History textbook. I basics of historical knowledge Why and how to study history. Barbarian States The first barbarian kingdom was created in

Barbarians and Rome. Causes of the Great Migration.

The death in 476 of the Western Roman Empire is considered the line between the history of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages. The fall of the empire is associated with invasions of its territory barbarian darkness. The Romans called barbarians everyone who lived outside the Roman state, did not know the Latin language and was alien to Roman culture.

Obi Kip warlike tribes in Central Europe Germans. At first, the Romans managed to repel their invasions. At the end of the IV century. many other barbarian peoples joined the Germans in their raids. Started Great migration of peoples. By this time, inequality is emerging among the barbarians. Their tribes unite 1! unions headed by a leader (duke, king), a power that already resembles the power of the ruler of the state. The barbarians were attracted by the wealth of towns and villages, the fertile fields and fat pastures of the Roman Empire.

The Eastern Roman Empire managed to withstand the blows of the barbarians. It was different in the West. The emperors collected funds for the upkeep of the army with great difficulty. The tributes were very large. Revolts broke out in the provinces. Residents often expected the arrival of the barbarians as liberators.

Even before the beginning of the widespread penetration of barbarians into the territory of the Roman Empire, Christianity began to penetrate into their midst. Bishop Ulfile managed to baptize the Germanic tribe ready. For the barbarians, the dogma of the Trinity was very difficult. Therefore, many of them were baptized in the form arianism. Arianism was recognized as a heresy (a departure from the dogmas of the orthodox Christian dogma) at the Council of Nicaea in 325, but in the 4th-6th centuries. it was common among a significant part of Christians. Arcana denied the trinity of God, they believed that God is one, and Jesus Christ is not consubstantial with God the Father, but only similar to him. It was into Arianism that Ulfil was baptized by the Goths. Arcana also became vandals, burgundies. Lombards and a number of other tribes.

Education barbarian kingdoms.

In 410 Visigoths(Western Goths) under the leadership of Alaric took Rome. A few years later, Rome provided land in the south of Gaul for the settlement of the Visigoths. So in 418, the first barbarian Visigothic kingdom. Soon the Visigoths captured other territories in Gaul and Spain.

Even earlier, through Gaul and Spain to North Africa, the tribes of Vandals and Alans passed. In Africa there was Vandal-Alanian kingdom. In 455, the Vandals made a naval raid on Rome, subjecting it to a terrible defeat. In the same years, the Germanic tribes Angles, Saxons, Jutes launch an invasion of Britain. They defeated the kingdoms of the Celts that existed on the island after the departure of the Roman troops and formed 7 barbarian Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. In Gaul, east of the Visigoths, the Burgundians created a kingdom.

The barbarians also ruled in Italy. The Roman army here consisted almost entirely of barbarians, whose leaders ruled on behalf of the emperors. In 476, one of these leaders, Odoark, overthrew the Western emperor, and sent his crown to Constantinople. From now on, the eastern emperor was considered the supreme ruler of the barbarian kingdoms. However, he had no real power over them. Tribes soon invaded Italy Ostrogoths(Eastern Goths) under the leadership of King Theodoric (49.3 - 526) and, having defeated the state of Odoacer, created their own kingdom here.

Kingdom of the Franks arose almost simultaneously with the Ostrogothic kingdom. In 486, the king of the Salic (seaside) Franks Khlodnik led their migration to Northern Gaul. Soon the Franks subjugated a number of neighboring Germanic tribes - the Alemans, the Thuringians, defeated the search for the Visigothic kingdom and conquered Southern Gaul from it.

The Goths and other Germans took a significant part of the land from the inhabitants of the Roman Empire. The Franks, unlike them, almost did not take away land from the local residents, but divided among themselves the empty former possessions of the emperor. Therefore, the Gallo-Roman “village was more friendly to the Franks than to other barbarians. In addition, Clovis and all the Franks adopted Christianity in the orthodox form followed by the inhabitants of Gaul, and not in the form of Arianism, like other Germans. Clovis generously distributed valuables and lands to bishops and monasteries. Clovis's policy towards the locals was continued by his successors. Of all the barbarian kingdoms, the Frankish proved to be the most stable.
In general, the barbarian kingdoms were states with a weak central government, they had sharp contradictions between barbarians and local residents. This predetermined the instability of the political situation and Pirope.

barbarian truth.

Much can be learned about the life of the barbarian kingdoms from the records of their laws of the 5th-9th centuries. These laws were called barbaric truths.

Barbarian truths were records of customary law. However, barbarian laws were significantly influenced by Roman law. This influence was especially strong in the truths of the Visigoths, the Burgundians. In all truths, punishments for various crimes were indicated, the procedure for legal proceedings was determined, etc. The laws reflected the process of transition from the pre-state state of society to the state. Along with full-fledged free members of the tribe, the king stands out as special categories of the population with their own rights, on the one hand, dependent people and slaves on the other. However, free community members engaged in agriculture still made up the majority of the barbarian population.

The best known document is "Salic truth*, created by decree of King Chtodwig around 500. According to these laws, the life of a noble person (count) was protected by a wergeld (fine) of 600 solidi. a free person - 200, a dependent - 100, for the murder of a slave the owner was paid 30 solidi. Salic truth testifies that the Franks lived in communities that were land owners. Forests, pastures, reservoirs were jointly owned, and arable land was owned by individual families. It was impossible to sell these plots, but there was a process of turning these plots into family property.

§ 14. The emergence of Islam. Arab conquests

Arab tribes .

The homeland of the Arabs is the Arabian Peninsula. Arab nomadic tribes Bedouins - were engaged in cattle breeding. The city played a special role in the religious life of Arabia. Mecca and his temple Kaaba. He became a place visited by all the Arab tribes. A black stone, which had fallen from the sky, was set into the wall of the temple.

Sermon of Muhammad. Each Arab tribe had its own gods, the tribes often fought with each other. A man named Mohammed managed to unite the Arabs under the banner of one God. Mohammed became the founder of the third world religion after Buddhism and Christianity. He was born about 570, was a shepherd, then a drover in caravans. In Mecca, Muhammad began to preach faith in one God Allah urged to perform charitable deeds - to redeem slaves to the will, to help the poor, orphans, widows. The poor and slaves began to gather around Muhammad. But the rich Meccans forced him in 622 to flee from Mecca to (Medina.

