Becoming a customer attraction author is a seraph. Attracting customers with runes. The main runes for success in work

Fans of Scandinavian magic know that there are runes not only to attract love and happiness, but also to attract customers. Well-known formulas and rates have a positive effect on business, contribute to its development and prosperity.

Runes that attract customers

A warning to beginners: when starting to apply a finished rune to attract customers or making your own combination, you need to get information about the basic rules for working with runes.

If you make a mistake, you may get into big trouble.

Becoming the "Golden Dragon"

This runic formula for attracting customers is written on a banknote that is carried in a wallet, but nothing is paid for with it. At the time when the slander is pronounced, it is necessary to visualize the image of the golden dragon, into which the banknote turns and flies into the distance.

The signs in this runic stake to attract customers and profits are Teyvaz + Algiz + Evaz + Dagaz + Mannaz + Inguz + Inguz + Laguz + Laguz, where:

  • Teyvaz works as a combat energy that opens doors;
  • Algiz serves as the defender of the intended target. He will take away all envious, evil-speaking and other ill-wishers;
  • Dagaz - acts on people, which means that customers will turn their attention to a product or service, they will begin to like them.
  • Mannaz - this sign personifies the person himself, who makes up;
  • Double Ingus is the wings of a golden dragon;
  • Double Laguz - soft female power, invoking wealth and with its charms, holding it. Closing Laguz enhances the attractive effect, provides a comfortable life.

This combination has both male and female energy, which harmonizes perfectly in a well-composed runescript. After having worked out its term, the bill must be deactivated by fire, after thanking the runes for their help.

Runes for a successful business

The runes described above for attracting customers are more powerful, but they are more suitable for an existing business that brings little profit, and its owner wants to increase his cash flow. But it often happens that your business does not go anywhere, there is no profit, but you need to pay the bills. In this case, you should apply becoming, which is called "Lady Luck".

Becoming "Lady Luck"

Like the "Golden Dragon", becoming for business development is applied to a bill and stored in a wallet.

The magical combination of "Lady Luck" - Mannaz + Gebo + Algiz + Fehu + Laguz + Evaz + Teyvaz + Soulu + Yera, where:

  • Mannaz - the spirit of a person who resorted to the power of runes;
  • Gebo, as a symbol of partnerships, will attract reliable people, sponsors;
  • Algiz - protects from enemies, ill-wishers. Removes existing negative magical effect and repels any intrusion of negative magic;
  • Fehu is a symbol of money;
  • Laguz carries female wisdom, charms. This attracts cash flow, but in relation to business, Laguz can “pull” new idea which will be successful. Perhaps the direction of the business will change, and the best course of the idea that has arisen will help determine Eyvaz.
  • Evaz, like a compass, indicates the direction to the financial flow;
  • Teyvaz. The male power of this rune will give energy, a person will easily and steadfastly endure any pressure from both people and life situations;
  • Hyera. The sign in this formula is stipulated for "cyclicity". In this case, becoming considered indefinite and it works until the person himself deactivates it.

This runescript is also well suited for those who are just planning a business, as well as for those who have not been able to move up the career ladder for a long time. After activation, there will be rapid upward changes in work. It won't just happen. For career growth, Laguz and Evaz will try - they should be emphasized in the reservation. They will give ideas for new projects. Thanks to them, a person will attract the attention of his superiors and his career will go up.

Runes to eliminate competitors

When the situation in which buyers began to leave for competitors was taken by surprise, the immediate help of the runes is required.

Becoming on the attraction of customers, their return and retention is called the "Golden Antelope". It is prescribed on a business card, but they do not give it to anyone, but keep it with them as an amulet.

Becoming the "Golden Antelope"

Runes for trading and attracting clients - Ansuz + Gebo + Fehu + Teyvaz + Turisaz + Algiz + Soulu + Dagaz, where:

  • Ansuz will breathe fresh energy into the image of the compiler of the formula or into the corporate brand;
  • Gebo is always a strong and trusting relationship, which means the newfound trust of customers;
  • Fehu - income, sales;
  • Teyvaz, with his masculine, warlike strength, will bypass all rivals and withstand any pressure;
  • Turisaz means trouble and a hard fight that Algiz will block;
  • Algiz - protection from ill-wishers and intrigues of competitors. Whatever they do, everything will be reflected, up to negative magical influences;
  • Soulu is a symbol of entering a new level of life, of higher quality, as well as the successful completion of a wish;
  • Dagaz - acts on people, makes competitors calm down. Will secure Soulu and end the competitive stage. Strengthen the output to a new level.

