Regional servers are up and running. Solving problems when starting Warface What do regions mean in warface

At any time, except for the date of creation of this blog, the information is NOT relevant. You should not consider the facts stated in the blog as the truth or information close to it. It must be considered as a story that has remained somewhere far in the past and is only a funny memory.

1) From the beginning of the release of the game (04/12/2012) has beenbug with textures, which the localizers did not fix during,attention - five months!
What is this bug I think everyone knows. Files with textures are deleted in the game folder and you run in the game as you like - you run through walls, buildings, because they simply do not exist!
With the help of a bug, the texturers went through a PvE mission in2-3 times faster!
A lot of people welded on this buga huge amount of experience.
The localizers knew all this very well, but no onenot banned and nothing did not!

2) Wipe OK (clan points)!
Yes, yes... the real wipe - resetting clan points - 10/18/2012.
Someone may ask - what are these clan points for?
I can answer - why do we need titles (ranks)?
Ranks show how well and how long you play WarFace! In the same way, clan points show how well and how long you the clan!
Very important - localizers do not give guaranteesthat this wipe is the last, after a certain time everything can be repeated under the guise of the official launch of the game, since at the moment the game is in the OBT stage!
If there was a clan points wipe, thenno grenadesthat there will be no wipe of titles!

3) Clan rankings!
These are the very clan ratings that localizers are so proud of.
We made it so that now regular PvP and PvE missions give significantly less OC (clan points) than special clan battles (clan for clan).
Everything seems to be nothing and tolerable, but there isone big problem, which cuts the whole system in the bud.
Clan battles can be played onsecond windowsand there is no defense against it. That is, for example, my clan, consisting of the strongest PvShnikov, willloseany clan actively usingsecond windows. Windows give 100% victory, and many times faster than if you play with other "live" players!

4) Kick system(player eliminations) - any player during the game can put any player to vote for elimination.
This system does 10 times more harm than good.
Example: You play well - you get kicked, you shoot well - you get kicked, you kill a lot - you get kicked.
5 people play on PvE, 1 puts you to the vote, 2 more people are enough for a kick.
4 people play in PvE, 1 puts you to the vote, 1 more person is enough for a kick.
Usually they kick at the very end of the mission, before it ends, which means that all the game time spent on the mission goes to waste!
You never seethat you were put to a vote, that is, you don’t know -who putto vote andwho supported!
When you are kicked - you are absolutelyyou don't get anything...only lost their time, as well as the warbucks that need to be spent on fixing things!
Someone will say - play with friends! What if all my friends are offline? What if I'm a new player and I don't have any friends yet? And why should I limit my actions because of this stupid kicking system?

5) Bugwith a helicopter in which you fly!
When you go through the first part of PvE, get into the helicopter, it takes off, but nothing else happens. Have to start over.

6) On any map with a helicopter, there were cases when it was impossible to pick up a grenade launcher, and all 5 players could not pick it up, and new ones did not appear.
There was already such a glitch on new map(helicopter Brazil). Have to start over.
It's pretty rare for this bug to happen!

7) Bug with Juggernaut!
The juggernaut just falls through the textures. Have to start over.
The glitch exists on two maps!

8) When you press "search for a game" in PvE - the search for a game goes on endlessly, when you press "cancel" nothing happens! I have to exit the game!
This glitch exists from the moment of release and until now!

9) Kik ALLplayers during the game!
During the game at any time the server can kickallplayers in the room!

10) The connection to the server was lost during the game, while Skype and any other programs work stably for you!
Same as the error above, only kicks one person from the room!

11) During the game, the picture freezes and appears in the center "3 monitors with red cross"! (Screen is not mine).
V Lately I see this issue often!

12) All bosses "Thunder" are bugged. Players who know these bugs complete the missionfactor of faster!

13) All juggernautsget stuck!Again, players who know these places complete the missionfactor of faster!

14) Infinite ammo bug!

15) Limit on adding friends!
Very big inconveniencebrings that you can add a total of 30 friends.

16) You can write to PMonly those playerswho you have as friends!
What if I already have 30 friends? And why should I add as a friend, so that I or I just write in PM?

