Eduard Mikhailovich Sagalaev. Eduard Sagalaev: biography, personal life. - That's the biggest lie you've ever seen

Eduard Sagalaev is called a living legend of Soviet and Russian TV. He is known by sight by several generations of viewers - and not only Soviet and Russian. He is respected by the masters of the television industry, not only domestic, but also Western, including overseas television magnates. Eduard Sagalaev created, directed and personally hosted such popular TV programs as "12th Floor" and "Seven Days", and in the most difficult period, a turning point for the country and the media - from 1990 to 1992 - he was the chairman of the Union of Journalists of the then USSR and General Director of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Ostankino. In addition, Eduard Mikhailovich is a philologist, journalist, professor, doctor of political sciences, president of the National Association of Broadcasters.

And yet, Eduard Sagalaev is the head of a large and friendly family - a gentle and devoted husband, who has lived with the mother of his children all his life, from his youth, a caring father, beloved and loving grandfather. During the period of active television, very little was known about the family of Eduard Sagalaev. But now Eduard Mikhailovich has refused to work on TV on the same scale, which, according to him, allows him to do what he really loves: to travel the world and holy placesAnd of course, spend time with your loved ones.

The Sagalayev family can be called a clan not only because all its members in one form or another support the cause of the head of the family. The Sagalaevs are extremely warm, friendly and loving people. For family holidays, they always flock to their parents' house, no matter where in the world they are thrown at this moment of business. And those who happened to be invited to the table of the Sagalayevs remember this holiday for a long time: amazing cordiality and hospitality is a tribute to the Uzbek Samarkand, where Eduard Mikhailovich was born, and also a natural cheerful disposition and internationalism. Everyone they love is accepted into the Sagalayev family, regardless of “pedigrees”: Eduard Mikhailovich was born in Samarkand, but his ancestors came from the Saratov region and were deported to Uzbekistan after the 1917 revolution.

The son of Eduard Mikhailovich is Mikhail Eduardovich Sagalaev, a cameraman and film producer by education, and now the owner and head of the famous Rehab Family family health clinic. Daughter Julia is a journalist, lives in London and named her eldest son Mikhail - in honor of her brother.

In the Sagalaev family, they like to name children in honor of older and successful relatives. Therefore, the youngest daughter of Mikhail Eduardovich was named Yulia - in honor of her aunt, and the eldest - Anya, in honor of her mother, Anaida Dadayan.

Mikhail and Anaida met in London, where both studied: Mikhail studied cinema, Anaida studied fashion photography at the famous Saint Martin College of Art. Now Anaida helps her husband in their family health clinic Rehab Family.

“First I studied at Saint Martin, then at the London College of Fashion,” says Anaida, “We had lectures from photographers from Vogue magazine, and we had practice with them. I fell in love with photography as a child, helping my uncle develop films in the laboratory and dry the photographs. My uncle had such a hobby - after the main work, he ran to his studio and made photographic portraits, and my brother and I were his assistants. I remember this time very often: my brother and I seemed to be witnesses of a genuine sacrament! We saw how happy clients were when they received their self-portraits! This was the decisive moment for me in choosing a profession.

Why did you decide to change your profession?

“In general, I now help my husband with the same,” Anaida smiles. “Creating and seeing the happy smiles of our clients is also an art. Within the walls of our clinic, we transform our clients, and we are happy to see their happy faces when they find peace, harmony and understanding of what is happening to them.

So this is your family business? Tell us a little more about your clinic

— Rehab Family is the first private clinic in Russia that specializes in the treatment of various forms of addiction. We have been working for 6 years. We started with the treatment of substance addictions, but now our field has expanded. Unfortunately, stress and life problems often lead to serious psychological and nervous disorders, sleep disturbance, and eating behavior. For example, among our patients there are many people who cannot cope with their dependence on sleeping pills and sedatives on their own. Also, these are nervous breakdowns and more serious disorders that need long-term correction.

- As far as I know, there are very few private medical institutions of this level. How is your clinic different from the public ones?

First, the level of comfort and care, individual approach. Each patient has a personal doctor, a personal psychologist, a comfortable room and a secluded environment. In addition, we have developed a fundamentally new treatment method based on the experience of leading European clinics. In Russia, this technique is used for the first time. And, of course, the medical staff and the medical base - we have a very high level diagnostics.

