What to download cryo in prime world. Guide to Cryo in the game Prime World: builds, talents, what to download. Cryo talents in Prime World

The initial build of Cryo / Blizzards in the guide to Cryo in Prime World.

Build 1 - maximum survival.

The changes made to the talent tinkering, power and new talents have killed off the need for the Prime World character, Blizzard, to have HP. The fact is that the weakest killer, having reached the 20th level without talents for HP and defense, has about 3-4 thousand HP with 30-60% defense.

In this regard, the lack of intelligence in the character of Prime World, Crio became more than palpable. But at the same time, the increase in intelligence from talents increased, which increased the difference from the potential.

With talents and pumping in the castle, you can get one to two thousand HP by level 20, and this is close to 30% of total health, this will make the enemy destroy Cryo in HP 1.5 times longer, slowing down the puddle and exposing the reflection. Previously, 1-2 thousand HP was close to 50% of total health and would double the survivability of the Prime World hero, Blizzard. As a result, we have a clear deterioration in intelligence and a decrease in the effectiveness of bonus HP.

Build 2 - maximum damage.

This build of the Prime World hero, Cryo allows you to:
Powerfully stand on the lane and not allow stronger lanes to push through ours.
It's great to farm prime: ganking, running into the jungle, standing on the lane.
Come out victorious from sudden duels.
Deal good overall and point damage in mass battles.
Control opponents of medium importance in battles.

Cons of this build:
An attempt to break through the defenders and stormtroopers of the enemy team in order to control their most dangerous damage dealer may fail. We'll have to control the most useful of the available.
During the late game, there may not be enough time to fully realize the potential of the character in the Prime World Cryo guide, due to the high priority for the enemy, and therefore low survivability.
Since the enemy has save abilities, the Cryo effect debuff is significantly reduced, it also hits dueling abilities in the late game.

Yellow talents must be downloaded to level 20
Reds up to level 20-25
Kettlebell - "Body training", Dykh - "Breath of life", Internal - "Internal reserves", Boot - "Energy run"
If there is no “Energy Run”, you need to insert a blue or purple slipper in the fourth line, in extreme cases - a horseshoe in the sixth and pump it first at level 20.
A change in such pumping may not appear in the best way, therefore, you can change for no more than 1 talent in the 5th line and 1 or 2 in the 4th.

According to this principle of the development of the Prime World game, the Cryo guide, we will be able to quickly get to powerful talents from the 60th line, with minimal prime costs and realize the damage potential by the middle of the game.

Build 3 is a hybrid of damage and survivability.

The undoubted advantages of such an assembly:
Powerfully defend the lane, destroying the enemy tower and not letting stronger liners push through our lane.
Farm prime by running on ganks, into the jungle and standing in the lane.
Win spontaneous duels.
Survive fights in the late game. Save-Bills and AoE Resilience won't help the enemies much, as the debuff will hit them again, and our hero is pretty resilient.

According to the Blizzard guide in Prime World, the disadvantages of this build include:
Not enough AoE, but good point damage in the late game.

Yellow talents level first.
Orange Slippers - "Energy Run", Influx - "Prime Influx", save ability - "Survival Instinct" / "Overcoming Pain" / "Bear.
The order of study is up to you.

The goal of this swing in the Prime World Blizzard guide is to get to maximum intelligence by level 20 and pay attention to HP / defense (survival), just in time for the mess.

game tactics

Laying stage.

The hero of Prime World, Crio, is a medium-strength liner, but this does not prevent him from steadfastly holding the defense of his own tower.

1) Lane selection in the Cryo guide.