17) No blacklist!
Players can be added to you as friends 500 times, invite you to the game, annoy you, and you can’t do anything about it.

18) It is not possible to create a room with the given parameters!
For example, I created a room and only players from 10th to 20th rank can enter it!

19) It is impossible to search for a room with the given parameters!
For example, I want to enter any room where the players are stilldidn't start the game, because for a completed mission, they don’t give terribly little experience and warbucks from the very beginning.

20) Kicked out of the room for inactivity for a short time!
It's terribly uncomfortable when you're sitting in a room with friends and you can't move somewhere, alt+tab, constantly twitching so you don't get kicked. People have different situations - turn off the kettle, someone called, a child, etc.
And what is this function for anyway? If a person has moved away, and the game needs to be started, then the leader of the room can easily kick him.

21) Additional tasks in missionsthis is a total laugh!
Example: on one of the pro missions, where the total60-65 bots- costs an additional task (make 20 brainbreakers)!
And in another mission, where there are under 200 bots, there is an additional building (30 headshots).
Where is the logic?
All additional tasks are divided into 2 types:
1. Which are done with closed eyes.
2. Which, as they say, "the filling is not worth the candle." For example, out of 60 bots, make 20 brainbreakers, that is, on all bots you need to do the "Head Exploder" and not miss a single bot. And all this for +10% experience!

22) Bots appear in the same place!
Of course I understand everything, but you can do itrandom- at least a meter to the left, a meter to the right... but when there is no one yet, and I already hold my sight in the place where the bot's head will appear, is this normal?
Spawn of the main and most important botseasy to rememberand it's not interesting at all.

23) When everyone clicked "Ready" (in PvE), the room leader can change the mission and start right away!
Why is it bad?
For example, you want to play "pro", and the leader of the room starts on "easy" ... you have to leave in an already started game and look for a new room.

A short guide for anyone who wants to play better - especially for those who once quit the game due to technical problems

What are we talking about?

In February 2017, Mail.Ru launched two additional online shooter servers warfare located in Krasnodar (Southern region) and Novosibirsk (Siberian region). Prior to this, the servers were only in Moscow.

It is important?

Actually, yes. Warface has over 44 million registered players. Of these, the Southern and Siberian regions account for 9 million. Previously, due to the remoteness of servers, residents of these regions often complained about high ping.

What is ping?

Ping in IT jargon is the time it takes a signal to travel between two nodes in a computer network. In our case we are talking about the delay between the player's computer and the game server. A high ping means that the signal passes with a big delay, which is essential for the quality of the game.

And what does it threaten?

An uncomfortable game. For example, you shot exactly at the head of the enemy, but while the data about your shot was being transmitted, the enemy managed to move - and you missed. If the ping is very high, it is generally impossible to play normally: you will move in jerks or skid in place, crash into walls, suddenly die for no reason, etc.

What ping is considered normal?

In principle, the less the better, but if you are not an esportsman, you are unlikely to feel a delay of up to 30 ms. Previously, such ping was mainly among those players who lived in central Russia. Since February of this year, thanks to the connection of regional servers, residents of Siberia and the South of Russia will be able to play with the same comfort as Muscovites.

What do I need to do?

In the "Game Center" settings, select the region that suits you. Three regions are now available: Central, Southern and Siberian.

It turns out that regional servers for local residents will replace the Moscow one?

Not certainly in that way. If you choose to play on a regional server, it will be used for the current calculation of your match. But when the match ends, its results (all statistics) will be sent to the Moscow server. Player accounts with all their achievements, credits and warbucks are still stored on the Moscow server, nothing is stored on the regional server.

So you don't need to create a new account to play on a regional server?

No. You don't have to start from scratch.

But if I choose a regional server, can I only play with those who also chose it?

Depends on the game mode. If you choose a quick game, the system will automatically search for other players only in your region. But if you want to play with friends from another region - no problem: you just need to create a separate room, just like before. However, ping may increase.

What server will this room be on?

On the server of the one who created it.

