The theme of honor in the captain's daughter. Composition on the topic "Honor and dishonor in Pushkin's novel" The Captain's Daughter ". What is honor

It annoys me that the word "honor" is forgotten,
And what is the honor of slander behind the eyes.

V. Vysotsky

In the fortress of Belogorskaya, where a young officer was sent to serve, he met with. This was a more experienced officer who had once served in the guard, but was exiled to the outskirts for participating in a duel. Russian Empire. The theme of honor and dishonor in The Captain's Daughter is most acutely expressed in the actions of this literary hero.

The young people became friends. The service did not burden them, there were no exercises, no reviews. Shvabrin and Grinev often met, spent time in conversations and games. Grinev borrowed French novels from Shvabrin and even tried his hand at poetry. In his first love poem, he mentioned Masha. Shvabrin was critical of the poetry of the novice writer, and did not miss the opportunity to offend. He always spoke of the girl impartially and even managed at first to create a bad opinion about her in the eyes of Grinev.

True, Pyotr Andreevich very quickly realized that Shvabrin was in vain slandering a girl who was a smart and impressionable young lady. But he, not knowing that Shvabrin was not indifferent to Masha, did not understand why Shvabrin behaved this way towards the daughter of the commandant of the fortress. And when Shvabrin once again slandered the girl, Grinev sharply accused his friend of lying and slander. Shvabrin challenged Grinev to a duel.

People are especially bright in a critical situation. An experienced duelist Shvabrin insisted on a duel. The first duel was thwarted because the ingenuous Grinev asked Ivan Ignatich to be his second. To which Ivan Ignatich not only refused, but upset the satisfaction. Shvabrin still sought the duel, although he was well aware that Grinev had justly accused him, but he wanted to use it for his own purposes. The second time the duelists went down to the river.

Grinev had a good command of the sword, and Shvabrin had to defend himself. Here, for Shvabrin's luck, Grinev called out. He turned around, and Shvabrin, taking advantage of the moment, pierced the young man's shoulder. This was Shvabrin's dishonorable act, since he had to wait until Grinev got into a fighting position.

While Grinev lay unconscious for several days, Shvabrin wrote a denunciation of Pyotr Andreevich to his father. He hoped that his father would achieve a transfer to another fortress, or even recall his son from service. Grinev received a strict rebuke from his father and a refusal to bless his marriage to Masha, but remained in the fortress.

The nobility in Russia stood out among other classes. The first principle of the noble worldview was the belief that the high position of a nobleman obliges him to be a standard of high moral qualities. "To whom much is given, much will be required." The upbringing of the noble offspring was aimed at improving moral qualities: he should be brave, honest, enlightened not in order to achieve any heights (glory, wealth, high rank), but because he is a nobleman, because he has already been given a lot, and it should be just that.

Such were Grinev's notions of honor, and he expected Shvabrin to be the same, because he was also a nobleman. He could not believe in the dishonorable actions of his comrade, but the facts spoke otherwise. Shvabrin shamelessly overstepped the notion of noble honor.

Grinev will be convinced of this again after a while, when the fortress will be attacked. Shvabrin will forget about the oath to the imperial court and will be one of the first to swear allegiance to the impostor, will serve him, while Grinev, on pain of death, will refuse to serve the ataman, no matter what arguments Savelyich cites. Especially disgusting in Grinev's eyes was the scene when Shvabrin was lying at the feet of Pugachev, begging for mercy.

Pyotr Andreevich behaves with dignity in front of the robber, answers him honestly, as he thinks. And Pugachev has genuine respect for the young man. Communicating with him, Grinev does not forget about the oath for a minute, and even tries to persuade Pugachev to surrender to the mercy of the Empress. But the chieftain refuses.

When Shvabrin, who was under investigation, spoke about his friends during interrogation, he kept silent about the daughter of Captain Mironov. But he did this not out of love for Masha, and not out of a desire to protect the girl from interrogations, but because he understood that Masha was the only witness capable of testifying in Grinev's defense. Grinev himself did not want to involve Masha in the process, trying to protect her from the investigation, and was ready to go to hard labor for her peace of mind. It would seem that the act is one, but the thoughts turned out to be different. The honor and dishonor of Grinev and Shvabrin run in contrast through the entire work.