Interestingly, it is impossible to do without Turisaz here, although often a person who decides to use runes to attract money and customers skips it, considering it unnecessary. Do not forget that the struggle is still ahead, competition is the struggle. It is necessary to indicate the fact of her presence, and then protect yourself and create milder conditions for rivalry.

These are just the most basic, ready-made formulas for attracting customers. Having learned more about Scandinavian magic and the rules for compiling runescripts, you can create individual bundles to solve any problem.

Nowadays, Runes to attract customers and money are becoming very popular. After all, they not only help get rid of poverty, but are also able to attract good luck at work and in business. Find out how to make fortune turn to face you as quickly as possible.

Runes are ancient magical symbols that are very often used for various divination. But such secret signs can also be used for the manufacture of various amulets, talismans, for the preparation of special formulas.

Experienced practitioners can independently compose runic staves to attract customers, attract good luck in their work. If you are just starting your journey, you can use ready-made formulas.

Becoming a Golden Dragon

Do not underestimate this method, treat the practice very carefully. After all, the wrong image of signs can lead to the fact that you will not get the desired result. If you need to attract customers and develop your business, then you can use this runic stave.

This position is called the Golden Dragon. You can depict the formula on paper or on a banknote, after which you should keep it in your passport or wallet. Important: during the activation of the formula, you must mentally imagine how it turns into a golden dragon and flies away. Also, after reaching the goal and at the end of the work, it is necessary to burn the paper with the applied formula and thank the higher powers.

In total there are several working runes that you will need:

  • Teyvaz - can attract wealth, money;
  • Algiz - will not give you an abyss, show you the right path, protect you from troubles on the way to the goal;
  • Evaz - will lead you to prosperity;
  • Dagaz - will allow you to radically change your life, attract money, customers;
  • Mannaz - symbolizes the person himself;
  • Inguz (2 pcs) - dragon wings, is a symbol of wealth, which will soon come into the life of an individual;
  • Laguz (2 pcs) - allows you not only to increase the flow of money, but also to make it permanent, which ensures a comfortable life.

Runes for good luck at work

If everything is not going well for you, the business is not flourishing, and your hands are falling, then it's time to resort to magic. Use this runic formula to return prosperity and prosperity to your business.

Becoming Lady Luck

In addition, such runic becoming will help you protect yourself from possible envious, ill-wishers. If you are not a private entrepreneur, then this becoming will help you move up the career ladder, win the favor of your superiors.

  • Mannaz - symbolizes the individual on whom becoming is done.
  • Gebo - attracts people who are able to help you, reliable partners, patrons.
  • Eyvaz - provides an influx of customers. Protects both the individual himself from ill-wishers (magical and nematic attacks), and his business.
  • Fehu - the movement of money, abundance.
  • Laguz - allows you to attract fortune, success to a person. An individual has the opportunity to choose the most profitable project, and not to take on every one that comes across, money will begin to be attracted, welfare will increase.
  • Teyvaz - revives in a person stamina, self-confidence.
  • Algiz - does not allow a person to "drive" himself at work, helps to plan the schedule correctly.
  • Soul - allows you to achieve the goal: the top of the career ladder, your own business, a successful business.
  • Perth - allows you to keep fortune.
  • Air - does not allow money and solvent customers to leave you.

This formula can be applied to the banknote. Important: never take it out of your wallet and keep it with you. Such a becoming must be spoken with these words:

Let by the Power of Runes, I will have a constant flow of money clients who will constantly come to me (you can add in quantity ... (number)), contracts and transactions will be successful for both of us, it will be convenient for me! The money will be regularly paid for the work / services / goods performed. I independently control and regulate the flow of clients. May the Runes protect me from negativity, both on the physical plane and on the magical, energetic, mental plane, may there be enough Forces and skills to maintain and develop my business.

Runic formulas to attract customers

With the help of what other runic staves can you attract paying customers? The golden antelope is another runic stave that will increase the number of customers. In this case, the Gebo rune will symbolize a strong partnership.

Becoming a golden antelope

Manaz + 2 Fehu + Nautiz - will ensure the emergence of serious, solvent customers who will be ready to conclude a long-term contract on terms that will be beneficial to you.

Inguz - stable cooperation, guaranteed success.

Laguz + Raido + Nautiz + Turisaz (located in the background) - allow you to get around any troubles and problems, will lead to stability.
Using this position, you can attract reliable partners, solvent customers, improve your financial situation. The formula is applied both on plain paper and on money, and is constantly worn with you.

