Corsairs to each his own snake eye. Passage of Corsairs: To each his own. The return of the baron. Download video and cut mp3 - we make it easy

Passage of Corsairs To each his own. Return of the Baron
From the log: Interesting bandits are sitting in an abandoned mine. Something is wrong here. Maybe Nathaniel's wife, Danielle, managed to find out something more specific? But where to look for it? After talking with Ian Swenson, Danny Hawk, Nathan's wife, will approach you. Well, just like in that saying: “the beast runs to the catcher”! Danielle was waiting for me right outside Svenson's residence. It turns out that she had been watching Jan for a long time, and now she overheard our conversation and decided to intervene. I accepted her offer of cooperation - Dany Hawk will accompany me until we find her husband. Danielle's independent search for Nathaniel has yielded some results. According to a certain Miskito shaman Snake Eyes, it turns out that Nathaniel Hawk survived after the death of his detachment, was taken prisoner, from where he fled. Nobody has seen him since. What did the shaman mean when he said that Hawke could "eat Kukulkan"? To answer these questions, I must visit a Miskito shaman in an Indian village deep in Maine, west of Amatic Bay.
Swim along the West Main to the top, to the north. On the left there will be a huge bay, going to the west - here is the bay of Amatiche. Land in it, go deep into the bay until you find a statue at one of the locations, which Danny herself will point you to. After talking with her, follow on, following the path next to the statue and turning left along the road to the next location, with the village of the natives. Enter the hut ahead, talk to Shaman Serpent's Eye about everything.
From the log: From the conversation with Snake Eyes, I understood a lot, but I did not understand even more. More precisely - it's beyond my understanding ... It turns out that a stone statue in the jungle is able to move people in space and even time? Has this Indian gone mad? However, he does not at all look like a lunatic, and my sixth sense tells me that all of his incredible story- true, although the mind refuses to believe in this damn thing. But if I want to find Hawk, I have no choice but to try to repeat his path described by the shaman, namely, to let the statue "devour" itself. As I understood from the words of the Snake Eyes, this "devouring" is life-threatening, so before proceeding with the plan, you need to get "Comanche potions" that can cure the most severe injuries. Snake Eyes is ready to give me these three potions in exchange for amulets: the amulets "Hunchback", "Sogbo", "Fisherman". But for a safe journey, you need camancha potions.
The easiest way to order amulets is at the lighthouses, each one will have to wait 2 months. It may happen that you find these amulets from merchants, but this is very rare, therefore it is better to visit these lighthouses. The task can change in terms of amulets, so here everyone does it in their own way, the goal is to get amulets. You can get amulets at the following lighthouses Bas-Terre (Guadeloupe), Cartagena (South Maine), Santiago (Cuba). Amulets are made within two months, so there will be enough time. Upon receipt of the amulets, we go to Amatic Bay. Talk to the shaman, say that you brought the amulets. You will receive potions and a reminder to drink one immediately after Kukulkan burps you.
From the log: I have the Comanche miracle potions. Now the worst thing remains: to go to the statue at midnight and touch it. To be honest, I'm more afraid not that Kukulkan will devour me, but that nothing will happen at all. Okay, let's hope for the best. Although what exactly is the best here - even the most insightful of the sages will not make out ... But enough reasoning - I'm going to the statue of Kukulkan.
Follow the location with the statue of Kukulkan and rewind time between 00-00 and 01-00. The statue really shines! Talk to Danny again, who also sees the glow. Approach the statue and press the T key (eng).
From the log: Incredible! As soon as I touched the statue of Kukulkan at midnight, something unimaginable began to happen around, and then, as if by a whirlwind, I was transferred to the hold of some half-submerged ship. Before I had time to catch my breath, I was immediately attacked by a terrible monster - a crab of terrifyingly gigantic proportions. I had to get into a fight.
This quest will overlap with the Isle of Justice quest, read below.
From the log: Apparently, this is the same island of ships that Snake Eyes was talking about. It's time to get out of the hold, where I was thrown, and look around. You can just jump into the water and swim to the ship, but before that, talk to the white boy, he will tell you how to knock, I had two knocks, a pause, two knocks.
From the log: I found Nathaniel Hawke on the "Fernanda" flute. Of course, I imagined this pirate lord a little... not like that. But this is not his fault - I am well aware of the state after teleportation. Poor Nathan is completely unstuck: sick, constantly drinking rum, has lost faith in himself, lost heart and indulged in memories. We must quickly get out of here and return on the ship - I'm afraid he will either not last long, or completely drunk. I think Daniel will be able to restore his good spirits, and Snake Eyes - the good spirits of the body.
You have done all the quests and ended up underwater near the statue, next. An underwater statue threw me from the Island of Justice straight into the village of the Indians - Caribs.
From the log: Thank God, due to the fact that I was wearing a spacesuit, they mistook me for the "spirit of a great warrior" and did not attack. But they decided to sacrifice ... who would you think? Well, of course - Kukulkan! Another teleportation statue is located in the jungle near the village. Judging by the confused and ornate words of the leader, the idol is activated in the late afternoon. We'll have to wait, and then go through the portal again, away from the bloodthirsty redskins. The idol really “came to life” in the afternoon, towards evening, Well, I have no other choice - I sacrifice myself to Kukulkan for the third time ... Where will they throw me now? You will get to the statue, from where your path began. Finally, my teleportation marathon is over. Kukulkan burped me back to where I started my journey. It turns out that the statues teleport in a circle. Danielle met me - she was expecting me from the very moment of parting. I told her about Nathaniel. Now I am advancing to my ship, then - to Blueveld, to Svenson, I equip the expedition and forward - to the Island of Justice! Forward? Go back?..
We go to the village, chat with the Snake Eye.
From the log: I told Snake Eyes about my journey. He listened attentively, and suggested that the statues were not working properly - for there was no point in this throwing around in a circle. I agree with him - there is no logic in this. The shaman said that all the statues were probably supposed to send their victims to some one place ... However, I don’t want to think about it. I won't go near these idols again.
Go back to the ship and swim to Blueveld to Swenson. Here you are back for the second time on the Island of Justice.
From the log: The appearance of Danielle had the most favorable effect on Nathaniel - he even seemed to be a little younger. Daniel will take my husband to my ship, and then we will take Nathan to the Miskito village of Snake Eyes for treatment. Daniel and Nathaniel... They carried their love through so many years! I can only envy them kindly.
I found the shaman's tambourine on the galleon Eve, in the hold. In general, I found a lot of interesting things, including the shaman's pipe. We sail to Amatica to the shaman.
From the log: Nathaniel is taken to Snake Eyes for treatment. The shaman promised to put Hawk on his feet. Well, I'll hope so. Danielle asked me to stay on my team for a while - until the blood enemy of the Hawks - Jacob Jackman - is found and destroyed.