Having united his followers in Medina, Muhammad led the fight against Mecca. It ended with the conclusion of peace, according to which the Makkans recognized the authority of Muhammad and accepted his teachings. Gradually, all the Arab tribes joined the teachings of Muhammad. In order to spread the new dogma throughout the world, the Arabs began military operations against Byzantium and Iran. Muhammad's teachings are called Islam or Muslims

1st. and his followers were called Muslims. The most concise teaching of Islam is: "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is His prophet." Muslims must pray five times a day, fast during the month of Ramadan, pay a tax in favor of the poor, and make the pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca.

The main commandments of Islam, as well as the sayings of Muhammad, are recorded in Koran. The Quran was also a collection of laws. Many Muslims also revere Sunnah - a collection of sayings of the prophet and stories about his life.

Arab conquests .

After the death of the prophet (632), the Arabs came out as rulers from among his companions and relatives.) Neither received the title caliphs - deputies or envoys of the chopping block. Caliphs concentrated in their hands the spiritual and secular part. The first four caliphs continued their offensive on neighboring lands. The Arabs were driven to this by the desire to convert peoples to a new doctrine, as well as the growth in the number of their tribes, who could no longer feed on the Arabian Peninsula, the thirst for prey. The main force of the conquerors was their magnificent cavalry (cavalry).

The first campaign began in 633 against Iran. The Iranians were defeated, the Arabs captured huge treasures. By 651, they had mastered all of Iran and invaded the territory of modern Afghanistan. Byzantium became the second direction of the offensive policy. After long battles, Armenia, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt were conquered. More than once the Arabs besieged Constantinople itself, but desperate resistance forced them to retreat. In Africa, the Arabs conquered not only the possessions of Byzantium, but also the nomadic peoples of the Sahara - the Berbers. Through the Strait of Gibraltar, the conquerors invaded the Iberian Peninsula. In 714 the Visigothic kingdom was destroyed. All of Spain, with the exception of the mountainous territory in the north, came under the rule of the Muslims. The conquests in the East also continued. The Arabs occupied Central Asia, part of India, defeated the Chinese at the Battle of Talas in 751, but did not go further.
Arab Caliphate .

After the first four caliphs, power over the Arabs and the entire territory conquered by them was seized by family of Umayyads Mecca (661-750). The Umayyads moved the capital of the Arab Caliphate to Damascus. The vast territory of the caliphate was divided into five governorships headed by emirs. Postal communication was established with all the governorships, roads were installed

postal stations.

Arabs settled in many conquered lands, mixed with the local population. Gradually, the Arabic language became more and more widespread. For a long time, the conquerors did not close Christian and other churches in the conquered territory, did not prevent the inhabitants from performing the old religious rites. However, all non-Muslims were heavily taxed. Those who converted to Islam were exempted from them. Therefore, gradually many became Muslims. A few centuries later, such once-Christian countries as Egypt. Syria, Palestine, became Islamic, their inhabitants began to speak Arabic. The population of Irina, Central Asia, North-Western India became Muslim, but local languages ​​​​are preserved here. Later, Islam spread to other territories not subject to the Caliphate.

Muslim unity was fragile. Many did not recognize the caliphs from the Umayyad dynasty. Adherents of the fourth caliph Ali, Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, considered the Umayyads to be traitors to the cause of the prophet. The Muslims split into two streams. Ali's supporters were called Shiites and the supporters of the caliphs - Sunnis because in addition to the Qur'an they considered the sacred book of the Sunnah. There were more Sunnis than Shiites, but in some areas (for example, in Iran) Shiites prevailed. In different parts of the caliphate there were uprisings both against the Arab authorities and against the Omenyads. In the end, the Umayals were overthrown and almost all exterminated.

In 750, the dynasty seized power in the Caliphate Abbasids - descendants of uncle Muhammad. Under them, the capital was moved to the city of Baghdad. Under the new dynasty, the conquests almost ceased. Only in the Mediterranean, the Arab fleet captured many islands and southern Italy, ravaged the shores of southern Europe.

The collapse of the Caliphate.

From the beginning of the ninth century The Arab Caliphate entered a period of disintegration. Its territory was too large, very different peoples lived there with different levels of development. The emirs gradually turned into masters of their provinces. Spain was the first to fall away, where the Caliphate of Cordoba arose. Then Morocco and Algeria seceded. Egypt. Middle Asia. Iran, Arabia.

From the end of the ninth century real power in the remnants of the Caliphate was in the hands of armed detachments from among the slaves and foreigners. In 945, Baghdad was captured by the Buyids, the rulers of one of the states of Iran.

In 1055 Baghdad was taken by the Seljuk Turks, who came from

1Central Asia and conquered the entire Middle East. The caliph under the Buyids and the Seljuks became a Muslim high priest, having lost secular power. In 1258 the Mongols took Baghdad and executed the caliph. Until 1517 Abbasid caliphs lived in Cairo. After the conquest of Egypt by the Ottoman Turks, the Turkish sultan assumed the title of caliph.

Arabic culture. The Arabs assimilated the knowledge and traditions of the conquered peoples, developed them on the basis of Islam and the Arabic language, which became not only the national language, but also the language of literature and science.

Under the Umayyads, Damascus was adorned with luxurious palaces and mosques, the most famous of which was the Mosque of the Caliph Walid (Umayyad Mosque), rebuilt in 705 from the Cathedral of St. John. Even then, Damascus jewelry and fabrics gained world fame. But most of all, Damascus became famous for the steel from which weapons were made.

At the court of the caliphs, scholars from all over the sung gathered. Their labors were generously rewarded by the rulers. Schools were founded in Baghdad, Bassor, Bukhara, Kufa, as well as extensive libraries in Alexandria, Baghdad and Cairo. Only in Spain, the Arabs founded 14 universities and many schools, five public libraries.

Thanks to the Arabs, the words “algebra”, “alcohol”, “azimuth”, “zenith”, etc. appeared in European languages. In long-distance campaigns, military leaders were required to mark the lands they had conquered on maps. Descriptions of unknown lands were also left by many Arab travel scientists. The Arabs achieved the greatest success in medicine. In Baghdad, Ispogan, Firuzabad, Bukhara, Alexandria and Cordoba in the VIII-IX centuries. they founded medical schools. Among the most famous physicians are Aharun. who described smallpox Avicenna, published the "Canon of Medicine", which for centuries was the main guide of Arab and European doctors. Wrote many works on medicine Averroes, In mathematics, the Arabs introduced the use of Cipher and the decimal system.

Since ancient times, poetry has flourished among the Arabs. They sang love adventures, military exploits. Arabian tales gained worldwide fame "Thousand and One Nights".

