How to make an Aries man jealous. How do you behave when you are jealous, according to your zodiac sign. aries jealous zodiac sign

According to astrologers, the sign of the zodiac under which a man is born can have a strong influence on his fate and his character. And this is true, so you can learn how to conquer the Aries man. Having studied some of the features of a particular zodiac sign, a woman can easily compose the psychotype of the personality of her beloved. Let's try to figure out how to please Aries, making quite specific efforts.

So, girls, into whose soul a man born under the sign of Aries has sunk, need to be patient, because the path to conquering such a peak can be very difficult and long.

Before you start conquering any man, you just need to figure out what kind of character he has, what weak and strong qualities, it is this information that will become decisive for conquering the heart of Aries.

What is an Aries man

Perhaps, Aries is considered to be one of the most powerful signs of the zodiac in terms of energy. The planet that rules this zodiac sign is Mars. Therefore, these men are always assertive and impulsive. Emotions that hit Aries over the edge often push them to commit rash acts, which they may later regret.

The Aries man is a leader, he is the leader in any company, he is always in the center of all events. These guys do not like to sit on the sidelines, they go ahead to their goal without fear of any obstacles. They are characterized by such masculine qualities as endurance and courage.

Girls who decide to try to win the heart of an Aries man should discard indecision and modesty, otherwise they risk going unnoticed. This sign of the zodiac is swift and energetic and tries to surround itself with exactly the same people as itself, with whom it will not be bored to communicate. Timid, slow people even make him feel irritated.

Sometimes a young man of this fiery zodiac sign seems to be aggressive and unnecessarily demanding around. However, at the same time, he is an ardent truth-seeker and wants the same attitude towards himself. Gossip, intrigue and other kinds of manipulation are not for these guys. Often, for this reason, he may not have a relationship with his superiors at work, because Aries will never curry favor with someone, endure insults addressed to him.

In a difficult situation, a woman who is next to him can completely rely on him, being sure that he will never betray her and will always be the first to help, substituting his reliable male shoulder. At the same time, he will expect admiration and all kinds of encouragement from his beloved. Sometimes this strong man can even resemble a child who, having not received what he wants, is offended and pouts. But he does not know how to harbor anger for a long time and, under the influence of female affection, quickly forgets about everything.

Love relationships for a man born under this fiery sign are native elements. Having fallen in love, he forgets about everything in the world except his soulmate. He showers his woman with flowers, compliments, showers her with gifts, but, unfortunately, this is not the case for long. A few days after a man achieves his goal, he can easily forget about her and send her in search of a new lady of the heart. At the same time, every time the Aries man really believes that he has finally found his one and only.

That is why the girls who fell in love with the men of this zodiac constellation and firmly decided to conquer and conquer the Aries man once and for all, will have to make a lot of efforts not only to attract the attention of such a gentleman, but also to keep him next to them.

What kind of girls can like an Aries man

Aries men are extremely capricious when choosing their soulmate. They will not like housewives who are ready to sacrifice their careers for the sake of their beloved husband and family, but careerists will also not receive their attention. For these men, the ideal option would be a woman who is able to combine independence and femininity. The one who will be able to fulfill herself as a person in terms of a career, but at the same time will also be an excellent housewife.

The Aries man is militant like a medieval knight, which may be why, in his dreams, he imagines a girl next to him, whose image will remind him of fairy princesses. His chosen one should be submissive, tender and devoted to him, but at the same time keep a certain mystery in himself. Of course, the second half of Aries should be beautiful, because it is very important for him to have only the best, regardless of whether it concerns things or girls.

This guy will not tolerate a noisy person next to him, at the first scandal he will pack his things and leave forever. It is useless to argue with this man. He will always defend his point of view to the last, even if he himself realizes that it is far from the truth.

Aries needs to be constantly intrigued so that he does not lose interest in his woman. The girl should not immediately reveal all her cards to him. Let it be for him an unread book that he will be interested in studying again and again.

Despite the fact that in their heads these men draw a hard-to-reach woman next to them, Aries men still choose quite self-confident and bright girls who know their own worth. He needs not only to admire his companion himself, but also for her to delight his acquaintances. Lazy and boring gray mice will never even deserve his glance at themselves.