Leave Jan Swenson's house and Danny Hawk, Nathan's wife, will approach you. Talk to her, she will tell you what happened at the mine, and give the address of a strange shaman who can help bring Hawke back. She also joins your team. Swim along the West Main to the top, to the north. On the left there will be a huge bay, going to the west - here is the bay of Amatica. Land in it, go deep into the bay until you find a statue at one of the locations, which Danny herself will point you to. After talking with her, follow on, following the path next to the statue and turning left along the road to the next location, with the village of the natives. Enter the hut ahead, talk to Shaman Serpent's Eye about everything. It becomes clear that this statue is a kind of portal, which moved Hawk to another place. But for a safe journey, you need camancha potions. The shaman will exchange three potions for three amulets - the Ax amulet, the Cimaruta amulet, the Ehecatl amulet.

The easiest way to order amulets is at the lighthouses, each one will have to wait 2 months. Fortunately, the lighthouses are at such a distance that while you order all three amulets and sail to the owner of the lighthouse, who must get the first amulet, this first amulet will already be made. Otherwise, just do a couple of weeks of tasks, like freight charters. So, the amulets must be ordered at the following lighthouses - Guadeloupe, Santiago (Cuba) and Cartagena (South Maine). Everyone will have different amulets, depending on what the Indian calls. It may happen that you find these amulets from merchants, but this is a GREAT rarity, therefore it is better to visit these lighthouses. I had such amulets - Axe, Cimaruta and Ehektal. At the lighthouse of Guadeloupe, I ordered the Ax amulet. Next, it was necessary to sail to the lighthouse of Santiago. If you have enmity with Spain and do not have a GVIK license and the flag of Spain, then land in Anna Maria Bay and follow this way: right, right, straight (only one way forward), right, left, straight to the location with the lighthouse. Order the Cimaruta amulet here. The last amulet had to be ordered from the lighthouse of Cartagena. Sail to the shores of the South Maine, where Cartagena is located, and land in the bay to the west of it, Coveñas Bay. Follow this way: go through two locations without forks, turn left and find yourself at the location with the city gates of Cartagena. Directly opposite the gate there is a transition to another location - there is the lighthouse of Cartagena. Go there and order the Ehektal amulet from the man. After a while, take each of these amulets. Let me remind you that they are made two months from the date of order!

So, suppose you already have amulets. We sail back to Amatica Bay and go to the village to the shaman. From the bay, go to the first fork, turn left, at the next - also to the left, then two locations straight and on the next one past the statue to the left. At the last fork in front of the village, turn left. Talk to the shaman, tell them that they brought the amulets. You will receive potions and a reminder to drink one immediately after Kukulkan burps you. Speaking in human language, after teleportation. Exit the hut and talk to Danny. Follow the location with the statue of Kukulkan and rewind time between 00-00 and 01-00. The statue really shines! Talk to Danny again, who also sees the glow. Approach the statue and press the T key (eng).

Take out the map and sail to the island of Martinique. Find Michel there, who is still in prison, to find out that Poinsey is waiting for you on St. Christopher. Hurry up to go there.

Once there, go to the governor and inform him that you are in search of the Chevalier de Poinsy. Then exit through the right door to talk to him in person. He'll take your money, but he won't free your brother yet. In the further passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you will need to complete one more task. But to find out which one, you need to go to Michel.

So hurry to Martinique and talk to your brother. He will tell you that now you will have to capture Tortuga and do everything so that the governor of Levassera resigns. To do this, you need to find the opponents of Levasseur.

pirate saga

The first of these people can be found in Blueveld, hurry there. Drop anchor and proceed to Jan Swenson's house. His wife will meet you and tell you that her husband went in search of Helen, who was passed by the daughter of his friend, who is no longer alive. But the wife of a dead comrade lives on this island. It can be found by going to the pier.

Hurry up there and find the last building. After you climb inside, you will realize that she is not at home. Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and get out of the city. When you reach the fork, turn left and climb into the fort. Once you get to the top, you will find Gladys. Chat with her and find out that she recently received a note from Jimmy Higgins, who lives in Maroon Town. She will also report that her daughter rejected the proposal of the hand and heart of an unknown captain. But Gladys doesn't know anything, we need to hurry to find Jimmy.

Open the map and start your journey towards Jamaica. After you drop anchor near Cape Negril, you can go to the corsair village. Go to the residence and ask about the location of Jimmy Higgins' house. Then go to the tavern and go to the house that is opposite. Just do not try to be rude to him in a conversation with Jimmy. Try to use the second phrase in the dialogue. It turns out that the English captain who made the marriage proposal to Helen was called Arthur Donovan. He will also assume that he is now near Antigua.

