A Pirate Warrior in the Knights of the Frozen Throne add-on. DK in Warspire Online: a complete guide Deck Miracle Rogue of the Knights of the Frozen Throne from eggplant

The Death Knight (DK) is the black knight of the Legion, whose heavy tread plunges his opponents into panic turmoil. He is perfectly trained to take the lives of his enemies. The key to his success is the dark blessing of Garaan himself - the formidable deity of the tribe of the Damned!

  • Specializations: defense, melee, mixed damage, initiating an attack.
  • Weapon: one-handed axes/swords/maces, spears, two-handed swords/axes/maces, shields.
  • Armor: heavy/light.
  • Fractional Bonus: +3 Energy Regen.

Basic Skills

death spike

A strike that deals increased physical damage to enemy characters.

  • Type: active.
  • Effect: .
  • Cast Range: melee.
  • Recharge time: 7 sec.
  • Fixed skill damage: 10 units.
  • : +2 pts
  • : 15/30/45/60/75 units
  • Damage increase from physical strength : 102%/104%/106%/108%/110%.
  • Mana cost: 11/12/13/14/15 units

Dark Shield

Allows the character to have a chance to ignore some of the damage dealt, based on their defense level. With skill level, the chance of Dark Shield triggering increases.

  • Type: active.
  • Effect: on the .
  • Recharge time: 30 sec.
  • Mana cost: /////

Exhale darkness

The death knight enchants his weapon so that his next attack deals increased damage with magic power and stuns the target for a short time.

  • Type: active.
  • Effect: on + .
  • Cast Range: melee.
  • Recharge time: 10 sec.
  • Fixed skill damage: 10 units
  • Increase damage per character level: +2 pts
  • Damage increase by skill level: 10/20/30/40/50.
  • : 102/104/106/108/110.
  • Mana cost: 13/14/15/16/17.
  • Duration of action (sec.): 4/4/4/4/4.
  • Stun Duration(sec.): 1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5.


Attracts the target's attention, causing the hostile monster to attack the character. The enemy hero only loses the target.

  • Type: active.
  • Effect: .
  • Cast Range: 5 yards.
  • Recharge time: 8 sec.
  • Action time (sec.): 6/7/8/9/10.
  • Mana cost: 7/8/9/10/11.

Threads of darkness

Instantly moves the enemy to the character. The target will take increased damage for a while and be under the effect of suppression.

  • Type: active.
  • Effect: silence + debuff on .
  • Cast Range: 5 yards.
  • Recharge time: 30 sec.
  • Action time (sec.): 2/3/4/5/6.
  • Damage increase (%): 4/6/8/10/12.
  • Mana cost: 16/17/18/19/20.

Expert Skills

call of death

Causes all monsters near the character to attack him. Enemies that fall within the radius of the skill will receive periodic magic damage.

  • Type: active.
  • Effect: mass + .
  • Cast Range: melee.
  • Recharge time: 14 sec.
  • Fixed skill damage: 10 units (per tick).
  • Fixed duration: 6 seconds (4 ticks).
  • Increase damage per character level: 1 unit (for 2 LvL).
  • Damage increase by skill level: 5/10/15/20 (per tick).
  • Magic Damage Increase (%): 25/26/27/28.
  • Mana cost: 14/16/18/20.


All of the hero's attacks gain the Health Steal bonus for a set amount of time. For using the skill, the character loses part of his health.

  • Type: active.
  • Effect: for vampirism.
  • Recharge time: 30 sec.
  • Increase in lifesteal from skill level (%): 4/7/10/14.
  • Action time (sec.): 13/17/21/25.
  • Mana cost: 5 units
  • Health costs A: 3% at each level of development.

Hurricane steel

A strike that deals instant increased damage to all enemies within 1 yard. The skill cannot be parried. It also cannot be evaded.

