Brief retelling of chapter 11 of the captain's daughter. Captain's daughter. chapter. Sergeant of the Guard

Sergeant of the Guard

The protagonist of the novel, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev, recalls. He was born into the family of a small landowner. Grinev's father is a retired officer. Even before the birth of his son, he assigned him as a sergeant to the Semyonovsky Guards Regiment.

When Peter was five years old, his father assigned him a servant, Arkhip Savelich, to bring up the little master. The servant taught the boy to read and write Russian and understand hunting dogs. At the age of twelve, a French teacher, Beaupré, was discharged for Petya. But he became addicted to vodka and did not miss a single skirt, completely forgetting about his duties.

Once the maids complained about the teacher, and Grinev's father came straight to the lesson. The drunken Frenchman was sleeping, and Petya was making geographical map kite. The angry father expelled the Frenchman. That was the end of Petya's studies.

Grinev turns sixteen, and his father sends him to the service. But not to Petersburg, but to his good friend in Orenburg. Savelich goes with Petya. In Simbirsk, at an inn, Grinev meets the hussar captain Zurin, who teaches him to play billiards. Peter gets drunk and loses a hundred rubles to the military man. In the morning he drives on.

Chapter II


On the way to the duty station, Grinev and Savelich go astray. A lone wanderer leads them to an inn. There, Peter manages to see the guide. This is a black-bearded man of about forty, strong, lively and of the most robbery appearance. He enters into a strange conversation with the owner of the inn, full of allegories.

Grinev gives the guide his hare sheepskin coat, since the black-bearded one is practically undressed. The escort pulls on a sheepskin coat, although it is bursting at the seams, and promises to remember the kindness of the young master for a century.

The next day, Grinev arrives in Orenburg and introduces himself to the general, who, on the advice of Father Petya, sends the young man to the Belogorsk fortress under the command of Captain Mironov.

Chapter III


Grinev arrives at the Belogorsk fortress. It is a village surrounded by a palisade with a single cannon. Captain Ivan Kuzmich Mironov is a gray-haired old man, under whose command about a hundred old soldiers and two officers serve. One of them is an elderly one-eyed lieutenant Ivan Ignatich, the second is Alexei Shvabrin, exiled to this outback for a duel.

Peter is settled in a peasant's hut. That same evening, he meets Shvabrin, who describes the captain's family in person: his wife Vasilisa Yegorovna and daughter Masha. Vasilisa Yegorovna commands both her husband and the entire garrison, and Masha, according to Shvabrin, is a terrible coward. Grinev himself gets acquainted with Mironov and his family, as well as with constable Maksimych. He is terrified of the upcoming service, which he sees as endless and boring.

Chapter IV


The concept of service turned out to be wrong. Grinev quickly liked the Belogorsk fortress. There are no guards and exercises here. The captain sometimes drills the soldiers, but so far he cannot get them to distinguish between "left" and "right."

Grinev becomes almost at home in Mironov's house and falls in love with Masha. And he likes Shvabrin less and less. Alexey makes fun of everyone, speaks badly about people.

Grinev dedicates poems to Masha and reads them to Shvabrin, since he is the only person in the fortress who understands poetry. But Alexey cruelly ridicules the young author and his feelings. He advises instead of poetry to give Masha earrings and assures that he himself has experienced the correctness of this approach.

Grinev is offended and calls Shvabrin a liar. Alexei challenges the young man to a duel. Peter asks Ivan Ignatich to become a second. However, the old lieutenant does not understand such a cruel showdown.

After dinner, Grinev informs Shvabrin about his failure. Then Alexey suggests doing without seconds. The opponents agree to meet in the morning, but as soon as they converge with swords in their hands, they are arrested by soldiers led by a lieutenant.

Vasilisa Yegorovna forces the duelists to reconcile. Shvabrin and Grinev pretend to reconcile, they are released. Masha says that Aleksey has already wooed her and was refused. Now Peter understands the malice with which Shvabrin slanders the girl.

The next day, the opponents again converge at the river. Shvabrin is surprised that Grinev can give such a worthy rebuff. Peter manages to push the officer, but at this time Savelich calls out to the young man. Grinev abruptly turns around and is wounded in the chest.

Chapter V


The wound is serious, Peter comes to his senses only on the fourth day. Shvabrin asks for forgiveness and receives it from his opponent. Masha takes care of Grinev. Peter, taking advantage of the moment, declares his love for her and finds out that the girl also has tender feelings for him. Grinev writes a letter home in which he asks for parental blessings for marriage. But the father refuses and threatens to transfer his son to another place so that he does not fool around. The letter also says that Grinev's mother has fallen ill.

Peter is depressed. He wrote nothing to his father about the duel. How did her mother know about her? Grinev decides that it was Savelich who reported it. But the old servant is offended by this suspicion. As proof, Savelich brings a letter from Grinev's father, in which he scolds the old man for not reporting the injury. Peter learns that Mironov also did not write to his parents and did not report to the general. Now the young man is sure that Shvabrin did this to upset their marriage with Masha.

Learning that there will be no parental blessing, Masha refuses to marry.

Chapter VI


In early October 1773, a message arrives about the Pugachev rebellion. Despite all the precautions and Mironov's attempts to keep it a secret, the rumor spreads instantly.

The captain sends constable Maksimych to reconnaissance. Two days later, he returns with the news that a huge force is moving. An unrest rises among the Cossacks. The baptized Kalmyk Yulai reports that Maksimych saw Pugachev and went over to his side, and now he is inciting the Cossacks to revolt. Mironov arrests Maksimych, and Yulaya puts him in his place.

Events are developing rapidly: the sergeant flees from under guard, the Cossacks are dissatisfied, a Bashkir is captured with Pugachev's appeal. It is not possible to interrogate him, because the prisoner has no tongue. Vasilisa Egorovna rushes into the meeting of officers with bad news: the neighboring fortress was taken, the officers were executed. It becomes clear that soon the rebels will be under the walls of the Belogorsk fortress.

It was decided to send Masha and Vasilisa Yegorovna to Orenburg.

Chapter VII


In the morning, Grinev learns that the Cossacks left the fortress and forcibly took Yulai with them. Masha did not have time to leave for Orenburg - the road was blocked. Already at dawn, Cossack and Bashkir patrols appeared near the fortress. By order of the captain, they are driven away by cannon shots, but soon the main force of the Pugachevites appears. Ahead - Yemelyan himself in a red caftan on a white horse.

Four traitor Cossacks drive up to the walls of the fortress. They offer to surrender and recognize Pugachev as sovereign. The Cossacks throw Yulai's head over the palisade right at Mironov's feet. The captain orders to shoot. One of the negotiators is killed, the rest rush away.

The assault on the fortress begins. Mironov says goodbye to his wife and blesses the frightened Masha. Vasilisa Egorovna takes the girl away. The commandant manages to fire the cannon again, then he orders the gates to be opened and rushes out. But the soldiers do not follow the commander. Attackers break into the fortress.

Grinev is tied up and brought to the square, where the Pugachevites are building a gallows. People gather, many meet the rebels with bread and salt. The impostor sits in an armchair on the porch of the commandant's house and takes the oath from the prisoners. Ivan Ignatich and Mironov refuse to take the oath. They are hung up right away.

The turn comes to Grinev. With surprise, he recognizes Shvabrin among the rebels. Peter is brought to the gallows, but then Savelich falls at Pugachev's feet. The servant manages to beg for pardon, and Grinev is released.

Vasilisa Yegorovna is taken out of the house. Seeing her husband on the gallows, she calls Pugachev a runaway convict. The old woman is killed.

Chapter VIII

Uninvited guest

Grinev is trying to find out about the fate of Masha. It turns out that she lies unconscious at the priest, who passes the girl off as her seriously ill niece.

Grinev returns to his ransacked apartment. Savelich explains why Pugachev suddenly spared the young man. This is the same escort to whom the young officer bestowed a hare sheepskin coat.

Pugachev sends for Grinev. The young man comes to the commandant's house, where he dines with the rebels. At the meal, a military council is also held, at which the rebels decide to go to Orenburg. After that, everyone disperses, but Pugachev leaves Grinev alone to talk. He again demands an oath of allegiance, but Peter refuses. Grinev cannot promise that he will not fight against Pugachev. He is an officer, therefore he is obliged to follow the orders of his commanders.

The honesty of a young man bribes the leader of the rebels. Pugachev releases Peter.

Chapter IX


In the morning the impostor emerges from the fortress. Before leaving, Savelich comes up to him with a list of goods that the rebels took from Grinev. At the end of the list, a hare sheepskin coat is mentioned. Pugachev gets angry and throws the paper away. He leaves, leaving Shvabrin as commandant.

Grinev rushes to the priest to find out about Masha's condition. He is informed that the girl is feverish and delirious. Peter has to leave his beloved. He can neither take her out nor stay in the fortress.

With a heavy heart, Grinev and Savelich wander on foot to Orenburg. Suddenly, they are overtaken by the former Cossack officer Maksimych, who is leading an excellent Bashkir horse. It was Pugachev who ordered the young officer to be presented with a horse and a sheepskin coat. Grinev gratefully accepts the gift.

Chapter X

City siege

Peter arrives in Orenburg and reports to the general about what happened in the fortress. At the council, a decision is made not to oppose the impostor, but to defend the city. Peter is very worried that he cannot help Masha in any way.

Soon Pugachev's army appears, the siege of Orenburg begins. Grinev often goes on outings. Thanks to a fast horse and luck, he manages to stay unscathed.

In one of the sorties, Peter runs into Maksimych, who gives him a letter from Masha. The girl writes that Shvabrin took her from the priest's house and forced her to become a wife. Grinev asks the general for a company of soldiers to liberate the Belogorsk fortress, but is refused.

Chapter XI

rebellious settlement

Grinev is going to run away from Orenburg. Together with Savelich, he safely leaves in the direction of the Berdskaya settlement, occupied by the Pugachevites. Peter hopes to go around the settlement in the dark, but stumbles upon a detachment of sentinels. However, he manages to get away. Unfortunately, Savelich is detained.

Peter returns to rescue the old man and is also captured. Pugachev immediately recognizes Grinev and asks why the young officer left Orenburg. Peter tells that he wants to release the orphan, whom Shvabrin offends.

Pugachev is angry with Shvabrin and threatens to hang him. The impostor's adviser, the fugitive corporal Beloborodov, does not believe Grinev's story. He believes that the young officer is a spy. Suddenly, another adviser to Pugachev, the convict Khlopusha, stands up for Peter. Things almost come to a fight, but the impostor pacifies the advisers. Pugachev undertakes to arrange the wedding of Peter and Masha.

Chapter XII

An orphan

Arriving at the Belogorodskaya fortress, Pugachev demands to show him the girl Shvabrin is holding under arrest. Alexey makes excuses, but the impostor insists. Shvabrin leads Pugachev and Grinev into a room where an exhausted Masha is sitting on the floor.

Pugachev asks the girl why her husband punished her. Masha replies indignantly that she would rather die than become Shvabrin's wife. Pugachev is unhappy with Alexei's deceit. He orders Shvabrin to issue a pass and releases the young couple on all four sides.

Chapter XIII


Grinev and Masha set off. In the fortresses and villages captured by the rebels, they are not obstructed. There is a rumor that this is Pugachev's godfather. The couple enters the town, in which there should be a large detachment of Pugachevites. But it turns out that this place has already been vacated. They want to arrest Grinev, he breaks into the room where the officers are sitting. Fortunately, at the head of the garrison is an old acquaintance Zurin.

Peter sends Masha and Savelich to his parents, while he himself remains in Zurin's detachment. Soon, government troops lift the siege from Orenburg. The news of the final victory arrives. The impostor is captured, the war is over. Grinev is going home, but Zurin is ordered to arrest him.

