I lad light the block candles to read. Educational portal. Matte polish for car plastic

Sokovykh Nadezhda Nikolaevna

“I feel for you. Years pass by…

2) Date of writing - June 4, 1901, the time when the poet was under the influence of the philosophy of Vl. Solovyov about Eternal Femininity, about the World Soul.
3) Place in creativity: this is one of the most bright poems written in the spirit of SYMBOLISM.
4) Subject: Waiting for a meeting with HER.
5) Problem: The lyrical hero's doubt that he can recognize HER, since the appearance of HER, having acquired an earthly incarnation, can change and lose its individuality.
6) What words convey this experience?
"Years are passing by"
“I wait in silence, yearning and loving.”

"I'm scared: you will change your appearance."
"Oh, how I will fall and sadly, and low,
Not having overcome deadly dreams ... "

7) How does the mood of the lyrical hero change from the beginning to the end of the poem?
(from the tremulous expectation of meeting with HER and ever-increasing anxiety to despair in the hope of meeting, which for a lyrical hero is tantamount to death).
8) What artistic techniques create the appearance of HER? (Observations on vocabulary, symbols, style).
- Everything related to ideas about HER is conveyed by color symbols:
“the whole firmament is on fire - and it is unbearably clear”, “radiance is near”, i.e. in the imagination of the lyrical hero, HER appearance correlates with the bright transformation of the surrounding world, while the author uses the anaphora technique: “the entire horizon is on fire”, “how clear the horizon is” - the image of the VIRGIN - DAWN, KUPINA arises.
The feeling of hope for the appearance of HER is conveyed by the sublime vocabulary:
“I foresee”, “in guise”, “how I will fall sadly and low”, “without overcoming death dreams”.
Appeal to HER: YOU, YOU - with a capital letter expresses at the same time deep worship before the appearance of the Divine, Majestic and at the same time close and desired.
The poet does not create the real world in the poem, but we understand why HER radiant appearance can change - from contact with the world of chaos. On this disturbing note, the poem ends.

Analysis of the poem "I enter the dark temples ..."

1) Expressive reading of the poem.
2) Date of writing October 25, 1902,
3) Topic: "Waiting to appear beautiful lady».
4) What is the feeling of the poem?
(Answers: A tense, passionate feeling of waiting for a meeting with HER and the transformation of the world around with HER appearance.)
5) What words convey this experience?
(Answers: “I enter temples”, “I perform a ceremony”, “I am waiting”, “I am trembling from the creak of doors”).
6) By what means was the image of the Beautiful Lady conveyed?
(Answers: It is created by the power of the lyrical hero's imagination and conveyed by metaphors such as: "smiles, fairy tales and dreams" that run "high" along the cornices.
This image may seem strange, but it conveys the immediacy of human experiences. The feelings and perception of the lyrical hero are so sharpened that for him they acquire the visibility and reality of a specific image: “Sweetheart”, “Majestic”, “Holy” ... “Eternal Wife”, although it appears in an obscure, foggy form: “... The image is just a dream about HER,” but this “illumined” Image, HER “pleasant features” convey the reverent worship and awe experienced by the lyrical hero.)
7) With the help of what symbolism is the “heavenly” emphasized in the guise of a Beautiful Lady?
(Answers: “Flickering of red lamps”, “robes”, “illuminated Image”, “gentle candles” - all this connects the symbolic image of the Beautiful Lady with the religious image: the Mother of God, the life-giving principle. Everything that concerns the Beautiful Lady is written with a capital letter , and a certain space is assigned to HER - “height”.)
8) How did A. Blok's worldview about the World Soul express itself in this poem?
(Answers: The poem expresses the expectation of the harmony of the world. Faith in its transformation is emphasized in the final lines: “I don’t hear any sighs or speech, / But I believe: Sweetheart is You.”).

Analysis of the poem "We met with you at sunset ...".
1) Time of writing the poem: May 13, 1902.
2) The theme of the poem: "About love for a woman and meetings with her."
3) Can we say that there are much fewer symbolic "signs" in this poem than in the two previous poems?
(The poem does not exclude real signs and signs of life around, here we find the true outlines of the “visible world”: a bay, an oar, ripples, reeds, a white dress. And yet there is a symbolism associated with HER: “evening candles”, “pale beauty", "azure silence".)
4) How does the lyrical hero appear before us in this poem?
(We catch the inconsistency of the hero’s feelings: on the one hand, “everything has faded, gone, departed” ..., - and he is attracted to an earthly woman, and on the other hand, he sadly says that he has lost the “refinement of a dream.”)
5) What is the main motive of this poem?
(This is most likely the motive of the awakening of the lyrical hero from mystical visions and languid dreams, the motive of returning to real life. Human love won: "white dress", "white camp" - the signs of a young woman, in whom L.D. is guessed. Mendeleev. White color is a symbol of purity, holiness, and the “golden oar” in her hands is a sign of a very expensive, valuable.)

