Only the howling of the wind is heard in the tackle. There are more than two homogeneous members and the union AND is repeated at least twice

Tasks A23 in Russian

1. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) Someone cleaned up the tower and waited for the owners.

2) Many literary scholars and historians again and again argue about Goethe's relationship with the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin.

3) Rows of trees or shrubs or flowers went in all directions from the houses.

4) In the syntactic structure of two poetic texts, we can find both similarities and differences.

2. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) Both art and science and life experience are useful for personal development.

2) Rude or even unkind behavior of people can spoil the mood of others.

3) Memory accumulates good experience and traditions and constantly resists the destructive power of time.

4) Good manners and properly developed behavior will bring a person as good mood and the respect of others.

3. Specify a sentence in which you need to put only one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) Walking or talking with a friend was equally enjoyable for me.

2) The dusk hid the outlines of Olga's face and figure and threw a veil over her.

3) Learning and labor will grind everything.

4) In college, he was passionately engaged in both the humanities and the natural and mathematical disciplines.

4. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.

2) Participles are able to both figuratively describe an object or phenomenon and present its sign in dynamics.

3) The illogical connection of words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader's attention and enhances the imagery.

4) Pretty soon he settled down in the area and made friends with the neighbors.

5. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) Some watercolor works refer to both painting and graphics.

2) The ocean seemed to freeze and rumble quietly and insinuatingly.

3) You can give answers orally or in writing.

4) Watermelon and sang and sugar and very tasty.

6. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) Sheet metal is also used to make machine cases and appliances and utensils.

2) Tinsmiths must know the structure of various machines and devices for sheet metal processing and be able to work on them.

3) Wood glue is produced in the form of grains or solid tiles with a shiny surface.

4) We did not go to bed for a long time and admired the sky then the sea.

7. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) The German artist Dürer traveled extensively in Italy and the Netherlands and was well acquainted with the art of these countries.

2) The artist managed to convey the appearance of this person and the character and mood.

3) The sun is a powerful source of both light and heat and other radiations.

4) Part of the population, either on foot or in carts or in cars, moved out of the city.

8. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) In a grove of low linden and hazel grew widely.

2) Herbs and flowers smelt hot and sweet in the oven.

3) He was loved not so much for his sublime mind as for some touching naivety and the ability to be surprised at everything.

4) River pearls of whitish or yellow color are found in lakes with clear water.

9. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) The knights had to be able to fight and defend themselves and the king.

2) Peasants paid for the rent of land with money or food.

3) During the holidays, both sports parades and theatrical performances were held on the city square.

4) Tablecloths and napkins of cold and gloomy tones should not be used for table setting.

10. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) In gouache painting, flat and round brushes have an advantage.

2) I took the heavy lists of the novel and draft notebooks out of my desk drawer and began to burn them.

3) The heart suddenly trembles and beats, then irretrievably drowns in memories.

4) You can love a spring or a path, a quiet lake or a dense forest, a blue night or a bright morning.

11. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) In the evening, they either walk along the riverbank, or have leisurely conversations in the gazebo on the top of the hill, or go to a play at the local drama theater.

2) I saw only the tops of the trees and the winding edge of the shore.

3) Hoarfrost lay on the roofs of houses and on the foliage of trees, and for a long time it shone in the sun.

4) The writing talent equally manifests itself both in books for adults and in children's literature.

12. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) Some species of animals can serve as indicators of air, water and soil temperature.

2) Ambergris was most often found on the shores or near the islands of tropical seas.

3) With attention and love, the artist painted the house itself, the furnishings in it, and the clothes of the characters.

4) Stasov acted with particular energy and enthusiasm as an art and music critic.

13. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) By the behavior of some animals, people can determine the approach of storms and storms or the onset of cloudless weather.

2) On a sunny day through clear water thickets of single and colonial coral polyps are clearly visible in warm tropical seas.

3) Light-winged dragonflies can be admired near lakes or ponds.

4) In the portrait, artists strive not only to accurately capture the appearance of a person, but also to convey his inner world.

14. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) Many funny and sad familiar and unexpected scenes were imprinted in the boy's tenacious memory.

2) On the sandbanks of a river or lake, if desired, you can find bivalve shells of mollusks.

3) During the Crimean campaign, L. N. Tolstoy saw the heroism of the people and the innumerable misfortunes and misfortunes of the war.

4) With their brightness and multicolor, anemones overshadow the beauty of tropical plants and colorful birds and butterflies fluttering above them.

15. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) Only the howling of the wind in the gears and the quiet rumble of the sea are heard.

2) All these sounds were strangely beautiful and sad and seemed like the beginning of a wonderful fairy tale.

3) Fyodor constantly dreamed of lights, now to the right, then to the left.

4) There was no excitement or fear in Anna's movements.

16. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) The sun reached the edge of the earth and spread across the sky in a cherry glow.

2) The artist painted both urban and rural landscapes.

3) I had to wait my turn and involuntarily listen to boring and already boring conversations.

4) In budgerigars, the growth at the base of the beak can be blue or blue.

17. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) There are various versions and hypotheses about the origin and meaning of the name of this plant.

2) In the long autumn evenings we read aloud or simply sat by the fire.

3) The knights either conquered new cities, then lost all their acquisitions, then again prepared for campaigns.

4) Rudolf Nureyev masterfully mastered the technique of both classical and modern dance.

18. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) The hero of the novel loved travel and adventure and at the same time strove for comfort and family coziness.

2) Very many watercolors did not have authors or were allegedly attributed to one or another Decembrist.

3) Slang words fall out of both tradition and the sphere of reasonable word usage and the uniformity of speech.

4) To convince the reader of the fairness of his assessments, the author of the review can use both methods of scientific analysis and means of artistic expression.

19. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) And in the rain and in the cold wind and in a thunderstorm, it is joyful to return home with a full basket of mushrooms.

2) This land of untrodden paths and fearless animals and birds has a great attraction.

3) Each aspen in the forest or on the border in autumn seems to me some fantastic plant.

4) The plots for the works of the Decembrists were prompted by both the actual problems of modern life and the events of national history.

20. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) In the 15th century, both heavy cannons were used to besiege fortresses and light guns were used in field battles.

2) The word expresses thoughts and can serve to connect and separate people.

3) Michelangelo portrayed people with a powerful body and a strong will, bold and indomitable, calm and decisive.

4) In the crafty and mischievous and unusually lyrical voice of the Russian balalaika one can hear the buffoonish prowess of the first musicians in Russia.

Tasks A 23 (Tsybulko)

1. Specify the offer in which you want to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

                1. Some species of animals can serve as indicators of air, water and soil temperature.

                2. Ambergris was most often found on the shores or near the islands of tropical seas.

                3. With attention and love, the artist painted the house itself, the furnishings in it, and the clothes of the characters.
Stasov acted with particular energy and enthusiasm as an art and music critic.

2. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

  1. By the behavior of some animals, people can determine the approach of storms and storms or the onset of cloudless weather.

  2. On a sunny day, thickets of single and colonial coral polyps are clearly visible through the clear water of warm tropical seas.

  3. Light-winged dragonflies can be admired near lakes or ponds.
4) In the portrait, artists strive not only to correctly capture the appearance of a person, but also to convey his inner world.

3. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (Punctuation marks are not parted.)

1) Artists and sculptors portrayed the heroes of myths and legends in memorized positions.

2) In the mid-50s of the XX century, it became necessary to grow not only pearls in mollusks, but also the mollusks themselves.

3) None of the living creatures of the terrestrial world can compare in beauty and brightness with coral polyps.

4) The poetry of the surrounding nature and life attracted the young writer much more than the poetry of ancient monuments and ancient ruins.

4. Specify the offer in which you want to put one

  1. Many funny and sad familiar and unexpected scenes were imprinted in the boy's tenacious memory.

  2. On the sandbanks of a river or lake, if desired, you can find bivalve shells of mollusks.

  3. During the Crimean campaign JI.H. Tolstoy saw the heroism of the people and the innumerable misfortunes and misfortunes of the war.

  4. With their brightness and multicolor, anemones overshadow the beauty of tropical plants and colorful birds and butterflies fluttering above them.
5. Specify the offer in which you want to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

      1. In a lean year, you can walk hundreds of kilometers through the taiga and not hear either the cries of the nutcracker or the muttering of chipmunks.

      2. There are many closed bays and gulfs in Primorye.

      3. OH. Vostokov was elected a full and honorary member of many Russian and foreign scientific societies.
4) In the distance, the sea waves seemed either blue or green or dark blue.

6. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

  1. Only the howling of the wind in the gears and the quiet rumble of the sea are heard.

  2. All these sounds were strange beautiful and sad and seemed like the beginning of a wonderful fairy tale.

  3. Fyodor constantly dreamed of lights, now to the right, then to the left.
4) There was no excitement or fear in Anna's movements.

7. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

                    1. 1) The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.

                    2. 2) Participles are able to both figuratively describe an object or phenomenon and present its sign in dynamics.

                    3. 3) The illogical connection of words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader's attention and enhances the imagery.

8. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

    1. The artist made trips to the Gulf of Finland and the Black Sea and reflected his impressions in many canvases.

    2. In the eyes of the author of The Tale of Igor's Campaign, we discern admiration for endless expanses and true knowledge of the surrounding world.

9. Specify the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

          1. The sun rises from behind the clouds and floods the forest and field with warming light.

          2. Only the silhouettes of the trees and the dark roofs of the sheds were visible.
4) The ability to navigate in time is both in animals and in plants.

10. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

        1. Generalizing words must come before homogeneous members or after them.

        2. For festive illumination, both electric garlands and lanterns were used.

        3. At night the wind is angry and knocks on the window.
4) A good specialist relies on fundamental knowledge and the ability to work.

11. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

                  1. To check the spelling of an unstressed vowel of the root, you need to change the word or choose a related one.

                  2. There was a noise in my head, either from the howling and whistling of the storm, or from joyful excitement.

                  3. We saw a few trees in the distance and shadows running across the damp grass. driven by the wind clouds
4) The fellow traveler did not hear what was said or ignored my hint.

12. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

                    1. 1) The caravel had three masts with straight and oblique sails and could move in the right direction even with a headwind.

                    2. 2) The yellowish or pink petals of this plant grow singly or in pairs.

                    3. 3) Bright poppies and delicate tulips and shaggy marigolds were planted in the flower bed.
4) Representatives of the intelligentsia have always strived for semantic accuracy and expressiveness of speech, fought against distortion and clogging of their native language.

13. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

  1. Modern publicists and writers have written and continue to write about the place of a dog in human life.

  2. The yellowish or pink petals of this plant grow singly or in pairs.

  3. The flower bed was planted with bright poppies and delicate tulips and shaggy marigolds.

  4. Representatives of the intelligentsia strove for semantic accuracy and expressiveness of speech, fought against distortion and clogging of their native language.
14. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

          1. The fire of the fire flares up and then goes out.

          2. Blue and red pink and blue yellow and green lanterns shone and sparkled on New Year's garlands.

          3. Think of any number and increase it by three.
4) You can’t tell much about water, about wind, about fogs and shallows.

15. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

      1. In a grove of low linden and hazel grew widely.

      2. He was loved not so much for his sublime mind as for some kind of touching naivety and the ability to be surprised at everything.

      3. Herbs and flowers smelt hot and sweet in the oven.
4) River pearls of whitish or yellow color are found in lakes with clear water.

16. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

  1. There is a lot of fussy and funny, businesslike and cunning in the behavior of the starling.

  2. In the count's living room, the mirrors and paintings and vases were real works of art.

  3. For many, the books of Dostoevsky or Tolstoy are more interesting than any detective novel.
4) It’s good to get lost in the thick thickets of aspens and birches in a warm autumn and breathe in the rotten smell of grass.

17. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

        1. Sheet metal is used to make machine and instrument cases and utensils.

        2. Tinsmiths must know the structure of various machines and devices for sheet metal processing and be able to work on them.

        3. Wood glue is produced in the form of grains or solid tiles with a shiny surface.
4) We did not go to bed for a long time and admired either the sky or the sea.

18. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

                1. The sun reached the edge of the earth and spread across the sky in a cherry glow.

                2. The artist painted both urban and rural landscapes.

                3. I had to wait my turn and involuntarily listen to boring and already boring conversations.
4) In budgerigars, the growth at the base of the beak can be blue or blue.

19. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

      1. The work went quickly and cheerfully and was completed on time.

      2. Participles are able to both figuratively describe an object or phenomenon and present its sign in dynamics.

      3. The illogical connection of words creates a special psychological effect and attracts the reader's attention and enhances the imagery.
4) Pretty soon he settled down in this area and made friends with his neighbors.

20. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

            1. There are various versions and hypotheses about the origin and meaning of the name of this plant.

            2. In the long autumn evenings we read aloud or simply sat by the fire.

            3. The knights either conquered new cities, then lost all their acquisitions, then again prepared for campaigns.

            4. Rudolf Nureyev masterfully mastered the technique of both classical and modern dance.
21. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

  1. After dinner, my grandmother went out to the balcony with knitting or sewing.

  2. In the 19th century, science and production developed rapidly in Europe and America.

  3. Behind the snowy fog, neither the field, nor the telegraph poles, nor the forest can be seen.
4) A rich man does not live in poverty, but complains.

22. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

                  1. The hero of the novel loved travel and adventure and at the same time strove for comfort and family coziness.

                  2. Very many watercolors did not have authors or were allegedly attributed to one or another Decembrist.

                  3. Slang words fall out of both tradition and the sphere of reasonable word usage and the uniformity of speech.
4) To convince the reader of the fairness of his assessments, the author of the review can use both methods of scientific analysis and means of artistic expression.

23. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

  1. And in the rain and in the cold wind and in a thunderstorm, it is joyful to return home with a full basket of mushrooms.

  2. This land of untrodden paths and fearless animals and birds has a great attraction.

  3. Every aspen in a forest or on a border in autumn seems to me some kind of fantastic plant.
4) The plots for the works of the Decembrists were prompted by both the actual problems of modern life and the events of national history.

24. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

          1. In the 15th century, both heavy cannons were used to besiege fortresses and light guns were used in field battles.

          2. The word expresses thoughts and can serve to connect and separate people.

          3. Michelangelo portrayed people with a powerful body and a strong will, bold and indomitable, calm and decisive.
4) In the sly and mischievous and unusually lyrical voice of the Russian balalaika, one can hear the buffoonish prowess of the first musicians in Russia.

25. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

1) The climatic conditions of the region affect both the architecture of buildings and the layout of apartments.

2) For the development of new types of equipment, both equipment and highly qualified workers, both engineering and technical personnel and experimental plants, are needed.

3) The products of many machine-building plants are difficult to transport due to their large weight or large dimensions.

