Tiny bang story free walkthrough map. Passage of the game The Tiny Bang Story. "On the railroad" - tasks

The plot of the full version of the game Tiny Bang Theory for android:
One day, a tiny meteorite fell on a small planet. But even a small collision was enough to inflict unusually large-scale destruction on the planet. The player must complete a particularly important mission - to restore his house, along with all its power systems and communications. For this, all the necessary spare parts are provided, including light bulbs, gears, bolts and other parts. The success of the mission directly depends on the ingenuity and perseverance of the player, because to solve the puzzle you will have to sweat a little. The game is made in the style of "Search for objects". But here you don’t have to solve boring puzzles in inconspicuous places. The atmosphere of the entire application is very dynamic, and each new stage prepares a lot of pleasant surprises for the player. In addition to the usual search for objects, the player is offered puzzles and logic puzzles.

However, before you solve the problem, you will need to familiarize yourself with the rules. It should also be noted that the application is completely devoid of any text, it is intuitive, so even a child who cannot read can play the game. In total, the game has five chapters and three dozen puzzles. The passage of each is accompanied by carefully traced graphics, fun music and a unique, exciting storyline. Each new level is fundamentally different from the previous one. The Tiny Bang Story for Android hit the top ten most popular applications according to Steam and BigFish, Gamehouse, and Gizmodo recognized it as the "Best Toy of the Week". You should pay attention to the fact that the application needs additional cache loading. It is recommended to perform the first launches with the Internet connection turned on. Depending on the type of device, the amount of free memory should be between 50 and 100 Mb.

Walkthrough Tiny Bang Theory

- How to complete the game The Tiny Bang Story? watch the video:(you can choose any level)

Hints in the game

As you can see from the title of this paragraph, the game has a built-in hint system. How it works: if you have already noticed, then two blue creatures fly on the locations. We click on these creatures, and they move to a circle with a question mark in the upper right corner of the screen. Due to this action, the circle gradually turns blue. Naturally, two other insects fly out onto the screen, which can also be moved to the hint circle. When the circle is completely blue, you can activate a hint. Attention! When this hint is activated, a red insect flies out of the circle and begins to flutter around one of the uncollected active items. This item is sure to be on display! If there are no visible objects on the screen, then the insect simply will not fly out.

Chapter 1

So the game has begun. Under the question mark, on the right side of the screen, there is a square with a picture of a puzzle and a small number "25". This means that we need to find 25 pieces of the puzzle ( puzzles=0/25). At the beginning of the game, the computer shows us the first steps. We follow them. Take the puzzle on the left side of the shoe, click on the red button for the elevator located in the building to the left of the shoe ( puzzles=1/25). We go into the elevator and find ourselves on the second tier. We examine the broken stairs to the third tier. In order to get to the top, you need to find 5 iron sticks that play the role of steps ( steps=0/5). We click on the first iron stick, which the arrow points to, after which we go into the elevator and go down to the first tier ( steps=1/5).

We take another iron stick, and the training is completed ( steps=2/5). Collecting 4 visible puzzle pieces and another pipe (puzzles=5/25, steps=3/5). We examine the bent panel on the multi-storey building on the left and come to the conclusion that we need a wrench ( wrench=0/1). An oven is attached to the bottom of the boot. We look into the furnace furnace and find 3 puzzle pieces and an iron pipe attached to a frying pan ( puzzles=8/25, steps=4/5). Please note that there are railroad tracks coming out of the multi-storey building. Next to these rails, on the right side of the screen, there is a semaphore. We open the semaphore control panel and see three cells with "units" in front of us. Apparently, here you need to enter some specific sequence of numbers, but which one? We remember this place and take the elevator to the second tier.

Collecting 4 puzzle pieces (puzzles=12/25) and look into the open porthole, where the first puzzle appears before us. Here are the numbers from 1 to 9. Moreover, each number is indicated in two different ways. For example, the Arabic numeral "5" can be written and a palm with five straightened fingers is depicted. We first click on the number "5", and then on the image of the palm, and these two inscriptions will be erased. Is the meaning clear? So here are the related pairs:

After the numbers 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 are removed from the iron wall, the sequence 713 will remain. This combination of numbers is the code for the semaphore panel on the first tier. We go back down and click on the semaphore. We enter a three-digit code: 713. We look inside and see empty slots in which you need to place 9 lamps ( bulbs=0/9). Naturally, you first need to find these lamps. We remove the fifth iron pipe, which is attached to the inside of the open semaphore door ( steps=5/5). We take the first light bulb located above the elevator to the second tier ( bulbs=1/9). We rise to the second tier.

We unscrew another lamp attached to the shield with an exclamation mark at the bottom of the screen ( bulbs=2/9). We click with the cursor on the square with the image of an iron pipe that serves as a step for the fire escape. If everything is done correctly, then the cursor takes the form of this square. Now click on the broken ladder and climb higher.

We collect visible pieces of the puzzle in the amount of 6 pieces and unscrew three lamps (puzzles=18/25, bulbs=5/9). We are trying to open the chest, but nothing comes out without the key ( lock key=0/1). We click on the grandmother with the cat, and the grandmother tells us that the key is hidden under the picture. We examine the frame of the picture on the wall under the stairs. To restore the portrait, you need to find 25 glass flasks, inside of which are placed white rolls of paper ( glass flasks=0/25). Climb up the stairs to the roof.

We find 3 lamps and 4 puzzle pieces (puzzles=22/25, bulbs=8/9). We click on the right end of the telescope and start the mini-game. Through the porthole, we see how bunches of balloons rise from the bottom up, to which various glass vessels are tied. US you need to click only on those balls , to which glass flasks with white bundles are attached. Having collected 25 glass flasks, click on the green circle that appears with a checkmark ( glass flasks=25/25). We go down and use the image of a glass flask with a piece of paper, located on the right side of the screen, on the portrait frame hanging on the wall under the stairs. Putting together a picture:

After you have successfully assembled the portrait, click on the green circle with a checkmark. We inform the grandmother about the successful completion of the task and select the key from the floor that the old woman threw out for us ( lock key=1/1). Use the key on the locked chest and look inside. We get from the chest two puzzle pieces and a wrench (puzzles=24/25, wrench=1/1). We open the cabinet on the right side of the old woman and take out the last piece of the puzzle from there ( puzzles=25/25). We go down to the first level.

Using a wrench, unscrew the three screws holding the bent panel to the wall of the building. We examine the mechanism and get a new task: find 8 curved pipes and 7 gears ( pipes=0/8, gears=0/7). We look into the furnace and take out one gear and one curved pipe ( pipes=1/8, gears=1/7). At the very location of the first tier we find two gears and one bent pipe (T rubles=2/8, gears=3/7), after which we rise to the second tier.

