Gdz in physics 10 profile level. What is in the publication

Kasyanov V.A. developed a physics textbook for grade 10 students general education schools Russian Federation. It contains exercises, examples and tasks carefully selected by the author to develop physical thinking and increase the level of practical knowledge of older students. Since the textbook is recommended by the Ministry of Education, and also meets all modern requirements (in particular, federal educational standards, GEF), it can be successfully used during classroom and extracurricular developmental activities.


The solution was compiled according to the model of ready-made homework. Using ready-made solutions and correct answers to exercises, it will not be difficult to increase your level of knowledge, self-confidence, start getting higher scores for work in the lesson. Also, GDZ helps a lot prepare for examinations and tests, diagnostic and other important types of testing, the ultimate goal of which is to obtain a certain slice of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

School teachers, as well as tutors, actively use the materials of the collection to prepare author's work programs on the subject. The book is well illustrated, contains the necessary reference materials and informative tables in those cases where it is necessary for didactic reasons. The author takes into account the mental and physiological characteristics and skills of working with information of young people given age and motivates them to achieve success through independent and systematic studies.

Benefit Program

The student will have to master the theoretical component of the following sections, as well as learn how to solve problems of various levels of complexity on them (depending on the grade claimed by the young person):

  • mechanics (statics, dynamics, kinematics, Newton's laws).
  • thermal theory. Representation of the state of an ideal gas, its energy and temperature.
  • electrostatics and electrodynamics.
  • initial ideas about nuclear processes.

Online-reshebnik V.A. Kasyanov is of didactic value and can be used by all high school students or individuals who are self-educated.

GDZ (reshebnik) in physics Grade 10 Kasyanov

M.: 2006. - 208 p.

Analysis of tasks from the textbook "Physics. 10kl." Kasyanova V.A.
The publication contains answers to all questions of the paragraphs, as well as a detailed analysis of absolutely all tasks from the physics textbook for grade 10 by V.A. Kasyanova (M.: 2003-2006).

The manual was prepared by Ph.D. sciences, a practicing teacher and is aimed at teachers of physics, as well as parents to monitor the completion of homework by schoolchildren.

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Format: pdf(2006, 208s.)

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Chapter 1. Physics in the knowledge of matter, field, space and time 6
§one. What does physics study 6
§2. Sense organs as a source of information about the surrounding world 6
§3. Experiment. Law. Theory 7
§4. Physical models 7
§5. Symmetry and physical laws 8
§6. The idea of ​​atomism..... 8
§7. Fundamental Interactions 9
§eight. Basic physical quantities in mechanics, their units are 10
Chapter 2. Kinematics of a material point 11
§9. Trajectory. Law of motion.-. eleven
§10. Moving 11
§eleven. Speed ​​12
§12. Uniform rectilinear motion 14
§thirteen. Acceleration 17
§14. Rectilinear motion with constant acceleration 18
§15. Free fall of bodies 21
§sixteen. Plots of path, displacement, speed and acceleration versus time for uniform motion. 22
§17. Ballistic movement 26
§eighteen. Kinematics of periodic motion 30
Chapter 3. Dynamics of a material point 35
§nineteen. Galileo's principle of relativity 35
§twenty. Newton's first law 36
§21. Newton's second law 36
§22. Newton's third law 39
§23; gravitational force. Law of gravity 40
§24. Gravity 43
§25. Elastic force. Body weight 46
§26. Friction force 48
§27. Applying Newton's Laws 51
Chapter 4 Conservation Laws 58
§28. Material point momentum 58
§29. Law of conservation of momentum 62
§thirty. Force work 65
§31. Potential energy 68
§32. Potential energy of a body under gravitational and elastic interactions 71
§33. Kinetic energy 76
§34. Power 79
§35. Law of conservation of mechanical energy 80
§36. Absolutely inelastic and absolutely elastic collisions 84
Chapter 5. Dynamics of Periodic Motion 89
§37. Movement of bodies in a gravitational field 89
§38. Dynamics free vibrations 92
§39. Oscillatory system under the action of external forces 96
§40. Forced vibrations. Resonance". 99
Chapter 6. Relativistic mechanics... 103
§41. Postulates of the special theory of relativity 103
§42. Time Relativity, 104
§43. Time Slowdown 104
§44. Relativistic law of addition of velocities 107
§45. Relationship between mass and energy 110
Chapter 7
§46. Mass of atoms. Molar mass 113
§47. Aggregate states substances 115
Chapter 8. Molecular-kinetic theory of ideal gas.... 117
§48. Distribution of ideal gas molecules in space.... 117
§49. Velocity distribution of ideal gas molecules 139
§50. Temperature; 122
§51. Basic equation of molecular kinetic theory..... 124
§52. Clapeyron-Mendeleev equation 126
§53. Isoprocesses 128
Chapter 9. Thermodynamics, 132
§54. Internal energy 132
§55. Gas work during isoprocesses 135
§56. First law of thermodynamics 138
§57. Adiabatic process 141
§58. Heat engines 143
§59. The Second Law of Thermodynamics 147
Chapter 10 Liquid and Steam 148
§60. Phase transition vapor - liquid 148
§61. Evaporation. Condensation 148
§62. Saturated steam pressure. Humidity 152
§63. Boiling liquid 154
§64. Surface tension 154
§65. Wetting. Capillarity 157
Chapter 11
§66. Crystallization and melting of solids 160
§67. Structure of solids 163
§68. Crystal cell 163
§69. Mechanical properties of solids 164
Chapter 12 sound waves 167
§70. Wave propagation in an elastic medium 167
§71. Periodic waves 168
§72. standing waves 169
§73. Sound waves....... 172
§74. Pitch, tone and volume 174
Chapter 13
§75. Electric charge. Charge quantization 177
§76. Electrification of tel. Law of Conservation of Charge 177
§77. Coulomb's Law 179
§78. Equilibrium of static charges 182
§79. Electrostatic field strength 185
§80. Electrostatic field lines 187
§81. The principle of superposition of electrostatic fields 187
Chapter 14
§82. The work of the forces of the electrostatic field 192
§83. Electrostatic field potential 194
§84. Electric field in matter 196
§85. Dielectrics in an electrostatic field 197
§86. Conductors in an electrostatic field 201
§87. Distribution of charges over the surface of the conductor.. 201
§88- Electrical capacitance of a solitary conductor 202
§89. Capacitor capacitance 202
§90. Electrostatic field energy 205

