Order Predatory (Carnivora). State Reserve "Dagestansky": where is it located, interesting facts What birds of prey live in Dagestan

Republic of Dagestan Tourism is rapidly developing, offering extensive opportunities for recreation and sightseeing. Tourists are attracted by numerous monuments of nature, architecture and history, as well as the culture of the ethnic community. The republic is located in the northeastern part of the Caucasus, along the coast of the Caspian Sea. The world's largest lake has been called the sea because of its size. It has become one of the most popular holiday destinations on the island due to its warm climate and magnificent sandy beaches. Tourist bases, hotels and sanatoriums are constantly being upgraded, so vacation in Dagestan in 2019 year were almost full.

Tourist opportunities in Dagestan

One of the unique corners of Dagestan is Mount Shalbuzdag. It is one of the highest peaks in the southeastern part of the Main Caucasian Range. The mountain has a unique cone-shaped peak, resembling a volcano with its outlines. Tourists often climb Mount Yarydag, which is located in the Dokuzparinsky district. This place is ideal for lovers of extreme sports and mountaineering. planning rest in Dagestan, it is worth visiting the Khuchninsky waterfall, located in the Tabasaran region. After relaxing at the waterfall, you can go to the legendary fortress of the Seven Brothers and Sisters, which was built in the 17th century.

The unique monument of nature is also the Karadakh gorge, called the "Gate of Miracles". Tourists are also recommended to visit the Sulak Canyon, the Tobot waterfall, the Sary-Kum sand dune, etc. Dagestan Tourism allows visitors to the republic to get acquainted with numerous objects cultural heritage. There are more than 6,000 monuments of culture, architecture and history on the territory. Going to Kaspiysk in Dagestan, rest can be organized on the coast of the Caspian Sea, as well as get acquainted with the sights of the city. Tourists will also be attracted ancient city Derbent, impressive architectural and landscape ensembles.

Choice of travel routeDagestan

Tourist portal Welcome Dagestan will help visitors to choose places for recreation in Dagestan, hotels, restaurants, excursions and events. Users will become familiar with reviews tourists and make sure security selected tour. The tourist portal WelcomeDagestan.ru presents helpful information about the places and sights of the republic.

The history of the formation of the fauna of Dagestan

Dagestan has become a junction between the Eastern European and Western Asian complexes of mammals.
Of particular interest is the osteological material of the Chokh site, which characterizes the fauna of mountainous Dagestan at the end of the Pleistocene - the beginning of the Holocene. There are many bones of a small mouflon-like ram, a hare, a Dagestan hamster, and lynxes among predators. Similar pictures are presented by osteological materials from other Mesolithic sites. At the sites of Kozyma-nokho (Gunibsky district) and Meketi (Levashinsky district), bones of wild goats and rams predominate.
The composition of the Dagestan fauna of this time shows that the animal species represented in it were inhabitants of various landscape zones. Along with representatives of hard-to-reach high-mountain pastures - sheep and certain types of goats, there were such inhabitants of the forest as red deer, steppe bison and horse. The data presented indicate that the species composition of the Upper Pleistocene fauna of Dagestan known to us, with the exception of the mouflon-like ram, wild horse and bison, has survived to our time. This kind of continuity is a very convincing proof of the evolutionary development of the animal world of a given area, which occurred without sharp catastrophic breaks. Interesting material was provided by the study of the settlements of the III millennium BC. near the villages of Velikent, Mekegi and Chinna, because they characterize various natural geographical zones of Dagestan of this time: high mountain plateaus, foothills and a flat coastal region.
The bones of bison, deer, tur, chamois, goitered gazelle, bezoar goat, wild sheep and goats were found in the osteological complex of the high-mountainous settlement of Chinna.
During the excavations of the Mekeginskoye settlement, located in the depths of the foothills, bones of a deer, a wild horse, a chamois, a tour and other wild goats were found. Bones of deer, wild horse, saiga, wild boar, and wild goats were identified among the osteological materials of the Velikentsky settlement.
It is easy to see that the distribution area of ​​such animals as deer, chamois, aurochs and other wild goats in the III millennium BC. was quite wide and captured the highlands and foothills, and the deer descended to the coastal plain. The wild horse (tarpan) at that time lived both in the foothills and on the plain.
The richest osteological materials of the high-mountainous Upper Gunib period, including such animal species as large and small cattle, pigs, dogs, horses, deer, bison, wild rams, mouflon-like sheep, bezoar goats, gazelles, chamois, tours, bears, lynxes, small predators , rodents, hares convincingly show that hunting for deer, bison, different kinds wild sheep and goats played an important role in providing the population with meat food. In this regard, it is interesting to note that the materials of the Upper Gunib settlement impartially document the complete extermination of some species of ungulates in such a relatively small and geomorphologically isolated area of ​​​​the territory as the Upper Gunib Plateau during 6-7 centuries of the existence of the ancient settlement. By the end of the II millennium BC. here such animals as deer, bison, chamois and mouflon-like sheep turned out to be completely exterminated. At the end of II and I millennia BC. hunting continued to occupy a prominent place in the economy of the highlanders. In the osteological materials from archaeological sites of that time, there is a fairly significant proportion of bones of wild animals, among which the bones of wild boar, bezoar goat, deer, wild horse, and kulan predominate.