Open the cabinet with an exclamation mark and take out the gear ( gears=4/7). We remove the curved pipe from the wall, above the elevator down ( pipes=3/8). We climb the stairs to the third tier.

We open the cabinet, a little to the right of the old woman, and take out a curved pipe from it ( pipes=4/8). We take one more gear from the hatch cover, take out the other gear from the chest ( gears=6/7). From the same chest we take the last lamp and curved pipe (bulbs=9/9, pipes=5/8). We find another bent pipe on the edge of the stair railing pipes=6/8). We're heading to the roof.

We put in inventory the curved pipe attached to the visor above the telescope ( pipes=7/8). We find another pipe on the telescope support ( pipes=8/8). On the same telescope we find another gear ( gears=7/7). We go down to the first level.

We use the assembled lamps on the open panel of the semaphore. We have the following picture:

P.S. As the experience of replaying this game has shown, the light bulbs can be arranged in a different order. For this arrangement, the combination looks like this: 4, 4, 2, 2, 3. Here is the final look:

Our task is to arrange the light bulbs in a certain order. We all know that any traffic light, even a semaphore, has red and green colors. Here we are also given a purple color. We do not pay attention to this absurdity, imagine that it is yellow. The result should be red lights in the top row, purple lights in the middle row, and green lights in the bottom row. To swap light bulbs, you need to click on the round buttons with arrows. We number these buttons, as shown in the screenshot above, and click on them in the following sequence: 3, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 3, 4. The semaphore works. Now let's fix the big mechanism that opens the depot doors. We place the assembled gears and pipes inside the mechanism, press the red button and look inside the depot.

Here we need to assemble the train in parts. We use a schematic representation of a steam locomotive in the upper right corner of the screen. You need to find 16 parts and attach them to the train:

After we have collected all the parts of the locomotive, click on the green circle with a check mark at the top of the screen. Because we have collected all 25 pieces of the puzzle, then our train sets off.

The final puzzle of the first chapter:

Chapter 2

So, it's time to get used to the fact that in each chapter the main task is to collect 25 puzzle pieces to complete the final puzzle of the chapter ( puzzles=0/25). Collecting 7 visible puzzle pieces (puzzles=7/25) and examine the large screen with an incomprehensible image. There are 4 buttons at the bottom of the screen. From left to right, number them from 1 to 4. Click on these buttons in the following sequence: 1, 2, 4. As a result, we have a drawing of an airplane.

We examine the walkie-talkie under the orange visor. Here we need to place the battery, which must first be found ( battery=0/1). The fact that we have collected a drawing of an airplane is good, but it will be useful to us only in the future. We study the mechanism from which the straps hang to the screen with the image of the aircraft. This mechanism is missing three wheels ( wheel=0/3). We click on the pointer, the blue arrow of which is directed to the left side of the screen, and we find ourselves in a neighboring location.

Collecting 5 puzzle pieces (puzzles=12/25). We open the middle porthole on the large iron building. Two glass flasks have disappeared from here and we need to find them ( glass flasks=0/2). We go to the left side.

Collecting 5 visible puzzle pieces (puzzles=17/25). Open the hatch on the large jug on the left side of the screen. New task - find 4 valves ( gates=0/4). First valve find here ( valves=1/4). We return to the previous location and find more one valve (valves=2/4).

Remember the porthole behind which is the cauldron of red liquid? Below this porthole is located manhole cover with slot . Open this cover and go down.

We find 5 puzzle pieces (puzzles=22/25) and click on the old man with a smoking pipe. It turns out that the apparatus that is above us is used to create batteries. Open the chest and take it out following items : puzzle, valve, wooden wheel and glass flask ( puzzles=23/25, valves=3/4, wheel=1/3, glass flasks=1/2). Let's examine the sideboard next to the green sofa. In the upper compartment we find another piece of the puzzle ( puzzles=24/25), and in the lower compartment - a wooden wheel ( wheel=2/3). We click on the picture on the wall and collect the following picture:

Having collected the picture, click on the green circle with a check mark. We click on the wooden wheel in the hands of the boy shown in the picture ( wheel=3/3). On the floor we notice a wooden cellar cover. We look into the cellar and find a piece of the puzzle and a second glass flask (puzzles=25/25, glass flasks=2/2). We return to the first location.

We place three wheels in the mechanism above the screen with the image of the aircraft. We take fourth valve (valves=4/4) and go to the leftmost location. We place the found valves in the hole of the jug and begin to solve the puzzle. Our task is to connect the left side of the steam system with the right side. Answer:

After the picture on your screen matches the last screenshot, click on the green checkmark button. Pay attention to the flickering red light that is on top of the glass bottle on the right side of the screen. This light is located inside the crane control cabin. We click on the crane control cabin and come to the conclusion that we need to find four levers ( leverage=0/4). In total, we can get into four locations. In each of these locations, one lever is hidden - one , two , three And four (leverage=4/4). We place the found levers inside the control cabin, and a mini-game begins. At the bottom of the screen are four levers of different colors - blue, red, yellow and green. At the top of the screen is a pipe, at the end of which a lamp is attached. We remember the sequence of colors with which this lamp is lit, and we repeat the same sequence with the help of levers. That is, if the lamp shines first green and then yellow, then we need to pull the green and yellow levers in order. After completing this puzzle, the TV at the bottom of the bottle becomes active.

We click on this TV, and the mini-game begins. The goal of this mini-game is to deliver the boat without hitting a wall, a whale, or a green block with a "+" sign. Use the up and down arrow buttons to move the ship in the appropriate direction. Using the green button with the "+" sign, we destroy the green blocks in the way of the ship. Attention! In order to destroy any green block, it is enough that this block is visible on our monitor. It doesn't have to be in the path of the ship. After passing the mini-game, we see that a small ship has appeared on the river. As long as we don't need it. We go to the next location on the right side.

We open the middle porthole, behind which there is a cauldron with red liquid, and place two glass flasks inside. Here we have to do similar actions to those that we performed in the case of collecting a steam locomotive. Assembling the assembly for the manufacture of the battery:

I draw your attention to the fact that one of the details is on the drawing of the unit itself, on the right side of the screen.

Pick up the battery battery=0/1) and go to the first location. We place the battery in the walkie-talkie, press the button on this walkie-talkie and the screen with the image of the aircraft rises. We examine the door that appeared before us. The new task is to find 24 ordinary balls and 1 triangle-shaped ball ( small balls=0/24, big ball=0/1). At this location we find 7 balls (small balls=7/24). On the location on the left side we find more 6 balls (small balls=13/24). At the far left location we collect 5 regular balls and 1 triangle ball (small balls=18/24, big ball=1/1). We return to the location on the right and go down to the dwelling underground. We collect here 6 last balls (small balls=24/24). One ball is in the chest and in the cellar. We run to the location with the door into which we place the found balls. We have a puzzle.

