Sunny man. Lunar type of people

Every day you understand
That you meet the sunrises.

What do you live with them
And with the sunset you will die.

But the sunrise will come again
The one you were waiting for.

About which
Dreamed all night.

you wanted to live more life
Now you are suffering.

After all, while there is no sun, you die
And you understand this.

You are my sunshine man
I am in your rays, I warm my soul
I shared with you forever
I don't regret my heart

I don't regret love
And about the meeting in the middle of a blizzard
call me, call me
And leave on your bed

Tell me words of love
And what has passed, what will be
Spin me, call me...
Life is one... and there will be no other...

You are my sunshine man
My song, my joy
I loved you forever
And I don't need another love

I don't regret love
And what has passed, what will be
You call me...

Man is made up of the sun!
Everything else is false and phony,
From hot solar fabric
Nature began to cut us,
When the sun suddenly wanted
Enjoy life and think
When the sun suddenly wished
See, hear and speak.

Man is made up of the sun!
Through the spaces of a thick skin,
Through the air cap of the planet,
Where the meteorite burns
This sun turns on in everyone
human temperature,
This is the sun in man
Adjusts the heart rate.

Our inner light

Sun glare, thoughts of good,
A dark cloud, gloomy, thoughts of the bad.
We are good thoughts, we will help ourselves to live,
It will warm the soul, it is good for us.

Thoughts of a gloomy cloud will hide happiness from us,
If we believe that the world is bad.
If you have faith in yourself, the light in your soul will go out,
If we start to live, in the world only by ourselves.

Dark and light, mixed in life,
And the road is smooth, it can get slippery.
And only the saint has a completely sinless life,
An ordinary person can fall in it.

About good...

solar happiness
We are given two.
Only in our power
Do something with him.

Let's keep it possible
Let's be together forever
'Cause it's not hard to love
Nice man.

Most importantly, each other
Find in life
Otherwise it's hard
So what not to say

Sunny morning, gently smiling,
Gives awakening on the best day in the world,
What will happen to me, I don't know yet
Life will be more wonderful, brighter, more fun.

Sunny song plays in the yard
Calling for happiness, for peace and warmth,
And warms the soul with its motive,
The ball of the earth gives kindness.

Sunny people laugh merrily,
Radiating a wondrous radiant light,
And hearts will beat stronger from love,
Sending joyful greetings to all of us.

The night, the street, the street lamp, the pharmacy... Blok's was sadder. I will have this: New Year's Eve, the street is in the center of the metropolis, the lantern is available (and not one), instead of a pharmacy, a cafe. Represented? Let's look inside a gastronomic oasis, an island for tired legs and frozen noses. Noise, tightness, waiters, like virtuoso tightrope walkers, maneuvering between tables...

I would like to fully immerse you in the atmosphere of that evening. Put on New Year's scuba gear? We dive))

Only recently the chimes on the Spasskaya tower struck, and the frozen adventurers (including us) reached out to the call of one of the instincts. Do not think anything bad - just hunger. Well, the desire to warm up was important.

Evening in that night cafe was by no means languid. Tired ones ran among the chewers, but cheerful waiters. As luck would have it, the cash register "hung". And for quite a long time. Among the visitors, indignant exclamations began to appear due to the inability to quickly make a calculation. Well, that's not the point.

What was the preamble for?

Behind the counter is a pretty girl. We see her displeased frowned eyebrows, intelligent eyes express a lot of thoughts spinning in her head, but not a single good one was visible there. Focused, intelligent, polite, she smoothed the situation with a calm voice, catching the lightning bolts of the visitors' anger. (Looking ahead, I’ll say that as soon as the cash register came out of the coma, the girl, exhaling tension, didn’t even smile ...) Perhaps she had a bad day, or perhaps such coldness is simply inherent in character and only close people get smiles.

Suddenly, laughter was heard at the next table .. then another one. Look: the girl-waitress. Open, smiling face. Mischievous "devils" in the eyes. With her ease, humor, openness, she quickly changed the anger of the dissatisfied to their own. good mood.

Question: how?

How do they do it?

These sunny people.