In the forests - they occupy only 7% of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mountains - wolves, bears and lynxes are found. In the foothills you can see a large (25-30 cm) turtle, a snake - a huge brown gyurza sleeping on stones, a bright green snake, you can also meet the Dagestan tur, bezoar goat, roe deer, chamois, red deer here. The fauna of the republic is truly rich and diverse. About 300 species of birds and 92 species of fish live in the republic. Of the natural monuments, there is the world's largest free-standing dune Sary-Kum and the only subtropical liana forest in Russia in the Samur delta, as well as the Sulak Canyon with a depth of up to 1500-1600 m. ; the largest mountain lake in the North Caucasus, Kezenoyam (trout); Aimakinskoe gorge; large (up to 100 meters high) and small waterfalls.

Dagestan Reserve

Location and history of the reserve

The Dagestan Reserve was organized in January 1987 on two sites with a total area of ​​19,061 hectares, to preserve in its natural state the most typical section of the Kizlyar Bay for the northwestern coast of the Caspian Sea, as well as to preserve a rare natural formation - the Sarykum dune. A special role is given to the study and protection of an important migration route of valuable hunting and commercial and rare species of birds, their nesting and wintering places.
The main part of the reserve - "Kizlyar Bay" - is located in the Tarumovsky district. Its area is 18,485 hectares, including 9,300 hectares of sea area: along the coast of the reserve, a strip of sea 2 km wide. Secured territory runs along the western and southern borders of the protected area; its area is 19,890 ha. The Sarykum dune site with an area of ​​576 hectares is located in the Buynaksky district, about 25 km northwest of Makhachkala. The protected area with a strip of 1 km surrounds the protected area; its area is 1175 hectares.
nature reserve
The sites of the reserve are located within the plains of Dagestan. The land adjacent to the Kizlyar Bay - part of the Tersko-Kuma Plain - lies 28 m below sea level. seas. Until relatively recently, this part of the plain was the seabed. main role transgressions and regressions of the Caspian played a role in the formation of the modern relief of the plains. The coastal strip of the bay is composed of sea sands, loams, sandy loams and small shells. As the plain lowers towards the bay, sagebrush semi-deserts are replaced by saline meadows, which turn into extensive reed linings with an abundance of large and small reaches. The entire coast is indented by estuaries. The shores of the bay are swampy and are flooded with winds from the sea - in the "seafarers".
Animals of the Dagestan Reserve
The invertebrate fauna of the reserve has not yet been studied. Of the fish in the Kizlyar Bay, common carp, rudd, bream, tench, vobla, catfish, perch, pike. There are sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga. Of the amphibians on the territory of the Kizlyar section of the reserve, only the lake frog was noted, of the reptiles - the steppe viper, the common grass snake and the Mediterranean tortoise.
Among the nesting birds, the most common species is the coot. Separate pairs of whooper swans nest on the islands of the bay, in reed supports - gray geese, as well as mallards, shovelers, gray ducks, whistle-teals, red-nosed pochards. In the reeds there are colonies of the little white heron, loaf and spoonbill. Several nests of gray heron and Dalmatian pelican and small colonies of herring gull and gull-billed tern were found. In the steppe, Demoiselle Crane is quite common for nesting, and occasionally there is a little bustard. On migration along the western coast of the Caspian Sea, 107 species of aquatic and semi-aquatic birds were recorded. On the Western Caspian migration route, rare species listed in the Red Book of Russia were noted: flamingos, curly and pink pelicans, Sultan hen, red-throated goose, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, white-tailed eagle, little bustard, bustard, etc. The Kizlyar site is important for wintering waterfowl . Especially numerous are the coot, mute swan, pintail, mallard, teal - whistle and cracker, large merganser, slut, various herons, waders.
Of the mammals, wild boar, raccoon dog, reed cat, nutria, muskrat, water rat live in reed supports. In the steppes, the hare, fox, corsac, wolf, steppe polecat, etc. are common; sometimes, in severe and snowy winters, herds of saigas appear.
The peculiar fauna of the Sarykum dune was partly formed under the influence of the fauna of the Central Asian deserts. Of the amphibians, the green toad is more common than other species. The most common species of reptiles are the round-eared and fast foot-and-mouth disease. The first one lives on unfixed sands on the slopes of the dune, the second lives mainly at its foot, where the sand is partially fixed by vegetation. At the foot of the dune there are olive and yellow-bellied snakes, ordinary and water snakes, sand boa, striped foot and mouth disease. At the exits of the indigenous rocks the gyurza and the Caucasian agama are kept. Gyurza is a species of poisonous snakes of the genus of giant vipers of the Viper family.
Gyurza is the largest representative of the snakes of the Gadyukov family in the fauna of the former Soviet Union. This is one of the most dangerous snakes for pets and humans. Isolated populations live in Dagestan. In the south of Kazakhstan, the gyurza is now almost exterminated and is extremely rare.

Of the birds on the dune, steppe and common kestrels, black vulture, common nightjar, black-breasted sparrow, etc. are noted. Roller, golden bee-eater, gray partridge, etc. live in the vicinity of the dune. Mammals on the dune and in its vicinity are common hare, gray hamster , fox; there are an eared hedgehog, a shaggy jerboa, a midday gerbil.

