Tournaments, festivals, projects, events, yard games. Scenario on the topic: "Festival of Yard Games". Main target groups targeted by the project

The script of the sports festival

"Festival of Yard Games"

    Presenter's opening remarks:

Dear children, respected adults, guests of our holiday, I am glad to welcome you to our sports ground and the holiday, which is dedicated to yard gamesXXcentury, i.e. the games our parents and grandparents played when they were kids like you. Some of these games are well known to most of you and you enjoy playing them or played them with your friends, while others have been forgotten and lost, i.e. we do not know their rules or even their names, although they are no worse, and maybe better, more interesting than modern games. And I wanted you guys, your children and grandchildren to know these games, play them, so that they bring you joy and pleasure.

And now a little about what awaits us today at our holiday.

(The host introduces the participants and guests to the plan of the holiday, how the winners will be revealed at the end of the holiday, asks the guests to support the players together and participate in contests and competitions themselves, recalls the safety rules during the game, wishes all participants good luck and announces the start of the sports festival ).

    Performances of children before the start of competitions, between them and at the end of the holiday (poems, songs, riddles about childhood, games, joke contests and quizzes for holiday guests).

My kite

Carry me away my kite

Straight to the sky!

In the sky I want to spin

In the sky I want to fly

And I want like a bird

Fly over a hundred seas.

Carry me away my kite

Straight to the sky!

I want to see the whole world

I want to see all the children

To hold hands with us

To laugh together.

Carry me away my kite

Straight to the sky!

    The game "The sea worries once"

Before the start of the game, a leader is selected. The driver turns away from the rest of the participants and says loudly:

"The sea is worried,

The sea is worried two,

The sea is rough three

Freeze the marine figure!

At this point, the players should freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The driver turns, goes around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever moves first of them, he takes the place of the leader, or leaves the game (in this case, the longest-standing player becomes the winner).

You can use another version of the game, when the host examines all the figures and chooses the one he likes the most. In this case, the winner is the player who most clearly showed his imagination.



Wheels rush

On the way to.

Over the road

legs wobble.

This is me going


This is me running

On horseback!

    Host: And now our players will have to demonstrate their dexterity, dexterity, and, to some extent, cowboy qualities. And the game "Leapfrog" will help us choose the most daring, dexterous and jumping game

    Leapfrog. A game in which the participants take turns jumping over their partners, standing in a bent position.

    Host (riddles about what children like to play):

Up-down, Up-down,

Do you want to ride -

Sit on us. (swing)

Everything summer stood,

Winters were expected.

Waiting for the pores -

Rushed down the mountain. (sled)

I rule the horned horse

If this horse

I will not put on the fence,

He will fall without me! (a bike)

That's a stubborn man!

Do not force to lie down forever!

Do you meet this?

He doesn't want to sleep at all

I put it - rises again

And it stands - swings. (Roly-Vstanka)

I held your tail in my hand,

You flew, I ran. (balloon)

Above the feet from the ground - one of the variants of the game Salki. A fun, active game that develops endurance and physical strength playing.

Game description

Choose a driver. The rest run away.
Fleeing from the "tag", the players must take their feet off the ground. To this end, they climb any object or tree, sit down, lie on their backs, legs up. In this position, the "trail" has no right to salt them. If the player's feet are on the ground, he can be tagged.
The salted one starts to catch the players, and the former "trail" runs away with everyone.

Rules of the game

Choose "salka".
The players must take their feet off the ground - climb a tree, bench or some other object, lie down, sit down, be sure to raise their legs.
Those who did not have time to raise their legs are taunted.

    S. Marshak


My Merry

ringing ball,

Where are you going






Can't keep up

Behind you






And loud




You rolled and back

Didn't come back.


before the turn.



And all

Once in a row I jumped into the corner and back. And then

You rolled and back

Didn't come back.


In the garden, Rolled up to the gate, Rolled up Under the gate, ran

before the turn.



Under the wheel burst, slammed here And all




into the corner

And back.

And then

you rolled

And back

Didn't come back.


