motley mobs and PVP, this is even a plus. In addition, we must not forget that the third part of Lineage is a logical continuation of the first Linear, in which the camera was also on top.

Traditionally, the top view allows for more effective scenes, besides, the control with a 2.5D camera is much easier. But we know that Lineage III can be played even through smartphones. Another nuance why the developers chose this camera mode is the innovative Drug and Hold combat system, which allows you to activate various skills using the mouse cursor. Agree, it would be somewhat problematic to do this with a camera as in the same Lineage II.

Game mechanics of Lineage Eternal and interaction with the world

An unconditional innovation that NCsoft is proud of and which has already been patented by the company is the Drug and Hold skill management system. Its essence lies in the fact that the actions performed by the player on the screen must bring appropriate results. The system works really amazing and will add spice to fans of PVP and PC, because now the reaction speed and the ability to control the abilities of your character will play no less important than the level of armor and weapons.

In Lineage Eternal, the player will be able to interact with various objects game world... For example, your character can pick up a vase and toss it into a cluster of monsters. The knight (probably, other classes have a similar ability), there is special skill"Grappling hook", the activation of which will allow you to jump between areas on the map, overcoming various obstacles - abyss, water and so on. With the help of the same skill, the knight is able to "drag" a monster or another player to him.

An archer or mage can shoot powder barrels, which explode and hit the swarms of enemies around them.

In this regard, Lineage Eternal can be called a unique game. Developers constantly pay attention to the presence of a huge number of objects that can be set on fire, destroyed, exploded, which will bring some benefit to the player. For example, having set fire to a house, frightened enemies will rush out from there in a hurry, and they will become an easy target for your weapons.

After watching a fair number of videos, analyzing interviews with NCsoft representatives, the full translation of which you can also find on, we noticed that objects and the environment of the game world honestly perform their function - grass burns, vases break, enemies are like rag dolls hitting the ground. By launching a monster into a crowd of enemies with the help of the "Telekinesis" skill, you will witness a double victory - those poor fellows whom we threw at our colleagues and those who did not manage to dodge the blow will also perish.

Quests and tasks

A distinctive feature of completing quests in Lineage Eternal is the ability to unite with other players to complete certain tasks. At the same time, other players will not be just statistics, helping you to complete the task. You can exchange quests, helping your friends and gaining experience and other valuable rewards. Moreover, completing the huge number of quests in Lineage 3 will require good team play and interaction between players.

Clan system

Very little is known about the clan system in Lineage 3. We can say with confidence the following:

  • The clan will accommodate over 300 people.
  • The developers have implemented a special system, with the help of which any clan can find an equal opponent and fight him in the arena 40 against 40 people or 100 against 100.

Most likely, the clan management system will be similar in its mechanics to Lineage II.

Castle sieges in Lineage 3

Fortress sieges in Lineage III will be. They will be able to accept a huge number of players. NCsoft promises that at least 1000 people will be able to kill each other without any problems during the battle for this or that fortress. However, what the very fact of owning the castle gives is still a mystery. Presumably, as in Lineage II, these are taxes and unique crafting materials.

Lineage 3 Raid Bosses & Epic Monsters

To date, the number of raid bosses has already exceeded 80. The RB system will be similar to the one in Lineage II today. It will be possible to knock out rare items, items of equipment and various craft ingredients from them.

Description of the Lineage 3 classes

At the moment, NCsoft has announced 3 classes - Knight, Archer and Mage. In total, by the time of the launch of the open beta testing, the developers promise five classes available for the game.

Knight- a noble warrior who follows the ancient knightly code. This class is an expert in close combat and can be armed with a variety of weapons and armor. It is in your power to make a knight as a purely "tank", equipping him with a one-handed sword, shield and strong armor, and a good warrior, replacing the weapon with a two-handed sword. In battle, you are quite capable of combining weapons, depending on the circumstances.