Analysis of the poem "I am young, and fresh, and in love ..."
1) Time of writing the poem: July 31, 1902
2) The theme of the poem: "Waiting for a date with a beloved woman."
3) What words in the poem convey this feeling?
(Answers: “I am in love, in anxiety, in anguish and in prayer”, “invariably inclined towards you” - the prayerful and reverent expectation of meeting with HER is conveyed. “Invariably” - that is, forever - sounds like an oath).
4) By what artistic means is this feeling of expectation conveyed?
(Answers: The love of the hero for the heroine and the expectation of a date with her are presented in a metaphorical form: "bent maple" - in love with "I", "wide tent", "in a green shadow".)
5) What is the image of HER?
(the face turned to the "stars" is a symbolic artistic space allotted to the Beautiful Lady, "fragrant tears of praise" - a feeling of joy, happiness, bliss, HARMONY - what the soul of the lyrical hero strives for.)

Analysis of the poem "I am a boy, I light candles ..."
1) Time of writing the poem: July 7, 1902
2) The theme of the poem: "Waiting for a meeting with HER."
3) In what form does the lyrical hero appear?
(The hero is a lad, belongs to the lower world, gives himself up to the expectation of HER - his ideal, he is given the features of a novice, an earthly man, trembling
in anticipation of the appearance of the beloved.)
4) How is SHE, the Beautiful Lady, depicted?
(The heroine, as in many poems inspired by HER image, is invisible and
inaudible, everything belongs to the ideal, unearthly world: "SHE is without thought and without speech / / On THAT shore laughs." HER sphere - "the other shore" - is evidence of the unearthly essence of being, its correlation with the highest reality. A feeling of understatement is associated with HER: “dull-blue dusk, “foggy veil”, which emphasizes HER incorporeality, “incomprehensibility”)
4) Is it possible to say that this lyrical plot is a poetic embodiment of Vladimir Solovyov's idea of ​​two worlds?
(Answers: Yes, this poem expresses the dream of the need to synthesize the earthly and heavenly through love for a woman in order to overcome the world of chaos and establish harmony.)

He who has a bride is a groom;

and the groom's friend, standing and

listening to him with joy

From John, III, 29

I, a boy, light candles,

Fire censer on the shore.

She is without thought and without speech

On that shore laughs.

I love evening prayer

At the White Church over the river,

Sunset village

And the dusk is dull blue.

Submissive to a gentle look,

I admire the secret of beauty

And for the church fence

Throwing white flowers.

The foggy veil will fall.

The groom will come down from the altar.

And from the tops of the jagged forest

The marriage dawn will dawn.

Updated: 2012-02-06


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The prevailing mood, its change

Poem colors:

1 stanza. The red color of the censer fire and candles against the dark background of the interior church decoration. Blue river background. Her image on the other side in a white dress.

2 stanza. The white church against the background of an evening sunset in a dull blue dusk.

3 stanza. Her appearance is in bright light colors, a white church, a church fence, white flowers.

4 stanza. Dawn against the background of a foggy veil with a reflection of scarlet.

Basic images

Poetic thought moves from stanza to stanza with the help of lyrical plot, transmitting internal state a lyrical hero (prayer, worship, admiration), who appears before us in the guise of a devoted, kneeling, submissive young adorer of Her image.

Mention of candles, incense fire, church fence, altar, as well as dominion white color(white church, white flowers) testify to the holiness of the image of the heroine, emphasize Her purity, purity. In addition, the white color in Christian symbolism represents Faith.

In “Memoirs of Alexander Blok” by Sergei Solovyov we read: “The silence, modesty, simplicity, grace of Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva fascinated everyone ... Her Titian and Old Russian beauty still benefited from the ability to dress gracefully, white most of all went to her, but she was also good in white, and in bright red ... "

Now we can say with confidence that the symbolism of the white color is not accidental: it is under the impression of a romantic experience - the passion of A. Blok L. D. Mendeleeva, and also personifies the Faith in the Eternal, Pure, Beautiful, Feminine as the appearance of the sublime.

Fire and candles are associated with red, which symbolizes love. But for A. Blok, love is a mystery, something perfect, unearthly. We did not meet A. Blok's poems in which he would write about love as a reality. Love is always just an image, a symbol, that is, the feeling of love available to the soul is never embodied in a real person. That is why Her image in the poem is intangible: "She is without thought and without speech // on that shore laughs." They cannot meet - they are separated by a river. For the hero, she is a symbol of the ethereal focus of Faith, Hope, Love.

He is a humble boy, lighting candles, ready to do anything for Her, in order to capture Her unearthly Face. Only through Her image, he can comprehend the secrets of beauty and marriage bonds.

sound recording

Vowels "a", "o", "e" dominate, which testify to the contrast of dark and light backgrounds: "a" - light, wide, "e" - warm, narrow, "o" - dark, endless. These sounds give beauty, smoothness, melodiousness to the sound of the poem.