  • Type: active.
  • Effect: .
  • Cast Range: 1 yard.
  • Recharge time: 14 sec.
  • Fixed skill damage: 10 units.
  • Increase damage per character level: 2 units
  • Damage increase by skill level: 10/30/40/50 units
  • Physical Strength Damage Growth (%): 60/75/90/109.
  • Mana cost: 18/20/22/24 units

sharp shadow

The knight enchants his weapon and deals increased magic damage to a target within 3 yards of him. There is a small chance to stun the enemy, which depends on the skill level. If the death knight has the effect of the Saturation skill, then a successful use of the Sharp Shadow skill will restore part of the character's health in a certain percentage of the damage dealt.

  • Type: active.
  • Effect: + .
  • Cast Range: 3 yards.
  • Recharge time: 14 sec.
  • Damage increase based on skill level (no magic dd): 104/145/182/202.
  • Magic Damage Increase (%): 140/155/170/190.
  • Health Growth from Saturation (%): 20/30/40/50.
  • Mana cost: 18/20/22/24.
  • Stun time: 4 sec.

Silence Strike

The skill enchants a weapon so that the next attack deals increased magic damage and immobilizes the target.

In this setup, the damage from dk and var is large, but there will be difficulty, for example, against lsp, rlsh.

If you get caught on a setsp (lock, elements, priest) it will be difficult. But if you play according to the shaman and do not let the lock be cast, then the win is almost guaranteed, but the win will be 100% when there is a normal paladin, that is, everything will be done correctly and on time. Because when the priest approaches the paladin he will 100% givefir, but for the LSP team it is worse because they waste their time. When the priest comes up to heal someone, then the paladin needs to stun the priest. bleed all cd for control, then there will be a chance to win, which is exactly what you need. Then you are guaranteed to win.

There will be more difficulties with the team rlsh (horn, lok, sham). The difficulty is that when the battle starts, the horns can easily sap the pawl and then there is a chance of losing, in which case you need to use the Illumination spell and hit one of the opponents, at the beginning of the battle, so that the horns could not snatch him. Or so that the dk would pull the enemy to him and fell healed, then the fall will enter the battle and the horns will not be able to snatch the fall. In this case, the win is guaranteed to you if you continue to do everything right, but the palu needs to be beaten by the shama, because the shaman dispels all the buffs, and if the crit with “Shock of Heaven” falls, then the sham can dispel him, so you need to salvage the shama well so that he has I didn't manage to dispel everything from you. It's very easy to lose your shoulders in this setup. In this case, you can buy normal guns for 2.2k team rating and personal rating in a 3x3 team.

It will be even more difficult against retropals, dk and rsham, because dk will slow down and draw to itself. So the shaman will be able to dispel everything from you and your partners. summons a gargoyle, your partners need to quickly kill her, because she also gives out good damage, but it would be easier to give her fir.

In principle, it is not very difficult to play TSG, but it will be very difficult to heal a Holic. For example, against setups where there is a dlok and a sham (elem), then it will be very, very difficult to heal your partners as a Holika. Firstly, there is a dispel, dispel your shields. In your setup (tsg) the absorption shield plays a very big role, but it is useless against the sham. Sham will simply dispel him and under the hero in a matter of seconds with a lock they can kill the war. Even though the war will not be under-healed, you will not be able to (if you play as a holyik). Similarly against rmp. There are two characters that can dispel, but they will not have as much damage as a lock and an elem, so you need to constantly watch the magician so that he does not give a sheep and fails to control someone from your team, and watch the priest to do not burn your mana, because he can burn all the mana in less than a minute.

A death knight in the frost branch (DD) is a damage dealer whose main talent branch is pumped into ice, and the character himself is armed with two slow one-handed guns. With the right build and rotation, Frost DK is able to outperform many of his competitors in terms of DPS.

1. Characteristics

  1. Accuracy - as for many damage dealers, the cap of accuracy is very important for frost DK and is 8%, however, we take 3% from talents, so only 5% will remain, which will be easy thanks to gear
  2. Mastery - ideally aim for 26% so that the boss does not dodge your attacks
  3. Armor Penetration Rating or ArP - Aim for 90%
  4. Critical hit - 40% is enough for frost dk, we can easily get it from gear, so you should not put stones on crit
  5. Strength - the more the better, but it is advisable to try to exceed 2k

Next, press Destruction -> Blood Strike -> Pestilence, several times Ice Strike. At this moment, all your CD is updated and we start the rotation to drive in a circle.