4) During botanical excursions and surveys in many regions and regions, observations were made and information was collected on the use of plants in folk medicine.

26. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

    1. There were no decorations on the walls or windows.

    2. Among the artisans were weavers and gunsmiths and bone carvers.

    3. The powerful “fur coat” around our planet consists of free protons and electrons and is divided into two belts.
4) Cases and cases are completely tortured.

27. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

              1. Phraseology may include obsolete words or words in a figurative sense.

              2. The Byzantine army outnumbered the enemy both in numbers and in armament.

              3. I go home and on the way I think it over again from beginning to end.
4) And the spear and arrows and the drum were still in the wigwam.

28. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

      1. Literature needs both talented writers and talented readers.

      2. In a test lesson or oral exam, try to build your answer in the form of a coherent statement.

      3. Hare and squirrel tracks come across on the first snow in aspen and birch groves.
4) The forest and the field and the flowering meadow are flooded with sun.

29 Select the sentence in which you want to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

                  1. The goals of astrologers and alchemists were fantastic, but their observations and experiments contributed to the accumulation of knowledge both in astronomy and in chemistry.

                  2. In the 12th century, painters painted pictures with paints or ink on silk or paper scrolls.

                  3. On the street the whole of December, then snow, then rain ...
4) The caravel had three masts with straight and oblique sails and could move in the right direction even with a headwind.

30. Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks.)

    1. In gouache painting, flat and round brushes have an advantage.

    2. I took the heavy lists of the novel and draft notebooks out of my desk drawer and began to burn them.

    3. The heart suddenly trembles and beats, then irretrievably drowns in memories.

    4. You can love a spring or a path, a quiet lake or a dense forest, a blue night or a bright morning.

1) Medicines have an effect on the body, and so that this effect does not turn into harm, they should be taken only as directed by a doctor: the fact is that different people The reaction of the body to the same drug may be different. (2)______ some people are allergic to certain substances contained in medicines; in addition, some medicines should not be taken at the same time as each other or with certain foods. (H) Thus, when taking medication, one must strictly follow the instructions of the doctor and not exceed the recommended doses.

1 Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Medicines should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account all his recommendations in order to avoid unwanted reactions of the body to their intake.

2. A person needs to take medication prescribed by a doctor.

3. Some people are allergic to certain substances contained in medicines; in addition, a number of drugs cannot be taken simultaneously with each other or with individual products.

4. To warn undesirable consequences, it is necessary to take medicines only as prescribed by a doctor in accordance with his recommendations.

5. The body's response to medication can be unpredictable, so you should refrain from taking them.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write out this word.

1. Despite this

4. Contrary to this

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which contains the meanings of the word PRODUCT. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the second (2) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

PRODUCT, -a, m.

1. The subject as a result of human labor (processing, processing, research). Production products.

2. Translated. Consequence, result, generation of something (book). language is a product historical development.

3. Usually pl. Food items, food supplies. Milk products.

4. A substance obtained chemically or otherwise from another substance. combustion product.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel was highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.

most beautiful



5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. The girl tore off a bright beret from her head and SHAKE it with a careless movement - bright splashes of rain scattered around, shimmering in the rays of the spring sun.

2. All enterprises Catering are obliged to PROVIDE the consumer with information about their state registration and the name of the body that registered it.

3. In the event that the ADDRESSEE does not come for a postal order, parcel, registered letter within five days, the post office sends him a second notice.

4. In order to acquire not only a well-mannered, but also an affectionate and SPARKY puppy, you must first observe whether the breeder manages to create an atmosphere of love and care for pets.

5. People should never forget about the existence of eternal, ETERNAL values ​​in the world.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form of the word. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

much LONG

FIFTY visitors


BOTH hands

HURRY through

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover 1) In the April issues of the Novy Mir magazine, poems by a young talented poet were published.
B) violation of the species-temporal correlation of verb forms 2) Fructose is one of the substances obtained from berries and fruits.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Immediately upon arrival in Yuryevets, tourists will pay attention to the bell tower of St. George the Victorious.
D) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 4) The soldiers, who were fulfilling their duty to the Motherland, spent four days in the steppe without food and water.
D) incorrect use of the noun 5) Grandmother knits a scarf and gave it to her grandson.
6) This chamber hall, which is now used mainly for educational purposes, was called the White Hall until November 2007.
7) Everyone who has visited the Valley of Geysers understands why it is considered one of the wonders of the world.
8) Artistic speech, which is fundamentally different from official business and scientific speech, in a number of ways approaches journalistic speech.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other characters.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


zabl.. become


per. .odic


9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.

and .. walking, ra .. beat

pr.. old, pr.. nickname


to..write, o..gave

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.





cheap .. low

11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the gap.



12. Define a sentence in which NOT with the word is written CLEARLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

1. Rooks walked in the (NOT) YELLOWED rye.

2. In the house, (NOT) LOOKING at the evening coolness, it was stuffy.

3. Leaving, the father (NOT) CLOSED the windows, and the house became cool.

4. Sonya ran out into the street with her head (NOT) COVERED with a scarf.

13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

1. (C) START ask who has seen this book. (PO) Apparently, no one except Seryozha could take it!