Our task is to make the small circle consist of orange balls, the middle circle consist of blue balls, and the large circle consist of green balls. Below is a step-by-step combination of successively rotating circles and moving balls. Step "A", "B" or "C" means that you need to click once on a particular circle so that it makes one revolution. And, for example, the step "1C" means that you need to click on the cell under the number "1" on the circle "C". Thus, the ball from this cell will move to an empty adjacent slot. Getting Started:

1C, C, 2B, C, 2C, C, C, 4B, C, 4C, C, C, 6B, C, 6C, C, C, 8B, 8A, B, B, 8B, B, 7C, B, B, 7B, B, 6A, B, B, 6B, 6C, C, C, 8C, B, B, B, B, 4A;

B, B, B, B, B, B, 4B, B, B, 2A, B, 2B, C, 2C, C, 3B, C, C, 3C, C, C, C, C, 7B, C, 7C, cell in the center;

1C, 1B, 1A, B, 1B, B, B, B, B, 5A, B, 5B, B, B, 3A, B, B, B, B, 3B, C, C, C, C, 3C, C, 4B, B, B, 2A;

B, B, B, B, B, 2B, B, B, B, 7A, B, B, 7B, B, B, B, 4C, B, 4B, B, B, B, B, 8C, cell in center.

The final picture looks like this:

We go inside and find ourselves at the top of the tree.

The final puzzle of the second chapter:

Chapter 3


We are in the hallway. Collecting 5 puzzle pieces (puzzles=5/25). We click on the video camera, which is attached to the wall on the right side of the screen. Through the video camera we see part of the room behind the reception desk. We take two pieces of the puzzle and go to the left side ( puzzles=7/25).

There is a shop here. We find in this room 7 puzzle pieces (puzzles=14/25). On the left side of the store there are two cabinets with apples on display. Three apples are missing from the rightmost cupboard. Therefore, we need to find them. In order for the task to take effect, be sure to click on an empty storefront ( apples=0/3). We talk with the saleswoman. The woman tells us that if we restore the painting and find the 3 missing apples, she will give us a 1 ruble coin. We examine the picture, or rather the frame from the picture, to the left of the window. We need to find a canvas canvas=0/1). Now examine the red slot machine in the lower left corner of the screen. We have a simple puzzle. At the top of the screen, lines of six colors are drawn in a row: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. Our task: under the red line, set five squares of a red tint, and the top square should be the brightest, and so on in decreasing order. Under the line, for example, blue, blue squares should be drawn, etc. Answer:

We take the canvas of the picture rolled into a roll ( canvas=1/1) and apply it to the frame hanging on the wall, slightly to the left of the window. The picture is collected.

We return to the hallway and take one apple (apples=1/3). We pass to the balcony through the door on the right side of the hallway. Collecting 6 puzzle pieces and one apple (puzzles=20/25, apples=2/3). There is a building on the balcony. On the wall of this building is a map in the form of two crossed circles. Let's look at this map. We need to make sure that the left hemisphere of the left circle is yellow, the right hemisphere of the right circle is purple, and the common part of the left and right circles is blue. In this case, both circles can be rotated. To rotate the left circle, click on the area around it. The left circle rotates only 180 degrees. And in order to rotate the right circle, you need to click on the area around this circle. The right circle is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise at a time.

In the case of the figure above, the right circle needs to be rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise. I also suggest using a step-by-step solution to this puzzle. But I want to immediately warn you that these actions will be correct only if you have not yet had time to start solving this riddle and have not turned any of the circles at least once. If you want to start solving the puzzle again, then I advise you to minimize the game to tray (on the bottom panel), open the "Task Manager" and force quit the game. In this case, you will simply start the game from the beginning of the third chapter. It doesn't take much to go through again. Let's get started. We number the left circle with the number "1", and the right circle - with the number "2". Rotate the circles in this order: 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2.

So, after solving the puzzle with circles, a window opens in a small building on the balcony. Let's look at this window. New task - find a coin with a face value of 1 ruble ( coin=0/1). We already know how to get a coin. It remains to find one more apple.

We go into the hallway, go into the elevator in the center and find ourselves in a room with monitors. Let's call this room the room on the second floor. Collecting The last 5 pieces of the puzzle (puzzles=25/25). By the way, if you open the door of the lower part of the bookcase, which is on the left side of the screen, you can find the sixth piece of the puzzle, which we no longer need. We examine the yellow hemisphere, to the right of the bookcase. We need to find a compass ( compass=0/1). This compass is located on the reception desk in the hallway. In order to see the rack, click on the video camera on the wall. We take a compass and go back to the second floor ( compass=1/1). We also study in the room on the second floor a metal cabinet with a flickering green screen. This pedestal is missing four toggle switches ( toggle switches=0/4). One toggle switch is hidden in each of the four locations of the third chapter. In this room, the toggle switch is attached to the table in the lower right corner of the screen ( toggle switches=1/4). In the hallway, the toggle switch is on the bookshelf, on the right side of the elevator ( toggle switches=2/4). On the balcony, the toggle switch rests on a building on which a map with two circles hangs ( toggle switches=3/4). And in the store, the toggle switch is attached to the shop of the saleswoman ( toggle switches=4/4). We take these four toggle switches and place them in the cabinet in the room on the second floor. We are prompted to enter a code. But which one, we don't know yet. The found compass is placed in the yellow hemisphere, between the pedestal with tumblers and the bookshelf. Our task: to ensure that in the middle of the picture the red line falls vertically. It should look like this:

In order to achieve such a picture, it is necessary to turn the large compass counterclockwise 3 times. Together with it, two other compasses and the circumference of the hemisphere in which the compasses are placed will rotate. To rotate a compass counter-clockwise, move the mouse cursor over the part of this compass that is closest to the center of the hemisphere. Hold down the left mouse button and move this compass clockwise. The main thing is to understand the mechanism. The compass rests against the walls of the hemisphere and moves inside this hemisphere in the opposite direction than it rotates itself. Like a normal wheel. So, after solving this puzzle, click on the green circle with a check mark. We examine the sheets of paper lying on the table to which the toggle switch was attached. We need to find some kind of slotted plate ( slotted plate=0/1). It is this plate that is located in the open hemisphere. The hemisphere is open due to the fact that a minute earlier you and I solved the puzzle with compasses. We pick up a plate with slots ( slotted plate=1/1) and apply this plate to the sheets of paper on the table. We have yet another puzzle. The plate can be divided into four columns. At the bottom of the plate is a row of four squares. These squares are the password to solve the puzzle in the pedestal with toggle switches. The first two digits, as you can see, are already given to us. On the plate above each of these squares there are two slots through which two numbers are visible. Our task is to put the table in such a place that in the first two columns, when subtracting the top number from the number in the middle, the difference is equal to the number at the bottom of the plate.

