Vadim panov secret city vampire hunters. Read the book "Vampire Hunters" online in full - Vadim Panov - MyBook. Vadim Panov, Igor Pronin Vampire Hunters

Third-grader Venya Dolinsky did not expect anything good from the pioneer camp. That is, absolutely. However, no matter how hard he tried, he failed to explain to his parents that he was already old enough to live alone in the country house while they were resting in Bulgaria. And he also could not convince to take his only son with him, neither tears nor logical, as it seemed to Vienna, arguments worked.

- I have to see the world! he shouted, smearing angry tears of resentment and disappointment on his chubby cheeks. - Dad, you yourself said that you need to broaden your horizons from childhood!

What other world? - Father calmly turned over the newspaper page and calmly continued reading the article about the reporting and re-election meeting of the Gagarin executive committee of the hero city of Moscow. - A chicken is not a bird, Bulgaria is not a foreign country.

“But don’t worry…” Without looking up from his reading, Dolinsky Sr. scratched the “professor’s” beard that adorned his plump face, making him look like the actor Smekhov in the role of Athos the musketeer. - Considering new policy parties, you have a chance to travel around the world... When you grow up, you learn and go. And in Bulgaria you have nothing to do. It's boring there.

- I would stay in a hotel! Or, okay, I can sit here. Dad, I promise: I will study! Here, give me a task, and I will learn everything by your return! You can even hide the tape recorder!

- Record player? Is he still here? - Father put down the newspaper and looked anxiously towards the kitchen: - Masha! Have you agreed with the Kovalchuks? I think the tape recorder should also be taken to them, along with a video recorder.

- The vidak is in a box, sealed, I told them that it is completely new, and they definitely will not watch it! Mom shouted. “But they know about the tape recorder. Do you want the Kovalchuks to listen to him?

The tape recorder was a good, two-cassette, Japanese company "Sharp", bought in "Birch" for checks, and the whole entrance knew about its presence. Many envied...

For several seconds, a desperate struggle between caution and frugality went on in the soul of Dolinsky Sr., but the innate fear of burglaries won out.

“Nothing will be done to the tape recorder,” the husband decided. - Let them listen so that they choke ... Just don’t give cassettes, let them play their own, if any. Here's a video recorder - yes, there the tape drive mechanism is weak ... Damn, they don’t know how to do anything in this country normally! - Dolinsky Sr. irritably rustled with a newspaper, cursing himself for buying "Electronics VM", and not a Japanese video recorder, which would cost more, but would not upset such a low quality. - On the other hand, I successfully drove the car for repair. We'll be right back while they're digging.

Venya took a deep breath. Parents were terribly afraid of thieves and even put a second door behind the first, with some kind of cunning, "by pull" got locks and two bolts. Everything would be fine, but when he invited Sveta Bocharova and several classmates to his birthday, they began to laugh at this design. It turns out that no one has done this. On the other hand, having visited his few friends, Venya was convinced that they had nothing to cherish. In general, only the Dolinskys had a VCR, about which the parents begged their son to keep quiet.

“Well, why should I go to this stupid camp?! he asked bitterly, and defiantly, but as if by accident, knocked down a dozen foreign figurines of Indians and cowboys from the bookcase. What didn't I see there?

- There's fresh air! - Mom, passing by, ruffled her son's hair. - Not "Artek", of course, but there our employees are in counselors. They will look after you.

- What to do there? Venya howled.

- There you will be taken to the river, well, more ... - Dolinsky Sr. leafed through the newspaper. – What else is there? All sorts of mugs. Baked potatoes. Songs by the fire...

“Don’t you dare mess with hooligans!” Mom said sternly. - Go straight to Galina Alexandrovna, she will be the assistant head of the camp in your shift. Understood? Not to the counselors, but immediately to her. Nothing, loosen up a bit. And then give you free rein, you will sit in front of the TV all day. You're already even watching this, like his, "Village Hour"!

I'm expanding my horizons! Mom, well, we have a dacha, the air is even fresher there! I would have a wonderful time and not go anywhere from the site! Can I just have the old TV from the kitchen in there? Well, as usual?

- Don't go crazy! No one will leave you alone, and grandmother cannot sit with you now, because in the hospital ... How is she, Dolinsky? Don't need to go?

“I’ll pick up the car from repair and drop by,” Dolinsky muttered, continuing to study the newspaper. - This Gorbachev is just an idiot! But maybe it's for the best. Thatcher smiles at him, ha ha! Venya, you didn't hear that, truncated?

Venya nodded and dutifully began to collect the scattered toys. He had known for a long time that no matter what his classmates said, it was impossible to support jokes about authorities and politics. Everything can always change, and then you will have to answer for the words.

That's what dad taught, and dad won't say it in vain.

Gathering soldiers, Venya tried to remember what he knew about the pioneer camps. Judging by the films, everything is not so bad, although Vienna did not want to sleep in the same room with a horde of other boys. In addition, there is a rise in the morning ... Why do we need a vacation in which you can’t sleep enough?

Who needs them?

Venya looked with hatred at the shabby suitcase prepared by his mother and began to pack. First of all, I stuffed books and toys, after which I realized that there was no room left for anything else.

“So it is, son! – Father inaudibly approached from behind and put his hands on Vienna's shoulders. - No one takes toys with them, because the camp must provide everything you need. By the way, we paid money for the ticket. Small, but ... We are underpaid in our system! I told you. As for books, do you want someone to take the book from you and not return it? Or tore it apart, painted it? No, Venka, take everything out. By the way, don't take Wrangler jeans either. They were not bought for you to tear them apart in one shift. You will go in something simpler and old sneakers.

They are too small for me! Venya was outraged.

- You'll be patient! The father turned his son to him and looked him seriously in the eyes. – You are an unusual boy, Venya. Nobody likes the unusual. Therefore, it is necessary to pretend to be ordinary, gray, uninteresting. And I sincerely advise you: do not be clever there. They don't like smart people either. Do like everyone else. Everyone will go to hooligans - you also go, but not the first, and do not go far. Not to stand out, you understand? Then the team will accept you. This will be a good school for you. And when you return, you will again begin to live as you used to. And one more thing ... - The voice of the elder Dolinsky trembled slightly. - It is unlikely that there will be delicious food. But you are a man and should be able to swallow any rubbish. If it’s really bad, don’t eat up, but don’t swear, so that someone doesn’t decide that you are eating at home with one deficiency. There will also be children from poor families.

