Cho'gall in Heroes of the Storm. Detailed guide and build. New Legendary Warlock Card - Cho'Gall Cho Gall

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Cho "Gall Cho "gall" was a powerful ogre mage, chieftain of the Twilight's Hammer and initiate of the Fifth Circle of the Shadow Council. He was trained by Ghuldan and aided in much of his accomplishments, including the creation of Death Knights and Storm Altars. Cho "Gall" is the first two-headed ogre mage to appear naturally over generations, unlike the ogre mages that Gul "dan created from ordinary ogres. At the end of the Second War, Cho "Gall was able to survive on the Lost Isles, where Ghul" dan entered the Tomb of Sargeras. For many years he was presumed dead, until it was revealed that he actually took refuge in the ruins of An "Qiraj, where he filled his body with the power of the Ancient God K" Tun.

After some time, the Alliance and Horde began their assault on the Twilight Bastion. The heroes fought their way through the defenses put up by Cho "Gall, and the strongest commanders of the Twilight's Hammer. None of them could stop the heroes, and in the end they faced the ogre mage himself. Despite the fact that Cho" Gall actively used twilight magic and even called the faceless to his aid, the heroes were able to defeat him in an exhausting battle. Dying, Cho "Gallus sent them to the depths of the Bastion, where Sinestra was hidden.


Cho "Gall is an acolyte of the fifth circle of the Shadow Council and chieftain of the Twilight's Hammer, who is a two-headed ogre and the first ogre mage. He is a disciple of Gul Dan. Like other ogres of this species, Cho Gall has two names, one for each head - Cho and Gall.


Mysterious islands

Unlike most of the ogres that became part of the Horde, Cho "Gall was not a Destroyer, but a native of the Gorian Empire. He was the first two-headed ogre seen in generations, and most importantly, possessed a natural gift for arcane magic. He had much more strength and intelligence than his brethren. Gul Dan discovered this ogre when he was still young, and carefully trained him in the use of arcane magic from the Twisting Nether. Cho "Gall became one of the strongest and most feared warriors of the Old Horde during the First and Second Wars. Together with Kilrogg Deadeye, he commanded the first attack on the fortress of Stormwind. Cho" Gall later gained control of the Twilight's Hammer. Orgrim Doomhammer considered the ogre mage dangerous, as he was as fanatical as his own followers.

As far as Cho "Gall was strong, so insane. The clan continued to transform from a tribe into a kind of cult that wanted to destroy this world. Being the leader of the clan and right hand Gul "dana, Cho" Gall aided his mentor in the creation of Death Knights and Altars of Storms, and in transforming common ogres into ogre mages.

One day, Cho "Gall personally went to Grim Batol to inspect the production. He and his convoy traveled through the Badlands of Khaz Modan and was ambushed by the warriors of Stromgarde. Doomhammer sent a squad of orcs to protect the ogre mage. The mission was completed and later Cho "Gall reported that the factories are in good condition and are meeting their quotas.

The ogre mage and Twilight's Hammer cultists followed Gul "dan and his Raging Storm clan when the warlock decided to open the Tomb of Sargeras. Although Cho" Gall himself did not enter the tomb, he defended his teacher from the orcs led by Rand and Maim, the sons of Blackhand. ... Orgrim Doomhammer sent them to destroy the traitorous clans who had abandoned the Horde and abandoned war against the Alliance. Although most of the Twilight's Hammer cultists were killed, some, including Cho "Gall, survived. It was long believed that Cho" Gall was defeated by the sons of Blackhand. ...

An "Qirazh

After the battle on the Broken Isles, Cho "Gall fled to the southern territories of Kalimdor, where he and his cultists took refuge in the halls of K" Thun, deep beneath An "Qiraj. Soon, Garona Half-Hound was delivered to him, the assassin of King Llane Wrynn, who was a servant of Gul" dan. who used mysterious spells during her childhood. Since then, he could make Garona follow any orders with a few words. Garona was captured by the cultists and brought to Cho "Gallu, who was delighted to see the half-breed and even more delighted that Ghul's magical words were still effective. The ogre realized that Garona would be a useful tool for him and help him get to Med "ana, her son.

