How to insert a padlock. Selection and installation of an overhead lock on a wooden door. Types of overhead locks

The method of installing a padlock depends on the object on which the installation is carried out. Most often we are talking about wooden and metal doors or gates, gates or gratings that protect the equipment from unauthorized access. Quite often, padlocks are used for closing with a steel chain, this technique does not require the installation of lugs: it is enough to wrap the chain around metal bars or a picket fence and the door is locked.

Installing a padlock on wooden doors

To install a padlock on wooden doors, you will need the following tools and equipment:

Eyelets, which are often supplied with the lock;

Chisel and hammer;

Screwdriver or screwdriver;

Self-tapping screws or screws from the lock kit.

A place is chosen for installing the lock, the height should be convenient for opening by everyone who has access to this door. Marking is made on the door jamb and the side of the door leaf. To do this, each eye is circled with a simple pencil, they should be parallel to each other.

After marking, it is necessary to use a chisel and a hammer to select the door jamb and the canvas to a depth equal to the thickness of the lug. You can overdo it in this case, this will reduce the risk that the brackets will touch each other when opening the door, but not by much, since the selected part will not look very attractive.

After the platform is selected along the eye, it remains to fasten it with self-tapping screws or screws through the factory holes. If the wood is hard, then you must first drill shallow holes with a thin drill. After installing the eyes, it remains only to hang the lock.

Installing a padlock on steel doors or gates

To install a padlock on metal gates, the welding method is most often used, so the eyes are chosen from a rather thick metal.
They are not included in the kit, so it is best to go to the market for them. Unlike wooden doors, the eyelets are not chosen flat, which are flush, but angular. The platform serves to ensure that the bracket can be conveniently welded on top of the door, since it is long and economically impractical to select or drill metal for a flat eye. Eyelets are installed so that they do not interfere with each other when opening gates or doors and are welded using a welding machine.

What to do if there is no welding machine

In the absence of a welding machine, you can install the eyes using a bolted connection. To do this, it is necessary to choose brackets with a field of long and wide areas, the size of which will allow three to four bolts to be placed at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other. For work you will need:

Bolts M8 and M12, length convenient for mounting;

Electric drill with drills for metal with a diameter of 8-12 mm and 2-3 mm;

Two wrenches.

First, markings are made on the eyelet site, holes are drilled in the designated places with a thin drill, which are expanded with a thicker drill. After that, the bracket is applied to the door and the locations are marked with a bolt. They are also first drilled with a thin drill, then a drill corresponding to the diameter of the bolt is used. Having finished drilling, proceed to screwing the eyes with bolts, for which two wrenches are used. A similar operation is carried out with the second eye, after which the door lock is hung.

Sections of the article:

Today on front door Each apartment has locks. And this is not surprising, because any owner wants to feel as secure as possible in his real estate. Security now can only be ensured by a reliable steel door with a good lock. In order to completely eliminate the risk of unauthorized entry into the premises of third parties, most people equip door leafs with overhead locking devices. Let's see what a surface lock is, what types of these devices the market offers, which option is best suited for installation on a metal door.

Areas of use of overhead lock systems

It must be said that devices of this type can be installed not only on the front doors in residential apartments. These are quite popular solutions for mounting on the doors of offices and enterprises. Such versatility of the locking mechanism is determined by the convenience of the process of closing and opening it. In order to open such a lock, you just need to turn the inside of a special latch. But many models can be opened with a key not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

It is believed that such locking systems are ideal for wooden entrance doors - and this is true. The installation of such a device in no way violates the integrity of the door leaf, does not reduce the level of strength and reliability, the leaf is not weakened in any way. In addition, the installation process does not cause any difficulties.

These mechanisms are also installed on metal doors, but there may be some difficulties with them. On inexpensive economy class doors, the manufacturer often does not provide for the installation of additional locking devices. Well, as for all other models, they are equipped with a massive base, therefore, nothing prevents the installation of an additional locking device. This increases the security of the door.