In the garden

Ran up to the gate

Rolled up

Under the gate, ran

before the turn.



Under the wheel Bursted, Slammed -


And that's it!

The game, as usual, begins with the choice of the host.

All players sit on a bench in a row (as an option, they stand in a circle).

The leader throws the ball to any player and at the same time calls an object. If "it" is edible, the player must catch the ball. If it's inedible, discard it.

If someone "ate" inedible, he became the leader.

Dodgeball 2 To play dodgeball, you need a fairly spacious flat area and a medium-sized ball. You can play it with a company of three people, but it is much more interesting to play with a large company. Then it is more difficult to dodge the ball, and especially cunning ones can hide behind their neighbors.

“Bouncers” (two are chosen by a rhyme or voluntarily) stand on both sides of the site, the distance from one to the other depends on the width of the site or simply on the mood. "Knocked out" stand in the center. The task of the kickers is to throw the ball to hit the kicked players. Those, in turn, should try to dodge.

The player who was kicked out is out of the game (steps aside). But his comrades can "rescue" him if they manage to catch the ball in their hands. You can catch the ball only on the fly, in no case from the ground. Whoever catches the ball from the ground is out. If several people are knocked out, then the player who caught the ball chooses from them the one who should return to the game. When there is only one player left on the kicked-out team, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is old. If successful, his entire team returns to the game, otherwise the teams switch places.

    Jan Brzehwa

Three grandmothers


tralee wali,

Three grandmothers

On the boulevard

They played tags

Lost grandchildren

And the whole trinity roars:

We will get from our daughters!

Salki - Fifteen are one of the the most beautiful views mobile games. A very democratic game, the rules are extremely simple for a child to learn.

According to the score of one of the players - tags (tags), all the rest scatter. The task of the tag - the driver - is to catch up with the escaping and tag, tarnish. The salted one becomes the leader. Each new driver raises his hand and shouts "I'm a stalker!". It is not allowed to immediately stain the previous salka.

To complicate the game, you can establish such, say, additional rules: you can’t salt someone who has time to fall to the ground, leaning on the palms and toes of outstretched legs; or freeze on one leg, holding the other leg laid back with both hands.


farewell game (leader reads)

Here's the farewell game.

us a book

It's time to close;

We all hope

What with her

You became

A little smarter

you learned a lot

funny words

And more

All sorts of things

And if you

memorized them,

Not in vain

Your day is wasted.

And you and me

The turn has come

Play the REVERSE game.

I will say the word HIGH

And you will answer:


I will say the word FAR,

And you answer: ...

I will say the word CEILING,

And you answer: ...

I will say the word LOST,

And you say:

I will tell you the word coward,

You will answer:



I will tell,

Well, answer: ... !!!

    Host: And now let's sum up our holiday.


    Winner's reward ceremony.

    Song "Childhood" (all do).

    And so our happy holiday ended. But don't be discouraged! After all, you can play these games and many others with your friends anytime and anywhere: at home on the street, in the yard, at school at recess. The most important thing is to follow the rules of the game and do not forget about safety. And then any game will bring you joy and pleasure.

    Departure from the site to cheerful music

All participants in the game stand in a circle. The driver with a handkerchief goes around the circle, puts it on the shoulder of one of the players and quickly runs in a circle, and the one who put the handkerchief takes it in his hand and runs after the driver. Both of them are trying to take a free place in the circle.

If the player with the handkerchief catches up with the leader and is able to put the handkerchief on his shoulder before he takes a free place in the circle, he again becomes the leader, and the player who gave the handkerchief takes the free place. If the runner is the first to stand in a circle, then the player with the handkerchief remains the driver. He walks in a circle, puts a handkerchief on someone's shoulder, the game continues.

Rules: Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who to put the tape on his shoulder.

All participants in the game are built in 2 columns. The driver stands at a distance of 2 meters from them, with a handkerchief in his hand. The children say the words in chorus:

Burn, burn oil

Burn, burn bright

To not go out

Look at the sky, the birds are flying!

After the words: - the birds are flying! The players of the last pair quickly run forward, whoever takes the handkerchief from the driver faster, the loser becomes the driver (lit).