My words are confirmed by the picture above:

Since the difference is the same in the first two columns, then it must also be the same in the other two columns:

As a result, we have the following code: 3132. This code is displayed on the screen of the thumbs with toggle switches. We take out the third apple from the cabinet ( apples=3/3) and return to the store. We place the apples on the showcase, after which we take a coin from the opened cash register ( coin=1/1).

We hurry to the balcony and use the coin on the window of the building. We return to the room on the second floor and click on the huge TV, a little to the right of the elevator doors. Here we have to do similar actions to those that we performed in the mini-game with the boat. We leave from a collision with trees and enemy black airplanes. After we arrive at our destination, we head to the balcony.

We press the red button, a little to the left of the plane. We look into the trunk of the plane and understand that we need to find 12 parcels ( parcels=0/12). Gathering on the balcony 3 parcels (parcels=3/12). In the hallway we find three parcels (parcels=6/12). We find one of these three parcels behind the administrator's desk, which can be seen through a video camera. On the second floor we take two parcels (parcels=8/12). We collect the rest in the store four parcels (parcels=12/12). We return to the balcony and place the parcels on the plane.

The final puzzle of the third chapter:

Chapter 4


We select on location 5 puzzle pieces (puzzles=5/25). We examine the building on the right side of the screen. This building is designed to check luggage that needs to be placed on a mobile track. We click on this path and get a new task - find 10 bags ( baggage=0/10). At this location we find 7 bags (baggage=7/10). We open the gate on the left side of the screen and look inside the storage room. Here we find 3 final bags and 3 puzzle pieces (baggage=10/10, puzzles=8/25). We put the bags on the movable path and see the scales in front of us. Our task: to put all 10 bags on the left and right scales so as to bring the scales into balance.

After you have solved the puzzle, click on the blue pointing arrow in the lower right corner of the screen.

At the next location we find 5 puzzle pieces (puzzles=13/25). We study a round stone platform with slots in the center and get a new task: find 4 game dice ( dice=0/4). We go to the right side, for this we click on the index arrow in the lower right corner of the screen.

Collecting 5 puzzle pieces and one bone (puzzles=18/25, dice=1/4). We click on the lock holding the boat. We need to find the key (lock key=0/1)! We examine the round recess on the elephant statue. Here we see a tattered drawing that we need to collect. And for this we need to find 4 parts of the picture ( parts of the picture=0/4). At the top of the statue we find the first part of the drawing ( parts of the picture=1/4). We go back one location.

On the inside of the dome, to the left of the top of the fire escape, we find the second part of the drawing ( parts of the picture=2/4). We head to the left side, to the starting location.

We take the third part of the drawing and the second dice (parts of the picture=3/4, dice=2/4). We look inside the warehouse and find there the third dice and the last, fourth part of the picture (parts of the picture=4/4, dice=3/4). We hurry back to the elephant statue and place all the found parts of the drawing in a round recess on the statue. We collect the following drawing:

Now we look into any of the opened doors in the building under the elephant statue. Finding the latest a dice and two puzzle pieces (dice=4/4, puzzles=20/25). We return to the middle of the three available locations and place the dice on the stone platform in the center. So, we have 5 holes for four dice. The hole in the center has no color, and the other four holes are colored in four different colors, each of which matches a dice:

Dice with one dot - green color;

Dice with two dots - blue color;

Dice with three dots - yellow color;

Dice with four dots - red color.

The final drawing should look like this:

We number the holes on the plate as shown in the final answer. We click on the holes in the following sequence: 2, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Click on the green circle with a check mark and lower the green lever at the transformer next to the fire escape. We see how a small staircase rises from a stone platform with bones. We click on the top of this staircase and find ourselves on the second floor, in the teapot.

We find 3 puzzle pieces (puzzles=23/25) and examine the torn picture, behind the sailor. We need to find a part of this picture and 8 boats ( piece of picture=0/1, boats=0/8). We also inspect the box with scattered floats, which is located on the floor on the right side of the room. New task: find 10 lost floats ( floats=0/10). Open the cabinet on the right side of the room and take out one piece of the puzzle ( puzzles=24/25). We study the contents of the cabinet on the left side of the room. We take away from this cabinet a float and a piece of the puzzle ( puzzles=25/25, floats=1/10). We go down.

Collecting 3 floats and 2 boats (floats=4/10, boats=2/8). We go to the right side. At this location we find 2 floats and 2 boats (floats=6/10, boats=4/8). We look inside the building under the elephant statue and take two floats and two boats (floats=8/10, boats=6/8). We head to the far left location. We look into the warehouse and take one float and one boat (floats=9/10, boats=7/8). We leave the approach and collect one boat and one float (floats=10/10, boats=8/8).

We return to the second floor, to the sailor's dwelling. We communicate with the sailor, and he tells us that if we put all his floats in place, he will give us a piece of the picture that hangs behind him. We put the found floats in a box on the floor and start putting these floats in a box:

The sailor throws part of the picture on the floor and says that after we collect the picture, he will give us the key to the lock on the boat. We select a piece of the picture from the floor ( painting piece=1/1) and place it along with the found boats on the picture itself, which hangs on the wall, behind the sailor. Our task is to connect the ships in pairs so that the lines connecting each pair of ships do not intersect with each other. Answer:

, nearby ( valves=1/5). The second valve is found on the stone hemisphere, in the background ( valves=2/5). We pass through the glass doors to the next location.

We take one valve and 5 puzzle pieces (puzzles=10/25, valves=3/5). We click on the mosaic picture in the center of the location. New task: find 10 pieces of a portrait of a man ( portrait parts=0/10). In this location we find 4 parts portrait (portrait pieces=4/10). We are trying to enter the door to which the stairs lead, but nothing comes out without the key ( door key=0/1). We look inside the fountain and find valve and part of a portrait (valves=4/5, portrait parts=5/10). We return to the location back and collect more 5 parts portrait (portrait pieces=10/10). We re-enter the building and apply parts of the portrait to the portrait itself. We need to collect a portrait. Please note that in the starting position we can go in any of the four directions. If you go down, then there will already be three options - left, right and down. If at some transition there are no path options left, then the mini-game is failed. So, we follow the following path: down, left, up, up, up, right, down, right, down, right, down, left, down, left, down, left, up, left, up, left, up, right , up.

By solving this task, a niche opens under the picture, from which we take out the last valve ( valves=5/5). We go outside and place the valves on the door of the iron building, in the lower right corner of the screen. We need to make sure that the water from the two valves on the right side of the screen goes through the drain in the lower left corner of the screen. To do this, we use valves, which we put down as follows:

We return inside the building and re-look into the fountain. We get two puzzle pieces and a key (puzzles=12/25, door key=1/1).