3. (B) DURING the whole morning, Kirill did not leave the feeling (AS) AS if the air was washed with spring water.

4. (AT) DALIE the slender sails of fishing boats rose, and they seemed pink, BECAUSE (THAT) they were illuminated by the setting sun.

5. Many ancient works that were rewritten (B) DURING the VIII-IX centuries were preserved (B) FLESH until recent years.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.

The term "herbarium" appeared in the 16th century to refer to arid (1) plants, collected (2) for a collection and intended (3) for scientific works floristry, selection.

15 Put punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. Only the howling of the wind in the gear and the quiet rumble of the sea are heard.

2. All these sounds were strangely beautiful and sad and seemed like the beginning of a wonderful fairy tale.

3. Fedor constantly dreamed of lights from the right to the left.

4. There was no excitement or fear in Anna's movements.

5. The earth does not give to a person without a bow either an ear or a blade of grass.

16 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentence.

A thundercloud (1) at times sparkling with lightning (2) and making a displeased rumble (3) hurried to the northeast (4) more and more opening the dark starry sky.

17 Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentences.

Petersburg guardsmen (1) it would seem (2) were engaged exclusively in organizing and conducting " palace coups” (3) however (4) they were not the blind tool of one group or another: the choice that the guards made almost always led the country forward.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate the number (s) in the place of which (s) in the sentence should (s) be a comma (s).

The artistic detail gradually becomes a symbol of (1) the appearance (2) of which (3) in the text of the novel (4) marks essential for understanding.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers where commas should be in the sentence.

A person changes over time (1) and (2) in order to understand the logic of the actions of literary heroes or people of the past (3) one must imagine (4) how they lived, why they acted this way and not otherwise.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) A person loves the place of his birth and upbringing. (2) This attachment is common to all people and peoples, is a matter of nature and should be called physical. (3) The homeland is dear to the heart not by local beauties, not by a clear sky, not by a pleasant climate, but by captivating memories surrounding, so to speak, the morning and the cradle of man. (4) There is nothing sweeter in the world than life; it is the first happiness, and the beginning of all well-being has some special charm for our imagination. (5) So friends consecrate in memory the first day of their friendship. (6) The Laplander, born almost in the coffin of nature, on the edge of the world, in spite of everything, loves the cold darkness of his land. (7) Move him to happy Italy: he will turn his eyes and heart to the north, like a magnet; the bright radiance of the sun will not produce such sweet feelings in his soul, like a gloomy day, like the whistling of a storm, like falling snow: they remind him of the Fatherland!

(8) It is not for nothing that a resident of Switzerland, remote from his snowy mountains, dries up and falls into melancholy, and returning to the wild Unterwalden, to the harsh Glaris, comes to life. (9) Every plant has more strength in its climate: the law of nature does not change for a person either.

(10) I do not say that the natural beauties and benefits of the Fatherland do not have any influence on the general love for it: some lands enriched by nature can be all the nicer for their inhabitants; I only say that these beauties and benefits are not the main basis for the physical attachment of people to the Fatherland, because then it would not be common.

(11) With whom we grew up and live, we get used to those. (12) Their soul conforms to ours, becomes some of its mirror, serves as an object or means of our moral pleasures and turns into an object of inclination for the heart. (13) This love for fellow citizens, or for the people with whom we grew up, were brought up and live, is the second, or moral, love for the Fatherland, just as general as the first, local or physical, but acting stronger in some years, for time establishes habit.

(14) One must see two fellow-zemstvos who find each other in a foreign land: with what pleasure they embrace and hasten to pour out their souls in sincere conversations! (15) They see each other for the first time, but they are already familiar and friendly, asserting their personal connection with some general connections of the Fatherland! (16) It seems to them that they, even speaking foreign language understand each other better than others, for there is always some similarity in the character of the fellow-zemstvos. (17) The inhabitants of one state always form, so to speak, an electrical circuit, transmitting to them one impression through the most distant rings or links.

(According to N.M. Karamzin*)

* Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (1766-1826) - Russian historian and historiographer, writer, poet; creator of the "History of the Russian State" - one of the first generalizing works on the history of Russia.

20 Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1. There are two types of love for the Fatherland - physical and moral.

2. Over the years, moral love for the Fatherland becomes stronger.

3. Physical love for one's homeland is based on the laws of nature.

4. The main basis of attachment to the Fatherland is the beauty of nature.

5. All the great people proudly talked about their "small homeland".

21 Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.

1. Proposals 6-7 confirm the judgments made in sentences 1, 3.

2. Sentence 10 includes narration.

3. In sentences 8-9, reasoning is presented.

4. Sentences 14-16 illustrate the judgments made in sentences 11-13.

5. Sentences 11-12 present the narrative.

22. From sentence 6 write out the phraseological unit.

23 Among sentences 8-13, find one that is connected with the previous one using possessive pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while doing tasks 20-23. This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Insert the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

24 “The solemnity of speech and special melody are decisive in the text of N.M. Karamzin. In addition, the author uses syntactic means of expression: (A) _____ (sentences 3, 7), (B) _____ (“like a magnet” in sentence 7) and lexical means of expression, for example, (C) _____ (“dries - comes to life” in sentence 8). The trope - (G) _____ (“cold darkness”, “sweet feelings”, “wild Unterwalden”, “severe Glaris”) gives poetic speech.