One of the brightest representatives of the fauna of the Caucasus, over which a real threat of extinction hangs, is the Persian leopard, or Caucasian leopard.
It is known that in the period from the beginning of the 20th century to the 70s throughout the Caucasus, the leopard was subjected to severe persecution along with the wolf (for the destruction of which a cash bonus was paid), which led to a catastrophic decrease in its numbers.
Since the 1980s, leopard sightings have also been reported from many places in the North Caucasus.
In neighboring republics - Chechnya, Ingushetia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygea - there are also a number of published reports of the presence of leopards at the present time.
The fact that there is still a North Caucasian population in the North Caucasus, although unstable, is evidenced by a number of reports of encounters with females and kittens.
In 2006, a population of porcupines appeared in Dagestan. Until relatively recently, they did not spread beyond Azerbaijan. Now the only habitat of porcupines in Russia is the Dokuzparinsky district. This animal is a very rare population in Dagestan, because it is the very edge of its distribution area.

The book discusses the significance, systematic groups of the animal world of Dagestan, its distribution in individual landscapes, rare species of animals, their diversity. For students of biological, geographical, environmental specialties of universities and school teachers. May be useful for nature lovers and the general public. I express my gratitude to the outstanding organizer and leader of the hydropower industry, prominent public and political figure of Dagestan Gamzat Magomedovich Gamzatov for his help in publishing this book.

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The following excerpt from the book Fauna of Dagestan (Z. A. Shakhmardanov, 2010) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Significance of the Animal Kingdom

Participation of animals in the cycle of matter

Green plants create organic matter. It is consumed by animals that feed on plant foods (butterfly caterpillars, beetles, hares, wild and domestic animals, etc.), which in turn serve as food for carnivorous forms (ground beetles, ants, ladybugs, starlings, owls, foxes, and other predators). A number of animals (dung beetles, dead beetles and skin beetles, hyenas, etc.) eat animal excrement and their corpses. Animals living in the soil (earthworms, centipedes, larvae of many insects, some mites, etc.), as well as microorganisms, convert organic substances into minerals that are used by plants. In addition, moving in the soil, they move the soil, making moves in the soil, improve its water supply and aeration. All this is important in soil formation and contributes to its fertility.

Feeding on plants and each other, animals participate in the biological cycle of substances, as well as in the cycle of substances on the planet. For example, it happens that the extermination of one of the species of animals leads to the fact that other even more "harmful" or less useful animals expand their possessions at its expense, filling the resulting vacuum. A relief example of this is the history of the sable and the column. When we had little sable in Siberia, the column, whose fur is less valuable, went on the offensive:

greatly expanded its range. When the sable was again restored in many areas, the Siberian weasel almost completely disappeared. One species of animal is not able to break down the organic matter of plants to final products. Each species uses only a part of the plants and some of the organic matter contained in them. Plants unsuitable for this species or plant remains that are still rich in energy are used by other animal species. This is how food chains and networks are formed, successively extracting substances and energy from photosynthetic plants. In the process of evolution, animal species have adapted to the most efficient use of a certain set of food objects. Each of the species is adapted to being food for a number of other species. In an ecosystem, animals as a mobile active element largely determine the stability of this system. Being dependent on plants, animals, in turn, determine their life, the structure and composition of the soil, and the appearance of the landscape. The most diverse large group of animals (two-thirds) are insects, which are of the greatest importance in eco systems. Without them, flowering plants would disappear (i.e., there would be no pollination). Many birds and fish subsist on insects. Their great role in the formation of soils.

The importance of mollusks is great as a source of food for other animals, as water filtrates that ensure its purification. With the participation of animals, the chemical composition of underground and groundwater is formed.

The destruction of one species can lead to unforeseen consequences. One example of this relationship is the use of hexachlorane in locust control. At the same time, the number of such predatory insects as ladybugs and lacewings has significantly decreased. As a result, the reproduction of scale insects, whiteflies, bedbugs, and mites increased on crops of legumes, fruit and berry and citrus plants. Here the principle of interconnection in living nature is obvious. Another important principle is the principle of balance. Populations of individual species living together constitute a biocenosis. Water quality, air composition, soil fertility, etc. depend on its work. A remarkable property of biocenoses, biogeocenoses (ecosystems) is that their stability can be violated by the destruction of some life forms within the ecosystem or, on the contrary, by the introduction of new animal or plant species into already established systems.

The undesirability of the extermination of at least one - the only species, no matter how unnecessary it may seem, is justified by the principle of potential utility. For example, some genetic features can later be used for genetic engineering. Great importance It also has the principle of indispensability, i.e., a complete replacement of natural products with artificial ones is impossible.

The principle of diversity in terms of significance and content is associated with human communication with nature (fishing, hunting, tourism, etc.).

Geological (rock-forming) activity of animals. The soils of the world ocean are formed to a large extent by the accumulation of planktonic and benthic unicellular organisms. After the death of animals, their shells fall to the bottom and form powerful layers of silt. Significant areas (29%) are occupied by calcareous globigerin oozes formed by shells of foraminifera, a genus of globigerina from the Sarcodidae class.

Radiolar oozes formed by ray shells from the Sarcodidae class account for 3.4%. Coral muds formed by the products of coral reef destruction occupy approximately 3% of the bottom surface. Many invertebrates are involved in the formation of marine sediments, especially in the shallow water zone ( annelids, sponges, crustaceans, mollusks, etc.), as well as vertebrates (fish, marine mammals).