During the Great Migration of Peoples, the barbarian tribes did not have statehood. The emergence of states was due to the internal development of German society, as well as the adaptation of the Germans to the real conditions of infusion into the Roman Empire. The states created by the Germans were called barbarian kingdoms.

Definition 1

Barbarian kingdoms are state formations on the territory of the Western Roman Empire, created by barbarian peoples. The time of their occurrence is V century, i.e. the time of the collapse of the empire. A common feature of states: internal instability, the cause of which is not established rules for the transfer of power.

After the permission of the capital of the empire Ravenna to settle in a specific territory, the barbarian tribes received land. To manage it, to protect it became the duty of the tribe. The production was done by local people. Having become federates, the barbarians monopolized military affairs. The locals were happy with this state of affairs. They perceived them as rulers, governors from the emperor, continuing to consider themselves Romans.

Barbarian kingdoms remained disparate tribal formations based on interpersonal and intertribal relations. The authority of power was based on the magical halo and personal qualities of the leader. In most cases, the barbarians did not seize power, but received it from the emperor. As a result, the empire was dismembered.

The invasion of the Huns interrupted the creation of barbarian states. There is a simultaneous division of tribes and their consolidation into multi-ethnic unions. The empire controls the settlement of tribal formations.

Existing barbarian kingdoms

The first barbarian state was the Kingdom of the Visigoths, which arose in 418. The Visigoth king Valius signed an agreement with Honorius and received lands north of the Pyrenees to the Loire River. In 718 conquered by the Arabs.

In 429, the Vandals and Alans, ousted by the Visigoths from Iberia, crossed over to Africa and formed the Kingdom of the Vandals and Alans. By the mid-30s, the Vandals had conquered the entire Roman north of Africa, captured Carthage and made it their capital. In 534 Byzantium conquered the Kingdom of Carthage.

The Burgundians became federates in 413 and settled in Worms on the left bank of the Rhine. The Burgundian kingdom was formed. In 435, the invasion of the Huns devastated their lands and killed the king. The remaining Burgundians moved in 443 on the orders of Emperor Aetius to the banks of the Rhone River in Savoy. In 534 Burgundy became part of the Frankish state.

The leader of the Franks Clovis in 481 formed the Frankish kingdom and proclaimed himself king. For three centuries, a powerful state appeared in the center of Europe.

Remark 1

In 488, an agreement was concluded between the Ostrogothic king Theodoric and the emperor Flavius ​​Zeno to fight the leader Odoacer. Having defeated the enemy, Theodoric created the Kingdom of the Ostrogoths and became the emperor's representative in Italy. In 555 Byzantium captured the Italian Kingdom of the Ostrogoths.

The Suevi settled in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. In 409 they created their own kingdom. In 585 they were subjugated by the Visigoths.

In 566, the Lombards completed the formation of a kingdom in Northern Italy. Gradually they populated the post throughout the Apennine Peninsula, Corsica and Istria. Charlemagne conquered them in 774.

In Britain in the 5th century, the Germanic tribes strengthened:

  • English,
  • Saxons
  • Frisians,
  • yuts.

In the 6th century, they created seven sovereign Anglo-Saxon states that sought to unite and created one kingdom.

Features of barbarian kingdoms

Each state had blurry, frequently changing borders. The capitals were also subject to relocation. Conflicts between the king and vassals ended in the death of the ruler.

Remark 2

Despite the formation of the state, communal relations persisted. This was expressed in holding public meetings, convening a military militia.

The Roman state system and Roman law had a great influence on the barbarian kingdoms. Officials, senior officials went through the management school in Rome.

Visigothic kingdom. (Toulouse)

Visigothic (Germanic) tribes. In 410 sacked Rome.

419 AD Visigothic tribes capture the southwestern part of Gaul. The capital of the kingdom in Toulouse. This is the first independent barbarian state on Roman territory. The Visigoths took 2/3 of the land from local landowners.

2nd floor Vv. the Visigoths conquer the territory from Gaul to the Loire and most of Spain (the capital of Toledo).

In the beginning. 6th century The Visigoths were forced out of Gaul by the Franks. Southeast. coast of Spain in 554. was conquered by Byzantium. The Visigoths were in the minority - the Romanization of the region began. Thus, in con. 6th century The Visigoths abandoned Arianism and adopted the Roman Christian faith.

In the beginning. 8th century their state in Spain was conquered by the Arabs.

Kingdom of the Sueves.

In 409 part of the Suevi (Germanic tribes) from the Upper. Danube moved to the Iberian Peninsula. In 585. The kingdom of the Suebi was conquered by the Visigoths.

vandal kingdom

In the 3rd century AD German tribes of the Vandals moved to the Middle Danube. But because of the onslaught of the Huns, the Vandals went to the West along with the Allans. They broke through the Roman defensive line on the Middle Rhine. In Vv. they invaded Gaul and Spain.

In 429-439, the Vandals and Allans invaded North Africa through Gibraltar and conquered it. The Kingdom of the Vandals was created here. King Gaiseric (428-477) The conquest was facilitated by: the rebellion of the local Roman governor Boniface, the liberation struggle of the Berbers, the movement agnostics. In 439 The Vandals entered Carthage. Later they captured Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, the Balearic Islands. Being Arians vandals seized the property of the Roman church. In 455 Vandals plundered Rome and destroyed many monuments of ancient culture.

In 534. The kingdom of the Vandals was conquered by Byzantium.

Burgundian kingdom.

The Burgundian kingdom was formed by the East German tribe of the Burgundians in the 3rd century AD. on the Middle Rhine in the region of Worms. But in 436 was conquered by the Huns. Part of the Burgundians formed a new kingdom in 457 in the Rhone basin with its capital in Lyon.

In 534 the Franks conquered the kingdom.

Ostrogothic kingdom.

Ostrogoths (greutungs), german tribe. In 375 AD the union of tribes in the Northern Black Sea region, headed by King Ermanaric, was defeated by the Huns.

In 488 led by Theodoric invaded Italy. Only in 493g. the kingdom was founded after an agreement was concluded with Odoacer, the head of one of the German detachments in the Roman service, on the division of Italy. Odoacer in 476 deposed Romulus Augustulus and seized power in Italy. In 493 He was killed by Theodoric at a feast. The Ostrogothic kingdom with its capital in Ravenna became the property of Theodoric.

In the Ostrogothic kingdom, Roman law and the Senate were preserved. The Ostrogoths took 1/3 of the income of large landowners. Theodoric pursued a policy of rapprochement between the Ostrogothic and Italo-Roman nobility. Death of Theodoric in 526. led to conflicts.