I can't do this, really. Always be positive, light and open. If my acquaintance, at the moment of the conversation, rests his chin on his fist and plunges into "his own", I will also begin to portray Rodin's "Thinker". This is how we sit together. We think.

And others know how to defuse the atmosphere quickly and naturally. A good sense of humor and a more rosy, rather than a gray attitude to life. I am drawn to such people. They have buoyant energy. Next to them, even when my own generator is at zero, and the consciousness, with the help of the organ of vision, is looking for a dark corner in order to direct the tired carcass there, the leg still stubbornly jerks to the beat of the “hop-hey-la-la-ley” sounding in my head and stretches toe to a light corner.

The secret of the "sunny people" has not been discovered by me yet. Are they born like that or life pampers them all the time? Do you happen to know him? Or maybe there is someone who moved from the category of "ordinary bore" to the category of "light, bright and positive"? Share.

Solar and Lunar types of people.

Astrology divides all people into "solar" and "lunar", regardless of what sign of the Zodiac they were born under. Bright representatives of the solar type of people can be found among those born under the signs of Leo and Aries, where the Sun is most powerful. Symbolically, with the solar and lunar types of people, real energy forces are connected, the forces of two luminaries - the Sun and the Moon. In psychology, these two groups are divided into "extroverts" and "introverts". These philosophical terms are difficult, they need translation and interpretation, while the solar and lunar designations of types of people immediately give us a figurative and colorful idea of ​​them: we are all children sun and moon.

In the philosophical teachings of the East, these energies are called " YAN ski" (male) and " YIN-skih "(female). In these dualities - "light-darkness", "warm-cold", "male and female", in medicine - "HYPER and HYPO" functions, etc., a person spends his whole life.

Astrology describes the qualitative energy characteristics of people ruled by luminaries and planets, and from this the motivation of actions is derived. The astrologer sees what energies of the planets she is involved in. But we will consider only the Sun and the Moon, because they are the energy basis of each person.

The sun is symbolically associated with male energy, the Moon with female energy.

solar type - These are leaders who always lead people behind them. They tend to always take an active social position, are drawn to social life, occupy leadership positions, take Active participation in society and in the lives of others. “Sunny people”, as a rule, have rational, objective thinking, they love to crush everything, break the old and build a new one, while leaving only the most important, some kind of zest, because the Sun is still associated with “creative” energy, the energy of the heart. The more solar “creative” energy a person has, the more willingly people are drawn to him: in his rays you can warm yourself, there is always an abundance of heat and light around him. Sunny people are often talented, and they willingly share their achievements with others, and the results of their work never remain in the shadows. A sunny person cannot create "on the table", as it is commonly called. These are people who have a high bar and high life goals, they are constantly aimed at success and realization in life, it is unusual for them to “give up”, when they encounter obstacles or “temporary difficulties”, they always know that “victory will be theirs”, endowed with physical endurance and strong natural health. It is very difficult for them to change their beliefs, they try to follow their course to the end, even if their path is erroneous.

Communication with a large number of people gives them true joy, but their radiant nature quite often remains misunderstood. If at some point the life of a “sunny” person becomes “boring” or “the same”, then such a person is inclined to “create difficulties for himself”, solve them, he will calmly go to a “conflict”, and then “solve” with the same readiness his. If someone dares to do contrary, then the sunny person will become aggressive or proudly raise his head and leave. The solar type of people belongs to the category of people who blame other people for their problems and do not like to admit their mistakes.

In marriage, two sunny people will get along only in a creative union. If this is not the case, then one will suppress the other. If one of them yields, then he falls ill with heart disease.

They are also characterized by an increase blood pressure. All diseases of such people begin with the words "hyper".

Sunny women dress brightly, make up. They are characterized by sharp movements, they try to behave like men, and are not averse to competing with them.

Sunny men are excellent athletes and valiant warriors, ready at any moment to take the side of the weak, to protect them at the cost of their own lives.

Best day of the week for sunny people , - Sunday, it is Sunday that is called the "solar day", in honor of its ruler, the Sun.