The players stand in a circle, in the center is the leader holding a rope in his hands, at the end of which a bag of sand is tied. The teacher rotates the rope with the bag in a circle above the ground (floor), and the children jump up on two legs, trying not to let the bag touch their legs. Having described two or three circles with the bag, the teacher pauses, during which the number of children whose legs the bag has touched is counted, and the necessary instructions are given for performing jumps. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

The participants in the game choose the wolf and the owner (counting), and the rest are swan geese. On one side of the site they draw a house where the owner and geese live, on the other - the wolf lives under the mountain. The owner releases the geese into the field for a walk, to pinch the green grass. Geese go far from home. After a while, the owner calls the geese. There is a roll call between the owner and the geese: Geese-geese!

Ha-ha-ha. - Do you want to eat?

Yes Yes Yes! - Well, fly home!

The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!

Well, fly as you like, just take care of your wings.

The geese run home, the wolf tries to catch them. Caught out of the game

Rules: Geese "run" all over the site. The wolf should catch after the words: “Well, fly as you like, just take care of the wings”

Instructor: Guys, guess the riddle: They kick him and with a stick

Nobody cares about him

Why are they beating the poor guy?

Yes, because he is inflated!

What are these children? (Ball)

Rules of the game:

Players are divided into bouncers and drivers.

Bouncers stand 5-10 meters apart.

Drivers stand between them.

The bouncers try to knock out the drivers with the help of the ball.

Drivers dodge the ball and can catch "candles" (the ball before it hits the ground).

Knocked out goes out and waits for the end of the game or until they give him a "candle". - The one who caught the "candle" can return one of the previously knocked out back.

Game description: Children form a circle. There are two leading "duck" and "drake" in the circle. A duck in a circle, a drake behind a circle. The players, holding hands, go and sing: “There was a duck along the bank,

Walked gray in a circle.

She led the children.

Suddenly a drake flew!

Duck caught up!

Fly away duck quickly

The children raise their hands, the duck runs through the gate,

Yes, in the gate, do not be shy!

The drake is trying to catch up with her. If you caught up - the leaders change.

"Shackles" - children are divided into two teams and stand opposite each other, holding hands, at a distance of about 10 meters. And the call begins:

Shackles! - Bound!


My friend!

What's your name?

Players from the first team name one of the players from the second team. He runs and tries to break the clasped hands of the players with a running start.

Rule: if the running child managed to break the clasped hands, then he takes one of the participants to his team. And if not, he himself remains in the opposing team. Next time the second team starts. They play until there are no players left in one of the teams.

On Youth Day, with the support of the city administration, the Retro FM radio station in Astrakhan will hold a festival of yard games!

The Yard Games Festival is a great holiday, which will host master classes in all areas of yard games, which will be held by volunteers, animators, as well as professional game technicians and teachers. Adults will have the opportunity to plunge into childhood and play forgotten games: hopscotch, rubber bands, twist the hoop and much more. And children can learn these games. The most active participants will receive gifts and prizes from the sponsors of the festival. And a lot of interesting things await the guests of the holiday: game programs from the stage, performances from creative teams, soap bubble shows, free ice cream for children, face painting, etc.
Register your child for the event in the form below and bring them to the AZIMUT Hotel Astrakhan on June 28.

Yard Games Festival Retro FM

plunge into your childhood!
Start at 17.00

Event partners:

  • children's goods store "Razvivaykin", st. 3rd International, 15
  • children's clothing store "Kangaroo", Savushkina, 6 building 2

    Details about the organizer of the event, about the rules for holding it, the number of prizes, the timing, place and procedure for receiving them by phone 50-29-03

    No age limit

Yard Games Festival


Promote the health of children through natural factors health improvement of children;

Exercise children in jumping on one and two legs, in throwing at a target, in dodging running;

Develop physical qualities: dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space;

To give children knowledge about old courtyard games, bringing to them the color, originality, originality of these games;

To instill in children an interest in folk national traditions, in the culture of their country.


festival flag ( kindergarten), flagpole, musical equipment, flags, balls, sultans for decorating the site, benches (h -25 cm), soft maces, rubber balls, towns and bits, chalk, rubber band, a bowl with a ball, chests, boxes or baskets for collecting chips, pointer arrows, chips (different in color and shape), diplomas, prizes

Day 1 - Opening of the festival

Children line up around the perimeter of the playground.