This special formula is able to attract both good luck in business and desired customers. You should use the following symbols:

  • Ansuz - will help people remember your company, occupation, will not let you forget about you;
  • Gebo and Fehu - will convince people that they need to turn to you for help;
  • Teyvaz and Soul - will attract money, help achieve what you want;
  • Algiz and Turisaz - protect from competitors, intrigues of enemies, possible troubles;
  • Dagaz - self-renewal of the formula.

You can use the formula even if you urgently need money, you need to beat competitors in the race. Signs are applied to a business card or to any surface in the event that you use them as an amulet. In this case, the formula is always worn with you.

Using the Runes to attract clients, you will be able to attract good luck, wealth and reliable clients. Do not miss the chance to change your life for the better and radically change the state of things.


When people start their own business, they invariably face competition. Today it is almost impossible to find a field of activity in which you can become the only supplier of goods or services. In addition, in addition to real stores and firms with a physical address, there are also Internet companies, which means that competition is inevitable in any case. For those who are engaged in business, runic rates for the elimination of all competitors and formulas that help develop their business and attract new customers will be very useful. Let's talk about them in more detail.

How can runes help in business?

For those who have never encountered rune magic, it can be difficult to understand in what areas it is generally applicable. Many have heard about love and love spells at least once, but the issue of runes for business is usually not so popular. But in fact, the power contained in the ancient mysterious signs is omnipotent, and it can be used in absolutely any area of ​​life.

So, for example, runic staves and formulas "cut off the road to competitors" can work real miracles. More precisely, the effect of runes in such ties seems miraculous to those who use them, but those against whom their work is directed, on the contrary, have a hard time. Such formulas literally “block” the way for competing firms: profitable deals fail, good contracts are not signed, reliable suppliers and partners are not found. Such an action can be considered negative influence on rivals, so not many people decide to use such stakes.

For those who want to act “kindly” and not touch competitors in principle, formulas of another category will do. So, for example, becoming a runic for a good business and are able to increase the cash flow of your company, attract reliable customers, generous sponsors, in a word - make your business go better. After all, in the end, even in conditions of fierce competition, you can successfully stay afloat if you have permanent partners, suppliers, customers who are ready to work only with you. Then the rivals will not interfere in any way.

In general, the principle of working with such stakes is no different from the activation of others runic formulas. Runes are applied either to a photo of your competitor (if this is a specific person and you decide to “eliminate” him), or to a thing related to the activities of a rival company (for example, to their business card), or to your photo or something related to your business (if you want to improve the business of your project). Next comes the intention and stipulation of the formula, and then in any way.

The duration of the stave is individual in each case. But most formulas give a visible result after a week or two. In any case, no later than in a month you will already be able to evaluate how the runes worked and what came of it.

Runic stakes for the elimination of competitors

The formulas given here, as we said above, can significantly worsen the position of your business competitors. These are very strong rune ties, so before using them, consider whether you really need it.

Becoming "Neutralize a competitor"

This runic position on the elimination of all competitors will allow your business to stay afloat and go on a strictly chosen course, bypassing all obstacles. Competitors, on the contrary, will not be able to interfere with you, since all their attempts will be successfully “reflected” by runes.

The composition of the bond includes:

  • Teyvaz: Symbol of victory and winner. It will give you self-confidence, give you the strength to accomplish everything you have planned. Thanks to this rune, you will take a leading position and easily “beat” all competitors.
  • Soulu: A sign of power, strength. The rune will become your engine on the way to victory. With its help you will be able to achieve success in all business endeavors.
  • Otala: Symbolizes your devotion to the chosen cause, will allow you not to retreat, to remain true to your own ideas. It will also protect your property from the claims of competitors, both tangible and intangible property.
  • Uruz: In the stav, performs two actions at once. Firstly, it will strengthen your qualities necessary to achieve victory over rivals, and secondly, it will destroy the intrigues of enemies and create a kind of “shield” that protects you from the machinations of ill-wishers

Formula "Closing the road to a competitor"

This becoming is best applied to some thing that belongs to your business rival or directly to his photo. Despite the fact that this formula contains only three runes - two Isa and Raido, it works very powerfully. Ises on the edges from Raido “freeze” the competitor’s road (Raido) from both sides: a situation is created that wherever he poke his head, it will be “closed” everywhere.

Becoming against the moral pressure of competitors

If your competitors are actively acting against you, using threats, psychological pressure, intrigues and other "unclean" methods, use the formula from Uruz - Nautiz -. This runic position on the elimination of all competitors will act as a kind of protection against such pressure, and will also allow your business to continue successfully, bypassing any obstacles.

