Rice noodles calories per 100 grams. Nutritional value of funchose. Composition and calorie content of rice noodles

Rice is eaten daily by millions of people. And to diversify it, a number of interesting options have been invented. One of them is rice noodles.

Features and chemical composition

calories rice noodles, which has not undergone heat treatment, equals 363 calories per 100 grams. In the same volume of the product there is:

  • 81 g of carbohydrates;
  • 3.4 g proteins;
  • just over 0.5 g of fat.

This type of food is rich in vitamins of group D, there is also a tangible amount of vitamin E. Of the inorganic components, attention is drawn to:

  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • calcium.

After cooking

Even an inexperienced person will easily understand that raw rice noodles can hardly be called a dietary standard in terms of the number of kcal. But everything changes when it is boiled. Ready-made boiled rice noodles have energy value only 120 kcal per 100 g. There is nothing supernatural in this: just a portion of boiled noodles is saturated with water, this is an ordinary broth.

Useful or not?

Calorie content is very important to know, no one argues with that. But it is impossible to evaluate the usefulness of the product only on it. And with the benefit of just rice noodles, everything is in order. Even the small amount of protein that is included in the BJU formula does not include gluten. Therefore, the risk of malfunctioning of the stomach and the appearance of food allergies is minimal. There is absolutely no fiber in rice noodles.

The increased concentration of vitamin E promotes health and maintains a youthful appearance of the skin. And vitamins from group B are valuable for effective support of the nervous system. They also turn out to be good antioxidants.

The relatively low nutritional value of the product allows us to recommend it as a replacement for classic pasta. Yes, it supplies the body with a large amount of carbohydrates. But they all belong to the “complex” group, that is, they split for a long time, stabilizing the energy balance.

More importantly, all these carbohydrates will not affect the glycemic index of food. Therefore, they can be safely used by patients with diabetes, and those who have a predisposition to this disease.

As for the risk associated with eating rice noodles, for the most part, the product itself is not to blame. Problems arise when it is combined with:

  • meat;
  • especially oily fish;
  • mayonnaise and dressings based on mayonnaise.

This automatically removes the rice product from the list of dietary foods. There are constipations, bloating is observed. Other problems with the stomach and intestines are also possible. In addition, excessive passion for rice noodles can be harmful. The abundance of "slow" carbohydrates can cause overweight.

Consumer characteristics

In appearance, rice noodles usually have White color, although a translucent variety is also found. The width of the noodles varies from 2 to 30 mm, while its minimum length is 0.5 m. A quality product does not break during the cooking process. The presence of a slight gray tint is a variant of the norm, while rice noodles should not be cloudy, collected in lumps or replete with extraneous flavors.

If you want to cook rice noodles, but don't want to get a shapeless lump instead of a delicious dish, it is recommended to use these tips.

  • To boil the noodles for salad, place them in a bowl, cover with boiling water and stir. Let stand for five minutes, then drain the boiling water and pour over with cold water.
  • If you are making soup, boil the noodles in lightly salted water for about 4 minutes. Then the product is laid out in a colander and doused with cool water.
  • When cooking vegetables in a pan, it's a good idea to add some noodles to them. You don't need to boil it, it's better to steam it. Place raw rice in boiling water and after five minutes mix with half-cooked vegetables in a pan.

For more on how to make rice noodles, watch the video below.

Each nation has its own gastronomic tastes and passions. One of the most popular dishes among Asians is Chinese rice noodles. Usually it is made from its main advantages are neutral taste, elasticity and good compatibility with other products. boiled calories are low.

What is made of

Starch is used to make Chinese noodles. Ideally, this is mung bean starch, but cheaper options are now being used, such as corn and potato ingredients. Flour of any legume is also used. You can buy such noodles in dried form and use in cooking. delicious salads and soups.

"Glass" noodles

Chinese rice noodles are also called funchose. Appearance its quite original - mysterious ultra-thin translucent threads. Such noodles are called glass noodles due to the fact that it acquires transparency.