Chapter XIV


Grinev is accused of betrayal and espionage in favor of Pugachev. The main witness is Shvabrin. Grinev does not want to make excuses so as not to drag Masha into the trial, who will be called as a witness or even an accomplice.

They want to hang Peter, but Empress Catherine, taking pity on his elderly father, changes the execution for an eternal settlement in Siberia. Masha decides to throw herself at the feet of the Empress and ask for mercy. She is going to Petersburg.

Stopping at the inn, the girl learns that the hostess is the niece of the court stoker. This woman helps the girl to get to the garden of Tsarskoye Selo, where Masha meets an important lady. The girl tells her story, and she promises to help.


“My father, Andrey Petrovich Grinev, served under Count Munnich in his youth and retired as prime minister in 17 ... Since then, he lived in his Simbirsk village, where he married the girl Avdotya Vasilievna Yu., the daughter of a poor local nobleman. We were nine children. All my brothers and sisters died in infancy.

My mother was still my belly, as I was already enrolled in the Semenovsky regiment as a sergeant, by the grace of the major of the guard, Prince B., our close relative.

Then the boy was hired by a French teacher named Beaupre. He liked to drink, was “windy and dissolute to the extreme. His main weakness was his passion for the fair sex. But soon they had to part.

The laundress Palashka complained that Monsieur had seduced her. Andrei Petrovich Grinev immediately kicked him out. “That was the end of my upbringing. I lived underage, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys. Meanwhile, I was sixteen years old. Here my fate changed.

Father decided to send Petrusha to the service. The boy was very happy. He imagined himself as an officer of the guard living in Petersburg. But Petrusha was sent to Andrei Karlovich R., an old friend of his father, in Orenburg. Savelich went with him.

In Simbirsk, in a tavern, Peter met Ivan Ivanovich Zurin, a captain of a hussar regiment. He convinced the boy that the soldier must definitely learn how to play billiards, learn how to drink punch. Which is what they both did. At the end of the game, Zurin announced to Peter that he had lost a hundred rubles. But Savelich had the money. Ivan Ivanovich agreed to wait and invited Petrusha to go to Arinushka for the time being.

We dined at Arinushka's. Peter got pretty drunk, then both returned to the tavern. And Zurin only repeated that you need to get used to the service. In the morning, Savelich reproached his master for starting to walk too early. And then there's the debt of a hundred rubles ...

Savelich looked at me with deep sorrow and went to collect my duty. I felt sorry for the poor old man; but I wanted to break free and prove that I was no longer a child. The money was delivered to Zurin."


Only on the road did Peter manage to reconcile with Savelich.

And then a storm overtook the travelers. Peter saw some kind of black dot, the coachman drove the horses to it. It was a road man. He invited everyone to go to the inn, which was not far away. Slowly the wagon began to advance through the high snow. While we were driving, Petrusha had a dream that he could never forget. “It seemed to me that the storm was still raging, and we were still wandering through the snowy desert ...

Suddenly I saw a gate and drove into the manor yard of our estate. My first thought was the fear that the priest would not be angry with me for my involuntary return to my parents' roof and would not consider it a deliberate disobedience. With anxiety, I jumped out of the wagon and saw: mother meets me on the porch with an air of deep chagrin. Hush, she says to me, father is ill at death and wants to say goodbye to you. Stricken with fear, I follow her into the bedroom. I see the room is dimly lit; people with sad faces are standing by the bed. I quietly approach the bed; Mother raises the curtain and says: “Andrei Petrovich, Petrusha has arrived; he returned when he learned about your illness; bless him." I knelt down and fixed my eyes on the patient. Well? ... Instead of my father, I see a man with a black beard lying in bed, looking at me cheerfully. I turned to my mother in bewilderment, saying to her: “What does this mean? This is not a dad. And why should I ask a peasant for a blessing? “It doesn’t matter, Petrusha,” my mother answered me, “this is your planted father; kiss his hand and let him bless you ... ”I did not agree. Then the peasant jumped out of bed, grabbed the ax from behind his back and began to swing in all directions. I wanted to run... and I couldn't; the room filled with dead bodies; I stumbled over bodies and slid in bloody puddles... A terrible peasant called me affectionately, saying: "Don't be afraid, come under my blessing..." Horror and bewilderment seized me... And at that moment I woke up; the horses were standing; Savelich pulled my hand, saying: "Come out, sir; you've arrived."

“The owner, a Yaik Cossack by birth, seemed to be a man of about sixty, still fresh and vigorous. The escort "was about forty years old, medium height, thin and broad-shouldered ... His face had a rather pleasant, but picaresque expression." He has been to these parts many times. The escort and the host spoke in thieves' jargon about the affairs of the Yaitsky army, which at that time had just been pacified after the 1772 riot. Savelich looked at his interlocutors with suspicion. The inn was very much like a robber tributary. Petrusha was only amused.

In the morning the storm subsided. Harnessed the horses, paid the owner. And the escort Peter granted his hare sheepskin coat. The tramp was extremely pleased with the gift.

Arriving in Orenburg, we went straight to the general. Tomorrow was scheduled to move to the Belogorsk fortress to captain Mironov, a kind and honest man.


The fortress was a village surrounded by a log fence. From the old captain, Peter learned that officers were transferred here for indecent acts. For example, Aleksey Ivanych Shvabrin was transferred for murder. “God knows what sin beguiled him; he, if you please, went out of town with one lieutenant, and they took swords with them, and, well, they stab each other; and Alexey Ivanovich stabbed the lieutenant to death, and even with two witnesses! What are you supposed to do? There is no master for sin."

The sergeant entered, a young and stately Cossack. Vasilisa Yegorovna asked Maksimych to take the officer a cleaner apartment.

Pyotr Andreevich was taken to Semyon Kuzov. The hut stood on the high bank of the river, on the very edge of the fortress. Half of the hut was occupied by the family of Semyon Kuzov, the other was taken to Peter.

In the morning Shvabrin came to Petrusha. We met. The officer told Peter about life in the fortress. The commandant invited both to dinner. He turned out to be a vigorous, tall old man. A girl of about eighteen entered the room, round-faced, ruddy, with light blond hair, combed smoothly behind her ears, which were on fire in her. At first glance, I didn't like her very much. I looked at her with prejudice: Shvabrin described Masha, the captain's daughter, to me as a complete fool. At dinner they talked about how many souls Father Peter has; that the captain's daughter Masha has only a dowry, that “a frequent comb, and a broom, and an altyn of money ... Well, if there is a kind person; otherwise sit yourself in the girls as an eternal bride.

Marya Ivanovna blushed all over at this conversation, and even tears dripped onto her plate. Peter felt sorry for her, he hastened to change the conversation.


Several weeks passed, and Peter got used to life in the Belogorsk fortress. In the commandant's house he was accepted as a native. In Marya Ivanovna, the officer found a prudent and sensitive girl.

Shvabrin had several French books. Peter began to read, and a desire for literature awakened in him.

“Calm reigned around our fortress. But the peace was interrupted by a sudden civil strife."

Peter wrote a song and took it to Shvabrin, who alone in the whole fortress could appreciate such a work.

Destroying the thought of love, I try to forget the beautiful, And oh, avoiding Masha, I think to get the freedom! But the eyes that captivated me are always in front of me; They confused the spirit in me, crushed my peace. You, having learned my misfortunes, Have pity, Masha, on me, In vain I am in this fierce part, And that I am captivated by you.

Shvabrin resolutely announced that the song was not good, because it resembled "love couplets". And in the image of Masha Shvabrin saw the captain's daughter.

Then Shvabrin said: "... if you want Masha Mironova to come to you at dusk, then instead of gentle rhymes, give her a pair of earrings." This phrase completely infuriated Peter. A duel was agreed. But Ivan Ignatich began to dissuade the young officer.

“I spent the evening, as usual, with the commandant. I tried to appear cheerful and indifferent, so as not to arouse any suspicion and avoid annoying questions; but I confess that I did not have that composure, which is almost always boasted by those who were in my position. That evening I was disposed towards tenderness and tenderness. I liked Marya Ivanovna more than usual. Thought that maybe see her in last time gave her something touching in my eyes.

With Shvabrin, they agreed to fight for stacks on "the next day at seven in the morning.

“We took off our uniforms, remained in the same camisoles and drew swords. At that moment, Ivan Ignatitch suddenly appeared from behind a stack and about five invalids.

He demanded us to the commandant. We obeyed with vexation; the soldiers surrounded us, and we went to the fortress after Ivan Igna-tich, who led us in triumph, walking with amazing importance.

Ivan Kuzmich scolded ardent opponents. When they were left alone, Pyotr Andreevich told Shvabrin that the matter would not end there.

“Go back to the commandant, I, as usual, sat down with Marya Ivanovna. Ivan Kuzmich was not at home; Vasilisa Egorovna was busy with housework. We spoke in undertones. Marya Ivanovna tenderly reprimanded me for the anxiety caused by my whole quarrel with Shvabrin.

Marya Ivanovna admitted that she liked Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin, because he wooed her. Then Peter realized that Shvabrin noticed their mutual sympathy and tried to distract from each other. The very next day Alexei Ivanovich came to Peter.

We went to the river, began to fight with swords. But then Savelich's voice was heard, Pyotr turned around ... “At that very moment, I was strongly pricked in the chest below the right shoulder; I fell and fainted."


“Waking up, I could not come to my senses for some time and did not understand what had happened to me. I was lying on the bed, in an unfamiliar room, and felt very weak. Before me stood Savelitch with a candle in his hands. Someone carefully developed the bandages with which my chest and shoulder were pulled together.

It turned out that Peter lay unconscious for five days. Marya Ivanovna leaned over to the duelist. “I grabbed her hand and clung to it, pouring tears of emotion. Masha did not tear it off ... and suddenly her lips touched my cheek, and I felt their hot and fresh kiss.

Peter asks Masha to become his wife. “Marya Ivanovna never left my side. Of course, at the first opportunity, I set to work on the interrupted explanation, and Marya Ivanovna listened to me more patiently. She, without any pretense, confessed to me her heartfelt inclination and said that her parents would certainly be glad of her happiness. But what will his parents say? Peter wrote a letter to his father.

The officer made peace with Shvabrin in the first days of his recovery. Ivan Kuzmich did not punish Pyotr Andreevich. And Aleksey Ivanych was put under guard in a bakery shop, "until repentance."

Finally, Peter received an answer from the priest. He was not going to give his son either his blessing or his consent. In addition, the father was going to ask for the transfer of Peter from the Belogorsk fortress somewhere far away.

But Pyotr Andreevich did not write anything about the duel in his letter! Peter's suspicions settled on Shvabrin.

The officer went to Masha. He asked her to marry without the consent of his parents, but she refused.

“Since then, my position has changed. Marya Ivanovna scarcely spoke to me and tried her best to avoid me. The commandant's house became a shame for me. Little by little I learned to sit alone at home. Vasilisa Yegorovna at first reproached me for this; but seeing my stubbornness, she left me alone. I saw Ivan Kuzmich only when the service demanded it. I met Shvabrin rarely and reluctantly, all the more so as I noticed in him a hidden dislike for myself, which confirmed me in my suspicions. My life has become unbearable to me.”


Orenburg province at the end of 1773 was inhabited by many semi-savage peoples who had recently recognized the dominion of Russian sovereigns. “Their minute-by-minute indignations, unaccustomed to laws and civil life, frivolity and cruelty demanded constant supervision from the government to keep them in obedience. The fortresses were built in places deemed convenient, mostly inhabited by Cossacks, long-standing owners of the Yaitsky shores. But the Yaik Cossacks, who were supposed to protect the peace and security of this region, for some time were themselves restless and dangerous subjects for the government.

