Where to learn to fly in pandaria. WoW: Cloud Serpent Riding. Where to study? Blue, green, black and gold...

Prepared a guide about how to fly in wow legion: where to learn flying in the Broken Isles, what achievements you need to complete, how much it will cost.

In 7.0.3 and 7.1, flying in the Legion is not available - it will be possible to fly in patch 7.2.

Detailed information about what you need to do to complete the achievement Pathfinder of the Broken Isles, Part 1 can be viewed using the tool on wowhead.com.

1. Broken Isles

This achievement requires you to explore several locations in the Broken Isles: Azsuna, Highmountain, Suramar, Stormheim, and Val'sharah. You don't need to research the Eye of Azshara to get this achievement.

2. Variety is what gives flavor to life

4. Loremaster Legion

This achievement is also tied to account, but just like with the Broken Isles, there are certain limitations. In every location story line must be completed by the same character - i.e. it will not be possible to make the first character go through, say, 2 quest lines in one location, and the second one goes through all the others.

What conditions must be met to fly in the Legion:

  • Complete the first part of Pathfinder of the Broken Isles.
  • Repel Legion incursions in every zone (Defender of the Broken Isles, available after April 4).
  • Explore all of Broken Shore - Patch 7.2 location (Explore Broken Shore)
  • Reach Revered reputation with the Legionfall Faction (Legionfall Commander).

Defender of the Broken Isles

You need to repel the Legion invasions in several locations. You need to be level 110 to complete the 3 stages of Legion Incursions. At the end there will be a scenario for 3 people, in which you will need to destroy the Legion ship.

Legion Incursions can happen in any Broken Isles zone (e.g. Valsharah: Assault on Val'sharah). During the invasion, the location is filled with demons, and the world quests in this zone are replaced with others related to demons.

After completing 6 local tasks you will be sent to a special area of ​​the location, where you will need to kill special demons. Then you destroy a special device and the final scenario is launched (different for each location).

An example of an invasion of Azsuna:

Explore Broken Shore

Easy achievement, you just need to open all areas of Broken Shore (added in 7.2). In the Broken Shore, you can find discs floating in the air that will help you get to hard-to-reach places.

Legion Doom Commander

You can find out all the ways to increase reputation with the Armies of Doom of the Legion from our guide. Mainly:

  • Complete introductory quests for the Broken Shore
  • Class Order Hall Champion New Champion Quest
  • World Quests (Normal - 75 reputation, Tomb of Sargeras raid - 500 reputation)
  • Turning in resources to build buildings on the Broken Shore
  • Completing tasks for the achievement Infiltrating the Tomb

To unlock the Legionfall Armies Quartermaster, you must be level 110 and complete the Assault on Broken Shore scenario in Patch 7.2.

One of the effects of the Mage Tower building - Worthy of Respect can help with pumping reputation.

Class mounts

In patch 7.2, a faction of the Legion's Army of Doom will appear, boosting reputation with which will open up access to new class mounts and skins (relevant for some classes, for example, for shadow priests and arcane mages).

Yesterday's MoP build brought us a few goodies, such as a small bunch of class changes. Few, however, noticed among the little-known abilities of the monks a short note:

Zen Flight no longer has a duration in the description.

But it is precisely in this change that lies at the moment the best feature of the beta, namely flights that do not require level 90.

It's all about this ability of the monks:

Which is given by the symbol of the same name. It allows you to fly outdoors in Pandaria outdoors at 160% of normal speed (like the old blue flying mounts).

All you need to do to get this opportunity is:

1. Create a level 85 Premade Monk.

2. Get from the starting location of Pandaria to the Temple of the Jade Serpent in one of two ways:
a. Via LFG (which is not working well at the moment, and you can wait in line for quite a long time)

b. On foot (more reliable and less unpleasant for others)

Path Map for the Horde

3. Buy from Sklyankotar inside the instance the glyph we need and apply it.

That's all. After applying the glyph, you will automatically get this ability, which can be cast instantly, so it will help you when you fall (Pandaren don't die even when falling from maximum height). Happy flying to new lands, don't forget to make beautiful screenshots!

P.S. Locations closed for testing, such as the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, you will not be able to get anyway.

If you have just started to master the world-famous MMORPG World of Warcraft, you have probably seen other players soaring in the air on beautiful and very graceful dragons. These creatures are called cloud serpents. Getting majestic animals is not easy. Besides, just owning the reins of anyone is not enough. Because in this case, riding cloud kites will not be available to you. Where can you learn this skill? Now we learn about everything in order.

Blue, green, black and gold...

To begin with, it is worth understanding what advantages the ability to move on cloud serpents gives players. Undoubtedly, these are very beautiful mounts, which is the main advantage of owning them. Imagine riding cloud serpents ("WoW" is the game in which they are used) gives players the ability to wield multiple kinds of these creatures at once. Azure, Jade, and Golden Cloud Serpents are sold by NPCs in the Arboretum in the Jade Forest.