Nutritional value of funchose

All consumers are interested in her Chinese rice noodles, calorie content of which is 338 kcal per 100 grams of product, is in great demand among domestic consumers. Don't be afraid of this calorie content. For everyone who cares about their health and figure, it is a wonderful product.

This component is indispensable for everyone who is on a diet and who cares about the minimum calorie content.

An excellent basis for culinary experiments. It is the most traditional component of many salads, appetizers, Chinese soups.

Composition of funchose

Funchose contains about 75% starch, its nutritional value is high. It contains almost the entire complex of B vitamins, which are necessary for the human body for the normal functioning of the nervous system, cellular metabolism.

It contains many minerals:

  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

All substances in the complex have a good effect on human health. Its benefits are known throughout the world. It contains unique complex carbohydrates, their large amount provides human muscle tissue with the necessary energy. It is especially necessary for athletes and people whose work is associated with physical activity.

Paradoxically, this is a product for shape and mood! The minimum amount of salt in its composition allows it to be used by people with diseases of the vessels, kidneys and heart.

The product is ideal for children and the elderly, as it is very well absorbed.

Where could I buy

Finding funchose is not difficult at all. Even here it is sold in every store and supermarket. A quality product is distinguished by an almost transparent color. Avoid cloudy, sticky and white noodles.

How to cook

Noodles are usually not boiled, but simply soaked for about half an hour in hot water, just before the main course is ready, to which they will be a side dish. Very tasty combinations with seafood, fried meat and vegetables. Boiled or smoked chicken is ideal.

It goes well in taste with radish, cucumber and radish. Dishes with Chinese noodles seasoned with traditional soy sauce. If calorie content is important to you, rice noodles will not make the dish very heavy. It contains almost no fat.

"Glass" noodles for baby food

This product is very rich useful vitamins and minerals, so it can be used for baby food in salads and as a side dish. Of course, do not forget that for the preparation of children's dishes you need to add a minimum amount of salt and spices. Funchoza is easily and quickly absorbed by the baby's body. For active life your child will receive food containing the required calories. Rice noodles are a component of many dishes.

Funchoza during Lent

In the culture and religion of many peoples there are fasts during which various restrictions apply. Quite often there are bans on the use of products of animal origin.

Funchoza is a product made from herbal ingredients. Since it goes well with vegetables, sauces and seasonings, it will be convenient for you to diversify your menu.

During fasting, calorie content is especially important for people. Rice noodles will contribute to obtaining the right amount of trace elements.

Now many people are very concerned healthy eating. Actively looking for useful and Funchoza - an indispensable component, taste and others beneficial features which have been tested for centuries. Over time, it will take its place in the menu of every family. Bright and varied dishes with noodles will decorate our tables both on weekdays and on holidays. If you have not tried funchose yet, then you should show culinary adventurism and cook something tasty and healthy for the whole family out of it. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Rice noodles are one of the most common Chinese and Japanese dishes. This ingredient is made from rice flour and water. It is believed that those who want to lose weight should eat rice noodles, since this product is an analogue of boiled rice and pasta. This article will give detailed answers to questions about what rice noodles are, how they are useful.

In markets in China and Japan, sellers of rice noodles often roll it up, drawing goggles from tourists. The length of the noodles is 50 cm or more. According to legend, the longer this food product, the longer the buyer will live.

Japanese samurai believed that rice flour noodles can prolong youth and provide the body with vitality.

Rice noodles are pleasant to the touch. High-quality noodles have a translucent grayish tint and smell of nuts. If you did not find such signs when buying noodles, then you purchased a fake.

Now rice noodles can be purchased in any supermarket. When buying this product, remember to store it in paper bags or glass containers away from strong-smelling foods and condiments. Storing in a humid place will deprive the noodles of their beneficial qualities.

The composition and benefits of rice noodles

The rice flour product does not have a pronounced taste, and eating it is enough for a long-term saturation of the body.

Rice noodles are useful for those who want to lose weight. The composition of this product includes vitamins B and E. The noodles also contain iron, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium. Noodles are 75% starch.

It also contains a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates, which contribute to the supply of energy to muscle tissue. The more we eat foods containing complex carbohydrates, the more we reduce the intake of fats and sugar.