Cho "Gall learned that Theramore would soon host a peaceful meeting between the leaders of the Alliance and the Horde, and devised a way in which Garona could unleash his full potential. He robbed her of her will with magical words and ordered her to go to Theramore to kill the king. Varian Wrynn, his son Anduin and Warchief Thrall.If Garona succeeds in killing Varian, the Alliance and Horde will blame each other and start a war, ignoring the presence of the Twilight's Hammer in the southern lands.If Garona was killed, she could no longer prevent the capture of Med "ana. Cho "Gallus also ordered the half-orch to forget about him and everything that happened in An" Qirazh, as soon as she leaves the ancient city.

When Garona and the Twilight's Hammer cultists attacked Theramore, Med "en appeared just in time to rescue Prince Anduin and try to free his mother from Cho" Gall's spell. At that moment he was caught by Stasia, one of Cho "Gall's servants, who knocked him unconscious and brought him to her master. Med" en woke up in An "Kirazh and heard Cho" Garr scolding Stasia for not returning Garona. When Stasia confessed that she wished Garone's death, Med "en tried to attack the two of them and was thrown across the hall. He collapsed right on the body of the dead K" Tun and immediately heard him whisper about chaos and destruction. At this point, Meril Felstorm and Valeera Sanguinar were transported to An "Qiraj, right in the middle of the cultist squad. A long battle ensued, but as a result, Meryl and Valeera rescued Med" ana and fled the ancient city.

Meanwhile, Garona, who had already come to her senses, decided to kill Cho "Gall so that no one else could control her. After reaching An" Qiraj, she witnessed Cho "Gall's transformation into a terrifying creature that only vaguely resembled an ogre. Mr. Cho "Galla, who ordered to immediately bring Med" ana here and endowed the ogre with the ability to call the Faceless to his aid. The detachment gathered in Theramore tried to defeat the Faceless One sent there, but it was Med "an who was able to kill him, combining arcane magic and spells shamans. Mr. Cho "Galla expressed his dissatisfaction with this, and the ogre's body changed even more. Cho" Galla realized that he would have to sacrifice Honey "ana, since he could not be captured. The energy thrown out after his death could break the chains that were holding in the imprisonment of its master, and plunge Azeroth into chaos. Cho "Gall's goal was to free the Old God K" Tun.

Cho "Gall learned the prophecy that the unleashed chaos would weaken the borders between Azeroth and the Abode of the Elements, allowing K" Tun to reassemble an army of elementals and send them on a rampage throughout the world. Cho "Gall freed up four elementals and ordered them to attack Theramore to deliver Honey" ana. But it was already strong enough to create an explosion that significantly weakened the elementals. Later, the New Council of Tirisfal endowed Med "ana with their own powers, and he was transported to An" Qiraj to deal with Cho "Gall once and for all.

Garona discovered the core of Atiesh inside the corpse of K "Tun and pulled it to the surface. Med" an's capabilities had expanded to incredible limits by that time, but they were still not enough to defeat Cho "Gall, who turned into a hideous avatar of the Ancient God. fell into despair when the ogre began to cast a spell that would summon K "Tun to this world. Meryl then sent a stream of filth from the base of Atiesh into Med" ana, which cleansed them and empowered himself again. Then the energy from Aegwynn filled Med "ana with new powers, and after his touching Atiesh, the staff was restored. After that, Med" an was able to defeat Cho "Gall and force the vaults of An" Qiraj to fall on him.


In the Forgotten City, Cho "Gall empowered the Gordunni ogres as a reward for their loyalty and work for the Twilight's Hammer. Despite this, Cho" Gall's influence was pushed out of the Forgotten City ruins by the heroes of the Alliance and Horde, who soon invaded.

At the same time, Cho "Gall and his cultists fought in the Twilight Highlands and were able to gain control of most of the territory. The Ogre Mage, on the orders of Deathwing and the Old Gods, sought to transform the Twilight's Hammer cult into a powerful army, the capital of which was to be the Highlands. the cultists enslaved hundreds of elementals, spreading corruption throughout the region, and raised cursed elementium tentacles from the ground that formed buildings and walls, even summoning a giant maw of a creature named Iso "Rath to the surface.