List of terms:

1. anaphora

2. comparative turnover

4. impersonation

5. rows of homogeneous members

6. dialectism

7. a rhetorical question

8. parceling

9. contextual antonyms

Quest Source: Decision 4050. Unified State Examination 2017. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

Task 15. Set up punctuation marks. Write two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) A. A. Fet is not only a connoisseur and creator of Russian poetry, but also a poet-translator.

2) The darkness of the early morning hid both the platform on the shore and the linen village of tents.

3) Only the howl of the wind is heard in the gear and the quiet rumble of the sea.

4) A person with a bad conscience or a coward is afraid of the truth.

5) In the theater of Shakespeare's time, the actors answered the audience's jokes and that's it. female roles performed by men.


In this task, you need to put commas in a complex sentence or with homogeneous sentences.

1. Determine the number of grammatical bases in these sentences: a simple sentence or a complex one.

1) A. A. Fet is not only a connoisseur and creator of Russian poetry, but also a poet-translator. Simple sentence.

2) The darkness of the early morning hid both the platform on the shore and the linen village of tents. Simple.

3) Only the howl of the wind is heard in the gear and the quiet rumble of the sea. Simple.

4) A person with a bad conscience or a coward is afraid of the truth. Simple

5) In the theater of Shakespeare's time, the actors responded to the jokes of the audience and all the female roles were played by men. Complicated.

2. Let's define the placement of commas in complex sentences. Rule: a comma on the border of parts of a complex sentence is placed if simple sentences do not contain a common minor member.

5) In the theater of Shakespeare's time, the actors responded to the jokes of the audience and all the female roles were played by men. Complicated, there is a common minor term in the theater of Shakespeare's time, a comma is not needed.

3. Define the setting of commas in simple sentences X. Rule: one comma is placed before the second homogeneous member in the absence of unions, before a single opposing union or before the second part of a complex union (both ... and etc.).

1) A. A. Fet is not only a connoisseur and creator of Russian poetry, but also a poet-translator. - A complex union is not only ..., but also ..., ONE comma.

2) The darkness of the early morning hid both the platform on the shore and the linen village of tents. Homogeneous additions are connected by unions I. (both the site and the village), ONE comma.

Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

2) B last years During his life, Rubens achieved amazing perfection both in the art of portraiture and in landscape.

5) autumn freshness The garden is fragrant with leaves and fruits.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Here is the correct spelling.

1) It is rather difficult to confirm or refute these assumptions.

2) In the last years of his life, Rubens achieved amazing perfection both in the art of portraiture and in landscape.

3) At the end of the 16th century, in the royal and boyar chambers and in monasteries, stoves began to be lined with tiles.

4) The teddy bear lay on the straw at the very mast or climbed up on it to the gazebo and sat here or also lay.

5) The garden is fragrant with autumn freshness, foliage and fruits.

The correct answer is numbered 2 and 5

Answer: 25|52

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

Codifier section: Punctuation marks in SSP and a sentence with homogeneous members

Rule: Task 16. Punctuation marks in SSP and in a sentence with homogeneous members


In this task, knowledge of two punctograms is tested:

1. Commas in a simple sentence with homogeneous members.

2. Commas in a compound sentence, parts of which are connected by coordinating unions, in particular, the union I.

Target: find TWO sentences in which you need to put ONE comma in each. Not two, not three (and this happens!) commas, but one. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the numbers of those sentences where the missing comma was PLACED, since there are such cases that the sentence already has a comma, for example, with adverbial turnover. We don't count it.

You should not look for commas at various turns, introductory words and in NGN: according to the specification, only three indicated punctograms are checked in this task. If the sentence needs commas for other rules, they will already be placed

The correct answer will be two numbers, from 1 to 5, in any sequence, without commas and spaces, for example: 15, 12, 34.


OC - ​​homogeneous members.

SSP is a compound sentence.

The task execution algorithm should be as follows:

1. Determine the number of bases.

2. If the sentence is simple, then we find ALL series of homogeneous terms in it and turn to the rule.

3. If there are two bases, then this is a complex sentence, and each part is considered separately (see paragraph 2).

Do not forget that homogeneous subjects and predicates do NOT create a complex, but a simple complicated sentence.


Homogeneous members of a sentence are those members that answer the same question and refer to the same member of the sentence. Homogeneous members of a sentence (both main and secondary) are always connected by a coordinating link, with or without a union.

For instance: In the Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson, S. Aksakov describes both summer and winter pictures of Russian nature with truly poetic enthusiasm.

In this sentence, there is one row of OCs, these are two homogeneous definitions.

