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Mariana Surikova

Knowing no mercy

Chapter 1

Bad times have come, said a gray-bearded old man, sitting on a stone near the road. A small crowd of fifteen villagers gathered around him. “Witches are said to unite. They no longer want to submit to a single authority, they want to establish laws for themselves.

And how much is that? - asked a thin boy from the crowd. - Who offended them or what?

They say they don’t let them conjure freely, they don’t like that a woman, even if she is a witch, occupies a position on a par with livestock. They say that men have taken all the power for themselves, and every talented sorceress does not dare to say a word across, even if that man is an uneducated peasant.

Women stood quietly on the sidelines, not wanting to argue with their owners, someone even agreed.

But who will allow them, then? - Said one portly uncle. - Let them go back to their potions and what benefits they bring, if a normal peasant does not want to marry them.

And they, tea, have become wild from that! - supported the young scowl and laughed out loud.

I silently stood at the edge of this crowd and listened. We need to quickly return to Arika, tell her about the rumors. Although... she probably knows something. Why didn't you just tell me? Didn't want to scare? Perhaps we will have to move to another place again.

An inconspicuous forest path led me straight to a small rickety hut. Climbing onto the creaky porch and opening the dried-up door with difficulty, I called: Arika!

Judging by the silence in the house, the sister had not returned yet. I took off my dusty gray cloak, hung it on a nail in the wall, went to the table and loaded on it the vegetables I had bought from a villager. She took out coins from her pocket, counted them and sighed: There is not much left. We urgently need to figure out how else to earn a living, otherwise there will be absolutely nothing to eat.

After washing herself, she sat down at the table and began to cut vegetables. I’ll cook an empty stew, I didn’t have enough money for meat. Tishunya jumped onto the bench and gently touched his knee with his paw. This stray cat somehow came to me on a rural street and has since settled in our hut.

Shout, cat, there's definitely nothing for you. Go out and catch mice.

The cat, as if realizing that they would not give him anything here, jumped off the bench and slipped into the street through the ajar door. She left a hole on purpose to notice when Arika would return.

Suddenly, a joyful meow was heard outside, and the edge of a green dress flashed in the opening. The door opened and my sister entered.

Hello, shooter, - Arika smiled.

Don't call me that, - I frowned, - I'm already big.

Arika let out a melodious laugh, deftly throwing her cloak over a rusty nail. I again admired the rare beauty of my elder sister: red hair, eyes of an unusual color - so light brown that they seem almost yellow, skin is white, without freckles. She was tall, half a head taller than me, very graceful and slender. At nineteen, Arika was at the height of her witchy, sensual and alluring beauty. She smiled again as she sat down at the table and asked:

And what should I call you?

By the name, I'm old enough. I turn fourteen next week!

What are you talking about? Already next week?

Arika, stop it! Why are you teasing me? At fourteen, a witch is already considered an adult, it was at this time that your power awakened.

The sister suddenly became sad and remarked:

Right. Only one event contributed to the awakening of my power, and if I had the opportunity to change it, I preferred that the gift manifest itself much later.

I remember that day well. It was already dark, and I was sound asleep when my mother suddenly woke me up, pulled me out of a warm bed, wrapped my sleepy in a warm shawl, put my hand in my older sister’s hand and, pushing both of them, ordered me to go down to the cellar. It was cold and damp there, I began to act up, and Arika, without ceasing to whisper to me: Now, now, Alira, be patient, she was dragging everything somewhere by the hand. There was a secret passage in the cellar, which led us to a wasteland outside the city. My sister stubbornly pulled me towards the forest, dragging a large bundle with things with her other hand. I dutifully followed, sniffling, too tired to ask questions, until we were under the shade of thick trees. Arika pulled on, but I burst into tears and sat down on the damp ground, refusing to go anywhere. I really wanted to sleep, but it was also too cold.

Suddenly, a sound like grunting was heard in the distance. At the edge of the forest, where we settled down, a huge furious boar jumped out. He was wounded, a long arrow stuck out in his side, the blood was caked with a brown crust, but the wound had already become inflamed and probably caused great pain to the beast. Obviously, the boar managed to escape from the hunters, running away into the thicket, but he had no one to vent his fury on. The beast, without thinking for a long time, rushed in our direction, I screamed in horror, covering my eyes with my hands, and Arika jumped to her feet, blocking me with her. A flash of light illuminated my closed eyelids. I instantly opened my eyelashes and saw a boar lying on the grass. His side was smoking, fried to the very bones, Arika suddenly fell to her knees, and then lost consciousness. It was at that moment that her power woke up, saving the lives of both of us. I sat down next to my older sister, who was lying on the cold ground, covered her with my shawl, crossed her legs and sat like that until dawn, stroking her red-haired head.

As soon as the rays of dawn touched the tops of the trees, the girl stirred and opened her eyes. I still sat next to him, my body was numb from the cold, I could not move or even say a word.

Alira, Lirochka, - Arika called, - are you ill?

Receiving no answer, she rose to her knees and placed her hands on my forehead. I felt how the warmth, like life-giving needles, penetrates the chilled body and makes the blood run faster through the veins. Breathing quickened, I was able to take a deep breath and finally move my fingertips.

Lirochka, - my sister burst into tears and hugged me tightly, - my little shooter, now we are left alone, alone.

She cried for a long time, not letting go of my hands, and I silently sat next to me and did not understand anything, and even then I could not understand the meaning of her words.

Then the long walk through the forest began. Arika explained to me that I need to hurry, I need to get away. We walked the whole day, and at night we hid in some abandoned hole or cave. Once I even had to spend the night in the hollow of a tree, and Arika perched on a branch. We did not come across predators, probably because the sister, guided by her new witch instinct, diligently bypassed everything dangerous places. We ate some kind of roots and berries, and drank clean water from springs gushing out of the ground, sometimes collecting dew in the morning, if not a single source was found nearby. I no longer cried or complained, seeing how hard it was for my older sister. Once I asked her:

Arika, how did you kill that scary boar?