Will they fight? Tears welled up in Ben's eyes.

Mom told him many times that children from poor families are evil and always beat people like him - unusual, unusual and smart. And in rangler jeans.

- No, if you behave correctly, no one will touch you. Never argue with the team, and the team is actually the ringleaders. Strong boys who have huddled together and command the rest. Check them out and make friends. In general, study. In life, such an experience will be very useful. The whole world is so arranged, and you need to use it, behave correctly. And then one day you will understand how easy it is to manage people through their own leaders who consider themselves strong and independent.

Benjamin nodded obediently, although he thought differently to himself. But that was already a lesson he learned on his own: don't argue with your father, because he is stronger, and he will do as he wants. Better to be hypocritical and not protest too much. But he still did not want to go to the pioneer camp, considering it stupidity and a waste of time. Especially if there, in addition to everything, the food is bad. And they beat.

© Panov V., Pronin I., 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2015

Chapter 1
Was it a boy?

Third-grader Venya Dolinsky did not expect anything good from the pioneer camp. That is, absolutely. However, no matter how hard he tried, he failed to explain to his parents that he was already old enough to live alone in the country house while they were resting in Bulgaria. And he also could not convince to take his only son with him, neither tears nor logical, as it seemed to Vienna, arguments worked.

- I have to see the world! he shouted, smearing angry tears of resentment and disappointment on his chubby cheeks. - Dad, you yourself said that you need to broaden your horizons from childhood!

What other world? - Father calmly turned over the newspaper page and calmly continued reading the article about the reporting and re-election meeting of the Gagarin executive committee of the hero city of Moscow. - A chicken is not a bird, Bulgaria is not a foreign country.

“But don’t worry…” Without looking up from his reading, Dolinsky Sr. scratched the “professor’s” beard that adorned his plump face, making him look like the actor Smekhov in the role of Athos the musketeer. - Given the new policy of the party, you have a chance to travel around the world ... When you grow up, you learn and go. And in Bulgaria you have nothing to do. It's boring there.

- I would stay in a hotel! Or, okay, I can sit here. Dad, I promise: I will study! Here, give me a task, and I will learn everything by your return! You can even hide the tape recorder!

- Record player? Is he still here? - Father put down the newspaper and looked anxiously towards the kitchen: - Masha! Have you agreed with the Kovalchuks? I think the tape recorder should also be taken to them, along with a video recorder.

- The vidak is in a box, sealed, I told them that it is completely new, and they definitely will not watch it! Mom shouted. “But they know about the tape recorder. Do you want the Kovalchuks to listen to him?

The tape recorder was a good, two-cassette, Japanese company "Sharp", bought in "Birch" for checks, and the whole entrance knew about its presence. Many envied...

For several seconds, a desperate struggle between caution and frugality went on in the soul of Dolinsky Sr., but the innate fear of burglaries won out.

“Nothing will be done to the tape recorder,” the husband decided. - Let them listen so that they choke ... Just don’t give cassettes, let them play their own, if any. Here's a video recorder - yes, there the tape drive mechanism is weak ... Damn, they don’t know how to do anything in this country normally! - Dolinsky Sr. irritably rustled with a newspaper, cursing himself for buying "Electronics VM", and not a Japanese video recorder, which would cost more, but would not upset such a low quality. - On the other hand, I successfully drove the car for repair. We'll be right back while they're digging.

Venya took a deep breath. Parents were terribly afraid of thieves and even put a second door behind the first, with some kind of cunning, "by pull" got locks and two bolts. Everything would be fine, but when he invited Sveta Bocharova and several classmates to his birthday, they began to laugh at this design.

It turns out that no one has done this. On the other hand, having visited his few friends, Venya was convinced that they had nothing to cherish. In general, only the Dolinskys had a VCR, about which the parents begged their son to keep quiet.

“Well, why should I go to this stupid camp?! he asked bitterly, and defiantly, but as if by accident, knocked down a dozen foreign figurines of Indians and cowboys from the bookcase. What didn't I see there?

- There's fresh air! - Mom, passing by, ruffled her son's hair. - Not "Artek", of course, but there our employees are in counselors. They will look after you.

- What to do there? Venya howled.

- There you will be taken to the river, well, more ... - Dolinsky Sr. leafed through the newspaper. – What else is there? All sorts of mugs. Baked potatoes. Songs by the fire...

“Don’t you dare mess with hooligans!” Mom said sternly. - Go straight to Galina Alexandrovna, she will be the assistant head of the camp in your shift. Understood? Not to the counselors, but immediately to her. Nothing, loosen up a bit. And then give you free rein, you will sit in front of the TV all day. You're already even watching this, like his, "Village Hour"!

I'm expanding my horizons! Mom, well, we have a dacha, the air is even fresher there! I would have a wonderful time and not go anywhere from the site! Can I just have the old TV from the kitchen in there? Well, as usual?

- Don't go crazy! No one will leave you alone, and grandmother cannot sit with you now, because in the hospital ... How is she, Dolinsky? Don't need to go?

“I’ll pick up the car from repair and drop by,” Dolinsky muttered, continuing to study the newspaper. - This Gorbachev is just an idiot! But maybe it's for the best. Thatcher smiles at him, ha ha! Venya, you didn't hear that, truncated?

Venya nodded and dutifully began to collect the scattered toys. He had known for a long time that no matter what his classmates said, it was impossible to support jokes about authorities and politics. Everything can always change, and then you will have to answer for the words.

That's what dad taught, and dad won't say it in vain.

Gathering soldiers, Venya tried to remember what he knew about the pioneer camps. Judging by the films, everything is not so bad, although Vienna did not want to sleep in the same room with a horde of other boys. In addition, there is a rise in the morning ... Why do we need a vacation in which you can’t sleep enough?

Who needs them?

Venya looked with hatred at the shabby suitcase prepared by his mother and began to pack. First of all, I stuffed books and toys, after which I realized that there was no room left for anything else.