Continue through Corsairs: To Each His Own and visit the governor after you finish talking to Jimmy. After talking with the governor, save and start your journey to Antigua. As soon as you get close to the island, open the journal and see that an entry has appeared in it, which indicates that the captain's corvette is somewhere nearby. Make every effort to board the ship. After the captain is destroyed, find Helen.

After you deliver her to Blueveld, go to Gladys's house to get a decent reward. Then go to Jan Swenson's house and report everything. He promises to think about everything, but first you must find Henry the Hanged Man, who is most likely hanging around near Cartagena.

Open the map and start your journey towards this island. Rich, go to the tavern and try to find out any information regarding this character. The bartender will tell you that Enrique's house is located near the port authority.

In a conversation with him, try to scare. Then head to the church and order a prayer in honor of Henry the Hanged Man's wife. This is necessary in order to find out that Henry lives in a lighthouse located near Cartagena. You can head there. In the further passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, take away the treasure chest from Henry and go to your ship.

Now open the map and head to Blueveld. Look for Jan there and report the situation. He wants you to talk to Helen's mom. Do so to receive a reward in the form of a part of the map, which indicates where the inheritance of blood mother Helen is located. You can return to Jan and show the donated part of the map. He will tell you that Helen is Beatrice Sharp's daughter. You will have to find the second part of the map in order to make Helen the owner of Sharp Town.

Shark hunting

Hurry to Gladys's house and find Helen's mother there. Talk to her first, and then to Helen. Tell her that she became a member of your team. Then head to Jan Swenson and chat with him to get the next task.

Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and sail to the shores of Cuba. Drop anchor in the city of Puerto Principes and go to the tavern. Find Baron Zacharias there. After talking with him, you will find out that Shark has changed with him and gave his frigate in exchange for an ordinary brig, on which he went to the northwest. However, he never returned. Zacharias will also say that he will be against the Shark only when you get the book "Hammer of the Witches" written in English for him.

Return to Jan and chat with him. He will tell you that he knows a famous Spanish cartographer who lives in Hispaniola. There was a time when he saved him, so the Spaniard owes him. Open the map and head for Hispaniola. Drop anchor near the city of La Vega and pass through the city gates.

Sooner or later you will find yourself near the gate leading to the settlement of San Dominigo. Wait until midnight to get into the city unhindered. Move to the farthest part of it and go to the house of Dios, located on a hillock. After talking with the owner, you can get your hands on Captain Alvaro's notes and guesses about the existence of the island. But don't get any coordinates. Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and return to Blueveld to Jan Swenson. After talking with him, you will receive another parallel quest.

Return of the Baron

Get out of the house and walk along the street. After a while, Dani Hawk, who is Nathan's wife, will approach you. Chat with her for a bit to find out about the incident at the mine and the address of the shaman who is able to return Hawke. She will also want to become a member of your team, you will certainly agree.

Open the map and start sailing towards West Main. I advise you to anchor in Amatica Bay and go to the territory that Dani points to. Chat with her and move along the path on which the sculpture stands. Near it you need to turn left and find yourself in the settlement of foreigners.

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, go to the hut that is located in front and find a shaman in it. His name is Snake Eye. After talking, you will understand that this sculpture acts as a portal that transported Hawk to another place. But in order for you to succeed, you need to get the Kamancha potions. But the shaman will not part with them so easily, first you need to get three amulets: Ehecatl, Ax and Cimaruta.

You can order them from the lighthouses, but you will need to wait around two months to get them. Swim to the nearest lighthouse and place your order. To make it easier for you, get to the lighthouse of Guadeloupe, Santiago (Cuba), Cartagena (South Maine). Since the names of the amulets are randomly generated, they may differ from the above. Of course, there is a possibility that you will find them from merchants, but this is very rare.

Continue through Corsair: To each his own and move to the lighthouse near Guadeloupe to place an order for the Ax amulet. Then go to Santiago and order the Cimaruta amulet. When you get to the lighthouse of Cartagena, then order the last amulet of Ehektal there. Wait a bit and come back for finished products.

Then return to Amatica and go to the shaman's hut. After you communicate with him, inform about the amulets. As soon as the potions are in your hands, head to the portal and move, only then drink the potions. Meet Dani, chat with him and go to the territory where the statue of Kukulkan is located. When the statue lights up, talk to Dani again and get closer to the sculpture and click on it.

justice island

First go into your inventory and look for the potion that the shaman gave you, and then take them. After that, you will be healed. So you now have two potions at your disposal. When a huge crab is in front of you, make every effort to defeat it. Then approach the lifeless body and search it. So you will find a huge pearl. Then move through the door to be captured. After talking with Caper, take his machete to prove that you are not a member of the Rivados tribe with his help.

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own you have to destroy the sorcerer, who will be thrown into your cage. However, first you need to talk with him and find out that his name is Chimiset. It also turns out that the corsairs deliberately set up his murder, because by killing him, you will name a curse on your entire family. So do not hesitate for a long time and help the shaman. Look around and find the crowbar in the room and head to the chest in the corner. Open it and take out all the items that are in it.

Be careful, because now three pirates will come running into the room. Deal with them and talk to the shaman. You will learn that two clans live on the island - narwhals and rivados. If we talk about rivados, then this is a peaceful clan that does not wish anyone bad. But the narwhals are constantly at war with them. And the Shark you are looking for is the head of the Isle of Justice. A certain Chad started a conspiracy against him to destroy the Shark. The narwhals have their sights on him because they believe that it was he who killed Alan. But it was destroyed by Chimset and Chad, the shaman himself saw it. For these reasons, Chad did not let Chimiset go, because he did not dare to destroy the sorcerer because of the curse he had heard about.