The Alliance and Horde became a visible threat to the plans of the cultists, and Cho "Gall personally dispatched assassins to Stormwind and Orgrimmar to finish off Varian Wrynn and Garrosh Hellscream. These assassination attempts pushed the Alliance and Horde into open war against the Twilight's Hammer, and they also sided with them. dragons, the Earthen Ring, and the Cenarion Circle The heroes slowly moved through the highlands, pushing back the cultists and disrupting their plans, and then attempting to destroy the newly created Hammer of Twilight. Having dealt with the opponents, the ogre mage retreated to the Twilight Bastion.

After some time, the Alliance and Horde began their assault on the Twilight Bastion. The heroes fought their way through the defenses put up by Cho "Gall, and the strongest commanders of the Twilight's Hammer. None of them could stop the heroes, and in the end they faced the ogre mage himself. Despite the fact that Cho" Gall actively used twilight magic and even called the faceless to his aid, the heroes were able to defeat him in an exhausting battle. Dying, Cho "Gallus sent them to the depths of the Bastion, where Sinestra was hidden.



As with a number of ogres of his type, he actually had two names, one for each head - Cho and Gall. Cho "gall became the Chieftain of an orc clan after the previous one was executed for disobeying the Shadow Council. Cho" gall renamed the clan as the Twilight "s Hammer, while all records of both the clan" s old name and the chieftain " s one were destroyed.

Little things

  • Cho "gall, one of the first ogre-magi, was an immensely powerful sorcerer.
  • Cho "gall is voiced by Patrick Seitz.


Cho "gall" s prophecy.



The new Legendary card for Warlock certainly doesn't look as powerful as Mal'Ganis, but it certainly has potential. I am sure that the card will find its place in the Hand / Reno Lock decks, because with its help we will be able to adjust the health for the use of giants. Theoretically, we can put 7/7 on the table, then deal with some strong opponent's creature by pulling out the soul, or get the creature with the scourge of fate, and then put one or 2 giants, thereby radically changing the situation on the table. The main thing is not to die next. =)
I believe that in the hands of the competent Gul'dan, this card will be a serious instrument for victory.

Rating: 6 out of 10.

The new legendary Warlock card is not very promising. Yes, 7/7 for 7 mana looks fair, and the ability to play Soul Siphon, Shadowflame or Hellfire for free allows you to make a colossal dash at the pace. And sometimes such a mechanic can play even better than Doctor Boom, but it is much less universal. First, the spell must be played on the same turn as Cho'Galla. And this means that, at least, we will not see a combination with the Twisting Nether. Most likely, we generally rarely see combinations with expensive spells, which simply may not be in hand with Cho'Gall. In addition, to use its effect, you need to have a certain amount of health, which imposes additional restrictions. Thus, although the card can try to fit into the Reno Lock deck, which has a wide arsenal for treatment, it will have to compete with many much more versatile and equally effective cards. By the way, it is worth noting that the mechanic of the Dragon's Consort, which is similar in property, did not make the Dragon Paladin a worthy competitor to the kings of the meta. And it allowed you to play a cheap dragon on any next turn and without negative effects. Maybe the situation will change for the better if the Warlock is given more heavy spells.

Rating: 5 out of 10.

Kreuz(Meta department statistics collector Manacost)

And here we have another not very useful legendary Warlock card. Cho'Gall's stats certainly match their value, but the effect makes one think about the need to waste space in the deck for him. The condition in casting the spell for the same turn does not allow us to effectively use it with Malygos, unless he was previously exposed and miraculously survived. Since the card costs 7 mana, you can use it on turn 7, using the next spell to finish off the enemy or destroy the creature, but what would prevent us from doing this without Cho'Gall? Yes, of course, we still have a strong creature on the table, but this creature could safely be someone more useful. The only reasonable option seems to be using Cho'Gall along with the Flame of Darkness, because here we get a strong AoE effect + we always have enough mana, even though we sacrifice 4 health units, which is the lesser of evil in a dangerous situation. Perhaps the Warlock will add new spells, with which the Cho'Gall effect will become relevant, but, at the moment, they are negligible.