In addition, any player can become the owner of thunder cloud kites that differ in color. The Storm Jade, Cobalt, and Ruby Serpents look very epic! Their bodies are entangled with bolts of lightning that are constantly in motion. But the most unusual in its beauty is the translucent body of which adorns a real constellation.

Where to get training

So, you must have become interested in riding cloud kites. Where to learn the art of managing these majestic creatures? Can it be done quickly? Of course, any player may have difficulties with this, because training takes a lot of time. In addition, you need to know where the cloud kite riding teacher is. That is what we are going to talk about now.

To begin the tutorial, the player must reach at least level 85 and enter Pandaria. The Arboretum is located in the eastern part of the Jade Forest. It is there that Elder Anli and instructor Tun are located, teaching cloud kite riding. Getting this knowledge will not work right away, as you will have to achieve exaltation from representatives of the order of the same name. Only in this case, the player will be able to ride cloud snakes. We have already found out where to learn this, so you should start pumping your reputation.

How to Earn Exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpent

The player takes the first step to exalted with representatives of the order when he takes the quest from Instructor Thun. To get started, you will have to complete several tasks, which consist in protecting small snakes from the bloodthirsty saurok on the Windward Isle, obtaining meat for growing mounts, and so on. After that, the character has access to daily tasks in the Arboretum. Before you can fly this vehicle, you will have to take care of the growing kite: feed it, play ball with it, train it and protect it.

After you achieve exalted status, all that remains is to pass the final test: ride a grown cloud serpent to fly through the rings of clouds, and then make a kind of race on your mount through the same clouds, but through certain points. At the same time, it is important not to forget to collect balloons along the way and check in at the flags. All this will take about two weeks.

Reputation secrets

Do you want to increase your reputation with the Order faster so that you can ride cloud serpents? Where can I learn this in a maximum of two days? There is a secret, of course. And you do not need to fly to another location to gain access to the control of the majestic mount.

In order to become the owner of a cloud serpent literally in a day and learn how to control it, after completing the starting quests, you can collect Onyx eggs and hand them over to Elder Anli. Each copy adds 550 points to reputation with the Order of the Cloud Serpent. You can find them throughout the Jade Forest and on the Timeless Isle.

The number of quests performed per day is not limited, therefore, with special diligence and care, you can collect in just a few hours required amount eggs. Want to level up your reputation even faster? Then you should purchase a special badge that exactly doubles the experience gained from this faction. That is, for one handed egg you will be given not 550, but 1100 points.

Once exalted, you can move on to completing the final challenges. Their successful passage will give the opportunity to learn how to fly on cloud kites.

Greetings to all! Today's article is about horseback riding and is designed for beginners. The official forums are full of questions from newbies about certain aspects of the game, and mount skills are no exception. Remembering the times when he himself went for clues to informational resources, decided to devote this material to the order of leveling the skill and its use in various additions to the world of military craft.

To begin with, it should be mentioned that Riding is a passive ability that is not pumped in the usual sense, but the level of its possession increases as the character's level increases. Also, along with the increase in skill, mined or purchased animals will be able to move around the world of Azeroth at an ever greater speed:

    student - 60%;
    journeyman - 100%;
    handyman— 150%;
    master - 280%;
    riding master - 310%.

In this case, the first two relate to terrestrial animals, and from the moment the skill is acquired Craftsman character gains the ability to use flying mounts. Further, this passive ability will make it possible to use it in locations corresponding to a specific WoW expansion as you learn from trainers or flight instructors dispersed throughout the game world. Primary riding training can be obtained in the capital of any race and low-level locations.

List of riding (flying) teachers

So, for factions, teachers can be:

For Alliance riding teachers:

    Binji Featherwhistle;
    Ilsa Stormy Brew;
    Pilot Vic;
    Randal Hunter;
    Roxy Rocketwing;
    Ultham Thunderhorn;
    Hargen Bronzewing;
    Hira Snow Dawn.

For Hordes riding teachers:

    Velma Varnam;
    Kar Stormsinger;
    Roxy Rocketwing;
    Hira Snow Dawn.

Riding and Flying Trainer in Alliance and Horde Capitals

Well, players, of course, can take the first driving lessons in the capitals of their factions. So, in Stormwind, Bral Smokewing, Darlene Stokes, and Mei Lin will be cheaply taken for training.

In Orgrimmar, Kildar, Mazta, Softpaws and Revy Springs will work with you for the same money. As already mentioned, the possibility of learning opens up as the character grows and appears when a certain level is reached.