In 1772 there was a riot in their main town. The reason for this was the strict measures taken by Major General Traubenberg in order to bring the army into due obedience. The result was the barbarous murder of Traubenberg, a willful change in management, and finally the pacification of the rebellion with buckshot and cruel punishments.

One evening, in early October 1773, Peter was summoned to the commandant. Shvabrin, Ivan Ignatich and a Cossack constable were already there. The commandant read a letter from the general, which reported that the Don Cossack and schismatic Emelyan Pugachev had escaped from under guard, “gathered a villainous gang, caused an uproar in the Yaik villages and had already taken and ruined” several fortresses, carrying out robberies and mortal murders everywhere. It was ordered to take appropriate measures to repulse the aforementioned villain and impostor, and, if possible, to completely destroy him if he turns to the fortress entrusted to your care.

It was decided to establish guards and night patrols.

Vasilisa Yegorovna was not in the know. She decided to find out everything from Ivan Ignatich. He spoke out. Soon everyone was talking about Pugachev.

“The commandant sent a constable with an order to scout thoroughly about everything in the neighboring villages and fortresses. The constable returned two days later and announced that in the steppe sixty miles from the fortress he had seen many lights and heard from the Bashkirs that an unknown force was coming. However, he could not say anything positive, because he was afraid to go further.

Yulai, a baptized Kalmyk, told the commandant that the sergeant’s testimony was false: “on his return, the crafty Cossack announced to his comrades that he was with the rebels, introduced himself to their leader himself, who allowed him to his hand and talked with him for a long time. The commandant immediately put the constable under guard, and appointed Yulai in his place. The constable fled from under guard with the help of his like-minded people.

It became known that Pugachev was going to immediately go to the fortress, inviting Cossacks and soldiers to his gang. It was heard that the villain had already taken possession of many fortresses.

It was decided to send Masha to Orenburg to her godmother.


At night, the Cossacks came out. fortresses, forcibly taking Yulai with him. Unknown people were driving around the fortress. Marya Ivanovna did not have time to leave: the road to Orenburg was cut off; the fortress is surrounded.

Everyone went to the shaft. Masha also came - it's worse at home alone. “…She looked at me and smiled with an effort. I involuntarily clutched the hilt of my sword, remembering that the day before I had received it from her hands, as if in defense of my dear. My heart was on fire. I imagined myself to be her knight. I was eager to prove that I was worthy of her power of attorney, and I began to look forward to the decisive moment.

Here Pugachev's gang began to approach. “One of them held a sheet of paper under his cap; the other had Yulai's head stuck on a spear, which, shaking it off, he threw over the palisade to us. The poor Kalmyk's head fell at the commandant's feet.

Ivan Kuzmich said goodbye to his wife and daughter and blessed them. The commandant's wife and Masha left.

The fortress was surrendered. “Pugachev was sitting in armchairs on the porch of the commandant's house. He was wearing a red Cossack caftan trimmed with galloons. A tall sable cap with gold tassels was pulled down over his sparkling eyes. His face looked familiar to me. Cossack foremen surrounded him.

Father Gerasim, pale and trembling, stood at the porch, with a cross in his hands, and seemed to silently beg him for the upcoming sacrifices. A gallows was hastily erected on the square. When we approached, the Bashkirs dispersed the people and introduced us to Pugachev.

Ivan Kuzmich, Ivan Ignatich was ordered to be hanged. Shvabrin was already among the rebellious foremen. His head was cut in a circle, and a Cossack caftan flaunted on his body. He went up to Pugachev and said a few words in his ear.

Pugachev, without even looking at Peter, ordered him to be hanged. The executioners dragged him to the gallows, but suddenly stopped. Savelich threw himself at Pugachev's feet and began to ask for pardon for the pupil, promising a ransom. Pyotr Andreevich was released.

The people began to take the oath. And then there was a woman's scream. Several robbers dragged Vasilisa Yegorovna onto the porch, disheveled and stripped naked. One of them had already dressed up in her shower jacket. Others plundered the apartment. In the end, the unfortunate old woman was killed.


Most of all, Peter was tormented by the uncertainty about the fate of Marya Ivanovna. Palashka said that Marya Ivanovna was hidden at the priest's place Akulina Pamfilovna. But Pugachev went there to dine!

Peter rushed to the priest's house. From the priest, he learned that Pugachev had already gone to look at the "niece", but did nothing to her. Pyotr Aed-reich went home. Savelich remembered why the face of the "murderer" seemed familiar to him. It was the same “drunkard who lured your sheepskin coat out of you at the inn! The rabbit sheepskin coat is brand new; and he, the beast, ripped it open, putting it on himself!

Peter was amazed. “I couldn’t help but marvel at the strange combination of circumstances: a children’s sheepskin coat, presented to a tramp, saved me from the noose, and a drunkard, staggering around the inns, besieged fortresses and shook the state!”

“Duty required me to appear where my service could still be useful to the fatherland in real, difficult circumstances ... But love strongly advised me to stay with Marya Ivanovna and be her protector and patron. Although I foresaw a quick and undoubted change in circumstances, yet I could not help but tremble, imagining the danger of her position.

And then one of the Cossacks came with an announcement, "that the great sovereign demands you to him." He was at the commandant's house.

“An unusual picture presented itself to me: at a table covered with a tablecloth and set with shtofs and glasses, Pugachev and about ten Cossack foremen were sitting, in hats and colored shirts, heated by wine, with red mugs and sparkling eyes. Between them there was neither Shvabrin nor our sergeant, newly-married traitors. “Ah, your honor! - said Pugachev, seeing me. - Welcome; honor and place, you are welcome. The interlocutors hesitated. I silently sat down on the edge of the table.”

Peter did not touch the poured wine. The conversation turned to the fact that now the gang needs to go to Orenburg. The campaign was announced for tomorrow.

Pugachev was left alone with Peter. The ataman declared that “he would not grant his acquaintance so much” if he began to serve him.

“I answered Pugachev: “Listen; I'll tell you the whole truth. Consider, can I recognize you as a sovereign? You are a smart man: you yourself would see that I am deceitful.

"Who am I, according to you?" - “God knows you; but whoever you are, you are playing a dangerous joke.” Pugachev glanced at me quickly. “So you don’t believe,” he said, “that I was Tsar Pyotr Fedorovich? Well, good. Is there no luck to the remote? Didn't Grishka Otrepiev reign in the old days? Think what you want about me, but don't leave me behind. What do you care about anything else? Whoever is a pop is a dad. Serve me faithfully, and I will grant you both field marshals and princes. How do you think?"

"No," I answered firmly. - I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the empress: I can’t serve you. If you really wish me well, then let me go to Orenburg.

Pugachev was struck by the courage and sincerity of Peter. Ataman released him on all four sides.


“Early in the morning the drum woke me up. I went to the gathering place. Pugachev's crowds were already lining up there near the gallows, where yesterday's victims were still hanging. The Cossacks stood on horseback, the soldiers under arms. The banners fluttered. Several cannons, between which I recognized ours, were placed on marching carriages. All the inhabitants were right there, waiting for the impostor. At the porch of the commandant's house, a Cossack was holding by the bridle a beautiful white horse of the Kirghiz breed. I looked for the commandant's body with my eyes. It was carried a little aside and covered with matting. At last Pugachev came out of the entryway. The people took off their hats. Pugachev stopped on the porch and greeted everyone. One of the foremen handed him a bag of copper money, and he began to throw handfuls of them. The people screaming rushed to pick them up, and the matter was not without injury.

Pugachev was surrounded by the main of his accomplices. Between them stood Shvabrin.

Our eyes met; in mine he could read contempt, and he turned away with an expression of sincere malice and feigned mockery. Pugachev, seeing me in the crowd, nodded his head at me and called me to him.

The ataman advised Peter to immediately go to Orenburg and announce from him to the governor and all the generals that Pugachev was expected to come to him in a week. "Attach" them to meet me with childish love and obedience; otherwise, they cannot avoid a fierce execution.

Pugachev appointed Shvabrin as the new commander. “I heard these words with horror: Shvabrin became the head of the fortress; Marya Ivanovna remained in his power! God, what will happen to her!

And then Savelich handed Pugachev a paper. There were listed all the things stolen by the robbers. Savelich wanted Pugachev to return the money for all this! Pyotr Andreich was frightened for the poor old man.

But “Pugachev was apparently in a fit of generosity. He turned away and rode off without another word. Shvabrin and the foremen followed him.

Peter hurried to the priest's house to see Marya Ivanovna. She developed a severe fever during the night. She lay unconscious and delirious. The patient did not recognize her lover.

“Shvabrin most of all tormented my imagination. Clothed with power from an impostor, leading in the fortress, where the unfortunate girl remained - the innocent object of his hatred, he could decide on anything. What was I to do? How can I help her? How to free from the hands of the villain? There was only one way left: I decided to go to Orenburg at the same time in order to hasten the liberation of the Belogorsk fortress, and, if possible, to contribute to this. I said goodbye to the priest and to Akulina Pamfilovna, with fervor entrusting to her the one whom I already revered as my wife.


“Approaching Orenburg, we saw a crowd of convicts with shaved heads, with faces disfigured by the executioner's tongs. They worked near the fortifications, under the supervision of garrison invalids. Others took out in carts the rubbish that filled the ditch; others dug the earth with spades; on the rampart, masons were carrying bricks and repairing the city wall.

At the gate sentries stopped us and demanded our passports. As soon as the sergeant heard that I was coming from the Belogorsk fortress, he took me straight to the general's house.

Peter told the general everything. Most of all, the old man was worried about the captain's daughter.

A council of war was appointed for the evening. “I got up and, after briefly describing Pugachev and his gang, I said in the affirmative that there was no way for an impostor to resist the right weapon.”

But no one agreed to the offensive movements. It was decided to reflect the siege. Long days of hunger dragged on.

Peter accidentally met a constable who handed him a letter. From it, the officer learned that Shvabrin forced Father Gerasim to hand over Masha to him, “by intimidating Pugachev.” Now she lives in her father's house under guard. Alexey Ivanovich forces her to marry him.

“Father Pyotr Andreevich! you are my only patron; intercede for me poor. Beg the general and all the commanders to send us a sikursu as soon as possible and come yourself if you can. I remain you obedient poor orphan

Maria Mironova.

Peter rushed to the general, began to ask for a company of soldiers to clear the Belogorsk fortress. But the old man refused.


Peter decided to go to the fortress. Savelich went with him. On the way, the old man was seized by robbers. Again the travelers were in the hands of Pugachev.

“A strange thought occurred to me: it seemed to me that Providence, which had brought me to Pugachev a second time, was giving me an opportunity to put my intention into action.”

Pyotr Andreevich said that he wanted to free the orphan who was being abused in the Belogorsk fortress. Pugachev's eyes sparkled, he promised to judge the offender Shvabrin. Peter said that the orphan was his bride. The ataman got even more excited.

In the morning we harnessed the wagon and went to the Belogorsk fortress. “I remembered the reckless cruelty, the bloodthirsty habits of the one who volunteered to be the deliverer of my dear! Pugachev did not know that she was the daughter of Captain Mironov; embittered Shvabrin could reveal everything to him; Pugachev could have found out the truth in another way... Then what will become of Marya Ivanovna? Cold ran through my body, and my hair stood on end ... "


“The wagon drove up to the porch of the commandant's house. The people recognized Pugachev's bell and fled after us in a crowd. Shvabrin met the impostor on the porch. He was dressed as a Cossack and grew a beard. The traitor helped Pugachev to get out of the wagon, in vile expressions expressing his joy and zeal.

