Heart - what is it? What is the human heart? Heart Regulation of the heart

The heart is one of the most perfect organs of the human body, which was created with special thought and care. He has excellent qualities: fantastic power, rare tirelessness and inimitable ability to adapt to the external environment. No wonder many people call the heart the human motor, because in fact, it is. If you just think about the colossal work of our "motor", then this is an amazing organ.

What is the heart and what are its functions?

The heart is a muscular organ that, thanks to rhythmic repeated contractions, provides blood flow through the blood vessels.

The main function of the heart is to ensure constant and uninterrupted blood flow throughout the body.. Therefore, the heart is a kind of pump that circulates blood throughout the body, and this is its main function. Thanks to the work of the heart, blood enters all parts of the body and organs, saturates the tissues with nutrients and oxygen, while also saturating the blood itself with oxygen. At physical activity, increasing the speed of movement (running) and under stress - the heart must produce an instant reaction and increase the speed and number of contractions.

We got acquainted with what the heart is and what its functions are, now let's look at the structure of the heart.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the human heart is located on the left side chest. It is important to note that there is a group of unique people in the world whose heart is located not on the left side, as usual, but on the right side, such people, as a rule, have a mirror structure of the body, as a result of which the heart is located in the opposite direction from the usual location. side.

The heart consists of four separate chambers (cavities):

  • Left atrium;

  • Right atrium;

  • left ventricle;

  • Right ventricle.

These chambers are separated by partitions.

Valves in the heart are responsible for blood flow.. V left atrium the pulmonary veins enter the right atrium - hollow (superior vena cava and inferior vena cava). The pulmonary trunk and ascending aorta emerge from the left and right ventricles.

The left ventricle separates from the left atrium mitral valve (bicuspid valve). The right ventricle and right atrium separates tricuspid valve. Also in the heart are pulmonary and aortic valves, which are responsible for the outflow of blood from the left and right ventricles.

Circles of blood circulation of the heart

As you know, the heart produces 2 types of circulatory circles - this, in turn, is a large circle of blood circulation and a small one. Systemic circulation originates in the left ventricle and ends in the right atrium.

The task of the systemic circulation is to supply blood to all organs of the body, as well as directly to the lungs themselves.

Small circle of blood circulation originates in the right ventricle and ends in the left atrium.

As for the pulmonary circulation, it is responsible for gas exchange in the pulmonary alveoli.

That's actually in brief, with regard to the circles of blood circulation.

What does the heart do?

What is the heart for? As you already understood, the heart produces uninterrupted blood flow throughout the body. A 300-gram tangle of muscles, elastic and mobile, is a constantly working suction and pumping pump, the right half of which takes the blood used in the body from the veins and sends it to the lungs to be enriched with oxygen. Then the blood from the lungs enters the left half of the heart and with a certain degree of effort, measured by the level blood pressure ejects blood.

Blood circulation during circulation occurs approximately 100 thousand times a day, at a distance of over 100 thousand kilometers (such is the total length of the vessels of the human body). During the year, the number of heartbeats reaches an astronomical value - 34 million. During this time, 3 million liters of blood are pumped. Giant work! What amazing reserves are hidden in this biological engine!

Interesting to know: one contraction consumes enough energy to lift a weight of 400 g to a height of one meter. Moreover, a calm heart uses only 15% of all the energy it has. With hard work, this figure increases to 35%.

Unlike skeletal muscles, which can lie dormant for hours, myocardial contractile cells work tirelessly for years. This gives rise to one important requirement: their air supply must be continuous and optimal. If there are no nutrients and oxygen, the cell dies instantly. She cannot stop and wait for delayed doses of life gas and glucose, as she does not create the reserves necessary for the so-called maneuver. Her life lies in a salutary sip of fresh blood.

