Graphs of trigonometric functions of multiple angles. Graphs of trigonometric functions of multiple angles Graph of the function y cos x n 2

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Lesson and presentation on the topic: "Function y=cos(x). Definition and graph of a function"

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What will we study:
1. Definition.
2. Graph of the function.
3. Properties of the function Y=cos(X).
4. Examples.

Definition of the cosine function y=cos(x)

Guys, we have already met with the Y=sin(X) function.

Let's remember one of the ghost formulas: sin(X + π/2) = cos(X).

Thanks to this formula, we can assert that the functions sin(X + π/2) and cos(X) are identical, and their function graphs are the same.

The graph of the sin(X + π/2) function is obtained from the graph of the sin(X) function by parallel shifting π/2 units to the left. This will be the graph of the function Y=cos(X).

The graph of the function Y=cos(X) is also called a sinusoid.

cos(x) function properties

    Let's write the properties of our function:
  • The domain of definition is the set of real numbers.
  • The function is even. Let's recall the definition of an even function. A function is called even if the equality y(-x)=y(x) holds. As we remember from the ghost formulas: cos(-x)=-cos(x), the definition is fulfilled, then the cosine is an even function.
  • The function Y=cos(X) decreases on the interval and increases on the interval [π; 2π]. We can verify this on the graph of our function.
  • The function Y=cos(X) is bounded from below and above. This property comes from the fact that
    -1 ≤ cos(X) ≤ 1
  • The smallest value of the function is -1 (for x = π + 2πk). Highest value function is equal to 1 (for x = 2πk).
  • The function Y=cos(X) is continuous function. Let's look at the graph and make sure that our function has no gaps, which means continuity.
  • The range of values ​​is the segment [- 1; one]. This is also clearly visible from the graph.
  • The function Y=cos(X) is a periodic function. Let's look at the graph again and see that the function takes on the same values ​​at some intervals.

Examples with the cos(x) function

1. Solve the equation cos(X)=(x - 2π) 2 + 1

Solution: Let's build 2 graphs of the function: y=cos(x) and y=(x - 2π) 2 + 1 (see figure).

y \u003d (x - 2π) 2 + 1 is a parabola shifted to the right by 2π and up by 1. Our graphs intersect at one point A (2π; 1), this is the answer: x \u003d 2π.

2. Plot the function Y=cos(X) for x ≤ 0 and Y=sin(X) for x ≥ 0

Solution: To build the required graph, let's plot two graphs of the function piece by piece. First slice: y=cos(x) for x ≤ 0. Second slice: y=sin(x)
for x ≥ 0. Let's depict both "pieces" on one graph.

3. Find the largest and smallest value of the function Y=cos(X) on the segment [π; 7π/4]

Solution: Let's build a graph of the function and consider our segment [π; 7π/4]. The graph shows that the largest and smallest values ​​are achieved at the ends of the segment: at the points π and 7π/4, respectively.
Answer: cos(π) = -1 is the smallest value, cos(7π/4) = the largest value.

4. Plot the function y=cos(π/3 - x) + 1

Solution: cos(-x)= cos(x), then the desired graph will be obtained by moving the graph of the function y=cos(x) π/3 units to the right and 1 unit up.

Tasks for independent solution

1) Solve the equation: cos (x) \u003d x - π / 2.
2) Solve the equation: cos(x)= - (x - π) 2 - 1.
3) Plot the function y=cos(π/4 + x) - 2.
4) Plot the function y=cos(-2π/3 + x) + 1.
5) Find the largest and smallest value of the function y=cos(x) on the segment .
6) Find the largest and smallest value of the function y=cos(x) on the interval [- π/6; 5π/4].

Now we will consider the question of how to build graphs trigonometric functions multiple angles ωx, where ω is some positive number.

To plot a function y = sin ωx Let's compare this function with the function we have already studied y = sinx. Let's assume that at x = x 0 function y = sin x takes a value equal to 0 . Then

y 0 = sin x 0 .

Let's transform this ratio as follows:

Therefore, the function y = sin ωx at X = x 0 / ω takes the same value at 0 , which is the function y = sin x at x = x 0 . And this means that the function y = sin ωx repeats its values ​​in ω times more often than the function y = sinx. So the graph of the function y = sin ωx obtained by "compressing" the graph of the function y = sinx v ω times along the x-axis.

For example, the graph of the function y \u003d sin 2x obtained by "compressing" the sinusoid y = sinx twice along the abscissa.

Function Graph y \u003d sin x / 2 obtained by "stretching" the sinusoid y \u003d sin x twice (or "compressing" in 1 / 2 times) along the x-axis.

Since the function y = sin ωx repeats its values ​​in ω times more often than the function
y = sinx, then its period in ω times less than the period of the function y = sinx. For example, the period of the function y \u003d sin 2x equals 2π / 2 = π , and the period of the function y \u003d sin x / 2 equals π / x / 2 = .

It is interesting to study the behavior of the function y \u003d sin ax on the example of animation, which can be very easily created in the program maple:

Similarly, graphs are constructed for other trigonometric functions of multiple angles. The figure shows a graph of the function y = cos 2x, which is obtained by "compressing" the cosine y = cos x twice along the x-axis.

Function Graph y = cos x / 2 obtained by "stretching" the cosine wave y = cos x twice along the x-axis.

In the figure you see a graph of the function y = tg 2x, obtained by "compressing" the tangentoid y = tgx twice along the abscissa.

Function Graph y = tg x / 2 , obtained by "stretching" the tangentoid y = tgx twice along the x-axis.

And finally, the animation performed by the program maple:


1. Build graphs of these functions and indicate the coordinates of the points of intersection of these graphs with the coordinate axes. Determine the periods of these functions.

a). y=sin 4x / 3 G). y=tg 5x / 6 g). y = cos 2x / 3

b). y= cos 5x / 3 e). y=ctg 5x / 3 h). y=ctg x / 3

v). y=tg 4x / 3 e). y = sin 2x / 3

2. Define Function Periods y \u003d sin (πx) and y = tg (πх / 2).

3. Give two examples of a function that takes all values ​​from -1 to +1 (including these two numbers) and changes periodically with a period of 10.

4 *. Give two examples of functions that take all values ​​from 0 to 1 (including these two numbers) and change periodically with a period π / 2.

5. Give two examples of functions that take all real values ​​and change periodically with period 1.

6 *. Give two examples of functions that take all negative values ​​and zero, but do not take positive values ​​and change periodically with a period of 5.