In the further passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you need to talk with Chimiset, and then go to the body and search it. Climb up and look for a chest there, which can be opened with the keys that you picked up from the corpse. Then get out of the cabin to the deck. Now you can jump from the yardarm into the water or walk along the wooden boards straight to the Esmeralda galleon. Once in place, find the commander on the upper deck, and then tell him the password to move to the narwhals.

climb on upper deck and turn left to be on the galleon "Gloria". Go down into the hold and go through the right doors. So you will be in the church. Look around and go to the left, to the doors to exit into the uninhabited cabins. Move along them until you are near the door on the right. Exit through it into the city. After that, you can approach the bow of the ship and climb onto it along the board on the left.

Passage of Corsairs To each his own. Ancient city Maya Part 01
We received the sword "Tanat", I have not seen better. And in five days, according to Vincento, Father Adrian will arrive here, who will provide you with potions and charms. Talk to Father Adrian, he will give you amulets and other useful potions.
From the log: The conversation with Father Vincento took place. The inquisitor managed to convince me that I still need to find Tayasal and seal the portal with the mask of Kukulkan - just like Alonso de Maldonado said. Our old elusive acquaintance, Miguel Dichoso, can help me find Tayasal. Father Vincento's agents saw him in Sharptown. I'm heading to Isla Tesoro.
Everything is clear, our path lies on Isla Tesoro in the settlement of Sharp Town. We go to the tavern and ask the tavern owner.
From the log: The owner of the tavern, Isla Tesoro, told me the most interesting, and at the same time a little frightening news: Miguel Dichoso himself was looking for me. Well then. I'm not going to run from him. Presumably, he was going to Blueveld. But I'll try to ask more about Dichoso: maybe he's still around somewhere?
Then we go to the store, ask in the store, after that we go out to sea, a pirate squadron of four ships is waiting for us there.
From the log: Off the coast of Isla Tesoro, I was attacked by a squadron flying a pirate flag. All this is suspicious - as if they were waiting for me ...
Sail to Blueveld, disembark at the port. Miguel Dichoso's envoy will meet you there.
From the log: In Blueveld I was met by a messenger from Miguel Dichoso. The Spaniard is also looking for me. His goal is obvious to me: to offer a joint trip to Tayasal. Which, in fact, is what I need. The meeting is in a large crypt in Capsterville Cemetery on St. Christopher. Despite Dichoso's assurances of peaceful intentions, one should keep one's eyes open with this fruit and make sure - I will land not in the city, but in Sandy Bay, in the north of the island, and I will go through the jungle with a small detachment.
Sail to St. Christopher, land in Sandy Bay. We go straight, right, right. As soon as your squad leaves to the right, there will be a message.
From the log: Here I am near St. Christopher's Cemetery. I will go to the crypt alone, but I will order the officers to keep their eyes open and respond immediately in case of trouble.
Your detachment went to the right, you go to the left, to the cemetery, enter the right crypt. As always, a trap awaits you there, musketeers are hidden in coffins and three swordsmen, everything is quick and simple.
From the log: The damned Dichoso nevertheless deceived me and set up an ambush, sending another six in his place. Dichozo's envoy put it in a strange way in his last remark about "native blood" ... I did not understand a little. It is necessary to search the corpse of the leader of the villains - perhaps something interesting will be found.
We search the leader, we find a letter.
From the log: How blind I was! And why didn't I think of it before? Miguel Dichoso and my brother Michel de Monpe are the same person! Now everything is falling into place... You wouldn't wish such a brother on your enemy. It follows from the letter that Michel decided to eliminate me, in the most radical way. You see, I'm bothering him a lot. Well, you can't count on Miguel Dichoso as a guide to Tayasal. You will have to find the way yourself. Now we need to get out of here quickly.
Letter: Arturo, prepare yourself for the meeting properly - Charles is not the kind of person to joke with. Arrange people so that he could not escape from the pincers. Take on only the best soldiers, be sure to take more good shooters. Don't even give him a chance. Surround the cemetery in case he miraculously manages to escape from the crypt. The only thing I ask is that you let my brother die with dignity as a soldier. May his death be swift and painless. When you're done with this business, advance to the appointed place. There you will receive a reward and further instructions. Miguel Dichoso.
Yes, but the brother is not the one he claimed to be, his own blood. We destroy the ambush in the cemetery.
From the log: My bastard brother's ambush has been destroyed. He will now have no rest either in the Caribbean or in Europe; I will look for him, no matter the cost. But for now, there is more important work to be done: the trip to Tayasal. I'll get back to the ship, go down to the cabin and think carefully about how to find my way there.
We go to the ship, to our cabin, we find a solution.
From the log: Decision is made. I set off in search of a trail leading to Tayasal.
On the very northern point West Maine has Doom Bay. Land and go all the way to the left, kill enemies along the way, go through about 6-7 locations and you will find yourself in Tayasala. Indians will attack you in droves, two or three avalanches. After you destroy everyone, he will come up to you and enter into a dialogue.
From the log: So, here I am in Thayasala. After a heated battle on the outskirts of the city, I was met by Hurakan himself, the military leader of the Itza, the son of the priest Kanek, who called Kukulkan to the land. From a conversation with him, it became clear that Kukulkan, or rather, his earthly incarnation, is already here, in Tayasala. And he wants to meet me. I have to go to the big Thayasala temple.
Run across the bridge, run around the first pyramid, climb the second pyramid, but not to the very top, climb the first row, there will be an entrance to the temple on the left or right. Talk to your brother, save immediately after that, then run to the right and left so that the Indians do not surround you, kill all the Indians, Michelle appears, defeat him. He will run down and to the left, then up the stairs, so follow him killing the Indians, there is no need to rush, do everything systematically. After you kill your brother, a message will arrive.

