The most expensive coins in the world. The most expensive coins in the world - how much is one coin worth? Nickel Coin Size Head of Freedom

The dream of a numismatist with a solid collection of coins is the most expensive coins in the world. The material value of the pieces is important to few collectors. The alloy of which the coin is made is also irrelevant, as catalogs listing the most valuable coins demonstrate that regular copper-nickel coins can be worth a fortune.

Very expensive dollar with loose hair

Most often, the desire to get a coin is associated with the history of its origin, limited edition, belonging to the history of other countries, age, and less often - with the aesthetic design and degree of preservation. Since the most valuable coins were made in the 19th-20th centuries, it is inappropriate to talk about high-quality minting and preservation.

There are many valuable coins in the world. There are many of them in tsarist Russia(just open the directory to be sure of this). You can talk about them for a long time. But we will consider only 10 of the most expensive coins known in the circle of numismatists around the world.

Flowing Hair Dollar, literally - the dollar Loose hair

Dollar Loose Hair 1794

It is not clear why it was the loose hair that became the most striking and recognizable attribute of this coin; nevertheless, this variant of the name is known among collectors. Officially, it is the "Liberty Dollar with Loose Hair". Apparently, the curls, freely swaying in the wind, personify freedom in its romantic manifestation.

The Freedom Profile of this pattern has been used for many years. The use of antique strokes was not accidental, since in 1834-1913. engravers of American coins will return to it more than once.

What is the special value of a coin with a dollar denomination? It was the first silver coin of the United States of America. The issue of coins of this type lasted from 1794 to 1804. Later, Freedom was engraved based on the portrait of Anna Willing Bingham by artist G. Stewart.

Obverse and reverse of the coin Loose hair 1804

The daughter of the President of the First Bank of the United States at that time was considered the most beautiful woman America. A little later, the lover of the engraver John Reich, who was engaged in the design of the coin, became "Svoboda".

But the Loose Hair dollar was produced only for two years - 1794 and 1795. The circulation during this period was 162,000 copies. Only 2,000 were put into circulation, and 200 coins were immediately melted into silver due to the poor quality of the minting. The rest of the valuable coins were donated.

It is known that only 200 of them “survived” to the present day, and these are rare coins. There is accurate information that one of them was sold by Stephen Contursi, president of the IRVIN association, from the official collection of the same name, for $ 7,850,000. One dollar coin worth 7 million!

Double eagle of Saint-Godan

The US $ 20 Gold Coin features a gorgeous aesthetic and dramatic history. The issue of coins of regular circulation lasted from 1842 to 1933. The emergence of the "double eagle" came at a time when the imposed "gold standard" and the use of gold for minting regular coins helped stabilize the US economy. The circulation was 445,000 coins.

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The obverse depicts Liberty in antique dress. V right hand her torch is burning, in her left hand she holds an olive branch. At the feet of Liberty, we see 13 stars, symbolizing the 13 states of America. The reverse depicts an eagle in flight with a bundle of arrows in one paw and an olive branch in the other. The execution of artistic elements is close to perfection. Having been in circulation, the coins are still in good condition.

But in 1933, the "gold standard" was canceled by T. Roosevelt, in connection with which the redemption of $ 20 coins began at a price 2.5 times higher than the face value, and their subsequent melting into ingots.

A small number of valuable coins were rescued by the mint workers and sold to the jeweler Israel Sweet. The surviving coins were monitored by the US special services, which nevertheless returned the coins.

However, one "double eagle" ended up in the collection of Stephen Fenton. He failed to hide the coin, and it was confiscated. As a result of lengthy legal proceedings, it was decided to sell the coin at an auction. In 2002, it was bought by an anonymous participant in the auction for $ 7,590,020 in just 2 minutes.

Gold doubloon 1787 g

The 15 dollar coin was called a doubloon because its weight was identical to the weight of the Spanish doubloons, which circulated in all states of America - 26.6 g.

Gold doubloon minted in 1787

But Brasher's doubloon can hardly be called a coin of regular circulation, because it is the author's copy. Limited edition. As a result, several copies have survived to this day, one of which was sold at a price of $ 7,400,000.

Perhaps this is the only coin from the list, the history of which is precisely known, since it has a creator. Ephraim Brasher immortalized his name on numerous coins, the engraving of which became the work of his life. Each coin was made according to an individual sample and was distinguished by an elegant and at the same time rich execution.

Although we call Brasher's doubloon the golden one, it doesn't really reflect the truth. There is only one gram of gold in this 15 dollar coin. On the reverse there is a magnificent landscape - a mountain ridge rises in the rays of the rising sun, at its foot the sea stretches.

Gold doubloon coin for sale in special packaging

Below the landscape is the author's name ("Brasher"), on the reverse - an eagle with 13 stars over its head. On the left wing, Brasher's initials are engraved. But the doubloon we are talking about now differs in the location of the stamp. He's on the chest of an eagle.