“So it is, son! – Father inaudibly approached from behind and put his hands on Vienna's shoulders. - No one takes toys with them, because the camp must provide everything you need. By the way, we paid money for the ticket. Small, but ... We are underpaid in our system! I told you. As for books, do you want someone to take the book from you and not return it? Or tore it apart, painted it? No, Venka, take everything out. By the way, don't take Wrangler jeans either. They were not bought for you to tear them apart in one shift. You will go in something simpler and old sneakers.

They are too small for me! Venya was outraged.

- You'll be patient! The father turned his son to him and looked him seriously in the eyes. – You are an unusual boy, Venya. Nobody likes the unusual. Therefore, it is necessary to pretend to be ordinary, gray, uninteresting. And I sincerely advise you: do not be clever there. They don't like smart people either. Do like everyone else. Everyone will go to hooligans - you also go, but not the first, and do not go far. Not to stand out, you understand? Then the team will accept you. This will be a good school for you. And when you return, you will again begin to live as you used to. And one more thing ... - The voice of the elder Dolinsky trembled slightly. - It is unlikely that there will be delicious food. But you are a man and should be able to swallow any rubbish. If it’s really bad, don’t eat up, but don’t swear, so that someone doesn’t decide that you are eating at home with one deficiency. There will also be children from poor families.

Will they fight? Tears welled up in Ben's eyes.

Mom told him many times that children from poor families are evil and always beat people like him - unusual, unusual and smart. And in rangler jeans.

- No, if you behave correctly, no one will touch you. Never argue with the team, and the team is actually the ringleaders. Strong boys who have huddled together and command the rest. Check them out and make friends. In general, study. In life, such an experience will be very useful. The whole world is so arranged, and you need to use it, behave correctly. And then one day you will understand how easy it is to manage people through their own leaders who consider themselves strong and independent.

Benjamin nodded obediently, although he thought differently to himself. But that was already a lesson he learned on his own: don't argue with your father, because he is stronger, and he will do as he wants. Better to be hypocritical and not protest too much. But he still did not want to go to the pioneer camp, considering it stupidity and a waste of time. Especially if there, in addition to everything, the food is bad. And they beat.

But there was nowhere to go.

... For about two hours they were shaking on the bus, although, as Venya found out, the Gornist pioneer camp was located not so far from the railway platform, where an electric train went directly from Moscow, which could have been reached much faster. He got his information from a neighbor in the seat, a plump, freckled girl who had vacationed in this camp last year and all the way chattered incessantly about a living corner with rabbits, about dining room duties, occasional trips to the river beach and such nonsense. Venya diligently pretended to be interested and smiled.

“If it gets really bad, I’ll run away! he thought to himself. - I’ll cry in front of the controllers on the train, if they catch me, I’ll lie something. And in Moscow at the metro I will ask passers-by, someone will definitely give a nickel, our people are kind. I’ll get home and immediately go to the Kovalchuks, I’ll say that there is some kind of epidemic in the camp! Cholera, for example! And so everyone was sent home! Must believe. Give me the keys, here I am at home. Kovalchuks, probably, will not even contact their parents - where to look for them in Bulgaria? And if they get in touch, they won’t come back because of me, they’ll ask the Kovalchuks to look after me, it’s not difficult for them, because we live on the same site. That's all!"

The escape plan encouraged Dolinsky, but soon he was disappointed again. It turned out that the camp was surrounded by a tall fence, and the only checkpoint was tightly controlled. The very word, checkpoint, scared Venya to goosebumps, because something serious and military field blew from him, and dad always said that you should stay away from the army.

At the checkpoint there were large gates for the passage of cars and a small gate, near which adults were constantly on duty. Venya also found out that there are also a couple of gates in the fence, but they are constantly locked, and only the counselors receive the keys and only to take the children into the forest or to the river.

It turned out that the parents drove their only son into a mousetrap, and this circumstance caused another attack of bitter resentment. True, Dolinsky did not cry - he could not afford it.

The detachment, to which Venya was assigned, lived in a one-story, freshly painted house, in the lobby of which, on a stand for announcements, hung a large Whatman sheet with a detailed daily routine. With a nightmarish schedule, from which Venya learned with horror that you can go to the dining room and take a shower only at a strictly defined time, and not when you want to eat or wash, and only with counselors. The counselors themselves, Sergey and Nina, were also not pleased. True, Sergei knew how to play melodies of Western songs on the button accordion, but he behaved in such a way that it immediately became clear: he did not intend to interfere in the personal relationships of the wards.

- Whoever tries to stick his nose out of the ward at night will then scrub the toilet for three nights! – he immediately said. - Do you want to talk, not sleep? Your business, just to be quiet!

Nina, the counselor, who put on bright makeup immediately after arriving at the camp, did not pay any attention to the boys at all. She talked only to girls, and she could not count on her help. In reserve, Venya had an assistant director, a friend of his mother, but he knew: only adults can think that someone can protect against hooligans with whom the victim sleeps in the same room. Or, more precisely, the ward, as they put it in the hospital way. Hooligans, of course, there were, they were immediately visible. Venya tried to spin around and strike up a conversation, but quickly got a kick. In vain did dad think it was so easy to pass for his own!

Bored, Venya went into the washbasin and froze in shock. There were no baths! And the soul too! Only small foot baths. Looking into the toilet, Venya covered his face with his hands. Why, why didn’t anyone warn him that there were no toilets?!

- This is hard labor! Venya whispered, blinking away tears. "That's where you sent me, you bastards!" To hard labor! But I will run. Like Frunze! I'll run abroad, to Bulgaria! Or home... I swear!

But the escape must be properly prepared, and stretched long days, filled for someone with joy and interesting events, and for Venya - with fake smiles and efforts to cling to the ringleaders. Something was successful, they began to use him as a general orderly: run there, bring something, give it, pass it on ... Venya did not protest, he was helpful, carefully studied what was happening and in less than a week already knew that the guys from the senior detachments regularly run away from the "Bugler" - in the wooden fence there was the most ordinary secret hole, arranged during the first shift. Being late for lunch on purpose, Venya walked along the fence and found a movable board. The road to freedom has been opened! But it turned out to be difficult to run during the day, because the leaders, fearing trouble, constantly arranged roll calls. Dolinsky was also told that the police deliberately look out for children without parents on the platform, ask who and where, and if they don’t like the answer, they take them to the police station. But even this circumstance seemed small against the background of the fact that the older guys somehow agreed with Sergey and began to look after the small things.

