Senator from Kamchatka Valery Ponomarev. Federation Council: Who is the richest? Kamchatka deputies approved the election of the governor

Fairly Russian income Anatoly Aksakov in 2015 amounted to 5.5 million rubles. This is 900 thousand rubles more than a year ago. Slightly greater dynamics of income growth for the wife of the chairman of the Duma Committee on economic policy, innovative development and entrepreneurship - 3.7 million rubles in 2015 against 2.5 million rubles in 2014.

The deputy still owns the following real estate objects indicated in previous years: land plot area of ​​500 sq.m, apartment (145.6 sq.m), house (56.4 sq.m). For the term of deputy powers, Aksakov has an apartment in Moscow with an area of ​​175.9 sq.m. He also remains the owner of a Mitsubishi Outlander.

The only 100% representative of Mari El in the State Duma is United Russia Larisa Yakovleva. Her income last year also increased - 4.7 million rubles. (a year ago they were 4.3 million rubles). However, the salary of the deputy's spouse during this time has halved from over a million rubles to 519,000. In the list of real estate, Yakovleva indicated a Moscow apartment with an area of ​​123.7 sq.m, rented for the term of her deputy powers, and an apartment that is in gratuitous use (with an area of ​​104.1 sq.m).

I was surprised by the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region. They decided to chip in 100 rubles. to help the poorest colleague Alexey Lomov. A box with magnets for sale and a box for fundraising were installed at the entrance to the meeting room. There is an inscription on the magnets: “Colleagues and just kind people! The family of deputy Lomov, according to the declaration, earned 221 thousand rubles in 2016, which is 18.5 thousand rubles. per month. This is less than 6200 rubles. for each family member. By purchasing this magnet, you will help deputy Alexei Lomov!” They threw off willingly. Lomov appreciated the irony of his colleagues and for the funds raised - 34 thousand rubles. - I bought diapers for the Vsevolozhsk orphanage. To this money he added his own. It is time for a deputy to give a master class on how to live on a beggarly income and even help others. By the way, colleague Lomov, Vladimir Petrov, declared 121.2 million. 18 pages occupies a list of his property, including 5 stars (!) And a site on Mars. However, they were asked to remove them from the final version of the declaration.

There are also enough millionaires in the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. But struck by the poorest deputy - a young politician Sergey Titov: income - only 129 thousand rubles. Titov says that as a deputy he does not receive a salary, and he does not have time to earn a lot at his main place of work: “Until I gain experience in politics, we live on savings.” Miracles happen on a budget Deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma Andrey Blagov. Officially, he earned 370 thousand rubles. for the year, the spouse - another 602.5 thousand. In general, a good income was obtained - 80 thousand per month. But with this money they need to support - attention! - 5 expensive cars, a truck, a boat, a house (513.5 sq. m.), an apartment and plots (4725 and 1841 sq. m.). Transport tax, maintenance, gasoline, "communal" - only this will eat up the entire income of the deputy's wife.

Whether it's Kuban Deputy Fyodor Yanishoglo. He declared 52 apartments, a house, 3 garages, 12 bedroom buildings, office buildings, a swimming pool, a chapel and a bunch of plots. But the income showed decent - 148.8 million rubles. No wonder: the deputy owns several sanatoriums in Anapa under the brand "Fairy", the company "Fairy-Mebel" and the agricultural enterprise "Russia" in the Anapa region.

Some officials and deputies consider it necessary to explain the amounts to the people in their declarations. For example, the press office Head of North Ossetia Vyacheslav Bitarov explained why the boss's income grew 4 times - up to 31.5 million rubles. Bitarov founded the Bavaria group of companies, which he led for 20 years, and now receives dividends as a founder.


Many of the servants of the people have to blow the dust from their wives-nurses. In the State Duma, a communist should pray for his wife Alexander Nekrasov. She brought 646 million rubles to the family budget, while her husband, a former co-owner of the Leader group of companies, one of the leading developers in St. Petersburg, brought 129 times less, not even reaching 5 million rubles.

In the Voronezh Regional Duma, the leader in terms of total family income was Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Voronezhselmash Grigory Chuiko. Together with his wife, he earned 531.88 million, and he himself earned only 622.3 thousand rubles.