The burden of the Gascon:

After you find a million for Michel, go back to Martinique and talk about your adventures and establishing contact with England / Holland or pirates, depending on which side you are on. After that, say that you have a million and are ready to pay for Michel. Michel, in turn, will tell us to go to Capsterville, which is located on St. Christopher, and ask for an audience with Poinsey. Also, the brother will warn that Poinsey is very cunning, and we need to be careful in talking with him. We take this into account and sail to Capsterville. We sail to Capsterville and immediately go to the residence to request an audience with Poinsey. We say that we have the required amount and we will be directed to the door to the right for a conversation. We go into the office and give money for Michel, after that we ask when we can get a document on the release of Michel. And here everything turns out to be not so simple. Poinsey again talks about the failed mission of our brother and asks Michel to find out all the details. We return to Martinique and speak with Michel. From the conversation we understand that we need to kill the governor of Tortuga, and also capture that very Tortuga. Caramba! We need a plan that our brother will gladly share. He will tell about Stephen Dodson and the legendary Jan Swenson.

pirate saga:

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

We sail to Blueveld and go into the house of Jan Swenson, which is located next to the residence. Jan will not be at home, but his wife will be. Talk to her and find out where Jan went. It turns out that Jan went in search of his old friend's daughter. Also, Jan's wife will give a tip on the widow's house, which we need to visit. This house is located next to the marina. We go into the house and do not find anyone, after that we go to the jungle, and then to the fort. In the fort we rise to the very top and turn to the inconsolable widow for details. After a conversation, from which we learn about two suitors: Jimmy Higgins and some English captain. After that, we sail to Maroon Town, in Jamaica. We sail to Jamaica and moor at Cape Negril, after that we go to a pirate settlement. In the pirate residence we find out where the house of Jimmy Higgins is located, and after that we go there. Jimmy begins to be rude to us, but you do not respond to his provocations, but press the second line of the dialogue. So we learn the name of the English officer: Arthur Donovan. Also, do not forget to drop by the pirate resident, he will throw food for thought. After that, you need to swim to Antigua without delay. Having sailed to Antigua, we go out to sea and find Arthur's ship, and then board it. After you kill Arthur, don't forget to search his body. On it you will find the "Wrath of the Prophet" - one of the three rare blades that were stolen from Fadey. After the battle, your sailor will come up to you and say that after searching the holds and cabins, they found a girl. In Arthur's chests you can find twenty thousand pesos, a "brigant" and two hundred and fifty doubloons. After boarding, we go down to our cabin and talk to the girl. She's beautiful by the way. After the conversation, return to Blueveld, to Rumba's mother. Having landed in the port, we receive thanks from Helen and an invitation to their house. Entering the house, we receive thanks from Helen's mother and a reward in the form of one hundred doubloons.

After that, we go into Jan's house and go up to his office, which is located on the second floor. We tell him about our plans, and he promises us to think and come up with something worthwhile about this. After that, we talk about Jackman and his search and make Ian think about this too. We receive a task from Jan. We need to find Henry the Hangman before Jackman's people do. Hangman is located in Cartagena, Spain. Therefore, Jan gives us a license trading company for three months, so that we can freely enter the ports of the Spanish colonies. We sail to Cartagena and preferably change our flag to the flag of Spain. We go to the port and show the soldier a trade license, now you can safely walk around the city. We go into the tavern and ask about Enrique Gonzalez (Hangman) from the innkeeper. The innkeeper says that Enrique's house is next to the Port Authority.
We arrive at Enrique's house and use the second line of the dialogue, during which we learn that this is not the same Enrique. We leave the house of the false Enrique and head to the church to hold a prayer service for Mother Enrique. The priest will be surprised and tell about Alvarez, who also puts a prayer service for the repose of his mother. We learn from the priest that Enrique lives at the lighthouse. We leave the city into the jungle and head to the lighthouse.

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

After talking with the Hanged Man, we learn that he had to give the chest with doubloons to one nurse, whom we already know. During the conversation, the old man dies, apparently from a heart attack. But before his death, he manages to give us a chest with many doubloons and a massive ring that serves as a password for Helen's mother. After we leave the Hanged Man's house, three pirates will attack us. We kill them, return to our ship and sail to Jan Swenson in Blumveld. Having sailed to Jan, we tell him everything that we managed to learn from now on the dead Hangman. After talking with Jan, we go to Gladys and tell her everything.

After talking with Gladys, we return to Jan and show a piece of the map that belonged to Beatrice Sharp (who played in the past Corsairs will understand). We go to Jan, and he says that thanks to this piece of the map, as well as two others, you can claim Sharptown, but if all the papers are not presented within a year, the island will become an English colony, the governor will be put there along with the troops, and the Coastal Brotherhood will come the end. We agree to help Jan in solving this problem. He will ask you to come in three days for the assignment, but for now we will go to Gladys and say that we are taking Helen under our protection. After that, we go up to Helen in the room and recruit her into the team.

The quest continues after completing the following quests: The Shark Hunt, The Temptation of Barbazon, and The Return of the Baron. We return to Jan and say that all the barons will vote for the Shark. Also, we say that it would be nice to take the mine. Yang agrees and asks to come in ten days, but if you go with him, you will receive two thousand silver and save a couple of days. You decide.

After completing the missions "Sharp's Legacy" and "Shadows of the Past", we return to Swenson and talk about Tortuga. Jan will advise you to go to the Shark and talk about Tortuga. Also, Yang will give us two gifts: a medallion that strengthens discipline and island stones used in voices. This completes the Pirate Saga quest.