Thus, Grinev, despite his young age, under any, the most difficult and critical circumstances, behaved with dignity, proving his belonging to the nobility by his actions. The dishonest man Shvabrin, on the contrary, has long forgotten about noble morality. He showed his pride, and remembered belonging to the class when he needed an extra reason for a duel.

I would like to note that, in my opinion, honor and conscience are the leading concepts that characterize the human personality. Usually, honor is a combination of the most noble, valiant feelings of a person, allowing him to achieve his goal, earn the respect of other people and not lose respect for himself. By conscience, one can understand the inability to transcend eternal moral principles. These two concepts are interrelated, as "living with honor" helps a person to find peace of mind and live in harmony with his conscience. No wonder the word "honor" echoes such a human quality as "honesty", and you can also call the word "honor" - by honor. The problem of honor and conscience worried writers and poets at all times.

I believe that honor occupies the first place in the series of moral symbols. A person deprived of this feeling is unable to live in a circle of his own kind without hurting others. He can destroy the entire world if left unchecked. Such people are held back not by internal, but by external fetters - fear of punishment, prison, loneliness, etc. But this is not the worst thing. A person who has betrayed his own soul, acted contrary to honor and conscience, destroys himself. In human society, dishonorable people have always been treated with contempt. The loss of honor - the fall of moral foundations - is one of the most difficult states of a person that has always worried writers. We can say that this problem was and is one of the central ones in Russian literature.

The concept of honor is brought up in a person from childhood. On the example of A. S. Pushkin's story " Captain's daughter» you can consider in detail how this happens in life and what results it can lead to. Main character story Petr Grinev from childhood was brought up in an atmosphere of high morality. He had someone to take an example from. Pushkin, through the mouth of Savelich, on the first pages of the story, acquaints readers with the moral principles of the Grinev family: “It seems that neither father nor grandfather were drunkards; there’s nothing to say about mother ... ”The old servant of his ward Pyotr Grinev brings up with these words, who got drunk for the first time and behaved not too adequately.

One of the main characters of the story "The Captain's Daughter", Pyotr Grinev, understands honor as an action always in conscience. Grinev's soul contains, as it were, two honors, two concepts about it - this is a duty in relation to the Empress, and therefore, to the Motherland, to the Fatherland, and the duty that love imposes on him for the daughter of Captain Mironov. That is, Grinev's honor is a duty.

The first time Pyotr Grinev acted honorably, returning the card debt, although in that situation Savelich tried to persuade him to evade the calculation. But nobility prevailed.

When Pugachev helps Grinev to free Masha Mironova from the captivity of Shvabrin, Grinev, although grateful to the leader of the rebels, still does not violate the oath to the Fatherland, preserving his honor: “But God sees that I would be glad with my life to pay you for what you are for made me. Just do not demand what is contrary to my honor and Christian conscience.

Another protagonist of The Captain's Daughter, a hero from some negative side, Pugachev, has a completely different understanding of honor. His understanding of honor rests solely on the level of feelings, mostly friendly. The subjective perception of Pugachev's honor makes him a negative character. As a person, he can be good: he pays good for. But as an invader, he is cruel.

One of the main ideas of the story was set by the author from the very beginning with the words: "Take care of honor from a young age." Petrusha receives this order from his father, going to his place of service in a distant and remote fortress, and not in the capital regiment, as he had hoped at first.

In the Belogorsk fortress, Grinev sacredly remembers his father's order. He protects Masha from Shvabrin's slander. Grinev wields a sword well, knows how to stand up for the honor of an offended and offended girl. And only the intervention of Savelich gives an advantage to Shvabrin, who once again acts vilely, inflicting a treacherous blow to the distracted enemy.

Grinev, from act to act, ascends "to the heights of moral education." And when the question of life and death arises before Pyotr Andreevich: to break the oath and save his life or die as an honest officer, keeping his good name, Grinev chooses the latter. Only the good will of Pugachev saves our hero from the gallows. Pugachev in this situation, as we said above, also acts on honor.