In one sentence there can be several rows of homogeneous members. Yes, in the proposal Soon a heavy downpour hit and covered with the noise of rain streams and gusts of wind, and the moans of a pine forest. two rows: two predicates, hit and covered; two additions, gusts and groans.

note: each row of OC has its own punctuation rules.

Consider various schemes of sentences with OC and formulate the rules for setting commas.

15.1.1. A number of homogeneous members, connected ONLY by intonation, without unions.

General scheme: LTD .

Rule: if two or more OCs are connected only by intonation, a comma is placed between them.

Example: yellow, green, red apples.

15.1.2 Two homogeneous members are connected by the union AND, YES (in the meaning of AND), OR, OR

General scheme: O and/yes/either/or O .

Rule: if two EPs are connected by a single union AND / YES, a comma is not put between them.

Example 1: The still life depicts yellow and red apples.

Example 2: Everywhere she was met cheerfully and friendly..

Example 3: Only you and I will stay in this house.

Example 4: I will cook rice with vegetables or pilaf .

15.1.3 Last OC added by union I.

General scheme: O , O and O .

Rule: If the last homogeneous member is joined by the union and, then a comma is not placed in front of it.

Example: The still life depicts yellow, green and red apples.

15.1.4. There are more than two homogeneous members and the union AND repeated at least twice

Rule: For various combinations of allied (clause 15.1.2) and non-union (clause 15.1.1) combination of homogeneous members of the proposal, the rule is observed: if there are more than two homogeneous members and the union AND is repeated at least twice, then a comma is placed between all homogeneous members

General scheme: Oh, and Oh, and Oh.

General scheme: and O, and O, and O.

Example 1: The still life depicts yellow and green and red apples.

Example 2: The still life depicts and yellow and green and red apples.

More complex examples:

Example 3: From the house, from the trees, and from the dovecote, and from the gallery- long shadows ran far away from everything.

Two unions and four points. Comma between OCH.

Example 4: It was sad in the spring air, and in the darkening sky, and in the car. Three unions and, three och. Comma between OCH.

Example 5: Houses and trees and sidewalks were covered in snow. Two unions and, three och. Comma between OCH.

Note that there is no comma after the last EP, because it is not between the OC, but after it.

It is this scheme that is often perceived as erroneous and non-existent, keep this in mind when completing the task.

note: this rule only works if the union AND is repeated in one row of OC, and not in the entire sentence.

Consider examples.

Example 1: In the evenings they gathered at the table children and adults and read aloud. How many rows? Two: children and adults; gathered and read. The union is not repeated in each row, it is used once. Therefore, commas are NOT put according to rule 15.1.2.

Example 2: In the evening Vadim went to his room and sat down reread letter and write a response. Two rows: left and sat down; sat down (why? for what purpose?) to re-read and write.

15.1.5 Homogeneous members are connected by the union A, BUT, YES (= but)

Scheme: O, a / no / yes O

Rule: In the presence of the union A, BUT, YES (=but), commas are put.

Example 1: The student writes quickly, but sloppily.

Example 2: The baby no longer whimpered, but wept uncontrollably.

Example 3: Small spool but precious .

15.1.6 With homogeneous members, unions are repeated NO NO; NOT THAT, NOT THAT; THAT, THAT; OR EITHER; OR OR

Scheme: O, or O, or O

Rule: with a double repetition of other unions (except And) neither, nor; not that, not that; then, then; or either; or, or a comma is always placed:

Example 1: And the old man paced the room, now humming psalms in an undertone, now impressively instructing his daughter.

Please note that there are also homogeneous circumstances and additions in the proposal, but we do not single them out for a clearer picture.

There is no comma after the predicate “paced”! But if instead of the union AND THAT, AND THAT would be just AND, there were three commas (according to rule 15.1.4)

15.1.7. With homogeneous members, there are double alliances.

Rule: With double unions, a comma is placed before its second part. These are unions both ... and; not only but; not so much... how much; how... so much; although... but; if not... then; not that ... but; not that ... but; Not only not, but rather... than others.

Examples: I have an assignment how from the judge So equals and from all our friends.

Green was Not only great landscape painter and storyteller, but It was still and very subtle psychologist.

Mum not that angry, but she was still dissatisfied.

There are fogs in London if not everyday , then in a day for sure.

He was not so much disappointed , how surprised by the situation.

Please note that each part of the double union is BEFORE OC, which is very important to consider when completing task 7 (type "error on homogeneous members"), we have already met with these unions.

15.1.8. Often homogeneous members are connected in pairs

General scheme: Scheme: O and O, O and O

Rule: When combining secondary members of a sentence in pairs, a comma is placed between the pairs (the union AND acts locally, only within groups):

Example1: Alleys planted with lilacs and lindens, elms and poplars led to a wooden platform.

Example 2: The songs were different: about joy and sorrow, the past day and the day to come.

Example 3: Books on geography and tourist guides, friends and casual acquaintances told us that Ropotamo is one of the most beautiful and wild corners of Bulgaria.