But how can a muscle saturated with blood starve? Yes maybe. The fact is that the myocardium does not feed on blood, which is full of its cavities. It is supplied with oxygen and essential nutrients through two "pipelines" that branch off from the base of the aorta and crown the muscle like a crown (hence their name "coronary" or "coronary"). These in turn form a dense network of capillaries that feed his own tissue. There are a lot of spare branches here - collaterals that duplicate the main vessels and go parallel with them - something like branches and channels of a large river. In addition, the basins of the main "blood rivers" are not separated, but are connected into a single whole thanks to transverse vessels - anastomoses. If trouble happens: blockage or rupture - the blood will rush along the spare channel and the loss is more than compensated. Thus, nature has provided not only the hidden power of the pumping mechanism, but also a perfect system of replacement blood supply.

This process, common to all vessels, is especially pathological for the coronary arteries. After all, they are very thin, the largest of them is no wider than a straw through which they drink a cocktail. It plays the role and feature of blood circulation in the myocardium. Oddly enough, in these intensively circulating arteries, the blood periodically stops. Scientists explain this strangeness as follows. Unlike other vessels, coronary arteries experience two forces that are opposite to each other: the pulse pressure of blood entering through the aorta, and the counter pressure that occurs at the moment of contraction of the heart muscle and tends to push blood back to the aorta. When the opposing forces become equal, blood flow stops for a fraction of a second. This time is enough for some of the thrombogenic material to precipitate out of the blood. This is why coronary atherosclerosis develops many years before it occurs in other arteries.

Heart disease

Now, cardiovascular diseases are attacking people at an active pace, especially the elderly. Millions of deaths a year - such is the outcome of heart disease. This means: three out of five patients die directly from heart attacks. Statistics note two alarming facts: the trend of increasing diseases and their rejuvenation.

Heart diseases include 3 groups of diseases that affect:

  • Heart valves (congenital or acquired heart defects);

  • Cardiac vessels;

  • Tissues of the membranes of the heart.

Atherosclerosis. This is a disease that affects the blood vessels. With atherosclerosis, there is a complete or partial overlap of blood vessels, which also affects the work of the heart. It is this disease that is the most common disease associated with the heart. The inner walls of the vessels of the heart have a surface covered with lime deposits, sealing and narrowing the lumen of the life-giving channels (in Latin, "infarctus" means "locked"). For the myocardium, the elasticity of blood vessels is very important, since a person lives in a wide variety of motor modes. For example, you are walking leisurely, looking through the windows of shops, and suddenly remember that you need to be home early, the bus you need pulls up to the stop, and you rush forward to catch it. As a result, the heart begins to "run" with you, dramatically changing the pace of work. The vessels that feed the myocardium, in this case, expand - the food must correspond to the increased energy consumption. But in a patient with atherosclerosis, lime, which has plastered the vessels, seems to turn the heart into stone - it does not respond to his desires, since it is not able to pass as much working blood to feed the myocardium as it is needed when running. This is the case with a car that cannot be accelerated if clogged pipes do not supply enough "gasoline" to the combustion chambers.

Heart failure. This term refers to a disease in which a complex of disorders occurs due to a decrease in myocardial contractility, which is a consequence of the development of stagnant processes. With heart failure, stagnation of blood occurs both in the small and in the systemic circulation.

Heart defects. With heart defects in the valvular apparatus, defects can be observed that can lead to heart failure. Heart defects are both congenital and acquired.

Heart arythmy. This heart disease is caused

Revolutionary research shows that the brain is only one part of the mechanism of thought of our mind, and the heart is more important, lower attachment, pumping blood.


For a long time, philosophers and poets realized that the heart is the center of our life. With a stretch of a century to the heart, they put it like a dzherel, not only honesty, but th rose. My ponin vikoristovuemo say so, like "I know with my heart that it's true," showing to ourselves that we know that the heart is not just a pump. Navit our gestures point to the significance of the heart. Showing on yourself, people start to show on the area of ​​the heart.