Often, locking mechanisms are already installed on factory models of doors. Many install a padlock as additional protection. This is the optimal solution, in addition, the latch lock will speed up the process of closing and opening.

Device, features, installation

What is an overhead lock can be understood already from its name. Such products differ from the mortise device in that the installation is carried out not inside the web, but outside.

Whichever lock model is chosen, it is best to mount the device from the inside of the door. In this case, the body of the mechanism will be hidden from the eyes of strangers, and possibly intruders. Such locks are usually opened from the outside with the supplied key. From the side of the room, such a mechanism can be opened with a key or with a latch.

Laid on locks of any models are freely installed on wooden doors. Not everyone is suitable for a metal door. The fact is that the design of the locks does not always fully meet the requirements of constipation. This is the presence of a flashing, a small gap, the thickness of the canvas.

On a wooden door, the mechanism is attached with self-tapping screws, but on metal sheets it is necessary to weld pins to a steel sheet and fasten the lock to them using fasteners.

The main types of overhead locks

Today, the modern market provides a lot of different options for overhead locking systems. These are mechanical models, as well as electromechanical and fully electronic.

Mechanical models have the simplest design, which makes them very popular among consumers. The mechanical system of most overhead locking devices is based on the possibility of using keys and a latch. With the help of these elements, you can open or close the door. Electronic equipment works by means of electronic impulses that act on the mechanisms in the lock.

These locking equipment, like everything else, can be classified according to the type of secret system and the number of bolts.

Advantages and disadvantages

Overhead models have a lot of advantages, but they also have disadvantages. Despite minor cons, these products are a good, reliable choice that is comfortable to use.

Among the indisputable advantages, one can single out the ease of installation - if the manufacturer of the metal door takes care of the users of its products and provides a place for an additional lock, then installation will not be difficult. The whole installation comes down to fixing the mechanism in the place intended for this.

Another plus is the complete absence of even a minimal connection between how well the installation and operation were carried out. Unlike locking devices of other designs, overhead solutions do not allow intruders to loosen the fasteners of the lock.

If it is necessary to repair or service the mechanism of the product, then there are no problems with this either. The mechanism is located accessible and clearly. Installation allows you to significantly increase the level of security of a metal or wooden door leaf.

Now for the disadvantages. Like all existing protective mechanisms, the overhead locking device is not perfect. Even the most highly intelligent locks are broken by professional apartment thieves. As for the shortcomings, the level of their criticality should be decided by the owner of the apartment or cottage himself. When choosing a locking device for a steel door, you should definitely take into account - this can help you avoid wasting money.

The main disadvantage of most overhead solutions is that only a massive mechanism is suitable for installation. This ultimately leads to an increase in the cost of the castle.

If the intruder got into the apartment or private house, having squeezed out a double-glazed window, then after he collects all the valuables, he will be able to leave the crime scene through the door without any obstacles - the lock can be easily opened from the inside.

If the installation is carried out on a door leaf that opens inward, then for the same thief there will be no problem simply knocking out the locking device. This, of course, significantly reduces the burglary resistance of the door. If the door leaf is equipped only with a rim lock, then it is impossible to replace this mechanism with a device of a different type.

For all their merits, overhead solutions are very spoiling appearance steel doors, because from the side of the dwelling the entire inner surface of the door is visible, and most locks do not have a special aesthetic.

Right choice

If the choice of the locking device and its installation are made correctly, then this is a guarantee that the room is reliably protected from any encroachment. If you do not want to pay a large amount for a locking device, then it is worth remembering that inexpensive models do not have a long service life. Do not buy overly budget overhead locks. Best of all, products of well-known lock brands will serve.

When choosing a lock, it is worth getting acquainted with some important requirements or characteristics that locking devices must meet.

Level of secrecy, reliability

This requirement is due to the presence of locking parts. The more locking pins in the mechanism, the more reliable the lock. If we talk about burglary resistance, then this most often means the ability of a particular model to withstand various mechanical influences.