Using animal fossils to determine the relative age of rocks

The study of fossil remains helps to determine the chronicle of the historical development of the animal world of the Earth and its geology. Each historical period in the life of our planet is characterized by the prosperity of certain groups of animals. In this regard, their remains serve as guide fossils that make it possible to establish the sequence of formation of sedimentary deposits containing minerals, to establish the relative age of the layers, to determine climate change, and to restore the picture of the distribution of land and seas in the distant geological past. Among the leading fossils, mainly the remains of mass forms, protozoans with shells (foraminifera, barnacles, crustaceans, etc.), their mass accumulations are distinguished.

The role of animals in plant pollination

In Europe, 80% of angiosperms are pollinated by insects, about 19% by wind and about 1% by other means. The resumption of most flowering plants, the fruiting of all fruit trees, berries, buckwheat, clover, etc. depend on the successful work of pollinators. , beetles, ants and other insects that feed on flowers and carry pollen from one plant to another. In addition to insects, other animals can pollinate plants. For example, many American hummingbirds carry pollen that sticks to their feathers as birds extract nectar or various small arthropods from flowers.

The value of individual groups of animals

Invertebrates are food for fish. Depending on the amount of organic and mineral substances introduced by rivers into the seas and lakes, the food supply of fish changes, since invertebrates feed on these substances.

In Dagestan, the biomass of zooplankton mainly consists of rotifers (as-plankhela, keratella, ball rotifers), kopied, cladophora (myna, Alena, doros, etc.).

In all seasons of the year, Copopeda dominates on the western shelf of the Middle Caspian. In winter and spring, zooplankton consists almost entirely of coped (98.55%). From the second half of spring, C1adocera appears in plankton, and in summer the numerical superiority of the copeda decreases to 51%. The rest of the zooplankton is accounted for by the Cladocera and zoobenthic larvae (17%).

In terms of biomass, the zooplankton of the Caspian Sea is dominated by copepods and cladocerans - the main food of sprat, Caspian shad and other fish.

Benthos is represented by worms (about 7 species of oligochaetes), mollusks (about 10 species), crustaceans (daphnia, ostracods, mysids, gammarids), insect and mayfly larvae, chironomids (more than 37 species), beetles, and leeches.

Phytoplankton contains euglena, protococcal, dremidia, volvox, diatoms, in general, phytoplankton has 489 species. At the same time, diatoms occupy the first place - 163 species, green - 139, blue-green - 84, pyrophytic - 39.

Of the invertebrates, the following are eaten: mollusks (bivalve oysters, mussels that are artificially bred), crustaceans (shrimp, crayfish, lobsters, crabs), echinoderms (trepangs, columbaria), ascidia, worms (palolo) and coelenterates (scyphoid jellyfish). At present, the question is being raised about the artificial breeding of worms and flies to increase food protein.

Mollusks are used to obtain pearls (also bivalves, pearl oysters), mother-of-pearl (unionists), as well as for dyes and fibers (purple, spin, Rina).

In the Caspian Sea there are the Black Sea grass shrimp (which in 1931-34 moved in with the Black Sea mullet), thick-legged crayfish, Caspian crayfish.

Shellfish shells are used to make feed meal for pets.

Speaking about the negative impact of invertebrates, one should, first of all, focus on protozoa and insects - pathogens and carriers of many diseases of humans, animals, and plants. It was noted above about dysenteric amoeba, plasmodium, malaria. Of the flagellates in humans, they cause diseases of leishmania, giardia, Trichomonas (the latter also in animals).

In animals in Dagestan, hemosporidiosis is widespread, which causes piroplasms, theileria, francaiella, babiziella, anaplasma. These diseases are transmitted through pasture ticks. Therefore, in Dagestan, when moving domestic animals to summer pastures, anti-tick purchases are carried out.

Among people in Dagestan, such types of helminths as roundworms, trichocephalus, pinworms, dwarf tapeworm, bovine tapeworm are also widespread.

Infection with helminths occurs from diseased organisms, through the external environment and through the transmission of pathogens by intermediate hosts. The last are dragonfly larvae, earthworms, crustaceans, soil mites, midges, midges, flies.

The negative impact of invertebrates on the national economy also takes place in the destruction of the construction of ports, wooden ships, a decrease in the speed of sea transport when various types of invertebrates are attached to their bottom (for example, hydroid polyps, bryozoans, barnacles, etc.). In the Caspian Sea, of these species, the sea acorn - balyanus and bryozoan live.

Economic damage from pests Agriculture annually accounts for about 20% of the total world crop. In this case, the main pests are certain types of insects, some types of ticks and mollusks, a number of types of roundworms and rodents.

Eating foliage or needles, pests sharply weaken trees, reduce wood growth. Weakened trees are more easily attacked by bark beetles and stem pests and die.

Among the animals there are many dangerous to humans. For example, from intestinal cavities - poisonous jellyfish, from arachnids - spiders of karakurt, tarantulas, scorpions, from centipedes - centipedes, from insects - stinging hymenoptera, some beetles, from reptiles - poisonous snakes, etc.

A number of human and animal diseases are caused by protozoa (malaria - malarial plasmodium, African sleeping sickness - flagellated trypanosomes, amoebic dysentery - dysenteric amoeba, etc.).