- Whoever runs away will regret it! - Red, the most “borzoi” in the detachment, once confidently declared. They still get caught. Then Seryoga will get it from the director, and we will get it from Seryoga. And I, too, will spread rot.

- Exactly! - Dimka, nicknamed Fat, agreed. - And I!

Venya also said that he would spread rot on the fugitives, although no one listened to him. But he said, because at that moment he realized that dad was right: you should not argue with the team, and the team does not like those who think a lot about themselves.

Nevertheless, Venya firmly believed that one had only to get to Moscow - and no one would return him. Yes, he will immediately tell the Kovalchuks how he was beaten and tortured here! Moreover, he lost a lot of weight in a week, and this circumstance frightens adults very much, it’s not for nothing that the grandmother asks first of all how much he weighs when they meet ... True, the food in the camp was not so nasty, but Venya did not like her quantity.

“We must run at night,” he decided. - Scary, but ... Walk along the fence, to the very checkpoint, and there is a straight road! In the morning there are always a lot of people on the platform, and if you hide in the bushes and run out only when the train comes up, no one will pay attention to me. You just need to quietly leave the ward to the washbasin, and there - out the window ... Hide your clothes in advance. And open the latches on the window quietly in the evening, so as not to make noise at night! And there are no wolves here…”

Remembering the possible dangers, Venya shrugged his shoulders in a chilly way. He did not believe in wolves, and no one scared them. But every evening, according to the old tradition of the pioneer camps, someone began to tell scary story. Usually - stupid or even funny, about "a coffin on wheels" or "something in a black-black room", but sometimes Tolstoy took the word, and then it became really creepy. Fat liked to talk about vampires, about how they attack people and suck blood out of them until they are completely sucked out. And then the one from whom they drank the blood also became a vampire.

The stories seemed to be fictional, but still scary. Once Vienna even dreamed that Tolstoy got up at night, crept up to him and sunk his teeth into his neck. Venya woke up screaming, and they threw slippers on him.

Remembering this incident and thinking it over properly, Dolinsky decided to run away closer to the morning, when the vampires would be forced to return to their coffins. It dawns early in summer! They will notice his absence only before breakfast, when Sergei comes to check how the beds are filled, and arranges a roll call, and before that there will be fuss and fermentation from the ward to the washbasin and back. At this time, he should already get on the train.

In the afternoon, Sergey opened a room with suitcases for half an hour so that everyone could take something or put something, and the girls immediately crowded into it, but Venya managed to push his way into a small “kapterka”, open his suitcase and quietly, in his bosom, take out shorts and shirt, which he hid in the bushes near the hole in the fence. In the evening, Tolstoy again undertook to tell some kind of horror about a small village where the police chief turned out to be a vampire, but at the very beginning of the story, Venya, falsely whispering something about the need to urgently pee, slipped out of the ward. Climbing onto the window sill, he with difficulty opened the tight latches and, opening the window a little, looked out. Twilight was falling on the camp, and although it was still light enough, the world seemed unexpectedly creepy to Vienna, like drawings to Tolstoy's stories. In addition, a sudden gust of wind shook the bushes under the window, and the boy staggered back, almost falling off the windowsill.

- Nothing to be afraid of! - he ordered himself and closed the window, clamping the sock he had previously stocked up with the frame - so that it would not open by accident. - Everything is in order, now I will quietly jump out at night, no one will wake up.

Everything went according to plan, but Venya still jumped into the toilet, although he was not going to.

Returning to the ward and having received a scolding from the elders for interfering with listening, he curled up under the covers and waited, glancing from time to time at the phosphorescent hands of the Poljot clock. Venya had better watches, but their mother locked them in a sideboard so that no one in the camp would take them away. Venya also hid the "flight" at first, carried it in his pocket and put it on his hand, only making sure that the watch was not taken away even from the younger ones.

Time passed, but the story did not end. Tolstoy, as luck would have it, was on a roll today and was telling a story about some pioneer camp, very similar to Hornist, in which children began to disappear, one after another ... Then the police began to find them, and not a drop of blood was found in any of them. The senior policeman then set up an ambush and at midnight heard an old woman’s voice behind him: “Policeman, policeman, tell me, please, what color is your blood…!!!” When Tolstoy yelled “Blood!” Venya even squealed in horror, but there were several of them in the ward, and no one laughed at him. Laughed at everyone. A disheveled Sergey appeared at the noise and, although everyone pretended to be asleep, he promised tomorrow "to arrange a fun life for the detachment."

“And to you, Tolstoy, I’ll say this: I’ll hear at least something else from here, you’ll go do exercises right now.” Fucking writer! And Red will also run around the building until the morning!

- Why me? Red was outraged. - I do sleep!

- Close your mouth! - Sergey kicked Red's bed with force, so that the metal mesh creaked. - With you as a human being, but you do not understand? Well, then it will be different!

Sergei left. Someone asked in a whisper to continue the story, but Red immediately launched a slipper at him.

- It's quiet now! Who will make Seryoga angry, I will deal with that! And you, Tolstoy, shut up, I'm not going to suffer for you.

“I don’t need his cigarettes!” he muttered indignantly.

- What did you say?! The redhead immediately loomed over him. - Do you want to talk? I will talk!

Silence was the answer.

And after a few minutes - real silence: the boys began to fall asleep. Venya tried his best to breathe evenly: he was even more scared of Ryzhy than the vampires and counselor Sergei combined. You can’t go now, you have to wait until Redhead falls asleep, because once this long guy was already closing in the washbasin with two boys who didn’t want to obey him, and then they came out of there sobbing and silent, although no one had a nose or lips were broken. They told Vienna in secret that Ryzhiy knows karate and hits him in the stomach and in some other way that it hurts more than in the face. And Ryzhiy could also twist his arm and make him crawl around the table, as he did with Pinocchio, a foolish and stupid boy, when he beat one of the younger ones.

In general, Venya was not going to run into Ryzhy, and therefore lay quietly, occasionally looked at his watch and waited for everyone to calm down for sure.