Lunar type- this is the opposite of the solar type, such people are passive, slow and quiet, they don’t want to interfere in anything, they don’t climb anywhere, they choose a less active field of activity than the solar types, they are more inclined to take a passive, secondary position in life and society.

By nature, lunar people are benevolent, trusting, emotional and sensitive, have strong intuition, sometimes they are not even confident in themselves, do not like to take risks and seek physical, intellectual and moral support from others, but at the same time they have a deep power that a person can master by the middle of life. They live according to the principle - first the heart, then the mind, value what they have, not trying to look for another perfection. In their actions, they first hear the voice of the heart, and only then - the voice of reason. The main difference between lunar people is constant self-doubt. They are always looking for help and support in someone, they do not like to take risks. Their life is more difficult than that of people of the solar type.

In work, such people are usually loners, but in a team they prefer to be performers. Most best view activities for them - mental work or creativity, which do not require frequent direct contact with other people. Moon people are usually "owls", their time is night. They usually have a very narrow circle of acquaintances, and they are looking for a marriage partner who is in tune with themselves. Lunar people in marriage are happier than solar ones. They are actors who carefully protect their inner world from invasion, using each of the new roles as food for thought and self-knowledge.

The moon child is quiet, whiny, afraid of the dark and harsh sounds, tries not to lose sight of his mother. A school child cannot learn on his own, or he perceives educational material on a sensory-emotional level. It is he who, opening his mouth, catches every word of the teacher and tries to sit closer to him.

The moon is the soul, which is always open, which is easy to hurt, prick, scratch and spit into it. She is weak, but kind, sympathetic, compassionate. He speaks quietly, loves his mother, animals, milk. In a lunar person, the lines on the hands are weak, barely drawn, colorless, very often the entire palm is streaked with lines along and across. Bitten ("injured") nails are a clear indicator of lunarness. Such nails are the first warning to the development of coronary heart disease. Until a person is confident in himself, nothing can be done about this pathology. Large holes at the base of the nail are a strong emotional reaction of a person to all the events around him.

The health of the moon people gives much more problems than the health of solar-type people. The increased sensitivity of lunar people attracts, magnetizes any illness to itself. Often they take on the illness of other people and completely recover from it. Therefore, they get sick often and for a long time. They are characterized by constant weakness and loss of strength.
The lunar nature of a person makes him prone to tumor diseases. Tumors are insults. You can often hear: "Well, why pout, will you pout for a long time?" As long as a person holds a grudge against someone, tumors will grow. One has only to let go of resentment, forgive the person, then the tumor itself will decrease and, finally, completely disappear. Only by letting go of resentment, a person is able to let go of himself and many diseases. But that's not all. Tumors are also created from self-pity, with which he wears all day, and sometimes at night, resentment does not allow him to fall asleep. You need to learn not to feel sorry for yourself, but ask others and God for their health. You will be rewarded too.

If it is natural for a solar person to be proud, then a lunar person, because of his pride, will make himself even more problems, will be even more unhappy, and all this will affect his health. In a healthy person of the lunar type, the lines on the hands are colorless, flesh-colored. The treatment is the same as that of solar vampires, but hypnosis, suggestion and prayer still help lunar vampires.

The best day of the week for the lunar type of people , - Monday, it is Monday that is called "lunar day", in honor of its ruler of the moon.

These are the main character traits of people belonging to the solar and lunar types of people. .

About solar energy. Sunny people.

Solar energy is the source of life on Earth at all levels. It nourishes the soul, heart, body and thoughts. Everything is different in the sun.
The sun solar system- there is a galactic portal. Souls pass through it at birth and during the reverse process, leaving.

Activation by the sun includes temporary collective processes. This is where norms and patterns of behavior are laid down.
There is a way to move to higher levels of perception of life through connecting to other levels of solar energy interaction.
Transitions to the highly conscious worlds are carried out through the sun - the main portal of access to the galactic and universal spaces.

There are on the planet active points sun: man-made temples of the ancients and miraculous natural places on the planet that have activating solar activity. Natural points are often found in mountains and mountain lakes (interdimensional lenses), as well as on islands.