Shvabrin guessed that Pugachev was dissatisfied with him. He trotted in front of him, and looked at Peter incredulously. We started talking about Masha. “Sovereign! he said. - You have the power to demand from me whatever you want; but do not command a stranger to enter the bedroom of my wife.” Pugachev doubted that the girl was his wife. Entered.

“I looked and froze. On the floor, in a tattered peasant dress, sat Marya Ivanovna, pale, thin, with disheveled hair. In front of her stood a jug of water, covered with a slice of bread. When she saw me, she started and screamed. What happened to me then, I don't remember.

To Pugacheva's question, Marya Ivanovna replied that Shvabrin was not her husband. Ataman released the girl.

“Marya Ivanovna glanced at him quickly and guessed that before her was the murderer of her parents. She covered her face with both hands and fell down. feelings. I rushed to her; but at that moment my old acquaintance Palasha entered the room very boldly and began courting her young lady. Pugachev left the room, and the three of us went into the living room.

“What, your honor? - said, laughing, Pugachev. - Rescued the red girl! What do you think, should we send for the priest, and force him to marry his niece? Perhaps I will be a planted father, Shvabrin's friend; we’ll wrap up, we’ll drink - and we’ll lock the gates! ”

And then Shvabrin confessed that Masha was the daughter of Ivan Mironov, who was executed during the capture of the local fortress. But even this Pugachev forgave Peter. He gave him a pass to all the outposts and fortresses subject to the ataman.

When Marya Ivanovna and Pyotr Andreevich finally met, they began to talk about what they should do next. “It was impossible for her to remain in the fortress, subject to Pugachev and controlled by Shvabrin. It was impossible to think about Orenburg, which was undergoing all the disasters of the siege. She did not have a single person in the world. I invited her to go to the village to my parents. She hesitated at first: my father's well-known disposition frightened her. I calmed her down. I knew that my father would honor it with happiness and make it his duty to accept the daughter of a well-deserved soldier who died for the fatherland.

Pugachev and Peter parted amicably.

“We approached the town, where, according to the bearded commandant, there was a strong detachment going to join the impostor. We were stopped by guards. To the question: who is going? - the coachman answered loudly: "The sovereign's godfather with his hostess." Suddenly a crowd of hussars surrounded us with terrible abuse. “Come out, demon godfather! - the mustachioed sergeant told me. - Now you will have a bath, and with your hostess!

I left the wagon and demanded that they take me to their chief. Seeing the officer, the soldiers stopped cursing. The sergeant led me to the major. Savelich did not lag behind me, saying to himself: “Here is the sovereign’s godfather for you! From the fire to the frying pan... Lord, lord! how will it all end?" The kibitka followed us at a pace.

Five minutes later we arrived at the house, brightly lit. The sergeant-major left me on guard duty and went to report on me. He immediately returned, announcing to me that his nobility had no time to receive me, and that he ordered me to be taken to prison, and the hostess to be brought to him.

Peter went into a rage, rushed to the porch. Ivan Ivanovich Zurin turned out to be a nobility, who once beat Peter in the Simbirsk tavern! They immediately reconciled. Zurin himself went out into the street to apologize to Marya Ivanovna in an involuntary misunderstanding and ordered the sergeant-major to take her the best apartment in the city. Peter stayed overnight with him and told him his adventures.

Zurin advised the old acquaintance to "get loose" with the captain's daughter, send her to Simbirsk alone, and suggested that Peter remain in his detachment.

“Although I did not quite agree with him, I nevertheless felt that the duty of honor required my presence in the army of the empress. I decided to follow Zurin's advice: send Marya Ivanovna to the village and stay in his detachment.

“The next day in the morning I came to Marya Ivanovna. I told her my guesses. She recognized their prudence and immediately agreed with me. Zurin's detachment was supposed to leave the city on the same day. There was nothing to delay. I immediately parted from Marya Ivanovna, entrusting her to Savelich and giving her a letter to my parents. Marya Ivanovna began to cry.

In the evening they went on a hike. “Gangs of robbers everywhere fled from us, and everything foreshadowed a quick and prosperous end. Soon, Prince Golitsyn, under the fortress of Tatishcheva, defeated Pugachev, dispersed his crowds, and liberated Orenburg. But still Pugachev himself was not caught. He appeared at the Siberian factories, gathered new gangs there, and again began to successfully mischief there. The news came about the destruction of the Siberian fortresses.

Soon Pugachev fled. After a while, he was completely smashed, and he himself was caught.

“Zurin gave me leave. A few days later I was to find myself again in the midst of my family, to see my Marya Ivanovna again... Suddenly, an unexpected thunderstorm struck me. On the day appointed for departure, at the very moment when I was preparing to set off on the road, Zurin entered my hut, holding paper in his hands, with an air of extremely preoccupied. Something pricked me in the heart. I was scared, I didn't know what. He sent my orderly, and announced that he had business with me.

It was a secret order to all the individual chiefs to arrest me wherever they came across, and immediately send me under guard to Kazan to the Investigative Commission established in the Pugachev case. Probably, the rumor about Peter's friendly relations with Pugachev reached the government.

“I was sure that my unauthorized absence from Orenburg was to blame. I could easily justify myself: not only was horsemanship never forbidden, but it was still encouraged by all means. I could be accused of being overzealous, not disobedient. But my friendly relations with Pugachev could be proved by many witnesses and should have seemed at least very suspicious.

In the Kazan fortress, Peter's legs were chained, and then they took him to prison and left him alone in a cramped and dark kennel. The next day, the prisoner was taken for interrogation. They asked when and how the officer began to serve with Pugachev. Peter told everything like it is. And then they invited the one who accused Grinev. It turned out to be Shvabrin! “According to him, I was assigned from Pugachev to Orenburg as a spy; daily went to skirmishes in order to convey written news about everything that was happening in the city; that finally he clearly passed on to the impostor, traveled with him from fortress to fortress, trying in every possible way to destroy his fellow traitors in order to take their places and use the rewards handed out from the impostor.

Meanwhile, Marya Ivanovna was received by the groom's parents with sincere cordiality. They soon became attached to her, because it was impossible to know her and not love her. “My love no longer seemed to the father an empty whim; and mother only wanted her Petrusha to marry the captain's sweet daughter.

The news of his son's arrest shocked the Grinev family. But no one believed that this case could end unsuccessfully. Soon the father received a letter from St. Petersburg stating that suspicions about Peter’s participation “in the plans of the rebels, unfortunately, turned out to be too thorough, that an exemplary execution should have befallen me, but that the empress, out of respect for the merits and advanced years of her father, decided to pardon criminal son and, saving him from a shameful execution, only ordered him to be exiled to a remote region of Siberia for an eternal settlement.

The old man believed that his son was a traitor. He was inconsolable. “Marya Ivanovna suffered the most. Being sure that I could justify myself whenever I wanted to, she guessed the truth and considered herself the cause of my misfortune. She hid her tears and suffering from everyone, and meanwhile she constantly thought about the means of saving me.

Marya Ivanovna, Palasha and Savelich went to Sofia. In the morning, the girl in the garden accidentally met with the lady of the court, who began to ask her about why she had come. Masha said that she was the daughter of Captain Mironov, that she had come to ask the Empress for mercy. The lady said that she happens at court. Then Marya Ivanovna took a folded paper out of her pocket and handed it to her unfamiliar patroness, who began to read it to herself. But when the lady realized that the girl was asking for Grinev, she replied that the empress could not forgive him. But Masha tried to explain to the lady that Peter could not justify himself, because he did not want to interfere in her business. Then the stranger asked not to tell anyone about the meeting, promising that the girl would not have to wait long for an answer.

Soon the empress demanded Masha to the court. When Masha saw the Empress, she recognized in her the lady with whom she spoke so frankly in the garden! The empress said that she was convinced of Peter's innocence, and gave a letter to his father.

“Here the notes of Pyotr Andreevich Grinev stop. From family traditions it is known that he was released from prison at the end of 1774, by personal order; that he was present at the execution of Pugachev, who recognized him in the crowd and nodded his head to him, which a minute later, dead and bloodied, was shown to the people. Soon afterwards Pyotr Andreevich married Marya Ivanovna. Their offspring prosper in the Simbirsk province.

We bring to your attention the most successful options summary of the work of A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter» . By tradition, we have prepared not only a summary of the chapters, but also brief retelling, and also very summary.

Pushkin himself called The Captain's Daughter (end of September 1836) a novel. But the very first censor Korsakov recognized the story in this work. It so happened that this work of criticism and associates of Alexander Sergeevich was always called differently. Belinsky and Chernyshevsky considered The Captain's Daughter a story, and Pushkin's first biographer P.V. Annenkov is a novel.

For a normal acquaintance with the "Captain's Daughter", we recommend reading the summary chapter by chapter. But if you have very little time, or you just need to brush up on the main details, you can read a brief retelling or a very brief summary of this work.

The captain's daughter - a summary of the chapters

Chapter I

The author begins the story with an acquaintance with the main character - Peter Grinev. Grinev himself tells about his life in the first person. He is the only survivor of 9 children of a retired prime minister and a poor noblewoman, he lived in a middle-class noble family. “Mother was still my belly,” Grinev recalled, “as I was already enrolled in the Semyonovsky regiment as a sergeant.”

Wanting to give my son a good education, to teach "languages ​​and all sciences", Father Andrei Petrovich Grinev hires a French teacher Beaupre. However, the Frenchman drinks more than teaches the undergrowth. Summary The upbringing of young Grinev came down to the fact that instead of teaching the sciences in French, he himself teaches his French teacher to “talk in Russian”. Finding no significant benefit from such an education, Beaupré is soon expelled.

Instead of the traditional brilliant career of a St. Petersburg officer, the father chooses for his son a harsh service in one of the fortresses on Yaik. On the way to Orenburg, Peter stops in Simbirsk, where he meets the hussar Ivan Zurin. The hussar undertakes to teach Grinev how to play billiards, and then, taking advantage of Peter's simplicity, he easily wins 100 rubles from him. Wanting to get rid of the guardianship of the uncle Savelich sent with him, Peter returns the debt, despite the protests of the old man.

Chapter II

In the Orenburg steppe, Peter falls into a snowstorm. The coachman was already desperate to get the horses out, when suddenly a certain peasant appeared next to the wagon, who offered to see the lost wanderers. The stranger correctly pointed the way, and the coachman managed to lead his riders, including a new fellow traveler, to the inn (umet).

Further, Grinev tells about a prophetic dream that he had in a wagon. The summary of the dream is as follows: he sees his house and his mother, who says that his father is dying. Then he sees an unfamiliar man with a beard in his father's bed, and his mother says that he is her named husband. The stranger wants to give a "father's" blessing, but Peter refuses, and then the man takes up the ax, and corpses appear around. He does not touch Peter.

They drive up to the inn, reminiscent of a thieves' haven. A stranger, frozen in a cold in one Armenian coat, asks Petrusha for wine, and he treats him.

In the house, a stranger starts an allegorical conversation with the owner. The language of their communication had the features of a thieves' vocabulary, which betrayed a "dashing person" in the stranger.

After spending the night on his wits, Grinev is going on the road again, having first thanked the yesterday's counselor with a hare coat. In Orenburg, Peter falls into the hands of General Andrei Karlovich, an old friend of his father, and the general gives the young man a direction to the Belogorsk fortress, lost forty miles from the city, on the border with the "Kyrgyz steppes". A link to such a wilderness upsets Peter, who had long dreamed of a guards uniform.

Chapter III

Upon arrival at the fortress, which turned out to be a tiny village, Peter gets acquainted with the locals and, first of all, with the family of the old commandant.