If our team does not have more powerful lane defenders, then Mid is taken. This lane assumes the shortest distance from the creep intersection to the ally's tower. This means that the creeps must be destroyed as quickly as possible before they start damaging our tower.
Further, following the Blizzard guide in the guide, if everything is bad with the Foresters, then you should download “Inaccessibility of the Cold” and go to farm the forest. Ask the buzzer to quickly make you a scroll of HP regeneration. We start with the pack near the store. After destroying the first pack, we head to the store to buy a can of HP, worth 70 prime, use it and run to the next pack. There we pump a puddle, regenerate mana, then improve the puddle and regenerate mana again. We try to gank the enemy, if unsuccessfully, then at least we will drive him away. We return to the base, heal and head to the gold pack. At level 5, having fragments, a reflect and a puddle, we can easily pick up this pack.
The most effective lanes for us are top and mid. Between the waves of creeps on both sides, we will be able to freely run into the forest for gray and yellow packs. Before farming the forest, we destroy all enemy creeps and send our own under someone else's tower. We throw fragments at the leading ally, thereby inflicting retaliatory damage on the enemy mobs, summing up in a puddle. Standing on a gray pack, we get a profit from 1.5 damage from a puddle. It is better to run from the gold pack, the mob will slow down, and we will save HP.
Among other things, in Prime World, in the Blizzard guide, it is clearly shown that she is an excellent helper when taking a gold pack before the first meeting of mobs.

2) We run to the ganks. Guide to Vyuga.

Here in a similar way: we kill the creeps, in the shadows we head to the ally. We definitely use the ult.

3) Liners of the opposing team. Cryo guide

High AoE damage (mage) and/or "dangerous damage ( , ). All more pumped, strong opponents can be attributed to this type. They immediately demolish creeps or do not allow them to approach them for a long time.

For this reason, you should improve the puddle after level 7-11. It will help when using your ult and farming lanes/jungle.

Insufficient AoE damage to kill creeps faster. Basic Feature– solo on the lane, no danger from the enemy.

The Prime World hero, Blizzard, can quickly take down creeps, but is useless when destroying a tower. Also, as you approach the tower, be prepared to be ganked. Therefore, don't waste your AoE and push.

If the enemy approaches the creeps, then your task is to reduce his HP to dangerous and pull it to a safe distance for the mobs. Then you finish off enemy creeps.

Role in team skirmishes. Guide to Vyuga.

1) Massive debuff. We slow down as many puddle enemies as possible, than we remove a lot of agility for them. You can also throw an ult on the most dangerous enemy, so that he is afraid of you.
2) The role of the initiator. Having captured an enemy that has strayed from the group in an ult, the Prime World character, Blizzard, can start the fight. From now on, the initiative is on our side.
3) Control of the opponents initiator. If the main hope and support of the enemy is the tank (initiator), then you can try to neutralize it before the start of the mess, using roots, puddles or fragments, and finish it off with an ult.

Final builds:
Both builds and pumping in the castle are compiled by players depending on habits, skills, experience and style.

Since childhood, Crio loved to admire the snow, its swirls and shiny ice crystals. Over time, Crio became one of the first beauties of the Empire, but her cravings from the cold did not diminish at all. The blocks she sends magic ice capable of both bringing salvation for allies, and painful slow death for surrounding enemies.

Video review of Cryo's abilities

Cryo ice freezes crookedly. We have such a saying. What am I for? Moreover, if you are not familiar with this young lady, then you should not do this. Have you seen frostbite? Have you seen people so frostbitten that even their eyes are cold? In short, this is Crio. And it’s better not to push smart speeches with her, she won’t appreciate it, she won’t even understand. All she hears in her head is a crunch of snow. Very hard frost seized the brains. When she was a child, she read fairy tales about the snow queen and grabbed freon from the refrigerator, having previously gouged the last one. Apparently it had an effect.

With men after that, Krio did not grow together. Everyone complained that her feet were cold in bed with her and no way without socks. And what is romance in socks? No. So Krio was left alone and began to slowly become completely stupid and covered with snow.

Crio's nature is not quick-tempered. She will not get upset and swear, and call her dad if she is offended. He will hit the enemy with an ice block on the head and will continue to sit with a completely impenetrable face, weave into snowflakes. They are just some kind of fetish. She even made a crown for herself out of icicles. True, you have to put it in the refrigerator in the room, it starts to thaw. But Crio is not upset. She just doesn't know how. Crio can also beautifully freeze water for cocktails and it is often taken for various hacks in local taverns. Crio can also be found at local slaughterhouses, where she hones the Shock Freeze spell on fresh carcasses.