I live in Samara, and my friend lives in Tyumen, on which server should we create a group?

You are closer to the South and Central server, and your friend is closer to the Siberian one, so there is no single solution here. Go to the "Game Center" and try all the options. It may well be that you will be comfortable playing on the Siberian server, although you are geographically farther from it.

Why might this happen?

The level of ping is affected not only by the physical proximity of the server, but also by other factors, such as the settings of your Internet provider. Some providers conduct traffic through the regional center, others - through Europe, some have wider channels, others narrower. Therefore, in many situations there can be no unambiguous solution. Residents of the same house, connected to different providers, can have completely different pings to the same server.

That is, even if I live in central Russia, it may be more convenient for me to play not on the Moscow server?

Exactly. It makes sense to check all available servers and compare ping.

Why don't the developers just write a utility that will automatically connect me to the server with the best ping?

This option is currently under development. While there are only three regions, players change servers manually. When there are more of them best server for the game will be selected by the program.

How often can I change the region?

Without restrictions - at least after each match.

These new servers are unlikely to help residents of the Far East anyway.

Specifically, yes, but the regional server program has just started working. Residents of the Far East have to wait just a couple of months.

I used to play Warface but quit due to ping.

If you decide to return, you can pick up a gift in honor of the launch of regional servers - one of the most powerful guns in the Magma series in the game, for all classes, for 30 days.

14.02.2017 16:56

The long-awaited moment has come for the launch of the first regional servers. We thank everyone who helped with testing this complex system. Together we have done a great job! But we are not going to stop there. More regional servers coming in the future!

What is a regional game server?

Until recently, all matches were played on central servers, where all information is stored. These servers are located in Moscow and are called "Alpha", "Bravo" and "Charlie". Starting today, additional regional network equipment is being put into operation, which is designed to make your stay in Warface more comfortable when playing from regions.

Regional servers is an additional equipment, which is currently located in two cities: Novosibirsk and Krasnodar. It interacts with the main center, which is located in Moscow, and does not create new game servers in the usual sense of the word. Battles will continue to take place on Alpha, Bravo and Charlie.

Briefly about the essence

Now, when you launch Game Center, you will be able to select the region with the best ping rate. For example, if you live in Krasnodar and when you start the game you see that the indications of the "Southern" region compare favorably with other options, then feel free to choose it, then "Alpha", "Bravo" or "Charlie" and start the game. In this case, your signal will go to the "South" regional server, and not to the central one, as it was before. It is assumed that the path traversed by the signal to the server will become shorter, which should improve the quality of communication.

Don't worry, nothing will happen to your game progress and success, the data will still be stored on the main servers in Moscow, so you can change the region in the Game Center at any time without losing your progress. In addition, all regional equipment is linked, and you can continue to play with friends from other regions.

Please note that at the moment the system only works for PvP matches. It is possible that in the future missions and special operations will also switch to the system of regions.

How it works?

Before choosing a game server, the player is given the opportunity to set the region in the Game Center, which will subsequently be selected by default.

How does the system work? Let's consider two situations.

1. A player joins a match in quick play. In this case, the matchmaking system will find players from the same region. If there are not enough such players to start the game, then the match will be launched in the region that is set for the majority of the players in the room.

2. If the room is created manually, then the game will be played on the room owner's channel.

However, it should be borne in mind that a lot depends on the settings of the player's Internet provider, so choosing the channel that seems to be the most optimal will not always turn out to be so. Let's consider an example: two players from Novosibirsk, connected to different providers, join the same game, but the connection quality is noticeably different. This situation may occur due to different settings at providers. The signal of the first player goes directly to the center, while the second player's traffic is sent through exchange points in Europe.

Players in the same city may have different connection quality depending on the provider


Ping metrics

When choosing a regional game server, ping is shown to all available regions.

Ping indicators appeared in the interface. When choosing a room, this indicator reflects how far the player's channel is from the region where the selected match will start.

In the room itself, after the start of the match, the ping indicators will directly reflect the delay in transmitting data to the server.


The message about the crash of the game client occurs due to a critical error while working with data. In most cases, the cause of such a conflict is incorrect work with the storage of information in memory.