The owner of the Belgorod garrison was Ivan Kuzmich Mironov, but in fact his wife, Vasilisa Yegorovna, was in charge of everything. Simple and kind people immediately liked Grinev.

Of great interest to Grinev is the witty officer Shvabrin, who was transferred to the fortress from St. Petersburg for violating discipline and "murder."

Shvabrin, prone to unflattering comments about those around him, often spoke caustically about Masha, the captain's daughter, exposing her as a very narrow-minded person. Then Grinev himself gets acquainted with the daughter of the commander and is convinced of the fallacy of Lieutenant Shvabrin's opinion.

Chapter IV

The service does not burden Grinev, he became interested in reading books, practicing translations and writing poetry.

Rapprochement with Shvabrin abruptly ends in a quarrel. Shvabrin allowed himself to arrogantly criticize the love "song" written by Grinev for Masha.

Out of jealousy, Shvabrin slanders Masha in front of Grinev, for which the young man challenges the officer to a duel.

The commandant's wife, Vasilisa Yegorovna, found out about the duel, but the duelists pretended to reconcile, deciding in fact to postpone the meeting the next day. In the morning, opponents hurried to complete their plans. However, even then the duel was interrupted by the efforts of the commandant's family. Having reprimanded the absurd young men, as it should, Vasilisa Yegorovna let them go. That same evening, Masha, worried about the duel, told Pyotr Grinev about Shvabrin's unsuccessful matchmaking. Now Grinev understood Shvabrin's behavior. And yet the doom took place. In short, its result was the injury of Grinev.

Chapter V

The wounded Grinev, thanks to the care of the regimental barber and Masha, is quickly recovering.

He forgives Shvabrin, because he sees in his actions a sign of the wounded pride of a rejected lover.

Pyotr Grinev asks for Masha's hand. The girl agrees. A young man composes a touching letter for his father in order to beg his blessing for an alliance with Marya Mironova. The father, who learned about the duel, is indignant and refuses. In a fit of anger, Grinev senior hints to his son that he is ready to transfer him to another place of service.

However, the father's refusal to bless does not change Peter's intentions. But at the same time, Masha is against secret marriage. For a while they move away from each other, and Grinev understands that unhappy love can deprive him of his mind and lead to debauchery.

Chapter VI

Unrest begins in the Belgorod fortress. Commandant Mironov receives a notice from Orenburg about the appearance of Yemelyan Pugachev's "gang" on Yaik. Mironov was ordered to prepare the fortress for an attack by rebels and robbers.

Soon everyone was talking about Pugachev. A Bashkir with "outrageous sheets" was captured in the fortress. It was impossible to interrogate him, because. his tongue was torn out.

Disturbing news continues to arrive, and Mironov decides to send Masha out of the fortress.

Chapter VII

Pugachev's robbers appear unexpectedly - the Mironovs did not even have time to send Masha to Orenburg. With the first raid, the rebels take the fortress.

Commandant Mironov, anticipating the worst, says goodbye to his wife and daughter, ordering the girl to be dressed as a peasant so that she does not become a victim of the rebels.

Meanwhile, Pugachev begins the trial of those who do not recognize him as sovereign.

Commandant Mironov and Lieutenant Ivan Ignatich are the first to be hanged.

Grinev's former ally, Shvabrin, is in a hurry to take advantage of the situation. He goes over to the side of the rebels and tries in every possible way to persuade Pugachev to execute Pyotr Grinev as one of the main opponents of the new government.

Faithful Savelich stood up for Grinev. The uncle on his knees begged for forgiveness from Pugachev for the "child".

Meanwhile, the massacre continues: on the orders of Pugachev, Mironov's wife, Vasilisa Yegorovna, is killed.

Chapter VIII

Later, Grinev learns from Savelich the real “reason for mercy” - the ataman of the robbers turned out to be the tramp who received from him, Grinev, a hare sheepskin coat.

In the evening, Grinev was invited to the “great sovereign”. “I pardoned you for your virtue,” Pugachev says to Grinev, “Do you promise to serve me with zeal?” But Grinev is a “natural nobleman” and “sweared allegiance to the empress”. He cannot even promise Pugachev not to serve against him. "My head is in your power," he says to Pugachev, "let me go - thank you, execute me - God will judge you."

Pugachev liked Grinev's honesty, he promised the officer to let him go to Orenburg.

Chapter IX

In the morning, Pugachev, in front of the people, called Peter to him and told him to go to Orenburg and convey the message to the generals. The summary of this message boils down to the fact that Pugachev promises to attack the city in a week.

Just before leaving, the emboldened Savelyich tried to get compensation from Pugachev for the lordly goods stolen by the Cossacks, but the "tsar" only threatened the old man. Despite the uncle's behavior that amused him, Grinev left the fortress with gloomy thoughts. Pugachev appoints Shvabrin as a commandant, and he himself goes on another feat.

Chapter X

Having reached Orenburg, Grinev tells the general everything he knows about Pugachev's gang, and then comes to the military council. However, Grinev's arguments in favor of a swift attack on the rebels are not approved. One of the military recommends "bribery tactics." As a result, the majority of those present agree that it is necessary to keep the defense of the city.

A few days later, the rebels surround the city. Long days of siege dragged on. During sorties outside the city walls, Grinev received a letter from Masha through the constable. The girl asked to be protected from Shvabrin, who intended to force her to marry him. Grinev goes to the general with a request to give half a company of soldiers to save the girl, which is refused. Peter begins to look for another way out of this situation.

Chapter XI

In desperation, Pyotr Grinev leaves Orenburg and heads for the Belogorsk fortress. Already close to the fortress, Peter and Savelich were seized by the rebels, who led them to Pugachev.

Grinev frankly tells Pugachev about his plans and thoughts. Peter says that the ataman is free to do whatever he wants with him. Pugachev's thug-advisers offer to execute the officer, but he says, "pardon, so pardon."

Grinev confesses that he is going to save his fiancee from Shvabrin. The chieftain hears this news with joy and is ready to personally marry the young and bless them. Peter persuades Pugachev to give up "stealing" and rely on the mercy of the empress.

For Pugachev, as for an eagle from a Kalmyk fairy tale, which he tells Grinev with “wild inspiration”, “than eating carrion for three hundred years, it is better to drink living blood once; and then what God will give!”.

Grinev, in turn, draws a different moral conclusion from this tale, which surprises Pugacheva: “To live by murder and robbery means for me to peck at carrion.”

Chapter XII - Summary

Pugachev arrives with Grinev at the Belogorsk fortress and orders Shvabrin to show him the orphan. Shvabrin reluctantly agrees, then it turns out that he kept Masha locked up on bread and water. Threatening Shvabrin, Pugachev releases the girl and allows Peter to take her away, forgiving at the same time Grinev's forced lie about Masha's true origin.

Chapter XIII

On the way back, near one of the small towns, Grinev was detained by guards who mistook him for a rebel. Fortunately for the young man, the major who was supposed to sort out the incident turned out to be the hussar Zurin already known to Peter. Zurin advised not to return to Orenburg, but to remain with him for greater security, sending the bride to the Grinev family estate.

Agreeing with this advice, Grinev sends Masha as a bride to his parents, and he himself remains in the army out of a "debt of honor". The war "with robbers and savages" is "boring and petty."

In the course of the persecution by the hussars of the detachments of the rebels, Grinev opens up terrible pictures of devastation in the villages engulfed in a peasant war. Grinev's observations are filled with bitterness: "God forbid to see a Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless."

Some time later, Zurin receives a secret decree on the arrest of Grinev and sends Peter to Kazan under escort.

Chapter XIV

In Kazan, Grinev appeared before the commission of inquiry, in which his story was treated with distrust.

Appearing before the court, he is calm in his confidence that he can be justified, but Shvabrin slanders him, exposing Grinev as a spy sent from Pugachev to Orenburg.

Peter's unwillingness to mention his relationship with Masha Mironova led the judges to find Peter guilty of being friends with the leader Pugachev

Learning about what happened, Masha decides to go to St. Petersburg and ask for help from the Empress herself. In Petersburg, the girl learns that the court has moved to Tsarskoye Selo and is heading there. In one of the Tsarskoye Selo gardens, Masha meets a lady with whom she enters into a conversation and sets out the essence of her petition to the Empress. The lady pretends that she agrees to convey the words of Masha to the Empress. Only later does Masha find out that she had a conversation with Catherine II herself, when on the same day she appeared at the palace on the orders of the empress.

The Empress granted Grinev a pardon.

The narration, which was conducted on behalf of Grinev, ends with his own note. In a brief afterword, he reports that Grinev was released in 1774 by the personal decree of Catherine II and in January 1775 was present at the execution of Pugachev, who nodded to Peter, climbing the gallows.

Appendix. read

skipped chapter

This unfinished draft chapter tells about the circumstances of Grinev's visit (bred as Bulanin) to his native estate. Grinev's regiment was located near the village where his parents and bride lived. Having asked for time off from the command, Peter crossed the Volga at night and made his way to his village. Here the young officer learns that his parents are locked up in the barn by the zemstvo Andryukha. Grinev frees his relatives, but tells them to continue to hide in the barn. Savelich reports that a detachment of Pugachevites led by Shvabrin is taking the village. Grinev manages to beat off the first attack and lock himself in the barn. Shvabrin decides to set fire to the barn, which forces the father and son of the Grinevs to make a sortie. The Pugachevites take the Grinevs prisoner, but at that time hussars enter the village. As it turned out, they were brought to the village by Savelich, who secretly made his way past the rebels. Grinev, having received a blessing from his parents for marriage with Masha, returns to the army again. After some time, he learned about the capture of Pugachev and received permission to return to his village. Grinev was happy, but some premonition overshadowed this joy.

Summary of the story Captain's daughter - option number 2

Chapter 1. Sergeant of the Guard.

The story begins with a biography of Peter Grinev: his father served, retired, the family had 9 children, but all, except Peter, died in infancy. Even before his birth, Grinev was enrolled in the Semenov regiment. Until he came of age, he was considered on vacation. The boy is brought up by uncle Savelyich, under whose guidance Petrusha masters Russian literacy and learns to judge the merits of a greyhound dog.

Later, a Frenchman, Beaupre, was hired to train him, who was supposed to teach the boy "in French, German and other sciences." However, he did not engage in the upbringing of Petrusha, but drank and led a dissolute lifestyle. Upon discovering this, the father kicks the Frenchman out. In the seventeenth year, the father sends Peter to the service, but not to Petersburg, as his son wanted, but to Orenburg. Parting words to his son, the father orders to take care of him "a dress again, and honor from a young age." In Simbirsk, Grinev meets captain Zurin in a tavern, who teaches him to play billiards, gets drunk and wins 100 rubles from him. Grinev "behaved like a boy breaking free." The next morning, Zurin demands a win. Not wanting to lose honor, Grinev makes uncle Savelyich repay the debt and, ashamed, leaves Simbirsk.

Chapter 2 Leader.

On the way, Gritsev, realizing his childishness, asks his uncle for forgiveness for his stupid behavior. Soon they are caught by a blizzard, which knocks them astray. Almost desperate to get out, they meet a man whose “sharpness and subtlety of instinct” amaze Grinev. A stranger accompanies them to the nearest dwelling. In the cart, Grinev has a strange dream, as if he arrives at the estate, finds his father dying. Peter approaches him for a blessing and sees instead of his father a man with a black beard. Mother assures Grinev that this is his imprisoned father. The man jumps up, starts swinging his ax, the room is filled with dead bodies. The man does not touch Petra.