It's not me, Lirusya, it's an amulet.

Arika nodded, but did not explain anything, only added:

He is special. I'll tell you about it another time.

A few days later we came across an old house, hidden by densely overgrown bushes around. The porch was overgrown with grass, the loach covered the walls and empty gaps in the windows.

Alira stopped and closed her eyes. I quietly stood nearby, shy at the sight of an uncomfortable and somehow gloomy housing.

In the forest?” I asked.

Don't be scared, Lirusik, we'll get used to it. We are real witches, and they often live in such houses. Here, too, a sorceress once lived in this, for a very long time, almost no traces remained. There is probably a village or a city nearby. Witches usually settle close to people, because you need to live on something.

Arika, I don't like it here.

My sister sighed and ruffled my brown hair.

Everything will be fine, little sister, now I'll take care of you.

Rika, when will mom be back?

She will not return, Lirus, - Arika answered, biting her lip.

Come here, Alira, - my sister led me to the porch overgrown with grass. - I'll tell you what happened. You may not understand everything yet, but you will find out later when you grow up.

Arika began her story, and I sat listening to her so carefully that I was even afraid to take a deep breath.

Witches differ from ordinary people in their gift, they can do a lot, for example, brew healing potions, as our mother did. Such potions help cure many diseases. Witches know how to influence the minds of other people, to inspire them with something, for example, to bewitch any man, and not necessarily to themselves. They know how to inspire fear or send a destructive curse. Some people like to tell fortunes and predict the future. Every witch's power wakes up in different time. There are those who are very strong, and there are those who are weaker. You can strengthen your spell, there are many ways for this, but more on that later. The bottom line is, Alira, that people are afraid of witches, so many truly black witches settle away from human habitation, in the forest, for example, but some of them, good ones, live in cities. People call them herbalists. Our mother was one of them.

Mariana Surikova

Knowing no mercy

Part one


Bad times have come - the gray-bearded old man, sitting on a stone near the road, was broadcasting. A small crowd of fifteen villagers gathered around him. “Witches are said to unite. They no longer want to submit to a single authority, they want to establish laws for themselves.

And why? - asked a thin boy from the crowd. Who offended them, or what?

They say they don’t let them conjure freely, they don’t like that a woman, even if she is a witch, occupies a position on a par with livestock. They say that men have taken all the power for themselves, and every talented sorceress does not dare to say a word across, even if that man is an uneducated peasant.

Women stood quietly on the sidelines, not wanting to argue with their owners, someone even agreed.

Who will let them? - said one portly uncle. - Let them return to their potions and what benefits they bring, if a normal peasant does not want to marry them.

And they, tea, from that and run wild! - supported the young scoff and laughed out loud.

I silently stood at the edge of this crowd and listened. We need to quickly return to Arika, tell her about the rumors. Although… she must know something. Why didn't you just tell me? Didn't want to scare? Perhaps we will have to move to another place again.

An inconspicuous forest path led me straight to a small rickety hut. Climbing onto the creaky porch and with difficulty opening the dried-up door, I called: “Arika!”

Judging by the silence in the house, the sister had not returned yet. I took off my dusty gray cloak, hung it on a nail in the wall, went to the table and loaded on it the vegetables I had bought from a villager. She took out coins from her pocket, counted them and sighed: "There is not much left." We urgently need to figure out how else to earn a living, otherwise there will be absolutely nothing to eat.

After washing herself, she sat down at the table and began to cut vegetables. I’ll cook an empty stew, I didn’t have enough money for meat. Tishunya jumped onto the bench and gently touched his knee with his paw. This stray cat somehow came to me on a rural street and has since settled in our hut.

Shout, cat, there's definitely nothing for you. Go get some mice.

The cat, as if realizing that they would not give him anything here, jumped off the bench and slipped into the street through the ajar door. She left a hole on purpose to notice when Arika would return.

Suddenly, a joyful meow was heard outside, and the edge of a green dress flashed in the opening. The door opened and my sister entered.

Hello, shooter, - Arika smiled.

Don't call me that, - I frowned, - I'm already big.

Arika let out a melodious laugh, deftly throwing her cloak over a rusty nail. I again admired the rare beauty of my older sister: red hair, eyes of an unusual color - so light brown that they seem almost yellow, white skin, without freckles. She was tall, half a head taller than me, very graceful and slender. At nineteen, Arika was at the height of her witchy, sensual and alluring beauty. She smiled again as she sat down at the table and asked:

And what should I call you?

By the name, I'm old enough. I turn fourteen next week!

What are you talking about? Already next week?

Arika, stop it! Why are you teasing me? At fourteen, a witch is already considered an adult, it was at this time that your power awakened.

The sister suddenly became sad and remarked:

Right. Only one event contributed to the awakening of my power, and if I had the opportunity to change it, I preferred that the gift manifest itself much later.

I remember that day well. It was already dark, and I was sound asleep when my mother suddenly woke me up, pulled me out of a warm bed, wrapped my sleepy in a warm shawl, put my hand in my older sister’s hand and, pushing both of them, ordered me to go down to the cellar. It was cold and damp there, I began to act up, and Arika kept whispering to me: “Now, now, Alira, be patient,” dragging everything by the hand somewhere. There was a secret passage in the cellar, which led us to a wasteland outside the city. My sister stubbornly pulled me towards the forest, dragging a large bundle with things with her other hand. I dutifully followed, sniffling, too tired to ask questions, until we were under the shade of thick trees. Arika pulled on, but I burst into tears and sat down on the damp ground, refusing to go anywhere. I really wanted to sleep, but it was also too cold.