Perhaps we would have put this coin at the end of the list of the most expensive coins, since it was sold for $ 2.99 million.But in 2011, Brasher's doubloon was bought at auction for $ 7.4 million by the Wall Street Foundation. for an anonymous collector.

Coin Edward III

Despite the fact that the coin came to us from the distant Middle Ages, the engraving on the obverse is clear enough to see King Edward III seated on the throne, and elements of the luxurious decoration of the palace. The edges of the coin are uneven. The edge is absent, since the technology of making metallic money was imperfect or simply absent in the 14th century.

Rare coins with King Edward are an attribute of the era of his reign (1327-1361). Remember that Edward III started A hundred years' war for possession of France on absurd grounds. His mother, Isabella of France, is the daughter of Philip the Fair, which prompted the king of England to a military campaign, which did not end even after the death of Edward himself.

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But the period of the reign of Edward III was marked by another important event - the beginning of the minting of English gold coins of regular circulation. In particular, the florin we are talking about now was issued in 1343, and it belongs to the first edition. Florin, or "double leopard" is made of 6.96 grams of pure gold. Interestingly, the face value of gold coins was measured in silver pence and shillings. So this florin was worth 6 shillings. And they sold it for 6,800,000 dollars!

Further events explain the prohibitive cost of the "double leopard".

Already in 1344, the coins were withdrawn from circulation, because their weight did not correspond to the face value. The circulation was melted down. 3 coins have survived, two of which are in the British Museum and one sold at auction in 2006.

Elizabeth II 2007

The largest portrait of Queen Elizabeth II in the world has been produced by the Royal Mint in Canada. And this portrait was not painted, but engraved on the obverse of the coin! This is a unique specimen, which at the moment has no analogues in the world. Firstly, the coin weighs 100 kg, with a diameter of 53 cm. This fact breaks the idea of ​​a coin that can be easily placed in a pocket or purse.

Secondly, the material from which the coin is made is pure 999 gold! Before us is a rare specimen of a 1 million dollar coin! And this is one of the few cases when the denomination corresponds to the cost of the coin.
From the moment of its creation until the sale at auction, the valuable coin was in the Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna). Sold for $ 4 million. Not too much for a gigantic gold bar shaped like a coin.

Kweller's Silver Dollar

We return again to coins of regular circulation in the USA in the 19th century. Another fabulously expensive coin went under the hammer at the Official Auction and is the 1804 small silver dollar previously owned by David Kweller. It is surprising that the minting is 1834, but the year 1804 is indicated on the coin - the year of issue of the last silver 1 dollar coins.

Since 1834, minting of coins has been stopped by the President of the United States.
How did this little coin come about? In the 1930s, US policy was aimed at forming trade and economic relations with Asia. Therefore, 8 sets of gift coins were minted as gifts to the rulers of Asian countries.

This is what a Kweller silver dollar looks like

The print run should be dated 1804, but the engravers made a mistake by minting a small print run since 1803.

These coins are worth hundreds of millions of dollars today. Later, in 1858-60, 7 more coins were issued, which received the status of "official forgery", because they were minted from the original sample.

On the obverse is the profile of Anna Bingham, engraved from her portrait, on the reverse - the bald eagle, the symbol of America.

Their whereabouts are unknown. There is evidence that one of the original little dollars belonged to the King of Siam, an avid coin collector. This increased the value of the coin. It was sold by Kweller as part of the collection for $ 3,737,500.

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TOP 10 most expensive coins in the world

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Today numismatists around the world are hunting for rare coins, the value of which is increasing every year. Having got at least one rare specimen in your collection, you can secure yourself a fortune and forget about financial problems for a long time. At the moment, there is a rating of the ten most expensive coins that can make their owner a millionaire overnight.

The tenth place in the list belongs to the 19th century coin minted in honor of the Brazilian king Pedro I. In total, 64 pieces of such memorabilia were issued, many of which have already been irretrievably lost. The obverse of the coin depicts the monarch himself in the image of the Roman emperor, and the back of the coin depicts the attributes of power (crown and scepter). The approximate cost of the described subject of numismatics is about 140 thousand dollars.

In ninth place was the gold "Dinar Hashimi" from Saudi Arabia... This coin is one of the most valuable minted items ever produced in the Middle East. Now the approximate cost of a genuine dinar is estimated by experts at 1 million dollars.

Eighth in the list goes to Brasher's 1787 gold doubloon, engraved with the initials "EB". Ephraim Brasher was a famous American jeweler of the 18th century, who minted both his own unique coins and state legal tender. At one time, he even suggested using copper instead of expensive gold when creating coins, but his initiative was ignored. Now the cost of the doubloon is estimated at $ 2.5 million.

Seventh place went to the nickel "Head of Liberty" 5 cents. This product was minted by order of the American government in 1913 without participation Mint USA. Soon, such means of payment were withdrawn from circulation, after which their value increased significantly. Every year the price of the "Head of Freedom" only becomes more expensive, while the last genuine sample was sold at auction for $ 3.7 million.