We use the key on the locked door, which leads to the stairs. We pass through the open door and find ourselves on the second floor.

We examine the safe. We do not yet know the code for it, so we first collect 4 puzzle pieces (puzzles=16/25) scattered around the room. We rise even higher - to the third floor.

Collecting 5 puzzle pieces (puzzles=21/25). We examine the board with checkers and take three more pieces of the puzzle ( puzzles=24/25). We remember the position of two checkers on the board - B1 and C3. We study a large circle with a Roman numeral "V". It is nothing but a watch. Our task: to find 10 numbers and two arrows ( Roman numerals=0/10, clock hands=0/2). We open a small niche in the wall, behind the sitting man, and take out the first Roman numeral from there ( Roman numerals=1/10).

Go down and click on two Roman numerals (Roman numerals=3/10). We go down the stairs. On the first floor of the building we find 3 roman numerals (Roman numerals=6/10). We look into the fountain and find Roman numeral and clock hand (Roman numerals=7/10, clock hands=1/2). On the street we find more 3 roman numerals (R imish numerals=10/10). We return to the second floor and re-examine the safe. We set the toggle switches on the safe as follows, according to the position of the checkers on the board:

After that, turn the handle at the bottom of the safe. From the open safe we ​​take out the hour hand, after which we go upstairs ( clock hands=2/2). We place two hands and 10 Roman numerals on the circumference of the clock. The clock is working again. We go down to the floor below and pay attention to the pendulum moving from side to side. Behind this pendulum we find last piece of the puzzle (puzzles=25/25).

Final puzzle of the game:

A source : questtime.net

Find 4 more puzzle pieces here, then click on the ladder to see 5 rungs are missing. Take a ladder rung from the inside of the open hatch. Now click on the numbers on the inside wall and solve the matching puzzle (match all number pairs until you are left with the numbers 713). Go through the bottom door to climb back down.


Click on the large partially open panel, then collect 2 more ladder rungs. Open the furnace door, then click to look inside. Find 3 puzzle pieces and 1 ladder rung, then back out of here. Click on the panel on the switch to the right and enter the number 713. Take the ladder rung from the inside of the switch panel door, then click on the open panel to see you need 9 light globes. Take the light globe from over the top door, then press the top red button and climb up again.


Take the light globe, then use your ladder rungs on the ladder and climb up again.


Find 7 puzzle pieces (one in the cupboard on the right) and 3 light globes. Click on the locked chest and the empty picture frame, then go upstairs.


Find 4 puzzle pieces and 3 light globes. Click on the telescope then pop 25 sets of balloons that are holding flasks with pieces of canvas. Back out of this game and go back downstairs.


Use your pieces of canvas on the black picture and solve the jigsaw puzzle. Pick up the key that the old lady drops and use it to unlock the chest. Inside, take the 2 puzzle pieces, light globe and wrench. Go all the way down to the ground.


Use your wrench on the 3 bolts to open the large panel - now you need to find 8 pipes and 7 gears. Pick up 2 gears and a pipe from here, then open the furnace door and get another gear and pipe. Use your light globes on the switch panel on the right and rotate the globes so they are red, purple and green from top to bottom. Now go back up.


Take a pipe, and open the alarm panel to find a gear. Continue up.


Find a gear and pipe in the room, another gear and pipe in the chest, and yet another pipe from the cupboard. head upstairs.


Find the last gear and 2 pipes, and head down to the ground.


Use your gears and pipes on the open panel, then press the bottom red button and head in through the opening to find a dismantled train. Correctly place the 16 train parts using the diagram provided, then go back outside.

Chapter 2

tree trunk

Find 7 puzzle pieces, then click on the open elevator mechanism to see you need to find 3 wheels. Now click on the sliding screen panels and change them to show the picture of an airplane (from the starting position press buttons 2, 1 and 4 from the left). Now go left by clicking on the blue arrow.


Find 5 puzzle pieces, then open the round glass door to the lab and click inside to see you need to find 2 flasks. Continue left.


Find 5 more puzzle pieces, then open the hatch and click inside to see you now also need 4 handles. Pick up 1 valve handle then return to the right.


Pick up another valve handle, then open the gray cover on the ground on the right and head through.

Underground House

Find 5 puzzle pieces in the room. Open the top cupboard and get another puzzle piece. Open the bottom cupboard and take a wheel. Open the trapdoor and look inside, then take a flask and another puzzle piece. Open the chest and look inside, then take a wheel, the last flask, a valve handle and the last puzzle piece. Click on the picture on the wheel and rearrange the tiles, then take the last wheel from the picture. Now climb back up the ladder.


Open the round glass door again and use your flasks on the vat. Correctly place the 13 machine parts using the diagram provided, then go back outside. head right.

tree trunk

Take the last valve handle. Put your wheels in the tree's mechanism, then try pressing the elevator button but you need a battery. Return left.


Take the battery and head back to the right.

tree trunk

Insert your battery and press the elevator button. Now click on the door to see you need to find 24 balls and a triangle button. Pick up 7 balls from here before going left.


Pick up 3 balls from out in the open, and find another 3 balls inside small hatches. head down.

Underground House

Pick up 2 balls from out in the open, 1 in the top cupboard, 1 in the chest, 1 in the medicine cabinet and 1 beneath the trapdoor. Climb up again and go left.


Find 5 balls, then use your valve handles on the controls. Now join all the pipes together so the gas flows without any leaks. After you are done, click on the glass dome at the top of the right bottle to see you need 4 levers. Pick up the lever from the ground on the left, then go right.


Pick up the lever here, then go down.

Underground House

Pick up the lever, then go back up and right.

tree trunk

Take the lever, then go all the way back to the bottles.


Use the levers on the glass dome and complete the matching patterns puzzle, then go back outside. Look at the television and navigate the ship through the obstacles in the mini-game (destroy the green blocks with the + button on the left). Take the triangle button from the ship that arrives. head all the way to the right.

tree trunk

Use your triangle button and balls in the door, then rearrange the balls so the orange are in the middle, then blue and finally yellow on the outside. head through the open door.

Chapter 3


Find 4 puzzle pieces, then click on the security camera and find 2 more puzzle pieces. Open the door to the left and go through.

Apple Store

Find 7 puzzle pieces, then click on the empty frame on the wall to see you must find a scroll, and open the drawer of the display cabinet to see you must find 3 apples. Now click on the vending machine at the bottom left. Rearrange the colors from brightest to faintest in the color order indicated. Take the scroll from the machine when you are done, and put it in the frame on the wall. head right.


Pick up the apple from the bookshelf, then continue through the right door.


Find 6 puzzle pieces, and an apple in the nest at the top. Now click on the map on the wall to see another mini-game; solve this by clicking the sides of the map as follows: left, right 3 times, left, right 3 times, left, right, left, right 3 times. Click on the ticket counter to see you need a coin, then head left.