Suddenly, a sound like grunting was heard in the distance. At the edge of the forest, where we settled down, a huge furious boar jumped out. He was wounded, a long arrow stuck out in his side, the blood was caked with a brown crust, but the wound had already become inflamed and probably caused great pain to the beast. Obviously, the boar managed to escape from the hunters, running away into the thicket, but he had no one to vent his fury on. The beast, without thinking for a long time, rushed in our direction, I screamed in horror, covering my eyes with my hands, and Arika jumped to her feet, blocking me with her. A flash of light illuminated my closed eyelids. I instantly opened my eyelashes and saw a boar lying on the grass. His side was smoking, fried to the very bones, Arika suddenly fell to her knees, and then lost consciousness. It was at that moment that her power woke up, saving the lives of both of us. I sat down next to my older sister, who was lying on the cold ground, covered her with my shawl, crossed her legs and sat like that until dawn, stroking her red-haired head.

As soon as the rays of dawn touched the tops of the trees, the girl stirred and opened her eyes. I still sat next to him, my body was numb from the cold, I could not move or even say a word.

Alira, Lirochka, - Arika called, - are you ill?

Receiving no answer, she rose to her knees and placed her hands on my forehead. I felt how the warmth, like life-giving needles, penetrates the chilled body and makes the blood run faster through the veins. Breathing quickened, I was able to take a deep breath and finally move my fingertips.

Lirochka, - my sister burst into tears and hugged me tightly, - my little shooter, now we are left alone, alone.

She cried for a long time, not letting go of my hands, and I silently sat next to me and did not understand anything, and even then I could not understand the meaning of her words.

Then the long walk through the forest began. Arika explained to me that I need to hurry, I need to get away. We walked the whole day, and at night we hid in some abandoned hole or cave. Once I even had to spend the night in the hollow of a tree, and Arika perched on a branch. We did not come across predators, probably because the sister, guided by her new witch instinct, diligently avoided all dangerous places. We ate some kind of roots and berries, and drank clean water from springs gushing out of the ground, sometimes collecting dew in the morning, if not a single source was found nearby. I no longer cried or complained, seeing how hard it was for my older sister. Once I asked her:

Arika, how did you kill that scary boar?

It's not me, Lirusya, it's an amulet.

Arika nodded, but did not explain anything, only added:

He is special. I'll tell you about it another time.

A few days later we came across an old house, hidden by densely overgrown bushes around. The porch was overgrown with grass, the loach covered the walls and empty gaps in the windows.

Alira stopped and closed her eyes. I quietly stood nearby, shy at the sight of an uncomfortable and somehow gloomy housing.

In the woods? I asked.

Don't be scared, Lirusik, we'll get used to it. We are real witches, and they often live in such houses. Here, too, a sorceress once lived in this, for a very long time, almost no traces remained. There is probably a village or a city nearby. Witches usually settle close to people, because you need to live on something.

Arika, I don't like it here.

My sister sighed and ruffled my brown hair.

Everything will be fine, little sister, now I'll take care of you.

Rika, when will mom be back?

She will not return, Lirus, - Arika answered, biting her lip.

Come here, Alira, - my sister led me to the porch overgrown with grass. - I'll tell you what happened. You may not understand everything yet, but you will find out later when you grow up.

Arika began her story, and I sat listening to her so carefully that I was even afraid to take a deep breath.

Witches differ from ordinary people in their gift, they can do a lot, for example, brew healing potions, as our mother did. Such potions help cure many diseases. Witches know how to influence the minds of other people, to inspire them with something, for example, to bewitch any man, and not necessarily to themselves. They know how to inspire fear or send a destructive curse. Some people like to tell fortunes and predict the future. Each witch's power wakes up at different times. There are those who are very strong, and there are those who are weaker. You can strengthen your spell, there are many ways for this, but more on that later. The bottom line is, Alira, that people are afraid of witches, so many truly black witches settle away from human habitation, in the forest, for example, but some of them, good ones, live in cities. People call them herbalists. Our mother was one of them.

It is dangerous to have a gift when troubled times when clouds gather overhead, and witches gather under the most cruel and powerful of sorceresses. People consider us evil and destroy the good in their souls. No one can understand what it's like to be torn between light and darkness, what it's like to be persecuted by everyone and constantly hiding from the only Force that can resist us. Inquisitors are eternal enemies, beasts on the trail, heroes in the eyes of ordinary people. They do not stop and do not give up, led by their leader, the most ideal of hunters, from whom it is impossible to escape. My cruel enemy, whose curse I have become. Only time will tell if his hatred is strong enough to catch and kill his obsession.

The work was published in 2016 by AST. This book is part of the Fifty Shades of Magic series. On our site you can download the book "Knowing No Mercy" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 3.25 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in paper form.

Mariana Surikova


Chapter 1

Bad times have come - the gray-bearded old man, sitting on a stone near the road, was broadcasting. A small crowd of fifteen villagers gathered around him. “Witches are said to unite. They no longer want to submit to a single authority, they want to establish laws for themselves.

Why so? - asked a thin boy from the crowd. Who offended them?

They say they don’t let them conjure freely, they don’t like that a woman, even if she is a witch, occupies a position on a par with livestock. They say that men have taken all the power for themselves, and every talented sorceress does not dare to say a word across, even if that man is an uneducated peasant.

Women stood quietly on the sidelines, not wanting to argue with their owners, someone even agreed.

Who will let them? - said one portly uncle. - Let them return to their potions and what benefits they bring, if a normal peasant does not want to marry them.

And they, tea, from that and run wild! - supported the young scoff and laughed out loud.

I silently stood at the edge of this crowd and listened. We need to quickly return to Arika, tell her about the rumors. Although… she must know something. Why didn't you just tell me? Didn't want to scare? Perhaps we will have to move to another place again.