In 533 the kingdom was conquered by Byzantium by Belisarius, who led the fleet of the Byzantines, supported by the Roman nobility and the Catholic Church. But on the side of the Ostrogoths were the lower strata. In 552. The Byzantines accepted a new successful attempt to capture Italy. In 555. Italy was completely conquered by Byzantium.

Justinian issued a decree that the slaves and columns returned to their former owners - the Roman nobility.

Lombard kingdom.

In 568. The Germanic tribe of the Lombards invaded Italy. Previously, they were allied with the Saxons, Sarmatians and Bulgarians in the territory of Pannonia. In Italy, the Lombards took all the land of the local nobility, the population was turned into slaves. The Lombards controlled the entire sowing. Italy, and Wed. Italy, except for Ravenna and a small area. near Rome. In southern Italy, the Lombards captured the duchies of Benevent and Spoleto.

In 774 Charlemagne conquered the kingdom of the Lombards.

So, the early medieval kingdoms were unstable state formations with signs of a communal-tribal organization in the form of a territorial community of free landowners, popular assemblies, and military militias. The positions of royal power were weak. The king depended on the support of the troops and the ruling elite. The development of statehood was closely connected with the ethnogenesis and Romanization of the barbarian population.

Ticket number 9:

The Genesis of Feudalism in Western Europe. The main factors of the genesis of feudalism and their influence on the process. The rise of feudalism is a long and complex process. Both in Late Antiquity and in barbarian society, prerequisites arose for the formation of feudal relations. Historically, in Western Europe, the further development of feudalism took place in the context of the clash and interaction of these societies. The most active feudal synthesis proceeded where the ancient and barbarian principles were sufficiently balanced. A classic example of such a variant of development is North-Eastern Gaul, where feudalism took hold early, already in the 8th-9th centuries. The northern French model of feudalism is conditionally taken as a standard. The degree of activity of feudal synthesis in one region or another depended on many factors. In the first place among them should be put the numerical ratio of barbarians and Romans who found themselves in the same territory. In most provinces of the former Roman Empire, the Germans made up only 2-3 percent of the population; however, due to the uneven population, their proportion in some places was noticeably higher. The second important factor is the very nature of the settlement of barbarians on the territory of the empire. Most often, the Germans occupied the lands of the fiscus, but if there were not enough of them in a given area, they divided the land and other property of the local possessors, leaving them usually a third of the arable land and half of the land. so did the Visigoths, Burgundians, Heruli and Ostrogoths. Some tribes, in an effort to settle compactly, captured the entire area they liked, driving out all the former owners from there, an example of such a policy is the development of Italy by the Lombards. It happened that the Roman possessors, together with the servants, left their lands themselves and the barbarians got almost deserted places. This course of events is typical for Britain and Norik. The third factor is the comparative cultural level of the alien and local population. The speed of this process also depended on other factors, including religious and legal ones. The fact that the Franks immediately, in 496, accepted Christianity in the Catholic form, undoubtedly facilitated their contacts with the Romans, while, as the adherence of the Visigoths and Lombards to Arianism, these contacts were very difficult. The laws of the Visigoths and Lombards categorically forbade their marriages with the Romans on specific feudalization in a particular area, natural-geographical and foreign-political conditions also had a noticeable influence. The transformation of the socio-economic structure and law of classical antiquity, which began in the late ancient period, continues. Slavery is still very widespread, but the status of a slave is already significantly different: the law increasingly considers him as the owner of property, including land, and assumes to some extent his legal responsibility. Small rent is also increasingly becoming a form of dependence. Slowly but steadily, the Roman estate turns into a feudal fiefdom. The barbarians are even more influenced by the new environment. They get acquainted with Roman agricultural technology and the organization of Roman estates, with Roman law, with developed trade (including the purchase and sale of land), with powerful statehood. The pre-state institutions of power and justice are still strong, but in general, the state is increasingly moving away from the people. This was greatly facilitated by the Germans' acquaintance with Roman political institutions. The barbarian nobility turns into a layer of large landowners who rallied around the now real monarch. The nobility, German by origin, goes to establish family ties with the nobility of Rome, begins to imitate its way of life, participate in its political intrigues, and by the beginning of the 8th century gradually merges with it. A similar process was observed in the lower strata of society, but it proceeded more slowly.

Ticket number 10

The emergence of the kingdom of the Franks. Frankish kingdom under Clovis Merovingian. Initially, the Franks lived across the Rhine. The name Frank was a collective name for the Germanic tribes. In the Battle of Catalaun in 451, the Franks fought on the side of the Romans against the Huns as their federates. The Franks were divided into two large groups of seaside, living along the lower reaches of the Rhine or Salic and Franks living along the middle Rhine, coastal or Ripuarian. The strongest were the Salic Franks, moving to the west of Gaul. Their significance especially increased at the end of the 5th and beginning of the 6th century under King Clovis. The history of the reign of Clovis, from the Merovean family (hence the Merovingian dynasty) (481-511) is described in detail in the "History of the Franks" by Bishop Gregory of Tours. Clovis in 486 conquered all of Northern Gaul. This Roman region, centered in Paris, was under the control of the Roman governor, who, after the fall of the Roman Empire, became in fact the king of Northern Gaul. Near the city of Soissons, the Roman army was defeated by the Franks. The result was a Frankish kingdom. Having conquered a large and important territory, the basin of the Seine and Laura; Clovis was able to endow the Franks with lands in abundance. The vast and depopulated area under the Romans became the site of a continuous Frankish settlement. By the end of his reign, Clovis had already advanced significantly south of the Loire, reaching the Garonne River. In the mid-90s, Clovis converted to Christianity, the adoption of Christianity by the barbarians was an important factor, as it testified to their Romanization. While most of the barbarians usually adopted Christianity in the form of the so-called Arianism, which was a sect in relation to the Catholic Church, the Franks immediately adopted Christianity from the Gallo-Roman Catholic clergy. Clovis found strong support in the person of the local and influential Gallo-Roman clergy, this greatly facilitated his further subjugation of the south of Gaul-Visigothia and Burgundy, and also helped to raise the authority of royal power among the Franks themselves. Clovis gradually exterminated all the Salian and Ripuarian kings and became the sole king of a vast new kingdom, which included approximately three-quarters of Gaul, not counting the lands beyond the Rhine. The sons and grandsons of Clovis, despite the frequent divisions and redistributions and mutual strife, continued to expand the boundaries of the kingdom. In 534, they conquered Burgundy, In 542, they captured the last possessions of the Visigoths in Gaul. Across the Rhine, Alimania, Thuringia, Bavaria and some tribes of the Saxons obeyed the Franks. In the second half of the 6th century, the Frankish kingdom was the largest of all the barbarian kingdoms, now hegemony passed to it, which the Ostrogoths used to have under Theodoric.