15.1.9.They are not homogeneous, therefore they are not separated by commas:

A number of repetitions that have an intensifying shade are not homogeneous members.

And the snow came and went.

Simple compound predicates are also not homogeneous.

He said so, I'll go check it out.

Phraseologisms with repeated unions are not homogeneous members

Neither this nor that, neither fish nor meat; neither light nor dawn; neither day nor night

If the offer contains heterogeneous definitions, which stand in front of the word being explained and characterize one object from different sides, it is impossible to insert a union between them and.

A sleepy golden bumblebee suddenly rose from the depths of the flower.


Compound sentences are complex sentences in which simple sentences are equal in meaning and connected by coordinating unions. The parts of a compound sentence do not depend on each other and form one semantic whole.

Example: Three times he wintered in Mirny, and each time returning home seemed to him the limit of human happiness.

Depending on the type of the coordinating union that connects the parts of the sentence, all compound sentences (CSP) are divided into three main categories:

1) SSP with connecting unions (and; yes in the meaning of and; neither ... nor; also; also; not only ..., but also; both ..., and);

2) BSC with divisive unions (that ..., then; not that ..., not that; or; or; either ..., or);

3) SSP with opposing unions (a, but, yes in the sense of but, however, but, but, only, same).

15.2.1 The basic rule for setting a comma in the SSP.

A comma between parts of a complex sentence is placed according to the basic rule, that is, ALWAYS, with the exception of special conditions that limit the effect of this rule. These conditions are discussed in the second part of the rule. In any case, in order to determine whether a sentence is complex, it is necessary to find its grammatical foundations. What should be taken into account in this case:

a) Not always every simple sentence can have both a subject and a predicate. So, frequency sentences with one impersonal part, with the predicate in indefinite personal offer. For instance: He had a lot of work to do, and he knew it.

Scheme: [to be], and [he knew].

The doorbell rang and no one moved.

Scheme: [they called], and [no one moved].

b) The subject can be expressed by pronouns, both personal and other categories: I suddenly heard a painfully familiar voice, and it brought me back to life.

Scheme: [I heard ] and [it returned ]. Don't lose a pronoun as a subject if it duplicates the subject from the first part! These are two sentences, each with its own basis, for example: The artist was well acquainted with all the guests, and he was a little surprised to see a face unfamiliar to him.

Scheme: [The artist was familiar], and [he was surprised]. Compare with a similar construction in a simple sentence: The artist was well acquainted with all the guests and was a little surprised to see a face unfamiliar to him.[O Skaz and O Skaz].

c) Since a complex sentence consists of two simple ones, it is likely that each of them can have homogeneous members in its composition. Commas are placed both according to the rule of homogeneous members, and according to the rule of a compound sentence. For instance: Leaves crimson, gold fell silently to the ground, and the wind circled them in the air and tossed them up. Sentence scheme: [Leaves fell], and [wind O Skaz and O Skaz].

15.2.2 Special conditions for setting signs in a compound sentence

In the school course of the Russian language, the only condition under which a comma is not placed between the parts of a complex sentence is the presence common minor member.

The most difficult thing for students is to understand if there is common minor member of a sentence, which will give the right not to put a comma between the parts, or it does not exist. General means referring to both the first part and the second part at the same time. If there is a common member, a comma is not placed between the parts of the SSP. If it is, then in the second part cannot have a similar minor term, he is only one, stands at the very beginning of the sentence. Consider simple cases:

Example 1: A year later, the daughter went to school and the mother was able to go to work.

Both simple sentences can equally claim to be the adverb of time "in a year". What's happened in a year? The daughter went to school. Mom was able to go to work.

Rearranging the common term at the end of the sentence changes the meaning: My daughter went to school, and my mother was able to go to work a year later. And now this minor member is no longer general, but refers only to the second simple sentence. Therefore, it is so important for us, firstly, the place of a common member, just the beginning of the sentence , and secondly, the general meaning of the sentence.

Example 2:In the evening the wind died down and start to freeze. What happened By the evening? The wind has died down. Start to freeze.

Now more complex example 1: On the outskirts of the city the snow had already begun to melt, and there was already quite a spring picture here. There are two circumstances in the sentence, each simple one has its own. That's why a comma is placed. There is no common secondary member. Thus, the presence of a second minor member of the same type (place, time, purpose) in the second sentence gives the right to put a comma.

Example 2: By night, my mother's temperature rose even more, and we did not sleep all night. There is no reason to attribute the circumstance "to the night" to the second part of the complex sentence, therefore a comma is placed.

It should be noted that there are other cases in which a comma is not placed between parts of a compound sentence. These include the presence of a common introductory word, a common subordinate clause, as well as two sentences indefinitely personal, impersonal, identical in structure, exclamatory. But these cases were not included in the USE assignments, and they are not presented in the manuals and are not studied in the school course.

nazmardim nazmardim 03.12.2014 16:18

why are two simple sentences (2,5) considered in the task?

Tatyana Yudina

Because the purpose of the assignment is to teach how to distinguish SPP from a simple one with homogeneous ones. It's not a mistake.