Having waited for half past one, Venya realized that it was impossible to wait any longer: his eyes were stuck together, and if he did not decide to go right now, he would definitely fall asleep. Being a stubborn boy by nature, Venya did not allow himself to retreat and, quietly throwing back the covers, lowered his legs from the treacherously creaking bed. The wooden floor underfoot was cold, outside the window was darkness. Shivering, Venya groped for his slippers and slipped out of the ward into the washroom, where it was also dark, but also cold. Trembling, Venya went up to the window, opened the frame and cautiously looked at freedom.

A fresh breeze gently licked the boy's face.

Everything looked different at night. On the one hand, it seems to be the same bushes, flower beds and paths, on the other - completely unfamiliar, mysterious, and some even disturbing ... To the left, in the neighboring building, a window shone, but Venya was not going to go in that direction and therefore was not afraid. Sighing heavily, he climbed onto the windowsill, and at that moment the three-quarter moon peeked out from behind the clouds.

- Growing! - determined Venya, remembering the leader's lazy teachings. - Well, good. All sorts of horrors only happen on a full moon!

He lowered his legs down and slid down on his stomach along the cold ledge, then grabbed the frame with his hands, descending even lower, but still did not reach the ground.

“Is there a snake in there?!” he thought, unclenching his fingers.

There was no snake below, but Dolinsky hit his heels painfully and fell sideways right on a red brick dug into the ground with a corner, one of those that outlined the flower bed. He groaned softly: it seemed to him that the window was much lower, but he immediately fell silent, fearing to wake up the counselors or the guys, he got up and, limping, hurried to the fence. On the way, I had to pass two buildings in which the senior detachments lived, and not just pass, but with adventures: muffled voices were heard from the window of one ward - the guys were talking to the girls - and Vienna had to sneak past with all the caution he was capable of . Passed - passed unnoticed.

© Panov V., Pronin I., 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2015

Chapter 1
Was it a boy?

Third-grader Venya Dolinsky did not expect anything good from the pioneer camp. That is, absolutely. However, no matter how hard he tried, he failed to explain to his parents that he was already old enough to live alone in the country house while they were resting in Bulgaria. And he also could not convince to take his only son with him, neither tears nor logical, as it seemed to Vienna, arguments worked.

- I have to see the world! he shouted, smearing angry tears of resentment and disappointment on his chubby cheeks. - Dad, you yourself said that you need to broaden your horizons from childhood!

What other world? - Father calmly turned over the newspaper page and calmly continued reading the article about the reporting and re-election meeting of the Gagarin executive committee of the hero city of Moscow. - A chicken is not a bird, Bulgaria is not a foreign country.

“But don’t worry…” Without looking up from his reading, Dolinsky Sr. scratched the “professor’s” beard that adorned his plump face, making him look like the actor Smekhov in the role of Athos the musketeer. - Given the new policy of the party, you have a chance to travel around the world ... When you grow up, you learn and go. And in Bulgaria you have nothing to do. It's boring there.

- I would stay in a hotel! Or, okay, I can sit here. Dad, I promise: I will study! Here, give me a task, and I will learn everything by your return! You can even hide the tape recorder!

- Record player? Is he still here? - Father put down the newspaper and looked anxiously towards the kitchen: - Masha! Have you agreed with the Kovalchuks? I think the tape recorder should also be taken to them, along with a video recorder.

- The vidak is in a box, sealed, I told them that it is completely new, and they definitely will not watch it! Mom shouted. “But they know about the tape recorder. Do you want the Kovalchuks to listen to him?

The tape recorder was a good, two-cassette, Japanese company "Sharp", bought in "Birch" for checks, and the whole entrance knew about its presence. Many envied...

For several seconds, a desperate struggle between caution and frugality went on in the soul of Dolinsky Sr., but the innate fear of burglaries won out.

“Nothing will be done to the tape recorder,” the husband decided. - Let them listen so that they choke ... Just don’t give cassettes, let them play their own, if any. Here's a video recorder - yes, there the tape drive mechanism is weak ... Damn, they don’t know how to do anything in this country normally! - Dolinsky Sr. irritably rustled with a newspaper, cursing himself for buying "Electronics VM", and not a Japanese video recorder, which would cost more, but would not upset such a low quality. - On the other hand, I successfully drove the car for repair. We'll be right back while they're digging.

Venya took a deep breath. Parents were terribly afraid of thieves and even put a second door behind the first, with some kind of cunning, "by pull" got locks and two bolts. Everything would be fine, but when he invited Sveta Bocharova and several classmates to his birthday, they began to laugh at this design. It turns out that no one has done this. On the other hand, having visited his few friends, Venya was convinced that they had nothing to cherish. In general, only the Dolinskys had a VCR, about which the parents begged their son to keep quiet.

“Well, why should I go to this stupid camp?! he asked bitterly, and defiantly, but as if by accident, knocked down a dozen foreign figurines of Indians and cowboys from the bookcase. What didn't I see there?

- There's fresh air! - Mom, passing by, ruffled her son's hair. - Not "Artek", of course, but there our employees are in counselors. They will look after you.

- What to do there? Venya howled.

- There you will be taken to the river, well, more ... - Dolinsky Sr. leafed through the newspaper. – What else is there? All sorts of mugs. Baked potatoes. Songs by the fire...

“Don’t you dare mess with hooligans!” Mom said sternly. - Go straight to Galina Alexandrovna, she will be the assistant head of the camp in your shift. Understood? Not to the counselors, but immediately to her. Nothing, loosen up a bit. And then give you free rein, you will sit in front of the TV all day. You're already even watching this, like his, "Village Hour"!

I'm expanding my horizons! Mom, well, we have a dacha, the air is even fresher there! I would have a wonderful time and not go anywhere from the site! Can I just have the old TV from the kitchen in there? Well, as usual?

- Don't go crazy! No one will leave you alone, and grandmother cannot sit with you now, because in the hospital ... How is she, Dolinsky? Don't need to go?

“I’ll pick up the car from repair and drop by,” Dolinsky muttered, continuing to study the newspaper. - This Gorbachev is just an idiot! But maybe it's for the best. Thatcher smiles at him, ha ha! Venya, you didn't hear that, truncated?

Venya nodded and dutifully began to collect the scattered toys. He had known for a long time that no matter what his classmates said, it was impossible to support jokes about authorities and politics. Everything can always change, and then you will have to answer for the words.