Vertebrates are of great importance in the national economy. The fishing industry is engaged in the extraction and processing of fish, sea animals, whales for various types of food, medical, feed and technical products.

Fishing is one of the earliest forms of human production activity.

In Dagestan they are engaged in fishing, fish breeding, enrichment of the Caspian Sea with valuable species of fish. There are 82 water objects of fishery importance in the republic. The area of ​​the water area is 2972.5 thousand hectares. Commercial fish stocks are more than 14 thousand tons. The Karakol, Nizhne-Terek and Arakum reservoirs have a reproductive capacity of more than 150–200 million juveniles of partial anadromous and semi-anadromous fish species.

In Dagestan, hunting and animal slaughter are widespread. Of the 43 species of hunting - commercial fauna, 20 are hunted.

In the Republic, the main form of development of wild animals is a hunting economy, specialized in the protection, reproduction and rational use of objects of the hunting fauna. The total area of ​​hunting grounds in the Republic of Dagestan is 5,027.0 thousand hectares, including SPNA - 648 thousand hectares. Assigned hunting farms make up 37 units, of which:

- Republican Society of Hunters and Fishermen - 1023.3 thousand hectares;

- experimental and demonstrative hunting farm "Dagestan" - 69.4 thousand hectares.

In the Caspian Sea, seal fishing (belok and sivar) is carried out. Animal carcasses are processed for meat and bone fodder meal, food and technical fat is produced from subcutaneous fat. The skins are used to make fur products.

Frogs, toads feed on insects, snails - pests of agriculture and carriers of diseases (elephants, leaf beetles, click beetles, bugs, butterflies, aphids, flies, mollusks). Lizards feed on insects, including agricultural pests (leaf beetles, click beetles, elephants). Snakes also feed on these and other insects.

They eat insects and insectivorous mammals(hedgehogs, moles, shrews, shrews - toothless, shrews), as well as foxes, badgers, raccoon dogs, raccoons).

Weasels, ferrets, bandages, martens, badgers, foxes, corsacs, raccoon dogs, raccoons - gargles, forest cats feed on mouse-like rodents - pests of agriculture and forestry.

The role of birds in human economic activity is great and diverse. Domesticated birds (chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowls, pigeons) have long been used to obtain meat, eggs, down, feathers and industrial raw materials from them. Many species of wild birds (gallons, anseriformes, some waders) serve as objects of sport and commercial hunting.

The role of birds in the extermination of insects and mouse-like rodents pests of agriculture is great. The importance of tits, flycatchers, nuthatches, starlings, thrushes and many other birds as regulators of the number of "harmful" insects especially increases during the period of feeding chicks. So, the family of the common starling during the nesting period destroys 8-10 thousand May beetles and their larvae or over 15 thousand caterpillars of the winter moth.

Many birds of prey, owls, gulls, storks exterminate mice, voles, ground squirrels, rats, hamsters. The usefulness of birds is associated with their ability to quickly find and concentrate in the centers of mass reproduction of pests, and for many species of birds, to switch to a plentiful, although often uncharacteristic, food. So, during the years of mass reproduction of mouse-like rodents, rooks and gulls begin to feed on them.

Some birds act as plant spreaders. So, jays are involved in the resettlement of oak. Waxwings, thrushes, hazel grouse spread the seeds of mountain ash, bird cherry, blackthorn, elderberry, viburnum, euonymus, blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries.

Pests of agriculture and forestry are also exterminated by tits, flycatchers, kinglets, redstarts, wagtails, wrens, swifts, swallows, woodpeckers, vertichids, cuckoos, nightjars.

Gulls, bustards, little bustards, herons, storks, crows, magpies, rooks, jays also destroy small rodents - pests of agriculture and forestry, spreaders of plague and human tularemia. Eagles, kestrels, harriers, and owls also destroy rodents.

Many insectivorous birds (flycatchers, swallows, swifts, tits) destroy flies, mosquitoes, midges, mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, gadflies, which improves the sanitary condition of the environment.

Larks, buntings, quails, gray partridges, pigeons use weed seeds for food, which reduces the number of the latter.

Golden eagles, falcons are used by hunters. Quail, shelducks, bustards are tamed and used to obtain eggs, meat, fluff. Many lovers keep songbirds at home - canaries, goldfinches, siskins, tap dances, tits, nightingales, and also parrots.

A huge number of animals of almost all classes are used by humans for research and educational purposes. Various animals are widely used for zoological museums, zoos, etc.

Fur farming is of great economic importance - the breeding of fur-bearing animals and other animals.

There is a nutria farm in Dagestan, spotted deer are bred.

Systematics of the animal world

To build a system of a particular group, scientists use a set of the most significant features: they study it historical development on fossil remains, explore the complexity of the anatomical structure modern species, features of reproduction, complexity of organization (non-cellular - cellular, non-nuclear - nuclear, unicellular - multicellular), compare their embryonic development, features chemical composition and physiology, study the type of storage substances, current and past distribution on our planet. This allows you to determine the position of a given species among the rest and build a natural system that reflects the degree of relationship between groups of organisms.