Frost DK rotation in PvE can also be simplified a bit. At the same time, its effectiveness is not lost at all. As soon as the rotation has been updated after the application of Pestilence, we immediately press Frost Strike -> Destruction -> Pestilence. As soon as the enemy's debuffs are updated, apply Blood Strike. CD can be refreshed periodically with our Rune Weapon Empowerment. As a result, this makes it possible to add two Obliterate hits to the rotation.


  1. Once you learn how to rotate an uninterrupted spell cycle, you will get the maximum output from your abilities and build.
  2. The rotation can fail for only one reason - this is a bad ping, since often the disease is updated exactly in a second after the moment it falls from the enemy

Build 2:

Such a build does not have a rotation, rather there is a priority of strikes. Indestructible Armor always press with Blood Tap (the sequence of pressing is determined by the presence or absence of death runes). Strengthening the rune weapon to hand over, if there is a scorpion, under the proc of a scorpion, after updating the diseases (first rune of death), bloody strike (second rune of death) two Destruction. In this way, you will immediately give five Destruction in a row even with a short duration of illnesses and manage not to lose them.

The priorities look like this:

  1. Maintenance of disease. Apply Icy Touch, then Plague Strike, renew diseases with pestilence (This order is due to the Tundra Stalker talent, which increases all damage by 15% on targets infected with Chill).
  2. If you have RP (Rune Power) of 130 or close to this mark, then Frost Strike. In other cases - destruction.
  3. Destruction / Ice Strike respectively.
  4. Howling Wind. Use for AoE, but only when procs with Killing Machine at the same time. Then its priority #1. Without the killing machine proc and in solo target, he is in his rightful 4th place.
  5. If you have two items from the t9 set or four items from the t10 set, then you can use Blood Strike to maintain buffs. Otherwise, it is pressed last.
  6. Death and Decay. Use on at least 4 targets if they have been in the puddle for at least 8 seconds. In other cases, the spell is too expensive in terms of resources. Don't forget that all of your abilities deal more damage against Chill-infected enemies.
  7. Boiling of blood. The ability is not very useful, but if we don’t need bloody runes to update the disease, then if we have diseases dispersed in the AoE and 4 targets around, we can replace the bloody blow with it.
  8. The face of death . There may be theoretical situations where this spell is useful, but you will save a lot of effort by simply removing it from the panel.

4. Talents

Build 1:

The first thing to note here is that the build for the Death Knight will be completely tailored to the armor penetration rating. The boss will not be saved by any armor, since for you it will not actually exist and you will be beating into living meat. Interestingly, the frost DK mechanics are slightly different from other classes, since all the talents are sharpened precisely to reduce all kinds of mods on the target. The rotation described above is tailored just for this build.

Build 2:

For a weakly equipped character that doesn't have 4 t10s, it's best to go for a 15/56/0 build, as a kill without a lot of ArP won't overtake Frost Strike in percentage(but will still do more damage without the Killing Machine proc!), and with low crit, the Killing Machine and Grim Resolve can offset this a bit. In addition, this build is much easier to rotate. Or rather, as such, there is not even a rotation in it.

All dps talents are taken in ice, except for Mortal Cold, because giving one talent for one crit once every two minutes is too expensive. Blood takes Butcher for a small additional rune generation and Blight for an Annihilation crit. In the second tier, since we use one-handed weapons, we take Blade armor. Well, in the third tier we pump over Grim Resolve as compensation for a small amount of crit from equipment.

5. Symbols


  • Glyph of Annihilation - Increases the damage of your Obliterate ability by 25%.
  • Glyph of Frost Strike - Reduces the cost of Frost Strike by 8. rune power.
  • Glyph of Disease - When using the Pestilence ability, the duration of diseases and their secondary effects on the target is refreshed.


  • Glyph of Horn of Winter - Increases the duration of Horn of Winter by 1 minute.
  • Glyph of Pestilence - Increases the radius of effect of your Pestilence ability by 5 yards.