Most often, when hacking, these effects are forceful: drilling or using master keys by an attacker in the process of opening.


The reliability of the lock depends not only on the super-secure and complex mechanism, but also on the materials from which the product is made. For example, aluminum for the manufacture of locks is not used for obvious reasons.

It is best if the elements of the mechanism are made of cast iron. The main advantage of this alloy is its ability to withstand even severe mechanical stress. But at the same time, cast iron is brittle when exposed to low temperatures.

Steel is the best material for a lock mechanism. It is an ideal alloy with good anti-burglary qualities.

The main types of locks for metal doors

Cylinder pin models or conventional disk products are distinguished by good secrecy. But such locks have problems with burglary resistance - with the help of opening tools, a burglar will need only a few minutes.

Cylinder locks with the ABLOY system are much better in performance. It takes about 10 minutes to open them. The opening process will be accompanied by a lot of noise. These are reliable models and the quality of many domestic or imported products is very high.

Cylinder locks with perforated notches are quite reliable, they are usually made in Italy or in Russia. These models break open with a lot of noise, and in order to open the door, it will take from 30 minutes.

Lever rim locks for metal doors are highly secure solutions that are easy to use in everyday use. It is very difficult to open them even with the help of special equipment, since the master keys needed for hacking are very, very expensive and not all professional burglars have them.

Overhead locks are such locks that, during installation, can only be attached to the surface of our door panels. The mechanisms of locks, which we used to call overhead, are of three types

  1. Cylinder
  2. Lever
  3. Pump (very rare)

How to choose the right padlock?

If you want to choose the right overhead lock, then it is important to fully study their classification according to the criteria that are the main ones.

Lock protection class

The first and, perhaps, practically the most important measure when comparing overhead locks may be which of the protection classes it belongs to.
There are four main groups into which rim locks are usually divided according to their ability to protect your home.

Let's consider each of them separately in order to fully understand all the subtleties.

  • The very first and most unreliable degree is the minimum. If intruders try to open such a lock, it will take them no more than five minutes to do everything and everything.
  • The second degree of protection, otherwise called medium, will take about ten minutes to open a lock with this degree of protection.
  • The third, or greatest degree - protection is supposed here when trying to drill out the bolt shank.
  • Well, finally, the fourth degree, the so-called special. This includes locks for safes, which are selected individually. They have the fourth class of protection.

From this grouping of overhead locks, we can conclude that overhead locks with the second and third levels of protection are most applicable to the needs of ordinary citizens.

Castle design

The second measure of separating locks with an overhead mechanism into categories is the secrecy design used in them. According to this type, overhead locks are divided into a couple of groups - level and cylinder.
Level. They are used as an auxiliary lock. If such a lock is broken, then you have to completely change it

Cylinder. At the heart of them is a cylinder or, as you can say, a larva that unlocks the cylinder lock. The big benefit of using this lock, which distinguishes it from the use of a lever lock, is that when repairing this type of lock, only the larva changes, and the skeleton remains the same.

Another measure of categorization of locks is the construction of secrecy or secrecy used.

Construction types

By type of construction, overhead locks differ as follows:

  • lever locks - are used mostly as auxiliary locks. In case of any malfunction, such locks cannot be repaired. They only need to be replaced with a new one.
  • cylinder - at the base lies a cylinder or, as it is otherwise called, a larva that unlocks the lock.

The big advantage of this lock over the one discussed above is that in the event of a breakdown, it is enough just to change the larva and no more problems.

And quantity is a grouping factor by the number of crossbars.
Locks or, more simply, locks for overhead wooden doors are divided into a couple of groups according to the following criteria: they have or do not have crossbars:

  • a lock with crossbars - such a lock has one to five of them;
  • a lock that does not have crossbars - it works due to an electromagnet, with the help of which a metal plate on the door is attracted.

One of the criteria is to open the door from the inside or outside.

Locks are both one-sided and two-sided. Here the choice is up to you. Let's take a look at one-way and two-way locks in more detail to get an idea of ​​the difference between them.