Guys, the fire element is extremely freedom-loving and does not tolerate annoying women. They like it when relationships develop naturally. Each of the partners should have their own interests, an exciting life. Monotony makes Aries men unhappy.

At heart, the Aries guy is very kind, although he tries to hide this quality behind a mask of aggression. He will look for a girl exactly the same. It is vital for him to be supported in all his endeavors, praised for his successes. Beloved should be attentive and affectionate to him.

If you want to know how to seduce an Aries man, then in terms of intimacy from a woman, he will wait for passion and fire. He likes sexy and sensual girls who do not hesitate to show themselves in bed and in every possible way demonstrate everything that they can do in order to give their partner maximum pleasure.

From his other half, Aries, of course, will require honesty in relationships. If a woman dares to hide something from him or cheats on him, their relationship will immediately end.

How to behave a woman with a man of the planet Mars

  • # Never enter into an argument and fight for leadership. A woman will achieve an Aries man much faster if she shows female wisdom and surrounds him with caress and care in every possible way. But she will have to give up the laurels of leadership to her boyfriend.
  • # Never try to provoke jealousy in an Aries man. These guys don't tolerate betrayal. Even a fleeting flirtation of their women with another representative of the stronger sex will be equated with treason and will cause uncontrolled aggression.
  • # It is categorically impossible to reproach Aries for something. He may be offended Small child and not having received warmth and affection from his woman, to find him in the arms of another lady.
  • # You can’t try to make a homebody out of an Aries man. He likes the spirit of adventurism, constant changes in life, travel. Girls who are looking for calm husbands leading a sedentary lifestyle should bypass the representatives of this sign.
  • # It is necessary to lead a bright, rich life. Maintain optimism and goodwill in any situation. Be purposeful and unpredictable.
    Keep the Aries man faithful and be extremely honest with him, and sometimes generous. Aries needs to be forgiven for their shortcomings and praised for their virtues.

How is the relationship with the Aries man

It is not so easy to get the love of an Aries man, therefore, not every representative of the beautiful half of humanity is given to attract the attention of a "fiery" man, however, keeping this, even an already conquered, indefatigable romance nearby, turns out to be even more difficult.

If the love of the Aries man is already in your pocket, but you want to maintain a long alliance with him, you will have to play by his rules. Such a guy has pronounced masculine qualities. It is important that all important family problems and affairs are solved by him. The chosen one of Aries should not get into this, otherwise her behavior can be interpreted by him as an encroachment on his male territory.

A man born under this sign is able to take responsibility for himself and all members of his family. He may well make sure that his loved ones do not need anything. From a woman, he will expect her to be a real keeper of the hearth and not drag him into household chores.

To please an Aries man, it is important to know that it is important for such guys to be a leader in relationships. Aries will never be able to meet a woman who has advanced further up the career ladder or earns more solid amounts than he himself. Indeed, according to these men, this alignment of affairs affects their masculine honor and dignity, which are above all for Aries.

In some ways, there are some contradictions in the dreams of the perfect woman for the Aries man. He dreams of finding a bright, independent woman with luxurious external data. As a rule, such girls are rarely submissive and obedient. But for a "fiery" man, these criteria are extremely important. He wants his future wife to be a lighter and leader for colleagues and acquaintances, and in relations with him she has a meek disposition.

A girl whose heart is won by a man Aries can count on a boring and full of bright events life. But you should not count on the fact that they will be able to quickly force Aries to marry themselves. These men love freedom too much, and sometimes they are not ready to say goodbye to it even in adulthood. This is largely due to the fact that Aries men are afraid to make a mistake in choosing a life partner and do not want to limit themselves to only one woman.

A complete collection of materials on the topic: the jealousy of an Aries man from experts in their field.

Aries man is a bright sensual nature. The representative of the fire sign has a hot temper. A fire of passions rages in his soul. The representative of this sign is rightfully considered a true connoisseur female beauty and one of the most jealous signs of the zodiac. Aries is ready to lay all the treasures of the world at the feet of his chosen one. However, the beloved must remember the violent temperament of her man. In a fit of jealousy, Aries is capable of much. One wrong step and the situation can change dramatically.

The chosen one of Aries must keep the bar high in everything. We absolutely do not allow flirting on the side. Jealousy can wake up a volcano of passions, move to aggressive actions. The slightest suspicion of the dubious behavior of the other half drives the temperamental man out of himself. In this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that Aries will destroy everything in its path! The beloved will have to make every effort to cool her fiery cavalier and convince him of her innocence.

