Num lock on laptop. Num Lock what is it on the keyboard

On a samsung, hp, asus laptop, like everyone else, there is usually function key number lock.

What is the num lock key for? What does she mean? What is it for? In short, in a word, this is the inclusion of a numeric keypad for a more comfortable dialing of numbers and entering characters using codes.

But not everything is so simple. Not all portable PCs (laptops) have a number pad, and the key itself may have a slightly different name.

For example, num lk below and Ins above. Also pay attention to the indicators (light).

On almost all models, as soon as you start this mode, one starts to glow, as if saying that the device is ready for use.

Many laptops have a setting in the BIOS that, if enabled, will trigger Num Lock when the computer starts.

How to start num lock mode

On laptops and netbooks, Num Lock can be turned on with the Fn + Num Lock key combination (it will not work on USB keyboards).

If the keyboard is shortened, then there is no number block, but the keys on the right side (b, o, l, d, r, w, u, 7, 8, 9) model it.

Therefore, if numbers suddenly appear on the screen instead of letters on your laptop, then this is not a malfunction, but a sure sign that you accidentally turned on the numeric keypad.

Also keep in mind that instead of Fn, sometimes you may need to heal another button or no combination at all (see the instructions if available, if not, you can download a digital one).

One more moment. What to do if the Fn button does not work? There is an exit. Can

On the other hand, sometimes there is still a Scroll Lock key, which is a leftover from the original IBM PC keyboard.

It serves to change the behavior of the cursor control. Currently, only a few programs use this setting.

Some of them use Scroll Lock as a button to launch specific features and functions. Good luck.

Surely, many users have noticed on their keyboard the key " Num Lock”, which normally lights up the LED when pressed. The functionality of this key remains a mystery to many, it is used quite rarely, and the history of the appearance of this button on computer keyboards generally remains a mystery for most. In this article, I will try to correct the situation a little and tell you what Num Lock is on the keyboard, describe the history of its appearance, as well as the features of the functionality.

So, in order to understand what Num Lock is, you should first decide on the translation of these words. Num Lock (full "Numeric Lock") translated from English means " digital lock" (or " fixing numbers"). When pressed, it activates numeric keypad on the right (numbers from 0 to 9), when the Num Lock mode is not enabled, then the cursor control system works (including the Home, PgUp, End, PgDn keys).

Accordingly, when the Num Lock mode is on, then the keys indicated on the right allow you to dial numbers (somewhat reminiscent of a calculator), if it is off, the cursor and other view control keys work (allowing you to use various navigation schemes).

Also, using this button allows you to enter characters that are not on the keyboard using their codes. In case you're wondering, in an earlier article I talked about the purpose of the key.

At the same time, we can find out about the status of the Num Lock mode by the glow of the corresponding indicator mounted in the specified key (active mode - on, inactive - off). At the same time, in laptops, this indicator is often located separately from the key itself.

The history of the appearance of the Num Lock key

The story about what Num Lock is would not be complete without a story about the appearance of this button on the keyboard of our computers. The history of this key dates back to 1984, when IBM introduced its 84-key keyboard for the second generation of IBM PC / AT computers. Since computers then cost a lot of money, IBM's policy was aimed at ways to possibly reduce the cost of its components. One of the methods for implementing such a policy was the rejection of separate cursor keys on the computer keyboard. Now the same keys had two modes - digital and cursor, and switching between them was carried out using our "Num Lock" key.

Today, most keyboards have separate cursor and number keys, while the Num Lock key still sometimes continues to be used (especially in laptops, netbooks, etc.). At the same time, sometimes the Num Lock mode is activated using the Fn key, and often the user does not know how to turn it off again (in this case, the Num Lock key can be activated when the computer starts up through the BIOS).

In some keyboards (for example, those made by Apple), this key is not available at all, and has been replaced by the Clear Key key.

Meaning of Num Lock Keys

The story about what Num Lock is would not be complete without an accurate description of the meanings of the keys when the mode is on and off. So:

Num Lock on: Num Lock off:


Thus, we figured out what Num Lock means, what this key is used for and how to use it. In most cases, the use of this button today is rather sporadic, and is an echo of its use in the 84-key keyboard of the IBM PC (Model F). However, working with Num Lock may be relevant when running some utility programs, working with texts, and so on.

In contact with

A post for those who are the "happy owner" of a laptop Asus Zenbook(second factory name UX32VD). The laptop itself is not bad, light, holds the battery for a long time, fast, good sound, but there are also disadvantages that appear completely unauthorized.

Turning it on in the morning, I found the problem, - pressing letters or numbers, the computer does not print the correct characters, but executes different commands, opening windows and launching unknown programs (by the way, for those who have this happened, and you don’t know where to click to close all this and return to the desktop, either press the button Esc(upper left corner of the keyboard), or approximately the 3rd button from the left in the bottom row of the keyboard - windows icon).

How to deal with it and "fix" it?

If this happens - on your computer Numlock button pressed, you just need disable (by clicking on it once).

Everything is much worse for me ... - on my computer and keyboard Basically there is no NumLock button.

What if NumLock is not on the keyboard?

While I was looking for a reason on the network, I myself figured out how to solve the problem, so I share all the tried methods with you.

1) First of all, everyone can google the problem on the phone (since it was unrealistic to write something on the laptop).

While reading, I found a report of a person who, due to the inability to write something on the keyboard, opened the test available on the computer and, copying from there one letter at a time, and when he was lucky, according to the word, he wrote an urgent letter to someone, since he did not have time to fix it. Well, what is also an option. Out of the blue, you know.

So here is the most common answer - "Scan your computer for viruses".

Even if you are sure that your computer is clean, this step still does not hurt.

2) It also helps that the problem "will not be cured", but it will help to cope with it one-time.

2) As I wrote above - look Num Lock button on the keyboard and click on it to disable.

3) It can also help keyboard shortcut Fn + F11 or Fn + ScLk

4) If all else fails, but you have a keyboard that connects via USB- use it! Connect an external keyboard and press the NumLock button on her.

5) I didn’t have an external keyboard, it wasn’t interesting to reboot, there were no viruses, the Fn + F11 combination didn’t help, I’m simply not capable of copying perversions one letter at a time, the ScLk button was also missing.

Then I remembered the function Special abilities Windows is there screen keyboard, which allows you to click buttons with the mouse.

How to find Onscreen keyboard And Special abilities on a computer?

Control Panel -> Accessibility -> Accessibility (I didn't make a mistake by writing "Accessibility" twice, on my Windows 8 this tab is on the path of 2 opportunities :)).

(for the lazy - copy and paste the following line into Explorer - Control Panel \ Accessibility \ Accessibility)

Click on Screen keyboard.

It's funny that in this version of my keyboard there was no ill-fated NumLock button (if yours has it, then try it right away).

But I saw the ScLk button. First clicked Fn with the mouse (it turned gray), then ScLk.

Hooray! NumLock has finally been defeated and disabled.

I hope that the article helped you, if so, I will be glad to repost or comments. If you have your own way of solving the problem, share with us!

Thank you for your attention and trouble-free operation of your devices!