Runic rates for business development

Any runic becoming for business development can do a good job, the main thing is to choose it correctly. We offer you three interesting actionable formulas for different business categories. See if one of them is right for you.

Formula for multiplying property

This becoming is suitable for those who work with material objects, for example, in real estate, construction or farming. Only three runes work in it:

  • Otala: Responsible for the boundaries of your property, traditions, family, continuity. It expands the scope of your activities, allows you to "capture" new territories
  • Fehu: A symbol of material wealth, property, which is always "in business", as well as directly finance, profit. The rune will allow you to find a worthy use for what you already have, and get a good profit from it.
  • Yera: Responsible for the results of your work, for its "fruits". If you work with inspiration to achieve results, they will be stunning

Formula "Success in business"

This will allow a businessman to activate the necessary and useful qualities in himself, without which it is difficult to imagine conducting such cases. Responsibility for one's actions, discipline, flexibility, the ability to find new non-standard solutions - all this can be obtained using this formula.

It contains three runes:

  • Teyvaz: Activates the desire for victory, allows a person to gain a strong will and a strong character, not to give up under the yoke of difficulties, to fight to the last
  • Fehu: Gives a material result, allows you to properly use the available resources
  • Laguz: Turns on strong intuition, gives the businessman the ability to intuitively feel how and when it is better to act in order to achieve success

Becoming successful in negotiations

The key to a good business is always the right, reliable contacts. In order for the negotiations to be successful, and both parties to conclude only mutually beneficial deals, you can use the formula from Gebo, Otala. The first rune attracts the right partners, working with whom will bring success to both parties. The second - protects your company from any failures, and the third symbolizes traditions, boundaries, property, i.e. allows you to create a solid "foundation" for your activities.

Runic stakes on trading and raising profits

The data will help those whose business is related to trade. They will allow you to attract profitable customers, increase financial turnover and stay afloat even in the face of fierce competition.

Becoming to increase profits and attract customers

This runic attitude to attract customers and profits can even be drawn right on the doors of your store. It contains only four characters:

  • Fehu: Will attract financial well-being to you
  • Uruz: Helps to move from " dead center» even stagnant cases
  • Othala: Will protect the territory of your store, and together with Fehu make a profit
  • Soulou: Will make your firm successful and prosperous

Runic formula "For trade"

This runic becoming a trade has proven itself among businessmen whose activities are related to sales. It includes:

  • Direct and mirror Fehu - material well-being
  • Otala - the symbol of the seller himself
  • Four - attract profits and gifts
  • - proven and reliable clients
  • Soulou - highlights the seller in a good light in front of potential customers
  • Yera - an engine that allows the station to work
  • Raido - symbolizes the legitimate ways of trading activities
  • Kenaz - replenishes the wallet of a businessman engaged in trade

We hope that the formulas listed above will be useful to you. Good luck and prosperity to your business!

It has become quite popular these days. attracting customers with runes– and this is no accident. Properly chosen symbols help to radically change the whole situation and put an end to poverty.

Runes are universal symbols used in divination and rituals. They are also applied to the body and to amulets, as protective signs.

Those who have delved into the secrets of sacred images know that they can also be used to develop their own business. You can invent rune staves independently, or you can use already proven formulas. The main thing is that you believe in the effectiveness of the process and never for a moment doubt the magic.

For Fortune to be favorable to you, never doubt the power of the runes. Thank them for their help and support. And you yourself will see how your destiny changes before your eyes.

Runes to attract customers and money

There are several runes that work in this direction:

  • Algiz- serves as a guide in difficult situations. She will show the right path and will not allow you to get confused in the first stages. Drives away troubles - after all, there are enough of them in the business world.
  • The main runes for success in work

    Have you decided to start your own business, but something keeps getting in the way? Either competitors do not allow you to develop, then the state program does not suit you, then customers turn away from your institution.

    Perhaps the time has come for magic - and the runes will help with this.

    Welfare will help to return a special rune. He will drive away all envious people, all ill-wishers. The formula consists of the following characters:

    • Mannaz- personifies the performer of the stav.
    • Gebo You are open to help. Experienced businessmen will see your desire to develop and help at first.
    • Eyvaz is a magnet for buyers.
    • Fehu- all kinds of movements of monetary energy.
    • Laguz- develops the intuition of a real entrepreneur. You will never take on an unprofitable business and be able to unravel the catch.
    • Teyvaz- awakens self-confidence.
    • Algiz- helps to properly distribute work time and teach you to rest (without recovery, you are unlikely to reach the top).
    • Soulou- directs towards the goal.
    • Perth- the attraction of success.
    • Hyères– prevents a profitable client from leaving you.