In our clinic, in an atmosphere of privacy and care, patients receive qualified assistance from psychologists and doctors. The clinic is located on the territory of a beautiful mansion, in the closest distance from Moscow along Dmitrovskoe highway. Our clients call it "Switzerland near Moscow" - there is a very comfortable environment, in addition to the clinical base, there is a swimming pool, a cinema, spa services, cosmetologist services, and a restaurant. The cost of a treatment package for 28 days starts from 300,000 rubles.

Is anyone else in your family involved in the family business?

- Not yet. But our eldest daughter is growing up, who really wants this, and I give the floor to her ...

My name is Anna, I am 14 years old. I am studying at the British School in Moscow, and this autumn I will go to the ninth grade. In our school, this is already the senior level - we have 12 classes in total. I really want to become a business woman to become a manager and continue our family business. To do this, I need to enter a very good university where they study business. I think I will be the main one in Rehab Family. I also want to open my own business in America.

— Do you have a favorite place in Moscow?

— Yes, Pokrovsky Hills are very close to my school. All my friends live there and I go to the hills to walk my dog ​​and chat with my friends. My father, mother and younger sister Yulia live in Pokrovsky-Streshnevo, and next to our house we have a forest and an embankment. My sister and I love to take a walk along the embankment before going to bed. And after class, I like to sit by the water to relax and think. On weekends, I like to walk with my friends in the center, along Tverskaya, in my favorite shopping centers.

- And if you need to invite someone for a romantic walk, where will you call - on the embankment or on Tverskaya?

— No, to the old, quiet center of Moscow. It is very beautiful there and there are many cozy cafes where you can sit and talk, and interesting museums where it is curious to look. I love Gorky Park very much, but only on weekdays, when there are few people there. Only then you can enjoy the expanses of the park! I also like to visit trendy clubs and cafes with my friends. Here is a photo of me with mine best friends: in the middle is Tatyana, and on the left is Arina.

- Do you like nature near Moscow?

Yes, the one in our dacha. Our house is located on the bank of the Ikshinsky reservoir. My grandfather Eduard Mikhailovich built a whole estate there for all of us. We go there every weekend, if we don't go on vacation, and spend time there with great pleasure. We have our own mini-farm there. My sister and I like to go to the chicken coop ourselves and collect fresh eggs. We also squeeze chickens there, but only so far no one sees. And my favorite place in the country is the kitchen. There I am charged with warmth from my loved ones and energy from food. I really love our cottage also because every time we come on Friday, grandparents meet us with a laid table, where our favorite dishes are always! It has already become our tradition - as well as to celebrate all family holidays together.

- And where do you celebrate?

— Sometimes we celebrate in restaurants. For example, in the White Rabbit restaurant. This restaurant is in a very tall building and it is very tasty there: we celebrated my mother's birthday there. There was a memorable photograph, on it is my grandfather, dad, sister Yulia, mom, me and my grandmother Luda, dad's mom. Grandmother Lyuda is a philologist and knows a lot of things.

- Well, do you already help your dad in business?

- My sister and I really like to go to dad's work - it's not far from our dacha. The Pope built a beautiful sanatorium there for all who wish to recuperate. One day I will fully help him in doing business, but for now, Yulia and I just go there often - we visit the dogs that live there. We have two huskies there: they are very kind and love it when we come to them. There is also a super-cook in the clinic! And when we come, we always ask you to treat us with goodies.

- Anechka, if you yourself built a house, what would it be like?

- It would be in the very center of Moscow, very high, and I would live there with my friends. There would be a lot of windows and different plants. The house would be very modern and all white. I really like hi-tech and minimalism.

On the eve of his fiftieth birthday, Eduard Mikhailovich Sagalaev said in an interview: “I believe that the nature of life and the fate of a person are largely determined either before his birth or in the very first days of existence. My first memories are happy ones. Nature, the joy of movement. Then I realized that in danger you can find pleasure. It is not known whether Sagalaev was destined to first become a famous television presenter, and then for a relatively a short time head of two prestigious Russian television channels. However, he never avoided danger, he did not hide behind other people's backs, in most cases he did what he considered necessary, and not what was ordered, and even in the years of stagnation he was known as a worthy man, able to defend his own position and his own views.