Click on the elevator to go up to an office.


Find 5 puzzle pieces in the room, then open the cupboard on the left and get the last puzzle piece. Click on the yellow astrolabe to see you need a compass. Click on the flashing display to see you need 4 dials. Get the dial from the desk, then head down.


Take the dial from the shelf, then look at the security camera and take the compass. head left.

Apple Store

Take the dial from the desk. head right twice.


Take the dial from the side of the building. Return left and up.


Use your compass on the astrolabe. Turn the big dial around in an anti-clockwise direction until all of the red lines match up. Now click on the papers on the desk. Take the cipher key from inside the astrolabe and use it on the papers. Now find a position you can place the key so a valid subtraction can be performed (the first two columns are 5-2=3 and 8-7-1). Next use your 4 dials on the machine with the flashing display, and enter the code 3132. Take the apple from inside this machine. head down and left.

Apple Store

Use your apples on the display cabinet, then take the coin from the cash register. Go right twice.


Use your coin on the window, then return left and up.


Use the computer and play another mini-game where you must dodge the trees and planes to land your jet. When you win, head down and out to the right.


Press the large red button and try to enter the plane, but first you need 12 packages. Find 2 packages in the open and one in the emergency panel, then head inside to the left.


Pick up 2 packages in the open and look at the security camera to find 1 more package. Continue left.

Apple Store

Pick up 3 packages in the open and find another within the drawer on the left. Go right and up in the elevator.


Pick up one package from the chair, then open the cupboard on the left to find the last package. Return down and outside to the right.


Use your packages on the open cargo door of the airplane.

Chapter 4


Find 5 puzzle pieces. Click on the scales to see you need 10 pieces of luggage. Pick up 6 pieces of luggage in the open, then open the small hatch and get 1 more. Open the door at the bottom left, and inside here find 3 puzzle pieces and 3 pieces of luggage. Use your 10 pieces of luggage on the scales. Put 5 pieces of luggage on each side until you make it balance perfectly. Back out and click on the blue sign to go right.


Find 3 puzzle pieces, then click on the central podium to see you need 4 dice. Find another puzzle piece behind the heart door, and another beneath the small right hatch. continue right.


Collect 5 puzzle pieces and one blue die. Click on the broken circular engraving to see you need to find 4 broken pieces, then pick one up from the top of the large statue. Click on the lock tied to the boat to see you need a key, then return to the left.


Get another broken piece of engraving from the ceiling, then continue left.


Get the broken piece, then open the left doors and get the last broken piece and a red die. Also open the hatch at the top of the left bottle and find a green die. Return right twice to reach the dock.


Use your broken pieces on the engraving and solve the jigsaw puzzle. Click on one of the doors at the bottom and find the yellow die and 2 more puzzle pieces, then back out and go left.


Use the dice on the podium. To get them into the correct spots, move them in this order: red, green, blue, yellow, green, red, yellow, blue. Now click on the green lever and climb up the new ladder.

Teapot Attic

Find 3 puzzle pieces in the open, then click on the torn map to see you need a map corner and 8 boats, and then on the puzzle box to see you need 10 tops. Open the left cupboard to find another puzzle piece and a top. Open the right cupboard to find the last puzzle piece, then climb down.


Here you can find 2 boats and 3 tops hidden in various compartments.


Get a boat and top from the open, then enter the small left door and find another boat and top. head right twice.


Get 2 boats and a top from out in the open, then find another top beneath the hatch. Click on one of the doors and find another 2 boats and 2 tops. Now return left and up the ladder.

Teapot Attic

Use the tops on the puzzle box and place all the pieces to solve the puzzle. Pick up the corner of the map and use it on the torn map on the wall. Use your boats on the map - you now need to connect similarly colored boats without crossing lines; start by taking the yellow path right around the bottom, then green around the top and finally fill in the red and blue. Pick up the key from beneath the corner of the rug, then go down and right.


Use the key on the lock.

Chapter 5


Find 5 puzzle pieces, then click on the small door on the right to see you ned 5 wheels. Open the trapdoor and take a wheel. Grab another wheel from the round structure in the background. head through the glass doors.


Find 5 puzzle pieces and another wheel, then click on the tiled portrait to see you need to find 10 tiles, and the locked doors to see you need a key. Pick up 4 tiles, then look at the fountain and get another wheel and another tile. head back outside.


Pick up 5 more tiles and head back inside.


Use the tiles on the portrait and fill in the picture by starting with the middle square of 4 tiles, then working around the outside. Take the last wheel and head outside again.


Use the wheels on the right door. You need to position these on 5 points to stop all water getting from the bottom inlet to both of the right outlets. Once done, head inside again.


Look in the dry fountain and get 2 puzzle pieces and a key. Use the key on the locked doors, then head upstairs.


Find 4 puzzle pieces, then continue up the left stairs.

clock tower

Find 5 puzzle pieces in the open. Look at the game table and find 3 more puzzle pieces (also look at the positions of the pieces on the board). Click on the clock to see you are missing 10 roman numerals and 2 clock hands. Open the small wall cabinet and take a numeral, then go downstairs.


Find 2 more numerals, then look at the safe on the left. Open this with combination B1-C3 (from the game board upstairs) and take the clock hand from inside. head downstairs again.


Collect 3 numerals, then look in the dry fountain to get another numeral and the second clock hand. head outside.

Part one At the very beginning of the game, we are offered to go through something like training. An icon in the form of a computer mouse will appear here and there, which will show which button ...

Part one

At the very beginning of the game, we are offered to go through something like training. An icon in the form of a computer mouse will appear here and there, which will show which button to press. To begin with, at the first location (from the bottom of the tower), we collect all the available pieces of mazayka. In the future, they will be needed to add up the picture of the world at the end of each part. Having collected, we follow the instructions of the icon in the form of a mouse, that is, we rise to the second floor, where we first also collect the mosaic, and then click on the stairs without ladders. See the step icon that has appeared on the right side of the screen? So this is the first task in the game. In fact, many tasks come down to collecting a certain number of certain items, and then applying them where necessary. So the first task is exactly this: you need to collect five ladders. The first four are in the following places: on the porthole on the second floor, on the galoshes on the first floor, under the door to the second floor and in the stove (located next to the galoshes, you can also find several pieces of the puzzle here). And to find the fifth, you need to solve the first puzzle. We rise to the second floor and look into the window with numbers.

In fact, everything is elementary here, several numbers are drawn, drawn and depicted on the wall. And not necessarily in the form of numbers, for example, the number 5 can be depicted as a dice or as a hand with five fingers. Our task is to find all paired numbers and leave the numbers without pairs. These will be 7,1,3. Having found them, we go down to the first floor and approach the transformer with a combination lock. The code, as you probably guessed, will be the number 713. Having opened the transformer, we simultaneously find the fifth handle and a new task - to find 9 light bulbs.