An inconspicuous forest path led me straight to a small rickety hut. Climbing onto the creaky porch and opening the dried-up door with difficulty, I called: Arika!

Judging by the silence in the house, the sister had not returned yet. I took off my dusty gray cloak, hung it on a nail in the wall, went to the table and loaded on it the vegetables I had bought from a villager. She took out coins from her pocket, counted them and sighed: There is not much left. We urgently need to figure out how else to earn a living, otherwise there will be absolutely nothing to eat.

After washing herself, she sat down at the table and began to cut vegetables. I’ll cook an empty stew, I didn’t have enough money for meat. Tishunya jumped onto the bench and gently touched his knee with his paw. This stray cat somehow came to me on a rural street and has since settled in our hut.

Shout, cat, there's definitely nothing for you. Go out and catch mice.

The cat, as if realizing that they would not give him anything here, jumped off the bench and slipped into the street through the ajar door. She left a hole on purpose to notice when Arika would return.

Suddenly, a joyful meow was heard outside, and the edge of a green dress flashed in the opening. The door opened and my sister entered.

Hello, shooter, - Arika smiled.

Don't call me that, - I frowned, - I'm already big.

Arika let out a melodious laugh, deftly throwing her cloak over a rusty nail. I again admired the rare beauty of my older sister: red hair, eyes of an unusual color - so light brown that they seem almost yellow, white skin, without freckles. She was tall, half a head taller than me, very graceful and slender. At nineteen, Arika was at the height of her witchy, sensual and alluring beauty. She smiled again as she sat down at the table and asked:

And what should I call you?

By the name, I'm old enough. I turn fourteen next week!

What are you talking about? Already next week?

Arika, stop it! Why are you teasing me? At fourteen, a witch is already considered an adult, it was at this time that your power awakened.

The sister suddenly became sad and remarked:

Right. Only one event contributed to the awakening of my power, and if I had the opportunity to change it, I preferred that the gift manifest itself much later.

I remember that day well. It was already dark, and I was sound asleep when my mother suddenly woke me up, pulled me out of a warm bed, wrapped my sleepy in a warm shawl, put my hand in my older sister’s hand and, pushing both of them, ordered me to go down to the cellar. It was cold and damp there, I began to act up, and Arika, without ceasing to whisper to me: “Now, now, Alira, be patient,” dragged everything somewhere by the hand. There was a secret passage in the cellar, which led us to a wasteland outside the city. My sister stubbornly pulled me towards the forest, dragging a large bundle with things with her other hand. I dutifully followed, sniffling, too tired to ask questions, until we were under the shade of thick trees. Arika pulled on, but I burst into tears and sat down on the damp ground, refusing to go anywhere. I really wanted to sleep, but it was also too cold.

Suddenly, a sound like grunting was heard in the distance. At the edge of the forest, where we settled down, a huge furious boar jumped out. He was wounded, a long arrow stuck out in his side, the blood was caked with a brown crust, but the wound had already become inflamed and probably caused great pain to the beast. Obviously, the boar managed to escape from the hunters, running away into the thicket, but he had no one to vent his fury on. The beast, without thinking for a long time, rushed in our direction, I screamed in horror, covering my eyes with my hands, and Arika jumped to her feet, blocking me with her. A flash of light illuminated my closed eyelids. I instantly opened my eyelashes and saw a boar lying on the grass. His side was smoking, fried to the very bones, Arika suddenly fell to her knees, and then lost consciousness. It was at that moment that her power woke up, saving the lives of both of us. I sat down next to my older sister, who was lying on the cold ground, covered her with my shawl, crossed her legs and sat like that until dawn, stroking her red-haired head.

As soon as the rays of dawn touched the tops of the trees, the girl stirred and opened her eyes. I still sat next to him, my body was numb from the cold, I could not move or even say a word.

Alira, Lirochka, - Arika called, - are you ill?

Receiving no answer, she rose to her knees and placed her hands on my forehead. I felt how the warmth, like life-giving needles, penetrates the chilled body and makes the blood run faster through the veins. Breathing quickened, I was able to take a deep breath and finally move my fingertips.

Lirochka, - my sister burst into tears and hugged me tightly, - my little shooter, now we are left alone, alone.

She cried for a long time, not letting go of my hands, and I silently sat next to me and did not understand anything, and even then I could not understand the meaning of her words.

Then the long walk through the forest began. Arika explained to me that I need to hurry, I need to get away. We walked the whole day, and at night we hid in some abandoned hole or cave. Once I even had to spend the night in the hollow of a tree, and Arika perched on a branch. We did not come across predators, probably because the sister, guided by her new witch instinct, diligently avoided all dangerous places. We ate some kind of roots and berries, and drank clean water from springs gushing out of the ground, sometimes collecting dew in the morning, if not a single source was found nearby. I no longer cried or complained, seeing how hard it was for my older sister. Once I asked her:

Arika, how did you kill that scary boar?

It's not me, Lirusya, it's an amulet.

Arika nodded, but did not explain anything, only added:

He is special. I'll tell you about it another time.

A few days later we came across an old house, hidden by densely overgrown bushes around. The porch was overgrown with grass, the loach covered the walls and empty gaps in the windows.

Alira stopped and closed her eyes. I quietly stood nearby, shy at the sight of an uncomfortable and somehow gloomy housing.

In the woods? I asked.

Don't be scared, Lirusik, we'll get used to it. We are real witches, and they often live in such houses. Here, too, a sorceress once lived in this, for a very long time, almost no traces remained. There is probably a village or a city nearby. Witches usually settle close to people, because you need to live on something.

Arika, I don't like it here.

My sister sighed and ruffled my brown hair.

Everything will be fine, little sister, now I'll take care of you.

Rika, when will mom be back?

She will not return, Lirus, - Arika answered, biting her lip.