The biography of Eduard Sagalaev reports that he was born in Samarkand, where his dispossessed ancestors once moved from the Saratov province. His father was a military man, then a builder, and his mother was a doctor. She wanted her son to follow in her footsteps, but Eduard was more attracted to literature, he wrote poetry himself, so after school he entered the philological faculty of Samarkand state university, which he graduated in 1967.

Then fate brought him to journalism, and from 1969 to 1972 Sagalaev worked in the newspapers Leninsky Put and Komsomolets Uzbekistan. From the republican youth editorial board, he ended up in Moscow, in the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, where he began working in the press, radio and television sectors.

Even then, having become better acquainted with television, Sagalaev realized that this was his business. And at the first opportunity, he goes to work on TV. Later, he explained this step with romantic reasons: one of his colleagues fell in love with a man who did not reciprocate her feelings. And the woman decided to take a desperate step - she left for Siberia to run a kindergarten. But before that, she recommended Sagalaeva instead of herself on television. It is quite possible that the beginning was just like that, but now Eduard Mikhailovich cannot imagine a different life. “... I'm thoroughly involved in television,” he says. “Like all people who love TV, I can be happy here even with private luck.”

Since Sagalaev came to work for Central Television in 1975, his career has developed rapidly. Quite quickly, he became one of the most interesting hosts of the youth program and deputy editor-in-chief of the youth editorial office of the Central Television, then editor-in-chief of the Vremya program. He had many ideas and many projects, some of which were realized. So, in the youth edition, he created one of the first programs for teenagers - "12th Floor", which was designed for a direct, confidential conversation with them. Being the editor-in-chief of the information program "Time", Sagalaev made an interesting information and analytical program "7 Days", the idea of ​​which was later adopted by E. Kiselev in his "Itogi". But Sagalaev dreamed of something else - of creating at least one independent channel.

However, at that time it was impossible to implement these ideas. Sagalaev managed to do little in this regard as deputy general director of the All-Union State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Ostankino. He decided to create an independent, cultural and educational channel "TV-XXI century" within the framework of state television. But nothing came of it. Then Sagalaev, with the help of the American multimillionaire Ted Turner, the owner of a powerful American television company that produces a round-the-clock news program CNN, creates the first independent television company in Russia, TV-b-Moscow. However, Sagalaev soon ceased to be satisfied with the role of a repeater of American television and film products imposed on him, and he refused Turner's services, switching to domestic investors.

And yet, for many years, Eduard Mikhailovich recalled with pleasure the time he worked in the youth editorial office of the Central Television, calling this period one of the stages of his special love for television.

However, Sagalaev still feels the most ardent love for his offspring - TV-6. And this love was mutual. The TV company not only arranged a luxurious “family evening” in the Rossiya concert hall in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of its founder, but also gathered for it in full force. Everyone who works here now or who once worked for TV-6 came with congratulations and gifts. Ivan Demidov admitted in an interview with a Seven Days correspondent that he had presented his former boss with a large chair made of buffalo leather: “Together with Alexander Ponomarev, we killed a buffalo, because the main thing in life is a reliable support.” There is a lot of truth in this joke, since it was Sagalaev who became a reliable support for many young journalists and television presenters who once came to television as newcomers and gained experience under his leadership.

Competitors turned out to be no less inventive. Channel One (ORT) presented the hero of the day with a saddle to make it easier to go around rivals, and a horseshoe for good luck. This gift is also not accidental. Sagalaev does not hide his affection for horses and once for his birthday he received a horse from TV-6 as a gift, which he later kept in the stable of the famous ophthalmologist and businessman S. Fedorov. A gun from L. Yakubovich and a sword from I. Oleinikov and Yu. Stoyanov were handed over to Sagalaev for protection.

Of course, Sagalaev is not going to defend himself against his rivals and ill-wishers in this way. However, as chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, which he held until recently, he had more of them. Eduard Mikhailovich himself spoke about this: “I'm tired of rumors and gossip. There are people who want me to be bad, to be worse than I really am.