Rated 4 out of 10.

PresidentJap(Meta department statistics collector Manacost)

So the Warlock has waited for the legendary replenishment. Of the three most popular archetypes now, Cho`gall absolutely does not fit into the Zoo Lock deck, but has a good chance of getting into the Hand Lock decks and, especially, Reno Lock. Let's try to figure out what are Cho'gall's chances of getting into the Warlock decks in Standard. There are currently 8 popular spells that an apprentice of Gul'dan can use in the Standard: Face of Decay, Overwhelming Power, Soul Burn, Demonic Wrath, Hellfire, Soul Siphon, and Twisting Nether. The first three are not so expensive and quite situational, so Cho'gall will hardly be adjusted for them. Twisting Nether is better to play without an ogre-mage, because it is somewhat silly: to expose a creature, inflict 8 damage to yourself and kill all creatures along with your newly exposed creature. But the 4 remaining spells work well with Cho'gall! Placing a heavy creature and clearing the opponent's table is not every player's dream? Often, the limited amount of mana simply does not allow making all the desired moves, and now, starting from turn 7, the apprentice of Gul'dan is allowed to expand the boundaries of the mana pool. The most important thing when choosing to use / not use an ogre mage will be calculating its effectiveness: if a played spell deals less damage than the opponent's table in the next turn, then it simply needs to be set. On the one hand, the same Hellfire will deal 7 damage to the face, but on the other hand, if the opponent is a Warrior Patron with full table Regulars, Zoo Lok with the whole zoo or any other archetype playing from the table grab, then even 7 damage may be a lesser evil, and Cho`gall himself will allow you to grab the table. We can only hope that the Warlock will receive some more interesting spells, the three already shown may not play in the Warlock in general and with Cho'gall in particular.

Rated 8 out of 10.


In body Cho "Galla Two personalities live at once: Gall, a cunning master of dark magic and forbidden spells, and Cho, who has not yet faced such problems that brute force would not allow solving. When both personalities fight in harmony, then Cho's powerful attacks and Gall's destructive spells allow them to crush opponents.

Burning Block (additional active skill)

When used, immerses Cho "Gall" in temporary stasis, making him invulnerable for 3 seconds and inflicting 92 damage per second to nearby enemies.
Recovery time: 60 sec.

Twilight Shroud [W]

Reduces damage taken from heroes' abilities by 50% for 2 seconds. for each enemy hero hit.

Gift of K "Tuna [R]

Cho's basic attacks become ranged and slow enemies by 20% for 2 seconds.

Cho "Gall tank and damage dealer in one hero. Cho's main task in teamfights is to take damage on himself, protect his allies and take a position convenient for Gall, so that he does as much damage as possible, which is Gall's main task. 1st level we immediately take Burning Bulwark, it is a talent against autoattackers dd and tanks with autoattack. If there are no auto-attackers in the enemy team at all, then you can take "Explosive Blast" and burst into the midst of opponents even faster and from a greater distance.

On the 4th level choose talent Scorched Flesh, which, combined with the subsequent talent, will give us the opportunity not to return to base for a subhill and not lose experience and advantage. But on 7 level just choosing a talent "Fire eater" and now after applying the skill [W] be sure to hit with auto attacks for 4 seconds if we want to heal hard enough. It is thanks to the combination of these two talents that we can restore our health in sufficient quantities and not go to the base for treatment.

On the 10 level necessary choose the ultimate paired with Gall, that is, if Cho chooses the Hammer of Twilight, then Gall must take a Volley of Shadow Bolts, if Cho chooses Tectonic Shift, then Gall accordingly takes the Nether Cycle.

In what cases and against whom do we choose this or that ulta?