Fanfare sounds.

Leading: - Hello, hello, kids!

How is everyone doing?

To play a little

We've all gathered here.

To the sports ground

I invite you kids. you.

Holiday of games and health

We start now!

Today the Yard Games Festival opens in our kindergarten. The game is joy and fun that both children and adults receive. Games enter our lives as bright events and remain in our memory for a long time. But, unfortunately, some of the old games that people once played in the yard began to be gradually forgotten. However, to our joy, there were people who decided to remember the old games and wrote many books about them. I found these books and today I want to introduce you to the old yard games. After all, these games cheer you up, relieve fatigue and stress, they will help you find new friends.

So, I declare the festival of yard games open. And the motto of our festival will be the words: "Again the game! Hooray! Hooray!" Let's repeat them together. And now let's all sing our sports anthem together.

The song "Physical education - cheers!"(music by Y. Chichkov)

And now we welcome the participants of our festival.

(Each group gives the name of its team, reads the motto, makes a circle of honor under the march)

Example slogans:

We are tired of standing

I really want to play!

You do not lag behind us

Have fun playing with us!

To not be afraid of the wolf

You have to play sports.

Jump, run and jump

Play different games.

We are here to play

Let's not forget to bring a friend.

Stand next to us

Repeat after us!

We live the best

Because laughter is with us.

We never part with him.

We have a lot of fun laughing!

Leading: - We're all set! Everything is fine with us!

Because in the morning we do exercises.

Smile with the sun

Get ready for the workout!

Complex of rhythmic gymnastics

(a complex familiar to children is performed by all children as shown by an adult)

Leading: - Well done! All are very smart and skilled. Now let's see how smart you are.

Game "Four Elements"

Rule: perform a specific movement for each word

Earth - sit down

Air - hands up

Water - imitation of swimming

Fire - candle (join hands above head, legs apart)

Leading: - That's how we live together,

We won't get lost anywhere.

Don't forget to take with you

These are the qualities:

Dexterity, courage, speed,

Strength and ... eccentricity.

Game - fun "At Malanya"

Rule: perform movements in the text, then repeat after the entertainers

At Malania, at the old woman's(hands "shelf")

Lived in a small hut(raise your hands with a house above your head)

Seven sons (strongmen)

All without eyebrows (close eyebrows with hands)

With such eyesroll your eyes with your hands)

With ears like that (palms to ears)

With such a head (spread arms out to sides)

With such a beard (hand gesture from chin down)

Didn't eat anything (turn your head)

They looked at her (goggle eyes)

They did it like this...

(3-4 entertainers show their movements in turn, the children repeat after them. Change entertainers 3 times)

Leading: - Everyone was great. Our warm-up was wonderful and beneficial for you. And now we come to the important part of our festival. To get an action plan, I invite the team captains to me.

(Team captains come out, they are given a festival plan for the week; captains show their boxes or chests to collect chips)

Leading: I invite the children of the preparatory groups to the sports ground for the game "Dodgeball", and the children of the older groups - for the game "Bilbock".

Dodgeball game

Rule: representatives of one group - "bouncers", the other - "target" (4 people from the group). "Bouncers" must throw the ball, throwing it to each other, knock out all the "targets" from the center. If they managed to do this within the allotted time, then the team receives a chip. At the end of the time, other children are selected. Time can be measured with an hourglass.

The game "Bilbock"

Rule: for the game, a bowl is taken on a stick and a ball attached to a stick with a cord. Holding the bowl on a stick with the movement of the brush, you need to toss the ball and catch it in the bowl. If the player catches the ball, he gets one point and brings it to his team. How many people caught the ball, so many points the team gets.