Lecture 7 medieval civilization. The rise of Western European medieval civilization.

Basic concepts:

Arianism; feudalism; fief; chivalry; vassals; baron; trade fairs; commune; bishop; archbishop; abbots; inquisition.

Lecture text.

Barbarians and Rome. Causes of the Great Migration.

The death in 476 of the Western Roman Empire is considered the line between the history of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages. The fall of the empire is associated with invasions of its territory barbarian darkness. The Romans called barbarians everyone who lived outside the Roman state, did not know the Latin language and was alien to Roman culture.

Warlike tribes lived in Central Europe Germans. At first, the Romans managed to repel their invasions. At the end of the IV century. many other barbarian peoples joined the Germans in their raids. Started Great migration of peoples. The Eastern Roman Empire managed to withstand the blows of the barbarians.

Even before the beginning of the widespread penetration of barbarians into the territory of the Roman Empire, Christianity began to penetrate into their midst. Bishop Ulfile managed to baptize the Germanic tribe ready. For the barbarians, the dogma of the Trinity was very difficult. Therefore, many of them were baptized in the form arianism. Arianism was recognized as a heresy (a departure from the dogmas of the orthodox Christian dogma) at the Council of Nicaea in 325, but in the 4th-6th centuries. it was common among a significant part of Christians. The Arians denied the trinity of God, they believed that God is one, and Jesus Christ is not consubstantial with God the Father, but only similar to him. It was into Arianism that Ulfil was baptized by the Goths. Arians also became Vandals, Burgundians, Lombards and a number of other tribes.

Formation of barbarian kingdoms.

In 410 Visigoths(Western Goths) under the leadership of Alaric took Rome. A few years later, Rome provided land in the south of Gaul for the settlement of the Visigoths. So in 418, the first barbarian Visigothic kingdom. Soon the Visigoths captured other territories in Gaul and Spain. In the same years, the Germanic tribes Angles, Saxons, Jutes launch an invasion of Britain. They defeated the kingdoms of the Celts that existed on the island after the departure of the Roman troops and formed 7 barbarian Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. In Gaul, east of the Visigoths, the Burgundians established their kingdom. The barbarians also ruled in Italy.

Kingdom of the Franks arose almost simultaneously with the Ostrogothic kingdom. In 486, the king of the Salic (seaside) Franks Clovis led their migration to Northern Gaul. Clovis generously distributed valuables and lands to bishops and monasteries. Clovis's policy towards the locals was continued by his successors. Of all the barbarian kingdoms, the Frankish proved to be the most stable.

In general, the barbarian kingdoms were states with a weak central government, they had sharp contradictions between barbarians and local residents. This predetermined the instability of the political situation and Pirope. Much can be learned about the life of the barbarian kingdoms from the records of their laws of the 5th-9th centuries. These laws were called barbaric truths. The best known document is "Salic truth*, created by the decree of King Clovis around 500 BC.

Under the sons and grandsons of King Clovis, the Franks conquered the Burgundian kingdom, subjugated many Germanic tribes east of the Rhine. The basis of the troops of the Frankish kings were free peasants-communists. However, over time, the communities of the Franks began to disintegrate. Under the influence of Roman customs, land became the property of individual families. The number of warriors among the kings was sharply reduced. Royal power weakened, the nobility took less and less into account with it. From the middle of the 7th century Frankish rulers began to be called lazy kings. One after another, completely incapable of governing people ascended the throne. Courtiers ruled everything. played a particularly important role mayordoms(seniors in the house).

At the beginning of the 8th century mayor Karl Marteld(Hammer) managed to curb the willfulness of large landowners. Some of them were executed, and their lands went to the mayor. At this time, a formidable danger hung over Western Europe. The Arabs invaded Gaul. Karl Martell led the fight against the conquerors. Karl Martell took steps to create a combat-ready and reliable cavalry. To warriors from all free strata of the population, he distributed plots of land. Ownership of this land was conditional. Later, such land began to be inherited, but the condition of service was preserved. If the heir did not want to serve the owner of the land, then he did not inherit the plot. This conditional hereditary possession was called fief or flax.

The undertaking of Karl Martel had great consequences for the development of all of Europe. The reflection of the Muslim threat increased the authority of Charles Martel in the eyes of all Christians. At the request of the head of the Christians of Western Europe, the Pope (Bishop) of Rome, Charles Martell supported the preachers of Christianity in the German lands. Among these preachers stood out the monk Boniface, first bishop of Germany. After the death of Charles Martel, his son Pepin the Short became the mayor. On the advice of Boniface, Pepin overthrew the last "lazy king" and became king himself.

Under Pepin's son Carle(768-814) the size of the Frankish state doubled. But not only for his conquests, Karl received the nickname the Great during his lifetime. For many centuries it became a model for the rulers of European states. The very word "king" in the Slavic languages ​​\u200b\u200bcomes from his name.

In 410 Visigoths(Western Goths) under the leadership of Alaric took Rome. A few years later, Rome provided land in the south of Gaul for the settlement of the Visigoths. So in 418, the first barbarian Visigothic kingdom. Soon the Visigoths captured other territories in Gaul and Spain.

Even earlier, through Gaul and Spain to North Africa, the tribes of Vandals and Alans passed. In Africa there was Vandal-Alanian kingdom. In 455, the Vandals made a naval raid on Rome, subjecting it to a terrible defeat. In the same years, the Germanic tribes Angles, Saxons, Jutes launch an invasion of Britain. They defeated the kingdoms of the Celts that existed on the island after the departure of the Roman troops and formed 7 barbarian Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. In Gaul, east of the Visigoths, the Burgundians created a kingdom.

The barbarians also ruled in Italy. The Roman army here consisted almost entirely of barbarians, whose leaders ruled on behalf of the emperors. In 476, one of these leaders, Odoark, overthrew the Western emperor, and sent his crown to Constantinople. From now on, the eastern emperor was considered the supreme ruler of the barbarian kingdoms. However, he had no real power over them. Tribes soon invaded Italy Ostrogoths(Eastern Goths) under the leadership of King Theodoric (49.3 - 526) and, having defeated the state of Odoacer, created their own kingdom here.

