Games for dandy download gta. The best dandy games ever. Emulator for playing Dandy online

Here you can play the first GTA in a browser online. This game is the first in a series grand theft Auto and marked the beginning of a great series of games. original GTA 1 was developed for Dos and later ported to PC, Playstation 1, Game Boy Color. The game was released on November 7, 1997. For Playstation 1 - December 14, 1997, for Game Boy Color - November 22, 1999. V latest version censorship was introduced, blood and violence were removed. The game developers are DMA Design and Tarfntula Studios.

GTA 1 consists of levels in each city. At each level, the player needs to score a certain number of points, and at the same time he is given 5 attempts. The number of points in a player is represented as money that he can spend, for example, repainting cars and everything else. But at the same time, having lost money, the player also loses the earned points. Typing required amount points the player must go to a certain place on the map, after which he goes to the next level.

The main distinguishing feature of the game is that the player is free to choose. He can travel freely, do whatever he wants. If desired, the player can visit any place in the city, blow up cars or kill people, steal or sell cars. However, to pass the level, the hero must complete a certain set of missions. In the tasks of the game there is also freedom of action. The player himself chooses the road to the desired destination. This level of freedom is not inherent in most action games. Freedom of action, movement and variety of opportunities has become the hallmark of the Grand Theft Auto and made it one of the most famous and best-selling games in the history of the gaming industry.

There are many various ways score the points needed to pass each level. You can score points by committing various crimes, such as crashing cars or killing police officers. The more serious the crimes, the more points you earn. More serious crimes quickly attract the attention of the police. Also, to earn points, you can steal a car and sell it. This usually brings a pretty good amount of points. Upon successful completion of the mission, the player is given a huge amount of points. Usually about 50,000. Also, when completing a mission, the score multiplier increases by 1.

The game features 3 cities modeled after real cities:

  • Liberty City is modeled after New York
  • San Andreas is the prototype of San Francisco
  • And Vice City, real life- Miami

Later, these cities were used in the continuation of the series of games.

The player receives missions with the help of telephone booths placed on the territory of cities. Sitting in a certain car and arriving at a certain place, the player can receive an additional task. If the player has received a task, he cannot take on other missions. The missions are quite varied. The player will be offered to do bank robbery, shootouts with gangsters, police chases and other criminal cases.

Time flies, but the classic remains! This section was created for those who want to go back to the distant 90s and play their favorite games on Dandy. You do not need to register for this: just click on any of your favorite games, and it will immediately begin. With us you can open the world of Dendy directly in your Browser.

§ Dandy games: how it was

Buying a game console was one of the most joyful events for a child in the 90s. It was even happier than jeans, Snickers and a Na-Na concert ticket. Treats and one-time pleasures paled before the opportunity to play your favorite game, seen at one of your friends. They were played by the whole court, in turn: there were no saves. Want to go back to that time? Then the Dandy games section is for you!

§ Bright and interesting

In those days, games on the Dandy seemed something new and exciting. It was fashionable, and the owner of the console himself dictated the rules of the team game in it. Yes, the gameplay was simple, but that didn't stop us. We didn't even know that Dandy was a clone of Nintendo, cheaper and simpler in appearance. Dendy's logo was drawn by our artist and animator, Ivan Maksimov.

It is not so important that the product presented to us turned out to be assembled in Asia and designed in Russia. The value of the games themselves! The player opened up a completely new, previously unknown world, significantly different from the world of Soviet toys and games. Monsters, heroes - all this appeared before us at that moment. For those who want to fully return home, we have collected the best Dandy games.

§ Dandy games: history is cyclical

Yes, despite the fact that the gaming industry is rapidly developing, people are increasingly returning to the first games. Yes, once we were happy with the first computers, but now we are not averse to getting an old, dusty prefix from the mezzanine and playing a game or two of Mario or Tanchiki. Want to get that feeling back? Vperreeeed!

§ Time tested

You should not feel sorry for the current generation: even if they did not play Dandy, they have such a chance! Surely they, too, will be glad to get acquainted with the Dendev classics. Show them what you played on Dendy yourself, and it's in the bag: you will show them the best games of all time. It is a pity that the browser does not convey the whole atmosphere of the game in Dandy, however, it is better than looking for a console at the auction. It is enough to make one click - and you are in the game!

All characters remain unchanged. You will quickly forget that you are playing Dandy in the browser: the graphics of the games have remained the same. All games on the site are free, which cannot but please fans of old, time-tested games. Are you ready to dive into game world Dandy? We begin!

Dandy is the first game console that appeared in our country. And it became a real miracle of technology for those who previously knew only "Tetris" and "Just you wait" on Electronics. Even a simple 8-bit graphics seemed then the ultimate dream.

Thousands of teenagers hurried home after school to turn on the most the best games on Dandy are Super Mario, Tanks or Counter. And adults, coming home from work, were happy to pick up a joystick. And the best Dendy games for two could chain the whole family to the TV screen.

The search for new cartridges generally resembled some kind of quest. They were not sold everywhere, they had to go to specialized markets (for example, the famous Gorbushka in Moscow).

