The amount of occupied memory spontaneously increases android. How to increase system memory on Android? Lack of system memory on Android: what to do? How to increase Android memory with a microSD card

With the active use of the device on the Android OS and downloading various software, the owner of the device may encounter an insufficient amount of memory provided by the manufacturer. The overcrowding of the information storage leads to a decrease in the performance of the phone or tablet and causes its periodic freezes. Yes, and downloading new content becomes almost impossible. Therefore, consider how to increase memory on Android.

There are two ways to expand the memory of your Android phone or tablet:

  • Physical. Assumes the installation of an external micro sd memory card;
  • Software. In this case, unnecessary applications and files are removed from the device, as well as other manipulations are performed, leading to an increase in free space.

It is necessary to understand that for most gadgets running the Android OS, there are three types of memory:

  • Operational (RAM or RAM);
  • internal;
  • External.

The first type is for temporary storage of data that is used by running applications and services. If you can increase the RAM on a PC by installing an additional RAM bar, then in mobile devices it won't work. On a tablet or phone, you can only clean the RAM from garbage, thereby improving the performance of the device. You can see how much Android RAM is available in the device settings.

Internal memory is used to store various information on the gadget. Here it can be physically expanded in many phones by installing an external sd card.

Manufacturers of modern smartphones are less and less equipping their products with a micro sd card slot. If your device does not have such a connector, you will have to be content with the volume provided by the developers.

If the physical increase in Android memory due to micro sd should not cause any difficulties, then with a software extension, not everything is so simple. Therefore, we will consider how to increase the internal memory of Android programmatically.

Expanding internal storage with built-in Android features

by the most simple method increasing memory on Android is to clear it of unnecessary data. To do this, just find the files that you will not need in the future, and click "Delete". If there are many such files, it is better to perform this procedure through the explorer:

You can also expand free space by uninstalling unnecessary software:

You can use these steps to increase your Android storage for installing apps. Not all software available on the gadget can be erased. Many standard applications provided by the Android system can only be uninstalled if you have root rights.

Another standard method that allows you to expand the built-in memory is to transfer user-installed programs to a micro sd card. To do this, you need to enter the properties of an application and tap the corresponding button.

Increasing free space with additional software

Considering how to increase internal memory Android devices, it should be noted cleaner application Clean Master. Its main function is to speed up the performance of Android devices by closing unused programs running in the background, as well as clearing the cache and deleting residual files from system folders.

To expand free space on your phone using Clean Master, do the following:

Built-in memory expansion with external sd card

All programs that are downloaded to a phone or tablet are installed by default in the internal storage of the device. And even the presence of a micro sd card does not actually increase the space for applications. Starting with Android 2.2, the system has the ability to select memory for installing software.

A very bottleneck in many cheap smartphones and tablets is not enough memory to install applications and games. This article describes in detail with pictures how to increase the memory of Android.

Before you start increasing the memory of Android, it is recommended that you read the article about android internal partitions, to understand how everything works. Also, in order for you to succeed, you need installed Root rights.

Increase Android Memory with a MicroSD Card

It should be understood that after increasing the memory of Android due to a memory card, the size for storing personal files will decrease, but will increase for applications! The first thing you will need to do is copy the entire contents of the card to a safe place (on your computer) and then delete all data from there.

Dividing a memory card into sections - method 1 (CWM)

2. Go to the Advanced section

3. Select item Partition SD Card

4. Select the volume of the EXT partition on the map (for applications)

5. Select the size of the Swap partition (select 0)

6. Wait until partitions are created

7. Return to the main menu and click on restart - Reboot System Now

8. After downloading Android, you can return all the files that you saved to your computer back to the memory card

Skip to the article section to increase Android memory with Link2SD

Dividing a memory card into sections - method 2 (via PC)

Place the memory card in a card reader or other device, the main condition is that the device is not defined as MTP.

1. Connect the card reader in which the memory card is already inserted to the computer

2. Download and install the program MiniTool Partition Wizard Home

3. Launch the application MiniTool Partition Wizard Home

4. Right-click to select a memory card

5. Select an item in the menu Create

6. In the menu that opens, set the following parameters:

  • Create As: Primary
  • File System: Fat32

7. Now on the new unallocated zone of the memory card Select an item in the Create menu

8. In the menu that opens, set the following parameters:

  • Create As: Primary
  • File System: Ext2 or Ext3 or Ext4(Ext3 is better)

Click OK again and agree with the warning

9. Confirm the action by clicking on the button apply(top left)

10. Close the program MiniTool Partition Wizard Home

11. Return files to the card previously saved on the computer

12. Return the memory card back to Android

Increase Android Memory with Link2SD

2. Open the newly installed Link2SD app

3. In the application settings, select remount paths

4. In the list of available installed applications, select the necessary one and transfer

Many smartphone / tablet users sometimes have the question “How to increase RAM on Android?