Many prokaryotes are not at all related to each other. Thus, the group of extremophilic (living in extreme conditions) prokaryotes turned out to be so different from bacteria that they had to be isolated in a separate kingdom of archaea. Previously included in the plant kingdom, blue-green algae turned out to be not plants at all, they constitute a sub-kingdom of cyanobacteria in the kingdom of bacteria. A modern simplified scheme of subordination of systematic units used for natural classification looks like this:

empire (non-cellular and cellular), or domains, superkingdom (prokaryotes and eukaryotes), kingdom (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, archaea, viruses), subkingdom (unicellular, multicellular), phylum (e.g. arthropods or chordates), class ( e.g. insects or birds), order (e.g. butterflies), family (e.g. whites), genus (e.g. whites), species (e.g. cabbage whites). The vast majority of living organisms are made up of cells. Only a few of the simplest organisms - viruses and phages - do not have a cellular structure. According to this most important feature, all living things are divided into two empires - non-cellular (viruses and phages) and cellular, or karyotes (from the Greek "karyon" - "core").

According to the presence or absence of a nucleus, cellular organisms are divided into two kingdoms: non-nuclear (prokaryotes) and nuclear (eukaryotes).

The superkingdom of prokaryotes is divided into two kingdoms - archaea and bacteria.

In microbiology, all living things are divided into three domains: Bacteria - Eubacteria, Archaea - Arhaebacteria and Eucarya - Eucariotes.

Archaea are non-nuclear organisms, similar in size and shape of cells to bacteria, to which they were previously referred. However, in terms of the structure of the genome, the apparatus for protein synthesis, and cell membranes, they are very different from bacteria. Most archaea are extremophiles, living in conditions in which other living organisms cannot exist - at very high temperatures and pressures near deep-sea thermal springs, in saturated salt solutions, in very acidic or very alkaline reservoirs. Some archaea produce methane, which is not characteristic of any other organisms. Methane-producing archaea, which are part of the intestinal microflora of some animals and humans, provide their hosts with vital vitamin B¹².

The kingdom of bacteria includes half of the kingdom of cyanobacteria and bacteria. Cyanobacteria used to be classified as plants and are still sometimes referred to as blue-green algae. They played a huge role in the formation of soil and the Earth's atmosphere. Among the bacteria, a group of purple nitrogen bacteria is distinguished, which include the patriotic ancestors of mitochondria.

Eukaryotes are divided into three kingdoms: green plants, fungi and animals.

True algae are lower plants. Among them are unicellular and multicellular.

Red algae are multicellular organisms. Their color is determined, in addition to chlorophyll, by the presence of red and blue pigments. They differ from real ones in that even male hemes - sperm cells are devoid of flagella and immobile.

Higher plants include a group of plants whose body is divided into root, stem and leaves. The higher plants include spore-like - moss-like, fern-like and seed - gymnosperms, angiosperms (flowering). Spore plants are the first of the green plants to come to land.

Mushrooms have a variety of forms: bread mold, mold fungus penicillium, rust fungi, hat mushrooms, tinder fungi. All of them are characterized by the formation of a body from thin branching threads that form a mycelium.

The group of lower eukaryotes includes lichens that have arisen as a result of symbiosis. The body of a lichen is formed by a fungus in which cyanobacteria and green algae can live.

All animals are heteromorphic organisms, they need mobility to obtain food (mobile plants are also known - euglena, volvox; non-mobile animals - coral polyps). The absence of a dense outer membrane of cells is also associated with mobility.

The animal kingdom is divided into two sub-kingdoms: protozoa (or unicellular) and multicellular animals.

Dagestan is located in the northeastern part of the Caucasus, along the Caspian coast. Here is a unique nature, different from the Caucasian landscapes. The climate is temperate continental, with hot summers and mild, snowy winters. Fluctuations in annual temperatures are significant, sometimes there are severe frosts. The amount of precipitation varies from 200-300 mm in the plains to 600-800 mm in the mountains per year. On the Caspian coast, the climate is changing, becoming subtropical, and the warm season here lasts a long time, autumn comes in mid-October.

The nature of Dagestan is diverse, because the area consists of various landforms:

  • - Terek-Kuma lowland with semi-deserts - in the north;
  • - Primorskaya lowland;
  • - foothills with rivers and lakes;
  • - Caucasus Mountains (about 40% of the area).

Flora of Dagestan

Since Dagestan lies in various natural zones, the plant world is very rich here, which has approximately 4.5 thousand species, of which about a thousand are. On the slopes of the mountains there are forests of birch, oak, hornbeam, beech and linden. Meet in places. In the place where the trees were cut down, aspen and alder are planted. Alpine meadows are full of various flowers of herbaceous plants:

  • - rhododendron;
  • - astragalus;
  • - genitians;
  • - Clover;
  • - scabioses.

On the territory of Dagestan there are about 70 reserves and reserves. They were created to preserve not only rare plants and endemics, but also to preserve nature in general, including trees that are cut down for further wood processing.

Fauna of Dagestan

The fauna of Dagestan is as diverse as the vegetation of the region. In the area developed by man, various types of domestic animals live, such as goats and sheep, and cows, as well as birds (chickens, ducks).

The largest number of wild animals in forests and mountains. Here you can find such animals:

  • Caucasian leopards;
  • bearded goats;
  • Dagestan tours;
  • Caucasian deer;
  • stoats;
  • dark brown bears;
  • forest cats;
  • leopards (small number).