To study physics at an in-depth level, you can use the textbook “Physics. Deep level. Grade 10 "V. A. Kasyanov. It describes all physical phenomena well and in detail, which makes the subject interesting and understandable for schoolchildren. When compiling the textbook, modern scientific data were taken into account, a high-quality methodological apparatus was developed for it. The book covers all topics in the main sections of physics for the 10th grade: Mechanics, Molecular Physics, Electrostatics. The textbook contains many high-quality illustrations, tables and diagrams with captions. Words and terms that you need to pay attention to are in italics or bold. Important concepts are highlighted with a special box. After the paragraphs, questions are given, as well as tasks. different levels difficulties. There are creative tasks, description laboratory work and a section for students to test their knowledge. The information in the textbook is presented quite deeply and clearly. It can be studied in order to prepare for the exam, but in order for the preparation to be of high quality, there are workbooks published in addition to the textbook.

On our website you can download the book "Physics. Advanced level. Grade 10" Kasyanov Valery Alekseevich for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read a book online or buy a book in an online store.

The new textbook is intended for students in grade 10 of educational institutions.
The textbook was created taking into account modern scientific ideas, meets the requirements of the minimum content of secondary (complete) education and includes the following main sections: `Mechanics`, `Molecular Physics`, `Electrodynamics`.
The advantage of the textbook is a carefully developed methodological apparatus, including questions and tasks of various levels of complexity. The book is well illustrated.
A notebook for laboratory work was published for the textbook.
The textbook is approved by the Federal Expert Council and recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Included in the Federal list of textbooks.

The emergence of physics. Any natural phenomenon in the world around us has many features and signs.

For example, the sea is associated with water and foam, ripples and incoming waves, the sound of tides, algae and fish.

Curiosity, the desire to see the common in the disparate manifestations and signs of natural phenomena, to understand the causes that give rise to them, as well as the desire to predict their occurrence, invariably stimulated scientific knowledge.

Any rationally thinking person is undoubtedly interested in knowing how different sounds differ and what they have in common, what determines different colour bodies, what is common between the fall of bodies to the Earth and the movement of stars and planets.

Chapter 1. Physics in the knowledge of matter, field, space and time
§ 1. What does physics study 3
§ 2. Sense organs as a source of information about the surrounding world 4
§ 3. Experiment. Law. Theory 6
§ 4. Physical models 7
§ 5. Symmetry and physical laws 9
§ 6. The idea of ​​atomism 11
§ 7. Fundamental interactions 13
§ 8. Units of physical quantities 17
Fundamentals 23
Chapter 2. Kinematics of a material point