Magician- this class uses three types of special magic stances. The first is the "Stance of Destruction", which allows you to control the elements - fire, ice and lightning. The second - "Movement" stance - consists of spells that allow you to hold, push or lift enemies into the air. This stance allows you to control the movement of enemies for a strategic advantage. The third ward has not yet been announced.

Archer- a descendant of the forest people who were once in good relationship with the wood elves. In the history of the game, archers oppose the rule of the Empire. One of the features of this class is the ability to summon various spirits for help. All attacks and skills of the archer spend ammunition, so it is recommended to always have enough arrows in the store, otherwise an unenviable fate awaits you. When the ammunition is used up, the archer needs to change the quiver, so it is always important to monitor the consumption of arrows. Until the quiver is replaced, the archer in Lineage 3 will not be able to use skills or attack opponents.

Thief- absolutely nothing is known about this class so far.

Description of skills Lineage 3

As in any classic MMORPG, which includes Lineage 3, each class has its own, unique skills. Depending on the style of your play, you can choose one or another class. In total, each class will have 8 active skills, each of which can be improved in two or three different ways. Moreover, upon reaching level 50 in Lineage 3, the player will open a number of additional, "heroic" abilities.

Let's start with a description of the known skills of the knight in Lineage Eternal:

Defensive Shield - a special defensive skill of a knight. When activated, the knight is able to reflect the arrows of opponents, and also significantly increase the strength of his armor. In this case, the speed of movement of the character is greatly reduced.

Cleaving blade - activated by holding down the right mouse button and dragging the cursor in a straight line (Drug and Hold system). When the skill is activated, the knight rushes in the indicated direction, exposing his sword and scattering his opponents to the sides.

Mill - is activated if you move the cursor around the circle while holding down the right mouse button. Our hero spins on his axis and destroys the enemies closest to him. A very useful skill if enemies are pressing from all sides.

Directional strike- the player chooses a specific area, and the knight shoots out a kind of "ray", while continuing to strenuously shred opponents.

It should be added that each class in Lineage Eternal has several special defensive skills. Alas, only a small part of them is known so far.

Description of the abilities of the mage in Lineage Eternal:

The magician's abilities are divided into groups, depending on the stance used. The "Destruction" rack includes:

Wall of fire - skill that works on the Drug and Hold system. You just need to draw on the screen a horizontal or vertical line directed to either side, and a wall of fire will appear along it. Controlling a wall of fire is easy - just draw simple line and the skill is activated instantly.

A wall of ice - an ability that works similarly to a wall of fire, only an irresistible ice rock will appear in front of enemies instead of a fiery rampage. When a skill is activated in a crowd of monsters, the latter will be frozen and fall apart into ice components.

Deadly touch- a powerful spell that destroys everything in its path with the help of lightning. In this case, the player can control the area of ​​effect of the spell by simply moving the mouse.

The "Displacement" rack includes:

Telekinesis - lifts enemies high into the air, which can then be thrown in any direction by pointing it with the mouse.

Gravity I am a skill that sharply throws enemies into the air and throws them on the ground, knocking out life points.

The abilities that are not included in any of the magic stances stand apart:

Ghost shadow- a special skill that can set fire to braziers of fire magic - torches that scatter darkness around them. When monsters that are afraid of bright light hit the area of ​​effect of such braziers, they evaporate.

Fire Bomb / Fire Whirlwind- choosing the area of ​​effect to activate the skill, a powerful explosion of fire occurs, destroying the surrounding mobs.

Static field- a powerful spell that can "disable" many enemies at once. However, the mage will need to maintain concentration while casting the spell. The skill is good to use when playing in a group with other players who could protect the mage from enemy arrows and blades.

Archer skills in Lineage Eternal:

A hail of arrows - A powerful mass skill that hits all enemies in the area of ​​effect. Using this ability consumes all the remaining ammo in the quiver, so it is important to understand when to use it and when you can do it.