From the biological point of view of the heart - a razyuchy phenomenon. It can pulsate independently without any connection with the brain and beat 10,000 beats per day and approximately 40,000,000 beats per river. In the bud, it begins to form earlier than the brain. Let's sing until tsikh fir is not sung in a singsong voice, which calls out self-blaming the heartbeat.
Razumne heart

Today, some of the most advanced research in the field of the heart is being held at the Institute of HeartMath (IHM) in Boulder Greek, California. In the work of "Explaining the Mathematics of the Heart" (Harper, SanFrancisco 1999), the founder of the Institute, Doc Childre (Doc Childre) and yogo author Howard Martin (Howard Martin) are living a zukhwala test of looking into the depths of the heart and yogo connection with the mind, body and spirit. The stench reveals hostile information about those, like a skin blow of our heart, to endure folding messages that pour into our emotions, our physical health and the quality of life we ​​live.

For the rest of his teachings in the field of neurology, Dr. J. A. Armero (JA Armor) christened in a muffled voice: the heart is healthy with its wet inner brain and nervous system. It helped to explain the opinion of physiologists from the Preslidnitsky Fels Institute (Fels Research Institute), introduced in the 1970s: the “head brain” is heard to be a message that comes from the “heart brain”.

Doc Childre and his colleague from the Institute of Mathematics of the Heart are going further in this direction. The successors of this institute established the building of the heart “think independently”. Їх the method of bulo is significant, like a heart pouring into logic and pouring into behavior.

Mathematicians of the Heart care that the heart is connected with the brain and the body with the help of some biological systems of communication. Through qi systems, the heart is robbed of the stout injection into the work of our brain and all systems in the body. The Institute's great record has led to the publication of decades of work in such medical journals as The American Journal of Cardiology, Stress Medicine, and Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science ).

Emotions and Heart

Afterwards, the Institute was allowed to reveal the main link between the heart and emotions. Dosledzhennya to give an explanation of how the heart resonates with emotional and mental infusion. If we are aware of such emotional reactions, like anger, rosemary, anxiety, unsungness, the rhythm of the heart becomes unsatisfactory, or irritable, the chime between the heart and the brain is interrupted.

So, negative emotions create lances of reactions in the body - blood-bearing judges sound, the blood pressure moves and the immune system is weakened. This kind of disruption of jealousy can lead to an overstrain of the heart of those other organs, as it can end in serious health problems. If we feel such heart emotions, like love, turbulence, drunkenness and speech, the heart works in an equal or calm rhythm, a strong connection between the heart and the brain.

The positive quality of the heart is to give harmonic rhythms, which lead to an effective work of the cardiovascular and equal nervous system. It also gives a beneficial effect and improves immunity and hormonal balance. The health of the brain to process the information and take a clear decision depends on the influx of how we react emotionally to the skin situation.

Zgіdu Childre І Martinu, at Mira Togo, Yak Mi, Items Bethy І Sithzimi і Ryumnimi, Zmіtsynuєmo, Our Emotsіin Rіvnova, Tom Uzkazniyst Mіzh Sirch i brain, mi canvo boutique Novosti Noviy, spawned rivozni rosum, productive, f ... .
Practically zastosuvannya

Based on these findings, Dr. and yogo colleagues have developed The HeartMath Solution, a systemic guide for encouraging satisfaction and emotional zeal and the development of heart-wisdom. Possibly, if we can build it together, ale the Institute of Mathematics of the Heart has successfully developed an even better fit for stosuvannya pіdhіd, scho vrakhovuє vomogi sogodnya i marriage hour.

“One of the biggest stressors in today's lives of people we respect is marriage,” Howard says. “We knew that the explanations of the faults should be simple, so that you could learn, without being disturbed by the robots and listening to the explanations in the car. Explanation of guilt is easy to remember and not to disrupt the style of life or the schedule of a person. I can honestly see that mi z tsim ran into.

The impersonal vipadkivs, which were studied at the Institute of Mathematics of the Heart, illustrated the effectiveness of the wisdom of the heart in children. One study with Motorola showed that the number of symptoms of tension, anxiety, nervousness, and physical stress had changed significantly. 25% of the hundreds of participants in this study started with a high blood pressure. Ale, after more than six months after the stagnation of the technicians of Mathematics of the Heart, their blood pressure returned to normal, and there was no stagnation of any significant medical work.