The composition of the noodles contains as many as eight amino acids, which are necessary for building new cells.

The main beneficial properties of rice noodles include:

  1. No gluten protein. Usually cereals contain gluten in large quantities. Many people are allergic to this protein, so rice flour noodles are the best product for people with gluten intolerance.
  1. The minimum amount of salt. For people who have kidney problems and cardiovascular diseases, this product will be especially useful.
  1. Lack of fiber. Due to this property, this product is easily absorbed by the elderly and children.
  1. Minimum sodium content. With an excess amount of sodium in the body, the chance of getting diseases of the cardiovascular system increases. Rice noodles contain only 20 mg of this substance.

The calorie content of rice noodles is 364 kcal per 100 g. Carbohydrates will be 344 kcal, proteins - 15 kcal, fats - 5 kcal.

Rice noodles: harm

Rice noodles are an ideal product for a complete diet. However, it is better not to use it together with fatty sauces and hot spices. It is also better for people suffering from constipation to refrain from eating this product, because rice has a fixing effect on the stomach.

Rice flour noodles are a versatile food item. It goes well with vegetables and meat dishes as a side dish. Noodle soups are also healthy and nutritious. Thus, eating rice noodles for food will help not only lose weight, but also provide the body with useful substances.

Recipes for the proper preparation of noodles are presented in the video selection below.

Rice noodles are usually sold in the Asian section. It is a traditional product for Southeast Asia and Japan. Rice noodles are the basis of the diet in many countries. The product has average calorie content, is the source complex carbohydrates, and vitamins. A big plus of rice noodles for an experienced cook is that they can be saturated with almost any flavor. It perfectly absorbs the aroma of spices, herbs, and almost any vegetable. Rice noodles are dense in texture, slightly denser than regular pasta, and are super filling. She "copies" useful properties ordinary rice.

The content of the article:

calorie rice noodles

Various sources mention that rice noodles are a high-calorie food. Actually, this is not true. Rice noodles contain only 364 kcal per 100 g, mainly from carbohydrates. The product contains about 3.44 g of protein, which is quite small, and practically completely defatted.

Rice noodles are an excellent product for anyone who seeks health. There are 2 varieties of rice noodles - regular and funchose. Funchoza is a thin "rolled" noodle. Some call it glass noodles, but this is incorrect. Classic glass noodles are made from mung bean starch. Rice noodles contain only 2 ingredients - rice flour and water.

Rice noodles are completely devoid of fat in their composition. Therefore, it is an excellent product for hypertensive patients, those whose fats cause indigestion, and liver problems.

Rice noodles are an additional source of vegetable protein. It is noteworthy that if you combine this product in your diet with legumes, you can get a more complete amino acid profile than other vegetarian products. This is often used in the diet of strict vegans who do not consume milk And eggs.

Rice noodles contain a lot of complex carbohydrates. It is a unique component of our diet. All energy in the human body comes from complex carbohydrates. It nourishes the body and brain. Complex carbohydrates serve as a "natural metabolic booster". If you use them regularly and in adequate amounts, you can get rid of the slowdown in metabolism. The human body needs about 4 g of carbohydrates on average per 1 kg of weight, and for an active life - about 5 g.

The complex carbohydrates of rice noodles are digested quickly enough, this product has a high glycemic index. It is useful in the nutrition of athletes, allowing you to quickly restore energy after training. If we are talking about the usual healthy way life, you can cook mixed dishes with noodles and protein sources, and lower the glycemic index of the finished dish. Besides, no scientific evidence that foods with a high glycemic index are harmful to a healthy person. Restrictions in their use apply only to patients with diabetes mellitus.

Rice noodles are considered a good supplemental source of vitamins and minerals. It contains a rare vitamin PP, the deficiency of which has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the nervous system, and can even lead to serious nervous disorders.

Rice noodles contain a complex of B vitamins necessary for normal metabolism and proper functioning of the nervous system. B vitamins are also essential for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy heart muscle. They are playing important role for muscle recovery after physical exertion.