For example, you may see a message like this:

Try it completely disable or remove program Riva tuner.

If you have GeForce Experience installed, go to its settings by clicking on the gear icon and uncheck "Turn on experimental features":

If you are using a 32-bit version of Windows, please see the following information.

If you are using 64-bit Windows, try the following suggestions. If they didn't work, choose:

1. Exit the game.
2. Press Win+R (or Start → Run).

5. Start the game again.

If the game crashes, you may not have official operating system updates installed:

To install them:

1. Click on the "Hotfix Download Available" button.

2. Accept the Microsoft Agreement by reading it.

3. Select the desired operating system with a tick and enter your email twice, to which a link to download the update will be sent.

4. Go to your inbox Email, open the email from Microsoft and follow the link to download the update.

If you have followed all the recommendations above (disabled programs, increased the paging file and modelskesh) and the game is still crashing, then we recommend that you see what system and amount of memory you have installed.

Good to know!

torrent trackers:

To increase the Windows paging file, follow these instructions:

1. Go to "Control Panel" → "System and Security" → "System" (or press the Win + Pause key combination).

2. Select "Advanced system settings".
3. In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab, find the "Performance" item and click on the "Settings" button.
4. In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab and find the "Virtual memory" item, click the "Change" button.
5. Uncheck the box "Automatically select the size of the paging file", select the drive on which the operating system is installed (usually it is Local Disk C :), click "Specify size" and enter in the "Initial size" field - 8192. The maximum size can be also indicate 8192.

The sequence of these actions is shown in the picture below:

The ModelsCache folder contains temporary game files that speed up the loading of maps, characters, effects and weapons.
Removing it will free up space on your hard drive to run the game, and will also allow you to re-download all files in case there are errors in previously downloaded and saved temporary files.
To delete a folder, follow the instructions:

1. Exit the game.
2. Press Win+R (or Windows8 menu on the right → Search).

3. Enter the path %userprofile%\Saved Games\My Games\Warface to the special folder Warface, which contains all the necessary files for your game profile and press Enter (for example, ivan.ivanov\Saved Games\My Games\Warface)

4. Completely delete the ModelsCache folder.
5. Start the game again.

You can do this like this: go to "Control Panel" → "System and Security" → "System".

If your system is 32-bit, then it should be reinstalled.
We recommend using a 64-bit system for the game to work correctly.
Important: if you do not have sufficient knowledge to reinstall the operating system yourself, then please contact a specialist for help.
Good to know!
Overall volume random access memory, available in 32-bit operating system, is 3.25 GB even if you have 4 GB or more installed. This greatly affects the launch speed and the operation of the game client.

These programs include Internet browsers:

torrent trackers:

programs for downloading large files from the Internet;

as well as various programs for monitoring the state of the system temperature and free space on hard drives, audio and video file players.

If you use programs that are designed to optimize your computer (accelerators, boosters, etc.), also disable them. For all their described benefits, they can cause conflicts with the game.

To increase the Windows paging file, follow these instructions:

1. Go to "Start" → write "system" and go to the "System" section.
Or press the Win+Pause keyboard shortcut.

keyboard shortcut Win+Pause:

2. Select "Advanced system settings".
3. In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab,
4. Find the "Performance" item and click on the "Settings" button.
5. In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab
6. Find the "Virtual memory" item, click the "Change" button.
7. Uncheck the box "Automatically select the size of the paging file", select the drive on which the operating system is installed (usually it is Local disk C :), click "Specify size" and enter in the "Initial size" field - 8192. The maximum size can be also indicate 8192.

The sequence of these actions is shown in the picture below:

The ModelsCache folder contains temporary game files that speed up the loading of maps, characters, effects and weapons.
Removing it will free up space on your hard drive to run the game, and will also allow you to re-download all files in case there are errors in previously downloaded and saved temporary files.
To delete a folder, follow the instructions:

1. Exit the game.
2. Press Win+R (or Windows 10 menu on the right → Search).

3. Enter the path %userprofile%\Saved Games\My Games\Warface to the special folder Warface, which contains all the necessary files for your game profile and press Enter.