Prosecutor's wives help their husbands well. The undisputed leader in terms of income, as a year earlier, in the Prosecutor General's Office was his wife Head of the Department of International Legal Cooperation Sahak Karapetyan, earned more than 47.2 million rubles, while her husband - more than 3.5 million. Another breadwinner is the spouse Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Supervision of the Investigation Kamil Kudryaeva: she earned 21.2 million, and her husband - just under 2.3 million. Official income Deputy Prosecutor General Andrei Kikot less than 2.5 million, and his wife - 13.7 million.

Of course, everyone was interested in the income of the spouse President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov- 2.35 billion rubles. Minnikhanov's press secretary Eduard Khairullin reminded that Gulsina Minnikhanova is the owner of LLC "Luciano", which operates an elite spa. According to him, in April 2016, in order to raise funds for the development of new business lines, she sold a stake in 49% of the authorized capital, and in February 2017 paid an income tax of 286 million rubles to the budget.

Thank you wife can say and Governor of the Volgograd region Andrey Bocharov. While he himself brought only 4.6 million rubles to the house, his wife earned 23.5 million. Considering that for the previous 2 years her income was zero, it’s very good. Income Head of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov for the year almost doubled - up to 2.6 million rubles. But his wife's jump is more tangible: from 3.4 million rubles. in 2015 to 32.8 million rubles in 2016. By the way, not all governor's declarations have appeared in the public domain yet. Many are looking forward to the release of the earnings of last year's leaders - like the wife Bryansk Governor Olga Bogomaz.

Not everyone hopes for their halves. Many, on the contrary, prefer not to advertise them and manage on their own. It is known, for example, that out of 450 deputies of the State Duma, 144 are not officially married - almost one in three.

Are billionaires okay?

The list of billionaire deputies has not changed much over the year. In the Kurgan Regional Duma, the richest again turned out to be director of the Veles meat processing plant Dmitry Iltyakov- 1.6 billion rubles. In his declaration, in addition to apartments, houses and plots, there are warehouses, workshops and even his own railway dead end. The richest deputy of the city council of Ulan-Ude in the absence of last year's leader Indira Shagdarova turned out to be Gennady Dorzhiev(TG "Smith") with an income of 1.25 billion rubles. Sh-Agdarova declared as much as 13.5 billion in 2016! But, having made a splash, the owner of the supermarket chain abruptly went into the shadows, and then completely abandoned the mandate. The second place among the deputies of Ulan-Ude is now taken by Owner of PC "Titan" Vadim Bredniy- 903 million rubles. And his wife brought another $1.9 billion into the house.

Deputy of the Magadan Regional Duma Alexander Basansky declared 1.5 billion. People's interests in Kamchatka are still defended Igor Yevtushok, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Okeanrybflot, who managed to earn 1.89 billion, plus his wife - 78 million. And another representative of the Kamchatka Territory became the richest member of the Federation Council, co-owner of Okeanrybflot and shareholder of Interprombank Valery Ponomarev- 2.6 billion rubles. in a year.

By the way, another Senator Alexander Babakov declared "only" 318 million. But a year earlier, while still in the status of a deputy of the State Duma, he was among the poorest - 4.7 million rubles. Where the firewood comes from, the parliamentarian is in no hurry to tell. True, in the media he is called the actual owner of VS Energy, which does business in Ukraine in the energy and hotel sectors.

There are many millionaires in the State Council of Udmurtia. became the leader Andrey Shutov, Head of KOMOS GROUP LLC from 523.3 million. And he also lost 382.7 million rubles over the year. income. Second place goes to his business partner Director General of Regional Investment Alliance LLC Andrey Oskolkov- 309.7 million rubles. On the third place - CEO of UDS-Group LLC Alexey Chulkin: 255.4 million rubles, which is four times more than in 2015. There is someone to equal their colleague in the State Council Vitaly Efremov, who earned only 79.9 thousand rubles.

And in the Bryansk region. 3 deputies of the Starodubsky district distinguished themselves. Owners of peasant farms and potato growers Alexander Akhlamov(128.9 million), Mikhail Dovgalev(217.4 million) and Alexander Putsko(260 thousand, his wife - 301.6 million) earned 670 million for three.

Mandate on the table!

Concerning 50 deputies different levels from the Sverdlovsk region, who did not provide information on income and expenses, a prosecutor's check was organized. According to the law, their mandates can be taken away. Former head of the City Duma of Yaroslavl Pavel Zarubin the other day, he was already stripped of the crust for not indicating in the declaration the garage he inherited in 2006. The prosecutor's office found these violations, as well as “inaccuracies” in 13 more declarations. So, Edward Avdalyan did not indicate the wife’s car and her share in the apartment, and Vitaly Rybakov did not say that he is a director and co-founder (60% share) of the legal entity VITAREAL Ltd., established in 2007 in the Czech Republic. The convicted deputies in their explanations referred either to the sale of the “lost object” or to forgetfulness. Another popular excuse is "technical error".