Sagalaev became the chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company after he refused this position several times. However, he did not leave practical journalism either, as evidenced by the program “Open News”, which he prepared together with S. Sorokina. Of all that Sagalaev brilliantly knows how to do on television, live broadcasting remains his favorite pastime. “I know that I get to connect with the audience,” he says. - In all other respects, TV people surpass me by several orders of magnitude. I will not take on the work of directing, authoring, or taking interviews there. I'm really interested in people at the time of the live broadcast. After all, there are many professional television presenters who are deeply indifferent to both the audience and the participants, who play with interest. One of my favorite sayings about TV is what Fellini said when he worked there for three years and returned to the cinema: "TV is a complete funeral ritual disguised as a music hall." Where there are no true feelings, experiences, where everything sparkles, flashes, these are the funerals of normal feelings, disguised as a music hall. I do not like this kind of TV, although there is a lot of it and it is becoming more and more. There is TV as a commodity, and there is as a profession, as an art. I'd like to do live TV."

Sagalaev himself considers himself too emotional, reckless, stubborn. “I have a tense relationship with myself,” he says, hence the constant dissatisfaction with himself, although Eduard Mikhailovich loves to be praised by others. And he continues to believe in fate, which is generally favorable to him.

Sagalaev, Eduard Mikhailovich

President of the National Association of TV Producers, former President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation (MNVK) "TV-6 Moscow", General Director of CJSC "RTR-Signal"; was born on October 3, 1946 in the city of Samarkand, Uzbek SSR; Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Samarkand State University. Alisher Navoi in 1967 and AON under the Central Committee of the CPSU; 1967-1969 - editor, senior editor of the Samarkand Regional Committee for Radio Broadcasting and Television; 1969-1972 - literary employee of the party life department, then deputy executive secretary of the Leninsky Put newspaper (Samarkand); 1972-1973 - executive secretary of the newspaper "Komsomolets Uzbekistan" (Tashkent); 1973-1975 - instructor of the department of propaganda and agitation of the Central Committee of the Komsomol; since 1975 he worked in the USSR State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting (Gosteleradio), was the deputy editor-in-chief of the Main editorial office of programs for youth (1975-1980), the chief editor of the Main editorial office of radio broadcasting for youth (1980-1984), the chief editor of the Main editorial office of youth programs of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (1984-1988); 1988-1990 - editor-in-chief of the Main editorial office of the Central Television (CT) of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company; in 1990 he was appointed director general of Channel 4 of the Central Television; after the abolition of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, from August 1991 to January 1992 - First Deputy Chairman of the All-Union Television and Radio Company, in January-July 1992 - General Director of the Russian State Television and Radio Company "Ostankino"; in 1992, he initiated the creation of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation "TV-6 Moscow", took the post of its president, and then chairman of the Board of Directors of the TV channel "TV-6 Moscow"; in 1995 he was elected president of the National Association of Television Producers (NAT), which united both state and private commercial television companies in Russia; in February 1996 he was appointed chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company (VGTRK), in February 1997 he resigned from this position and returned to the leadership of MNVK "TV-6"; in February 2001, he resigned from the post of head of the TV company "TV-6", motivating his resignation by his desire to work as president of the NAT and engage in new projects; in March 1997 he became the general director of Signal CJSC; Member of the Board of Trustees of ORT since 1995, was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of ORT (1999); was a member of the CPSU until 1991, in 1992 he joined the Political Council of the Democratic Reform Movement (DDR); was elected a people's deputy of the USSR (1989-1991) according to the quota public organizations; was president of the Moscow International Press Club, co-chairman of the International Commission on Radio and Television Policy; 1990-1991 - Chairman of the Board of the Union of Journalists of the USSR, 1991-1997 - Chairman of the Confederation of Journalists' Unions; Academician of the Russian Academy of Television (1995); laureate of the State Prize of the USSR in 1978 for the television series dedicated to the 60th anniversary October revolution; awarded the Order of Friendship; married, has a son and a daughter; loves horseback riding and fishing.