Cryo sleeps in a large freezer. She's more comfortable there. Once, they tried to rob her apartment and take out Krio, along with the camera, from the dwelling. Ice sculptures of unlucky robbers complement the interior of her apartment very stylishly. By the way, Crio loves to read. Weather forecasts. At the north and south poles. And has an unhealthy craving for prime. She grinds the crystals into powder, makes paths out of it and blows, and then watches how particles of prime swirl in the air and slowly settle on the side of her freezer.

In battle, Crio does not show much enthusiasm. She loves to look at snowflakes. Therefore, she stupidly turns the enemy into ice or pierces through with an icicle or does something else frostbitten and concise. If you could read her thoughts, then you would see something like: “Snow snow ice ice cream eighteen angle of fall wind times snow ice snow.” I would personally recommend staying as far away from her as possible. Also, I suspect that past life Crio was the Biryusa refrigerator. By the way, if you want to put Crio in a good mood, offer her a glass of freon with pieces of ice. She appreciate it. You can also cut a snowflake out of toilet paper.

Cryo talents in Prime World

Chains of ice - Cryo does not suffer from originality, elegance, let alone creativity, but you can’t refuse her efficiency. Chains of ice will devour a significant amount of the enemy's speed and agility.

Blizzard- a talent uncomplicated, but extremely useful. As soon as Cryo is muddied by Blizzard, the enemies take significant magic damage. And if the girl is still familiar with Frostbite, then those who stood motionless will rake another orun from the good old Blizzard.

Inaccessibility of the cold- Our Cryo is so severe that Siberian winters seem like tropical summers after it, and enemies attacking Cryo receive responses.

Ice shard- this is generally a mother thing. Especially when everyone got it. At such moments, Cryo strains and pieces of ice fly out of it (just don’t ask where exactly and how, right?). And these fragments are so severe that the enemy who cuts off such a frostbitten muzzle will suffer terrible damage for as long as five seconds, and if this is a friend, then the enemies of his attackers will be raked in the way indicated above. Learn additional "Ice Energy" and your Cryo during the restoration of ice shards will quickly restore the energy spent. And if all this happens on our native land, then our frostbite will also restore his icy health much faster.

Eternity- well, here is nostalgia, yeah, the heroine throws a bunch of dice with the letters f, a, o, p to the enemy. And she asks to add the word "eternity". The enemy is shocked, the heroine damages him and freezes him. And everyone is led to this chip, everything. But if an ally of the enemy appears nearby, then he will die and rush to him, asking how to compose something. On its territory, this talent will also burn out the energy of the enemy. And if “Permafrost is added”, then the time for the enemy to suffocate under “eternity” will increase significantly, and for the first few seconds he will be so specific that he will not unfreeze.

Cold calculation- an extremely useful thing, during each subsequent attack of Cryo, the enemy will grab additional people and receive significant damage. The more Energy, the more damage.

Cryo is available in Prime World from Castle level 9.

The cost of hiring Crio is 3500 silver.

Cryo starting stats

1 level
Level 36
Health 769
48 48
Energy 871 4005
Power 51
Damage 46-56 108-132
Intelligence 64 202
Agility 47
Attacks per second 0,69 0,75
penetration 7% 23%
Cunning 54 106
Crit Chance
Fortitude 55
Body protection 10% 44%
Will 56 140
Spirit protection 10% 55%

Screenshots from Crio

See below screenshots of the Crio character in Prime World:

Skins Crio

The character "Cryo" in Prime World has 4 skins: Tempest (cost 29 gold), Blizzard (69 gold), Ice Lord (199 gold) and Accused (99 gold). The accusation, very strongly reminiscent of the Crimean prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya, was added to the game on April 18, 2014 with update 9.14.2.

See below screenshots of Storm in Prime World

See screenshots of Blame in Prime World:

Analogue of Cryo among Adornians -

In this guide, let's talk about Krio (Empire of the Docts), aka Blizzard if you play as Adornia.

Cryo is an excellent "liner" (a character who is good in the lane, preventing the enemy from "pushing through" the defense). Also, Blizzard relatively quickly “swings” at the beginning of the game on mobs, thanks to its skill that deals damage in an area.

Thanks to her ult, which gives one of the best stuns in the game (4.5 seconds of complete inactivity), she can successfully gank enemies both alone and with teammates.