The fact is that in some cases a device with this operating system starts to slow down very much.

This usually starts after a fairly long time of use. Applications and files accumulate and this leads to the fact that the gadget's RAM simply does not have time to process all this. Therefore, there is a need to increase its volume.

There are three ways to complete this task.

The first one is the simplest and consists in properly managing the already available smartphone / tablet resources.

The meaning of the second is almost the same, but in this case we will deal with the removal of applications.

Finally, the third way is to use certain specialized programs. Those create a paging file and due to this they have the opportunity to increase the RAM. So let's get started!

Method 1: Optimizing Existing Applications

Everything is quite simple here - you need to take and disable those applications that you do not need at the moment. Yes, it would be nice to remove them, but the problem is that not every program can be simply removed from the device.

But you can turn off almost everything except the system ones. With the latter, unfortunately, nothing can be done. But even without them, the operating system will not work. Therefore, you just need to stop the execution of unnecessary applications.

To do this, follow a few simple steps:

  1. Go to settings and select "Applications" there. In OS Android0 and above, you additionally need to go to the "Application Manager". But you, in any case, do not get confused.
  2. In some versions of Android, you need to go to the "Memory Usage" item. In others, it is enough to open the aforementioned manager or just a list of applications. Next, you will see the picture shown in Figure 1. The open window will display all installed programs and the amount of memory that each of them occupies. Below you will see how much memory is used and how much is free.
  3. Then click on the application that you do not use and open its menu. It will have several buttons. If it can be deleted, there will be a corresponding button in the menu. If it's not, there will only be "Stop" and "Disable" buttons.

Rice. 1. List of applications on Android and the menu of one of them

  1. First stop and then disable the selected application. Do the same with other programs that you do not use.

Then the RAM will be slightly unloaded and the device will be ready for further loads. After such a procedure, the smartphone / tablet will immediately start working faster and be able to process large amounts of information.

Method 2: Remove programs

As we said above, in some cases it will be better to simply remove the applications. Then they will definitely not be able to create a load on the system. But some programs cannot be uninstalled. They are called systems.

These include a standard flashlight, programs from Microsoft, and the like. Of course, some of them are really better left uninstalled. But there are some that you can do without.

For example, every Android phone/tablet has a Gmail app. If you are not using email from Google, you don't need it, but you can't just delete it.

So, there are two ways to remove non-removable applications:

  1. Obtaining superuser rights, which make it possible to delete absolutely everything that is on the device and perform other operations with it all.
  2. Using special programs to uninstall applications on Android.

Superuser rights are also called root rights. To get them, it is easiest to use special programs. For example, there is KingRoot. This is one of the most popular rooting apps. To use it, do this:

  • download KingRoot from the official website of this program and install it;
  • start the application;
  • if everything is fine, the “Try to root” button will become available, click on it;
  • wait while the device is granted superuser rights.

Rice. 2. Using KingRoot on a smartphone

If you were unable to follow the instructions above, try using the same KingRoot, but on a computer. To do this, follow a series of simple steps:

  1. Go to the official KingRoot website again and download the program for your computer there. Install it.
  2. Connect your smartphone or tablet to your computer via a USB cable. Launch KingRoot. The program will automatically find the connected device. The search process looks as shown in Figure 3.

Rice. 3. Search for connected devices in KingRoot on the computer

  1. When the device is found, a window will appear on it, prompting you to allow USB debugging. Click OK to complete this action. Without it, all further operations will be impossible.

Rice. 4. Allow USB debugging on your phone

  1. Now in the program on the computer, press the "ROOT" button to give the connected device root rights.

Rice. 5. Button for assigning root rights to the connected device

  1. Some devices will require a reboot. If this is the case in your case, a notification will appear on it. Click OK to reboot. If not, go to the next step.
  2. At the end, the “Finish” button will appear in the program window on the computer. Click on it to complete the process.

Rice. 6. The end of the assignment of root rights in KingRoot on the computer

After that, you will be able to work with superuser rights. Go back to the list of applications, open any and there will be a "Delete" button. Click on it to complete the removal.

In addition to KingRoot, also pay attention to the following applications that will help you complete the task of assigning root rights:

  • iRoot;
  • Universal Android;
  • Framaroot;
  • vroot;
  • kingroot;
  • kingoapp;
  • Towelroot;
  • Root Genius;
  • WeakSauce.

Most of them help to complete the task in one click.

Just. Is not it?