Come here, Alira, - my sister led me to the porch overgrown with grass. - I'll tell you what happened. You may not understand everything yet, but you will find out later when you grow up.

Arika began her story, and I sat listening to her so carefully that I was even afraid to take a deep breath.

© M. Surikova, 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

Part one

Chapter 1

“Bad times have come,” the gray-bearded old man, sitting on a stone near the road, broadcast. A small crowd of fifteen villagers gathered around him. “Witches are said to unite. They no longer want to submit to a single authority, they want to establish laws for themselves.

- And why? asked a skinny boy from the crowd. Who offended them, or what?

“They say they don’t let them conjure freely, they don’t like that a woman, even if she is a witch, occupies a position on a par with livestock. They say that men have taken all the power for themselves, and every talented sorceress does not dare to say a word across, even if that man is an uneducated peasant.

Women stood quietly on the sidelines, not wanting to argue with their owners, someone even agreed.

“Who will let them?” - Said one portly uncle. - Let them return to their potions and what benefits they bring, if a normal peasant does not want to marry them.

- And they, tea, from that and run wild! - supported the young scoff and laughed out loud.

I silently stood at the edge of this crowd and listened. We need to quickly return to Arika, tell her about the rumors. Although… she must know something. Why didn't you just tell me? Didn't want to scare? Perhaps we will have to move to another place again.

An inconspicuous forest path led me straight to a small rickety hut. Climbing onto the creaky porch and with difficulty opening the dried-up door, I called: “Arika!”

Judging by the silence in the house, the sister had not returned yet. I took off my dusty gray cloak, hung it on a nail in the wall, went to the table and loaded on it the vegetables I had bought from a villager. She took out coins from her pocket, counted them and sighed: "There is not much left." We urgently need to figure out how else to earn a living, otherwise there will be absolutely nothing to eat.

After washing herself, she sat down at the table and began to cut vegetables. I’ll cook an empty stew, I didn’t have enough money for meat. Tishunya jumped onto the bench and gently touched his knee with his paw. This stray cat somehow came to me on a rural street and has since settled in our hut.

“Shush, cat, there’s definitely nothing for you.” Go get some mice.

The cat, as if realizing that they would not give him anything here, jumped off the bench and slipped into the street through the ajar door. She left a hole on purpose to notice when Arika would return.

Suddenly, a joyful meow was heard outside, and the edge of a green dress flashed in the opening. The door opened and my sister entered.

“Hi, little shooter,” Arika smiled.

“Don’t call me that,” I scowled, “I’m already big.”

Arika let out a melodious laugh, deftly throwing her cloak over a rusty nail. I again admired the rare beauty of my older sister: red hair, eyes of an unusual color - so light brown that they seem almost yellow, skin is white, without freckles. She was tall, half a head taller than me, very graceful and slender. At nineteen, Arika was at the height of her witchy, sensual and alluring beauty. She smiled again as she sat down at the table and asked:

- What should I call you?

“By the way, I’m old enough already. I turn fourteen next week!

- What are you talking about? Already next week?

- Arika, stop it! Why are you teasing me? At fourteen, a witch is already considered an adult, it was at this time that your power awakened.

The sister suddenly became sad and remarked:

- Right. Only one event contributed to the awakening of my power, and if I had the opportunity to change it, I preferred that the gift manifest itself much later.

I remember that day well. It was already dark, and I was sound asleep when my mother suddenly woke me up, pulled me out of a warm bed, wrapped my sleepy in a warm shawl, put my hand in my older sister’s hand and, pushing both of them, ordered me to go down to the cellar. It was cold and damp there, I began to act up, and Arika kept whispering to me: “Now, now, Alira, be patient,” dragging everything by the hand somewhere. There was a secret passage in the cellar, which led us to a wasteland outside the city. My sister stubbornly pulled me towards the forest, dragging a large bundle with things with her other hand. I dutifully followed, sniffling, too tired to ask questions, until we were under the shade of thick trees. Arika pulled on, but I burst into tears and sat down on the damp ground, refusing to go anywhere. I really wanted to sleep, but it was also too cold.

Suddenly, a sound like grunting was heard in the distance. At the edge of the forest, where we settled down, a huge furious boar jumped out. He was wounded, a long arrow stuck out in his side, the blood was caked with a brown crust, but the wound had already become inflamed and probably caused great pain to the beast. Obviously, the boar managed to escape from the hunters, running away into the thicket, but he had no one to vent his fury on. The beast, without thinking for a long time, rushed in our direction, I screamed in horror, covering my eyes with my hands, and Arika jumped to her feet, blocking me with her. A flash of light illuminated my closed eyelids. I instantly opened my eyelashes and saw a boar lying on the grass. His side was smoking, fried to the very bones, Arika suddenly fell to her knees, and then lost consciousness. It was at that moment that her power woke up, saving the lives of both of us. I sat down next to my older sister, who was lying on the cold ground, covered her with my shawl, crossed her legs and sat like that until dawn, stroking her red-haired head.

As soon as the rays of dawn touched the tops of the trees, the girl stirred and opened her eyes. I still sat next to him, my body was numb from the cold, I could not move or even say a word.

“Alira, Lirochka,” called Arika, “are you feeling sick?”

Receiving no answer, she rose to her knees and placed her hands on my forehead. I felt how the warmth, like life-giving needles, penetrates the chilled body and makes the blood run faster through the veins. Breathing quickened, I was able to take a deep breath and finally move my fingertips.

“Lyrochka,” my sister burst into tears and hugged me tightly, “my little shooter, now we are left alone, alone.

She cried for a long time, not letting go of my hands, and I silently sat next to me and did not understand anything, and even then I could not understand the meaning of her words.