§ 9. Trajectory. Law of Motion 25
§ 10. Relocation 30
§ 11. Speed ​​34
§ 12. Uniform rectilinear motion 40
§ 13. Acceleration 43
§ 14. Rectilinear motion with constant acceleration 46
§ 15. Free fall of bodies 54
§ 16. Graphs of the dependence of the path, displacement, speed and acceleration on time with equally variable motion 56
§ 17. Ballistic movement 63
§ 18. Kinematics of periodic motion 71
Fundamentals 81
Chapter 3
§ 19. Galileo's principle of relativity 84
§ 20. Newton's first law 89
§ 21. Newton's second law 91
§ 22. Newton's third law 95
§ 23. Force of elasticity 98
§ 24. Force of friction 102
§ 25. Gravitational force. Law of gravity 108
§ 26. Force of gravity. Body weight 112
§ 27. Application of Newton's laws 114
Fundamentals 120
Chapter 4
§ 28. Impulse of a material point 123
§ 29. Law of conservation of momentum 127
§ 30. Work force 133
§ 31.Potential energy 137
§ 32. Potential energy of forces of gravitation and elasticity 140
§ 33. Kinetic energy 144
§ 34. Power 148
§ 35. The law of conservation of mechanical energy 150
§ 36. Absolutely inelastic and absolutely elastic collisions 155
Fundamentals 160
Chapter 5
§ 37. Movement of bodies in a gravitational field 163
§ 38. Dynamics of free vibrations 169
§ 39. Oscillatory system under the action of external forces 175
§ 40. Forced vibrations. Resonance 178
Fundamentals 186
Chapter 6 Relativistic Mechanics
§ 41. Postulates of the special theory of relativity 188
§ 42. Relativity of time 193
§ 43. Time dilation 198
§ 44. Relativistic law of addition of velocities 204
§ 45. Interrelation of mass and energy 207
Fundamentals 211
Chapter 7

§ 46. Mass of atoms. Molar mass 213
§ 47. Aggregate states of matter 220
Fundamentals 229
Chapter 8
§ 48. Distribution of ideal gas molecules in space 231
§ 49. Velocity distribution of ideal gas molecules 237
§ 50. Temperature 241
§ 51. Basic equation of molecular kinetic theory 245
§ 52. Clapeyron-Mendeleev equation 251
§ 53. Isoprocesses 254
Fundamentals 260
Chapter 9. Thermodynamics
§ 54. Internal energy 262
§ 55. Gas work during isoprocesses 267
§ 56. The first law of thermodynamics 270
§ 57. Adiabatic process 274
§ 58. Heat engines 277
§ 59. The second law of thermodynamics 283
Fundamentals 286
Chapter 10
§ 60. Vapor-liquid phase transition 288
§ 61. Evaporation. Condensation 292
§ 62. Saturated steam. Air humidity 294
§ 63. Boiling liquid 298
§ 64. Surface tension 301
§ 65. Wetting, capillarity 305
Fundamentals 309
Chapter 11
§ 66. Crystallization and melting of solids 311
§ 67. The structure of solids 314
§ 68. Crystal lattice 317
§ 69. Mechanical properties of solids 319
Fundamentals 323
Chapter 12
§ 70. Propagation of waves in an elastic medium 325
§ 71. Periodic waves 330
§ 72. Standing waves 334
§ 73. Sound waves 340
§ 74. Pitch, timbre, loudness of sound 343
Fundamentals 347
Chapter 13

§ 75. Electric charge. Charge quantization 349
§ 76. Electrification of bodies. Law of Conservation of Charge 352
§ 77.3 Coulomb law 356
§ 78. Equilibrium of static charges 360
§ 79. Electrostatic field strength 365
§ 80. Lines of electrostatic field strength 368
§ 81. The principle of superposition of electrostatic fields 370
Fundamentals 378
Chapter 14
§ 82. The work of the forces of the electrostatic field 380
§ 83. The potential of the electrostatic field 383
§ 84. Electric field in matter 388
§ 85. Dielectrics in an electrostatic field 390
§ 86. Conductors in an electrostatic field 394
§ 87. Distribution of charges over the surface of a conductor 397
§ 88. Electrical capacity of a solitary conductor 399
§ 89. Capacitor capacitance 401
§ 90. Energy of the electrostatic field 406
Fundamentals 409

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Physics Grade 10 Textbook Kasyanov "Bustbust"

As a rule, training is divided into several stages:

  • acquaintance with new theme;
  • consolidation through the practical application of knowledge;
  • Closing each stage through verification work.

And since problem solving is an important point educational process, it is necessary to fully understand all the nuances of the material. Handbook for the textbook "Physics Grade 10 Textbook Kasyanov Bustard" help you understand important information.

What is in the publication

The collection contains exercises for paragraphs, both the conditions of the tasks themselves, and extensive answers for each number. This is intended to help students understand the very essence of the topic and the principle of the solution. "GDZ in physics Grade 10 Kasyanov" It will provide an opportunity to assimilate well both current information and repeat what has already been covered.

Will the solver help?

Of course, you can try to figure out the problematic topic on your own, but it will take a lot of time, which most teenagers simply cannot afford. And there are schoolchildren who simply do not understand this subject and for them the entire learning procedure becomes a continuous torment. Therefore, the solution to the textbook "Physics Grade 10 Textbook Kasyanov" will be a good way out of the current difficult situation.