So, now the skill the apprentice is already studied at level 20, the apprentice at level 40, the craftsman at level 60, and the master at level 70. At the same time, the skill of using flying vehicles in Northrend (flying in bad weather) can be learned at level 68, and for flying over Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms and the Underdark, it will be enough to purchase a Master's License airways the same trainers in the faction capitals at level 60. As for flying in Pandaria, such an opportunity appears at the time of learning the Wisdom of the Four Winds from the masters located in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. For the Horde, this is Sky Dancer Shun, and for the Alliance, this is Cloud Rider Leng, residing in the Shrine of the Two Moons and the Shrine of the Seven Stars, respectively.

The cost of learning a skill, for characters who do not have a reputation, it will be:

    student - 4 gold;
    journeyman - 50 gold;
    craftsman - 250 gold;
    airway master's license— 250 gold;
    flying in bad weather - 500 gold;
    master - 5000 gold;
    Riding master - 5000 gold;
    wisdom of the four winds– 2500 gold.

For those characters who possess , the cost is slightly reduced and amounts to 3.8, 47.5, 225, 450, 4500 and 2500 gold respectively for the same skills. But for beginners leveling their first hero, this is more information for the future, since it will not work to get the required level of reputation in the process of leveling the character.

Thus, the speed of a vehicle in the game is determined by nothing other than the skill level, regardless of whether this mount is purchased from a merchant, dropped in a raid dungeon, or obtained in a seasonal game event.

How to swim / walk in WoW on water

Separate words deserve vehicles adapted to move on water, such as Fisherman's raft and Reins of the Water Strider, obtained with fishing skill (525) and reputation with the Fishermen faction (respect), respectively (Pandaria). In addition, there is a Sea Turtle in the game, which gives a significant increase in the speed of movement under water and is currently caught with a meager chance anywhere in the world. And, of course, Reins of Poseidus, which give an even greater increase in speed and are knocked out from the rare Poseidus mob in the underwater location of Vy'shir. In the same place in Vy'shira, a Sea Horse will be given for the completed quest chain.

Class Abilities and Skills for Movement in and on Water

Other ways to gain the ability to move through water are class spells. For example, at hunter (beast master) it is possible to use the Water Walking ability at the expense of an exotic pet. Shaman gains the same ability in any specialization, and death Knight has the ability to bind water thanks to the Ice Path. Concerning druid, its traveling form allows you to move at increased speed and underwater as well.

Effects of elixirs

After all, there is an Elixir of Water Walking that temporarily grants this effect.

Thus, there are more than enough ways to speed up your movement in the world of military craft, which means decorating your game process, not only by increasing your riding skills, but also by harvesting rare transport animals, you will succeed for sure. Happy gaming everyone and good luck!

While playing WOW, your game character gets the opportunity to acquire several useful skills, some of which are riding and flying. The second skill cannot be obtained without mastering the first, so you should start with riding.

Riding lessons

Riding is acquired so that the character can control mounts. This allows you to quickly move through the expanses of Azeroth. You can’t pump this passive skill, but you can increase it - from any trainer for money. The more high level this skill, the faster the mounts will transfer the player from one end of the game world to the other.

To learn how to ride and to purchase the first mount, you need to get up to level 20, while having 4 gold in stock. You can buy a mount at the sawmill, which is located in the Elvin Forest, or go shopping in some major city. Riding is divided into the following levels in the game: Apprentice, then Journeyman, then Craftsman, and finally Expert Riding.

Once the apprentice completes the tutorial, the mount speed will increase by 60%. If you want to take the Apprentice "rank" course, you need to pay 50 gold coins and be sure to reach level 40. Once you complete the courses, the mount will increase your speed by 100%. After you get this level, you will be able to control not only those mounts that move on the ground, but also those that fly. If you want to become an Craftsman, upgrade your character to level 60 and pay 250 gold coins for the courses. At the end of the course, you will be able to purchase a flying mount, the movement speed of which is 150% faster than normal. You will take these courses in Outland. And after you get to level 70 and can pay 5000 gold coins, you will become an Adept at Riding, having previously completed a course in Northrend. Upon completion of this course, your mount speed will increase by 280%.

How to learn to fly

To fully enjoy the beauty and splendor of the lands of Pandaria is possible only on one condition: if you soar up and can look at game world from the height of a bird's flight. Of course, for this you need to have the skill of flight and, as already mentioned, master the skill of riding at the Artisan level. In addition, flying will be available to your character starting at level 90, but you definitely need to master this wonderful skill.

If all these requirements are met by you, you should find the appropriate flight instructor. It depends on which faction your character belongs to. If to the Alliance - the trainer will be Claudrunner Leng; if to the Horde, Skydance Shan will become your instructor. After that, you will need to purchase a special course called "Wisdom of the Four Winds" for 2500 gold coins. You should know that if your hero is on a hill at the time of buying a course, then he should go down, because on a mountain the course may not be counted for him. Enjoy flying and the beauty of Pandaria!