Humans can be carriers transmitting solar activity. They are the portal that creates the reconfigurations. Sunny people, meeting with them can be significant. She says you are ready.
Get in touch with a solar person - become a galactic being, gain detachment from the main collective programs, having gone through a series of transformations, thus. gaining a new, higher understanding of reality and the possibilities associated with it.

Now is the time for the awakening of the solar group of people.
They become the conducting and supporting force of the sun in the universal space. This force absorbs, transforming the structure, sacred keys and affects the world around.

The awakening of such beings may be accompanied by dissatisfaction and an inability to fit into the world and live by its rules. They feel lost and trying on different meanings, they do not find their own.
Their meaning is in close connection with the sun, its nourishing power and capabilities. Attunement can be done through ancient rituals and activating modern methods.
Inclusion in the possibilities of the sun is the ability to move through the solar keys in the vastness of the universe, collecting one's own possibilities and integrity.
These are people who are not built into the collective world, but create their own world, living on a different, universal basis.

Passing through the solar portal and contacting the energy of the Great Central Sun is an invaluable gift of awareness that creates an imprint in the hologram, transforming the being and translating it into more high level perception.
Worshiping the sun through whirling, the dance of the sun expands the boundaries of the perception of the body, extracting the innermost knowledge about the source of life stored in DNA.
Any steps of any being moving in its awareness leave an imprint on individual map in the sun, which returns at the exit, as a result of reaching.

The power of the sun is such that it creates a space of limitations for many, but opens up opportunities for the few who have reached a certain degree of awareness. Opportunities to get out higher worlds and the higher states lurk here. The fiery mind or the highest fiery light of enlightenment, that subtle conscious substance that penetrates and is part of the spectrum of sunlight.
Having touched and strengthened interaction with it, he receives a divine basis in the space of his life, this is a transition to another world.
The subtle invisible substance of the higher sun is present every moment, revealing possibilities, without stopping even for a moment.

An important aspect is knowledge and trust, as well as listening to subtle deep moments. When you know who you are (solar person), nothing from the outer collective can shake you. Decide to build your world, and know, being in yourself, the process is started. The space will take care of you, because you are part of the world of the sun, a solar being.

You are the temple of the Sun shining in the world. Everyone can come to this temple, and you shine. Your main work and task is to shine, to shine, to be. Gather under any pretext like yourself. Let your light increase, give them the opportunity to believe and understand.
Go around the world where there was no radiance and shine, talking about the sun that gives life and dancing dances to the sun.

About solar activity and solar codes.
Solar activity is changeable. Through it, codes are transmitted to the Earth that guide and transform the collective direction of development.
If the structure of a person is weakly transformed and is in the initial stage of evolution, then highly active solar codes cause a sharp indisposition, due to a discrepancy between the structure and its forced expansion.

Solar activity is increasing. At this time, the solar relay portal is open all the time. The high-vibration cosmic substance flows in and maintains a higher level of energy (consciousness) in the human world.

It is like a swamp, into which suddenly a stream of crystal clear water constantly began to flow in a thin stream. At first, it does not seem to matter, but gradually, the water in the swamp becomes more transparent, the inhabitants who inhabited the swamp die off. They are replaced by those who are able to live in clean water. And after a while, a beautiful clean reservoir is formed here, surrounded by the corresponding nature.

This is the essence of the process on planet Earth. The creative power of crystal water comes from the depths of space through the sun.
Establish your personal connection with the home - the sun, activate the personal connection of your soul with the sun, and draw, open infinity, in contact with the depths of your soul.

Greet each new day. It brings new transformative possibilities through the active currents radiated by the sun. Be in the voluntary process of awakening by becoming people of the sun.

About creation through the space of the sun.

The genius of creation lies in creating against all rules and forms, but this is precisely what consonance with the laws of higher spaces through the infinite soul means.

Any question "how" plunges into the collective consciousness, through a state of limitation and impossibility, in separation.
Instead of “how”, let there be a merger with the solar space, and from a single sensation, alignment and following of deep impulses. Here is constant support, a storehouse of wisdom and the inability to fail.

When you become the sun, you are freed from judgments and denials.
Other tasks now:

- Open a deeper understanding.
— Go to the masses, being an open system, enlightening, telling, sowing seeds.