Kingdom of the Franks arose almost simultaneously with the Ostrogothic kingdom. In 486, the king of the Salic (seaside) Franks Khlodnik led their migration to Northern Gaul. Soon the Franks subjugated a number of neighboring Germanic tribes - the Alemans, the Thuringians, defeated the search for the Visigothic kingdom and conquered Southern Gaul from it.

The Goths and other Germans took a significant part of the land from the inhabitants of the Roman Empire. The Franks, unlike them, almost did not take away land from the local residents, but divided among themselves the empty former possessions of the emperor. Therefore, the Gallo-Roman “village was more friendly to the Franks than to other barbarians. In addition, Clovis and all the Franks adopted Christianity in the orthodox form followed by the inhabitants of Gaul, and not in the form of Arianism, like other Germans. Clovis generously distributed valuables and lands to bishops and monasteries. Clovis's policy towards the locals was continued by his successors. Of all the barbarian kingdoms, the Frankish proved to be the most stable.

In general, the barbarian kingdoms were states with a weak central government, they had sharp contradictions between barbarians and local residents. This predetermined the instability of the political situation and Pirope.

End of work -

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The Importance of Studying History
One can cite many sayings of great people about the benefits of studying history. The famous Roman orator Cicero called history the teacher of life. Similar ideas were expressed by many other prominent

The problem of the reliability of historical knowledge
Many big and small events have happened and are happening in the world. First of all, they need to be ranked in order of importance. Here begins the work of a historian who knows how to consider

The most important problem of historical science is the problem of sources. In the most general terms, historical sources can be called all the remnants of past historical life. To such remnants of

Formation concept of history
When studying history, the question first of all arises: where and where does humanity move from? In ancient times, the view was popular that history develops according to vicious circle: birth, flourish

Civilizational concept of history
Recently, the term "civilization" has been used more and more widely in characterizing the direction of development of society. This term has several interpretations. So famous french teacher

The problem of periodization of history
The problem of periodization of history is closely connected with the questions of the general direction of the development of mankind. The five socio-economic formations correspond to our usual division of history into peri

Human Origins
What is a person. The first event that historical science studies is the appearance of man himself. The question immediately arises: what is a person? The answer to this question is d

Problems of the origin of man
On the origin of man - anthropogenesis - there are several theories. The labor theory formulated in the 19th century was very famous in our country. F. Enge

Human types. Settlement of ancient people
Among scientists there is no consensus on the issue of continuity between Homo Habilis and Homo egectus (upright man). The oldest find of the remains of Homo egectus near Lake Turkan in Kenya

Conditions of life of primitive people
The process of anthropogenesis took about 3 million years. During this time, cardinal changes took place more than once in nature. There were four major glaciations. Inside the glacial and warm epochs there were periods of sweat

tribal community
It is very difficult to judge social relations during the Paleolithic period. Even the most backward tribes studied by ethnographers (Bushmen, Australian Aborigines), according to archaeological periodization, were not

Achievements of people in the period of the late Paleolithic
The Late Paleolithic is archaeologically characterized, first of all, by the presence of a variety of stone tools. Flint was used as the material, as well as obsidian, jasper and other hard rocks.

Paleolithic sites in Russia
The first signs of human presence in the territory modern Russia some archaeologists date it to about 1 million years ago. So, at the parking lots of Ulalinka (within the city of Gorno-Altaisk), Derin

What is the Neolithic Revolution
For several million years, man has subsisted on hunting, fishing, and gathering. People "appropriated" the products of nature, so this type of economy is called appropriation.

Causes of the Neolithic Revolution
About 12 thousand years ago, the glacier quickly began to melt. For a relatively short period, the tundra and the territory of the glacier were covered with dense forests. It seemed that such changes would be for the benefit of man. but

The origin of the manufacturing economy
Collectors of edible plants have noticed: if the grains are buried in loose earth and watered with water, then an ear with many grains will grow from one grain. This is how agriculture was born. For sowing every year

Consequences of the Neolithic Revolution
After the advent of agriculture, many more discoveries followed. People learned to produce woolen and linen fabrics. The most important invention was ceramics (the very first samples date back

Some villages of farmers turned into larger settlements. Around them began to build walls of stone or clay to protect them from enemies. Houses were also often made of clay bricks.

The beginning of the formation of peoples
With the development of a manufacturing economy, the differences in the pace of development of different regions of the world are increasing. Where there were favorable conditions for agriculture, handicrafts, development went faster

The evolution of social relations. neighborhood community
The period of the Mesolithic and Neolithic became a time of change in the main unit of the then society - the community. With farmers, as tools of labor are improved, the use of working livestock is separately

Beginning of civilization
The period of primitiveness in certain areas of the earth ended at the turn of IV-111 millennia BC. It was replaced by a period that is called civilization. The very word "civilization" is associated with the word

Ancient Egypt
The inhabitants of Egypt created one of the first civilizations, the Egyptian state was located in the Nile Valley - a narrow strip of land on both banks of the river from 1 to 20 km wide, expanding in the delta

City-states of Sumer
At the same time or even a little earlier than in Egypt, a civilization developed in southern Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia) - in the lower reaches of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. This land was extremely fertile. Origin

Babylonian kingdom
Laws of Hammurabi. At the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. the city of Babylon on the Euphrates is strengthened, where the kings of one of the Amorite dynasties ruled. Under King Hammurabi (1992 - 1750 BC), the Babylonians

Eastern Mediterranean in antiquity
The ancient Oriental civilization had a peculiar form in the areas adjacent to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The most important trade routes ran here - from Egypt to Mesopotamia, from Asia and Asia.

Prerequisites for the emergence of the first powers
From the middle of the 11th millennium BC. the first large and strong states arise, uniting many peoples under a single authority. They appeared as a result of the conquest by one people of others. govern

Hittite kingdom
The Hittites were the creators of the first military power. This Indo-European people came from the north to the eastern regions of Asia Minor (perhaps the ancestors of the Hittites once left there to the north). They created n

Assyria and Urartu
Assyria originally occupied a small territory. Its center was the city of Ashur on the Tigris. The Assyrians were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, trade. Assyria then expanded its influence, then fell

Persian kingdom
After the defeat of Assyria in Western Asia (two huge powers got along - the Median and Neo-Babylonian kingdoms. The founder of the Neo-Babylonian state was the Chaldean Nabopolassar, head

Ancient Civilizations of the Indus Valley
The first settlements of farmers "and pastoralists in India arose in the 4th millennium BC. in the valley of the Indus River. By the second half of the III millennium BC. civilization is taking shape here (the Harappan civilization

Varnas and castes
After the arrival of the Aryans in the north of India, numerous states were formed, headed by the leaders of the Aryans - the Rajas. A feature of the Aryan society was its division into varnas, but the main occupations and