Shark hunting:

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Swenson will ask you to find the Shark, as he will be useful for capturing Tortuga. He will send us to a pirate baron named Zacharias. He is in Cuba, Puerto Principe. We move to him and ask about the Shark. He talks about some island of justice and about a cartographer who might know about this island. He will also ask you to find the book "Hammer of the Witches", and will vote for the Shark at the meeting if we find this book. After talking with Zacharias, we return to Jan for advice. Jan will advise you to contact an excellent cartographer, who is located in Santo Domingo. We sail to Santo Domingo and find Jose Dios, in the conversation we mention Jan Swenson. He will share his hypotheses, theories, give a book about Captain Alvarado to read, but we will not really know anything, and we will have to return to Jan Swenson for another hint.

The teleport worked, and we find ourselves on the island of Justice. After that, we kill the crab and pick up a large pearl from the crab and decide which way to go. There are three of them.

Mary's option:

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

We leave through a hole in the hull and swim to the ship "Ceres Smithy", we go there through a broken bow and get inside the ship. There, two pirates are trying to kill the girl in red, we kill these guys and talk to the girl - Mary Kasper. We talk to her and get information about this island, about people, about morals, about principles, and also learn that Shark is an admiral on this island. Also, Mary will give you a letter and a key to her cabin. After that, go to the tavern, sleep off and come to the Shark. At the entrance to the residence of the Sharks, they will stop us, you, in turn, present a letter from Jan Swenson and they will let you through. We go to the Shark and describe the situation to him: how we got to the island; that you are looking for Nathan Hawke and himself; about brotherhood. After a conversation and evidence from the Shark, we get the keys that everyone opens on the Tartarus ship, as well as fifty doubloons for buying passwords from the rogue Fazio to other territories. After that, we go to the residence of Black Eddie and give the go-ahead to kill Chad. We approach the “Fury” pinas and say the password, after that we go into the residence and tell the plan to the leader of the rivadas. Edward Black will agree to such a deal, but we will remain as a hostage in the territory of rivados. Now we just stand and wait. Black will return in three hours and thank you for the information about Chimiset, and also make us a friend of the rivados, but, alas, they did not manage to kill Chad Kaper. He fled to the territory of the narwhals and now he can not be reached. Also, Black will give back the papers that Chad threw away in a hurry. After that, approach Chimiseta. In gratitude for his salvation, he will give you a couple of amulets, and will also gladly answer all your questions. We return to the Shark and tell about everything that happened. The shark isn't happy, of course, and we need to come up with a plan to smoke Chad out.

We return to Mary and give two letters to read that Chad forgot on the table. Mary remarks that it is very strange for Chad to buy whiskey, as he believes that beggars and peasants drink whiskey. Also, we will learn about a dangerous sniper who can confuse all our cards. We go to the store and ask about whiskey. We learn that the whiskey was bought, and also that Chad was interested in arsenic. After that, we go to the tavern and ask about Chad and arsenic. We learn that Chadd did not enter, but Marcello Cyclops entered instead. Such are the things. Santiago will say that the Cyclops went with Adolf to the "Santa Florentina". And here three scenarios will follow:

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

1) We quickly run to the "San Augustine" to the Shark and tell him not to drink the whiskey that they bring. After that, we run to the "Santa Florentina" and see the dead Adolf, and his killer attacks us. After the massacre, remove the opened letter from the murderer's corpse, and the bronze key from Adolf's corpse. After that, we go to the "Fury", rise to the very top and take the contents of the chest: "screw fitting", the "powder tester" amulet and many other goodies. And finally, we run to the "Eva" and kill Chad along with the narwhals. After the massacre of the traitor, we return to the Shark and see how he is talking to the messenger. After talking with the Shark, we put pressure on Fabio and find out that Cyclops is going to Mary. We will also learn the password for passing through the territory of the narwhals. We can't let that happen, so we're running. Keep in mind, we're running out of time. We run to the territory of the narwhals, we call the password, after that we jump into the water from the deck of the Ceres Smithy. After that, there will be a scripted scene where we find the Cyclops and kill him in battle. As a reward for this path we get: "screw fitting", five hundred doubloons.

2) We go to the Eva, go down and meet Chadd Caper along with the narwhals. We kill this company and remove the key from Chadd. In the same hold, we knock out information from Fazio and save Mary. After that, we hurry to the "San Augustine". The shark had already drunk the poisoned whiskey, but nothing. Give him a Comanche potion to drink and he'll be as good as new. As a reward for this path we get: the amulet "Thor's hammer", five hundred doubloons.

3) We resort to the Shark and talk about poisoned whiskey. After that, we kill Chadd and the narwhals. Again we run to the Shark, knock out information from Fabio and run to save Mary. As a reward for this path we get: 500 doubloons.

After that, the Shark will call us to her and offer to destroy the narwhals in an alliance with the rivados. We refuse this idea - we offer a peaceful solution. We go to Donald Greenspie on the Esmeralda galleon and stumble upon his bodyguard. We tell him that we are from the Shark. After that we will be let through. We tell Donald that he has problems and we need to solve them. We ask Donald to come to the Shark and personally apologize, and also swear that this will not happen again. We return to the Shark and convey the words of Donald. As a reward, the Shark will give us a pilot, thanks to which we will be able to get to the island by ship, and he will also give us five hundred doubloons. After talking with the Shark, we return to Donald and say that everything is in order. As a reward for this, Donald gives us a tower blunderbuss and makes a friend a narwhal.