It is not difficult to find them, they are scattered on all floors. To climb to the upper floors, use the step icon on the stairs and go up.

We get to visit granny (do not forget to collect all the pieces of the mosaic, they are at each location). Granny has a chest that needs to be opened (to get this task, click on the chest), and there is a picture that needs to be found and collected (click alternately on the granny and on the empty frame on the wall). Having received all the tasks, we rise to the roof.
There is a huge telescope on the roof, in which a mini-game awaits us. Its essence is that you need to knock out a certain number of bottles with pieces of the picture. It's okay if you hit other bottles, you won't lose. Having collected all the parts of the picture, we go down to the frame and apply the bottle icon to the frame. A puzzle will begin in which you need to assemble the whole picture from the pieces. Like this one:

After you collect, click on the grandmother, and she will give the key to the chest. In the chest you can find pieces of mazayka, a light bulb and a gas key (in order to take it, you need to get the corresponding task on the first floor. There is a large metal sheet attached to three bolts, click on it). If all the bulbs are collected, then you can safely go down to the first floor and insert them into the transformer.

By clicking on the open transformer, we will launch another puzzle in which we need to arrange the colors in the correct order: the first row is red, the second is purple, the third is green. In order not to suffer for a long time, line up the top red row, then turn over the bottom two.

We use the gas key on the metal sheet, the gate mechanism will open. To make this mechanism work, you need to collect gears (7 pieces) and pipes (8 pieces). Look for them in all locations. The most difficult places are, perhaps, the pipe on the stairs at the grandmother, the pipe at the bottom of the transformer on the first floor, the gear on the top on the first floor. The rest of the details are easy to see.

So, when all the gears and pipes are in your pocket, use them on the gate mechanism and go into the garage. You will face a new kind of puzzle - picking up a mechanism. This is all done simply. You have a drawing of the future train, all the details that you might need are scattered around the garage. We find the parts and put them in the right place according to the drawing. In the end, you should get such a train on which you will leave for the second part.

Before starting the second part, you need to collect a part of the mosaic, this is where the assembled pieces come in handy. You should end up with a mosaic like this:

Part two

The train will take us to a wonderful town, where a lot of puzzles and games are waiting for us. First of all, after arriving, click on the poster of the apple plane. You need to draw a picture of the aircraft. To do this, click on the buttons in the following sequence: 2, 4, 1. Then we begin to collect tasks: click on the booth to the right of the poster (we get the task to find the battery), click on the mechanism above the poster (we get the task to find three wheels). We go to the left, to the second location.

Here we click on the window in the flask-shaped building (we get the task to find two flasks). We go to the left, collecting pieces of mazayka. At the third location there is a bridge and another building in the form of a flask. It also has a task - to find four valves. The first valve is on the building itself, the second is on the second location, approximately in the middle of the screen, the third is on the first location in the lower right corner of the screen. But to find the fourth, you need to go down to the grandfather in the second location, open his chest and thoroughly climb it. It is in the chest that the fourth valve lies. Also in the chest is a flask, while the second flask is in the grandfather's room, but only in the basement.

The grandfather himself offers us a battery in exchange for the fact that we will fix some of his devices. By the way, in the house of this grandfather you can find three wheels that we need so much. One wheel will open if we collect the picture on the wall, like this:

Another wheel in the chest, the third - in the cellar. We use the collected flasks in that place in the second location, where they are needed. We assemble the apparatus (most likely moonshine). For this we will receive the coveted battery, which we immediately go and insert into the machine at the first location. We also use three wheels on the area above the poster, watch how the poster rises, and a door opens behind it. To activate the door you need to find 26 balls and one triangle. If everything is clear with the balls: they are simply scattered over all locations, then there is no triangle anywhere. This is where the valves we were looking for come in handy. We click them in the window on the third location, the next puzzle will start. In fact, this is already a painfully familiar “plumbing” puzzle for everyone, when you need to transfer a stream of water (in our case, cold air) from one part of the screen to another. In our case, there are four pipes, and in no case should gaps be allowed to remain. Here's what the solution looks like:

If you did everything right, then a green checkmark will light up on top. The bridges connecting the third and second locations will part (but don't worry, you will still be able to move freely). We look at the cabin with levers from above, we get the task to find several multi-colored levers. In fact, they are quite easy to find: one at the grandfather in flowers, one at the first location, one at the second, the fourth at the third. When all the levers are collected, we use them on the wheelhouse. A mini-game will start. Its essence is that you need to remember the colors that will be shown in the lever in the middle of the screen, and then play them in the right order.

When you pass the levers, the TV will turn on from below. Sit on it and start an extremely simple video game, in which there are only three buttons: up, down and plus. The point of the game is to guide the boat to the finish line without crashing. When you see blocks with a plus sign, press the plus button.

After winning the game, a boat will sail along the river, which will bring the coveted triangle. Taking a triangle and collecting all the balls, we go to the door and insert everything collected. The puzzle will start. Its essence is to swap the orange and green balls so that the green ones are in the green cells, and the orange ones are in the orange ones, like this:

After solving the puzzle, enter the elevator and climb to the top of the tree, where the third part of the game is already waiting for you. But of course, before that, you still need to collect the mosaic. You get this drawing:

Part three

Rising on the elevator, you will find yourself in a certain office. There are no tasks around yet, there are only pieces of the puzzle (do not forget to look into the surveillance camera, you can also find a couple of pieces there). Enter the door on the left, you will enter a place that looks like a store. Talk to the saleswoman, she promises to give a coin if you bring her three apples and hang a picture on the wall. To find the painting, you need to solve the puzzle, which is right there in the lower left corner of the screen. The essence of the puzzle is that you need to arrange all the colors in the correct order in gradation, that is, from the brightest to the dullest. To do this is quite simple, where what colors should be shown on the puzzle itself. Decide, get a picture that is immediately worth hanging on the wall. It's time to look for apples.

The first apple is in the closet in the office. Get into the elevator and rise higher, you will get into a room with various computer equipment. The very first thing that catches your eye is a certain golden compass, in order to use it you need to find a star (it is located in the office on a table that can only be seen through a surveillance camera). If you already have a star, insert it into the compass and arrange the stars as shown in the screenshot:

After that, the compass will open, a decoder will appear inside. We will need it when deciphering the documents lying on the table nearby. So, we take the decoder and look at the documents. We set the decoder like this:

I think it's not difficult to guess that the password below will be 3132. After all, the first digits are found according to the principle 5-2=3 and 8-7=1. Therefore, 4-1=3 and 7-5=2. To make sure the password is correct, you need to try to enter it on the device, which is to the right of the compass. But bad luck, the device does not work without toggle switches. It is worth finding 4 toggle switches (in the closet in the office, on the counter of the saleswoman, on the street, if you go out the right door in the office, and, finally, in the calculation room itself at the table). If you have found all 4 toggle switches, insert them into the device and enter the code 3132. Get the second apple.