  • locks are called one-sided, which can open only on one side, and a handle will be attached to the other, and when it is turned, our door will open. It's called turning.
  • simplex, in other words, bilateral locks, these are locks in which the opening process is carried out only with a key, both from the side of the apartment and from the street side.


According to this principle, several such groups can be distinguished:

  • spring latch at the lock - such a lock is opened either from the inside with a door handle, or from the street side with a key. In this case, the latch can be wound into the case or it can be closed with the help of a button located on the case, which should be pressed;
  • the fixed latch of the lock, which can be said to be additional or auxiliary, has a triangular shape and fully automatically secures the deadbolt of this lock at the time when the door is locked. The handle is secured with a key, and the latch retracts back into the body with the push of a button.

These measures are the main ones, and they should be used when choosing a lock that can provide really very good protection.

Installing padlock

The process for installing our lock is as follows:

  1. Using a ruler, you need to measure and mark one third of the height from the top of the door. This is done on both sides of the door. In the marked place, we drill a through hole.
  2. We need to drill a hole for the cylinder. We carry out this work with a drill, which is called a chisel, and note that the hole must match the diameter of the cylinder.
  3. In the hole that we drilled in our door, we need to place the finger bracket and, of course, the cylinder from the front side, after that we need to return the plate that is the installation plate to its rightful place. Now, having carefully examined the field of our activity, we see that one of the parts remained protruding from the connecting rod. We need to cut it. You can do this with a hacksaw.
  4. Well, now both the cylinder and the finger brace can be inserted into place. Next, the plate, which is the installation, should be evenly put on a special part of the rod. The one that remained uncircumcised. And then we need to use the long screws that are in the configuration of our lock to attach it to the cylinder.

  1. Next, we press the button on our lock and this gives freedom to the valve, due to this, our lock has the opportunity to stand in place, that is, on the plate. The rod cut off by us is simply obliged to fall into the slot, which is located on the skeleton of our castle. Then we take the smallest screws and attach the skeleton to the plate.
  2. With the button we move the valve so that our lock is locked, we cover the door and the upper and lower parts of the place where the tongue will subsequently go.
  3. With the help of a chisel and a hammer, we make a hole where the marks have just been drawn.
  4. In the place that has just been hollowed out, we will place a plate, close the doors and check whether our lock closes correctly.
  5. If it is correct, then we fix everything and use the new lock with joy.

People who own a dacha or Vacation home, you have to do various things on your own - whether it is installing door locks or. Everyone knows that maintaining a house in a village is troublesome and costly. But, nevertheless, every year more and more people buy housing outside the city, as the pleasure of relaxing in the countryside outweighs all the inconveniences associated with it.

What is the singing of birds, fresh air, the fragrant smell of freshly cut grass before the fact that the water is in the well, and the bathroom is outside? Nothing. Moreover, over time, you can equip everything and make housing comfortable. After all, there is now plenty of information about suburban construction, if you want - buy a book, if you want - look on the Internet. For example, after reading this article, you can learn how to install a door lock with your own hands.

On, in addition to the house, there are usually many different buildings. And almost everyone has doors. To protect the house and buildings from uninvited guests, especially if you visit the dacha on short visits, you need to install a door lock on each door. You can, of course, call the master, or you can save a decent amount and please yourself with a delicious treat. Here, for example, is excellent. Moreover, installing door locks with your own hands is a simple matter, accessible even to a novice summer resident. Today we will tell you how to install mortise and overhead locks in wooden doors.


From the tools we need a drill, a pen for drilling, a Phillips screwdriver. Let's carry out the installation of a mortise door lock in the usual width of 5 cm. Let's open the package with the lock - in addition to the lock, keys, locking plate, decorative overlays and screws, there may be a template in it.

If there is one, well, let's attach it to the door and mark the places of drilling on it and on the jamb. If it is not there, it's okay, the manufacturers just thought that installing a door lock was a simple matter and decided to save on paper.