Rice noodles contain a rare mineral, selenium, which is involved in metabolism and speeds it up. Selenium is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, the muscular system and the nervous system as a whole.

The product contains a small amount of two-heme iron, its use contributes to the replenishment of iron deficiency, and allows you to have a normal level of hemoglobin. Everyday food with some iron content contributes to the prevention of iron deficiency anemia almost to a greater extent than taking special preparations.

Rice noodles contain potassium and sodium, the use of which contributes to the normalization of the water-salt balance, and relieves swelling. These minerals also serve as an excellent prevention of cramps and edema in salt-free diet.

The product also contains a small amount of magnesium, which is good for the heart and nervous system.

Some sources claim the dangers of rice noodles. For example, she is often blamed for someone gaining weight. Here you can see that the noodles themselves have nothing to do with it. Usually weight gain causes overeating, not the foods we overeat. The only exceptions are people who have diabetes, and therefore cannot eat foods with a high glycemic index. Pre-diabetics should not eat noodles, as their condition can also be affected by the use of high-glycemic foods.

It is sometimes written that eating rice causes calcium to be washed out of the bones, but this is not true. Rumors about the absorbent capacity of rice are greatly exaggerated, in fact, all that it can "draw" into itself are the "toxins" that accumulate in the human body after food poisoning.

Rice noodles may not be healthy if a person's diet is not balanced. This is a delicious product that easily “replaces” other necessary side dishes, such as vegetables and salads from them.

How to cook rice noodles

Rice noodles are a quick-cooking product. It is dipped in boiling water and boiled for 3-4 minutes. Then it is thrown into a colander and dried. After that, various vegetables, chopped fish, meat, shrimps, mussels, And other products.

Rice noodles for weight loss

Some sources state that rice noodles are not suitable for weight loss as they are high in calories. Boiled rice noodles contain about 120 kcal per 100 g, which cannot be considered a high calorie content.

But problems with rice noodles can still occur in a person who has an altered sensitivity of cells to insulin. In such people, even a moderate portion of noodles can cause a significant increase in appetite. This leads to the fact that people often suffer from overeating, as soon as they introduce at least one serving of noodles into their diet. So, of course, it is better to eat noodles occasionally or completely eliminate it. Everyone else can cook low-calorie rice noodles with shrimp, squid, mussel, chicken breasts and other sources defatted protein.

Rice noodles in the diet of pregnant, lactating and children

Rice noodles can be part of a pregnant woman's diet as long as they don't cause constipation or fluid retention because they're too salty. As an independent product, it is hypoallergenic, therefore it can be included in the diet of lactating women, but an additional consultation with a doctor is still necessary.

Asparagus Casserole

For casseroles - 400 g asparagus, 400 g of boiled rice noodles, pollock fillet, 200 g, optional carrots or bell peppers, and black peppercorns, 40 g of hard cheese and a tablespoon of soy sauce. Additionally - a baking dish.

Rice noodles are boiled separately. Rice noodles are laid out at the bottom of the baking dish, then - pollock fillet, vegetables, each layer is “laid” with a small portion of a mixture of cheese and soy sauce. The dish is baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes and served hot.

Salad with rice noodles

200 g each of shrimp and squid, 300 g of boiled rice noodles, any green leafy lettuce, such as romaine, or even kale, a tablespoon of sour cream, a teaspoon of creamy mustard or mustard powder, fresh cucumber.

Boil shrimp, squid and noodles and cool, throwing into a colander. Mix sour cream with mustard powder or mustard, chop fresh cucumber, chop the salad or disassemble it with your hands, mix all the ingredients of the dish in a deep salad bowl, and leave in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes before serving.

Rice noodles with oriental beef

Dissolve miso soup base in water, add shredded squid, sweet potato, and cook until done. Crush the seaweed and add them to the finished dish.

Rice noodles with bean paste spicy

For the bean paste - a can of canned red beans, a white onion, black pepper on the tip of a knife, 1 cm of ginger root, and red pepper if desired, olive or Sesame oil. For the main dish 4 servings of rice noodles, soy sauce or teriyaki or sea salt.