Upon arrival at the lodging for the night, Grinev tries to make out a random savior. “He was about forty, medium height, thin and broad-shouldered. There was gray in his black beard, and his large, lively eyes were running about. His expression was pleasant enough, but roguish. His hair was cut in a circle, he was wearing a tattered coat and Tatar trousers. The stranger speaks to the owner of the lodging for the night in “allegorical language”: “I flew into the garden, pecked hemp; grandmother threw a pebble, but past. Grinev brings a glass of wine to the counselor and gives him a rabbit sheepskin coat. The stranger is flattered by the young man's generous attitude. From Orenburg, an old comrade of his father, Andrei Karlovich R., sends Grinev to serve in the Belogorsk fortress (40 miles from the city). Grinev is saddened by such a distant exile.

Chapter 3. Fortress.

Grinev arrives at the place of service, in a fortress that looks more like a village. The fortress is managed by a reasonable and kind old woman, the wife of the commandant Mironov, Vasilisa Yegorovna. The next day, Grinev meets Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin, a young officer "of short stature, with a swarthy face and remarkably ugly, but extremely lively." Shvabrin transferred to the fortress for a duel. Shvabrin tells Grinev about life in the fortress, about the commandant's family, and speaks especially unflatteringly about the daughter of commandant Mironov, Masha. Shvabrin and Grinev are invited to dinner at the commandant's family. Along the way, Grinev sees "teachings": commandant Ivan Kuzmich Mironov is in command of a platoon of disabled people. At the same time, he himself is rather unusually dressed: “in a cap and a Chinese robe.”

Chapter 4

Pretty soon, Grinev becomes attached to the commandant's family. He is promoted to officer. Grinev continues his friendship with Shvabrin, but he likes him less and less, especially for his unflattering remarks about Masha. Grinev devotes mediocre love poems to Masha. Shvabrin sharply criticizes them, insults Masha in a conversation with Grinev. Grinev calls him a liar, Shvabrin demands satisfaction. Before the duel, on the orders of Vasilisa Yegorovna, they are arrested, the yard girl Palashka even takes away their swords. After some time, Grinev learns from Masha that Shvabrin had previously wooed her, but she refused. Grinev understood the reason for Shvabrin's anger towards the girl. The duel did take place. More experienced in military affairs, Shvabrin wounds Grinev.

Chapter 5

Masha Mironova and uncle Savelich nurse the wounded Grinev. Realizing his attitude towards Masha, Grinev proposes to her. The girl takes it. Peter hurries to notify his parents about the imminent wedding, he writes them a letter. Shvabrin visits Grinev, admits that he himself was to blame. Grinev's father refuses to bless his son (he also knows about the duel, but not from Savelich. Grinev decides that Shvabrin told his father). Upon learning that the groom's parents did not give him a blessing, Masha avoids him. Grinev loses heart and moves away from Masha.

Chapter 6

The commandant receives a notification about Yemelyan Pugachev's band of robbers attacking the fortress. Vasilisa Egorovna finds out everything, and rumors of an attack spread throughout the fortress. Pugachev calls on the enemy to surrender. One of the appeals falls into the hands of Mironov through a captured Bashkir who has no nose, ears and tongue (the consequences of torture). Worried about the future commandant decides to send Masha out of the fortress. Masha says goodbye to Grinev. Vasilisa Egorovna refuses to leave and stays with her husband.

Chapter 7

That same night, the Cossacks leave the fortress and go under the banner of Pugachev. The Pugachevites attack the fortress and quickly capture it. The commandant does not even have time to send his daughter out of the city. Pugachev arranges a "trial" over the defenders of the fortress. The commandant and his comrades are executed (hanged). When the turn comes to Grinev, Savelich throws himself at the feet of Pugachev, begging to spare the "master's child", promising a ransom. Pugachev pardons Grinev. Residents of the city and garrison soldiers swear allegiance to Pugachev. Undressed Vasilisa Yegorovna is taken out onto the porch and killed.

Chapter 8 Uninvited guest.

Grinev is tormented by the thought of the fate of Masha, who never managed to leave the fortress taken by the robbers. Masha hides her hits. Grinev learns from her that Shvabrin has gone over to Pugachev's side. Savelich informs Grinev that he understood the real reason for Pugachev's condescension to Peter's life. The fact is that Pugachev is the same stranger who once led them out of the snowstorm to spend the night. Pugachev invites Grinev to his place. “Everyone treated each other like comrades and did not show any particular preference for their leader ... Everyone boasted, offered his opinions and freely challenged Pugachev.” The Pugachevites sing a song about the gallows ("Don't make noise, mother green oak tree"). Pugachev's guests disperse. Face to face, Grinev honestly admits that he does not consider Pugachev a king. Pugachev: “Is there no luck for the daring one? Didn't Grishka Otrepiev reign in the old days? Think of me what you want, but don't leave me behind." Pugachev lets Grinev go to Orenburg, despite the fact that he honestly promises to fight against him.

Chapter 9

Pugachev orders Grinev to inform the Orenburg governor that his army will arrive in the city in a week. Then Pugachev leaves the Belogorsk fortress. He appoints Shvabrin as commandant of the fortress. Savelyich gives Pugachev a "registry" of the plundered lord's goods, Pugachev, in a "fit of generosity", leaves him without attention and without punishment. He favors Grinev with a horse and a fur coat from his shoulder. Meanwhile, Masha falls ill.

Chapter 10

Grinev hurries to Orenburg to General Andrei Karlovich. At the military council "there was not a single military man." “All the officials talked about the unreliability of the troops, about the unfaithfulness of luck, about caution and the like. Everyone was afraid to fight. Officials offer to bribe Pugachev's people (put a high price on his head). The constable brings a letter from Masha to Grinev from the Belogorsk fortress. Summary of the letter: Shvabrin forces Masha to marry. Alarmed, Grinev asks the general to give him at least a company of soldiers and fifty Cossacks in order to clear the Belogorsk fortress, but is refused.

Chapter 11

Caught in a hopeless situation, Grinev, together with Savelich, set off alone to help Masha. On the way, he falls into the hands of the people of Pugachev. Pugachev interrogates Grinev about his intentions in the presence of confidants. “One of them, a slender and hunched old man with a gray beard, had nothing remarkable in himself, except for a blue ribbon worn over his shoulder over a gray Armenian coat. But I will never forget his friend. He was tall, burly and broad-shouldered, and seemed to me about forty-five years old. A thick red beard, gray sparkling eyes, a nose without nostrils, and reddish spots on his forehead and on his cheeks gave his wide pockmarked face an inexplicable expression. Grinev admits that he is going to save the orphan from the claims of the new commandant Shvabrin. The confidants offer to deal not only with Shvabrin, but also with Grinev - hang them both. But Pugachev still clearly sympathizes with Grinev - "the debt is red," he promises to marry him to Masha. In the morning, Grinev in Pugachev's wagon goes to the fortress. In a confidential conversation, Pugachev tells him that he wants to go to Moscow, but “my street is cramped; I have little will. My guys are smart. They are thieves. I must keep my ears open; at the first failure, they will redeem their neck with my head. Pugachev tells Grinev an old Kalmyk tale about an eagle and a raven (the raven pecked at carrion, but lived up to 300 years, and the eagle agreed to starve, “it’s better to drink living blood once”, but don’t eat carrion, “and then - what God will give”).

Chapter 12

Arriving at the fortress, Pugachev learns that the commandant appointed by him, Shvabrin, is starving Masha. "By the will of the sovereign" Pugachev releases the girl. He wanted to immediately marry her to Grinev, but Shvabrin betrays that she is the daughter of the executed captain Mironov. “Execute, so execute, favor, so favor,” sums up Pugachev and releases Grinev and Masha.

Chapter 13. Arrest.

On the way out of the fortress, the soldiers arrest Grinev, mistaking him for a Pugachevite, and take him to their boss, who turns out to be Zurin. On his advice, Grinev decides to send Masha and Savelich to his parents, and to continue fighting himself. "Pugachev was defeated, but was not caught" and gathered new detachments in Siberia. Over time, he is still caught, and the war ends. But at the same time, Zurin received an order to arrest Grinev and send him under guard to Kazan to the Investigative Commission on the Pugachev case.

Chapter 14

With the direct complicity of Shvabrin, Grinev is accused of serving Pugachev. Peter is sentenced to exile in Siberia. Grinev's parents became very attached to Masha. Not wanting to abuse their generosity, Masha travels to St. Petersburg, stops in Tsarskoye Selo, meets the Empress in the garden and asks Grinev for mercy, explaining that he came to Pugachev because of her. At the audience, the empress promises to help Masha and grant amnesty to Grinev. The Empress keeps her promise and Grinev is released. Peter decides to attend Pugachev's execution. The ataman recognized him in the crowd and nodded his head to him as he climbed onto the chopping block. "... a minute later, the dead and bloodied" head of Pugachev "was shown to the people."

A very brief retelling of the novel "The Captain's Daughter"

The basis of this work A.S. Pushkin is composed of the memoirs of the fifty-year-old nobleman Pyotr Andreyevich Grinev, written by him during the reign of Emperor Alexander and dedicated to the "Pugachevshchina", in which the seventeen-year-old officer Pyotr Grinev took an involuntary part. Pyotr Andreevich recalls his childhood as a noble undergrowth with slight irony. His father Andrey Petrovich Grinev, in his youth, “served under Count Munnich and retired as prime minister in 17…. Since then, he lived in his Simbirsk village, where he married the girl Avdotya Vasilyevna Yu., the daughter of a poor local nobleman. The Grinev family had nine children, but only Peter survived from them. The rest died in infancy. “Mother was still me, a belly,” Grinev recalls, “as I was already enrolled in the Semenovsky regiment as a sergeant.”

From the age of five, Petrusha has been looked after by the stirrup Savelich, “for sober behavior” granted to him as uncles. “Under his supervision, in the twelfth year, I learned Russian literacy and could very sensibly judge the properties of a greyhound male.” Then a teacher appeared - the Frenchman Beaupré, who did not understand "the meaning of this word", since in his own country he was a hairdresser, and in Prussia - a soldier. Young Grinev and the Frenchman Beaupré quickly got along, and although Beaupré was contractually obliged to teach Petrusha "in French, German and all sciences," he preferred to soon learn from his student "to chat in Russian." Grinev's upbringing ends with the expulsion of Beaupre, convicted of debauchery, drunkenness and neglect of the duties of a teacher. Until the age of sixteen, Grinev lives "undersized, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys."

In the seventeenth year, the father sends his son to serve in the army "to smell gunpowder" and "pull the strap." Peter, though disappointed, goes to Orenburg. His father instructs him to serve faithfully "to whom you swear", and to remember the proverb: "take care of the dress again, and honor from youth."

Along the way, Grinev and Savelyich got into a snowstorm. A random traveler, met on the road, leads to the umet. On the way, Pyotr Andreevich had a terrible dream in which the fifty-year-old Grinev sees something prophetic, connecting it with the "strange circumstances" of his later life. A man with a black beard lies in the bed of Grinev's father, and mother, calling him Andrei Petrovich and "a planted father," wants Petrusha to "kiss his hand" and ask for blessings. A man swings an ax, the room is filled with dead bodies; Grinev stumbles over them, slips in bloody puddles, but his "terrible man" "calls affectionately", saying: "Do not be afraid, come under my blessing."

In gratitude for the rescue, Grinev gives the “counselor”, dressed too lightly, his hare coat and brings a glass of wine. A stranger with a low bow thanks him: “Thank you, your honor! God bless you for your goodness." The appearance of the “counselor” seemed “wonderful” to Grinev: “He was about forty, medium height, thin and broad-shouldered. There was gray in his black beard; living large eyes and ran. His face had a rather pleasant, but roguish expression.

