Bending force of a profile pipe. Types of loads acting on a profile pipe and methods for its calculation

Choosing profile pipe for load-bearing structures on their own, the customer understands the importance of accurate calculations of parameters and loads. In this article we will try to figure out whether it is worth saving on calculations.

With the advent of summer, the construction season begins for companies, owners of cottages, summer cottages. Someone builds a gazebo, a greenhouse or a fence, other people block the roof or build a bathhouse. And when the customer is faced with the question of load-bearing structures, more often the choice is made on a profile pipe due to low cost and bending strength with low weight.

What load acts on the profile pipe

Another question is how to calculate the dimensions of the profile pipe in such a way as to get by with "little blood" and buy a pipe suitable for the load. For the manufacture of railings, fences, greenhouses, you can do without calculations. But if you are building a canopy, a roof, a visor, you cannot do without serious load calculations.

Every material resists external loads, and steel is no exception. When the load on the profile pipe does not exceed the allowable values, the structure will bend, but will withstand the load. If the weight of the load is removed, the profile will return to its original position. If the permissible load values ​​are exceeded, the pipe deforms and remains so forever, or breaks at the bend.

To eliminate negative consequences, when calculating a profile pipe, consider:

  1. dimensions and section (square or rectangular);
  2. structural stress;
  3. steel strength;
  4. types of possible loads.

Classification of loads on a profile pipe

According to SP 20.13330.2011, the following types of loads are distinguished by the duration of action:

  1. constants, the weight and pressure of which does not change with time (the weight of building parts, soil, etc.);
  2. temporary long-term (weight of stairs, boilers in the cottage, plasterboard partitions);
  3. short-term (snow and wind, the weight of people, furniture, transport, etc.);
  4. special (earthquakes, explosions, car impact, etc.).

On a note! For example, you are building a canopy in the courtyard of the site and using a profile pipe as a supporting structure. Then, when calculating the pipe, consider the possible loads:

  1. canopy material;
  2. snow weight;
  3. strong wind;
  4. possible collision of a car with a support during an unsuccessful parking in the yard.

To do this, use SP 20.13330.2011 "Loads and impacts". It has maps and rules necessary for the correct calculation of the profile load.

Calculation diagrams of the load on the profile pipe

In addition to the types and types of load on the profiles, the types of supports and the nature of the load distribution are taken into account when calculating the pipe. The calculator calculates using only 6 types of calculation schemes.

Maximum load on the profile pipe

Some readers are wondering, "Why do such complicated calculations when I need to weld a porch railing." In such cases, there is no need for complex calculations, taking into account the nuances, since you can resort to ready-made solutions (Tab. 1, 2).

Table 1. Load for a square profile pipe
Pipe dimensions, mm
1 meter 2 meters 3 meters 4 meters 5 meters 6 meters
40x40x2 709 173 72 35 16 5
40x40x3 949 231 96 46 21 6
50x50x2 1165 286 120 61 31 14
50x50x3 1615 396 167 84 43 19
60x60x2 1714 422 180 93 50 26
60x60x3 2393 589 250 129 69 35
80x80x3 4492 1110 478 252 144 82
100x100x3 7473 1851 803 430 253 152
100x100x4 9217 2283 990 529 310 185
120x120x4 13726 3339 1484 801 478 296
140x140x4 19062 4736 2069 1125 679 429
Table 2. Load for a rectangular profile pipe (calculated on the larger side)
Pipe dimensions, mm
1 meter 2 meters 3 meters 4 meters 5 meters 6 meters
50x25x2 684 167 69 34 16 6
60x40x3 1255 308 130 66 35 17
80x40x2 1911 471 202 105 58 31
80x40x3 2672 658 281 146 81 43
80x60x3 3583 884 380 199 112 62
100x50x4 5489 1357 585 309 176 101
120x80x3 7854 1947 846 455 269 164

It is interesting! Using ready-made calculations, remember that tables 2 and 3 indicate the maximum load, from which the pipe will bend, but not break. When the load is eliminated (cessation of strong wind), the profile will regain its original state. Exceeding the maximum load even by 1 kg leads to deformation or destruction of the structure, so buy a pipe with a margin of safety 2 to 3 times the limit value.

Methods for calculating loads on a profile pipe

To calculate the loads on profiles, the following methods are used:

  1. load calculation using reference tables;
  2. use of the pipe bending stress formula;
  3. determination of the load using a special calculator.