Runic staves are ancient tools for studying the external or internal world and influencing them. For esotericists, combinations of symbols are amulets that can change something in the mind or in some business. Runes to attract customers have long been an integral part of doing business or regular work.

How runic business formulas work

The use of formulas from runes is considered one of the most powerful and successful tasks in business.

Each runic sign is a full-fledged symbol with its own mystical features. But the right combination of such signs will help to achieve greater results than each separately.

The stakes became the basis for the emergence of rune amulets. Several characters in a row are a runescript, a runic formula. It is extremely important to clearly understand, outside the formulas, and what role it plays in the runescript itself.

To succeed in the task, you need to understand the basic rules for grouping runes into the correct formulas.

  1. First you need to decide on a goal. It can be attracting large customers, effective advertising of the organization, increasing profits. Without a clear goal, it is difficult to come up with a competent formula that will work. It is also important to highlight the main goal, and not several small ones.
  2. After setting the main task, one should proceed to a direct study of the meaning of the runes. Each of them has a certain set of abilities, with the correct use of which unlimited possibilities open up. It is dangerous to use runes without knowledge of the matter, so you can harm yourself.
  3. Next, a technique for forming a group of symbols is selected.
  4. At the end -

How to make bets correctly

Success in business is the path from the birth of an idea to its successful implementation. But sometimes there are difficulties when they unsettle. In this case, you can turn to the magical power of the staves for help. Specialists in rune technology competently draw up formulas for luck in business.

  1. Becoming the "Golden Dragon". It consists of the runes Teyvaz, Algiz, Evaz, Dagaz, Mannaz, Inguz, Laguz. These signs are able to open new paths in any business. They also help to increase the flow of finances, protect against ill-wishers and other problems, and attract large customers.
  2. Having become lucky in business, Kenaz, Feu and Vunyo became Components. Kenaz is responsible for the development of a person's creative potential and helps to finish everything that has been started to the end, not to quit halfway through. Feu directs forces to maintain wealth and increase it. Vunyo charges with positive energy and gives pleasure.
  3. Bet on wealth. Runes for this stav: Perth, Feu, Uruz, Nautiz, Kano (2), Inguz, Yera. They help you achieve financial well-being. If there is one, then the guarantee also contributes to its preservation. In ancient times, it was believed that this formula would help to reap a rich harvest.

These are the main runescripts that can be useful in creating and strengthening a business.

Becoming the "Golden Dragon"

How to activate formulas for profit

To translate the goals into reality, you need to write the staves on a separate sheet. Next, you need to activate them. This may be a slander or another available method. If you use a reservation, then the leaf must then be burned and thanked for the fulfilled idea.

In the process of activating the runes, it is necessary to direct thoughts in a positive direction. The conversation must take place in silence. So no one will interfere with the process. It is important to be able to ignore problems in business and believe in success. Runes will only help with this.

The process of activating runes and their impact on human life and running a successful business depends directly on the correct execution of the order of formulating. In the sign system, each rune is important.

Without the right set, even the most strong rune may lose all power. The mood of the person is also important. You need to clearly express your thoughts and desires so as not to confuse yourself and do everything right.

It helps to visualize what you need to have in reality. You need to literally scroll in your head and, as it were, observe the process of realizing the goal in real life.

Whether it is the successful opening of a new business or the continuation of an old one, attracting large clients or one-time contracts; increasing future earnings or maintaining the former; trade development.

Everything is extremely individual, so you should use those runes that will significantly affect the case. You can find out very simply: each becoming consists of several runes with certain features. The most successful combination will be the one that will ultimately affect the fulfillment of the final goal.

Is it possible to invent runescripts on your own

Some runes appeared even before the birth of Christ. If translated from Greek, the word "rune" means "mystery", "secret". Time passed and individual characters were grouped.

This is how the systems of signs turned out, which later became the sacred alphabet. Runes were originally used for writing. Each sign had a phonetic meaning and magical abilities.

Closer to the XI century AD. the first Germanic alphabet based on runes appeared. It is because of the names of the first six runes. Numerous variations of this system have survived to this day. They differ in the number of characters and the way they are written. Futhark consisted of 24 runes, which could not be interchanged with each other. Later, another sign appeared - an empty rune of Odin.

Scandinavian runes (click on the picture for details)