Further research by Hewlett-Packard showed that the techniques of Mathematics of the Heart led to subtle changes in the field of group morality. Prior to the beginning of the program, 46% of people said that they often get overwhelmed. After the exercise, the figure fell to 9%. Such organizations as H'yulet Packard, Motorola, Royal Dutch Shell (Royal Dutch Shell - UK), Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Cathay Pacific Airways in Hong Kong are regular customers, as well as and rich state and federal agencies of all Pivnichnoy America. Explanation of Mathematics Heart hopes more, less than 20 thousand people.

Grounded on the advanced ideas of the Mathematics of the Heart, we now know that the heart is the control panel of our body and even more so that we are with the knowledge of our life. Explanation of the Mathematics of the Heart reveals the importance of the heart’s contribution to our health and exemplifies handy techniques for the renewal of jealousy in our life during this period of rapid changes.

Right to Zoseredzhennya in the Heart

Explanation of the Mathematics of the Heart reportly describes impersonal rights, with which you can speed up for recovery from stress and sick emotions. Axis butt right from the book. We chose the right thing for ourselves, because it’s worth it for the support and improvement of your immune system!

1. Be in such a position that nothing disturbs you. Take a good posture, close your eyes and relax.

2. It is better to breathe more deeply and vidihati. When you see it, show it or better, as your breath passes through your heart without a trace. Work like this for about 15 seconds.

3. Think about someone, whom it is easy for you to love and spit - a friend, a child. Whom you would not take away, let it be, to whom you show great love and affection. Start focusing on love, as you try before them. Guess if you marveled at them. Represent yourself with love. Guess the sound of their voices and your majestic voice, speak with them. Guess how you encouraged them, otherwise the stench encouraged you. Think about dotica before them. Think about those, how the stench stuck up to you. Keep thinking about the exchange of love and marriage with this people. Work like this with a stretch of fifteen quills, but even less than five quills.

4. As the thoughts of the caller see you, gently allow them to drink and turn their respect back to the breath through the heart. I want to turn back to my love to the people.

5. As soon as emotions get in the way, or if you see a block in your love, then you will notice that your heart is fluttering. Tell yourself that it doesn’t matter to you, so that this time everything turned out perfectly; robiti tse - already good. Breathe through your heart and bachte, watch, or show how your heart is fluttering. Ask yourself: “Yake tse buti soft, in summer and absolutely relaxed.” All is well, navіt like today, not everything will go smoothly. Just do your best for yourself. It's all right.

6. Now better or show yourself from the side. You sit, relaxed and work your right. Take love, as you know to your own people, and send it to yourself.

7. Now send tsyu love to others. Send a heartbeat to these people who are easy for you to love. As soon as you are ready, try to make love to others, to inspire them with people whom it is important for you to love. If you don’t know how to love, say to yourself: “I want to become a modern woman of love and help these people, and while I pray for them, the stench will take away the sight of God and my Greater.” Just pray that the stench took away love.

8. If you are ready, see, show, or show that you are covered with a cover of love and open your eyes. Write down your thoughts, feelings, thoughts for a sense of inner peace. Tell yourself that you will remember that all your deeds in life will be founded on these feelings.

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The heart is a hollow muscular organ having a conical shape. Its main function is to pump the blood entering it through the venous trunks into the arteries. The relaxation of the heart muscle is called diastole, and the contraction is called systole.

The structure of the heart

The heart is located on the left side of the chest. Outside, it is covered by the pericardium, which forms a heart sac, inside which contains a small amount of serous fluid. The middle muscular part of the heart is called the myocardium. Inside the cavity of the heart with the help of partitions is divided into four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. Blood enters the left atrium through the pulmonary veins, and into the right atrium through the vena cava. The ascending aortic arch emerges from the left ventricle, and the pulmonary arteries form the pulmonary trunk from the right ventricle. Inside the chambers of the heart are covered with an extremely smooth shell - the epicardium.

The right atrium and left ventricle complete the systemic circulation, while the left atrium and right ventricle complete the pulmonary circulation.