As a result, the commission decided that there was no intent in the inaccuracies and no harm was caused. Whether it's the garage of the former speaker... "For 10 years no one has used this garage, it fell apart all over: it stands without a roof, without a gate, as a real estate object is not registered," Zarubin is now indignant.

By April 1, income and property declarations for 2016 were filed by all members of the upper house of the Russian parliament. According to official data, the well-being of the senators, if worsened, is not catastrophic. For example, Rafail Zinurov, representing Bashkiria in the Federation Council since 2013, earned 4.93 million rubles in 2016 (340 thousand rubles more than in 2015). And the senator from the same Bashkiria Lilia Gumerova earned 4.6 million rubles - 900 thousand rubles less than in 2015.

View and download income and property declarations of members of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for 2016

In the upper house of parliament, there was a record holder of all lists: Senator from the Parliament of Kamchatka Territory Valery Ponomarev. He declared 2.6 billion rubles. According to Russiangate, a year earlier, he had only 1 billion rubles, and two years - “only” 362 million rubles. It is worth noting that in 2013 there was a campaign to purge billionaires from the Federation Council, now Ponomarev there was only one left.

Valery Ponomarev

The second senator next in the ranking of the richest - Alexander Babakov from the legislative assembly of the Tambov region. He is significantly behind Ponomarev - he has 318 million rubles. He has no property - only one apartment (69 sq. M) is in use with his wife. However, he significantly improved his position: a year earlier, as a State Duma deputy, he declared 4.7 million rubles. media bind Babakov from the "Luzhnikovskaya" organized criminal group.

The most impressive fleet belongs to Vitaly Bogdanov, who represents the executive body of the Kursk region in the Federation Council. He has a Bentley Arnage, Bentley Convertible, Bentley Continental convertible, GAZ 13 Chaika, ZIL 41041, ZIM 12, Mercedes 320, Horch, and his wife also has a Mercedes Benz Viano and a Hyundai IX35. In addition, they have one truck, three motorcycles and a trailer. Bogdanov earned 222 million rubles.

Vitaly Bogdanov

Federation Council speaker Valentina Matvienko is not even in the top 10: she earned 22.8 million rubles, having improved her position in a year by 1.8 million rubles. Her son's billions Sergei Matvienko not included in the declaration.

As previously reported by the agency "Ruspres", company Okeanrybflot by Valery Ponomarev one of the three largest official sponsors of the party "United Russia". In the name of Ponomarev's daughter recorded property of Vladimir Putin's family in Spain.

According to Vedomosti's calculations, the list of the most profitable senators is as follows (figures in million rubles, including the income of family members):

Place Senator Region 2015 2016
1 Valery Ponomarev Kamchatka Krai 1011,93 2699,29
2 Alexander Babakov Tambov Region 4,74 318,08
3 Boris Nevzorov Kamchatka Krai 111,19 240,23
4 Yuri Vorobyov Vologodskaya Oblast 97,77 230,47
5 Vitaly Bogdanov Kursk region 71,81 229,59
6 Dmitry Saveliev Tula region 173,81 176,70
7 Alexander Verkhovsky Sakhalin region 19,32 141,00
8 Valery Vasiliev Ivanovo region 162,68 133,45
9 Igor Zubarev Republic of Karelia 40,05 124,27
10 Vladimir Bochkov Ivanovo region 43,58 75,27
11 Yuri Vazhenin Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 51,81 73,89
12 Nikolai Zhuravlev Kostroma region 10,09 61,61
13 Yuri Volkov Kaluga region 57,62 45,44
14 Victor Abramov Tver region 26,26 51,50
15 Valentina Matvienko Saint Petersburg 53,30 39,94
16 Alexey Dmitrienko Penza region 32,61 34,97
17 Sergei Mamedov Samara Region 99,68 32,94
18 Andrey Klishas Krasnoyarsk region 23,94 28,96
19 Ludmila Narusova Tuva there is no data 28,74
20 Igor Fomin Leningrad region 39,23 24,79

Born on August 17, 1959 in the village of Tikhoy, Kuril District, Sakhalin Region, in a family of employees. He graduated from school in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

In 1983 he graduated with honors from the Novosibirsk Institute of Soviet Cooperative Trade (now the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives), in 1992 he graduated from the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade in Moscow with a degree in economics with knowledge of a foreign language.