Indian states
In the middle of the 1st millennium BC. the western regions of Northern India were conquered by the Persian king Darius I. In India, attempts to create a strong state intensified. After a long struggle, the ruler of the state

Shang and Zhou states
In the middle of the II millennium BC. in the Huang He valley lived the Shang tribe, which was one of the first to master agriculture. The Shang united several tribes into an alliance. This union turned into the state of Shang (

Unification of China
At the end of the 5th century BC e. the vans of the seven kingdoms declared themselves "sons of heaven" and rulers of the Celestial Empire. A fierce struggle began between them (the period of "warring states"). Finally, the state

State of Han
The uprising of the people began almost immediately after the death of the cruel Qin Shi Huang in 210 BC. In 207 BC. (the army under the command of the headman of the peasant community, Liu Bang, captured the capital of the state

Society and Governance in Ancient China
The main occupation of the Chinese was agriculture. Rice has become one of the main plants. Sericulture was mastered. Tea was grown in China. At first it was considered a medicine, and then it became widespread.

Ancient Greece
In the south of the Balkan Peninsula is Greece - the birthplace of the first European civilization. Greece is indented with mountain ranges. The people here lived in small areas surrounded by mountains, but

Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations
Archaeologists discovered the first traces of a productive economy in Europe on the island of Crete, which had v, antiquity connections with the countries of Western Asia. On Crete, the oldest civilization in Europe was formed.

Dorian conquest
In the XII century. BC. the Dorian Greek tribes living in the north of the Balkan Peninsula rushed south and destroyed the Archean states. Most of the Dorians returned, some settled

Great Greek colonization
By the 8th century BC e. Greece's population has grown exponentially. The infertile land of Hellas could not feed all the inhabitants. Because of this, a struggle broke out within the policies for land. From the 8th century BC. "Less

The area in the southeast of the Peloponnese Laconica (Lake-demon) was conquered by the Dorians, who built their city of Sparta here. Part of the local population was enslaved and began to be called helots.

Greco-Persian Wars
In the VI century. BC. The Persians conquered the Greek city-states of Asia Minor. In 50 (1 BC, an uprising broke out in these cities, but King Darius I suppressed it. Athens sent armed assistance to the rebels. For this

Policy Crisis
The unity of Hellas was short-lived. In 431 BC. e. The Peloponnesian War broke out between the Peloponnesian and Athenian maritime alliances. Fierce hostilities ended in 404 BC.

Campaigns of Alexander the Great
The son of Philip Alexander, the great commander of antiquity, became the king of Macedonia. He suppressed the anti-Macedonian uprising that broke out in Greece and continued to prepare for war with Persia. His trip to A

Hellenistic states
After the death of Alexander, the struggle for his legacy began between the generals and the relatives of the king. The collapse of the state was inevitable. The conquered lands were too large. Alexander did not even restore

Ancient Rome
Royal Rome. Legends connect the founding of Rome with the fugitives from the Trope taken by the Achaean Greeks. The noble Trojan Aeneas wandered for a long time after the fall of the city, then landed at the mouth of the Tiber and became king

Roman conquests
In VI-V centuries. BC. Rome begins to conquer neighboring territories. The basis of the strength of Rome was the army - the legions, consisting of all citizens - members of the policy. The Romans managed to repel the invasion of Gal

Birth of the Roman Empire
After the death of Caesar, a struggle unfolded both between supporters and opponents of the republic, and between applicants for supreme power. One of these contenders was Caesar's great-nephew.

Features of the culture and religious beliefs of the Ancient East
Culture is understood as the achievements of people, the fruits of their activities. These are tools of labor, and the ability to work with them. This and everything created by man - fields, cities, buildings, sculptures and paintings, ska

Features of culture and religious beliefs of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome
The ancient Greeks left the deepest mark in all areas of culture. Suffice it to say that Greek writing underlies most modern alphabets. Their huge impact

Barbarians and Rome. Causes of the Great Migration
The death in 476 of the Western Roman Empire is considered the line between the history of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages. The fall of the empire is connected with the invasion of its territory by barbarian temen. barbarians ri

barbaric truths
Much can be learned about the life of the barbarian kingdoms from the records of their laws of the 5th-9th centuries. These laws were called barbaric truths. Barbarian truths were records of customary law. but

The rise of Islam. Arab conquests
Arab tribes. The homeland of the Arabs is the Arabian Peninsula. The nomadic tribes of the Arabs - the Bedouins - were engaged in cattle breeding. A special role in the religious life of the Arabs

Fall of the Caliphate
From the beginning of the ninth century The Arab Caliphate entered a period of disintegration. Its territory was too large, very different peoples lived there with different levels of development. The emirs gradually turned into masters of their

Attempt to restore the Roman Empire
The Byzantine Empire reached its peak during the reign of Emperor Justinian (527-565). He was born in Macedonia to a poor peasant family. His uncle Emperor Justin was elevated to the

Slavicization of the Balkans
From the middle of the VI century. Slavic tribes living in Central Europe east of the Germans moved from raiding Byzantium to settling the Balkan Peninsula. According to the Byzantine author, the Slavs "

Empire of Charlemagne and its collapse. Feudal fragmentation in Europe
Kingdom of the Franks. Military reform of Charles Martel. Under the sons and grandsons of King Clovis, the Franks conquered the Kingdom of Burgundy, subjugated many Germanic tribes to

Carolingian revival
The rise of culture during the time of Charlemagne and his first successors - the Carolingian revival - is associated with the desire to use art and education to create an ideal Christian state.

The collapse of the empire. Reasons for fragmentation
In 814 Charlemagne died. His son and heir, Louis, was distinguished by great piety, for which he received the nickname the Pious. He. like his father, he patronized education. However, unlike the

Many other European states were born in the early Middle Ages.
So. in Britain, the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms eventually united. In 1066, these lands were conquered by the Duke of Normandy (region in northern France) William the Conqueror, who became the king of England.