How to Make an Aries Man Jealous?

Emotional Aries requires a sensitive approach. To cause his jealousy is quite simple, the heart of a temperamental man is in the heat of passion. He does not for a moment allow the thought that someone can be better and more interesting than his significant person. The slightest hint of the interest of the chosen one in another man instantly infuriates him. The representative of the fire sign must have sole control over his beloved. A jealous Aries will try to do everything possible to bind his woman to him.

Jealousy is a very strong feeling, especially when it comes to romantic relationships between a man and a woman. A person is designed in such a way that often he cannot fight it or does not even realize that he is experiencing this feeling. Even the calmest people, regardless of gender, are susceptible to jealousy.

The stars can talk about how people behave when they experience feelings of jealousy in a romantic relationship. Of course, some manifestations of jealousy are repeated among representatives of various zodiac signs, but there are also distinctive features moreover, manifestations of jealousy often differ between men and women.

1. Aries, man: either does not feel jealousy at all, or jealousy completely overcomes his

A man born under the sign of Aries lives in extremes - something may not bother him at all, but something may occupy all his feelings and thoughts, simply because it is important to him. If he is upset about something, he will show it, if he feels happy, everyone will see it too. If Aries is feeling jealous, he may show his aggressive side because his feelings were hurt. But in fairness, it's worth saying that Aries may not experience feelings of jealousy at all. Among Aries, there are such men when you can put an equal sign: Aries man \u003d jealousy, but there are those that do not even have a shadow of this feeling in them. Either way, the Aries man will tell you how he feels. He is not the type to have affairs on the side and expect the same fidelity from his romantic partner.

2. Aries, woman

They don't have time for jealousy. They have a strong sense of self-worth, and therefore a weak sense of jealousy cannot embarrass them. However, sometimes jealousy can still cause excitement in an Aries woman, however, fortunately for her, she can cope with this feeling. Jealousy can seriously excite her in one single case - if a person is really very important to her. She will try to cope with this, but the Aries woman is too direct a person not to understand how she feels.

3. Taurus Man: Very bossy and can be a little clingy.

A guy born under the sign of Taurus is possibly the most stubborn person you will meet in your life. It's pretty hard to get a Taurus guy to be closer to him. own feelings. He places more emphasis on showing his feelings, including jealousy, to others. However, if he still manages to understand his feelings, it will be very easy for him to refuse such scenes and simply show the person how much irritation he experiences in situations that cause jealousy.

4. Taurus Woman: Will tell you to get the fuck out if she thinks you're purposefully trying to make her jealous

The Taurus woman reacts the same way as the Taurus man when it comes to jealousy, but there are significant differences. If the Taurus man can not resist when his partner makes him jealous - on purpose or to prove his case in such a strange way - the Taurus woman will never come to terms with such behavior. She will think that you are trying to manipulate her, and in this case she will not even understand, because for her this is one of the most terrible types of betrayal. Taurus women are very sensual and always choose feelings, but if you give her a serious reason to believe that she should no longer have feelings for you, the cold logical side of her line will show up very quickly.

5. Gemini Man: Can talk openly about a situation

Gemini men are completely open about their feelings. They are excellent conversationalists, so they will tell you that they feel a little uncomfortable long before the onset of such an unpleasant situation as jealousy. However, Gemini men are more likely to make other people jealous of themselves than to feel jealous. However, if he is really jealous, he needs to be reassured. Just know that if a Gemini man is out of balance because of you, then he definitely cares and cares about you more than you think and more than he shows it.

6. Gemini, female: more likely to feel jealous of friends than a romantic partner

The strongest feeling of jealousy Gemini women experience, oddly enough, not in romantic relationships, but in friendships. They care about their relationship with a man, of course, but they worry more about their paid relationship with friends.

7 Cancer Man: He's easier to talk to when he's not feeling jealous

Cancer guys are some of the most jealous guys that live on the planet. It would be easier to tell you cases when Cancer guys are not jealous, but such cases almost never happen. And even after a breakup, the Cancer guy may make attempts to get back together solely out of jealousy for your new boyfriend.