Candidate of Economic Sciences. In 1997 at the Russian Academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation defended his dissertation on the topic "Management of the organization's personnel at the stage of formation of market structures."

In 1983, by distribution, he was sent to Kamchatka to the Korf fish cooperative of the Olyutorsky district of the Koryaksky autonomous region. He worked as a senior commodity manager of a manufactured goods group, then as a deputy chairman for trade of the Bystrinsky fish cooperative.
From 1984 to 1986 - secretary of the Bystrinsky district committee of the Komsomol, then - head of the propaganda department of the Kamchatka regional committee of the Komsomol. In 1988 he headed the youth association "Youth".
While studying at the Academy of Foreign Trade, he did an internship as part of a language program in Germany, at the J.H. Tonnjes, which was engaged, in particular, in the manufacture of frames for license plates.
In 1991, having returned to Russia, with the help of German partners, he established the Znak company for the production of license plates for cars. Later, the company received a license to produce forms of certificates, certificates, etc. for federal departments. Subsidiaries are opened in Bryansk, Samara, Orenburg, etc. Valery Ponomarev was the general director of Znak LLC until 2011. The owner of Znak Holding LLC (100% of shares; Moscow).
In 1996, he became a co-founder of the private fishing company Pollux LLC (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky). In 2002, his company acquired the oldest Kamchatka fishing enterprise - JSC (now - PJSC) "Okeanrybflot". According to SPARK-Interfax, Valery Ponomarev owns 32.62% of the company's shares.
Founder, co-owner of a number of companies: Avtomark (Moscow; field of activity - construction of residential and non-residential buildings), Vityaz Travel (Kamchatsky Territory; tourism), Delta (Kamchatsky Territory; fishing), Northeast Company ( Kamchatka Territory; fishing), Karaginskaya Fishing Company (Kamchatsky Territory), Paramir Film Company (Moscow), Korfovsky Distillery (Khabarovsk Territory), etc. In the early 2000s. created a network of technical inspection points in Moscow. Co-owner of Interprombank (Moscow).
From December 2007 to December 2011 - Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Territory. On December 2, 2007, he was elected to the Regional Legislative Assembly of the 1st convocation on the list of the United Russia party (headed the regional group No. 5 in the elections). On December 4, 2011, he was re-elected a member of the regional parliament of the 2nd convocation from United Russia, he resigned his mandate in connection with the exercise of the powers of a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.
Since December 19, 2011 - member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, representative of the legislative body of state power of the Kamchatka Territory. Member of the International Affairs Committee. Chairman of the group on cooperation between the Federation Council and the Bundesrat of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Since December 11, 2018 - Plenipotentiary Representative of the Federation Council in the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

One of the richest senators. In 2013 and 2014 he took the third and second places in the ranking of members of the Federation Council in terms of income - 408 million 151 thousand and 362 million 636 thousand rubles. respectively. At the same time, in 2014, the Ponomarev family declared the highest total income - 372 million 818 thousand rubles.
The total amount of declared income for 2015 amounted to 1 billion 4 million 92 thousand rubles. (first place among members of the Federation Council), spouses - 7 million 835 thousand rubles.
The total amount of declared income for 2016 amounted to 2 billion 667 million rubles. (first place among members of the Federation Council), spouses - 32 million 724 thousand rubles. At the same time, Ponomarev took second place in the ranking of the richest officials according to Forbes magazine, published in June 2017 (after the deputy of the Ulan-Ude City Council Vadim Bredniy, whose total family income is 2 billion 828 million rubles).
The total amount of declared income for 2017 amounted to 1 billion 878 million 853 thousand rubles. (second place in the Federation Council after Suleiman Kerimov), spouses - 48 million 460 thousand rubles.
The total amount of declared income for 2018 amounted to 2 billion 345 million 810 thousand rubles. (first place among members of the Federation Council), spouses - 27 million 71 thousand rubles.

Awarded with the medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree (2015). He has a Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation.

Speaks German, English, Spanish.

Married. Daughter - Zoya, graduated from the Moscow State University named after M. Yu. Lomonosov, majoring in economics and finance, previously was the general director of Znak Holding LLC, is the owner and general director of Argon LLC.

In his youth he was engaged in boxing.