We choose a place on the door where we will install the lock. Usually this distance is 1 meter from the floor. Try to visually determine the height so that it is convenient for you to open the door with a key. Go to the door, lower your hand down and touch it, add 15 cm upwards to this point - this will be the place to install the door lock.

We measure the width of the lock to be inserted, select the pen for drilling 2 mm wider than this size.

Determine the drilling point by dividing the width of the door in half, lean the lock against it and circle it with a marker. With a drill and a pen, we drill a recess in such a way that the lock can easily enter it.

When working, the drill must be held strictly so as not to accidentally drill through the door. Having drilled a notch, insert a lock into it and circle it with a pencil along the contour. Let's take a chisel and choose a few millimeters so that it is flush with the end of the door and nothing interferes with its opening or closing.

Now you need in the door leaf for the key. Let's do it with the same pen. Before that, let's take the size from the lock and transfer it to the door to determine the place where the key will be inserted. Remove light roughness with a file. Let's make sure that the key is easily inserted into the lock. After that, we will check the lock for operability, it should open and close without any effort. If everything suits us, we fasten decorative metal plates on both sides with screws, if not, we look for the cause and eliminate it. It remains to fix the lock in the door by tightening two self-tapping screws.

At the end, we will install a locking plate in the jamb. To do this, close the door, open the lock with the key so that the bolt rests against the door frame, mark with a pencil the place of their contact. Take a plate, circle it around the perimeter. With a chisel, we will select excess wood so that when the lock is closed, the bolt goes into the jamb to the full depth and so that the locking plate is flush with the jamb. We fix it on 1 screw and check the operation of the lock. We close it by 2 turns, while nothing should interfere with the bolt of the lock. Now we fix the plate with another screw.

This completes the installation of the mortise door lock.


A rim lock is even easier to insert than a mortise lock.

It is fixed directly on the door leaf. In the same way, we will determine the place for its installation. First, drill a hole in the canvas for the lock cylinder.

We need a drill and a metal crown of the desired diameter.

We drilled holes for installation with such crowns. We install the ring, the cylinder of the patch lock and fix it on the back side with a round plate using two screws.

Insert the key and turn it, it should spin easily. On the reverse side of the cylinder there is a special metal bar that is inserted into the padlock and opens and closes the bolt of the lock. There are notches on this bar, they are made so that you can adjust the length of the bar and install the device on doors of different thicknesses. In our case, the bar for one notch had to be shortened with pliers.

We attach the lock to the canvas and fasten it with four screws.

Let's turn the key again and make sure that it works correctly. Now we will screw the locking bar onto the jamb. To do this, close the door, use the key to extend the latch of the lock and attach a striker to it. Mark the attachment points with a pencil and fasten it to the box with four screws.

We try to close-open the lock with a key. The padlock installation has been successfully completed.


Country houses are closed not only with mortise or overhead locks with numerous secrets, ordinary padlocks are still common in rural areas. They are hung on locks, consisting of two parts: one part is fixed on the door, and the second on the jamb. Basically, rural residents fix constipation carelessly: they are attached either to screws or nails. The second part of the constipation, which is attached to the jamb, is popularly called a sample (according to explanatory dictionary Ushakov is a metal shackle for hanging a lock), they are generally made from a nail: it is bent in the form of a bracket and hammered into the jamb.

Then they hang a large barn lock on this lock and think that their house is reliably protected from thieves.

In fact, the size of the castle in this case does not play any role. To get into the house - you don’t need to break it, just unscrew the screws or pull out the breakdown.

Stealing in holiday villages or villages is mainly comrades who drink heavily and do not work anywhere. They have one goal - to steal food so as not to die of hunger, but to sell it for a penny, which summer residents leave in the house. As a rule, they do not shine with intelligence and climb where it is worse protected. Therefore, such "guests" need to create maximum problems for penetration into the home. If it is not possible to put the dacha on guard, install bars on the windows and strengthen the house with an iron door, then at least it is necessary to replace the screws on the locks. All you need to buy in the store are bolts with round heads, enlarged washers and nuts.