In any situation, Pyotr Andreevich behaves with dignity, whether with the rebel Pugachev during a conversation with him in a wagon or in court among his equals. For him, it makes no difference to whom to keep his word. He is a nobleman, and once sworn in, he is faithful to the empress and the Fatherland.

None of Grinev's opposition to heroes or fate, revealed on the pages of the story, managed to take away his honor and dignity. Honor cannot be taken away. A person who acts honorably is unable to part with this feeling under the influence of others. In my opinion, a person can lose honor, but this happens not only and not so much under the influence of circumstances. They serve only as a kind of catalyst. In a difficult situation, all the darkest sides of the human soul are revealed. And here the hero himself has the strength to cope with them.

One of the heroes of the story "The Captain's Daughter", Shvabrin, by his example, confirms the statement of A.P. Chekhov in the title of this work. He loses honor. Angry, having lost his girlfriend, Shvabrin joins Pugachev, and subsequently he will be convicted as an officer who violated the oath. That is, Pushkin demonstrated that a person who has lost honor will be punished - by fate or people. On the example of Shvabrin, the author wants to show that education, alluvial culture and good breeding have little effect on the formation of a person's character. After all, Shvabrin can be considered an intelligent interlocutor, he cannot be called an absolutely negative character either.

Interesting ending to the story. It would seem that the connection with the rebellious ataman would be fatal for Grinev. He was indeed arrested on a denunciation. He faces the death penalty, but Grinev decides for reasons of honor not to name his beloved. If he told the whole truth about Masha, for the sake of whose salvation he, in fact, found himself in such a situation, he could be acquitted. Grinev, however, did not reveal the name of his beloved girl, preferring death to dishonor. But at the very last moment, justice prevailed. Masha turned to the Empress with a request to protect Grinev. And good won.

Honor and conscience can be called the most important characteristics of the human soul. Therefore, the problem of honor is present in the works of most writers. The understanding of honor, which is quite natural, is different for each person. But the truth or falsity of this understanding is proved by life itself.

On the example of Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter", we tried to consider the concept of honor and its significance in human life. I would like to sum up: the honor really cannot be taken away. No hardships, dangers and life difficulties can cope with this. A person can lose honor only if he himself refuses it, prefers something else to it: life, power, wealth ... But at the same time, not everyone realizes how much they lose. The strength and humanity of a person lies precisely in his honor.

Composition on the topic: Honor and dishonor in A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter"

In the story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is considered to be the main theme of honor. The writer's interest in the Pugachev uprising and the bright personality of its leader led to the creation of this story.

In The Captain's Daughter, Pushkin considers important issues that concern every person: issues of honor and dishonor, nobility and meanness. Only a sense of dignity and honor allows a person to remain a person. The famous words of Father Petrusha, borrowed by him from folklore - take care of honor from a young age - became a life credo for Grinev.

The oath to the fatherland and the empress obliged him to remain faithful to them, even in the most difficult circumstances. Even the death penalty cannot force him to renounce everything that he believed in. Dignity and simplicity arouse surprise and sympathy even among the leader of the uprising, who subsequently releases Grinev "on all four sides."

But in the story there is also an anti-hero who exchanged his loyalty for betrayal. This hero is Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin. It is he who becomes Petrusha's "guide" in the Belogorsk fortress. From the first lines of his appearance, Shvabrin behaves dishonestly, in particular, this is expressed in slander and slander against Masha Mironova, who rejected his courtship.

After the capture of the fortress by the Cossacks, Shvabrin prefers not to remember his oath and goes over to the side of the uprising. Some time after the departure of the "guests" from the Belogorsk fortress, Shvabrin vilely takes revenge on Masha. He locks her in a room without food or water, demanding that she marry him. The heroine cannot agree to this. This fragile-looking girl turns out to be strong and developed. What fortitude lies in the captain's daughter. Looking at her, at her character and indestructible principles, we understand that Pushkin correctly chose the hero for the title of his story.

Despite the shameless pressure of Shvabrin, Masha would rather die than marry a traitor to the motherland without honor and conscience. Masha has only one thing left - to bow to the Empress.