During the leadership of the youth broadcasting of the State Radio and Television (1986-1988), he contributed to the appearance on the air of the problematic political programs "12th Floor", "Peace and Youth", "Vzglyad", was directly involved in their creation as a journalist and presenter. Heading the Main Edition of Information, in 1989 he aired the weekly analytical program "Seven Days", closed in 1991 by order of the chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company L. Kravchenko. In 1992, he left the post of general director of the Ostankino television and radio company of his own free will, citing the impossibility of reforming state television according to his own plans and pressure from the authorities, seeking to keep it as an "ideological weapon". Creating an independent television company "TV-6", together with the owner of the American television company TVS T. Turner, he developed the concept of "family television", designed for the widest sections of the population. In March 1995, after the assassination of the first head of ORT, V. Listyev, he declared that the assassination was committed by political forces in Russian society "who do not want to allow the existence of public television in Russia, largely oriented towards the current President." At the same time, he refused the offer to take the post of General Director of ORT. On February 15, 1996, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, E. Sagalaev was appointed Chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company instead of O. Poptsov, who was dismissed on the same day. Sagalaev learned about his appointment, being with the President of the Russian Federation in Yekaterinburg, during an election trip. Sagalaev officially took office on February 19. At a meeting held on February 16, the VGTRK labor collective turned to E. Sagalaev with a request "to refrain from taking office until the reasons for O. Poptsov's dismissal are explained." Sagalaev said that he would try to find mutual understanding with the staff of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company and said that he could not leave the President of the Russian Federation at a "difficult time for him." During the campaign for the election of the President of the Russian Federation in 1996, he became a member of the Coordinating Council of the Public Committee for the Support of the President (B. Yeltsin). After B. Yeltsin's victory in the elections, he received his gratitude for Active participation in the campaign. In early 1997, he resigned from the post of head of the Russian state television and radio broadcasting after a large group of employees of the company brought accusations of abuse of office against him and declared their disagreement with the policy pursued by him on the television channel. He believes that "Russia needs one state television channel - no more." All other channels, in his opinion, should be "private, joint-stock, commercial." In May, he announced that he was leaving work on television (president of TV-6, 37.5% of the shares), he would be engaged in a new multimedia project, which includes TV, the Internet, and banking systems. Going to the presidency. Election 2004 apply it for electronic voting. In May 1999, he announced that he was leaving his job in television (president of TV-6, 37.5% of the shares) and would be engaged in a new multimedia project that included television, the Internet and banking systems.

Big biographical encyclopedia. 2009 .

See what "Sagalaev, Eduard Mikhailovich" is in other dictionaries:

    - (b. 1946) Russian journalist. Since 1975 on Central Television and Radio. Since July 1992, President of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation. One of the creators of a number of popular TV shows: 12th floor, Vzglyad, etc. Chairman of the International ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Sagalaev. Eduard Mikhailovich Sagalaev Occupation: journalist Date of birth: October 3, 1946 (1946 10 03) (66 years old ... Wikipedia

    - (b. 1946), journalist. Since 1975 in the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting System. One of the creators of the programs: “12th floor”, “Vzglyad”, etc. In 1992 96 and since 1997 the president of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation (TV 6), in 1996 1997 the chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Chairman ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Sagalaev, Edward- President of the National Association of Broadcasters President of the National Association of Broadcasters since 1995. One of the founders and former owners of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation (MNVK), creators and leaders ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Eduard Mikhailovich Sagalaev- In 1967 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Samarkand State University. Alisher Navoi, in 1973 the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU. As a university student, in parallel with his studies, he worked on the radio, and then in ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    - (b. October 3, 1946, Samarkand) a prominent figure in Soviet and modern Russian television, Russian journalist, president of the National Association of Broadcasters, one of the founders of TV 6, academician of the Academy of Russian Television. ... ... Wikipedia

    Eduard Mikhailovich Sagalaev (b. October 3, 1946, Samarkand) a prominent figure in Soviet and modern Russian television, Russian journalist, president of the National Association of Broadcasters, one of the founders of TV 6, academician of the Academy ... ... Wikipedia

    Sagalaev surname Sagalaev, Andrey Markovich famous Russian, Siberian social scientist, philosopher, ethnographer, anthropologist, public figure; Sagalaev, Eduard Mikhailovich, a major figure in the Soviet and modern ... ... Wikipedia

    Eduard Mikhailovich (born 1946), journalist. Since 1975 in the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting System. One of the creators of popular TV shows: 12th floor, Vzglyad, etc. In 1992 96 and in 1997 99 President of the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation (TV 6), Chairman ... ... Russian History

From 1967 to 1969 - director, senior editor of the Committee for Radio Broadcasting and Television under the Samarkand Regional Executive Committee. From 1969 to 1972 - Literary Officer of the Department of Party Life, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Samarkand newspaper "Lenin's Way". In 1972 - 73 - executive secretary of the newspaper Komsomolets Uzbekistan. In 1973 - 75 - at the Komsomol work.