We definitely take against such heroes who can actually Hammer knock down their ultimates, for example: Valla when she shoots around, Nazeebo when she summons the Spirit, Sonya when spinning around her, Nova when she shoots three volleys, and so on. The Hammer of Twilight is actually not a long cooldown ultimate, but another skill with a 15 second cooldown. Therefore, do not feel sorry for him, we give them slaps to the right and to the left, of course, only after we have brought down the ultimate to the one whom we were going to bring down. A good combination when attacking and when fleeing: Cho throws back "Hammer" opponents, Gallus pours them "Volley of Arrows of Darkness", at this time Cho needs to spin a little so that the volley goes over the opponents, and not over buildings, mobs or just into the void.

We choose the second pair of ultimates when there are many skinny rangers in the enemy team, well, or those that tanks and any stunners may not allow us to reach. Another important plus in the direction of choosing this pair of abilities, when our team has AOE dd-shniki, for example, Keltas, Jaina, Nova, and so on. A good sequence is: Cho attracts "Tectonic Shift" as many opponents as possible (preferably not very fat, but it's as lucky), after they are attracted, use [W] and auto attacks, at this time Gall uses his "Cycle of the Void" and first slows them down, then damages them, and at the same time the rest of the team throws as many of their AOE ultimates and skills into this mess as possible. After this, only a few will remain on their feet ...

On the Level 13 we choose an additional active skill, we will have it under the number 1, and we use it when it is very difficult for us, or there is little HP left, or Nova is ultimately hitting us, or a lot of other damage flies into us. While we are in stone, we can wait for the skill rollback [W] and immediately squeeze it as soon as we leave the stone. Do not forget that while we are in stone, Gallus cannot do anything either. But he better not do anything for 3 seconds than we go to the base, right?

On the 16 level choose talent "Twilight Shroud" against the skills of the enemy team, and now we take less damage not only from auto-attackers, but also from everyone else.

On the Level 20 improving the ultimate with a talent "Dark K" Tuna ", and now our tank becomes a little ranged, and slowing down enemies will come in handy. If at level 10 the second ult was studied, then we improve it with the talent "Pact of the Old Gods", which will give us stability after applying it for a full five seconds.

On Cho's lane, Gall stands alone and pushes perfectly, or reduces the enemy's health and forces him to return to base, while he himself continues to stand, gain experience and push the lane. We should be afraid of stuners and therefore our skill [Q] try to use it after the camp, otherwise it will be knocked down and it will be rolled back. It is very difficult and dangerous to stand on the lane against Leoric, even he alone can eat a lot of health from us. And if in teamfights Abathur takes the form of Leoric, and both Leorics suck our health, then this is quite a disaster.

A few tricks: Cho can throw bombs from a safe distance not only at turrets and forts, but also, for example, at Sergeant Petarda, the main thing is that Gall should blow them up in the right place. Do not forget to take camps, we can also do this from small levels, while the allies must stand on their lines, otherwise the experience will be mercilessly lost. Cho can hit the boss, for example, break into the boss point with the skill [Q] when opponents almost finished him off and throw them all with the Hammer [R]... Or with the second version of the ultimate, pull all enemies from the boss point with Shift, Gall will also slow them all down, and our ally at this time can calmly take the point and eventually take the boss. And also Cho "Gall wears a horse on his shoulder! Here is such a diverse character :)

Gall's abilities

Description: Deals damage to enemies in the area of ​​effect.

  • Damage: 147 (+ 5% per level) (+2 per level.)
  • Recharge: 3 sec.
  • Target: indicated direction

Description: Gall releases a bolt of energy that bounces off the ground 3 times, damaging all enemies hit.

  • Damage: 148 (+ 5% per level) 139 (+6 per level.)
  • Recharge: 6 sec.
  • Target: specified direction

Description: Gall explodes "Runic bomb" Cho, damaging nearby enemies.

  • Damage: 274 dmg. 95 (+3.5 per level.)
  • Activated: after Cho dropped the bomb and during its movement

Two-headed (passive)

Description: Gall and Cho have grown together, they cannot be separated. Gallus cannot move by himself, but he is immune to the effects of stun and silence.

Heroic abilities, ulta Galla

Description: Launches a volley of 20 bolts of darkness over 4 seconds. Each arrow deals damage to the first enemy in its path. Arrows are fired in the direction of the mouse pointer.