4. Completely delete the ModelsCache folder.
5. Start the game again.

If you followed all the recommendations above (disabled programs, increased the paging file and deleted the ModelsCache folder) and the game still crashes, then we recommend that you check which operating system and how much memory you have installed.
You can do this like this: go to "Control Panel" → "System".

If your system is 32-bit, then it should be reinstalled.
We recommend using a 64-bit system for the game to work correctly.
Important: if you do not have sufficient knowledge to reinstall the operating system yourself, then please contact a specialist for help.
Good to know!
The total amount of RAM available on a 32-bit operating system is 3.25 GB, even if you have 4 GB or more installed. This greatly affects the launch speed and the operation of the game client.

29.12.2016 17:39

The moment of launching regional game servers is approaching, many of you are looking forward to it. We invite everyone to test and ask you to take this with all responsibility. Be sure to read the information below before starting testing.

How to take part in testing?

Everything is simple. You need to select in the Game Center test server suitable regional server and start Warface. All data will be collected automatically, after the current testing phase, all information will be transferred to the developers. Also, your feedback in the forum is welcome. Please refrain from flooding and communication on third-party topics.

What is a regional game server?

Main server located in Moscow and divided into three main game servers: "Alpha", "Bravo" and "Charlie". It currently hosts all matches and stores information.

Regional game servers is an additional equipment that is currently located in four cities: Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Yekaterinburg and Vladivostok. It interacts with the main center, which is located in Moscow, and does not open new game servers. Battles will continue to take place on Alpha, Bravo and Charlie.

For example, if you live in Novosibirsk, select the server of the corresponding city in the Game Center and then go to the Bravo server, then your signal will go to the game server in Novosibirsk, and not to Moscow, as it was before. It is assumed that the path traversed by the signal to the server will become shorter, which should improve the quality of communication. At the same time, data about your progress will be sent to the central server in Moscow, so your progress will be saved and you can change the regional game server at any time.

All game servers are interconnected, so you can still fight with your friends, no matter what regional game server they are on. To choose the most suitable game server, check the ping.

How to see ping

The ping command is used to check the ping, which must be entered at the command line. You can start the command line in the following way:

  1. Press the key combination Win + R.
  2. In the window that opens, enter the cmd command.

In the command prompt that opens, enter the ping command followed by the server address.


How it works?

Before choosing a game server, the player is given the opportunity to set the region in the Game Center, which will later be launched by default.

How does the system work? Let's consider two situations.

1. A player joins a match in quick play. In this case, the matchmaking system will find players from the same region. If there are not enough such players to start the game, then the match will be launched in the region that is set for the majority of the players in the room.

2. If the room is created manually, then the game will be played on the room owner's channel.

However, it should be borne in mind that a lot depends on the settings of the provider to which the player is connected, so choosing the channel that seems to be the most optimal will not always turn out to be so. Consider an example: two players from Novosibirsk, connected to different providers, join the same game, but the connection quality is noticeably different. This situation may occur due to different settings for providers. The signal of the first player goes directly to the center, while the second player's traffic is sent through exchange points in Europe.

Players in the same city may have different connection quality depending on the provider

Ping metrics

Ping indicators appeared in the interface. When choosing a room, this indicator reflects how far the player's channel is from the region where the selected match will start.

In the room itself, after the start of the match, the ping indicators will directly reflect the delay in transmitting data to the game server.

Test conditions


The capacity of the PTS is 1000 people at a time, so we ask you not to take up a seat on the PTS if you have not been playing for a long time and exit the game.

PTS is available for players of all servers. However, you can only copy one character, and it must be at least level 10. The character is copied in its current state. Copying a character may take some time (usually a few minutes). During testing, a character can only be copied once. Clan creation is disabled. Replenishment of the account on the PTS is not possible.

Reports of found errors and problems are expected from active test participants. Bug reports should be sent to the topic of discussion.

If you have experience of serious violations of the rules of the game, then PTS will not be available to you from any account.