The structure of the heart in the right and left sections is different. For example, the walls of the right ventricle are almost three times thinner than those of the left ventricle. This is due to the fact that with the reduction of the latter, the blood is pushed out into the systemic circulation and goes to all organs and tissues of the body. In addition, the resistance and pressure in a large circle is much higher than in a small one.

Valvular apparatus of the heart

The structure of the heart is unique, because. blood flows in only one direction. This is provided by its valve apparatus. The valves at the right time open, allowing blood flow, or vice versa, close, preventing reverse flow (regurgitation).

Between the left ventricle and the atrium is a bicuspid (mitral) valve. It has two wings. At the moment of its opening, blood from the left atrium through the atrioventricular opening enters the left ventricle. When the left ventricle contracts (systole), the valve flaps close and blood rushes into the aorta.

The tricuspid or tricuspid valve is located between the right ventricle and the atria. At the moment of its opening, blood passes freely from the right atrium to the right ventricle. The leaflets of this valve close at the moment of right ventricular systole. As a result, blood cannot flow back into the atrium and is forced out into the pulmonary trunk.

At the very beginning of the pulmonary trunk there is another valve, the function of which is to prevent reverse current blood into the right ventricle during diastole.

The entrance to the aorta closes the aortic valve, which has three semilunar cusps. It opens during left ventricular systole and closes during left ventricular diastole.

Many heart diseases are caused by the pathology of its valvular apparatus.

Blood supply to the heart

Directly from the aorta depart two coronary (coronary) arteries. They diverge into many branches, which, like a crown, braid the entire heart, providing oxygen and nutrients to each of its cells. One fifth of the total volume of blood ejected into the aorta passes through the coronary arteries.

Regulation of the heart

The contractions and relaxations of the heart are regulated by the potassium and calcium ions contained in the blood, as well as by the endocrine and nervous systems. The nervous system is directly involved in regulating the strength and frequency of heart contractions. Parasympathetic nervous system weakens the force of contractions, while the sympathetic, on the contrary, strengthens them.

The endocrine system influences the functioning of the heart through hormones that can cause the heart rate to change, increase or decrease. Highest value to regulate the activity of the heart, the hormones of the adrenal cortex - acetylcholine and adrenaline - have the effect of which is similar to the effect on the myocardium of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system.

Heart diseases

V last years The death rate from cardiovascular diseases is on the rise worldwide. All heart diseases, depending on the cause and nature of their occurrence, can be divided into several groups:

  • functional;
  • congenital;
  • Atherosclerotic and hypertensive;
  • syphilitic;
  • Rheumatic.

In addition, there are a number of heart diseases that do not fall into the categories listed above and should be discussed separately. These include:

  • Acute dilatation (expansion) of the heart. This pathology occurs as a result of severe weakness of the myocardium and overload of the heart with a large volume of blood;
  • Atrial flutter - consists in an accelerated regular contraction of the atria, behind which the ventricles do not have time to contract;
  • Atrial fibrillation - in this condition, a chaotic accelerated contraction of individual atrial muscle fibers is observed, as a result of which a full systole is not observed. Atrial fibrillation is observed against the background of heart failure;
  • Paroxysmal tachycardia - recurrent attacks of sharply rapid heartbeats;
  • Thrombosis of the coronary vessels arising against the background of atherosclerosis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • Heart failure is the end result of any heart disease.

Diagnosis of heart disease

Modern medicine has great opportunities for accurate and timely diagnosis of heart disease. Among the instrumental methods in cardiology, X-ray, electrophysiological and electrocardiographic studies, catheterization of cardiac vessels, echocardiography, positron emission and magnetic resonance imaging are most often used. Diagnosis of heart disease is associated with a low risk, which increases with the severity of the disease and the technical complexity of the procedure.

Cardiology: treatment of the heart

Therapy of heart diseases is carried out by cardiologists. Treatment of the heart may be conservative or surgical. Surgery indicated for numerous defects of the valvular apparatus. In this case, reconstructive operations are performed or worn valves are replaced with artificial ones. Surgical operations are also performed for a number of congenital heart defects.

Conservative treatment of the heart is carried out in case of arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, heart failure. With the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, there are indications for surgical intervention.