Return of the Baron:

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

We return to Jan and learn about another baron and his wife. The Baron is missing, so there is still a chance to find him. Also, before we leave, Ian hands a letter to Steve Dodson that will guarantee our safety. And the main character wonders: where to look for Hawk's wife? Hawk's wife meets us at the exit from the house. Dani will be asked to join our team, and will also tell you about the Indian village, the shaman, and the fact that Nathaniel Hawk is alive. We board the ship and sail to Amatica Bay, which is located north of Blueveld. After that, we land in the bay and go to the shaman. He, in turn, will tell you about the golden statue of Kukulman, about Hawk's teleportation, about three potions that will help us teleport. But for these three, he will ask for three random amulets. Here are the lighthouses where you can order these amulets: the lighthouse of Guadeloupe, the lighthouse of Santiago, the lighthouse of Cartagena. Amulets are made two months. So we swim to one lighthouse and order an amulet, after that we swim to another and order, return to the last lighthouse and pick up the amulet. After you have all three amulets, return to the shaman. After getting the potions from the shaman, go to the statue of Kukulkan, wait until midnight and touch it (T). After that, you will be transported to the island of justice. Now we continue the passage of the quest "Shark Hunt".

After spending some time on the Isle of Justice, you will learn about a white boy. We come to the store from 12:00 to 16:00 and find Ole Christiansen, this is our white boy. We give him a white pearl and ask about Nathan Hawke.

It turns out that he found it, drank it and left. We swim to Nathan on Fernand's ship, knock out a combination: two knocks, a pause, two knocks and talk to him. After the conversation, we promise to pull out of this island as soon as the right moment appears. If you want, you can listen to Nathan's story about ancient idols, ghost ships and all that.

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Also, Ole will mention Henrik, who can teach you how to walk on the bottom. But we can’t get into the territory of the narwhals yet, we’ll wait for the task to develop.

After settling the conflict between the narwhals and the pirates, we pass into the territory of the narwhals and go to Henrik. Henrique will ask you to collect platinum to repair the suit. I know three places:

1) The wrecked ship where you found Nathan Hawke. There will be three pieces of platinum.

2) Cabin in the domain of rivados. There will be five pieces of platinum.

3) Shark's cabin, opposite his desk. There will be three pieces of platinum.

After that, we return to Henrika and return the platinum. We'll be back in five days for a suit. You can wait the necessary five days at Mary's, and then return to Henrik. Henrique will say that he is missing another piece of platinum. We jump into the water and swim to Tartaras, where the missing piece is located. The chest will contain a thousand doubloons, a map, platinum and other goodies. After that, return to Henrik and give him the missing pieces of platinum. Then come to him in two days, and he will say that the suit is ready. We go down the stairs, and then we go into the cabin of the "Phoenix" and take a diving suit. We put it on and go down to the bottom.

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

We approach the totem and get an entry in the ship's log. After that, we return to land, give the suit to Henrika and return to the bottom between 08:00 and 10:00. Also, you have to say goodbye to Mary. After saying goodbye to Mary, we return to Henrika, pick up the suit and swim to the bottom. We touch the totem and get surrounded by Indians. They will take us to the next statue. We touch it and get to the place from where we got to the Island of Justice. We return to the Snake Eye and give the things he was looking for.

After that, we return to Jan Swenson and buy a ship of the fourth rank to set sail. After that, we swim to the left edge until it stops, go out to the global and swim to the island lost ships. We pick up the Shark, bring Dani to Nathan, and also recruit Mary into our team. After that, we take Nathan to Snake Eyes, and after that we sail to Jan Swenson for a further plan of action.

Temptation of Barbazon:

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Jan gives a tip on Barbazon and asks to gain his trust by pretending to be a fool. Therefore, we sail to Le Francois, Martinique and speak with Barbazon. In a conversation, we pretend to be a fool and a loser, and after that we ask Barbazon to do it. Barbazon will have mercy on us and ask us to deliver bales of lye, which the former assistant threw away, trying to escape from the patrol. We accept the order and sail to Philipsburg, Sint Maarten. And we send a boat to the tartan, talk to the captain and pick up our bales of silk. After the threats, the captain will transfer the lye from his boat to our ship. Tyuks turned out to be not six batches, but nine. We give the entire batch to Barbazon and pass the test for greed, and also get one batch as a gift. And then we get the next task. We visit Casterville, go to the tavern and find out from the innkeeper about the captain of the Marlin polakr, we learn that his house is located next to the shipyard. We come to the house, say the password and understand that they want to set us up. After questioning, the agent becomes nervous and draws his sword. We kill him and remove the letter from Jackman from his corpse. After that, we leave the city and board the Marlin. After that, we sail to the Turks and land in the bay "South Bay" and kill everyone who sits in that ambush. After that, we send a boat to the Razluchnitsa ship and drive the captain from the battlefield. Now we need to capture the Rogue corvette and pick up the documents from which it will become clear where Jackman is now. After the capture, we swim to the place where Jackman is. We go around the rock and go out to sea, after that we board the scoundrel's ship and fight with it twice. Once against him, and then his assistant joins, but Dani comes running from our side. After the fight, search through all the chests and take all the evidence. Now you need to ride through the barons and collect their votes. First, we will visit Barbazon together with a detachment of boarders and literally knock out his vote for the Shark at the council. After that, Barbazon will give up his stone shard. After that, we sail to La Vega, Santiago and ask Baron Tirax to cast his vote for the Shark, recalling his rescued captain. The captain will immediately give his piece of stone, as well as three hundred doubloons for saving the captain. The last point will be Puerto Principe, Cuba. We give Zechariah the book "Hammer of the Witches", which was found on Jackman's ship and Zachariah's voice will be ours.