How to calculate load using lookup tables

This method is accurate and takes into account the types of supports, the fixing of the profile on the supports and the nature of the load. To calculate the deflection of a profile pipe using reference tables, the following data is required:

  1. the value of the moment of inertia of the pipe (I) from the tables of GOST 8639-82 (for square pipes) and GOST 8645-68 (for rectangular pipes);
  2. span length value (L);
  3. pipe load value (Q);
  4. the value of the modulus of elasticity from the current SNiP.

These values ​​are substituted into the desired formula, which depends on the fixing on the supports and the distribution of the load. For each design load scheme, the deflection formulas change.

Calculation by the formula of maximum stress when bending a profile pipe

The bending stress calculation is calculated using the formula:

where M is the bending moment of the force and W is the resistance.

According to Hooke's law, the elastic force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the deformation. Now substitute the values ​​for the desired profile. Further, the formula is refined and supplemented based on the characteristics of the steel for the profile pipe, load, etc.

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Profiled pipe is becoming more and more popular building material. It is used for the construction of building elements such as ceiling, load-bearing frame, beam.

Such widespread use is primarily due to the ease of construction, operation, maintenance of structures, as well as the low weight of the products themselves. However, it is important to remember that the profile pipe should have increased bending strength, and how to calculate it will be discussed later in the article.

Profile pipes are pipes that have a cross-section other than round. The most common options are rectangular and square products. As already mentioned, the particular popularity of this type is associated with one of its key advantages - the design will have a low weight.

Moreover, the specific shape greatly simplifies attachment both to each other and to other surfaces. This type of building products, according to GOST, is made from a wide range of metals and alloys. However, the most commonly used are profiled steel pipes made of carbon and low alloy steel.

Each metal has an important natural quality - a point of resistance. It can be both minimum and maximum. The latter, for example, is the cause of the deformation of erected structures, leading to kinks and, as a result, to fractures.

When performing a bend, it is important to evaluate such characteristics as the size, section, type of product, its density, as well as the rigidity of the material and its flexibility. Knowing all these general properties metal, you can understand how the structure will behave during operation.

It is important to remember that when you bend the product, the internal parts of the structure are compressed, their density increases, and they themselves decrease in size. outer layer, respectively, becomes longer, less dense, but more stretched.

At the same time, the middle sections retain their original characteristics even after the completion of the process. Hence, it should always be remembered that during the bending process, stress will necessarily occur even in areas as far as possible from the neutral zone. The maximum pressure will be in those layers that are very close to this very neutral axis.

Permissible bending radii based on material strength

GOSTs regulate in great detail both the properties and characteristics of elements, and the procedure for transforming. This includes the minimum bending radius of the profile pipe. It is determined depending on the conditions under which the bend is carried out. When bent with the sand stuffed into it or through heating, the outside diameter should start from 3.5DN.

If the master has the opportunity to use, which allows you to carry out the necessary operations without heating or other additional actions, then in this case the diameter should be at least 4DN.

If you want to make a bend that is sharp enough, for example to make a bent sewer or pipe, then in this case the diameter must be at least 1DN, since bending will be done in other ways, mainly with the use of high temperatures.

Of course, the values ​​provided for by state standards can be slightly reduced, then you need to carefully calculate the bending strength of the pipe. If the bending method allows you to be sure that the wall thickness will decrease by 15% from the original, then in this case deviations from GOST are possible, and the bending itself can be carried out less than the indicated values, which will not have a significant impact on strength in the future.

Applicable formulas and tables

In order to successfully, without unforeseen complications, calculate the pipe for deflection, you need to calculate the size of the part in length. This value is calculated by a simple formula, which looks like:

L = 0.0175 × r × α + I

In this expression, the main indicators are represented by the following literal expressions:

  • r is the bending radius of the profile pipe (mm);
  • α - corresponds to the angle that you ultimately want to get;
  • I is a distance of 100/300 used when working with special equipment to hold the workpiece.

When calculating a pipe for deflection, an important step in the work is the calculation of the element to be bent.

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When evaluating, we must evaluate the size of the area that needs to be bent. The formula for this is extremely simple, it looks like this:

U = π × α / 180 (r + DH / 2)

Here, the elements included in the formula can be represented as follows:

  • π in this case is taken equal to 3.14;
  • α - represents the bending angle, expressed in degrees;
  • r – bending radius (mm);
  • DH is the outside diameter.