Class Talent Overview

When dealing damage with class talents, Cryo also reduces the target's Agility and Speed.

Enemies attacking the Blizzard also take damage. The amount of damage received by opponents depends on the maximum energy of our heroine.

The hero in a certain place creates an area, being in which all enemies receive damage. It is thanks to this talent that the character perfectly "farms" mobs from the very beginning of the game, and also does not allow his opponent to do it freely on the lane.

When cast on an enemy, it takes damage every second for a certain amount of time. When applied to an ally, enemies attacking him receive a certain amount of damage for each hit on him for some time. Once upgraded, the talent restores health and energy to the hero (when applied from home ground) during its cooldown.

Once every few seconds, the character's auto attack deals additional damage (based on maximum energy).

- "Ultra" Cryo. Freezes an enemy for a few seconds, dealing damage to them and also burning some of their energy (when used from home ground). After upgrading, the “stun” time increases.

Development in the castle and build in the "mind"

In the castle, all experience points are best invested in increasing such an important parameter for Cryo as intelligence. The damage of Blizzard, Ice Shards, ults and of course auto-attacks depends on the mind.

In the build, it is also desirable to use the maximum number of talents that increase the mind. Talents for increasing maximum energy (some class skills depend on this parameter) and maximum health will also be useful. The high HP pool, combined with the Agility reduction from class talents, makes Cryo a formidable opponent for any auto-attacker.

An example of a "smart" Cryo / Blizzard build

Build for "intelligent" Cryo

Description of talents

Talentname and colorDescription
natural mind4.2 to reason
natural energy 2.3 to energy regeneration
Land theftTurns a piece of land around the hero into neutral ground when used. Also restores 240 energy when used from home ground
Energy reserveIncreases maximum energy by 190
spiritual protectionIf the hero's health falls below 20% of the current, the hero will receive a shield that absorbs up to 140 damage
Will Breaker 4 to intelligence and 50 to maximum energy
mighty spirit7 to mind and 45 to health
The path of the magician9 to reason
Craving for knowledgeEach time the hero uses talents that cost energy, the maximum energy value increases by 3, up to a maximum of 225 in total; 105 to maximum energy
The secret of the mind11 to reason
Mind training 7 to the mind immediately and an additional 0.06 for each killed mob and 1 for each killed hero, but not more than 6 in total
AgilityIncreases the hero's speed by 6, and if he did not receive damage within 5 seconds - the speed increases by 10; 85 Max Health
perky mind5 to the mind and 20 to the maximum energy; Reduces the cooldown of all talents by 2%
wild mind7 to intelligence and 2.2 to health regeneration
Destruction of defenses 45% chance on basic attack to reduce enemy's Resilience and Will by 18 for 4 seconds
Skill Mastery All talents cost 30% less energy to activate
remarkable mind8 to the mind and 200 to health
Arcane Regeneration 8 to intelligence and 8.5 to health regeneration
mental blade Deals 300 damage to the target; 4 to reason
Strength of character 9 Toughness and 100 Max Health
Greatness of mind19 to reason
noble mind13 to the mind and 240 to the maximum health
Mage Defense13 to Reason and 5 to Will and Fortitude
Seal of Wisdom685 Max Energy
Limitless potential 21 to the greatest of mind, strength, fortitude, and will
Unleashed potential 22 to the greatest of strength and intelligence

game tactics

At the very beginning of the game the best choice will go alone to the center line. Because native land does not give us any special advantages, then it’s not worth risking for the flag in the center at the beginning (although a lot here depends on the enemy on the line, if his native land is very important for him, then we don’t let him raise the flag, otherwise we shoot down the one already raised) .

We spend no more than one “blizzard” on one group of mobs, so as not to sag in energy, and if the enemy is melee, then we do not let him calmly “farm” mobs using a “blizzard” right under his tower.

Having studied the “Shard of Ice”, you can try to kill a half-dead enemy, we can’t kill an enemy with full HP yet. After learning the ult, you can try to "gank" the enemy in the adjacent lane or even try to kill 1 on 1 of your "laner". If the enemy character does not have a large supply of HP, Crio will kill him with a “procast”. We just consistently use "eternity", then "blizzard", "shards of ice" and auto-attack. For such opponents as Assassin, Blizzard, Archer, Caster, this will be enough.