The Belogorsk fortress, where Grinev was supposed to serve, turns out to be a village surrounded by a wooden fence. Instead of a brave garrison - disabled people who do not know where the left and where the right side is, instead of deadly artillery - an old cannon clogged with garbage. The commandant of the fortress Ivan Kuzmich Mironov is an officer "from soldiers' children", an uneducated man, but an honest and kind one. His wife, Vasilisa Yegorovna, is the true mistress of the fortress and runs it everywhere.

Soon Grinev becomes “native” to the Mironovs, and he himself “invisibly became attached to a good family.” Grinev falls in love with the Mironovs' daughter Masha, "a prudent and sensitive girl." The service does not burden Grinev, he became interested in reading books, practicing translations and writing poetry.

Over time, he finds much in common with Lieutenant Shvabrin, the only person in the fortress close to Grinev in terms of education, age and occupation. However, they then quarrel - Shvabrin repeatedly speaks badly of Masha. Later, in a conversation with Masha, Grinev will find out the reasons for the stubborn slander with which Shvabrin pursued her: the lieutenant wooed her, but was refused. “I do not like Alexei Ivanovich. He is very disgusting to me, ”admits Masha Grinev. The quarrel is resolved by a duel and wounding Grinev.

Further events unfold against the backdrop of a wave of robbery uprisings surging over the country led by Emelyan Pugachev. Soon the Belogorsk fortress is attacked by the Pugachev rebels. Pugachev himself arranges a trial for the defenders of the fortress and executes the commandant Mironov and his wife, as well as all those who refused to recognize him (Pugachev) as sovereign. Miraculously, Masha manages to escape, who was sheltered by the priest. Pyotr Grinev also narrowly escaped execution. Brief history his salvation comes down to the fact that Pugachev turned out to be the same stranger who once brought Grinev out of the storm and received generous gratitude from him.

Pugachev respected the frank Grinev and let him go to Orenburg to report his imminent invasion. In Orenburg, Grinev is trying in vain to persuade the military to a military confrontation against the rebels. Everyone is afraid of war and decide to keep the defense inside the city. Soon Grinev receives news that Shvabrin, appointed by Pugachev as the commandant of the Belogorsk skepost, is forcing Masha to marry. Peter, together with Savelich, go to her aid, but are captured by the rebel troops. Pyotr Grinev again finds himself in front of Pugachev. He speaks honestly about the purpose of his visit to the fortress. Pugachev is again very kind to Grinev and frees his beloved Masha from the hands of Shvabrin. They are released from the fortress. Peter sends his beloved to his parents, and he returns to the service. Soon Pugachev is caught and sentenced to death. At the same time, Grinev also falls under court. Shvabrin slandered him for aiding Pugachev. Peter is condemned and sentenced to exile in Siberia. Masha, for the sake of her beloved, seeks a meeting with Empress Catherine II. She begs her for Peter's forgiveness and Catherine grants him freedom.

The story ends with the execution of Pugachev, where Grinev was also present. The ataman recognized him in the crowd when he climbed the chopping block and briefly nodded to him in farewell. After this, the robber was executed.

Pyotr Grinev lived in the Simbirsk village. He was taught everything by the stirrup Savilich, granted to him as an uncle. But even Peter was discharged by the Frenchman Beaupre, who was supposed to teach him. However, Beaupré was soon kicked out for drinking and molesting women.

Peter himself was granted to the Semenovsky regiment from birth, but his father, at the age of 17, sent him to Orenburg instead of St. Petersburg, to serve as an ordinary soldier.

Savelich was sent along with him. And before leaving, his father told him the proverb "take care of the dress from the new, and honor from the young."

They arrived in Simbirsk. Savelich went shopping, while Pyotr stayed at the tavern. Then he went to the billiard room and met Zurin there. Having drunk well, they began to play linenyard for money. By the end of the day, it turned out that Peter had lost 100 rubles. The next day, Savelich was dumbfounded by the fact that Peter managed to owe a hundred, but gave the money back. Immediately after that, they left the tavern.

On the way, Peter made peace with Savelich. Then the coachman warned them not to go further, the wind began. But this did not frighten Peter, and they set off across the steppe. A few hours later, a strong snowstorm covered them, and they got lost. Suddenly Peter saw a black spot and ordered to go to him. It turned out to be a man. He pointed to the right and said that it smelled of smoke from there. We went there.

Peter had a dream that he was at home and his mother was meeting him. She says that her father is sick and she needs to go to say goodbye to him. Peter comes in and sees a bearded man in bed, to whom he must bow. But Petrusha refuses, and then the peasant takes out an ax and tries to hit Peter. The room fills with corpses, and Petrusha suddenly wakes up.

They stumbled upon a house. After spending the night, Petrusha ordered Savelich to give the guide a hare coat as a thank you. Savelich resisted at first, but nevertheless he brought the sheepskin coat and gave it back.

The next day they arrived in Orenburg and Peter took his father's letter to the old general. He read the letter, sent Peter to the Belogorsk fortress to serve under the command of Captain Mironov.

Belogorsk fortress, and the fortress could not be called. Palisade and cannon - all defense. Peter ordered to lead to the commander of the fortress. But he did not find him at home. Only his wife was there, who told him about Aleksey Shvabrin, who was sent here for killing a lieutenant in a duel.

Waking up the next day, Peter wanted to go to the commander, but Shvabrin showed up to him, with whom he became friends. Then an invalid came and invited them to dinner with the captain. Shvabrin went with Peter. Approaching the house, they saw the captain commanding a detachment of cripples and invalids, training them.

At dinner, Peter saw the captain's daughter, Masha. He also learned that the captain and his wife have been living here for a long time, and that the only cannon has not been fired for two years, because Masha is afraid of shooting.

They lived peacefully in the fortress, and soon Peter began to like such a life. He got along with the captain and his family. There was almost no work. Therefore, Peter began to read a lot and even write poetry. He wrote a poem to Masha and read it to Shvabrin. But instead of praise, he heard only ridicule. A duel was scheduled. Peter asked Ignatich, an invalid, to be his second.

The next day they were at seven stacks. Pyotr and Alexei were about to fight, but then Ignatich appeared with the disabled and took them to the captain. There they were reprimanded and sent home on dry rations.

Peter made his way to the captain's house and talked to Masha. He found out that Alexey had been wooing her, but she refused him. Then it became clear why he spoke so badly of her. The next day, Shvabrin came to Peter and called him to the wasteland to fight. Thanks to Beaupré's swordsmanship lessons, Piotr was able to fight calmly. But suddenly he heard his name and turned around. At that moment, he felt a prick in his chest and fell unconscious.

Peter woke up on the 5th day and saw Masha Mironova in front of him. She was with him all this time. He was on the mend quickly. Peter made an offer to Masha, to which she agreed on one condition, that Petrusha's parents would approve the marriage. Peter sent the letter. After a while, the father's answer came. He strictly forbade Peter to marry and scolded him for his duel. Petrusha thought that it was Savelich who reported everything to his father and cursed the servant. But it turned out that Savelich was devoted to Peter like no other. Maria, having learned about the refusal of her parents, also opposed the marriage. Peter retired from everyone at home. He just went to work. But suddenly something happened.

A document stating that there were rebels led by Pugachev. An order was received, preparing to attack the rebels. We cleaned out the old cannon and began to prepare weapons. They sent a scout to a neighboring village to find out what and how. But upon his return, he himself was put under arrest.

They immediately caught a Bashkir who was delivering leaflets. At the council, they decided to torture him, but nothing happened, because. the Bashkir had no tongue, and ears with a nose. Then they decided to prepare for battle, and send Masha away to Orenburg, for safety.

In the morning, Ignatich came and said that they had seen rioters nearby. Peter asked if Masha had time to leave? But it was too late, the fortress was surrounded on all sides. Everyone gathered on the rampart in front of the gate. Several horsemen drove up to the fortress and said to surrender. Why were they shot at. The fortress was attacked. A cannon was fired at the army. They hit the center and the rioters stopped, but rushed with renewed vigor. The defenders went on the attack. But they were confused. The fortress fell.

The rebels began the trial of the vanquished. The captain, who refused to go over to the side of the enemy, was hanged along with Ignatich. It's Peter's turn. Unexpectedly, they heard the voice of Savelich, who begged Pugachev to have mercy on Petrusha. Peter was untied and released. The people began to swear allegiance to the new king. In one hut they found the captain's wife and a young Cossack killed her with a saber.

Peter went to look for Masha. It turned out that she was with the priest. Petrusha was frightened, because Pugachev was also there. He quietly called his priest and asked what was wrong with Masha. She said that she was lying on the stove and sick. But Pugachev did not touch her. Then Peter went home. Savelich was waiting for him near the house. He said that Pugachev was an escort, to whom Peter gave a rabbit sheepskin coat.

After standing for a while on the street, one Cossack called to Peter and said that Pugachev was calling him. When Peter arrived, he saw about 10 people with Pugachev at the table. They all drank and sang songs. After everyone left, a face-to-face conversation began. Pugachev asked if Peter would go to his service and did he believe that he was the real tsar? To which he replied that he did not believe him and would not go to the service. Struck by such sincerity, Pugachev released Peter to all four directions. Peter came home, ate and went to bed in the hope of the next day.

Pugachev went out onto the porch, in front of which everyone in the fortress had gathered. He began to scatter coins, and there was a scuffle. Then he jumped on his horse and was about to leave, but Savelich approached him with a piece of paper. It turned out that this was a list of things that the rebels stole from Grinev. Pugachev threw the paper in Savelich's face and drove away.

The traitor Shvabrin remained in charge of the fortress. And Peter, having visited the sick Masha, decided to go to Orenburg as soon as possible to warn everyone. Suddenly, a Cossack with a horse and a sheepskin coat jumped up to them. They were sent by Pugachev. Savelich grumbled and they drove off.

Peter, approaching Orenburg, saw that they began to strengthen it. He immediately went to the general of the fortress, to whom he told everything. He invited him to tea and a military council in the evening. Only the general and Petrusha were on the council from the military, the rest were just officials. On it, they decided what to do: defensively or offensively. Peter proposed to attack the Pugachev army. Officials insisted on bribery. But the general decided to stay behind the walls of the fortress and wait.

The long siege of Orenburg began. The army of Pugachevo has increased 10 times since the capture of the Belogorsk fortress. The siege was long and boring. And in one of the sorties, Peter met a Cossack from the Belogorsk fortress. He gave him a letter from Masha. It said that Shvabrin was forcibly trying to marry her, and she asked Peter to help her.

Peter immediately went to the general and asked him to give him a company of soldiers. But the general refused, saying that it was imprudent. Then Peter decided on another act.

Peter got ready and galloped to the Belogorsk fortress, and Savelich tagged along with him. Peter was on a horse, and Savelitch had a horse. Pyotr rode the patrol, fighting off the peasants, but Savelich was captured, then Pyotr rushed to rescue him, but he was also caught. The men took them to Pugachev.

He immediately recognized Grinev and asked why he had visited him. Pyotr did not answer, on the orders of Pugachev, everyone left, except for two people: an old man with a blue ribbon and a redhead without a nose. They turned out to be Pugachev's advisers. Peter bluntly said that he was going to the fortress to save the girl from Shvabrin. But the advisers doubted the veracity of his words, and said that Peter was an enemy scout. But Pugachev did not believe them, and they all sat down to supper together. After Peter was taken to the command hut, where Savelich was already.

The next day, Pugachev, together with Grinev and Savelich, went to the Belogorodskaya fortress. Along the way, Pugachev told a tale about a raven that lived for three hundred years and fed on carrion, and an eagle that lived for thirty-three years and fed on fresh blood.