For the convenience of the master and for the greatest safety during work, as well as during the operation of erected structures made of copper and brass, GOSTs contain the lowest indicators for the main characteristics used to calculate the bending strength of a profile pipe. This information contained in GOSTs No. 494/90, No. 617/90.

For your convenience, the main characteristics necessary to determine the bending strength of a profile pipe are in the table.

Table 1.

While the previous table mainly contained fixed values ​​for copper and brass elements, the next one will contain data for steel elements. This table allows you to evaluate the bending load of a profile pipe (GOST No. 3262/75).

Table 2.

As already mentioned, important role in calculating the bending strength of a square pipe (as well as a round one), the wall thickness plays. That is why the following table allows you to simultaneously take into account both the wall thickness and the diameter in the calculations.

Table 3

Technological process of bending

As already rightly noted, any deformation of the metal structure causes additional stress on the walls of the structure. On the inner layer, this is due to an increase in the density of the metal due to compression, and not on the outer part, the cause, on the contrary, is tension, which reduces the density of the metal.

During bending, the shape of the section is expected to change. This is true for round, rectangular and square pipes. For the last two, these changes are not very pronounced, which cannot be said about the round ones.

So the annular profile becomes oval. It is noteworthy that the greatest change in shape can be observed directly at the bend, and the farther from it, the closer the section will remain to the original shape.

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However, it is important to correctly assess the force of impact, the degree of deformation of the pipe, in order to avoid unnecessary breaks and distortions. For a part whose diameter is up to 20 mm, the degree of oval deformation should not exceed 15%.

With an increase in the profile, the value decreases even more and is only 12.5%. Another important element is the presence of folds (products with thin walls are especially susceptible to this). This factor is very important if the bending structure will serve as a pipeline.

The formed folds reduce the permeability, increase the resistance of the passing fluid, increase the degree of clogging. So when using a bent pipe for these purposes, it is necessary to carefully choose the wall thickness of the product.

What load acts on the profile pipe

The calculation of the bending strength of a pipe is reduced to a simple determination of the maximum stress on a particular point of the structure. It is important to understand what material the profile is made of, since each of them has its own stress indicator.

For correct calculations, you need to apply the correct formula. In this case, the provisions of Hooke's law apply, which state that the elastic force is directly proportional to the deformation. The expression for calculations has the following form:

VOLTAGE = M / W where:

  • M is the value of the degree of bending along the axis along which the force acts;
  • W is the bend resistance value taken along the same axis.

How to know the correctness of the calculations?

As already mentioned, each metal or alloy has its own normal stress values. It is the determination of these values ​​\u200b\u200bthat is one of the main tasks that you face when you decide to build a building from a profile.

In order to be sure of the correctness of the results, you need to know a few important rules and, of course, follow them.

  1. Perform all calculations accurately, accurately, without haste. At each stage, you should be guided by the appropriate formulas, without trying to adjust the values ​​​​to suit your own convenience.
  2. Having calculated the bending strength of the profile pipe, it should be ensured that the obtained indicators are not more than the established maximum values.
  3. Take into account the material from which the profile is made, the wall thickness, in order to prevent its destruction or deformation, which will impede the functioning of the structure in the future.
  4. Before performing calculations, it is necessary to schematically depict the future element. Based on this technical drawing, more accurate calculations can be made, which will be insured against errors associated with a misunderstanding of the shape of the structure.

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By following all the necessary rules, as well as safety precautions, even a non-professional can be sure that all his results on the calculation of the bending strength of the pipe will be correct and the result will be successful. Constant verification of your calculations and control at every stage of the work is the key to the successful completion of the case.

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How to correctly calculate the profile pipe for deflection?

Roman Gennadievich, Omsk asks a question:

Good day! The following question arose: how to calculate the profile pipe for deflection? That is, I would like to know what maximum load a profile pipe of one size or another can withstand in order to determine this size. I don’t understand this myself, so I ask you to speak in understandable terms and explain all the designations in the formulas. The bottom line is that I have some ideas for arranging a summer canopy, I would like to make it from a steel profile, so you need to know exactly what size to buy it so that you don’t have to redo it later. Thanks in advance for your replies.

The expert answers:

Good day! The calculation of profile pipes for deflection is carried out using a simple formula: M / W, where M is the bending moment of force, and W is the resistance. Its essence is simple. In this case, Hooke's law applies: the elastic force is directly proportional to the deformation. Therefore, knowing the degree of deformation and the maximum stress value for a given material, you can choose the parameter you need.