As a result, the heroes are reunited. Honor, simplicity and dignity are the best conductors in all life situations- this is the main idea that the writer wants to convey to us. Many believe that you can not fight fate. That everything is predetermined. I believe that each of us, at any stage of the path, has a choice. Between honor and dishonor. Between love and hate. Between forgiveness and vindictiveness. Every choice we make affects our entire future life. The main thing is to make the right choice in time.

In the work of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" honor is shown as one of the main values ​​of a person. I think all the main characters have their own opinion about it.
First you need to understand what it is. Honor is dignity, something that evokes and maintains general respect, a sense of pride. Dishonor is a reproach, an insult, a shame.
Pyotr Grinev, the protagonist of the novel, appears to the reader as a noble man. He remains faithful to Masha during the war and the trial, at which he could justify himself if he himself told the truth about his love, even when his parents forbade him to marry such a girl, Grinev is still ready to do it, in spite of everyone. Various tests could interfere with him, there were many opportunities to leave the girl, but the main character, guided by his concepts of honor, does the almost impossible - having agreed with Pugachev, snatches the prey from the villains, while remaining unstained. This character is portrayed as an ideal - an example of a noble person. This could have been stopped, but the author introduces Emelyan Pugachev into the story - an antagonist who personifies the pinnacle of vice. But is it really so? Is it likely that the writer showed something completely different from what he intended? Who is he - a terrible villain or the most a common person, with the right to make a mistake?
I believe that the answer to the last question should be sought not only in the text, but also in certain historical sources, because a lot of the prototype is transferred to the character.
Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev, as a historical figure - Don Cossack, leader of the Peasants' War of 1773 - 1775. His family belonged to the Orthodox faith. A great influence on Pugachev and his subsequent activities was his temporary residence with the Old Believers, known for their rebellious nature. He was a good leader, but he trusted people too much. This became a fatal mistake.
Yemelyan was betrayed by his subordinates. But, even standing on the scaffold, this man was distinguished by courage. He was baptized at the cathedrals and asked for forgiveness from the entire Orthodox people, mainly from the peasants.
Pushkin's hero is very similar to a real person. He is also cunning, smart, cunning, but knows how to be noble. He has a lively character, this is a completely independent character, independent of the author, but even the writer himself shows sympathy for him in the form of Grinev’s thoughts: “But meanwhile, a strange feeling poisoned my joy: the thought of a villain splashed with the blood of so many innocent victims, and about the execution awaiting him, disturbed me involuntarily ... The thought of him was inseparable in me with the thought of the mercy given to me in one of the terrible moments of my life, and of the deliverance of my bride from the hands of Shvabrin.
After reading this novel, I was struck by the disregard for Emelyan Pugachev, albeit with some notes of sympathy. It seems to me that everyone who has made a mistake should have the opportunity to correct it. Unfortunately, this is often not the case in practice. I know at least three examples from books and from real life proving this assertion. Sometimes we are not given a "second chance", and this is unfortunate. Being a believer, I can have the courage to say that if Emelyan Pugachev could subdue his pride and repent, truly, with all his heart, then perhaps his mistake would be forgotten, probably he could be saved.
As I stated earlier, Pugachev stumbled only once. He called himself Peter III. This was precisely his miscalculation, and not at all what Grinev claimed. It seems to me that those actions that Pushkin considers "dishonorable" in fact cannot be characterized in this way. In the conditions of war, murder is not considered a serious sin, in my opinion, since it is committed in defense of one's Motherland, opinion, life, etc. Therefore, Emelyan Pugachev in A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter" may well be considered a noble and honest person in everything except deception - the adoption of a different name. If this is not the case, as those to whom I am addressing may consider, then I dare to recall the veterans of the Second World War. If you follow the principle "murder is a terrible sin followed by prison", then all, without exception, the heroes of World War II after death must go to hell, and now they must be isolated from society, that is, be in prison. Based on this, it is quite possible to call Pugachev noble. And probably this person should be considered an example to follow, why not? After all, the determination with which he defends his opinion, tries to help his people, is commendable.
Does this mean that there are no completely dishonorable characters in The Captain's Daughter?
Unfortunately, I think it's worth paying attention to Shvabrin. This is the same hero who deserved "thirty pieces of silver", moreover, more than once. He is capable of killing, as we can guess from the duel story, this person also does not know how to love. After all, he only mixes Masha with dirt, telling Grinev about her, he wrote a denunciation, while he should only be happy for the lovers, even if he could be hurt. When Grinev arrived to free the girl, he saw her "pale, thin, with disheveled hair, in a peasant dress." Isn't this an indicator of Shvabrin's "love"? The only crime of this character that is not considered as such is his defection to the side of Pugachev. Fear pushes for many things, including betrayal. That's just, even standing on his own scaffold, Shvabrin slanders others. Truly they say: "He who betrays once, betrays twice" ...
Of course, there are other characters in the text that reveal the theme of honor and dishonor. But in this work, the three most important representatives of nobility are presented according to the degree of gradation of vice. Using their example, Pushkin slowly but surely explains his choice of epigraph: "Take care of honor from a young age..." This is a saying, the continuation of which sounds like this: "... and the caftan is new." This wisdom moves from line to line, from word to word, acquiring its own special qualities. And now, we no longer see a caftan, but a hare sheepskin coat, which becomes not just a gift to a tramp, but a thing that saved the lives of more than four people. And honor imperceptibly flows into the mind of the reader as one of the main values ​​of a person. Isn't this the pinnacle of the writer's skill - to influence people so that they think about something completely different? Reveal the meaning of one little phrase with a great novel and surprise people with symbolism?
This is my opinion, but whether there are "white spots" in it is up to you. The main characters of The Captain's Daughter have honor, as do few individuals in modern world. Are you one of them?

Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age

Probably, each of us first thought about the validity of this well-known proverb when we read “The Captain's Daughter” by A.S. Pushkin. Indeed, what is honor: many today, unfortunately, consider this concept to be far-fetched, ephemeral, divorced from real life. Others argue that it was honor that has always been the basis of loyalty to the Motherland, cause, and family. Let's try to answer the question: what is honor and why, according to A.S. Pushkin, it is necessary from a young age to "cherish like a crystal vessel, like the main life treasure."

Let's turn to the novel "The Captain's Daughter". The main character, a young Russian nobleman Pyotr Grinev, goes through the most difficult trials without dropping the honor of an officer and a decent person. How does he do it? The reader knows that Petrusha, as Savelich affectionately calls him, did not receive a serious education and a worthy upbringing. On the one hand, Monsieur Beaupré, who “was a hairdresser in his own country,” did not even try to instill in the soul of a Russian boy the concept of honor and dignity, since you cannot instill in a pupil what you yourself do not possess. On the other hand, before leaving for the Belogorsk fortress, Savelyich, although he was listed as Petrusha's "uncle", had no influence on the teenager, because so far the young nobleman treated the elderly man only as a servant. Where does the notion of honor come from in the boy's fragile soul? Of course, this is the influence of parents, first of all, the father, a nobleman of Catherine's time, who suffered precisely for honesty and decency.

When Petrusha got to the Belogorsk fortress, imperceptibly for him, the formation of ideas about honor and dignity continued. Communication with the family of Captain Mironov has become a real school of kindness, human responsiveness, an example of service to Russia. Thus, by the time Pugachev captured the fortress, the young Russian officer Pyotr Andreevich Grinev was already a mature personality, a man for whom honor is more precious than life. And no circumstances could shake Petrusha to change his moral principles. Therefore, to the rebel’s proposal, he proudly and honestly answers that he once already swore allegiance to the fatherland and the empress - “I won’t swear again.” The hero of Pushkin, of course, risked his life, so boldly and decisively refusing to cooperate with Pugachev. But it was the honor and courage of the young officer that the formidable leader of the peasant uprising appreciated. That is why he helps Petrusha, because he sees in this yesterday's boy a moral quality that is rarely found even among officers - the honor of a soldier and a man!