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Sharpe's will:

Ian Swenson will ask to hire a lawyer to win the case for the transfer of Sharptown to the rightful heir and the coastal brotherhood. To do this, we sail to Port Royal, Jamaica and go to the lawyer's house, which is located next to the pier. Albert Loxley will demand 450 doubloons upfront for his services, and then more. We sail to Swenson, and he asks to catch the thief with the goods. We need to catch the East Indian Oyster. We swim out of the city and catch in one of these places: the Mosquito Coast or the Bay of San Juan Del Norte and catch this ship. After that, we send the boat to the "Oyster" and talk to the captain. We are trying to trick the captain's holds, but it doesn't work. We take the ship for boarding. In the captain's cabin, we rummage through the chests and find a note, thanks to which you can sell the bacalut yourself. Or you can take the cargo to Swenson. Anyway, we get 2250 doubloons and now we can pay for the services of a lawyer. We return to Jamaica and give 450 doubloons to the lawyer, and he, in turn, says that two halves of the card may not be enough and we need to find documents confirming that Helen really has the surname Sharp. After that, the quest "Shadows of the Past" is activated.

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

After that, we return to the lawyer, provide information and make the second part of the advance: 450 doubloons. Come to him tomorrow with Helen and go to court, which you will win. Now Helen is the full owner of Sharptown, which means that you can start killing the governor of Tortuga. Also, we need to pay the rest of the advance and become a friend to the lawyer. And it's worth a lot. He can settle relations with any factions, and takes not doubloons for this, but pesos. Which is very, very good.

This is important: if you did not have an affair with Helen, then she will leave after this task.

Shadows of the Past:

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

We sail to Antigua in search of Raymond Baker. We learn from the tavern keeper about the former executioner, and he talks about "Bald Maggie", which stands next to the city. We send a boat there and ask about Baker. The captain of the ship will say that he landed the captain on the pelvis due to the fact that the pirates were chasing them, or rather Baker. Also, the captain will give us the coordinates where he dropped off Baker. We sail to the shores of Dominica, there we catch Baker, after that we talk with him in our cabin and learn a lot of new things. It turns out that Butcher is alive, and the executioner just faked his death. After the conversation, Raymond can be made a doctor and left on the ship. Now you need to visit Shark Dodson in Sharptown for some details. He will tell about the Mask, Butcher, Beatrice, and also Jessica Rose. If you have time, you can visit Ian and find out about Jessica, this is necessary if you want to spare her in the future. After that, at the coordinates 21’32 and 78’33 (slightly above the Cayman), we sail to the Skeleton Reef and see an excavated grave there. We stay until night, and on the full moon the ghost of Jessica will turn to us with threats. After we defeat her, she will call the skeletons to her aid. Also, Jessica will take away our ability to run. After killing the first wave of skeletons - go through the bridge, bypassing the geysers. We defeat Jess again and get the second portion of the curse - weapon skills are reduced by 30 points. We deal with the second wave of skeletons and Jess - we approach her and get the third portion of curses - a decrease in energy. Jess will attack you in last time. Beat her, and then decide: spare her life or kill her. If you kill Jess, then remove the note needed by the lawyer from her corpse.

And if you decide to save life, then take it to your ship, and then sail to Jamaica, to Portland Bay and land there at midnight. At the bay, Jess tells us to come next midnight. We wait until she leaves the location, and we wind time. After that, Jess will come up to you and tell you that Butcher is dead, and as a reward for this she will give you: a letter from Beatrice and the famous Morgan flamberg sword, which causes monstrous damage.

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

This is important: to remove the curses, go to Bridgetown and talk to the priest. After that, we arrive at the church at 22:00 with two dozen candles (candles can be bought from merchants in the market). We bring candles to the holy father and come tomorrow at the same time. Main character pray all night, after that we will be transferred to the water, but we will not drown, but we will stand like God and see Jessica Rose in human form.


Shark will tell you everything he knows about Tortuga and will share his humble opinion, as well as tell you all the information he knows. We sail to Antigua and ask people about Molly. After a while, we will be told about Deputy Colonel Fox. We go to his residence and tell him everything we know. He will say, they say, it cannot be Molly, since she is in London and serves someone.

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

After that, go to Bas - Ter, to the tavern. We ask the innkeeper about Fernand Luke and find out that he left the world of the living, but his friend is sitting here, with whom we can talk. We approach Robert Martin, intimidate him, and then make a deal. We return to the Shark and talk about what happened. He will suggest that it could be Katherine Fox, Fox himself’s daughter, and that it would be better to free the girl, otherwise Fox will not give life to the entire Coastal Brotherhood, which is bad. After such a conversation with the Shark, we sail to Tortuga and go to the tavern. We learn from the innkeeper that Thibault rents a room and is there after 20:00. We are waiting for the specified time and go up to the second floor to Thibault. Thibaut does not give in to our arguments, and decides to run through the window. At the same time, his uncle, Francois Levasseur, whom we need to kill after the conversation, enters. Levasseur will shout that we are a Spaniard and a spy, so we will fight against three people. We rob the corpse of Levasseur and take away his key, it will be useful to us in the future. After that, we jump out the window and chase Tito. After each shot at you, drink a potion, and at the end, jump into the water, then swim to the right, swim into the opening and kill Tito. A scripted scene will start, during which we will run up to Katherine Fox. Also, after talking with Katherine, a moment of jealousy from Helen / Mary will follow. After that, sail away from the city and board the enemy ship. There will be a letter in the captain's quarters that activates the Cromwell's Despatch quest. After you deliver Fox's daughter, she will thank you and ask you to come to her father for a reward. If it's not there, check back later. As a reward, we will receive an exclusive weapon that can shoot arrows, buckshot or “hedgehog charges”.

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

Passage of "Corsairs: To each his own." pirate saga

After that, we sail to Capsterville and report to Poinsey. He rejoices and releases his brother. Also, he invites us to become a French officer. As a reward, we receive the Gryffondor frigate, a team of French soldiers, an officer, a French letter of marque and a French officer's uniform, and we can also give 10% of our profits to the French treasury. Also, we learn that Saint-Pierre was attacked and we need to sail to defend the city.