8 Cancer Woman: Won't say anything because she thinks she takes everything too personally.

Cancer women try to calm down when they feel jealous, because they believe that this is exactly what is expected of them. They are constantly afraid of appearing as overreacting to things, so they prefer to hide the feelings and reactions that arise. The problem is that even if you hide your feelings, it doesn't mean you don't have them. This means that there will be as much hidden discontent in you as unexpressed jealousy. A woman born under this sign, like all people, has a boiling point, and if brought to it, she will explode. Be sensitive to feelings and be tactful.

9 Leo Man: They don't feel jealous

A man born under the sign of Leo is not jealous. He is not jealous of other guys. Why should he do this? He's great, and if other people don't notice how good he is, that's their problem, not his. Also, he is not inclined to make some grandiose crazy gestures to prove his love, since he believes that the gesture itself does not mean anything, he prefers to show his feelings in a different way, in a relationship in which both people are valued.

10. Leo, female: will do anything to win appreciation again

A woman born under the sign of Leo knows her worth. She will show jealousy much faster than a Leo man would. She likes to be the center of attention. And while she may make time for others from time to time, she wants to be the center of her romantic partner's attention. And in fairness it should be said that to some extent she is right. The Leo woman will do everything to be the center of attention of her romantic partner again. If a Leo woman feels jealous, she won't hold back because she really doesn't see the reason for it. Her reaction is a natural consequence of the other person's behavior. Leo women are much more temperamental than others, so be prepared to explode if something happens.

11. Virgo, man: will not say anything, but his behavior will be passive aggressive

Virgos are men who keep their emotions under control. They prefer to withdraw from the situation and focus on other things when they feel jealous. However, they do experience this feeling and it will show up from time to time. When this happens, it looks like passive aggression. He will not turn into a monster, but he will be distant, aloof and cold. He will try to understand the situation, and if he finds something that he does not like, he will stop trusting.

12. Virgo, woman: knows her own worth. Will not waste nerves on jealousy

Women born under the sign of Virgo are not alien to jealousy. But the difference between Virgos and other women is that Virgos can handle jealousy. She forces herself to realize that jealousy is a problem that she needs to deal with herself, and this helps to find a mature solution to deal with what is happening. Women born under the sign of Virgo break up with a man who makes them feel jealous for manipulative purposes or gives real reasons for jealousy. However, if the reason why she felt jealous turns out to be insignificant, she will give a chance to restore the relationship, before all ties are severed. Women born under the sign of Virgo prefer to use logic in all situations, including when they are jealous. And it even scares me sometimes.

13. Libra man: rationalizes everything, even in the worst of times

Libra men usually act like they're too cool to be jealous. It may not actually be the case, but they play the part very well. In fact, Libra men want two things the most: they want to be loved and they want to avoid conflict. Unfortunately for Libra men, they are very jealous, so they spend a lot of time rationalizing this feeling.

13 Libra Woman: Makes you jealous more than you made her.

Women born under the sign of Libra also like to be loved, and they also do not like conflicts, but they are much more willing to let out their claws. If a Libra woman is jealous, she will try to beat you at your own game, and honestly, she is capable of doing so. Libra women tend to be charismatic and attractive, which makes it easy for people to like them. You will want to win her back, and not continue to do what caused her jealousy and anger. With a woman born under the sign of Libra, jokes are bad. It's better not to take risks with them.

14. Scorpio, male: becomes a scary creature can ruin your life because of something insignificant

Scorpio men tend to be the most jealous. It just needs to be taken for granted. The jealousy of a man born under the sign of Scorpio can be absolutely intimidating for those who don't know how to deal with it. Many astrologers tell women to be careful with Scorpio men. Men born under this sign are very passionate and can be real owners. They can be jealous not only of people who may threaten the relationship in the present, but also of complete strangers or those whom you dated many years ago, although this is unreasonable. This is because she methodically learns everything about you and your current life. She'll find out about everyone you've dated and how you're spending your time. And be careful with likes in in social networks. otherwise the story will come

15. Scorpio, female: turns into a special agent tracking a suspect

A Scorpio woman may not be as possessive of people as a Scorpio man. However, they are the most jealous among all the signs of the zodiac. While Scorpio men can be downright scary when they get jealous, a Scorpio woman may not show how she feels at first. This is because she methodically learns everything about you and your current life. She'll find out about everyone you've dated and how you're spending your time. And be careful with likes on social networks. Otherwise, get ready for an interrogation. Better be open with a Scorpio woman - not for her sake, but for your own sake.

