Compatibility Libra and Gemini: driven by the wind to new horizons. Compatibility of Libra and Gemini in love and marriage according to the horoscope Relationship between Gemini and Libra

This meeting resembles a cyclone - signs of Air notice each other from afar. They don’t care what others say, but outsiders can usually only get confused - how can you divide your attention between Gemini and Libra? Both are charming and attractive and love to be the center of attention.

It is possible that just the battle for the pedestal will lead to the beginning of the relationship. For Gemini and Libra, compatibility is possible only if both can fit on this pedestal, otherwise the one who did not get a place will become very unhappy.

Both Gemini and Libra are big fans of flirting right and left and respect someone else's freedom to flirt with others. True, in Libra this feature is less pronounced. Ultimately, they are not going to take away the freedom of flirting from the Gemini, but what about the attention that you so want from your loved one? This is where friction can start.

Compatibility Secrets of Gemini and Libra.

You have an equally easy attitude to the material - you are happy to spend money on each other and gladly accept signs of attention without awkwardness. These are the striking features of air signs. True, if something goes wrong, then no one admits his guilt.

Twins, for all your love of freedom, do not run too far - Libra will not be left alone for long. They will grieve, cry, and succumb to the charm of the one who appreciates and accepts them. If your Libra is dear to you, then return to them - they know how to faithfully wait, but even their patience runs out.

scales, do not expect from the Gemini that one day they will understand everything, appreciate it, and hug your knees, begging for forgiveness. It will not happen. Accept your Gemini as they are, or let them fly free. This bird is not for a cage.

For Gemini and Libra, compatibility can simply evaporate at one moment, no matter how it happened, and suddenly there will be two completely strangers nearby. If you do not want this, look in the same direction, breathe the same air and do not leave each other for a long time.

Gemini man and Libra woman.

Compatibility in love of such a couple is most harmonious. The Gemini man can act as the head of the family and the earner, and the Libra woman will be happy to create home comfort. At the same time, no one cancels joint trips to friends, trips and all the possible pleasures of social life.

This love union is good because the Libra woman will never delve into the situation too much: where did her husband go, why, and when will he come home. Any form of surveillance is unacceptable for Gemini.

Gemini woman and Libra man.

Compatibility in love of this combination of signs is more intense. Here, much will depend on the Gemini woman. If she wants to maintain a love union and eventually marry, she must respect her man, understand his non-conflict nature and behave with him within the limits of what is permitted. He is not as swift as she is, and more prone to contemplation than to fuss. The Gemini woman must enable the Libra man to feel like the head of the family.

In general, such a man requires delicate treatment and will not tolerate any form of disharmony in a relationship. At the same time, she can be capricious, but the Gemini woman will always find a way to improve the mood of the Libra man!

Love Compatibility Horoscope for Gemini and Libra.

This combination of signs is one of the most favorable for both Gemini and Libra. They have almost perfect compatibility in love, in the intellectual aspect, in terms of outlook on life, finances, etc.

This, of course, is not about the similarity of signs, but about the most adequate combination of Gemini and Libra.

They prefer easy love - without dramas and unnecessary passions. In this union, everything should please, delight, and in no case strain. However, neither Gemini nor Libra, by their very nature, almost never represent clots of contradictory energy, splashing out in the form of aggression or anger. They simply negotiate among themselves, come to an agreement. There is no rivalry and sports passion in this duet.

Gemini and Libra love social life, travel, meaningless acquaintances, conversations on abstract topics. Both are gentle and pleasant in communication.

Their intimate life is filled with passion, however, outside the bedroom everything is harmonious and more or less calm. Neither Gemini nor Libra are prone to jealousy and do not demand too much from a partner.

Geminis are more prone to novelty and tend to try a lot. Libra will always keep the inquisitive Gemini company. Libra is more accommodating, looking for aesthetic pleasure everywhere. Gemini will happily support Libra's creative ideas.

The financial side of such an alliance must be controlled by at least one of the partners. The fact is that both Gemini and Libra tend to squander money, so the issue of material wealth should be given increased attention.