On the right is a huge TV, if you turn it on, a video game will start in which you need to guide the airplane through obstacles. When the plane arrives at the seat, get down and go outside. You will see that the plane has actually arrived and landed on the seat. Right there on the street, there is a third apple (upstairs, in the nest) and a puzzle in which you need to twist the planets so that they line up in colors: yellow, blue, purple. After solving the puzzle, a window will open on the right, into which you will need to bring a coin. Well, we get a coin from the saleswoman if we give her apples and a picture.

So, if you have a coin in your pocket, give it to the window and click on the airplane. To fly, you need to collect all the parcels (12 pieces) and put them on the plane. On this, the third chapter will be completed, we continue to collect the mosaic.

Part four

After landing, take a good look around. The passage to the city is still closed, in order to open it, you need to find 12 bags. We are looking for bags throughout the first location, in addition to this, there is a small door on the left, if you open it, you can get into a small room. There we also find several bags and pieces of puzzles (later in the same room you will need to collect a dice). When you collect all the bags, put them on the scales, a puzzle will start. Its essence is to arrange all the bags so that the scales are balanced, that is, the arrow must be strictly vertical. It is important that all bags are standing. I managed to solve this puzzle like this, but, of course, there may be other ways:

Click on the green tick and go to the city. There is a kind of altar in the square, in which you will need to insert four dice (the first one is in a small room in the first location, the second is a bardyurchik, next to the house, the third is in the first location, in the window on the bottle and the fourth is in the room, in the house , which opens through the Mayan fresco). On the house itself there is an unfinished fragment of the fresco of the ancient Maya, in order to open the doors to the house, you need to collect all the pieces of the fresco and fold this very fresco from these very pieces. The drawing should look like this:

The doors to the house will open if you put everything together correctly.

Collect in the house, everything you need. There is a boat on the street, on which you will leave for the next part. But for the boat you need a key that the fisherman has. This fisherman is on the second floor in the second location, to get there you need to put all the cubes in the altar and arrange them in the correct order according to the colors of the cells and the colors of the bones. When everything is done correctly, a staircase will extend from the middle of the altar, leading to the sailor's house.

The sailor is already waiting for you. He is waiting for you to bring some floats to collect his game, which is on the floor. There are also other tasks in the apartment: click on the wall where half of the map hangs and on the sailor himself. If you collect and play the board game of a sailor, then he will give the second half of the card. Here is the solution to the puzzle on the floor:

Get the second piece of the map, stick it in place and solve the boat puzzle (of course the puzzle will only run if you have all the boats).


By solving this puzzle, you will finally receive the coveted key to the boat, which you will immediately use. The boat will go on a long voyage. End of the fourth part, collect another mosaic.

Part Five

Immediately after sailing, click on the steel doors, next to which there is a switch. There will be a task to find four gates. The first three gates are scattered throughout the locations, but the fourth one will have to be won in a puzzle. This puzzle is located in the building, next to the fountain. Click on the disassembled picture, the task will appear to find all the tiles. Find them and use them on the painting to start a puzzle. Its essence is to put the tiles one by one, to collect the whole picture. Moreover, tiles can be placed in a strictly defined order: around the previous tile. Here is the solution:

After the decision, the last valve will open to the eye. We take all four valves and go outside, where we use them on the steel door. Behind the door, another puzzle awaits us, in which you need to correctly position the valves. It is important that they must be on the same pipe. Solution:

Click on the green tick and go to the fountain, from which all the water has already disappeared. We take the key with which we open the large door at the top. This door leads to the domain of the one we are looking for throughout the game. He Himself sits on the third floor and drinks tea. If you click on Him, He will ask you to collect numbers and hands for a huge clock. The numbers are scattered around the locations, one arrow is in the fountain, and to find the second arrow you need to crack the safe on the second floor. To find out the code from the safe, you need to go up to the third floor and look at the chessboard. All two checkers are placed on it: on B1 and on C3. This will be the cipher. Go to the safe and set B1 and C3, like this:

The second arrow will be waiting for you in the safe, go to the third floor and put everything in its place.

If you already have all the pieces of the puzzle in your pocket, then it's time to assemble the last piece of the puzzle. After that, the game can be considered completed.

The developers left us the opportunity to replay all the puzzles, for this, in the main menu, click "Continue the game", after which we will find ourselves in a room in which all the characters that we met during the game are sitting at the table. If you go to the right, then there, on the wall, there are paintings with puzzles. Choose the picture you need, play and enjoy.

Game over, congratulations.

The game has a system of hints, which can be activated by collecting the ubiquitous flies.

Chapter I

The outside:

1. First of all, we collect puzzle pieces (5 pieces):

2. Click on the red button - this is an elevator, we go inside, and we find ourselves on the floor above

2nd floor:

1. Here we also collect puzzle pieces (4 pcs.)

2. We notice a broken ladder at the very top - you need to get 5 rungs:
- the first one is right there - in the form of a handle on a round door

3. We go back into the elevator and go to the 1st floor

The outside:

1. We select the crossbars:
- on the right shoe
- on the wall of the house directly above the patch

2. Open the furnace at the right shoe:
- collect puzzle pieces (3 pcs.)
- and a handle from the lid of the pan as a rung for the stairs

3. Click on the metal patch on the wall - here you need a wrench

4. We rise to the 2nd floor

2nd floor:

1. We study the wall behind the open door:
- here we have to solve the puzzle: "find a pair":

After we find all the pairs, there should be 3 numbers left: 7, 1, 3 - this is a hint, remember it

2. We go down

The outside:

1. We study the broken semaphore (the strange mechanism on the right):
- enter the code 713 (we received it earlier) and click on the red button
- the door will open and we can take the last rung for the stairs
- click on the diagram inside the semaphore to activate the task of finding 9 light bulbs

2. The first light bulb is right above the elevator door.

3. We go to the second floor

2nd floor:

1. We select the second light bulb from the device near the door

2. Apply the resulting rungs to the broken ladder at the top

3. We go up

3rd floor:

1. Assemble 6 puzzle pieces

2. Open the closet and pick up another piece of the puzzle

3. Unscrew 2 bulbs from the floor lamp

4. Another light bulb is in the lampshade on the balcony

5. Click on the empty frame above the sofa - here we need to collect 25 bottles

6. We try to open the chest to activate the task to find the key

7. We talk with granny, who agrees to give the key in exchange for the restoration of the painting

8. Climb up the stairs