16. Sagittarius, man: does not feel jealousy

The Sagittarius man does not have the word "jealousy" in vocabulary. Most likely, if he does experience this feeling, he does not allow it to develop and does not go crazy about it. It just doesn't fit his nature. It's not that he doesn't have feelings for people who try to make him jealous or anything, it's just that he knows that if something really happens, he'll walk away without asking questions. Since he knows in advance how he will act, he does not need to actively show concern. If you're dating a Taurus guy and you feel like you're feeling jealous, just talk to him about it. He will be honest with you and any vulnerability will go away because you have talked about it.

16. Sagittarius, woman

The Sagittarius woman is a bit controversial when it comes to jealousy. She is impulsive and free spirited. Most of the time she is not jealous. To be honest, she's too busy with other things to spend so much time on jealousy. But if she still feels jealous, she can be herself scary woman among representatives of all signs of the zodiac. It is better not to awaken her anger. She is calm in 99% of cases, but if you get on that very 1%, it will not seem enough.

17. Capricorn, man: completely goes into work and refuses to talk about anything

A Capricorn man can be a very jealous person, but he chooses to deal with jealousy in a different way. He goes into his own thoughts and all, rather than considering the situation. Looking at the situation means being aware of how he feels, and frankly, he has real problems with that. When Capricorn is jealous, he does not show passive aggression. He just refuses to give meaning to this feeling, and in his head it somehow works. Other people may find this coping mechanism strange, but it works for him and that's what matters to him. In the end, he will want to deal with the situation: Capricorn men fall in love often and easily, so they will try to fix the situation before leaving.

17. Capricorn, female: will feel jealous for 5 seconds, then it will pass

Capricorn women are not overly jealous, but if they are jealous, then everything is usually similar to what happens with Capricorn men in the sense that they will not talk about it. A Capricorn woman may be offended for a while, but this will not last long. She believes that she shouldn't feel jealous because it's unreasonable, so she won't feel it. Firstly, it distracts from the really important things that need to be done, and secondly, she will not continue a relationship with a person whom she cannot trust. A Capricorn woman leaves either from a feeling of jealousy or from a relationship if she feels that her partner is unfaithful to her.

18. Aquarius, man: quickly deal with feelings of jealousy or let the couple be together and leave

Aquarius men can behave differently when they are jealous. It all depends on their personal qualities. The first option is that the Aquarius man will cope with the feeling of jealousy quite quickly, even without the support of loved ones or some kind of external influence. The second option is that he will simply withdraw from the situation, not because he doesn't want to deal with the betrayal or because he's upset, but because he doesn't want to get in the way of what is clearly going well. Watermarks are generally unpredictable when it comes to their emotions and don't show them to people. Aquarius guys are no exception: they are not the ones who will show their true self, and if they do, then this is because the one to whom they opened up has earned their trust.

19. Aquarius woman: she needs to be explained what jealousy is, because for her it is like a foreign concept

Aquarius women deal with jealousy in much the same way as Aquarius men, but more often than not, jealousy is just something foreign to them. They may feel insecure while in a relationship and feel like something is going on behind their back, but that won't be the way most people describe jealousy. Rather, the Aquarius Woman will feel that this is their problem, and not something that they must confront in a relationship with a partner. Of course, this changes with age, and mature Aquarius Women better recognize such a painful feeling as jealousy.

20. Pisces, men: the least jealous men, but if something happens, they will be offended

Pisces guys are one of the least jealous signs of the zodiac because they are endowed with strong empathy. It is even better to say that they are not the least jealous, but the most romantic. Therefore, they will prefer to win by courting you so that you cannot resist. But if they still feel jealousy, it will be very difficult to experience it. These are emotional guys, and they are more likely to experience outbursts of sadness than anger. Guys born under the sign of Pisces expect warmth, because they themselves give it away very quickly. Therefore, if you are dating a guy born under the sign of Pisces, let him feel that his feelings are mutual.

21. Pisces, women: jealousy will completely absorb them and they will someday take revenge

Pisces women are not as reserved as men born under this zodiac sign. If they feel that something is wrong in their relationship, they will feel hurt and humiliated, and then the one who dared to offend them will not do well. Retribution may not come today or tomorrow, but someday it will definitely happen. Better not to joke with women born under the sign of Pisces.