Watching a pair of Libra and Gemini, compatibility in love, is like watching an intellectual drama by Bernard Shaw. These two are incredibly smart, which is what attracts each other. But their connection often turns into a battle of wits and resembles walking on a tightrope, where every wrong step takes your breath away. Undoubtedly, this is a dizzying sight, but the question involuntarily arises - where is love here?

What can prevent them from being together

Geminis are rarely capable of deep feelings. They tend to jump from one novel to another with the same ease with which butterflies flutter from flower to flower. Thus, Gemini is looking for an ideal life partner. The main thing for this sign is intellectual compatibility, and he finds in Libra a partner whom he can easily understand.

Such a union is perfect for creativity, friendship, adventure. But family is more than that. When it comes to important decisions, it is quite difficult for Libra who is always doubting to make them, and for the fickle Gemini, to carry them out. Thus, both have many reasons to accuse each other of impracticality and unwillingness to deal with pressing matters.

Libras are great at overcomplicating things. They spend a lot of time trying to anticipate different scenarios and evaluate all the consequences. Gemini, on the contrary, simplify everything that is possible and live in the present moment. Unlike Libra, they act without too much thought and rarely regret something. Of course, Libra tends to accuse Gemini of being unreliable, and Libra seems indecisive and cowardly to Gemini.

Libra and Gemini get along great until they have a point of contention. Both one and the second are selfish and too fixated on themselves. They lack the ability to listen. In the absence of a strong emotional connection, such inattention to each other's experiences can lead to mutual confrontation and a breakdown in relationships.

Gemini and Libra have a lot in common that can help them create a long-term relationship:

  • brilliant mind, common interests, love of novelty, creativity;
  • wide social circle and active social life;
  • optimism, sense of humor and cheerfulness.

Both are sensual and open to love experiences. These relationships are full of romance and tenderness. Their sexual relationship, like aged wine, tends to get better year by year. And this is a serious argument to be together.

In this pair, a great responsibility lies with the Gemini. Libra is a sophisticated and creative nature that responds to every spiritual impulse of Gemini. If something did not work out, it means that the frivolous Gemini missed a wonderful partner, one of the best for them from the entire zodiac circle.

If Gemini intends to start a family with a representative of the Libra sign, he will have to reconsider his frivolous attitude to life and duties. Libra expects natural things from a partner - fidelity and reliability, and they do not agree to anything less. In return, Libra will be the perfect life partner, gentle, caring, and willing to compromise. If the Gemini has not yet walked up, then you should not powder the brains of Libra - this can cost them dearly.

Being under the influence of the elements of Air, Libra and Gemini often regard compatibility in love relationships as an occasion for a frivolous affair. However, the stars say that if Gemini and Libra have the foresight to see the true potential of their union, then this couple will be happy for many years to come. living together. But such insight and the ability to work on relationships come only with age, so only mature Gemini and Libra, who are ready for change and personal growth, enter into a relationship.

It is believed that a lot in a relationship depends on the signs of the zodiac, so astrology helps to understand what points of contact the lovers have, which can cause problems and parting. A thorough analysis will help maintain and strengthen the union.

Gemini and Libra Compatibility in Love

To fold general idea about such a pair, you should pay attention to the main nuances in the relationship:

  1. Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Gemini and Libra is not bad, because the partners are comfortable together. They love entertainment and fun in companies.
  2. At first, everything will be like in a fairy tale, and then the negative aspects of the character will begin to appear, so nit-picking cannot be avoided.
  3. Lovers often see their own reflection in each other, which cannot but attract. The contradictory and changeable nature is understandable for Gemini, which leads to excellent mutual understanding.
  4. Money issues in such a pair will not be primary, and conflicts may arise when it is necessary to make serious purchases.
  5. They work well together if Gemini is the think tank and Libra takes care of the practical side.
  6. Libra and Gemini, whose compatibility in love relationships is possible with regular work on themselves, are in conflict due to a lack of understanding in some areas of life. For example, Gemini cannot understand how Libra can say one thing and act differently.

Libra man and Gemini woman. The union is light and laid-back. Feelings are reinforced by intellectual communication and common interests. A woman gives a man self-confidence, and in return she gets freedom, which is very important. Problems with Libra and Gemini, whose compatibility has a high percentage, appear when it is necessary to make quick decisions.