In addition to waterfowl, mallards, gulls, otters and various types of fish (trout, beluga, sturgeon) are found in the rivers. Partridges and eagles, kites and peregrine falcons, Caucasian black grouse and vultures, vultures and gyrfalcons fly over the expanses of Dagestan. There are snakes and lizards in the grass in different areas.

Dagestan is worth visiting not only to get acquainted with the culture of the local population, to taste dishes national cuisine, to communicate with people, but also to visit the mountains, on the banks of rivers, to walk along the plain. Here and there you can meet amazing birds and animals, and the beauty of the landscapes will be remembered forever.

Fauna of Dagestan Shakhmardanov Ziyaudin Abdulganievich

Order Predatory (Carnivora)

Order Predatory (Carnivora)

It has more than 240 species, very diverse in appearance and size. They are united by the structure of the dental system: the incisors are small, but there are large fangs and carnivorous teeth (strong, with a sharp cutting edge, premolars). The molars are tuberculate, with developed cutting apices. The fingers have claws (retractable or non-retractable), characterized by a strong development of the forebrain and the presence of convolutions on the cerebral cortex. Most species feed on animal food, only a few are omnivorous or predominantly herbivorous. Distributed everywhere except Antarctica.

In Dagestan, there are 21 species belonging to 8 families, 14 genera.

Family Canidae, or Canine (Canidae)

Includes domestic dogs, wolves, jackals, foxes, arctic foxes, etc. There are 5 species in Dagestan.

Wolf - Canis lupus- lives in all zones up to 3800 m above sea level. Most of all it is on the lowlands. It roams in flocks to drive animals to seasonal pastures. Their number is subject to significant fluctuations at different intervals. Harmful to livestock (especially in the years of increase in numbers).

Jackal - Canis aureus- also found everywhere (up to 1800 m above sea level).

Common fox - Vulpes vulpes- also has a ubiquitous distribution (up to 3000 m above sea level). It feeds on rodents (up to 99%), insects, and in the foothills and mountains - on plant foods (mainly).

Korsak - Vulpes corsak- a small fox, light-colored wool, lives in the steppe and semi-desert territory of the Terka-Kuma interfluve, as well as in the Terek-Sulak lowland.

Raccoon dog - Nyctereutes procyonoides- first brought to Dagestan in 1934 and released between the Ta-lovka and Terek rivers in the Kizlyar region. She took root well and settled in the lowland, foothill and mountain zones. Has industrial value. The fur is thick brown-gray. Inhabits river valleys, lake shores, reed beds. It feeds on mouse-like rodents, insects, amphibians, birds, fish, reptiles, as well as berries and fruits of wild plants. In winter, it hibernates for a short period.

Bear family (Ursidae)

A brown bear lives in Dagestan - a large predatory plantigrade mammal. It occupies the forests of the upper foothills, the northern slopes of the Main Caucasian Range, in the upper reaches of the Sulak rivers (in the regions of the Andi Koisu, Avar Koisu, Kara-Koisu, Kazikumukh Koisu), Samur. Due to anthropogenic impacts, its number is decreasing. Active around the clock. In winter, it hibernates. In hibernation a bit. The food is mixed. In lean years, the bear does not hibernate and walks hungry through the forest (rod). He is dangerous, attacks domestic animals, destroys beehives. They are hunted for their meat and skins.

Raccoon family (Procycnides)

One species lives in Dagestan - the striped raccoon, which was brought from Azerbaijan in 1941 and introduced in the amount of 23 individuals into the forests of the Kizilyurt region. It took root well and now lives in many areas of the Caspian coast. It leads a nocturnal lifestyle, falls into hibernation, lives near water bodies, feeds on insects, mouse-like rodents, amphibians, as well as fruits and berries. Eats food after rinsing in water (that's why they called it a raccoon-gargle). It is an object of fishing because of the beautiful skins.

Hyena family (Hyaenidae)

The striped hyena - Hynena hyaena, is distributed in the lowland and semi-desert regions of Eastern Georgia and Azerbaijan. In the past, the border of the range passed in the Caucasus along the entire eastern coast of the Caspian Sea. In 1981, an unsuccessful attempt by hyenas to get wild piglets was observed in the Kasumkent reserve. It feeds mainly on carrion, young and weak ungulates, as well as small animals. It is listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Dagestan, but its presence in the republic is considered doubtful.

Mustelidae family

Includes big number animals, animals of medium or small size. Plantigrade or semi-stopigrade. The nails are not retractable, but sharp. Most are real predators, but there are also omnivores (badger). Only the badger hibernates. In Dagestan, this family contains 9 species from 5 genera. Three of them - European mink, bandage and Caucasian otter are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Dagestan.

Weasel Caucasian - Mustela nivalis- represented by two subspecies - large and small, which are found everywhere. Destroy rodents - pests of agriculture and forestry.

Steppe polecat, or light polecat - Mustela eversmanni- occurs in the lowlands, the forest-steppe part of the foothills and mountains (up to 2200 m above sea level).

Stoat - Mustela erminae- has a small distribution (enters the region of the Prikumye and Priterechye from the border regions of Dagestan).

European mink - Mustelis lutreola- in Dagestan there is a peripheral border of the range. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the mink was a rare object of fishing in some foothill regions of the republic. At present, it is occasionally found in the system of Karakol lakes. Feeds on crayfish, fish, frogs. Swims great.