That's what dad taught, and dad won't say it in vain.

Gathering soldiers, Venya tried to remember what he knew about the pioneer camps. Judging by the films, everything is not so bad, although Vienna did not want to sleep in the same room with a horde of other boys. In addition, there is a rise in the morning ... Why do we need a vacation in which you can’t sleep enough?

Who needs them?

Venya looked with hatred at the shabby suitcase prepared by his mother and began to pack. First of all, I stuffed books and toys, after which I realized that there was no room left for anything else.

“So it is, son! – Father inaudibly approached from behind and put his hands on Vienna's shoulders. - No one takes toys with them, because the camp must provide everything you need. By the way, we paid money for the ticket. Small, but ... We are underpaid in our system! I told you. As for books, do you want someone to take the book from you and not return it? Or tore it apart, painted it? No, Venka, take everything out. By the way, don't take Wrangler jeans either. They were not bought for you to tear them apart in one shift. You will go in something simpler and old sneakers.

They are too small for me! Venya was outraged.

- You'll be patient! The father turned his son to him and looked him seriously in the eyes. – You are an unusual boy, Venya. Nobody likes the unusual. Therefore, it is necessary to pretend to be ordinary, gray, uninteresting. And I sincerely advise you: do not be clever there. They don't like smart people either. Do like everyone else. Everyone will go to hooligans - you also go, but not the first, and do not go far. Not to stand out, you understand? Then the team will accept you. This will be a good school for you. And when you return, you will again begin to live as you used to. And one more thing ... - The voice of the elder Dolinsky trembled slightly. - It is unlikely that there will be delicious food. But you are a man and should be able to swallow any rubbish. If it’s really bad, don’t eat up, but don’t swear, so that someone doesn’t decide that you are eating at home with one deficiency. There will also be children from poor families.

Will they fight? Tears welled up in Ben's eyes.

Mom told him many times that children from poor families are evil and always beat people like him - unusual, unusual and smart. And in rangler jeans.

- No, if you behave correctly, no one will touch you. Never argue with the team, and the team is actually the ringleaders. Strong boys who have huddled together and command the rest. Check them out and make friends. In general, study. In life, such an experience will be very useful. The whole world is so arranged, and you need to use it, behave correctly. And then one day you will understand how easy it is to manage people through their own leaders who consider themselves strong and independent.

Benjamin nodded obediently, although he thought differently to himself. But that was already a lesson he learned on his own: don't argue with your father, because he is stronger, and he will do as he wants. Better to be hypocritical and not protest too much. But he still did not want to go to the pioneer camp, considering it stupidity and a waste of time. Especially if there, in addition to everything, the food is bad. And they beat.

But there was nowhere to go.

... For about two hours they were shaking on the bus, although, as Venya found out, the Gornist pioneer camp was located not so far from the railway platform, where an electric train went directly from Moscow, which could have been reached much faster. He got his information from a neighbor in the seat, a plump, freckled girl who had vacationed in this camp last year and all the way chattered incessantly about a living corner with rabbits, about dining room duties, occasional trips to the river beach and such nonsense. Venya diligently pretended to be interested and smiled.

“If it gets really bad, I’ll run away! he thought to himself. - I’ll cry in front of the controllers on the train, if they catch me, I’ll lie something. And in Moscow at the metro I will ask passers-by, someone will definitely give a nickel, our people are kind. I’ll get home and immediately go to the Kovalchuks, I’ll say that there is some kind of epidemic in the camp! Cholera, for example! And so everyone was sent home! Must believe. Give me the keys, here I am at home. Kovalchuks, probably, will not even contact their parents - where to look for them in Bulgaria? And if they get in touch, they won’t come back because of me, they’ll ask the Kovalchuks to look after me, it’s not difficult for them, because we live on the same site. That's all!"

The escape plan encouraged Dolinsky, but soon he was disappointed again. It turned out that the camp was surrounded by a tall fence, and the only checkpoint was tightly controlled. The very word, checkpoint, scared Venya to goosebumps, because something serious and military field blew from him, and dad always said that you should stay away from the army.

At the checkpoint there were large gates for the passage of cars and a small gate, near which adults were constantly on duty. Venya also found out that there are also a couple of gates in the fence, but they are constantly locked, and only the counselors receive the keys and only to take the children into the forest or to the river.

It turned out that the parents drove their only son into a mousetrap, and this circumstance caused another attack of bitter resentment. True, Dolinsky did not cry - he could not afford it.

The detachment, to which Venya was assigned, lived in a one-story, freshly painted house, in the lobby of which, on a stand for announcements, hung a large Whatman sheet with a detailed daily routine. With a nightmarish schedule, from which Venya learned with horror that you can go to the dining room and take a shower only at a strictly defined time, and not when you want to eat or wash, and only with counselors. The counselors themselves, Sergey and Nina, were also not pleased. True, Sergei knew how to play melodies of Western songs on the button accordion, but he behaved in such a way that it immediately became clear: he did not intend to interfere in the personal relationships of the wards.

- Whoever tries to stick his nose out of the ward at night will then scrub the toilet for three nights! – he immediately said. - Do you want to talk, not sleep? Your business, just to be quiet!

Nina, the counselor, who put on bright makeup immediately after arriving at the camp, did not pay any attention to the boys at all. She talked only to girls, and she could not count on her help. In reserve, Venya had an assistant director, a friend of his mother, but he knew: only adults can think that someone can protect against hooligans with whom the victim sleeps in the same room. Or, more precisely, the ward, as they put it in the hospital way. Hooligans, of course, there were, they were immediately visible. Venya tried to spin around and strike up a conversation, but quickly got a kick. In vain did dad think it was so easy to pass for his own!

Bored, Venya went into the washbasin and froze in shock. There were no baths! And the soul too! Only small foot baths. Looking into the toilet, Venya covered his face with his hands. Why, why didn’t anyone warn him that there were no toilets?!

- This is hard labor! Venya whispered, blinking away tears. "That's where you sent me, you bastards!" To hard labor! But I will run. Like Frunze! I'll run abroad, to Bulgaria! Or home... I swear!