Grinev and his beloved Masha had to go through many trials. Infinitely admire and surprise their behavior and actions: nowhere, never, under any circumstances, they have not compromised their dignity, their ideas about duty, honor, justice. And what a wonderful example they are for all of us!

Thus, we can conclude: honor is not a speculative concept, divorced from the realities of life. This is an enduring moral value, which is formed from childhood and which must be protected throughout life. Its antipodes are dishonor, meanness, betrayal. Not everyone will succeed in preserving honor from a young age, as Pushkin himself knew perfectly well what honor is: only those who are demanding of themselves, constantly working on themselves, decent, worthy, honest are capable of this!



Take care of your honor from a young age... So says Pushkin's preface to the beginning of his novel The Captain's Daughter. After all, this proverb is not given to us casually. We must think about this, honor is always with us, walks by our side, if you keep impeccable honor from youth, then in the future you will be respected and appreciated, and the person himself will be very warm at heart.

In the novel "The Captain's Daughter" examples of honor and dishonor are very clearly expressed. we can see these examples in the main characters of the novel: in Shvabrin and in Petr Grinev.

Shvabrin is the most striking example of dishonor. How he betrayed his homeland, betrayed his family and friends. He betrayed his love-Masha. He looked after her like that, swore in love, offered to marry, and then what? Then he calmly watched how her parents were being killed, his buddies, his friends were being killed. He himself told the rebels who was the traitor, who was the head of the Belogorsk fortress. how easily he went over to the side of the traitors to the Motherland, how brazenly he walked later and spat on his friends, the main thing for him was to save his skin, his life. He is an ordinary coward. Isn't that right? only a coward can be called such a person, otherwise nothing. He forced Maria Mironova to marry him by force, with threats, with blackmail. He didn’t care that her parents were killed in front of everyone, that she was left an orphan, he didn’t care at all.

And Pyotr Grinev was the complete opposite of Shvabrin, he could take advantage of Pugachev's mercy, betray the Motherland, but he remained faithful to her. Because he felt his duty to the Fatherland. He understood that betrayal and cowardice are the worst qualities of a person.

Grinev could be Pugachev's favorite, use his generosity, use his grace, live well. but his conscience, his spirit did not allow him to bow before him. Whatever the circumstances, he defended his honor, defended his love, Mary.

Despite all the difficulties, all the hardships of our fate and rebellion, we read this novel with pride and admired Pyotr Grinev. He saved his honor, he defended his homeland and stayed with his Mary.
There is a lot of wisdom in Pushkin's novel, a lot of sense of what needs to be preserved and protected from what has been given since childhood. Namely, in this novel, honor.

Also, the Mironov family can become an example of honor. Despite the fact that the fortress was taken, the commandant and his wife did not betray their homeland, did not betray their loved ones and died a heroic death. Reading the lines about their death, you involuntarily shudder with pride for them.


03/13/2019 left a comment:

Honor is one of the most significant human values. To act honestly means to listen to the voice of conscience, to live in harmony with oneself. Such a person will always have an advantage over the rest, since no circumstances can lead him astray from the true path. He values ​​his beliefs and remains true to them to the end. An unscrupulous person, on the contrary, sooner or later fails, if only because he betrayed himself. The liar loses his dignity and experiences moral decline, and therefore he does not have the spiritual strength to defend his position to the end. As the famous quote from the movie "Brother" says: "The strength is in the truth."

In the story of A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" the theme of truth occupies a central place. As an epigraph, the author takes the well-known proverb "Take care of the dress again, and honor - from a young age" and develops this idea throughout the work. In the story we see the "confrontation" of two heroes - Grinev and Shvabrin, one of whom chose to follow the path of honor, and the other turned off this path. Petrusha Grinev defends not only the honor of the girl slandered by Shvabrin, he defends the honor of his homeland and his empress, to whom he swore an oath. Grinev, who is in love with Masha, challenges Shvabrin to a duel, having offended the girl's honor by allowing himself unacceptable allusions to her. At the duel itself, Shvabrin again acts dishonestly and injures Grinev when he is distracted. But the reader sees who Masha chooses.