Gemini man and Libra woman. In such a pair, lovers quickly find many common ground. The connection is reinforced by the similarity of characters and temperaments. The main thing in such an alliance will be a man, but a woman should not completely cave in, as she will be uninteresting. It is important for Libra to feel that she is loved and needed, because she can be carried away by another man.

Libra and Gemini Marriage Compatibility

According to statistics and the opinion of astrologers, family relationships between such people are ideal and successful. In addition to love, in such a pair there is friendship and respect, which is important for strengthening the union. Gemini and Libra in marriage are happy not only thanks to a successful life, but also to common interests. It is important to consider that Gemini is never, but Libra can look around if the partner does not devote time to them. Problems may arise due to the increased importunity of Gemini.

Libra and Gemini Sexual Compatibility

Since the temperaments of such people are balanced, they will bring pleasure to both partners. Describing whether Gemini and Libra are compatible in sex, it is worth noting that for such people great importance has romance than bare physiology, so their foreplay is sensual and lengthy. This is due to the fact that the signs belong to the element of Air. The union of Gemini and Libra is not without interest in experiments in bed.

Libra and Gemini Friendship Compatibility

Friendships in such a couple can be strong and long-lasting, because partners like to experiment, develop and constantly move forward, and people are mainly united by common interests. Gemini and Libra harmonize well and balance each other. To avoid conflicts, it is recommended to feel more and think less.

Libra and Gemini at work

Such an alliance in the labor sphere has excellent prospects. For those who are wondering if Gemini and Libra are suitable for each other in work and business, it is worth knowing that representatives of these signs can make joint plans quite naturally and naturally. They interact well, but small and routine problems can become a stumbling block. Libra and Gemini, whose work compatibility is excellent, will work to the maximum, having assistants to implement their ideas and projects.

Love between representatives of the same element always gives off a touch of friendship, especially if they are representatives of the Air element. The Gemini woman is mobile, light, does not like to be bored. She communicates simply and sweetly - just the way a Libra man likes. He himself has a weakness for sophisticated young ladies, who are also intellectually developed and do not strive to maintain harmony. As for harmony, this is definitely not for the representative of the Gemini sign, but with the previous points, the Libra man will definitely be lucky. The love of a Gemini woman and a Libra man will be like a movie: everything is balanced, romantic and even elegant and no one gets bored. Their relationship is not very deep, they do not have jealousy and possessive feelings - and although they are deprived, in general, of rough animal passion, there is more than enough tenderness in them.

They will not move on to sex very soon: both are too intellectual. Conversations for them are much more important than physical caresses. However, the curiosity and wild fantasy of both will take their toll and they will finally find themselves in the same bed. The Gemini woman has an indefatigable imagination, she will be able to diversify her intimate life. The Libra man will create a romantic atmosphere in which both will be able to relax and tune in to love. In their intimate life, conversations (because she loves them so much) and joint admiration of art objects (this turns him on) will play a big role.

Family and marriage

A marriage between a Gemini woman and a Libra man will be light and easy, just like themselves. They can make a decision to formalize a relationship very quickly, and not regret it in the future. The Gemini woman will be an unusual wife: she cannot be called an economic wife, but she is very feminine and knows how to support and cheer her husband when necessary. The Libra man is also not a classic strong husband - however, he maintains an even atmosphere in the family so that everyone is grateful to him for this. Their marriage is truly partnership, there is no leader and follower in it: together the Gemini woman and the Libra man achieve their goals.

They will be friends with great pleasure. The Gemini woman and the Libra man have many common interests, even their psyche is somehow similar. They both need communication more than food and sleep, so they understand each other very well. It is unlikely that they will give each other good practical advice, but they will always be able to provide spiritual support.

Work and business

If a Gemini woman and a Libra man work together, it could be some kind of creative project, journalism, or something related to beauty and art. At least, it is in these areas that the Gemini woman and Libra man are most effective. They will be able to quickly agree and share responsibilities, there will be a minimum number of conflicts in their joint activities. The Gemini woman will be able to expand her circle of acquaintances - professional and not so much, which will benefit their common cause, and the Libra man will find an approach to people who are especially important and necessary for their project. Their professional union can be very, very successful.