But the escape must be properly prepared, and long days stretched out, filled for some with joy and interesting events, and for Venya - with fake smiles and efforts to cling to the ringleaders. Something was successful, they began to use him as a general orderly: run there, bring something, give it, pass it on ... Venya did not protest, he was helpful, carefully studied what was happening and in less than a week already knew that the guys from the senior detachments regularly run away from the "Bugler" - in the wooden fence there was the most ordinary secret hole, arranged during the first shift. Being late for lunch on purpose, Venya walked along the fence and found a movable board. The road to freedom has been opened! But it turned out to be difficult to run during the day, because the leaders, fearing trouble, constantly arranged roll calls. Dolinsky was also told that the police deliberately look out for children without parents on the platform, ask who and where, and if they don’t like the answer, they take them to the police station. But even this circumstance seemed small against the background of the fact that the older guys somehow agreed with Sergey and began to look after the small things.

- Whoever runs away will regret it! - Red, the most “borzoi” in the detachment, once confidently declared. They still get caught. Then Seryoga will get it from the director, and we will get it from Seryoga. And I, too, will spread rot.

- Exactly! - Dimka, nicknamed Fat, agreed. - And I!

Venya also said that he would spread rot on the fugitives, although no one listened to him. But he said, because at that moment he realized that dad was right: you should not argue with the team, and the team does not like those who think a lot about themselves.

Nevertheless, Venya firmly believed that one had only to get to Moscow - and no one would return him. Yes, he will immediately tell the Kovalchuks how he was beaten and tortured here! Moreover, he lost a lot of weight in a week, and this circumstance frightens adults very much, it’s not for nothing that the grandmother asks first of all how much he weighs when they meet ... True, the food in the camp was not so nasty, but Venya did not like her quantity.

Vampire hunters Igor Pronin, Vadim Panov

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Title: Vampire hunters

About the book "Vampire Hunters" Igor Pronin, Vadim Panov

The theme of vampires is relevant today more than ever. This evil can be found everywhere: in films, and in books, and even songs are written about them. But more vampires are considered from a romantic point of view: such lonely handsome men and beauties who are forced to drink blood, although they are sweet and kind at heart. But, as the story tells, vampires are bloodthirsty creatures who are not alien to human emotions and feelings, that is, they are driven only by a thirst for blood.

The book by Vadim Panov in collaboration with Igor Pronin "Vampire Hunters" just reveals the theme of these bloodsuckers. The story is told from the perspective of a wealthy businessman named Veniamin Dolinsky. He has terrible childhood memories. When he was in a pioneer camp, he witnessed a nightmarish scene: vampires attacked civilians. And now, after many years, he sees these killers in an elite Moscow club. Moreover, they work there as security guards.

All actions take place on the banks of the Moscow River, but at the same time they are closely intertwined with London. All this creates the feeling that all over the world there are cities in which live creatures that we know about only from books, fairy tales and films.

Vadim Panov fell in love with many for previously written books. Igor Pronin, with his skill and talent, added dynamics to the book "Vampire Hunters", and made the characters even brighter, stronger and more unique. In addition, it is impossible not to notice the subtle humor, because of which the book is read even faster, more exciting and interesting.

Although the book “Vampire Hunters” is about vampires, about which you can’t think of anything new, there is no desire to close it. The plot develops dynamically, the main characters delight. In addition, there are several storylines: and investigation, and the world of the Mysterious City, and the mystery of vampires, and even a love story. That is why the book will appeal to a very wide audience, and two writers is always something unusual and special.

In addition, the plot of the book "Vampire Hunters" is not connected with previous stories, so fans of the cycle will not have to rack their brains remembering events from past works, and those who are just getting acquainted with this story will find the book understandable and revealing the whole idea of ​​the story. This is exactly what Igor Pronin and Vadim Panov wanted.

The book "Vampire Hunters" can be called an excellent excuse to distract from work and pressing problems. You can relax, tune in to the magical world and be in it. In addition, thanks to the humor of Igor Pronin and Vadim Panov, you will have fun reading this amazing and rich story.

On our site about books you can download for free without registration or read online book"Vampire Hunters" by Igor Pronin, Vadim Panov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. Buy full version you can have our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

Vadim Panov, Igor Pronin

Vampire hunters

© Panov V., Pronin I., 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2015

Was it a boy?

Third-grader Venya Dolinsky did not expect anything good from the pioneer camp. That is, absolutely. However, no matter how hard he tried, he failed to explain to his parents that he was already old enough to live alone in the country house while they were resting in Bulgaria. And he also could not convince to take his only son with him, neither tears nor logical, as it seemed to Vienna, arguments worked.

- I have to see the world! he shouted, smearing angry tears of resentment and disappointment on his chubby cheeks. - Dad, you yourself said that you need to broaden your horizons from childhood!

What other world? - Father calmly turned over the newspaper page and calmly continued reading the article about the reporting and re-election meeting of the Gagarin executive committee of the hero city of Moscow. - A chicken is not a bird, Bulgaria is not a foreign country.

“But don’t worry…” Without looking up from his reading, Dolinsky Sr. scratched the “professor’s” beard that adorned his plump face, making him look like the actor Smekhov in the role of Athos the musketeer. - Given the new policy of the party, you have a chance to travel around the world ... When you grow up, you learn and go. And in Bulgaria you have nothing to do. It's boring there.

- I would stay in a hotel! Or, okay, I can sit here. Dad, I promise: I will study! Here, give me a task, and I will learn everything by your return! You can even hide the tape recorder!

- Record player? Is he still here? - Father put down the newspaper and looked anxiously towards the kitchen: - Masha! Have you agreed with the Kovalchuks? I think the tape recorder should also be taken to them, along with a video recorder.

- The vidak is in a box, sealed, I told them that it is completely new, and they definitely will not watch it! Mom shouted. “But they know about the tape recorder. Do you want the Kovalchuks to listen to him?

The tape recorder was a good, two-cassette, Japanese company "Sharp", bought in "Birch" for checks, and the whole entrance knew about its presence. Many envied...

For several seconds, a desperate struggle between caution and frugality went on in the soul of Dolinsky Sr., but the innate fear of burglaries won out.

