Tundra trainer for here. Trainer tundra to disable foliage. Chit Tundra download

The popular cheat mod "Tundra" continues to be quite popular among WoT fans. It offers a wide range of features that will make the gaming experience easier. With this modification, you can remove the crowns of trees and even foliage when sniping aiming.

Thanks to the removal of vegetation that interferes with shooting, you will get a good advantage over your rivals. Now enemy tanks in the forest will no longer be a problem, as they will be clearly visible.

Chit Tundra download

This mod first appeared a long time ago and is currently in great demand among cheaters. But before downloading it, it is worth considering that, like some others, it is prohibited for use. So think carefully before installing it.

In order to install the Tundra modification, you need to unpack the downloaded archive to the following address: /WoT/res_mods/[current patch]/. Then you can start the game, join the battle and press the F2 key to turn on the cheat. You can also activate the black sky using Alt + F11. All mod settings are made in the mod_tspyd09E file, which is located in /[current patch]/scripts/client/gui/mods/.

  • Update date: 07 Aug 2019
  • Checked on the patch:
  • Current version: 15m
  • DrWebber, Japonamat, Bosomi
  • Total marks: 110
  • Average rating: 4.36
  • Share:

Information about the latest update:


  • Added option from DrWebber.
  • The antivirus falsely triggers on the components of the Cheat Engine program in which the trainer was created.

Important: A new patch has been released and the mod installation folder will change, now they need to be installed in the WOT/res_mods/1.6.0/ and WOT/mods/1.6.0/ folders. Most of the mods are functional, just move them to the 1.6.0 folder, if any of the mods still does not work, wait for it to be adapted on our website.

There are several ways to make transparent foliage in World of Tanks. For example, scripts, but some players prefer to use trainers - separate stand-alone programs that interact with the game process.

Why do we need Tundra trainers for 1.6.0?

Overview on the battlefield is one of the most important features of the gameplay. In order to avoid detection, most of the tankers fire from behind the bushes, so when aiming, only the outline of the vehicle and the marker above it are visible. This is not very convenient, because if you turn off the foliage, then the entire enemy vehicle will be visible.

Let's take a simple example of two screenshots. The picture below shows that the vegetation is in place:

Now let's make it transparent:

As a result, it becomes much more convenient to shoot, the view is not blocked by the leaves and the enemy tank is completely visible, it is at a glance.

The second option is much older, but is still maintained by the author under the nickname DrWebber. This person supports his creation for many patches in a row, updates are released quickly, and the quality remains at a consistently high level. This is what his program looks like:

Another plus of trainers is that the game does not suspect at all that the user has any mods installed, so you can not be afraid of a ban. If you prefer the traditional version of transparent foliage, download.

How to use the Tundra trainer?

  • Choose one of the two options, download the exe file.
  • We launch it, then we launch the game, or naborot.
  • We press the keys indicated in the trainer to turn off the leaves.

Updated 09/17/2019: Updated for patch

Trainer Tundra is one of the forbidden cheats that remove absolutely all foliage from the battlefield. The usefulness is that it becomes much more convenient to aim, because the bushes and leaves on the trees do not interfere.


Since the trainer is distributed as an exe file, no interference with the game files occurs, which avoids conflicts with other modifications. By removing the vegetation, the player gets a lot of advantages over the enemy, for example, the view on the map increases, it becomes more convenient to aim, because the leaves do not block the view, the tanker immediately sees the enemy.

Three operating modes are available:

  • trunk - all vegetation is removed except for tree trunks;
  • full - both crowns and leaves disappear;
  • aim is the best mode for maintaining the atmosphere of the game, because the foliage disappears only in sniper mode. I recommend using it in order not to turn World of Tanks into a scorched desert.

As you can see in the screenshots, the map has lost a lot of beauty, but the enemy is much easier to spot. The trainer will be especially useful when playing tank destroyers, which in most cases stand hidden behind dense vegetation. In this case, you will not have to aim, focusing only on the contour, you will be able to fully see the enemy tank, which is very convenient. But on light vehicles, it is advisable to activate only the third mode (the trainer only works in a sniper scope), so as not to lose speed by knocking down a tree.

Another plus will be an increase in FPS on weak computers, since the video card will not need to process vegetation. But the number of frames increases only on some configurations (by the way, you can now download a special program for optimizing the game, it's called).


  • Copy the contents of the archive to World_Of_Tanks/res_mods/0.9.x/. (x is the number of the current patch)

Turning on/off the tundra mode is done using the F2 button, turning on/off the black sky is a combination of the Alt + F11 buttons.

This little program will help you remove foliage in WoT without any interference with the game files.

Trainer Features

  • Works completely offline as an exe file, meaning your game files are not changed in any way. This means that any conflicts with other modifications are excluded.
  • Setting the mod activation keys as desired in the trainer.
  • Three operating modes for greater convenience. Test which one is most comfortable for you to play with.
  • On some computer configurations, there may be an increase in frames, because objects are removed from the battlefield, which reduces the load on the PC.

Attention! The mod is prohibited by the developers and you may be banned, use at your own risk. The modification is laid out for informational purposes only.

What are the benefits of using a trainer?

  • It is much easier to shoot if the enemy and you are separated by vegetation.
  • Shooting absolutely the entire map has become much more convenient.

How is this trainer installed?

  1. Loading the mod.
  2. We go into the game.
  3. Run the Tundra 1.3.exe exe file extracted from the archive.
  4. We press the corresponding activation keys (you can configure them yourself using the trainer).
  5. Let's play!

Now let's see how the modification works

This is what this section of the map looks like without the participation of additional mods, that is, trees and foliage are visible on them:

And this is how the game changes after activating the mod. As you can see, all vegetation has disappeared, as well as tree crowns.