What to expect from the combination of two air signs Gemini and Libra? Of course, air, squared, gives lightness, freedom and the absence of any responsibility.

Such an environment is great for friends who can complement each other in their work. However, the mutual desire for freedom and all avoidance of responsibility, the marriage union of Gemini and Libra can lead to a quick collapse. The statistics of divorces between these signs is proof of this.

Friendship and work

Gemini and Libra Sign Compatibility indicates that mutual understanding arises instantly between them. They seem to live on the same wavelength, sociable signs will always find something to talk about, experiencing approximately similar emotions. This is a very important moment for both signs, in the face of each other they find a kindred understanding soul. They are fun and interesting, they will be happy to start working together or go on a trip together.

The business union of Gemini and Libra can be described as follows: one head is good, but two is better. In tandem of two creative people the most incredible ideas are born, but someone else is needed to bring them to life. This third, most likely, will be found by Libra, charming and able to captivate other people. And then all the routine work will be dumped on the shoulders of that unfortunate one, and the airy couple will start creating a new project. Neither Gemini nor Libra tend to see things through to the end.

Gemini and Libra Sexual Compatibility

In bed, Libra and Gemini easily find their wave. Their temperaments are so similar that we can say there is nothing to complain about. These signs are not attracted by animal passion, sex for them is not the satisfaction of their lust, but a way to enjoy the very fact of a love game. The compatibility of the signs Gemini and Libra is such that passionate outbursts in this pair should not be expected. Everything is measured, romantic and leisurely for them, although both signs are not averse to trying something new in bed. Very often, on friendly grounds, there is sex without obligations, where there is not a single hint of jealousy. This state of affairs satisfies both sides. However, a reasonable question arises: what next? What if one of them still wants a more definite relationship? This is where sometimes insurmountable obstacles arise.

Gemini woman - Libra man: compatibility

The Libra man deftly arranges his love networks: a charming look, a mysterious smile and long speeches about everything that fills the world with beauty and harmony. A rare Gemini woman will not fall for the hook of this master of seduction. Given the compatibility of the signs Gemini and Libra, in this union, most of the responsibility will fall on the shoulders of the man.

He just needs home comfort, while Gemini is more mobile, it is difficult for them to cope with household chores. If the partner emotionally supports her chosen one, instilling confidence and determination in him, he will look at her slightly dismissive attitude towards the family nest through her fingers. But domestic problems and household chores will not go away from this. The indecisive and easy nature of both signs can play a cruel joke with them: a pile of accumulated problems will one day cover them with their heads, leaving no other choice but a divorce. Most likely, such a decision will be made by the Gemini woman. Her life partner is too afraid to be alone and make a mistake when making a decision, while Gemini decides everything in a rush, although they may change their mind in the next five minutes.

Gemini man - Libra woman: compatibility

This union has a little more chance of existence. A man in such a marriage will be a leader, assigning his chosen one the role of a victim. Although this is, rather, self-sacrifice, which does not burden the Libra woman too much. She is ready to obey, support her husband in all endeavors, giving him the much-needed freedom. At first glance, this couple seems perfect. But it was not there. The Libra woman has a great chance of becoming boring for her chosen one, turning into a shadow that the Gemini man simply will not notice one day. And then the spouse can go all out in search of new bright colors and sensations. The compatibility of the signs Gemini and Libra advises a man in such a union not to forget that it is his chosen one, and not he, who carries the life together on his fragile shoulders. No need to test her patience, it may end.

The ease of communication, the similarity of characters, the love of grace and an almost identical attitude to sex - these are the points of contact between Gemini and Libra. In such an alliance, everything is fine until it becomes necessary to make decisions and take on some obligations. Both signs love to have fun and spend money while they have it. All this is suitable for friends and lovers, but not for spouses. The compatibility of the signs Gemini and Libra in marriage is not so rosy, both parties will have to make a lot of efforts to save the family, often going against their desires and impulses.