“Nothing will be done to the tape recorder,” the husband decided. - Let them listen so that they choke ... Just don’t give cassettes, let them play their own, if any. Here's a video recorder - yes, there the tape drive mechanism is weak ... Damn, they don’t know how to do anything in this country normally! - Dolinsky Sr. irritably rustled with a newspaper, cursing himself for buying "Electronics VM", and not a Japanese video recorder, which would cost more, but would not upset such a low quality. - On the other hand, I successfully drove the car for repair. We'll be right back while they're digging.

Venya took a deep breath. Parents were terribly afraid of thieves and even put a second door behind the first, with some kind of cunning, "by pull" got locks and two bolts. Everything would be fine, but when he invited Sveta Bocharova and several classmates to his birthday, they began to laugh at this design. It turns out that no one has done this. On the other hand, having visited his few friends, Venya was convinced that they had nothing to cherish. In general, only the Dolinskys had a VCR, about which the parents begged their son to keep quiet.

“Well, why should I go to this stupid camp?! he asked bitterly, and defiantly, but as if by accident, knocked down a dozen foreign figurines of Indians and cowboys from the bookcase. What didn't I see there?

- There's fresh air! - Mom, passing by, ruffled her son's hair. - Not "Artek", of course, but there our employees are in counselors. They will look after you.

- What to do there? Venya howled.

- There you will be taken to the river, well, more ... - Dolinsky Sr. leafed through the newspaper. – What else is there? All sorts of mugs. Baked potatoes. Songs by the fire...

“Don’t you dare mess with hooligans!” Mom said sternly. - Go straight to Galina Alexandrovna, she will be the assistant head of the camp in your shift. Understood? Not to the counselors, but immediately to her. Nothing, loosen up a bit. And then give you free rein, you will sit in front of the TV all day. You're already even watching this, like his, "Village Hour"!

I'm expanding my horizons! Mom, well, we have a dacha, the air is even fresher there! I would have a wonderful time and not go anywhere from the site! Can I just have the old TV from the kitchen in there? Well, as usual?

- Don't go crazy! No one will leave you alone, and grandmother cannot sit with you now, because in the hospital ... How is she, Dolinsky? Don't need to go?

“I’ll pick up the car from repair and drop by,” Dolinsky muttered, continuing to study the newspaper. - This Gorbachev is just an idiot! But maybe it's for the best. Thatcher smiles at him, ha ha! Venya, you didn't hear that, truncated?

Venya nodded and dutifully began to collect the scattered toys. He had known for a long time that no matter what his classmates said, it was impossible to support jokes about authorities and politics. Everything can always change, and then you will have to answer for the words.

That's what dad taught, and dad won't say it in vain.

Gathering soldiers, Venya tried to remember what he knew about the pioneer camps. Judging by the films, everything is not so bad, although Vienna did not want to sleep in the same room with a horde of other boys. In addition, there is a rise in the morning ... Why do we need a vacation in which you can’t sleep enough?

Who needs them?

Venya looked with hatred at the shabby suitcase prepared by his mother and began to pack. First of all, I stuffed books and toys, after which I realized that there was no room left for anything else.

“So it is, son! – Father inaudibly approached from behind and put his hands on Vienna's shoulders. - No one takes toys with them, because the camp must provide everything you need. By the way, we paid money for the ticket. Small, but ... We are underpaid in our system! I told you. As for books, do you want someone to take the book from you and not return it? Or tore it apart, painted it? No, Venka, take everything out. By the way, don't take Wrangler jeans either. They were not bought for you to tear them apart in one shift. You will go in something simpler and old sneakers.

They are too small for me! Venya was outraged.

- You'll be patient! The father turned his son to him and looked him seriously in the eyes. – You are an unusual boy, Venya. Nobody likes the unusual. Therefore, it is necessary to pretend to be ordinary, gray, uninteresting. And I sincerely advise you: do not be clever there. They don't like smart people either. Do like everyone else. Everyone will go to hooligans - you also go, but not the first, and do not go far. Not to stand out, you understand? Then the team will accept you. This will be a good school for you. And when you return, you will again begin to live as you used to. And one more thing ... - The voice of the elder Dolinsky trembled slightly. - It is unlikely that there will be delicious food. But you are a man and should be able to swallow any rubbish. If it’s really bad, don’t eat up, but don’t swear, so that someone doesn’t decide that you are eating at home with one deficiency. There will also be children from poor families.

Will they fight? Tears welled up in Ben's eyes.

Mom told him many times that children from poor families are evil and always beat people like him - unusual, unusual and smart. And in rangler jeans.

- No, if you behave correctly, no one will touch you. Never argue with the team, and the team is actually the ringleaders. Strong boys who have huddled together and command the rest. Check them out and make friends. In general, study. In life, such an experience will be very useful. The whole world is so arranged, and you need to use it, behave correctly. And then one day you will understand how easy it is to manage people through their own leaders who consider themselves strong and independent.

Benjamin nodded obediently, although he thought differently to himself. But that was already a lesson he learned on his own: don't argue with your father, because he is stronger, and he will do as he wants. Better to be hypocritical and not protest too much. But he still did not want to go to the pioneer camp, considering it stupidity and a waste of time. Especially if there, in addition to everything, the food is bad. And they beat.

But there was nowhere to go.

... For about two hours they were shaking on the bus, although, as Venya found out, the Gornist pioneer camp was located not so far from the railway platform, where an electric train went directly from Moscow, which could have been reached much faster. He got his information from a neighbor in the seat, a plump, freckled girl who had vacationed in this camp last year and all the way chattered incessantly about a living corner with rabbits, about dining room duties, occasional trips to the river beach and such nonsense. Venya diligently pretended to be interested and smiled.

“If it gets really bad, I’ll run away! he thought to himself. - I’ll cry in front of the controllers on the train, if they catch me, I’ll lie something. And in Moscow at the metro I will ask passers-by, someone will definitely give a nickel, our people are kind. I’ll get home and immediately go to the Kovalchuks, I’ll say that there is some kind of epidemic in the camp! Cholera, for example! And so everyone was sent home! Must believe. Give me the keys, here I am at home. Kovalchuks, probably, will not even contact their parents - where to look for them in Bulgaria? And if they get in touch, they won’t come back because of me, they’ll ask the Kovalchuks to look after me, it’s not difficult for them, because we live on the same site. That's all!"