Then the long walk through the forest began. Arika explained to me that I need to hurry, I need to get away. We walked the whole day, and at night we hid in some abandoned hole or cave. Once I even had to spend the night in the hollow of a tree, and Arika perched on a branch. We did not come across predators, probably because the sister, guided by her new witch instinct, diligently avoided all dangerous places. We ate some kind of roots and berries, and drank clean water from springs gushing out of the ground, sometimes collecting dew in the morning, if not a single source was found nearby. I no longer cried or complained, seeing how hard it was for my older sister. Once I asked her:

“Arika, how did you kill that scary boar?”

- It's not me, Lirusya, it's an amulet.

- An amulet?

Arika nodded, but did not explain anything, only added:

- He is special. I'll tell you about it another time.

A few days later we came across an old house, hidden by densely overgrown bushes around. The porch was overgrown with grass, the loach covered the walls and empty gaps in the windows.

Alira stopped and closed her eyes. I quietly stood nearby, shy at the sight of an uncomfortable and somehow gloomy housing.

- In the woods? I asked.

“Don’t be scared, Lirusik, we’ll get used to it.” We are real witches, and they often live in such houses. Here, too, a sorceress once lived in this, for a very long time, almost no traces remained. There is probably a village or a city nearby. Witches usually settle close to people, because you need to live on something.

“Arika, I don’t like it here.

My sister sighed and ruffled my brown hair.

“Everything will be fine, sister, now I will take care of you.”

“Rika, when will mom be back?”

“She won’t come back, Lirus,” Arika replied, biting her lip.

- Why?

“Come here, Alira,” my sister led me to the grassy porch. “I'll tell you what happened. You may not understand everything yet, but you will find out later when you grow up.

Arika began her story, and I sat listening to her so carefully that I was even afraid to take a deep breath.

- Witches differ from ordinary people in their gift, they can do a lot, for example, brew healing potions, as our mother did. Such potions help cure many diseases. Witches know how to influence the minds of other people, to inspire them with something, for example, to bewitch any man, and not necessarily to themselves. They know how to inspire fear or send a destructive curse. Some people like to tell fortunes and predict the future. Each witch's power wakes up at different times. There are those who are very strong, and there are those who are weaker. You can strengthen your spell, there are many ways for this, but more on that later. The bottom line is, Alira, that people are afraid of witches, so many truly black witches settle away from human habitation, in the forest, for example, but some of them, good ones, live in cities. People call them herbalists. Our mother was one of them.

“I know, our house always smelled of herbs.

- Right. And our mother was beautiful.

- How are you.

“More beautiful,” my sister sighed. - You know, baby, all the troubles are with beautiful women because of their looks. In our state, whether you are a witch or not, but like any woman, she is obliged to recognize the power of a man, and any one, and unquestioningly obey. So in our city one such was found from those in power. He turned to his mother for a medicinal tincture, apparently for colic. When the tincture was ready, he was in no hurry to leave, he tried to stick to his mother, and I saw through the door crack. Only she pushed him away and ordered him to get out of her house. He then left, but he did not calm down on that and did not stop his harassment. It all ended with the fact that his mother sent an illness on him so that he knew who he was dealing with, but finally calmed down. Relatives, let's call different doctors to him, give him medicines, but nothing helped. So he sent his servant to the witch to beg to remove the curse from him. Mom agreed, but told me to tell her that the owner’s foot should not be in her shop. But that servant blabbed to the master's wife, and her terrible jealousy seized her. She persuaded people, made up about three boxes that there is a witch in their city, who, for her own benefit, directs damage to good citizens. That night, Alira, the crowd came to us. And the crowd, little sister, is very scary. She is like a stupid herd, it is useless to explain something to such people, they will kill everyone, no one will be spared. Mom then woke me up and told me to run and take care of you. She gave the bundle with things, ordered to sell it in order to get money. After all, we always had few real coins at home. Here, in general, and all.

- Rika, but maybe she is still alive?

The sister fell silent, then carefully took out from behind the collar of her closed dress an amazing gold pendant on a thin chain.

- What is it?

– This is a special medallion, it has been passed down in our family to the eldest witch for many years. When my mother told us to run away, she took it off her neck and said: “Now you are the eldest in the family, Arika.” And if so, Alira, she knew exactly what would happen to her.

Why didn't she run away with us?

To give us time to leave.

Chapter 2

We settled in an abandoned house and did not try to fix it at all, rightly fearing that if we bring it from the outside into a residential form, then it will become clear to everyone that the house is inhabited. They slept inside on a hard floor, sweeping out all the dust, the windows were not curtained with anything. Arika had to use a charm every time we lit the stove while cooking to avert the eyes of any random travelers who might see or smell the smoke. My sister often went into the forest to put snares on the beast, sat lurking nearby for a long time, and hardly noticed a rabbit or other game, she used her strength to lure prey. I learned how to skin still warm carcasses and cook fairly tolerably, allowing my sister to rest after the hunt. We also added roots and herbs to food, and that’s how we lived. At night, Arika disappeared in the forest, and then explained to me that she was gaining strength. I asked how she does it, and my sister explained that when the witch age comes for me, she will teach everything. My sister scouted the surroundings and discovered that there really was a large village nearby, but we were still afraid to go there.

When autumn came, we had to think about how to survive the winter. We didn’t have warm clothes, there was nothing to buy them for, all the things given by the mother remained in the old bundle until better times. Arika tried to think of a way to get into the village without arousing suspicion.

We need a relative.

- Somebody's visiting. Perhaps someone will pass by this village, I will enchant him, and he will stay here to live, and introduce us as his nieces. Then we can settle down there without attracting anyone's attention.

“Why not enchant one of the residents?”

- In such villages, usually everyone knows each other, and relatives up to the fifth generation can be named.

– Can you do it?

Yes, but it will take a lot of effort. I'll bewitch his mind and subdue his will, you understand? He would have to maintain his own spell day after day, preventing him from waking up. It's too hard, but I see no other way. I'm thinking of letting him go later, when everyone in the village will already know us.