Shvabrin met them in the fortress and was surprised that Peter was with Pugachev. Pugachev ordered to lead him to the girl whom Alexei kept locked up. He tried to refuse, but in the end they found Masha and released her. She was pale and half dead from hunger. Pugachev wanted to marry her to Peter, but Petrusha asked him to simply let them go free. To which Pugachev agreed.

Peter Pugachev began to like it. He wanted to tear him out of this robbery environment and save him from punishment, but he could not. Masha said goodbye to her parents, to the fortress, to her acquaintances, and they left this fortress forever.

They drove quickly, because they had a pass signed by Pugachev, but they were stopped by a detachment of hussars, subject to the empress. The detachment was commanded by Zurin. The same Zurin, to whom Peter lost 100 rubles in billiards. Peter explained to him what and how. To which he advised Peter to send Masha to her parents in the village, and to stay and fight against the enemy himself. So Petrusha did.

When Masha left, Peter began to fight with zeal against the rebels, who fled at the sight of one army. They soon learned that Pugachev was defeated near Orenburg, but he again gathered an army and took Kazan and Simbirsk. A detachment with Peter was sent in search of Pugachev. Soon the news came that Yemelyan had been captured and would soon be executed. Peter was sad because Emelya was being executed.

He was glad to see Masha soon, but on the day of departure he was arrested by order of the higher authorities, who found out about his affairs with Pugachev.

Peter was put in jail and interrogated. They asked him why he alone survived, although all the other officers of the fortress were killed. Peter told the whole truth. But when he was asked about the behavior of Pugachev and the Belogorsk fortress, Peter remained silent, afraid to mention Masha Mironova. This did not please the judges, who were already on the side of Peter. Then they called Peter, who accused him of treason. It turned out to be Shvabrin. He was thin and sick. He talked about how Pugachev traveled with Peter through the fortresses, and added a lot of lies about Peter. Then Petrusha was sent under arrest and was not summoned again.

Masha was received well at home. Peter's parents liked her for her kindness and purity. When the father found out about the arrest of Peter, he was outraged that an officer from a noble family was accused of helping the rebel.

Masha was going to Petersburg to somehow help Peter. She was able to get into the garden in which the Empress was walking and there she met, as she thought, one of Elizabeth's servants. She told her about Pyotr Grinev and said that he did not betray the Empress. The next day, Masha was called to the palace. She met the Empress, who turned out to be the lady walking in the garden. Elizabeth wrote a letter to Father Grinev and ordered Peter to be released.

It is also said that Peter was released and now lives in some province near some landowner in good health. This is where the story ends.

Updated: 2018-01-15

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[Our summary of The Captain's Daughter can be used to reader's diary. On our website you can read the full text of The Captain's Daughter by chapter, as well as an analysis of this story and a biography of A. S. Pushkin.]

Together with his faithful serf tutor Savelich, Petrusha went to Orenburg. On the way, in one of the taverns in Simbirsk, the impudent captain Zurin beat the inexperienced young man for a hundred rubles in billiards.

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Chapter 2 "Counselor" - summary

Leaving Simbirsk with a coachman, Petrusha and Savelich fell into a strong snowstorm. They were almost covered in snow. Salvation was brought only by an unexpected meeting in an open field with a strange man who showed the way to the inn. On the way to the court, Grinev dozed off in a wagon and saw a mysterious dream about how a black-bearded man affectionately called him to himself, calling himself an imprisoned father, but mercilessly chopped everyone who stood around with an ax.

After spending the night in the hut, Petrusha in the morning, to celebrate, presented his hare sheepskin coat to the savior, for which he thanked him heartily. The leader met in the field and the owner of the inn were talking to each other in some strange, understandable phrases only to them.

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Chapter 3 "Fortress" - summary

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Chapter 4 "Duel" - summary

The caustic and impudent Shvabrin spoke of all the inhabitants of the fortress caustically and dismissively. Grinev soon began to dislike him. Petrusha especially did not like Shvabrin's greasy jokes about the captain's daughter Masha. Grinev entered into a quarrel with Shvabrin, and he challenged him to a duel. The reason for Shvabrin's irritation was also revealed: he had previously unsuccessfully wooed Masha and now saw Grinev as his rival.

During the duel with swords, the strong and courageous Petrusha almost drove Shvabrin into the river, but he was suddenly distracted by the cry of Savelich, who ran up. Taking advantage of the fact that Grinev turned away for a moment, Shvabrin wounded him below the right shoulder.

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Chapter 5 "Love" - ​​a summary

For five days the wounded Petrusha lay unconscious. He was courted not only by the faithful Savelich, but also by Masha. Grinev fell in love with the captain's daughter, and generously reconciled with Shvabrin.

Petrusha wrote to his father, asking him for his blessing to marry Masha. But the parent responded with a sharp refusal. He already knew about the filial duel. Petrusha suspected that the perfidious Shvabrin had informed his father about her. Grinev offered Masha to get married against the will of his parents, but she said that she could not go for it. Petrusha took the refusal of his beloved as a heavy blow and fell into a gloomy mood of spirit, until unexpected events suddenly brought him out of anguish. (See Masha Mironova and Grinev in The Captain's Daughter.)

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Chapter 6 "Pugachevshchina" - summary

At the beginning of October 1773, Captain Mironov called the officers to his place and read to them the notice that had come from the higher authorities. It reported that a certain rebel Emelyan Pugachev had assembled a villainous gang, raised a rebellion in the surrounding areas and had already taken several fortresses.

The captain was very worried. The garrison of Belogorskaya was small, its fortifications were weak, and the hope for local Cossacks was very doubtful. Soon a Bashkir with outrageous sheets was captured nearby, and then the news came that Pugachev had taken the neighboring Nizhneozernaya fortress. The rebels hanged all the officers there.

Captain Mironov and his wife Vasilisa Egorovna decided to take their daughter Masha to Orenburg. Masha said goodbye to Grinev, sobbing into his chest.

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Chapter 7 "Attack" - a summary

But Masha did not have time to leave. The very next morning, Belogorskaya was surrounded by Pugachev's gangs. The defenders of the fortress tried to defend themselves, but the forces were too unequal. After a hot attack, crowds of rebels burst behind the ramparts.

Pugachev jumped up, sitting in armchairs, began to administer his court. Captain Ivan Kuzmich and his assistant Ivan Ignatich were hanged on a gallows built right there. Grinev was surprised to see that Shvabrin had already managed to put on a Cossack caftan and was sitting next to Pugachev. The rebels dragged Petrusha to the gallows. He was already saying goodbye to life when Savelich threw himself at the feet of Pugachev, begging him to pardon his master. Emelyan gave a sign, and Grinev was released. (See Pugachev's image in The Captain's Daughter and Pugachev's Characteristics in The Captain's Daughter.)

The rebels began to rob houses. Masha's mother, Vasilisa Yegorovna, ran out onto the porch of one of them, screaming, and immediately fell dead from the blow of a Cossack saber.

Pugachev's court. Artist V. Perov, 1870s

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Chapter 8 "The Uninvited Guest" - a summary

Grinev learned that Masha was hidden at Akulina Pamfilovna's priest's place in order to protect her from violence. But just in this house Pugachev came to feast with his comrades. Popadya hid the captain's daughter in the next room, passing her off as a sick relative.

Savelyich, who approached Grinev, asked if he recognized Pugachev. It turned out that the rebellious leader was the same “leader” who once led them out of the snowstorm to the inn, having received a rabbit coat for this. Grinev realized that Pugachev pardoned him in gratitude for this gift.

A Cossack ran up and said that Pugachev was demanding Grinev to his table. Petrusha was given a place at the feast of the robber leaders, who, after a drunken conversation, sang the song "Don't make noise, mother green oak tree."

When everyone dispersed, Emelyan reminded Grinev of the incident at the inn and invited him to his service, promising to "produce field marshals." Grinev refused. Pugachev was almost angry, but the sincerity and courage of the nobleman made an impression on him. Patting Grinev on the shoulder, he allowed him to leave the fortress wherever he wished.

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Chapter 9 "Separation" - summary

On the morning of the next day, Pugachev with his crowds set out from the Belogorsk fortress, leaving Shvabrin as its new chief. Masha, whose hand Shvabrin once harassed, was in his power! It was not possible to take her out of the fortress: from shocks, the captain's daughter had a fever at night, and she lay unconscious.

Grinev could only rush to Orenburg and beg the local military authorities to send a detachment to liberate Belogorskaya. On the way, he was overtaken by a Cossack with a horse and a sheepskin coat, which Pugachev “granted” to him.

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Chapter 10 "The Siege of the City" - a summary

Arriving in Orenburg, Grinev told the general about what had happened in Belogorskaya, and at the military council advocated decisive action. But the opinion of cautious adherents of defensive tactics prevailed. The authorities preferred to sit behind the strong walls of Orenburg. Pugachev soon approached the city and began its siege.

Famine has opened in Orenburg. The brave Grinev daily participated in sorties, fighting with the rebels. In one battle, he accidentally met with a familiar Cossack from Belogorskaya, who gave him a letter from Masha. She reported that Shvabrin was forcibly forcing her to marry him, threatening otherwise to send her as a concubine to Pugachev.

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", chapter 11 "Rebellious Sloboda" - summary

Mad with grief, Grinev decided to go alone to Masha in order to save her. The devoted Savelich insisted that he would follow the journey with him. Passing on the exit from Orenburg the settlement where Pugachev's headquarters was located, they were captured by a patrol of five men with clubs.

Grinev was brought to the hut to Pugachev, who immediately recognized him. When questioned, Petrusha explained that he was going to Belogorskaya to save his bride, whom Shvabrin offends there. In a fit of generosity, Pugachev said that tomorrow he would go to Belogorskaya with Grinev and marry him himself to Masha.

In the morning they left. Grinev, sitting with Pugachev in the same wagon, persuaded him to stop the hopeless rebellion. The rebellious leader, in response, told a tale about a raven that feeds on carrion and lives for 300 years, and an eagle that dies at 33, but drinks fresh blood.

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Chapter 12 "The Orphan" - a summary

In the Belogorsk fortress, at first Shvabrin did not want to give Masha away, but under the threats of Pugachev, he involuntarily conceded. It turned out that he kept Masha locked up, feeding her only bread and water.

Pugachev allowed Grinev and the captain's daughter to go wherever they wished. The next day their wagon left Belogorskaya.

A. S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter. audiobook

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", Chapter 13 "Arrest" - a summary

Not far from the fortress, the wagon was stopped by government soldiers who had arrived to pacify the Pugachev rebellion. The head of this unit was Ivan Zurin, who had once beaten Grinev in a Simbirsk tavern and now recognized him. Petrusha joined his unit as an officer, and sent Masha with Savelich to his parents' estate.

Pugachev's uprising was soon crushed. Grinev was looking forward to the day when he would be allowed to go to his native estate, to his father, mother and Masha. But Zurin suddenly received an order to arrest Grinev and send him to Kazan - to the Investigative Commission on the Pugachev case.

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", chapter 14 "Court" - summary

Shvabrin, who was captured during the pacification of the rebellion, acted as a witness against Grinev. He claimed that Petrusha was a secret agent of Pugachev and transmitted information about the state of the besieged Orenburg to him. Grinev was found guilty and sentenced to death, which Empress Catherine II replaced with eternal exile in Siberia.

Having received news of this, the selfless Masha went to St. Petersburg to ask her betrothed for mercy. Having settled near Tsarskoye Selo, during a morning walk in the garden, she met Catherine II herself and told her the details of the history of her family and Grinev. (See the image of Catherine II in The Captain's Daughter.)

The Empress ordered that the innocent officer be fully acquitted. Grinev married the captain's daughter, and their offspring prospered for a long time in the Simbirsk province.