Spirit calling- spirits increase the base damage of arrows and fill them with the effect of the elements. The spirits can also take on humanoid form and attack the archer's opponents. The spirit is able to lure enemies over to itself, playing the role of a tank and destroying the formation of opponents.

Powerful directional shot- by setting the direction, using the Drug and Hold system, the archer can destroy the enemy with one shot, pinning the latter to the wall.

Explosive shot- a powerful shot, with which the archer is able to destroy the enemy's shield. This is especially true when dealing with enemies who use the shield as a means of defense against arrows.

Spirit's help - the archer is able to channel the spirit to protect his allies. The spirit creates a magical shield that increases resistance to various elements - fire, lightning or ice.

Lineage 3 release date

Finally, the main question that has firmly stuck in the heads of all fans of the Lineage series: when to expect the release of Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance? We answer - at the beginning of 2015 the game was 30% ready. According to the assurances of the developers, the remaining 70% will be done at an accelerated pace, and according to latest news, the first focal PTA Lineage 3 has already passed and the second is next in line, based on the results of which a decision will be made to open a wider closed test games.

This means that the readiness of the project is at least 60-70% and within the next 12 months you can wait for the official announcement.

The gameplay of the game is very similar to the famous Diablo 3, but visually LAE looks more interesting and multifaceted. The features of Lineage Eternal are endless: open seamless world; system of activation of skills by movement of the cursor; maximum easy control for MMORPG; unique awards; epic castle sieges; PvP arenas that match your opponent depending on your characteristics and gear; PvP and PK systems; clan wars; mountable animals; raid bosses; open and closed dungeons; creation of armor and weapons, their improvement; unusual monsters. You can play Lineage Eternal not only from a PC, but also from mobile devices(Android / iOS).

Lineage Eternal is not Lineage 3!

Many players reading gaming news on various sites were slightly deceived. Dozens of gaming sites publish information that Lineage Eternal is Lineage 3. We can assure you that it is not! In fact, the plot of the game develops the continuation of the first part (Lineage I), since according to the timeline the game is a continuation of the first part, the events of Lineage Eternal will take place after 200 years.

Up-to-date knowledge base on the site

In this category of the site you will find all the most latest news, interesting articles for earnings, text and video manuals, guides, various leveling guides, free software and many other useful materials. is an unofficial site - it is important to understand this for any visitor to our portal. Also in the future, we plan to publish secrets for completing quests, interview top clans, publish various server statistics, in short, we want to create a knowledge base for the Lineage Eternal game.

Everyone who has played at least a little MMORPG has probably heard of the Line (aka Lineage). This well-deserved network role-playing game was one of the most popular games in its genre - in 1998, at the time of the release of the first part, few could oppose it with anything. Then, six years later, the second part came out, which brought fame to the series in the CIS countries (however, in our country it was officially released 4 years later than among Asians, already in 2008). For many years, fans of the series have been waiting for the next part, and now, in 2011, the developers showed the hungry people a gameplay video of the third part. Many unusual decisions were seen in it, the fans of the series were very inspired and began to patiently wait further. However, after 3 years we were shown a new video, in which many interesting solutions were canceled. So is this new part of our attention worthy, or not? Let's figure it out!

The combat system in Lineage Eternal
Lineage Eternal reviewNCSoft has patented a unique combat system called Drag and Hold with the goal of creating new opportunities for MMORPG games. It is implemented like this: for example, you hold down one of the mouse buttons and drag it in front of your character. The result: a wall of fire or ice appears. For some time, the enemies will not be able to break through to you. If you accumulate energy to apply an attacking spell, then quickly move the mouse around your character. As a result, those who fall within the radius of destruction receive damage from fire, ice, spirits serving you, or other subservient elements. If the enemy fighter is nearby, you can have time to grab him, and then with a sharp movement of the mouse throw him back at the advancing opponents. They will scatter, crushing each other.