TOP 10 best games on Dandy

No. 3 - Black cloak

The top three of our hit parade is opened by another cartoon character. The game "Black Cloak" is a classic action game where the main character needs to defeat all enemies and save the city of Saint Canard.

For an 8-bit console, the graphics here are simply excellent - with rich colors and amazing drawing of all the characters. A main character can use a whole arsenal of weapons to crush enemies. In total, the game has 7 rather difficult levels, and each has two secret rooms hidden in each, where bonus things are stored.

#2 - Chip and Dale

The adventures of the two chipmunks are not inferior in terms of the schedule to the Black Cloak. But this game has more levels (11) and can be played together. That's why we put it higher.

The goal of the game is to defeat the fat cat, who planned to capture the city and flooded it with various mechanical monsters and mutants. But chipmunks are able to cope with all enemies. This requires grabbing everything that is lying on the ground (boxes, apples) and throwing them. There are several secret places hidden in each level, where valuables are kept. Interestingly, some can only be reached by playing together - for this, one chipmunk must throw the other, since it will not work to jump there on your own.

At the end of the level, you will face an intermediate boss battle. And in the final you will have to fight with Fat Belly himself.

№1 - Tanchiki

Our list of the best Dendy games is topped by Tanks. Behind them in the 90s, gamers sat for hours, passing dozens of different levels.

The goal of the game, as in any war, is simple - to protect your headquarters and destroy all enemies. At the same time, you can upgrade your tank, for example, adding armor, increasing the speed of the projectile, making it temporarily invulnerable.

And most importantly, you can play "Tanchiki" together. So much more fun.

Emulator for playing Dandy online

If you are nostalgic for Dandy games from the 90s, you can use the site You won't have to download anything. The built-in emulator allows you to play online absolutely free.

You will have access to all the games that we have listed in this list, and much more than others. Just choose what you like and start playing with the built-in Dandy games emulator. Satisfaction guaranteed!

Timeless classics never go out of fashion - you certainly know a lot about it! Great news for everyone who does not miss the opportunity to remember the things of bygone days: you can now play classic dandy games without leaving your browser! Vintage, retro - whatever you call it, the main thing is that dandy games have always been and will always be popular. Choose any of our catalog and plunge into the world of nostalgia with your favorite characters!

What was she like

Was there more joy for a child from the 90s than a game console bought as a gift? Maybe jeans? Or Snickers? Or get to the concert of the group Na-Na? No, of course not. What do treats or one-time entertainment mean in the face of a real video game console? For the generation of the nineties, Dandy games were more than just a way to have fun!

They seemed like a breath of fresh Western air, something fantastically new, fashionable and excitingly interesting. It’s already difficult for today’s children who grew up next to the computer to understand what these elementary arcades could have been so tempting, but the generation of the nineties knows exactly at what point simple gameplay and primitive graphics become more expensive than cool bells and whistles and special effects.

It's even hard to imagine that, in fact, Dandy is practically a fake: a semi-legal clone of the Japanese prefix Nitendo. Nitendo manufacturers at that time were not at all interested in the Russian market: they were well aware that in a post-Soviet, poor country, no one would buy their expensive equipment. The Steepler company decided to go from the opposite: since they won’t buy an expensive set-top box in Russia, they need to make a cheap one. This is how Dandy appeared, assembled in Taiwan from Chinese components. And the famous baby elephant - Dandy's talisman - is the work of the Russian artist, animator Ivan Maksimov.

However, who cares now that what we once thought was a breath of Western air was assembled in Asia and designed in Russia? Valuable in Dandy was and remains the fact that she allowed millions of children to immerse themselves in a completely new world, not like Soviet electronic toys! A world of bright colors, cute characters and no less cute monsters, and most importantly - the opportunity to take part in the adventures of heroes who previously could only be seen on TV as cartoon characters. Dandy created a whole culture of video games in our country: that's why people still want to play games for the dandy - even if the console itself in working order can no longer be found by day with fire.

An old fairy tale in a new way

History is cyclical: everything from which we once left will surely return to us like a boomerang. We rejoiced at home computers and hurried to put the newest toys on them; but what have we come to today? Of the desktop games, most have something old, like the third Heroes of Might and Magic or Diablo, and everything new has long moved online and no longer costs any money.

However, instead of being sad and sorry for modern children, who have too many pleasures available, which is why their value drops to almost zero, you can just launch the browser and go through a couple of levels with your old favorite characters. After all, you can play dandy games online for free on our website!

Of course, the browser version of your favorite toy will not allow you to return all the emotions. Instead of a joystick and a light gun, you will be offered to use a keyboard and a mouse, which, of course, is no longer a “true”, but it will allow you to start playing right now and not waste time or money looking for authentic accessories.

In addition, all your favorite characters have remained exactly the same as 20 years ago! You can be sure: online dandy games will not only allow those who missed it to return to the past, but will also give an opportunity to feel the indescribable atmosphere of the nineties to those who did not catch this time. In addition, on our site all dandy games are available online for free - you can indulge in nostalgia as much as you want!