Heat the oil over low heat in a deep frying pan, add the spices and continue to heat, add the beans. Then grind the beans with spices into a paste with a blender. Cool down. Boil rice noodles, drain in a colander, then add soy sauce or salt to taste.

So, rice noodles are an excellent choice for those who need an inexpensive and tasty side dish, they allow you to experiment in the kitchen and go well with many types of dishes. food products.

Video recipes with rice noodles

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

Rice noodles are one of the most loved foods in Asian countries. Its benefits have been noted by many world nutritionists. The dish is able to prolong youth and give a person energy and vitality.

Noodles do not have a pronounced taste, however, in combination with sauces and meat dishes, they create an incredible composition that will excite the receptors and allow you to get real pleasure. But you should be careful, because this product can harm the body if it is abused.

The product is made from rice flour. The finished product is quite elastic and pleasant to the touch. The noodles look like translucent strips with different widths - from 2 mm to 3 cm - and a length of at least 50 cm.

Interestingly, in traditional Chinese, it, like starched noodles (funchose), is called fensi, or simply fen. However, the inhabitants of our country note the difference between these two concepts. Funchoza is made from mung bean starch or a cheap alternative, cornstarch.

The second name of this product is "glass" noodles, because when cooked they remain translucent.

Noodle production

The product manufacturing process consists of two stages. The first is that the workers knead the dough using only flour and water, no salt is added. The second depends on the preferences of the manufacturer.

The latter chooses one of five actions:

  • cutting - the rolled layer is divided into strips of the desired size;
  • extrusion - the dough is placed under a press with holes and thin identical threads are obtained;
  • cutting - a sausage is formed from the resulting mass, and then thin petals are cut off from it from above, which fall into boiling water;
  • folding - a cylinder is made from the dough, then it is folded and rolled out again, the action is repeated several times;
  • rolling - a thread of the required size is formed from a small piece of mass.

Fresh rice noodles are dried and then packed and sold. According to the description of the production, it can be seen that there is no harm to the product. In theory, there can be nothing wrong with water and flour. But there are some nuances here, which we will discuss below. Now another question is important - what is the use of the product?

Composition of rice noodles

The energy value of the product is rather big - 364 kcal per 100 g. This indicator is set due to the high starch content. Its share reaches 75%. Of the total calorie content, 15 kcal are proteins, 5 kcal are fatty acids.

The noodles contain B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid) and vitamins E and PP. The benefits to the body are tangible due to the presence of the following minerals: sodium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc and iron.

Health impact

Rice noodles, although a fairly high-calorie dish, gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. It consists of complex carbohydrates that break down for more than one hour, gradually releasing energy for life. The benefits of this product are obvious for those who monitor their weight. A small portion of the finished dish without fatty additives will allow you to forget about the feeling of hunger for several hours.

In addition, rice noodles have the following positive characteristics:

  • gives energy to muscle tissue;
  • easily absorbed by the body, so the product can be consumed by children and the elderly;
  • has a positive effect on nervous system and general metabolism;
  • improves skin condition;
  • strengthens blood vessels and is the prevention of thrombosis;
  • the absence of gluten (gluten) allows people who are prone to food allergies, suffer from bloating and diarrhea to eat noodle dishes.

The combination of micro and macro elements improves the work of all organs and systems. A small salt content allows people with diseases of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys to safely add the product to their diet.

Cautions in use

Rice noodles can be harmful if eaten too often and added to meals with fatty meats, fish, or dressings. Firstly, the product has a fixing effect on the gastrointestinal tract, which can provoke constipation. Therefore, it is better for people with such a problem not to use the product.

Secondly, various additional components increase the calorie content of the dish, which can lead to a set excess weight. Another problem is that unscrupulous manufacturers can add various additives to the composition to reduce the cost of the manufacturing process. Such a product will only bring harm, since only employees of enterprises know what is contained in their product.

A quality product has a grayish tint and a translucent structure. If you smell the noodles, you will smell a slight smell of nuts or beans.

A sticky and cloudy product with a foreign smell indicates a bad product. From this noodle tasty dish will not work. Choose a product that contains only flour and water.