- How will you let go?

“Let’s arrange everything as if he had an accident, and I’ll tell him to go away and not return.”

- So it is possible?

“Actually, no, it’s forbidden. If the inquisitors catch us, we won't do well. But there are hardly any witch hunters here.

“Arika, tell me about the inquisitors.

- Well, listen. Inquisitors are always men. They are also called witch hunters. Even in childhood, their unusual abilities manifest themselves - they can see the manifested witch, but ordinary people cannot, provided that the witch hides her disguise. They can also fight against her charms thanks to an inner shield.

- Inner shield?

– Yes, that’s what they call the ability of inquisitors to close themselves off from the influence of a witch on the mind. They can block even the most powerful streams of power transmitted through touch.

“And the witch can’t influence the hunter in any way?”

“Maybe if he gets distracted and she catches him off guard.

How can I give him an idea?

“The surest way to influence a hunter's mind is through body contact when he is weakened or distracted, and then press on the weak spot, obscuring the mind with his charms. At the moment when the inquisitor is most defenseless, you can inspire him with some thought. After all, they are also people, overwhelmed by their passions. But there are some very special men among them. In addition to the gift to feel the witch, they have the ability to track her down. Like hounds.

- And there are many?

- Very little. In ancient times there was one famous inquisitor, in our time I have not heard of such.

"Why are they even after us?"

- So that we do not break the law, do not kill ordinary people. Many witches, under the influence of the second entity, which I will talk about when your time comes to change, can do great evil. Judge for yourself: to have such power over ordinary people and not succumb to weakness to use it ...

“And what you have in mind now, is that also evil?”

- Yes. But we have no other choice, Alira. Not for this mother sacrificed herself so that in winter we would freeze in this forest.

“And how does the inquisitor know that the witch has done a bad deed?”

- A very strong person will feel it, and ordinary inquisitors can only interview witnesses, it is difficult to prove.

“People destroy witches without proof.

“That's true, but the inquisitors are the highest court. If not for that jealous vixen who set her cruel crowd on, mother could well have been acquitted.

She's happy now, I guess.

- I do not think so.

– Did you do something?

“I took revenge, Alira, and believe me, I don’t regret it at all.

“Revenge changes the witch?”

- Changes. Mom was very bright, and you are also kind, just like her. I'm not like this. Probably took after her father.

Why didn't I ever know him?

“My father left my mother a long time ago. He was not her legal husband, and therefore one day he simply left. It is rare that a man can marry a witch and endure such a life: constantly exposed to danger, human hostility, to be a renegade among his kind.

- Arika, tell me, do the inquisitors have some kind of charms?

- Not. Their gift is in unusual abilities, but they do not know how to conjure, with one very rare exception - they say that the most powerful inquisitors who fought the witch and were able to win receive her strength, and they wake up the ability to witchcraft.

– How does it manifest itself?

“I don't know anything about that. Perhaps these are just speculations.


It's been a cold day today. For a long time, I still dragged on with this matter, I had to get to work earlier. I blew on my chilled fingers and rubbed my shoulders with my hands. Already the sixth month has gone, as my sister and I are on the run. I've been diligently nourishing my strength all this time, so I should be able to handle it. To be honest, I was scared. It's okay to pretend to be an experienced witch in front of your little sister, but what experience do I really have? - everything that mom managed to teach in one year. Now, wrapping myself up in an old shawl borrowed from my little shooter, I hid in the thick roadside bushes, waiting for a suitable traveler. So far, only two carts have passed from the village. On one, a man was carrying pigs for sale, on the other, a noisy family settled down. Both parents and children dressed up, not otherwise for a holiday or a visit. How I envy them ordinary people! I would also like to live like this: to have a family, a husband, children, my own home and occasionally visit relatives and friends. How unfairly they treat witches in our state! Although what is there to witches ... Women are not put at all in anything. While my mother was alive, she also took us to the holidays in the city square, bought delicious pies, and sometimes new outfits. I always liked to dress beautifully, and Alira is still a child, give her all the toys and more interesting, with a riddle. She's so cute, she looks just like her mother! How I hated this rubbish, this wife of the mayor. It is a pity that my mother managed to remove damage from him before her death. I didn’t start a new one, it requires a lot of strength, I spent all this strength on his wife. kill or infect incurable disease- it's too much, it won't take long to become a completely black witch, so I'll start hunting my own kind later in order to absorb someone else's power. I acted differently - took her beauty. Now she will begin to grow silly day by day, and then her dear hubby will bring such a herd of mistresses into the house that the jealous woman will eat herself out of anger. Let this not return my mother to me, but she did not remain unavenged.

From just thoughts of revenge, I was suddenly distracted by the rustle of the bushes. I looked back and saw my dear little sister crawling very carefully from behind me.

- Lira, what are you doing here?

- Like what? Uncle came to choose.

- Uncle? Are we at the parade? Do you see a crowd of uncle candidates?

“What, no one at all?”

- There was one of the locals, it does not suit us.

- Well, then I'll sit here with you for company.

If you freeze, you would go home.

- It's not warmer there.

I just sighed. She is still a child, curious, like a little sparrow. So which one is a witch?

For a long time my sister and I sat in ambush, trying to catch at least one traveler, but no one suitable for this role passed through. Noticing that Alira was completely cold, I pulled her by the hand and slowly led her away from the road back into the forest. Already in the evening, when my sister fell asleep, wrapped in her shawl, I quietly sat down next to her, warming her with my own strength, and then again got out of the house. There is no time to waste, we need to be on duty by the road day and night, otherwise we won’t find anyone.