And it does not depend on your actions. It comes from within, or it comes from you, or it doesn't.

And if you are a Scorpio, you still will not get along.

I mean, should I wait for an initiative from him? Do not write, do not call first?

you can arrange a theater of one actor. jealousy, resentment, violent reconciliation .. he likes seething emotions around him .. you can call, write .. but be prepared for rejection and do not lower your wings .. at least it turns them on very much ..

they are actually big owners, but if they trust, then they are 100% sure and maybe then they are not jealous

17. Fluffy Cloud

I have an Aries boyfriend who is insanely jealous!

And when is your birthday?

My Aries boyfriend was always testing me and was crazy jealous! They swore even because of insignificant messages in ICQ, he even tried to forbid me to go there. I deleted one in classmates, tk. he completely vomited the tower! And he could also write to me from another SIM card when I was with him and look at my reaction. I wrote from the Internet. In general, Marina is right - if Aries cares, then he will be furious.

How to make jealous? Yes, very simple. Kill a friend under the name "Kostya" and let her send you sms what thread, every 10 minutes, when you are with him. at least 5 times. The effect will be awesome! My all tried to climb into my phone, and I immediately delete all SMS - a habit! So he said that I was hiding something there. =))))

You are not his wife after all.

but to draw his attention to you, this is oh, how possible. your alleged indifference to his person.

he must feel that he is losing you.

but I understand that he has not acquired you yet)) he is not interested in you

make the ram jealous. he would rather slaughter you than be jealous.

I see the girl liked it, I start to knock out wedges, if I find out that she has a boyfriend, I wait, as soon as she quits - a bunch of JOY (I can even go get drunk for joy), and then I start a stupid assault attack attracting the girl’s winmania to my person. Even if she doesn’t like me, I still won’t give up mine, I’ll go to the last.

If an affair started and she began to cheat - everything is kapets. Terribly jealous.

And as they wrote above, if you don’t like the girl, then let her do anything - absolutely don’t care about her, there is only the one that I like.

I'm an Aries and I'm jealous.

Aries are only jealous of those they care about. If he doesn’t care about you, then all your attempts to make him jealous will only seem stupid to him.

Or pissed off in the worst case for you.

Hammer - Aries is such a creature - he either likes a person right away or does not like it.

And that's all. If he loves, he is jealous, he can even kill)))))))

I'm an Aries and I'm jealous.

Story from my life. I met a ram. A spark ran. She herself took the initiative to communicate. He began to roll up unequivocally with hints, put him in his place. And then an assault attack of seduction from him went. (I forgot: at that time I had a fiancé. And he knew this very well.)

Waited. yes)))) He himself led everything to quitting. She didn’t quit.)))) As a result, he rudely sent me off, doubting my sympathy for him. And then I threw my fiancé with a psycho. etc. Basically Santa Barbara. Taurus herself.

I am a fish, my ex is an Aries

used to run after him, sobbing, it terribly infuriated him.

because they don't like constancy

and I decided to drop the situation,

forgot about him i.e. didn’t call, didn’t write, didn’t impose myself on him)

it over time, too, began to infuriate sooo!

he started calling himself, then disappeared again for 2 months, then appeared.

I wanted to make up, I forgave, they started talking, he wanted to renew the relationship

I refused, telling him that: "I'm sorry. But I want a serious, long-term relationship, and we only have fucking sex with you and that's it."

then he disappeared again for 2 months and reappeared already in love began to swear)

can't forget me, wants a serious long-term relationship)

and I don't trust them anymore. but I want to play with him, as he once with me ..)

so girls they need awesome sex and don't push him, don't impose yourself on him, let him call you write)

they love to achieve everything themselves! so let them achieve you too!