Figure 1. Calculated resistance of the base metal of building structures.

So M=FL where F is the strain expressed in kilograms and L is the arm of the force expressed in centimeters. The shoulder is the distance from the point of attachment to the point of application of force.

It is also necessary to define maximum strength(R), for example, for steel St3 it is equal to 2100 kg / square centimeter.

Now, for further calculation, we will transform the expression and get: R=FL/W, transform again and get: FL=RW, whence F=RW/L. Since we know the parameters other than W, it only remains to find it. This requires the parameters of the profile pipe, that is, a is the external width, a1 is the internal, c is the external height, v1 is the internal, and also correctly substitute them into equalities to find the unknown value for different axes: Wx = (va ^ 3 - s1(a1)^3)/6a, Wy = (av^3- a1(s1)^3)/6c.

If the product has a square section, then the formula becomes even simpler, since now the W indicator in both directions (horizontally and vertically) will be the same, and the equality itself will be simplified, since the length and width of the profile are also the same.

According to these equalities, calculations can be made using a conventional calculator. The values ​​for maximum loads are reference material, so finding them on the Internet is not difficult. On fig. 1 shows a small table. In it you will find the necessary numbers for different types steel for deflection, tension and compression - can come in handy.

22 July, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

To perform the rotation of the pipeline, special fittings are used - angles and tees. However, sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to bend the pipe. As a rule, if a beginner takes on this work, the pipe at the bend is crumpled or even broken, so next I will introduce you to some of the secrets of craftsmen that will allow you to successfully cope with this task at home.

Pipe bending methods

The need to bend pipes may arise in a number of cases, for example, during the installation of a pipeline, if you need to "bypass" any obstacle. It is also often necessary to resort to this operation in the process of manufacturing various metal structures, such as sheds, greenhouses, gazebos, etc.

It should be noted that when it comes to bending pipes, we mean the following types:

Round metal

The process of bending metal blanks with a round cross section is quite complicated, since they are easily deformed, and sometimes even torn. Therefore, when bending is carried out in industrial conditions, especially if a small radius is required, before carrying out this operation, the calculation of the pipe for bending is performed.

At home, of course, you will not need the exact formula for calculating a pipe for bending. The only thing you need to determine the minimum allowable radius. Its meaning largely depends on the way this operation is performed:

  • when heating a sand-filled part– R= 3.5хDH;
  • using a pipe bender(cold bending) – R=4хDH;
  • bending with corrugated folds(hot bending) - R = 2.5xDH.

It is possible to obtain a minimum radius equal to two diameters by hot broaching or stamping. However, at home it is impossible to carry out such a bend.

These formulas use the following values:

I must say that there is a more universal calculation - the radius must be at least five pipe diameters.

So, with the theory we figured out a little, now let's move on to practice. As mentioned above, there are several ways to solve this problem. The simplest of them is the use of a special machine - a pipe bender.

True, the price of such a tool is quite high - the cost of a hydraulic machine, which allows you to bend workpieces with a diameter of up to four inches, starts at 15,000-16,000 rubles. The cost of a manual pipe bender, which allows you to work with parts with a diameter of up to one inch, is 4,700-5,000 rubles.

If you often have to do such an operation, but you don’t want to pay big money for a pipe bender, you can do it yourself. On our portal you can find detailed information on how to make a machine for bending profile pipes with your own hands.

However, a pipe bender is not always at hand, moreover, if you need to perform this operation once, then, of course, it makes no sense to purchase a tool for this. In this case, you can bend with the help of pegs.

This is done as follows:

  1. first of all, you need to draw a bending radius on a suitable site;
  2. then metal rods are dug in along the contour. It is desirable to have them as close as possible to each other. For reliability, the rods can be concreted.

Next to the extreme rod, you need to insert another one so that the bent part can fit between them. This is necessary to fix it;

  1. then you need to pour salt or sand into the bendable pipe. At the same time, plugs should be hammered into the holes on both sides;
  2. after that, the part is fixed between the first two rods and then bent around the remaining rods, as shown in the diagram above.

An alternative to this option is to use hooks that are attached to a piece of plywood and form the required radius, as in the photo above. If you need to get a smaller diameter, a wide disk or roller should be used as a template.

I must say that both methods are suitable for parts with a diameter of no more than 16-20 mm. If you want to bend a workpiece of a larger diameter, the bend should be well heated.