Member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs. Representative from the legislative (representative) body of state power of the Kamchatka Territory. Co-owner of the Okeanrybflot holding



1983 — Novosibirsk Institute of Soviet Cooperative Trade

1992 - All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade (economist with knowledge of a foreign language)



Kamchatka senators did not share the fish

The competition for the right to lease a fishing area in Kamchatka led to a conflict between the companies of two regional senators. The structure of Okeanrybflot co-owner Valery Ponomarev intends to appeal the results of the auction for 60 hectares, which was won by Boris Nevzorov's Ustkamchatryba. The issue price is $100 million, which can be earned in 20 years of production at the site.

It is necessary to intensify the Russian-German parliamentary dialogue - V. Ponomarev

The senator held a meeting with the chairman of the friendship group of the German Bundesrat.

Valery Ponomarev, member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Head of the Cooperation Group of the Federation Council with the Bundesrat of the Federal Republic of Germany, met with the Prime Minister of the Federal State of Saxony, Chairman of the Friendship Group of the Bundesrat of the Federal Republic of Germany with the Federation Council Stanislav Tillich.

V. Ponomarev took part in the work of the German-Russian Forum

During the panel discussion, the participants discussed new formats of cooperation in agriculture between Russia and Germany.

Valery Ponomarev, head of the group for cooperation between the Federation Council and the Bundesrat of the Federal Republic of Germany, member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, took part in the discussion session of the German-Russian Forum.

Meetings of Russian and Japanese businessmen and public figures should become traditional - V. Ponomarev

The visit of a Federation Council delegation to Japan is the start of a new stage in relations between our countries, the senator believes.

“The way the delegation of the Federation Council was received in Japan is truly a historic event, the start of a new stage in relations between the two countries,” said Valery Ponomarev, member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, deputy head of the group for cooperation between the Federation Council and the House of Councilors of the Japanese Parliament.

EP proposed to extend the senatorial powers of the Kamchatka businessman

MOSCOW, December 12 - RIA Novosti. United Russia, following a meeting of the Presidium of the General Council, proposed to extend the powers of Valery Ponomarev, co-owner of a large fishing company OAO Okeanrybflot, as a member of the Federation Council from the Kamchatka Territory, the party's press service reported on Monday. In April 2011, Ponomarev was elected a member of the Federation Council for the term of office of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Territory of the first convocation - until December 2011.

Childhood without discounts for distance

He is taut, extremely collected, rational. He speaks briefly, but to the point. He is well educated, emphatically neat, values ​​his own and other people's time (the interview began minute by minute - exactly at the appointed time), and, of course, knows his own worth. Probably, this is how the face of a modern politician at the federal level should be, buttoned up with all the buttons of restraint and intelligence at the same time.

Valery Ponomarev will represent Kamchatka in the Federation Council

According to the Russian News Service, this decision was made today by deputies of the Kamchatka Legislative Assembly. Thus, Ponomarev will replace Boris Sorokin in the Federation Council. Earlier, Sorokin asked to be relieved of his post in connection with the transfer to another job.

Ponomarev will leave everyone in Kamchatka

The Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Territory prematurely terminated the powers of Boris Sorokin, a representative of the regional parliament in the Federation Council, electing Valery Ponomarev, co-owner of Okeanrybflot JSC, to this position. Contributed " United Russia» The candidacy of the new senator was unanimously supported by the deputies.

Regional deputy Valery Ponomarev elected as new senator from Kamchatka

The representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Territory in the Federation Council was the General Director of Znak LLC

Vladivostok, April 28, PrimaMedia. The change of senators took place at the regular 38th session of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Territory, held in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky on April 28. The powers of a member of the Federation Council - a representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Territory, Boris Sorokin, were terminated ahead of schedule, his place was taken by the regional deputy Valery Ponomarev, the press service of the Kamchatka parliament told RIA PrimaMedia.

Kamchatka deputies approved the election of the governor

During the session, the deputies of the regional parliament agreed on the candidates proposed by Governor Vladimir Ilyukhin for the positions of members of the Government of the Kamchatka Territory. According to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Boris Nevzorov, all candidates have been carefully discussed in the deputies.

Alexander Potievsky was appointed to the post of First Vice-Governor - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Kamchatka Territory. He will oversee issues of economic development and trade, fisheries and conservation of aquatic biological resources, Agriculture, food and processing industry, veterinary medicine, protection of the population and territories from emergencies natural and man-made character.