2 day

Medium Groups - Mace Fight

Senior groups - Gorodki

Preparatory groups - Rubber bands

Game - competition "Fight with maces"

Rule: two children from different groups stand on a gymnastic bench, pick up a mace. Hitting each other on the body, on the legs, you need to knock the opponent off the bench. Adults insure children near the benches. The winner brings his team a chip.

Game "Rubbers"

Rule: two people hold the rubber band with their feet at a distance of 50 cm. If the player completes the entire complex, then the team receives a chip.

A set of exercises for the game "Rezinochki"

1. Jump on two legs over one rubber band, then over the other. And also in the opposite direction.

2. Jump, stepping on the elastic, then in the middle, again on the elastic, jump to the ground. And also in the opposite direction.

3. Jump in the middle between the rubber bands with both feet. Then jump out of the middle, legs apart through 2 elastic bands. Cross the elastic band with your legs 2 times. Again in the middle on two legs, jump to the side.

You can come up with any other set of exercises.

Game "Towns"

Rule: two squares 1 * 1 or 1.5 * 1.5 m are drawn on the ground. This city". At a distance of 2-3 m, a line is drawn - half-cone. Still at a distance of 2-3 m. the second line - con. The player stands at the starting line, with a bat he tries to knock out the towns from the "city". For each town knocked out, the player receives a chip for his team. Children of older groups throw a bat from a half horse, children of preparatory groups - from a horse.

Figures for towns:

small fence (all towns are next to each other in one row)

Barrel (all towns are next to each other in a circle)

Well (4 towns lie on the ground in a square, 1 stands in the middle of it)

Collars (2 towns are next to each other, 1 is on top of them)

Track (all towns lie on the ground next to each other in one row)

3 day

Middle groups - Bilbock

Senior groups - Dogs

Preparatory groups - Gorodoki

The game "Bilbock"

Rule: same.

Game "Dogs"

Rule: Children of one team form a circle. "Doggy" - a child from another team. Children in a circle throw the ball to each other. "Dog" at this time must take away the ball or touch it. If the "dog" took the ball, then she gets a point and brings it to her team. If the “dog” cannot take the ball away for a long time, you need to change it.

Game "Towns"

Rule: also; for children of the preparatory group, the distance for throwing is increased.

Day 4

Senior groups - "Rezinochki"

Preparatory groups - "Cossacks-robbers"

Cossack robbers

Rule: Cossacks and robbers are chosen by lot. Cossacks from one group, robbers from another. The robbers hide the treasure in the area around the kindergarten, while the Cossacks are looking for it. The robbers point the way with arrows that are drawn on the pavement. Where it is impossible to draw an arrow with chalk, the robbers put an arrow out of paper. After some time, the Cossacks come to their starting position, and they begin to move along the arrows in search of the treasure.

If the Cossacks found a treasure, then they get a point. Then the teams switch roles.

Closing of the festival

(gathering of all participants at the sports ground)

Fanfare sounds

Leading: Today we have gathered together again to sum up our festival of yard games. We met every day at different playgrounds of the kindergarten, played old, forgotten yard games. But now you know these games well, remember their rules and, I hope, will play them very often.

1 child: Play it, play it!

Our fun kindergarten.

Forever friends with the game

He is both adults and children!

2 child: Many games are known to our

Cheerful kid.

They play with them in the garden,

Near the house in the yard.

3 child: And these games are yard

For the guys now is not new.

Children have been playing in them for a long time,

And never forget.

Leading: - And now let's greet the participants of our festival again.

(Each team with its emblem, led by the captain, makes a lap of honor, all other participants greet them with shouts of "Hurrah!")

Leading: - Team captains, tell us how many points your team has scored. Let's move on to the solemn part of our festival: to the presentation of diplomas and prizes.

(All teams receive certificates of participation in the festival of courtyard games

and sweet prizes

Guys, for your life to be fun and active, play more! Play familiar games, invent your own. After all, the game is a very useful activity: during the games you run, jump, perform different movements, and from this you become even stronger, faster. stronger, stronger and healthier. And health is our main wealth. Take care of him! And play, play, play!!! Goodbye! See you soon!