  • Damage at lvl 10: 103 units (+8.5 per level.)
  • Duration: 4 sec.
  • Recharge: 60 sec.
  • Target: indicated direction

Description: After a pause of 1 sec. begins to sustain this ability for up to 5 seconds, slowing nearby enemies by 40%. When reused, it deals damage in the affected area.

  • Training: 1 sec.
  • Time of action: 5 sec.
  • Damage at lvl 10. when pressed again: 342 dmg. damage (+2 per level.)
  • Deceleration: by 40% for 5 sec.
  • Recharge: 100 sec.
  • Target: area around the hero

Talents, Gall build for damage

All talents at a given level

Selected talent

Blaze of Darkness [Q]

Increases the width of the area of ​​effect "Flame of Darkness" by 50%.

Consuming Runes [E]

replenishes Cho "Gallu for 20% of the damage dealt to enemy heroes."

Edge of Madness [Q]

Increases damage "Flame of Darkness" dealt to nearby enemies by 20%. This increase decreases as the distance to the target increases.

After a pause of 1 sec. begins to sustain this ability for up to 5 seconds, slowing nearby enemies by 40%. Deals 342 damage when reused. damage in the affected area.

Surge of Terror [W]

Increases damage from Orbs of Horror 25% on the second bounce and 75% on the third.

Ashbringer of Giants [Q]

deals additional damage to heroes equal to 3% of their maximum health.

Shadowfury [R]

Arrows of darkness pass through enemies, damaging all enemies in its path.

Let's repeat, Cho "Gall tank and damage dealer in one hero. Gall's main task is to spit his two skills at everything and everything, activate bombs and generally inflict as much damage as possible. We also have to help Cho heal or escape if it suddenly gets too hot by pressing the button [Z]... On the 1st level take "Radiance of Darkness" which will increase the width of our main skill "Flame of Darkness" and about a rollback in 3 seconds. without mana, we use it to the right and left to drive off the enemy, spit in the back or take Nova and Zeratul out of invisibility.

On the 4th level we will take care of our carcass Cho, because if they merge him, they will merge us too, so we study the talent "Consuming Runes", and now in teamfights, by detonating a bomb, we will be able to return part of Cho's health, which, combined with his own healing pad, will make it possible to stand and fight more and longer.

On the 7 level further increase the damage done by the talent "Double trouble" and now we attack in the first place the closest enemy inflicting 20% ​​more damage on them. If we are in teamfight, then, of course, first of all we hit thin DDs or, for example, Moralis, and whether these heroes will be close enough to receive this bonus depends on Cho.

On the Level 10 of Gall's ult depends on which ult Cho took... We repeat what was described above for Cho. If Cho chooses the Hammer of Twilight, then Gall must take a Volley of Shadow Bolts, if Cho chooses Tectonic Shift, then Gall takes the Nether Cycle accordingly. In very rare cases, when Cho's Ultimate is the Hammer of Twilight, Gall can take the Cycle of the Nether. Such a combination is necessary if Cho took the Hammer to knock someone's skills down, but at the same time he still fights in the crowd itself and at the same time we have Jaina or Keltas in our team. In this case, Gall slows down most opponents with the Rotating Nether and, together with his DDs, damages them.

If Cho chose and knocks back the enemy crowd, then we pour them a ton of damage with an ult "Volley of Shadow Bolts", while trying to direct the mouse pointer in the direction of the opponents fleeing in all directions. Up to level 20, this ability only hits the first heroes that come across, as well as buildings and mobs, so we try to use it when there are no too many obstacles around, and there are only opponents. At level 20, the upgraded ultimate shoots arrows that pass through opponents and hit those who are behind, if only the range of the ultimate is enough.