Rhythm and rhyme. Ways to rhyme

The poem "I, a boy, light candles" consists of four stanzas, where the lines clearly rhyme with a cross rhyme.


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He who has unpest is the bridegroom; a

Friend of the groom, standing and listening

Shchi him, joyfully rejoices,

From John, III, 29

I, a boy, light candles,

Fire censer on the shore.

She is without thought and without speech

On that shore laughs.

I love evening prayer

By the white church over the river

Sunset village

And the dusk is dull blue.

Submissive to a gentle look,

I admire the secret of beauty

And for the church fence

Throwing white flowers.

The foggy veil will fall.

The groom will come down from the altar.

And from the tops of the jagged forest

The marriage dawn will dawn.

The meeting of seventeen-year-old Alexander Blok with sixteen-year-old Lyubov Mendeleeva, which took place in 1898, forever changed the lives of both. The young poet fell in love almost at first sight, the daughter of the famous chemist at first did not want to have anything to do with him, considering him "a poseur with the habits of a veil." Then she relented, but the romance was short-lived. Blok's feelings for Mendeleeva were fully reflected in the cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady", which includes the poem "I, a boy, light candles ...", written in July 1902. At this time, the poet was fond of mysticism, Solovyov's philosophy, as a result of which he greatly idealized the image of his beloved girl. The rational and sober-minded Mendeleev did not share the ideas of her admirer, sometimes moving away from him, sometimes becoming closer. However, an agonizing romance in 1903 led to marriage.

The poem “I, a child, light candles…” reflects the devotional worship of the lyrical hero of Her image - pure, beautiful, feminine, eternal. important place here allotted to the white (flowers, church). According to the memoirs of Sergei Solovyov, Lyubvi Mendeleeva, the owner of the "Old Russian" and "Titian" beauty, the white color in clothes was especially good, although she was also good in bright red. There is one more thing. White color represents purity, purity, faith.

Love, as in other poems by Blok, appears as a symbol. Therefore, Her image in the poem is intangible, therefore the lyrical hero will never meet her:

She is without thought and without speech

On that shore laughs.

Present in the poem "I, a child, light candles ..." and Christian motives. The epigraph prefaced by Blok deserves special attention. It is taken from the Gospel of John (III, 29) and reproduces the words of John the Baptist, the closest predecessor of Jesus Christ, quoted by John the Theologian. According to Orthodox Christians, this phrase contains the grain of the story unfolding in the Apocalypse, a book whose moods and images appear more than once in Blok's work. The poet perceives the work of John the Theologian as a story about the difficult path that the world goes through in order to free itself from filth, and not as a story about the end of the world.

“I, a boy, light candles…” can be very conditionally considered a kind of Blok’s prophecy. In the last quatrain, he speaks of marriage, which, at the time of writing the poem, was a little over a year away.

The poem "I, a boy, light candles" consists of four stanzas, where the lines clearly rhyme with a cross rhyme. The poetic thought moves from stanza to stanza with the help of a lyrical plot that conveys the inner state of the lyrical hero (prayer, worship, admiration), which appears before us in the guise of a devoted, kneeling, submissive young admirer of Her image.

The mention of candles, incense fire, church fence, altar, as well as the dominance of white color (white church, white flowers) testify to the holiness of the image of the heroine, emphasize Her purity, purity. In addition, the white color in Christian symbolism represents Faith.

In “Memoirs of Alexander Blok” by Sergei Solovyov we read: “The silence, modesty, simplicity, grace of Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva fascinated everyone ... Her Titian and Old Russian beauty still benefited from the ability to dress gracefully, white most of all went to her, but she was also good in white, and in bright red ... "

Now we can say with confidence that the symbolism of the white color is not accidental: it is under the impression of a romantic experience - the passion of A. Blok L. D. Mendeleeva, and also personifies the Faith in the Eternal, Pure, Beautiful, Feminine as the appearance of the sublime.

Fire and candles are associated with red, which symbolizes love. But for A. Blok, love is a mystery, something perfect, unearthly. We did not meet A. Blok's poems in which he would write about love as a reality. Love is always just an image, a symbol, that is, the feeling of love available to the soul is never embodied in a real person. That is why Her image in the poem is intangible: "She is without thought and without speech // on that shore laughs." They cannot meet - they are separated by a river. For the hero, she is a symbol of the ethereal focus of Faith, Hope, Love.

He is a humble boy, lighting candles, ready to do anything for Her, in order to capture Her unearthly Face. Only through Her image, he can comprehend the secrets of beauty and marriage bonds.

Poem colors:

1 stanza. The red color of the censer fire and candles against the dark background of the interior church decoration. Blue river background. Her image on the other side in a white dress.