Ligation - Vormela peregusna- common in the dry steppes of the plane and foothills, has no commercial value. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Dagestan.

Stone mountain marten, or white-haired marten - Martes foina- lives in the forest zone.

Soft forest marten, or zheltodushka - Martes martes- also lives in the forest zone. Like the previous species, it feeds on rodents, birds, insects and wild berries. Valuable fur animal.

Badger – Meles miles L., 1758 - distributed throughout Dagestan. There is especially a lot of it in the foothills, in the zone of shrubs of broad-leaved forests. Prefers ravine terrain. In winter it hibernates. It feeds on rodents, frogs, lizards, snakes, insects, less plant food.

Caucasian otter - Paraonyx caucasica- distributed in the basins of the Terek, Sulak, Samur rivers. It lives in mountain and lowland rivers and lakes, artificial reservoirs, prefers places rich in coastal vegetation. Leads a twilight life. It feeds on fish, frogs, water voles, birds, and plant foods. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Dagestan.

Rice. 36. Caucasian otter

Family Cats (Felidae)

The felines are predators of medium and large size, with long limbs, armed, as a rule, with retractable claws. They have a flexible elongated body with a rounded head. Finger walking animals. Body color is usually spotted or striped. Predatory teeth are strongly developed. They feed mainly on animal food. Prey is most often ambushed and rushed at it from an ambush. Some are chasing prey. Distributed everywhere (except Antarctica). In Dagestan, there is a genus of cats with 4 species.

Forest, European, or wild cat - Felius silvestris- Looks like a domestic cat. It lives in riparian forests and floodplains of the Sulaksko-Terskaya and Primorskaya lowlands, foothill and forest mountainous Dagestan (up to 2500 m above sea level). It feeds on rodents, birds, wild fruits (cones, dogwood, apples, pears), fish waste, and muskrat.

Reed cat (House) – Felis chaus- larger than the forest one, lives in the lower reaches of the rivers, where reed-cattail thickets and tugai forests reach the foothills. It feeds on muskrats and birds, which harms hunting farms.

Lynx – Felide lynx- has a body length of 82-109 cm, weighs 8-19 (up to 32) kg. The legs are strong, relatively long, paws are wide. It lives in vast dense forests (on the plains and in the mountains), sometimes it enters the forest-steppe. It feeds on hares, mouse-like rodents and birds, sometimes ungulates. Hunts mainly at night. Good for climbing trees. With a lack of food, it roams. It harms the hunting economy, exterminating game animals. It is rare in Dagestan, in the foothill and high mountain belts.

Western Asian leopard, or leopard - Pantera pardus ciascaucasicus Setanin- in Dagestan, known in the Gumbetovsky district, were seen in the Akhtynsky and Dokuzparinsky districts on Mount Shalbuzdag and in some other areas. Inhabits the bushes of subalpine and alpine zones, with deep gorges, rocks and rocky ruins. According to modern information, 2-3 pairs of leopards live in Dagestan. Listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Dagestan.

Rice. 37. Leopard, or Persian leopard

European cat – Felis(F.) silvestris Schreber- found everywhere in Dagestan. Prefers deciduous forests. It occurs in the foothills, tugai forests, reed beds, less often in coniferous forests. It feeds on mouse-like rodents, hares, less often birds.

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Diurnal Birds of Prey Diurnal predators hunt on a bright day, a few - at dusk (broad-snouted and other twilight kites, sometimes aletes, hobby birds), at night - none. The birds are medium in size, but there are also small ones - pygmy falcons, with a wingspan of about 25 centimeters, and very

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Squad Diurnal birds of prey, or falcon-like (accipitres, or Falconiformes) Weigh from 60 g to 12 kg (females are larger than males). They are characterized by sharp curved claws and a strong, curved beak at the end. The plumage is elastic, dense, but almost without fluff. Distributed almost all over the world

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Order Insectivores This order includes hedgehogs, moles, shrews. These are small animals with a small brain, the hemispheres of which do not have furrows and convolutions. The teeth are poorly differentiated. Most insectivores have an elongated muzzle with a small proboscis.

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Order Bats This order includes bats and fruit bats. The only group of mammals capable of sustained active flight. The forelimbs are turned into wings. They are formed by a thin elastic leathery flying membrane, which is stretched between

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Order Lagomorphs These are small and medium-sized mammals. They have two pairs of incisors upper jaw, located one after another so that behind the large front ones there is a second pair of small and short ones. There is only one pair of incisors in the lower jaw. There are no fangs, and incisors

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Squad Rodents The squad unites different types of squirrels, beavers, mice, voles, rats and many others. They are distinguished by a number of features. One of them is a peculiar structure of teeth adapted to feeding on solid plant foods (branches of trees and shrubs, seeds,

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Detachment Carnivores The detachment unites mammals that are quite diverse in appearance. However, they share a number of common features. Most feed mainly on vertebrates, a few are omnivores. All carnivores have small incisors, large conical fangs and

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Order Pinnipeds Pinnipeds are marine mammals that have retained contact with land, where they rest, breed and molt. Most live in the coastal zone, and only a few species live in the open sea. All of them, like aquatic animals, have a peculiar appearance:

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7.2. Order Primates Humans belong to the order Primates. To understand the systematic position of man in it, it is necessary to represent the phylogenetic relationships of various groups of this