The sixth line on the list belongs to the 1804 Silver Dollar, which belongs to the Kweller collection. It is noteworthy that this product was minted only in 1834, however, the engraving "1804" flaunts on its back, since the means of payment was created according to a previously established pattern. The cost of the subject of numismatics under consideration is $ 3.8 million.

The fifth position rightfully belongs to a huge gold bar made in the shape of a coin. The 100 kg bar is engraved with the profile of Queen Elizabeth II, and the item itself was minted with the assistance of the Canadian Mint in 2007. Now the price of this huge coin ranges from $ 4-4.5 million.

The fourth line went to the "Silver Dollar" minted in 1834. The presented product was released personally for the King of Siam, after which it was in the collection of this country for a long time. In 2001, this coin was bought by an unknown person for $ 4 million, but now its value is no less than $ 5 million.

The three leaders of the rating are opened by a gold florin with the image of Edward III. The denomination of the coin is only 6 shillings, while the product itself was minted in 1343. The starting price of a rare item at any of the numismatic auctions starts at $ 6.8 million.

In second place is the "Double Eagle". The presented gold numismatic product has a face value of $ 20, and was minted in a limited edition in the USA in 1907-1933. On the back, you can see the original image of Miss Liberty with a lit torch. During the Great Depression, these means of payment were withdrawn from circulation, after which they were melted into precious metals... The approximate cost of such a coin is $ 7.5 million.

The most expensive piece of numismatics in the world is the American dollar coin "Loose Hair". Now this product, created in 1794 in a limited edition, is the dream of any self-respecting collector. The obverse of the coin depicts the symbol "Freedom", and the back - the one-headed eagle (the symbol of the United States). The cost of the copy is $ 7.9 million.

Thus, the ten most expensive coins in the world are estimated at more than $ 40 million. Nevertheless, in order to acquire at least one of the listed products, the numismatist will have to make a lot of efforts. The value of these collectibles is constantly increasing, so today there are few people willing to sell coins even at an inflated price.

Money is used all over the world and is available in various forms. In the past, coins were the most popular currency in the world. Coins were made of metals, many of which are rare and expensive, and various historical events important for the country and nation were also depicted on the coins. Some people in the world like to collect coins as a hobby and are willing to spend a large amount to add rare coins to their collection.

Below are the 9 most expensive coins in the world.

10. Banknote US RED SEAL 1,000 $ 1891

One of the oldest United States of America banknotes with a red stamp from 1891. This banknote depicts the famous Major General George Gordon. The banknote sold in 2013 was valued at nearly $ 2.5 million. This is not a coin, however, this banknote was included in this rating due to the fact that it is the most expensive banknote ever sold. Next in the top will be the most expensive coins in the world.

9. Liberty Head Nickel Coin 1913

The nickel coin depicting the head of America's Statue of Liberty was made without the permission of the US government and only 5 coins were minted, after which its printing was prohibited. One of the coins was issued in 1913 and later bought for almost $ 3.7 million, but some numismatists believe that this piece can be sold for a higher price (presumably $ 20 million), this proves that a rare coin can be valued much more than precious.

8-7. Silver Dollar (Class I) 1804

6. Coin 1 Million Dollars 2007 (C $ 1M Coin)

This coin is very heavy and hardly suitable for frequent use, its weight is 100 kg. It was specially created for the United Kingdom entirely of pure gold, thus its face value is estimated at 1 million US dollars, but was sold at auction for $ 4.1 million and is now in the museum.

5. Edward III Florin gold coin 1343

Florin Edward III is the oldest coin in the world, it was made in 1343. According to some reports, only 3 such coins have survived to our time. It was sold for $ 6.8 million.

4.Gold Doubloon (1787)

Ephrain Brasher was a famous jeweler from New York, he made a large number of coins from pure copper, which are now also very rare. However, the 1787 coin was made of gold and was bought by an investment company for $ 7.4 million.

2-3. Double Eagle Gold Coin

The first Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle of 1907 sold for $ 7.6 million.

A second $ 20 double eagle from 1933 also sold for $ 7.6 million.

1. Flowing Hair Silver 1794/5 Silver Coin

It was made of copper and pure silver and has the face of the Statue of Liberty on the obverse. In 2013 it was sold for $ 10 million. It is the most expensive coin ever sold in the world.

Below is a summary table:

Top most expensive coins in the world

RatingNameYear of issuePrice, million $
10 US RED SEAL 1000 $ banknote1891 2,5
9 Liberty head1913 3,7
8 Silver Dollar, Class I1804 3,7
7 Silver Dollar, Class I1804 4,1
6 100 kg C $ 1M Coin2007 4,1
5 Edward III Florin1343 6,8
4 Brasher doubloon1787 7,4
3 Double eagle1907 7,6
2 Double eagle1933 7,6
1 Flowing Hair Silver1794/5 10