If Cho and I agreed to take the second ult, then we use the following sequence: Cho attracts "Tectonic Shift" all whom he can, during that second while he pulls them to us, we will squeeze the ult "Cycle of the Void" and we try to maintain it, namely, to slow it down, perhaps even all 5 seconds, while you need to make sure that no one escapes from the circle, and after pressing it a second time [R], we damage them. How much to keep in slowdown should be looked at according to the situation, if we act together with the AOE damage dealers, then we will live through the second time almost immediately. If help has not yet arrived or we have a lot of auto-attackers in our allies, then we keep the opponents slowing down longer. If we are sure that now, at this very second, we will send someone to the base for sure, then we can safely inflict damage with the second press. After all, it is better to immediately get an advantage than then slowed down and beaten enemy heroes suddenly miraculously heal.

On the Level 13 can choose "Inundation of Terror", which will allow our spheres, let's call them kapitoshki, to hit harder with each jump. If our hero Cho "Gall often fights or we play on the map, where there are frequent skirmishes on some small pieces of the map, then it is worth increasing the survivability and learning "Sinister Shield"... In this case, we must definitely hit the enemy with a sphere of horror, we will hit - Cho will receive a shield for 5 seconds, Spheres of Terror roll back after 6 seconds, we hit again - Cho again has a shield for 5 seconds.

On the 16 level choosing talent against fat heroes "Ashbringer of Giants" and now the enemy fat men will be losing their health right before our eyes.

On the Level 20 improving the ultimate with a talent "Fury of Darkness", which will allow arrows to fly through opponents and reach those who are usually behind the team.

Do not forget to blow up the bomb [E], while trying to blow it up in the midst of mobs, or nasty heroes. If Cho throws a bomb on towers or forts from a safe distance while leaving to the side, and we do not see whether it has rolled or not, then we try to activate it on the tower or on the castle, having calculated approximately how long it will roll there. For these and not only these cases, voice communication would be very convenient. For example, Cho or Gall saw Abathur hiding behind the unbroken gates, then with all his skills, Gall can calmly reach Abathur from behind the wall. Another example: the enemy ran to the well to drink some water, then we boldly throw at least the Sphere of Horror there, perhaps it is just this that will be enough for the water to not help him. And Cho "Gall wears any horse on his shoulder, the main thing is to choose the appropriate transport, not an ordinary horse, but one that looks tired. That's all, thanks for your attention. Below is a video and screenshots of Cho" Gall.

Cho "gall" is an acolyte of the fifth circle of the Shadow Council and chieftain of the Twilight's Hammer, who is a two-headed ogre and the first ogre mage. He is a disciple of Gul "dan. Like other ogres of this species, Cho "Gall has two names, one for each head - Cho and Gall.



Mysterious islands

Cho "gall is a two-headed ogre who, along with Blackheart the Preacher, became the progenitor of such creatures. Cho" gall was a student of the warlock Gul "dan, who helped the ogre master the art of arcane magic and master the powers of the Twisting Nether. Over time, he became one of the most dangerous and revered members of the old Horde, as manifested during the First and Second Human Wars, with Kilrogg Deadseye leading the first failed siege of Stormwind Keep.

Cho "gall took the place of the previous chief of the orc clan after his predecessor was executed for disobeying the Shadow Council. Cho" gall renamed the clan, giving it a new name - Twilight's Hammer, destroying all records with the old name and mention of the previous chief.

Although Cho "gall was a powerful mage, he was also dangerously insane. The ogre mage turned the Twilight's Hammer into a cult of fanatics, worshiping the ancient gods - harbingers of the apocalypse. death and Altars of Tempest, as well as transforming common ogres into ogre mages.

Cho "gall and the Twilight's Hammer went after Ghul" dan and the Storm Raging clan as the warlock set out to find the Tomb of Sargeras. Although Cho "gall himself did not enter the tomb, remaining guarding the entrance to it while Gul" dan was there, he was attacked by the Blacktooth Smile clan, led by the sons of Blackhand, Rand and Meim. They were sent by Orgrim Doomhammer to destroy the traitors who, in the war with the Alliance, just before the battle, refused to participate in the last battle for the capital. Although many died on the Mysterious Isles, some members of the Twilight's Hammer did manage to survive, including Cho "Gall, who was long believed to have died at the hands of the sons of Blackhand and their Blacktooth Smile clan.