Following in trust is a life position.


About a sunny lifestyle. The solar way of life is the biorhythms of the human structure, synchronized with the rhythms of the sun.

Wakefulness comes with the beginning of daylight, when a person gets up at the same time as the sun rises, then being in an active state at this time, the structure captures the first impulses that are designed to stimulate life growth, the very process of life.

This provides a much greater level of energy, fullness of a higher quality subtle substance.

Thoughts and states cultivated at dawn increase manifold. Intentions receive an impulse of charge for manifestation and are filled with a creative, creative space for solutions.

Much here carries the ability to absorb the highest emanations of the sun, filling them with their entire being at all levels of bodies.

The ability to be filled is directly related to the ability to get rid of the unnecessary. The fire of the sun, carrying the highest fiery consciousness, is able to tune the structure to the highest, filling it. But it is also capable of burning out everything low-vibration, outdated, distorted.

The burning fire is the midday sun. Its property is to get rid of everything unnecessary (on which consciousness is concentrated).

Balancing and harmony are provided by the setting sun, balancing various spectra of information, energy, states.

The night sun also has a place in human nature. It brings new knowledge, possibilities, understanding into the structure of a person open in a dream. Attunement to the acceptance of deep universal knowledge through the higher activation of the deep nature opens up a space of opportunities for the implementation of transformations.

The moment of awakening will mark the transformations that have taken place during the night, which are activated, launched with the first rays of the sun. The first 30-40 minutes after sunrise is the key to starting the system.

Activity and conscious acceptance of solar currents, whether it be meditation, contemplation or a joyful walk, anchors the subtle energies in the physical body, creating a higher plane presence on the physical level, recognizing the equal partnership of the subtle-universal and the physical.

Thus the physical body is illumined by the higher presence and becomes the temple of the soul.

At sunset, transformations, awareness, experience acquired during the day are wrapped up. Conscious presence in the process of completion creates the possibility of a balanced distribution of energy within the human being.

Falling asleep with the onset of darkness - inclusion in the process of accepting the night spectrum of transformations in a fuller extent. With the onset of darkness, the human structure is most vulnerable, because. ready to unfold and receive solar transformative nutrition.

Being awake at this time switches the open system to consciousness-related energies and incorporating them into the deep structures.

Think about the life of the night, about what is activated, what occupies the minds of people. This is what holds many back on a collective and individual level, blocking movement and creating deep distortions in their internal structures.

Decide for yourself to synchronize with the solar currents of opportunity. Start rebuilding your rhythm of life in accordance with the rhythms of the sun. And watch the result.

In the first week, it is important to track the process in order to move yourself beyond the collective settings.

Synchronizations and realignments happen amazingly if you look at the sun at the moments of key decisions. There is your personal information bank. When you look at the sun, a channel is built between you and your bank, through which information moves freely. It flows into your space, then transforms into ideas and images, becoming available to you on a conscious level.

Look at the sun.

Open up to a space of possibilities. Draw wisdom from your deep connection to the source. Watch your connection to the sun-home during the day.

About solar emanations.

The structure of sunlight is not uniform. It is multi-faceted and multi-layered. The entire spectrum of the emanating light is perceived only in that part of it, which the being is ready to perceive. Here we are talking about a stone, a plant, an animal, a person.

Each of the creatures that inhabit the earth is designed in such a way as to replenish all the necessary resources at the expense of the energy of sunlight, accumulate them in itself in a certain volume and then transfer them to open structures.

If we take the full spectrum of the light of the sun as applied to a person, then the denser levels of the spectrum are perceived as heat, by physical form. Further thinning of the spectrum is less noticeable, but effective. Various subtle levels connect and structure the ethereal space, emotional, mental.

But this is only a small part of the spectrum. The remaining range is attuned to spiritual, crystalline, light forms. The holistic spectrum of the sun is designed to support life, to nourish a multi-level holistic being.

However, until the moment when a person has turned on the active space of higher energies in himself, this range of the spectrum does not affect him.

There are a number of steps to actively incorporating into the higher space of the sun's activating spectrum.