The arrival of Pugachev in the fortress is another test for the heroes. Shvabrin, pursuing his own interests, goes over to the side of Pugachev and thereby betrays both himself and the Motherland. And Grinev, even under pain of death, remains true to his convictions. And Pugachev, a robber and a revolutionary, leaves Grinev alive, because he is able to appreciate such an act.

War is also a test of honor. In V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov" we again see two opposite characters - the partisans Sotnikov and Rybak. Sotnikov, despite his illness, volunteers to go in search of food, "because others refused." He single-handedly shoots back from the police, while Rybak runs away and abandons his comrade. Even when captured, under interrogation, under severe torture, he does not give out the location of his detachment. Sotnikov dies on the gallows, but retains both honor and dignity.


03/13/2019 left a comment:

One of the problems raised in the work is the concept of honor and duty. This is stated in the epigraph of the story: "Take care of honor from a young age." This topic has always worried Russian writers and is central to our literature. In The Captain's Daughter, each character is endowed with his own sense of duty and honor.

When do these qualities develop? Pushkin, of course, believes that in childhood. One of the main characters Peter Grinev grew up in a moral family. From the first pages, the words of the old servant Savelich are heard, acquainting the reader with the foundations that reign in the Grinevs' house: “It seems that neither father nor grandfather were drunkards; there is nothing to say about mother ... ". Petr Andreevich has someone to take an example from.

Grinev is depicted as an extremely honest and disinterested person. Returning the card debt, he is guided only by a sense of duty and honor, although Savelich tried to persuade him to evade the calculation. Further, Pyotr Grinev, despite the dissatisfaction of the old servant, thanked the tramp for the service, giving him a hare coat. It would seem that this is a thoughtless act, but it saves the lives of both of them. Pushkin wants to show that a person who lives by honor is preserved by fate itself. People most often remember the good done to them. A noble person has more chances for worldly happiness.

The serf Grinev Savelich, who was assigned to watch over the "master's child", has his own understanding of honor and duty. For him to look after and follow the young master everywhere is a duty and an obligation. He, no matter what happens, accompanies his master everywhere, protecting him from all kinds of misfortunes. Upon learning that Grinev lost a hundred rubles to Zurin, he sincerely worries and worries that the old man Grinev may condemn him for his inattentive attitude towards his son. The old serf considers it his duty to look after the lord's goods. Savelich is angry with Pyotr Andreevich for giving the hare sheepskin coat to the vagabond counselor, without even considering the opinion of his uncle. Whatever he does, his sincere devotion to his master is constantly felt.

The capture of the Belogorsk fortress by Pugachev is the climax. At this time, all the true qualities of people begin to appear. Masha Mironova's parents refuse to take the oath to the rebels and die. They behave like people of honor and duty. Captain Ivan Kuzmich remains faithful to his oath until the last minute, and even to the question, the answer to which decides his fate, he, “exhausted from the wound, gathered his last strength and answered in a firm voice:“ You are not my sovereign, you are a thief and an impostor, hear , you!"".

Continued below


03/13/2019 left a comment:

Pyotr Grinev does not betray his officer dignity either. But the young man was pardoned by Pugachev out of gratitude for the old service. Ataman saw nobility in Pyotr Andreevich and appreciated this quality. The sincere expression of such feelings in the young Grinev as honor and duty also influenced Pugachev. The Cossack chieftain tells Peter an old Kalmyk tale that it is better to drink fresh blood once than to eat carrion for three hundred years. The fabulous eagle was a symbol of the revolutionary transformation of the country. Pugachev clearly preferred the blood-feeding eagle. But Grinev openly says to the ataman: "Intricate ... But to live by murder and robbery means, for me, pecking at the carrion." After such an answer, Pugachev thought deeply about the correctness of his life choice.

The antipode of Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is Shvabrin. The young officer, who comes from aristocratic circles, is presented as a dishonorable person from the very beginning of the story. In the fortress, many feel hostility towards him. Having wooed Masha Mironova, he is refused. Shvabrin harbors evil in his heart. After some time, Grinev frankly shares his feelings with Shvabrin, showing poems dedicated to Masha. In response to this, Shvabrin tries to denigrate the girl in the eyes of Peter. But he not only does not listen to him, but challenges Shvabrin to a duel. The baseness of this person is manifested even during the duel, when Shvabrin uses a dishonest position to strike. Further, his dishonesty is expressed even more clearly. The hero violates the officer's oath, hypocritically adjoining Pugachev. The goals of the uprising are alien to Shvabrin, who deeply despised the people, feared and hated Pugachev.