After the Battle of the Mysterious Isles, Cho "gall fled to southern Kalimdor with the Twilight's Hammer, where he found refuge in K" Tuna's chambers, deep within the Temple of An "Qiraj. Stazia led the half-eagle Garona to Cho" Gall, her lord. Garona was previously Gul Dan's mercenary who killed King Llane Wrynn, Varian's father. Then she was an instrument in the hands of Gul Dan, who reliably controlled her with the help of secret phrases to which she was programmed as a child - he enchanted her to perform mainly only his commands. When Garona was attacked, she was able to kill almost all of the attackers, but Stazia used a secret phrase, which allowed her to be captured and brought to An "Qiraj - abode ancient god To "Tuna. Cho" gall was terribly glad to see Garona and even more glad that secret phrases still affect her, and she can become a useful tool in his hands, allowing her son to easily get to her son Med "ana, oh which was said in an ancient prophecy.

With the help of Cho's magic, Gall learns of the upcoming secret negotiations in Theramore and comes up with a plan for which Garona should be used to the maximum extent. Using secret words, he subdues Garona's will, ordering to hunt down and kill King Varian Wrynn, and then his son Anduin and Chief Thrall. ”According to his plan, even in the event of a failed assassination attempt on Varian, both sides will begin to blame each other for the attack, starting a large-scale war, completely forgetting about the Twilight's Hammer cult and what they are doing in the south. , in any case, Garona must die, either at the hands of people, or thanks to Stazia, which will make it easier for him to capture her son Med "ana. After giving instructions, Cho" Gall ordered her to get out of the An "Qiraj, leaving which she must forget about him existence, and the order to kill Varian is regarded as his own initiative.

Cho 'Gall's plan began to crumble as Garona and members of the Twilight's Hammer attacked the negotiators gathered in Theramore. Med' en managed just in time to save Anduin and try to save his mother, but was stunned by Varian, which Stazia took advantage of, grabbing and taking him with you. Med "an" woke up in An "Qiraj" from the voice of Cho "Gall, who scolded Stazia for her failure, who at the same time protested, and did not listen to the accusations silently. When she said that she would deal with Garona later, perhaps even with the hands of her own son, Med." en tried to attack both of them. The ogre threw the young man across the entire hall directly onto the corpse of the ancient god, where he was harassed by the voices of K "Tun, who was trying to break the fighting spirit of Med" ana. Meryl Felstorm came to his aid, along with Valeera, who teleported to An "Qiraj right in the center of a very angry and very surprised group of the Twilight's Hammer. A fight ensued, and after a long struggle, they still managed to rescue Med" an.

It is obvious that Cho "Gall survived the fight with Med" anom, since he reappeared, but already during World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. He is mentioned in some quests, notably Dire Maul and Twilight Highlands.

During the Elementals Wreaking Chaos in-game event, ghostly images of the ogre spoke to cultists throughout Azeroth.

During the fourth phase of the above in-game event, Cho "Gall commanded four of his elemental assistants to attack the Alliance and Horde capitals. In addition, the players witnessed his personal conversation with Crown Princess Theradras, who was put in charge of the earth elementals used to attack Orgrimmar and Ironforge. He also led the sand troll hydromancer Kulrata, the sister of the late Velrath hydromancer. Kulrata tried, at the behest of the ogre mage, to summon the favorite pet of the ancient gods, Gas rylla, to Stormwind and Thunder Bluff, who had gained strength during this in-game event.


Cho Gall's followers dispersed, and the Twilight Cult was defeated until the Twilight Father took command of the remaining members of the cult.

"When the child of three worlds is born, the ancient power will break free. The earth will tremble. The seas will rise. And everything will be swallowed up by madness. The dawn of a new day will bring chaos or peace with it. Our Lord God of Chaos! A general panic will help the liberation of the ancient gods! Soon we will weaken the barrier between Azeroth and the Abode of the Elements. And our master will be able to regain power over his elemental servants and they will rage across Azeroth. "


Cho "gall, one of the earliest ogre mages, was an extremely powerful mage.

Cho "gall was voiced by Patrick Says.