1. From the area of ​​the soul, form a holistic connection, connection, channel with the sun in the form of a golden ray or a golden energy eight. At the same time, observe how the sun gradually lights up in the chest.

2. Create an inclination-appeal to receive higher activating energies, launch your higher capabilities through them.

3. Become aware of unpacking your structure to accept sacred forms transmitted with light. It looks like a lot of windows that swing open and let inside the figures of sacred geometry, carrying universal wisdom.

4. Maintain the knowledge that you are in a full-spectrum column of sunlight. He readily nourishes you, and you receive, open, support, and transmit.

5. Be aware of the highest potential around you every moment. Feel - this is your library, the learning process. Absorb knowledge into cells and transform in consciousness in the moment "Here and Now", as your deep discoveries.

When you open yourself to the divine nourishment of the light of the sun, at that very moment the light begins to flow into you in a thin stream. Gradually, the flow will become wider. With supportive acceptance, it opens up new possibilities for awareness, vision, perception of the world.

When an integral system is launched, it receives nourishment at all levels - this contributes to harmonious development, integrity.

The connections between the levels gradually strengthen, leading to deep understanding and unity in oneself, which creates the perfection of perception of oneself and the world, influencing the world with its perfection.

A more refined tuning to a certain frequency of the spectrum is possible, expressed by the quality, the state that you need.

Tune in to the whole spectrum of the sun, everything is present in it. Refer to a specific part of the spectrum, such as "joy" with the words:

— I turn to the solar energy spectrum and invite the energy of joy to awaken, to enter my space at all levels, to saturate my entire being, to be activated in full on my conscious level.

Begin to draw in this state with deep breaths and distribute it within your being.

Trust the process.

Feel the change in your state. Activate this frequency until you feel the constant presence of the state in your life.

By focusing on certain higher qualities and states, you gradually launch the matrix of higher qualities within your being. This means that when several qualities are launched, they start a chain of activations, awakening the entire spectrum.

In the section on the question Interesting .... and what is a sunny person?))) You have an amazing - excellent day)) given by the author dry out the best answer is Who just wants to say: "Well, you are my sunshine!"))

Answer from Vadim Yuriev[guru]
Charisma in terms of energy is the mutual love of the soul and mind. It gives radiation and such a person is said to be sunny.

Answer from Caucasian[guru]
that's what downs are usually called... solar children.

Answer from spread[guru]
Kind, glowing, happy, smiling!!!

Answer from Yoman Tic[guru]
one that is made from pieces of the Sun - that is, we all

Answer from ~MARgarita Turovskaya~[guru]
A person endowed with charm and optimism, full of creative ideas.
A person who does not lose heart and with his smile and warmth is able to warm everyone who meets on his way)
Such a person radiates joy and light.

Answer from Jovetlana[guru]
A person who warms with his presence.

Answer from Ludmila Plekhova[guru]
About the day - mutual wishes!
Oh oh sunny man, so you don’t have to go far: these are all users who are now in a good mood. And first of all, girl, it's you!.

Answer from Deirdre[guru]
From the same as I have on Ave))

Answer from -***- [guru]
How many Sunny People!
Not those who laugh senselessly,
when they are pinched and tickled,
and those who look like children
who without self-interest, gross flattery,
as if together with the bright sun,
we generously brighten up the days.
People like fire
in the midst of troubles and anxieties,
when involuntarily pulls to the stack,
light up the dark day
and the evil shadow disappears.
We have fun and easy with them,
and the stars shine brighter in the sky,
we forget about sadness ...
Haven't you met them?
Then wake up from sleep
and you will understand - among friends
so many Sunny People!
They are like eternal spring
give us light and renewal,
confidence and rebirth.
I believe no one will judge
when I say with all my heart
without flattery and beautiful lies:
"Thank you, Sunny People! »
Such a person radiates joy and light. In any situation, he powerfully splashes out his emotions, whether it be joy, grief or anger. The more solar in a person, the more willingly people are drawn to him: in his rays you can warm yourself, there is always an abundance of heat and light around him.
Communication with a large number of people gives them true joy....