However, Pushkin endowed his negative hero with a good upbringing, education, and intelligence. Shvabrin knew French novels and poetry well, and was an intelligent conversationalist. He even addicted Grinev to reading. Why does Pushkin use this literary device? Apparently, to show that external culture has little effect on the main traits of a person's character, the formation of his positive traits. Of decisive importance are the internal attitudes of a person, his concepts of good and evil.

Having gone over to the side of the rebels, Shvabrin is trying to change something in his fate, hoping to take revenge on Grinev and take possession of Masha Mironova forever. But the leader of the rebels not only did not support Shvabrin, but also clearly let him know that he was dishonest and therefore Grinev was not a competitor. After being exposed, Shvabrin sinks even lower. In order to interfere with the happiness of Pyotr Andreevich and the poor girl, allegedly "repentant" to the state, he betrays Grinev, giving false evidence against him in court.

The theme of honor and duty is the central problem in the historical story "The Captain's Daughter". Each of the heroes acts in accordance with his understanding of these high qualities.


03/14/2019 left a comment:

This topic is already set by the epigraph to the work - Russian proverb"Keep honor from a young age." The father gives the same farewell to Petrusha Grinev, seeing his son off for military service. And the very act of Andrei Petrovich Grinev, who, instead of Petersburg, sends his son to a "deaf and distant side" so that Petrusha becomes a real officer, characterizes him as a man of honor and duty. The Grinevs are an old noble family. Pushkin emphasizes the severity of Andrei Petrovich's morals, his wisdom, self-esteem.

The theme of honor and dishonor varies in the plot of Pushkin's story. It is embodied here both as an honor of nobility (Grinev's billiard loss to Zurin) and as a defense of the lady's honor (Grinev's duel with Shvabrin). However, the main meaning of the concept of "honor and dishonor" in "The Captain's Daughter" is military honor, loyalty to the oath, loyalty to the duty to the Fatherland. This theme is also embodied in the history of Grinev's relationship with Pugachev. After the capture of the Belogorsk fortress, Pugachev saved the hero from the death penalty, pardoned him. However, Grinev cannot recognize him as a sovereign, as he understands who he really is. Risking his own life, he refuses to serve Pugachev, remains faithful to the military oath.

The theme of honor is embodied in other episodes of the novel. Here Ivan Kuzmich Mironov refuses to recognize the impostor as sovereign. Despite being wounded, he fulfills his duty as the commandant of the fortress to the end. He prefers to die than betray his military duty. Ivan Ignatich, a garrison lieutenant who refused to swear allegiance to Pugachev, also dies heroically.

The theme of dishonor is illustrated in The Captain's Daughter by Shvabrin's behavior. This character is opposed to the Grinev family in the story. Contrasting these heroes, Pushkin expresses his favorite idea: the old, indigenous nobility retained their best human qualities - courage, endurance, a sense of duty. From the very beginning, Shvabrin behaves unworthily: out of jealousy, he slanders Masha Mironova. When Pugachev captured the fortress, Shvabrin immediately went over to the side of the rebels, betraying the state oath. He behaves dishonestly and immorally towards the orphaned Masha, forcibly keeping her near him. Shvabrin is also dishonest at the end of the novel: captured by the troops of the empress, he informs on Grinev, who is accused of treason.

The theme of honor and duty is inextricably intertwined in the plot with the theme of mercy. What for Grinev is a test of his honor, for Pugachev turns out to be a test of kindness and mercy. What is the author's position in the story? A.S. Pushkin in the story affirms the model of confrontation between the code of honor and absolute moral standards. And we see that the only thing that can help a person survive in a difficult situation is the inner voice of conscience. Therefore, the "Captain's Daughter" is considered the greatest work containing Christian, Orthodox truths.