From 1975 to 1980 - Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Main Editorial Board of Programs for Youth of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Committee (Gosteleradio) of the USSR. From 1980 to 1984 - Editor-in-Chief of the Main Editorial Board of Radio Broadcasting for Youth of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. From 1984 to 1988 - Editor-in-Chief of the Main Editorial Board of Programs for Youth of the Central Television of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. In 1986 - 88, with the participation of Sagalaev, the programs "Peace and Youth", "12th Floor", "View" and others appeared on the Central Television.

From 1988 to 1990 - Editor-in-Chief of the Main Editorial Board of Information of the Central Television of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, in 1990 - General Director of the General Directorate of Channel IV. From 1989 to 1991 - Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Radio and Television. In 1989 - 90 he led the information and journalistic program of the Central Television "Seven days".

From 1991 to January 1992 - people's deputy THE USSR. From August 1991 to January 1992 - First Deputy Chairman of the All-Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, from January to July 1992 - General Director of the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Since 1992 - President, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the new TV channel "TV-6 Moscow". From March 4, 1995 to 1996, he hosted the author's program "In the World of People" on the TV channel "TV-6 Moscow".

Since August 1995 - President of the National Association of Broadcasters (NAT). From February 15, 1996 to February 10, 1997 - Chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company (VGTRK).

On June 8, 1999 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Public Russian Television (ORT). Since 1995 - Academician of the Russian Academy of Television.

It has state awards. He loves the poetry of Pasternak, Pushkin, Yesenin, Montaigne's philosophical prose.

Best of the day

Married. Son Mikhail - video director, author documentary film"Red Stripe", director of the advertising agency "TV-6 Media". Daughter Yulia works as a correspondent for Disk-Kanal CJSC. Grandson Michael.

Born in the city of Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

In 1967 - graduated from the philological faculty of Samarkand State University named after. Alisher Navoi, in 1973 - the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

As a university student, in parallel with his studies, he worked on the radio, and then in the newspaper.

From 1967 to 1969 - announcer, senior editor of the Committee for Radio Broadcasting and Television under the Samarkand Regional Executive Committee.

In 1969-1972, he was a literary employee of the party life department, deputy executive secretary of the Samarkand newspaper Leninsky Put.

From 1972 to 1973 - was the executive secretary of the newspaper "Komsomolets Uzbekistan" (Tashkent).

In 1973-1975 - was at the Komsomol work in Moscow.

From 1975 to 1980, he worked as Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Main Editorial Board of Programs for Youth of the Central Television of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting (Gosteleradio) of the USSR.

In 1980‑1984 - editor-in-chief of the radio station "Youth".

From 1984 to 1988 he was the editor-in-chief of the youth editorial office of the Central Television, the creator and host of the 12th Floor program and one of the leaders of the Vzglyad program.

In 1988‑1990 - Headed the Main Editorial Office of Central Television Information, hosted the weekly program "Seven Days", closed by order of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

From 1990 to 1991 he was chairman of the Union of Journalists of the USSR.

In 1990‑1997 - Co-Chairman of the International Commission on Radio and Television Policy ("Carter-Sagalaev Commission").

In 1991 - President of the International Confederation of Journalists' Unions.

From August 1991 to 1992 he was the general director of the state television and radio company Ostankino.

In 1992, he created the Moscow Independent Broadcasting Corporation (MNVK) and headed Russia's first private television channel, TV-6 Moscow (created with the participation of American media mogul Ted Turner).

In 1995 - on the initiative of Eduard Sagalaev, a National Association broadcasters (NAT), which he headed.

From February 1996 to February 1997 he was the chairman of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Company (VGTRK).

In 1997‑2001 - President of MNVK (TV-6).

In 2001, he founded a non-profit organization - the Foundation for the Development of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Electronic Media and Internet Technologies "Eduard Sagalaev Foundation", in which he holds the position of Chairman of the Board, President of the Foundation.

In 2006‑2008 - was a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation under the President of the Russian Federation of the first convocation.

Since 2009, he has been the artistic director of the Psychology 21 TV channel (Stream TV company) and the host of the weekly program Wisdom of an Idiot, or Eduard Sagalaev's Encyclopedia of Mistakes on this channel.

In 2002, he was awarded the Orders of Friendship of Peoples, Friendship, "For Services to the Fatherland" IV degree, the TEFI prize in the nomination "Special Prize of the Academy of Russian Television" in 2002.