We will take out a sample from a bent nail from the jamb and hand it over to the metal collection point. Instead, we will install a constipation bought in a store. We drill holes in it for the diameter of the bolt, drill through the jamb and insert the bolts. On the back of the jamb, put washers on them and tighten the nuts.

We will do the same with the second part of the lock, which is attached to the door leaf.

Let's take the bolts shorter so that they do not stick out from the back side.

Thus, cracking this constipation can be an overwhelming task for the local "gentlemen of fortune." They suffer, and leave with nothing.

Protect your home by any legal means, because the moral injury received from theft can be much stronger than material losses.

Choosing an overhead type lock for a wooden door is the right decision. Such locks are quite simple and, which is especially important for a wooden door, do not damage the integrity of the door leaf. It is only important to correctly determine the design and size of the overhead lock.

Selecting the type and device of the overhead lock

In most cases, overhead locks are installed without replacing the door. Since it is itself quite resistant to burglary, a mortise lock for criminals is an easier prey, since it is closer to the outer surface of the door. It is believed that a mortise lock is more reliable, but when it is installed, a significant weakening of the working section of the door leaf occurs. In view of this, the main task is the correct choice of the design of the lock of the overhead type.

The design of such a lock provides the ability to use it on both sides of the front door. Outside, this is done by the key, and from the inside - by a special rotary latch, as in the photo. In some cases, in addition to the rim lock, a safety latch and a wedge gate valve are also purchased. Installing them is extremely easy and does not take much time.

Structural types of overhead locks

Overhead options are selected according to the following criteria:

  • according to the degree of secrecy;
  • according to the level of burglary resistance;
  • on reliability of operation.

The overhead lock includes a body in which a locking mechanism is mounted, a lever-type drive mechanism, a front locking panel and a slot for locking bolts. Some locks are supplied with an internal latch.

Regarding the locking mechanism, there may be options: lever or cylindrical. For overhead locks, the option with levers is better: in case of loss of the key, only the key cylinder will need to be replaced, while lever locks must be completely replaced.

When purchasing a lock under already installed door you should remember in which direction it opens, and accordingly acquire a lock with the right (R) or left (L) opening.

When choosing a padlock, you should take a few minutes to choose the right latch. According to its device, it can be spring or rigidly fixed. In the first case, the overhead lock is activated either by turning the key (from the outside of the wooden door) or by turning the handle (from the inside of the door). The return of the latch to its original position can be automatic or by means of a locking button.

In order not to find yourself in an uncomfortable position, it is better to purchase the second option. There are, of course, more expensive versions of overhead locks, in which the latch is returned to its original position by applying operating voltage to the locking mechanism. But for a wooden front door, this is already deprivation.

How to install

First of all, you should decide on the height of the installation of the lock. If the lock is simply replaced with a newer one, then this stage, of course, is omitted. And only when the “old” surface has a non-working state - damaged fragments of the door leaf, chips, etc. - you will have to close this place with a decorative strip and change the installation height. The allowable range is 1-1.5 m from the floor level.

Installation is made from the inside of a wooden door. The case is attached to the door leaf with the help of screws included in the delivery set of the overhead lock. Appropriate mounting holes are provided in the housing. Since the locking bolts do not move in the cavity of the door leaf, but enter directly into the locking box, it is worth checking the correctness and reliability of the bolts before final installation. To do this, mark a hole in the body of the door leaf for the corresponding nest.

In connection with the unification of the designs of most overhead locks, the holes must match. It may be necessary only with the help of a chisel and a chisel to slightly expand the cavity (if the new crossbars are thicker and more massive than the previous ones).

After checking the reliability of the action of the locking mechanism, the overhead lock is finally fixed using:

  • a decorative cover for a key - on the outside of the door,
  • crossbar - for the door frame.

In order to facilitate such an installation, the ends of the crossbars can be rubbed with chalk, as in the video. The resulting impression will give a clear idea of ​​the required relative position two parts padlock.