After sitting in the bushes almost all night, by dawn I dozed off. I woke up from the sound of horse hooves on a rocky road. Opening her eyes wide, she looked closely. Along a broken country road, illuminated by the light of a thin moon, now appearing, now disappearing behind the clouds, a cart with a lonely gentleman was slowly driving. The man was middle-aged, unobtrusive in appearance, moderately well-fed and with a mop of fluffy gray hair. His head hung down on his chest, and measured snoring was heard in the night. I slowly made my way straight to the road, raising my hand and stopping the tired horse. The mare did not have time to recoil, falling under the spell, and therefore the master did not wake up. Cautiously climbing onto the cart, I touched his forehead with my palms, and my hands lit up in the night. I drew the magic of the silvery moon, the magic of the spirits of the night, passing it through my body, pouring strength into a man who fell into oblivion, changing his memories, changing the line of life. I was hurt, hurt and scared. The coldness of the black deed that was being done penetrated to the very bones, twisting the insides with a tight knot, changing me myself, changing the essence of a very young witch. With a heavy groan, exhaling the final words: “Now you are in my power,” I lowered my heavy hands, which now weighed almost more than myself, and ordered the master to open his eyes.

His gaze was dispersed, and then focused on me, the pupils dilated, the man silently opened his mouth, as if trying to draw more air into his chest.

- What is your name? I asked.

- Well, hello, Uncle Aaron. I am your niece Arika, and the second niece is called Alira, she is already waiting for us in an abandoned house. Let's go and pick her up as soon as possible, we need to find suitable housing in this village.

“Yes, let’s go,” the man replied and touched the reins.

I gently wiggled my fingers to remove the spell from the horse, and the cart rolled down the road again, turning toward the path leading into the woods.

While we were picking up the sleepy surprised Alira from the house, taking an old bundle with things, the rays of dawn had already glided across the sky, sending pink highlights to run across the dark blue sky. The forest was filled with the joyful voices of birds, the horse dejectedly chewed the grass, the gentleman sat on the porch, his head bowed and not making any attempts to move.

“Arika, he is as if lifeless. Will he always be like this?

- Not. Shouldn't, at least. I must have used too much power. You need to let him go a little so that he can behave naturally. Now there is nothing to fear, he considers us his nieces, believes that we are the children of his dead sister and that he himself has no family.

Why does he go to this particular village?

- What city are we from?

- From where the villagers go to sell their chickens and pigs on weekends. It’s just a day’s journey before it, and there are a lot more people there – not like here, where everyone knows each other. Now let's settle down and live in peace. I can develop my strength and teach you new things. It's quiet here, there are no inquisitors.

- Or maybe he had a family, they will start looking? Was he driving somewhere?

“We'll let him go, Alira. We'll let you go in four months, I won't last longer.

- Are you very ill?

“It’s so heavy on the heart, it’s hard to breathe, and strength is constantly spent on replenishing the spell.

- In vain we started all this, it was necessary to come up with something else.

“Don’t worry, Lirusik, everything will be fine.

- Mom wouldn't like it.

- Mom is gone, sister, now we are on our own.


We entered the village at dawn. I looked around, noticing how clean and tidy the houses here were, the well-groomed swept yards. No sewage is visible anywhere in the ditches, probably, plums were specially dug. From such a village it is immediately noticeable that the local head is an economic person and keeps order. I can imagine what it would be like if two young witches came here alone and asked someone to spend the night. How to give a drink, they would seize and drown in a nearby river.

While the cart rolled along a fairly level road, I did not notice a single person. Then I only realized that it was still too early, and if anyone got up, it was the housewives, but only they have more important things to do now: milk cows, goats, collect eggs from laying hens, and then prepare breakfast for the whole large family. Although I am still not an observant witch, no, I made a mistake with the conclusions. So that in such a decent village they would not notice visiting strangers?

Very soon we were forced to stop, obeying the cry of a gray-haired, wiry man with a bushy beard, hanging mustaches and rather lively and strong-looking. Judging by his posture and manner of speaking, he was the local head:

Hey travelers, where are you going?

Our "uncle" Aron, who had become much more natural since Arika had tempered her charms, replied:

- We are not local, we drove by and stopped by. I really liked it! It's very beautiful, clean here, you can feel the master's hand.

Head slumped:

- So it is, I keep order here, and therefore I just don’t let strangers in. Who will you be?

- We are from the city of Vil'emka, which is a day's journey from the village.

- Do you want to choose an animal? We have enough livestock, choose who you need: pigs, chickens, goats?

I was thinking about buying a house. In old age, I wanted peace, but in the city all the noise and fuss. Again, it’s good to raise nieces in the village, you have strict morals here, not like in these cities, you won’t spoil it too much.

The head became completely proud, only nodding with a fluffy crown, assenting. In general, looking at both men from the side, I would say that they are somewhat similar, it was not in vain that they found it so quickly mutual language.

- Immediately, of course, such matters are not resolved, you go into the house, good man, we'll talk, we'll brainstorm, and let your nieces sit here for a while, the women have nothing to do with a peasant conversation.

Aaron nodded, dismounted from the cart and followed the elder into the house.

“Arika,” I whispered to my imperturbable sister, “what are we going to do?”

- Nothing. He will now pay money to the headman, he will show him housing.

- Is there enough money?

“He didn’t go empty-handed. Then, however, you will have to earn money yourself, you need to buy a house for something.

– Where to work?

- Well, where? Our uncle is a good herbalist, he will sell healing tinctures to the inhabitants from various ailments, and thus earn a living. You and I, since his nieces, are also trained in medicine. If with an uncle, forbid, what an accident happens, then we ourselves will be able to prepare elixirs.

- Well, you've thought of everything.

“Someone needs to take care of us.

“Are there really no inquisitors here?”

- Visitors, perhaps.

“I’m scared, Arika.

“Don’t be afraid, Lirusik. Since my strength has woken up, you and I will not be lost.