If you need to shape non-ferrous metal blanks, the bending strength of which is much less than that of steel counterparts, you can use a spring. The latter must strictly correspond to the inner diameter, as it is inserted inside the tube. Of course, you can put the spring on the outside, but in this case it is inconvenient to bend.

Having protected the tube with a spring, it bends with its own hands. Work should be done carefully to achieve the desired radius and not damage the part.


Profile pipes are much more difficult to bend, because due to their shape they have increased strength. Products of small section can be bent by the methods described above.

There is also another way to bend a profile pipe, which allows you to work with blanks of a sufficiently large cross section. Its principle is as follows:

  1. sand or salt must be poured into the workpiece, and then securely plug the ends with stoppers;
  2. then the part must be securely clamped in a vice;
  3. then the fold area should be heated red-hot;
  4. after that, the workpiece must be corrected with a mallet until the desired radius is obtained.

If you have a welding machine and a grinder, then you can bend workpieces of even the largest diameter without much effort. This is done as follows:

  1. first of all, the bending radius is marked on the workpiece;
  2. further along the entire radius, you need to mark the strips on three sides of the profile blank. The smaller the radius, the smaller the step between the strips should be;
  3. then the grinder makes cuts on three sides of the part according to the markup;
  4. now the workpiece is bent without any problems;
  5. after obtaining the desired angle, the cuts should be welded;
  6. at the end of the work, you need to clean the seams and grind.

In this way, it is possible to produce parts of even complex shapes, while the bending accuracy is very high. However, experience with a grinder and a welding machine is required.


On the one hand, metal-plastic pipes bend very simply, but on the other, they break easily. Therefore, work must be done very carefully. At the same time, it should be remembered that the minimum bending radius of a metal-plastic pipe is similar to the radius of metal blanks, i.e. must be at least five diameters.

If the pipe diameter is 16 mm, then it can be bent without any special tools. This is done as follows:

  • take the part with two hands from above. At the same time, place your thumbs under the pipe, parallel to it, and close with each other, as shown in the photo above;
  • then bend the pipe with both hands and be sure to provide support with your thumbs;
  • bending the pipe to the required radius, shift it in the palms to the left or right, and then repeat the procedure;
  • thus bend the workpiece and move it until you get the desired angle.

To “fill your hand”, practice performing this procedure on pipes, since it is likely that at first your workpieces will break.

A pipe with a diameter of 20 mm is much more difficult to bend around the fingers. Therefore, any other suitable surface can be used as a stop. However, it is most convenient to perform this work using a spring jig, which can be both external and internal, i.e. which is inserted into the workpiece.

To make an inner jig bend in the middle of a long piece, tie it to a rope and then push it to the desired depth. After completing the bend, extend the spring by pulling on the rope.


As we found out, there are quite a few popular ways to bend pipes. With a little practice, you can achieve good results. However, it should be remembered that the quality of a bend made on professional equipment will always be higher.

The video in this article contains additional information on how to bend multilayer pipes. If you have any difficulties during this operation, ask questions in the comments, and I will definitely try to help you.

July 22, 2016

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In industrial and private construction, profile pipes are common. Outbuildings, garages, greenhouses, gazebos are constructed from them. Designs are both classically rectangular and ornate. Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate the pipe for bending. This will keep the shape and ensure the strength and durability of the structure.

Properties of the metal to be bent

The metal has its own point of resistance, both maximum and minimum.

The maximum load on the structure leads to deformations, unnecessary bends and even breaks. When calculating, we pay attention to the type of pipe, cross section, dimensions, density, General characteristics. Thanks to these data, it is known how the material will behave under the influence of factors. environment.

We take into account that under pressure on the transverse part of the pipe, stress arises even at points remote from the neutral axis. The zone of the most tangential stress will be the one located near the neutral axis.

During bending, the inner layers in the bent corners are compressed, reduced in size, and the outer layers are stretched, elongated, but the middle layers retain their original dimensions after the end of the process.

Bent pipes are widely used in daily life

How to make the right calculations

The calculation of a profile pipe for deflection is the determination of the degree of maximum stress on a specific point of the pipe.

Each material has indicators normal voltage. They do not affect the product itself. To make the calculations correctly, you should apply a special formula. It is necessary to ensure that the indicators do not exceed the maximum allowable values. According to Hooke's law, the resulting elastic force is directly proportional to the deformation.