The playing space is abundantly filled with various objects. You can interact with some of them to your advantage. For example, a heavy boulder using telekinesis can lift a mage and hurl at attackers.

The years spent developing Lineage 3 were not in vain. The developers' promises came true: even experienced players note the variety and vastness of this game.

Classes in Lineage Eternal:

A careful Lineage Eternal review reveals that the player has the following character classes to choose from:

Knight. Because This character is well trained to fight with melee weapons and is wearing heavy armor - he feels confident in close combat. He has a combat hook, which not only deals damage to enemies, but also pulls them under the blows of the blade. The same hook helps to climb over abysses, climb steep slopes and walls. Sometimes you can activate a magic shield that reflects arrows and enhances armor. The directed attack mode is activated by holding the right button and holding an arc near the knight. In the direction of this arc, the knight will rush, sweeping away everything in its path. If enemies are pressing from all sides, you can draw a circle, then the hero spins sharply, crushing the nearest opponents.

Mage In his arsenal there are several stands that allow you to either attack or move objects. So in the mode, the Drag & Hold system is used - the player draws lines vertically or horizontally and fire walls are formed along them. To freeze the monsters and crumble into pieces of ice, the "Wall of Fire" is used. "Deadly Touch" forms a destructive string of lightning, which are controlled with the mouse. The "movement stance" uses the ability to use telekinesis and gravity. Enemies are lifted into the air and hurled at long distances. You can also throw boulders and logs at monsters, or slow down attackers.

Spirit Hunter - he perfectly owns the bow, and also the spirits of people and animals are subject to him, which he summons to get even with his enemies. It is possible to use a "hail of arrows", which strikes all monsters within the radius of the arrow's flight, but completely empties the quiver. The Drag & Hold system allows you to create a powerful shot in a given direction, as well as an explosion shot that destroys the enemy's shield. If in the midst of the battle the arrows run out, then they can be replenished with the help of allies-spirits, but for a while the player becomes vulnerable, so ammunition must be saved. If an ally has a critical situation, then a spirit can be sent to his aid.

PvP in Lineage Eternal
Those who like to fight against other players have not been ignored either: in Lineage Eternal, the video demonstrates large-scale territories specially created for PvP. Like the classic Lineage, this MMORPG will feature sieges and a clan system.

Lineage 3 system requirements:
All information about system requirements the Lineage 3 game I wrote below is not official. All data are tentative, I was guided by the second version of the game and my personal experience.

Windows - XP, 7.8
Video card - 256 MB
Processor - 2 cores
Ventchester - SSD 10GB
DirectX - 10+
Internet - high speed

The gameplay of the game is very similar to the famous Diablo 3, but visually LAE looks more interesting and multifaceted. The features of Lineage Eternal are endless: open seamless world; system of activation of skills by movement of the cursor; maximum easy control for MMORPG; unique awards; epic castle sieges; PvP arenas that match your opponent depending on your characteristics and gear; PvP and PK systems; clan wars; mountable animals; raid bosses; open and closed dungeons; creation of armor and weapons, their improvement; unusual monsters. You can play Lineage Eternal not only from a PC, but also from mobile devices (Android / iOS).

Lineage Eternal is not Lineage 3!

Many players reading gaming news on various sites were slightly deceived. Dozens of gaming sites publish information that Lineage Eternal is Lineage 3. We can assure you that it is not! In fact, the plot of the game develops the continuation of the first part (Lineage I), since according to the timeline the game is a continuation of the first part, the events of Lineage Eternal will take place after 200 years.

Up-to-date knowledge base on the site

In this category of the site you will find all the latest news, interesting articles on making money, text and video manuals, guides, various leveling guides, free software and many other useful materials. is an unofficial site - it is important to understand this for any visitor to our portal. Also in the future, we plan to publish secrets for completing quests, interview top clans, publish various server statistics, in short, we want to create a knowledge base for the Lineage Eternal game.