Choose the third character to your taste

6. Enchantment

  • Head - Magic sign of suffering
  • Shoulders - Greater Inscription of the Ax
  • Chest - Enchant Chest - All Stats VII
  • Cloak - Enchant Cloak - Agility V
  • Bracers - Enchant Bracers - Assault II
  • Gloves - Crusher or Lack of Accuracy
  • Legs - Frostscale Leg Armor
  • Boots - Icewalker or Storm II
  • Weapon 1 - Frostfire Rune
  • Weapon 2 - Rune of the Fallen Knight

7. Stones

  • Meta - Brutal Earthsiege Diamond +21 Agility +3% Crit
  • Red - Bold Crimson Ruby +20 Strength, Cracked Crimson Ruby +20 ArP
  • Yellow - Soft Royal Amber +20 Speed
  • Blue - Guardian Dreadstone +10 Mastery Rating and +15 Stamina, Volatile Dreadstone +10 Agility and +15 Stamina, Tear of Nightmares +10 All Stats

Pirate warrior "Knights of the Ice Throne". How has this resilient deck changed in the new expansion?

Pirate Warrior with Knights of the Ice Throne cards

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You probably thought it was a joke. New expansion deck, but no new cards!

But this is true. There is only one Pirate Warrior deck with a positive win rate in the current meta, and that's what it looks like. And only so.

Basically, the new expansion only brought two new cards that this archetype could consider:

  • [Forge of Souls]
  • [Ghost Corsair]

The first problem is the lack instant effect per game, you're basically skipping a turn to get a weapon, and a highly aggressive deck like this can't afford that.

[Ghost Corsair] is rarely seen in a deck due to the fact that in most cases this card is a loss of tempo. [The Dread Corsair] suffers from the same disease, but he was the one who could be forgiven for this due to the fact that he protects more valuable creatures.

I may not be able to play Warrior on Pirates (although I have not seen a single person who cannot play this archetype), but I see that now, in the new meta, playing this deck is a coin toss simulator.

If a sane starting hand came in, you're on a horse. If not, start a new match, the meta now has a lot of healing, taunts and deck control, it’s not so easy to crush the opponent like a few days ago.

I don’t really believe that this deck can now take the Legend.

game plan

It is as simple as five cents, but it is for this that the deck is loved.

Look in the starting hand:

  • [First Mate of N'Zoth]
  • [Fiery Axe]

And already from these two cards build the next game, extracting the maximum synergy from the pirates. Exchange ONLY in the most extreme cases when it is beneficial to you. Your task is to inflict maximum damage in a minimum of time, it plays against you. With each new move you will be in an increasingly worse position.

And closes out our list of Death Knight specs, Blood DK. It is still considered one of the best tanks for Mythic+ due to its huge utility potential and amazing damage in the tank spec. Let's take a look at what our Blood in Action specialization can do...

Class overview

The Blood specialization has an interesting play style, using self-healing through Death Strike as the main source of maintaining one's HP. Blood DK has a versatile defensive toolkit and is effective in all PVE content.


  • Ultimate Sustain with Death Strike
  • Lots of defensive abilities with low cooldowns
  • Excellent at picking up mobs due to the unique Gorefiend Grip mechanic
  • Two separate taunts with small cooldowns that will allow us to aggro mobs even better and more efficiently

Weak sides

  • Like all Death Knights, our Bladik has very low mobility.
  • Our health will jump up and down ... in critical situations, healers can blink and drop us.


Blood Death Knights rely heavily on self-healing. They take more damage than other tanks. In compensation, they heal themselves more than anyone else. Your main goal during the battle will be to maximize your rune energy regeneration, then drain it into Death Strikes to heal yourself. Don't forget we have a mastery passive in our arsenal. With each Death Strike, we will again and again receive damage absorption, which will also help us a lot under the onslaught of bosses.


We will have a tank build, but with the potential for damage and maximum survivability.


Since we are still a tank and still have a very specific feature to heal, we suggest that you take an enchantment for this style, increasing the armor in order to reduce the damage incoming to us.