When calculating bending, it is also necessary to apply the stress formula, which looks like M / W, where M is the bending index along the axis on which the force falls, but W is the bending resistance index along the same axis.

Pipe bend must be correct and precise

Technological process of bending

Bending creates a certain degree of stress in the walls of the metal. Tensile stress is obtained on the outer section, and compressive stress is obtained on the inner section. Due to these influences, the tilt of the axis changes.

In the process of bending at a bent place, the shape of the cross section changes. As a result, the annular profile acquires an oval shape. A more distinct shape of the oval is visible in the middle of the deflection, but towards the end and towards the beginning, the deformation decreases.

For pipes with a cross section of up to 20 mm, the ovality in the deformed place should not exceed 15%. For pipes with a cross section of 20 or more - 12.5%.

You should pay attention to the fact that wrinkles may occur in a concave place for thin-walled products. They, in turn, have a negative impact on the functioning of the system (reduce the permeability of the working medium, increase the level of hydraulic resistance, the degree of clogging).

Curved pipes are used in industry and in private construction

Permissible pipe bend radii

According to state standards, pipes have a minimum bending radius.

If bending is carried out by heating and sand packing, the outer diameter of the pipe is at least 3.5DN.

Pipe forming on a pipe bending machine (without heating) - at least 4DN.

Bending when heated with a gas burner or in an oven to obtain half corrugated folds is possible with an indicator of 2.5DN.

If a steep bend is provided (for bent sewer bends made by hot drawing or stamping) - not less than 1DN.

The pipe bend may be less than the specified values. However, this is only possible if the production method ensures that the pipe walls are thinned by 15% of the total thickness.

Calculation of pipe bending strength is carried out responsibly.

Pipe bending of various diameters

Formulas and tables

To calculate the pipe for deflection, we determine the length of the part. It is calculated according to this formula:


R is the bending radius in mm;

α is the angle value;

І - a straight section of 100/300, necessary for gripping the product (when working with a tool).

When calculating the bending of a profile pipe, we take into account the size of the bent element. It is determined by the following formula:


The value of the number π = 3.14;

α is the bending angle in degrees;

R is the value of the radius (the value is taken into account in mm);

DH is the diameter along the outer side of the pipe.

The minimum bending radii for copper and brass products are given in the table. The data correspond to State Standards No. 494/90 and No. 617/90. In addition, values ​​are also given here for the outer diameter, the minimum length of the statically free part.

Bending profile pipes can be performed on special machines

Pipe bend diagram

The following table will help you calculate the bending of a round pipe. It includes data related to steel analogues (indicators correspond to State Standard No. 3262/75).

Pipe dimensions Minimum bend radius Minimum free length
Conditional pass External Hot Cold
8 13,5 40 80 40
10 17 50 100 45
15 21.3 65 130 50
20 26.8 80 160 55
25 33.5 100 200 70
32 42.3 130 250 85
40 48 150 290 100
50 60 180 360 120
65 75.5 225 450 150
80 88.5 265 530 170
100 114 340 680 230

In order not to be mistaken in the calculations, one should also take into account the diameter and wall thickness of the pipes.

Manual hydraulic pipe bender

Do-it-yourself pipe bend

If you bend with your own hands, the calculation of the pipe for bending will help, the formula of which is simple and universal (this is 5 pipe diameters).

We calculate the bend on a part with a cross section of 1.6 cm.

1st step: you need to clearly understand what kind of circle will be the result (one fourth of the circle is needed for the correct bend).

2nd step: determine the radius - 16 times 5. The result is 80 mm.

3rd step: calculation of starting points for the bend. For this, the formula C=2π∙R:4 is used. The value C is the length of the pipe that will be used in the work. Two pi numbers are used, as well as an indicator of the outer radius of the pipe.

4th step: values ​​are replaced by known data: 2∙14∙80:4. As a result, we get 125 mm. This will be the length of the section on which the minimum bending radius is 80 mm.

If it is not possible to work with the formulas, we calculate the profile pipe for deflection using a calculator (it is easy to find a special program on the Internet).

There are several types of such an instrument. Segment bending device provides for work on the bases of special patterns. Their shape is already calculated for a certain diameter and shape of the bend. The tool helps to modify pipes up to 180˚.

The mandrel equipment has a segment that moves inside the future product. Due to this, deformation is prevented, access to several sections is opened at once.

Whatever type of tool is used, remember that accurate, repeatedly verified calculations are the key to successful installation.

Examples of Pipe Bending Calculations