The main features of Western European feudalism
What is feudalism. The classical Middle Ages in Europe ". - XIII centuries) was the heyday of feudalism. The word "feudalism" comes from the word "feud" - inherited

Peasants in the Middle Ages, in addition to farming and cattle breeding, hunted, fished, collected honey and wax from forest bees. They sewed their own clothes and shoes, built dwellings and baked bread, paved roads and

Feudal lords
Near the village there was a fortified dwelling of her lord - a castle. Castles were built simultaneously with the folding of feudalism itself. In IX-X iv. they were erected to protect against the Normans, Arabs and

Medieval city
The phenomenon of the medieval city. In the Middle Ages, the vast majority of the population lived in the countryside. There were few townspeople, their role in society far exceeded their number

Cluniac reform. Monastic orders
The monasteries enjoyed enormous authority. The life of the monastery was determined by the charter. The monks prayed together several times a day. The rest of the time was devoted to work. They worked for the

Struggle of Popes and Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire
In the 10th century, the rulers of the East Frankish Kingdom (Germany) led the fight against the Hungarian raids and created a powerful knightly army. Initially, Germany did not have a clear

Hundred Years War
In the XIV-XV centuries. (late Middle Ages) great changes are taking place in Europe. One of the largest conflicts of that time was the Hundred Years War between England and France, which had a long history.

Hussite wars
Hussite wars became an important event of the late Middle Ages. Their center was the Czech Republic, which was part of the Holy Roman Empire, being one of its most developed parts. Your name

Beginning of the Ottoman conquests. Fall of Byzantium
In the late Middle Ages, Byzantium fell, and a new aggressive power of the Turks, the Ottomans, appeared in its place. The Ottoman Empire arose in the west of Asia Minor from the possessions of Sultan Osman (1258-1324). V

The formation of centralized states in Fraction and England
In France, a decisive step towards strengthening the central power was taken by King Louis X! (146! - 1483). In the course of long wars, the king defeated the mighty Kir-lom.

medieval culture. Beginning of the Renaissance
Science and theology. Social thought in the Middle Ages developed within the framework of the Christian faith. The Bible was the supreme authority. However, this did not rule out heated debate on

Architecture. Sculpture
With the growth of cities, urban planning and architecture developed intensively. Dwelling houses, town halls, guild scrap, shopping arcades and merchant warehouses were erected. In the center of the city there was usually

Early Renaissance
In the XIV-XV centuries. in the culture of Europe there are great changes associated with the unprecedented rise of science. literature, art. This phenomenon was called the Renaissance (Renaissance). Figures in

Features of the formation of civilization among the Eastern Slavs
From the 6th century, Slavic tribes settled over the vast lands of Central and Eastern Europe. During this resettlement, the Slavs were divided into three branches - western, southern and eastern.

Prerequisites for the emergence of statehood
The development of the economy led to changes in the life of the Eastern Slavs. For thousands of years, the main unit of society was the community. Several communities made up a tribe. All wa

The first Russian princes
After being approved in Kiev, Oleg repeatedly fought with the Khazars and other nomadic people - the Pechenegs. He freed a number of Slavic tribes from tribute to the Khazars. In 907, Oleg, having gathered all the militia

Activities of Svyatoslav
The son of Igor and Olga Svyatoslav became famous as one of the largest Russian commanders. From the moment of his maturity, he spent his whole life in campaigns. At first, he: Subjugated the Vyatichi to Kiev, who before that

The beginning of the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavich. Protection of Russia from nomads
After the death of Svyatoslav in Kiev, strife began between his sons. During it, Oleg and Yaropolk died, and in 980 Vladimir seized power, who had previously ruled in Novgorod. Vladimir

Society of Ancient Russia
Control system. The central place in the system of government of the Russian state was occupied by the prince. He was the chief ruler and supreme judge, the leader of the army. Separately

Causes and consequences of fragmentation
The period of fragmentation is a natural stage in the development of all medieval states. With the economic development of individual lands of Russia, their inhabitants gradually ceased to feel the need

Conditions for the development of culture
For a long time, paganism was decisive in the spiritual life of the Slavs. After the adoption of Christianity, it was replaced by another, in many respects the opposite worldview. paganism was based on

Mongol invasion
In the XIII century. in the steppes Central Asia the Mongol tribes living there began the transition from primitive to early statehood: the nobility stood out, towering over their fellow tribesmen. Like all n

Threat from the West
Russia's western neighbors intended to take advantage of its defeat. Even at the beginning of the 111th century. German crusader knights appeared in the Baltic States, members of various spiritual and chivalric orders. Under the pretext of

Strengthening new political centers
In the XIV century. two centers emerged, around which the unification of Russian lands began. One of them was the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Under the princes Gediminas and Olgerd, in his sphere of influence, not without help

Reasons for the rise of Moscow. Ivan Nalita
With the reign of Ivan Kalita, a new stage in the history of Russia begins - the stage of collecting lands. Historians have been arguing for a long time why exactly Moscow turned out to be the capital of a united Russia. Pointed Lens

The beginning of the struggle against the Horde yoke. Dmitry Donskoy
Ivan Kalita died in 1340. His sons Semyon Proud (1340-1353) and Ivan Krasny (1353-1359) continued their father's policy: loyal relations with the Horde, relying on it, strengthening their position in Russia,

Further strengthening of the Moscow principality
After the death in 1389 of Dmitry Donskoy, the Moscow table was taken by his eldest son Vasily /.|0n annexed to the principality Nizhny Novgorod. City and. Meshcher, Tarus and Murom. In 1408 the hordes

The final unification of the Russian lands. Wars with Kazan, the Livonian Order, Lithuania, Sweden
In 1485, the Tver principality was annexed. In the summer of 1486 clashes took place in Kazan between supporters and opponents. In 1487 a new campaign against Kazan began. Russian troops

Political Development of India in the Middle Ages
In V-VI! centuries On the territory of India there were about 50 states at war with each other. In the middle of the VIII century. The northern, attacking part of Central India was conquered by the Rajputs - a descendant of

China in III - XIII centuries
After the collapse of the Han state in China, an almost 400-year period of unrest and internecine wars followed? accompanied by attacks by nomads. The unity of the country was restored only in 589 of the dynasty

Ming dynasty
Having ascended the throne, Zhu Yuanzhang did a lot to strengthen the central government and the country's economy. The distribution of land to the landless and landless had a beneficial effect on the life of China. Were lowered

New in Economics
At the turn of the Middle Ages and the New Age in Europe, the demand for handicrafts began to increase, which led to the accelerated development of manufactory production. At manufactories

Price Revolution»
The great geographical discoveries led to profound changes in the economic life of Europe. The importance of Mediterranean trade and Italian cities decreased. In the XVI century. the role of steel intermediaries

Discovery of America
The Europeans sought to find a sea route to rich India by circumnavigating the globe; on August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus headed west on three Spanish ships. For more than a month the ships sailed on the sea

Road to India
After the discoveries of Columbus, the Spaniards proved to be dangerous competitors to the Portuguese. To prevent clashes, both states, after lengthy negotiations, concluded in)