2 stanza. The white church against the background of an evening sunset in a dull blue dusk.

3 stanza. Her appearance is in bright light colors, a white church, a church fence, white flowers.

4 stanza. Dawn against the background of a foggy veil with a reflection of scarlet.

Sound recording.

Vowels "a", "o", "e" dominate, which testify to the contrast of dark and light backgrounds: "a" - light, wide, "e" - warm, narrow, "o" - dark, endless. These sounds give beauty, smoothness, melodiousness to the sound of the poem.

Analysis of the poem by A.A. Block " I enter dark temples…»

The poem incorporates the main motifs of the cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady".

The reason for creating the poem was the meeting in St. Isaac's Cathedral of A. Blok with L. D. Mendeleeva. An image appears before the lyrical hero, which can only be compared with Pushkin's Madonna. This is "the purest beauty of the purest example." In the poem, with the help of color, sound and associative symbols, the image of the Beautiful Lady of the lyrical Hero mysteriously and indefinitely appears before us. All words and stanzas are full of special significance: "Oh, I'm used to these robes", "Oh, saint ..." - with the help of an anaphora, the author highlights the importance of the event.

The intonation is solemn and prayerful, the hero yearns and begs for a meeting, he trembles and trembles in anticipation of it. He is waiting for something wonderful, majestic and completely bows before this miracle.

The “flickering of red lamps” does not allow us to clearly see the image of the Beautiful Lady. She is silent, inaudible, but words are not needed to understand Her and respect her. The Hero understands Her with his soul and elevates this image to heavenly heights, calling it “The Majestic Eternal Wife”.

Church vocabulary (lamps, candles) puts the image of the Beautiful Lady on a par with the deity. Their meetings take place in the temple, and the temple is a kind of mystical center that organizes the space around it. The temple is architecture that seeks to recreate the world order, striking harmony and perfection. An atmosphere is created corresponding to the anticipation of contact with the deity. Before us appears the image of the Mother of God, as the embodiment of the harmony of the world, which fills the soul of the hero with reverence and peace.

He is a loving, selfless, under the impression of a beautiful person. She is that beautiful and incorporeal thing that makes the hero shudder: “But an illumined one looks into my face, only an image, only a dream about her”, “I tremble from the creak of doors ...” She is the concentration of his faith, hope and love.

Color palette consists of dark shades of red (“In the flickering of red lamps ...”), which carry sacrifice: the hero is ready to give up his life for the sake of his beloved (red is the color of blood); yellow and gold colors (candles and church images), carrying warmth directed towards a person, and a special value of the surrounding being. Tall white columns exalt the significance of both the image of the Beautiful Lady and the emotional feelings of the hero. Blok wrapped everything that happened in the poem in darkness, covered it with a dark veil (“dark temples”, “in the shadow of a high column”) in order to somehow protect this closeness and holiness of the characters’ relationship from the outside world.

Color painting. Sound recording.

1 stanza: the sounds "a", "o", "e" combine tenderness, light, warmth, delight. Tones are light, shimmering. (Color white, yellow.)

2 stanza: sounds "a", "o", "and" - constraint, fear, darkness. The light is waning. The picture is not clear. (Dark colors.)

Verse 3: The darkness is leaving, but the light is coming slowly. The picture is not clear. (Mixture of light and dark colors.)

4 stanza: the sounds "o", "e" carry ambiguity, but bring the greatest stream of light, expressing the depth of the hero's feelings.

Analysis of the poem by A.A. Blok "The girl sang in the church choir" .

In this poem, the poet conveys the interaction of Eternal Femininity, beauty with the reality of life, that is, the connection of the earthly and the Divine.

At the beginning of the poem - peace, tranquility. A church is depicted, a singing girl, and in the background - ships sailing into the sea, people who have forgotten their joy. The girl in the church song empathizes with "... tired in a foreign land, ships that have gone to sea, having forgotten their joy." Her song is a prayer for those torn away from their native home, for those abandoned to a foreign land. Peaceful singing prompted everyone from the darkness to look at her white dress and listen to the mourning song. The darkness and her white dress symbolize the sinful and the holy in this cruel world. With her singing, she instilled in people a piece of sincere kindness, hope for a better, brighter future: “... And it seemed to everyone that there would be joy, that in a quiet backwater all the ships, that in a foreign land tired people found a bright life for themselves.”

We see the unity of those present in the church in one spiritual impulse. Even at the beginning of the poem there was no hope for happiness, a bright life. But when her gentle voice was heard from the darkness and a white dress appeared, illuminated by a beam, then the confidence came that the world is beautiful, it is worth living for the sake of beauty on Earth, despite all the troubles and misfortunes. But among the general happiness, someone will be deprived and unhappy - the one who went to war. And now the warrior will live only in memories, hoping for the best.