It is even easier to install special programs that allow you to uninstall other applications. For example, there is Super Cleaner. The application was created in 2017 by the Hawk App Studio development team. To use it, do the following:

  1. Download the app on Google Play (here is the link).
  2. Go to the "App Uninstall" menu.
  3. You will see a list of installed apps that you can remove. It will also display those that cannot be uninstalled using the standard list of Android applications.
  4. Click on an application to remove it from your smartphone / tablet.

Rice. 7. List of applications to uninstall in Super Cleaner

All such programs have the same usage algorithm - you need to go to the list of applications and click on the one you want to delete. Here is a list of other application uninstallers:

  • Clean Master Lite;
  • D.U. Speed ​​Booster;
  • CCleaner;
  • clean my android.

Removing unnecessary programs will significantly increase the amount of available RAM. The use of paging files will also help with this.

Method 3: Using special programs

The principle here is the same as on computers. There is a swap file that takes on the load that the main memory of the device cannot take. So, there are many programs that allow you to create such files and add them to your smartphone / tablet. Consider the most convenient and popular of them.


Quite an interesting program created by ordinary geeks. It allows you to create swap files up to 2.5 GB. If you have, for example, 1 GB of standard RAM, then even 1 GB will be just a treasure. To use SWAPit RAM EXPANDER, do the following:

  1. Download the app. You can do this, for example, on the forum (here is the link).
  2. Run it. From the very beginning, you will need to select a language. Unfortunately, there is no Russian here. In principle, it doesn’t matter what language this product will work in, so you can leave the “English” option or put a checkmark next to the “Deutsch” inscription and click “OK”.

Rice. 8. Language selection in SWAPit RAM EXPANDER

  1. The program needs the superuser rights mentioned above. But you don't need to get them separately. SWAPit RAM EXPANDER will root your device on its own. To do this, you just need to click on the "Allow" button in the window that appears.
  1. Then you will be taken to the main menu of the program in question. In it, click the "Optimal" button. This will make it possible to go to the menu of functions responsible for achieving optimal parameters for the smartphone / tablet.

Rice. 10. "Optimal" button in the main menu of the program

  1. Next, check the box next to the inscription "Swap Aktiv". This will trigger a scan of the device's existing settings.

Rice. 11.Scan function

  1. The scan itself will start. It looks as shown in Figure 12. This process can be interrupted at any time by pressing the "Bitte warten" button (if selected German interface).

Rice. 12. The process of scanning the device in SWAPit RAM EXPANDER

  1. When the scan is over, the program will already know how much to add to the existing amount of RAM for optimal device performance. To be precise, SWAPit RAM EXPANDER will determine the optimal operating speed. Accordingly, from this it will be possible to understand how much the device lacks at the moment.

Rice. 13. Scan result in SWAPit RAM EXPANDER

  1. Press the "schliessen" or "close" button (depending on the language) to activate paging.


This program is paid and you will have to pay to download it on Google Play. If you're ready to take that step, do the following:

  • Download ROEHSOFT RAMEXPANDER (here is the link). Run this program.
  • In the field where it says "Swap file = [size]" there is a slider that allows you to set the size of the swap file. Use one.
  • Click on the "Activate Swap" button.


  • Wait until the program finishes its work.

Now, every time the system starts, the paging file will also be launched. As you can see, everything is very simple in ROEHSOFT RAMEXPANDER. But this program is paid. You can use the free SWAPit RAM EXPANDER option. Choose what is more convenient for you.

Good luck in job!

The video below shows another way to create a swap file on Android OS.

How to create a swap file correctly, and what is it

In the video I will talk about how to properly make a paging file on android phone. P.S. In the video, I forgot to say that in the Swapit Ram Expander (Ram Expander) program, you do not need to disable and delete the swap file! The program will disable the swap file itself when you connect USB!

The problem with the amount of internal memory in operating system Android is one of the most important shortcomings that they are trying to fix. With each new iteration of the platform, the system takes up less space, and applications run more stable, which affects the amount of space they take up. This essay will discuss in detail the question of how to increase the internal memory on Android.

Important nuances

Before performing any manipulations with the operating shell, it is important to know that there are devices in which the memory cannot be increased in any way due to the fact that the developers did not foresee such an option. Once upon a time, only gadgets from Apple stood out like this, but today many companies that produce devices on Android have also introduced a similar innovation. Before expanding the internal memory of Android, it is important to remember that there are memory cards of various classes. The higher this parameter, the faster the module will function. For example, it will be impossible to record video in Full HD format on a 4th class card, the gadget will work unstable and constantly reboot. Therefore, it is worth paying close attention to this characteristic.

How to increase RAM on Android: Video