In mass battles, the main task of the Blizzard is to use the ult on the most dangerous enemy, as a rule, this is his inevitable death if the team does not let you down and “focuses” the immobilized enemy. Next, use the "blizzard" - this will reduce the agility and speed of enemy characters. If by this time we still have an unused "shard of ice" - we use it on the opponents' auto-attacker (this will reduce its agility and cause significant damage).

As you can see from the effect of the skills, Crio's main trump cards are one of the best "stuns" in the game from her ult, as well as powerful "debuffs" of enemy speed and agility. This is what should be considered first of all when playing this interesting hero.

Video review of the hero Cryo (Blizzard)

Welcome to the prime world official website, where you can always find out latest news about innovations, see detailed description features of the game, discuss the game on the forum and view the gallery of screenshots and videos.

The Prime World game itself is a social strategy game that successfully combines the ability to control the castle and tactical battles. Participants are determined by the choice of the warring faction on the side of which they would like to fight, manage their own castle, collect heroes and take part in ruthless battles. In addition, an addictive game prime world is based on a completely new social interaction of players for such projects.

The pv game provides both male and female characters that interact with each other on tactical maps, which not only makes the game more interesting, but also directly affects the outcome of tactical battles.

Description of Prime World

The online game will appeal not only to fans of strategies, but also to players who prefer other genres, and regardless of whether you are an experienced player or a beginner, you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself in the world of Prime World. V pw Everyone is given the freedom to do what he enjoys. You can build, mine resources, collect skills and talents, and create new heroes thanks to all this. While some players will take part in battles with enemies, you can provide them with bonuses obtained by winning mini-games directly on the tactical map.

essence Online Games consists in the opposition of two factions: the Empire of the Docts and the Kingdom of Andornia, who are trying to gain power over the prime in the course of endless battles. In turn, prime is a magical alien substance that can change the world with which you can manage it. In other words, the faction that has prime rules the world.

In the process of playing online PV, participants will be able to collect a whole collection of heroes with all kinds of talents, control their favorite character in a DotA-like skirmish mode, you can also become the owner of your own castle, complete tasks and fight other commanders.

Prime World-game online, which allows everyone to be themselves, men can become real victorious warriors, and girls can transform into wonderful healers who inspire their knights to exploits.

Hello everyone! The guide is dedicated, as it was already said above, to Crio / Blizzard (hereinafter referred to as the blizzard)

Well, let's start.


We take a shot line (mid), preferably solo, we can withstand anyone, but difficulties may arise with:

Toad-fat ignores our puddle

Cat- With a panther ignores our puddle

Injom - only the first 5-6 lvls after 10 are driven under the tower without problems.

Magician - due to the ball, he can kill creeps faster, but levels out by lvl 13

We are online, what should we do? That's right, take a puddle! NEVER fight back and cans, because in cryo they will be much less useful than a puddle.

In the beginning, we will have problems with mana, so we take talents for mana regen.

After the ult, there are chances to overwhelm the opponent, but carefully, initially we are very weak, any ignoramus or sin is fatal.

Before the mid game, everything should go quite smoothly.


If your team is not full of crayfish and has not fattened the enemy, but ideally they have fattened themselves, then everything is super.

Our role is to mix up the ultan of the main damage dealer, and to put debuffs on auto-attackers for agility.


AMU - throws a huge amount of damage from the car in a few seconds.

Inzha - so as not to ult

Fists - -2 control and high damage

Doktu - the most cotton can save a life

Muzu - in the absence of other purposes

Well, cryo


End game

If everything went well, we are well developed, the team has not sagged and the enemy ridges are missed, we do everything that we did in the mid game.

If they missed us then: we are trying (preferably with a team) to pick out singles and fill them up, you can go to level 1 zumuna to make birds, in most and with birds you can somehow destroy the enemy party even pumping you.


For the build, we have 3 options, the first 2 are optimal, the second is insane (I DO NOT RECOMMEND TO ANYONE)

In HP and mind

Reason and a little cunning

auto attacker

Thank you all for your attention, if there are questions in the comments, bye bye #haha#