Aries are wonderful! if your boyfriend is an Aries, you will never be without attention, he will save and protect. But - jealous to horror. Not that there is a reason - but so - without a reason! They will enter your life brazenly and decisively and will not ask permission. They will settle in all parts of your soul and space. My favorite is Aries! lamb! I'm a fish. I love it to the point of madness, but once I almost lost it. now you have to restrain feelings, and sometimes - on the contrary - so that passions boil. It's not to relax

Aries is very jealous, although he does not know how to love, terribly touchy, but does not love

No rams are wonderful, terribly jealous and notorious, they didn’t give a damn about everyone if it wasn’t them themselves. They love only themselves, but at the same time they pout terribly if they are not praised. And Kate's advice to you - try not to pay attention to him, do not call, do not look for meetings, and then he will start running after you, but on condition that he is not indifferent to you. And his behavior is disappearing for months, this is one of two things:

Or the fear of losing freedom is very afraid of a real relationship

Or you are not his ideal

Aries are selfish and love only themselves. And they are creepy assholes

I am a fish, my ex is an Aries

nu ti i dura. tupaja

nu ti i dura tupaja,kapec.

1. and what should I do then?)) I am a scorpio.

But alas and ah, you are a scorpio, as far as I know about your zodiac sign, you are also a leader and will not yield to an ram. In general, read about fish women, as they say, we are not suitable for rams, but we arouse interest right off the bat, though when the lamur already begins, here we do not encourage the fish to cons. But the main thing for you is to fall in love, well, or at least to consolidate interest, and then you yourself will fight with this extremely difficult sign.

When an Aries will experience great interest or crazy love for you. Not only will you not have to artificially generate jealousy, you will have to spend a lot of effort to avoid it. If you want to have a hard fight with a ram, flirt with a friend and it turns out that the Second World War is resting (may the Participants of this war forgive me) If you want to part with him, set your horns

What to do? I fell in love with an Aries guy (04/16/1994). I myself am a lion (08/08/1995). He said this after I confessed my feelings to him. Friends say to score on him, and I myself want to. but I can’t. For some reason, there is hope that something else could be. He himself New Year I called to celebrate with him and his friends. I did not go. I try not to impose on him, but to restrain myself and not write to him, well, it’s very difficult. I’m ready to give my life for him if he asks.

It's just that God protects you stupid creature (This is white sarcasm) Are you ready, lioness? Who wants to be the best, the most beautiful, so that everyone creeps in front of you, and your only one brings you coffee in the morning and says that you are great to wipe the snot of a little lamb saying that he is the best? In order to fulfill his whims to a greater extent, throwing your ambitions into the background? While he will show incontinence, tactlessness? Give in to him? You are a strong sign, stupidity of course, but I'm a fish, in 9th place, but I want to kill my sheep every day, slowly sawing it into pieces.

Agree completely. If you follow exactly what is written, point by point, your little lamb forever. I only recently learned how to deal with mine and immediately the relationship improved. And what was! the mind does not lend itself to common sense, scandals after quarrels. And then it just came, how to live with him, and now - pah pah. But - you can’t relax - keep the tone all your life

I'm an Aries, just a girl. I'm studying psychology. Knowing the knowledge of how to attract the male sex, I already became bored with life. Every time the guy submits, I'm not so interested.

Never tell him that you have chosen him and that he is the only light in the window otherwise for now!) Let them call you, let the guys write .. let him get used to it) You must have fans so that he submits to you! You will never know the whole Aries anyway, they are unpredictable! And they don’t even try to open up completely, believe me) study any sources where it is written about Aries, that this is not enough on the forums, because it’s almost the same here.

I am a fish, my ex is an Aries

Guest fish, my ex Aries

AAAA)))) I subscribe to your every word! The situation is similar! Plus, the signs match.

That's right, BUT! Somewhere I read that Aries are either very inventive in sex or not at all inventive - the "missionary position" is the top. So, I once met a guy (Aries), who simply gave out miracles - we were very suitable for each other. Now I live with Aries, who loves sex, but still, it doesn’t go beyond the missionary position. Despite the fact that, as they say, I can and I want to.))) If it weren’t for my enthusiasm, I don’t even know what we would do with him.

The common cause is gone. Aries are people of new ideas, actions. But it became boring, because without Aries, starting something new (business, business, etc.) is no longer so interesting. Does not start.))) Maybe this is happiness - in alliance with Aries? The line that is achieved with the right strategy. This also happens in alliance with Aries.

I’m cancer, my boyfriend is Aries, he decided to break up, I already begged and cried, but to no avail, we were together for 4 years. how to return what to do.

well, how is it? well, what are you? it's all written above. begging and crying, you have made a huge mistake.