Mikhailovsky Castle - engineering castle - Nikolaev military engineering academy. Mikhailovsky Castle (Engineering Castle) What is now in Mikhailovsky Castle

You have not read N. S. Leskov's story "The Ghost in the Engineering Castle", but are you going to visit St. Petersburg in the near future? We advise you to immediately turn to this literary work, which touches on the history of the most mystical of the buildings of the eighteenth century - the Mikhailovsky Castle. Even at the stage of creating sketches, it was covered with an aura of mystery, and having appeared in all its glory a few years later, it completely created the feeling of a reliable medieval residence of a knight or king.

The architecture of the castle was so different from everything created earlier that it caused bewilderment in society and became the reason for the birth of new legends. Today, in the history of St. Petersburg, this is perhaps the only building that bears two names at the same time - Mikhailovsky and Engineering Castle. Of course, looking at it now, one can only imagine the majestic picture that it was after construction. But, unfortunately, the history of the Mikhailovsky (Engineering Castle) in St. Petersburg is closely intertwined with the tragic fate of its creator, Emperor of Russia Paul I.

Paul I - a martyr or a tyrant?

This emperor actually entered the history of Russia under a question mark. The period of his reign was so short that none of his contemporaries could even be imbued with the grandiose plans of the emperor. Many textbooks give information about him as about a man of a narrow mind, choking on ambitions and pretentious ideas. For quite a long time, there was an opinion in society that if the emperor had survived, he would have led to the destruction of Russia because of the planned alliance with Napoleon and sympathy for the Western way of life.

However, later historians managed to find a number of documents that radically changed the idea of ​​​​the personality of the emperor. As it turned out, Paul I was a very educated person, well versed in architecture and art. He had his own view on foreign and domestic policy, and the emperor had every chance of reaching an agreement with Bonaparte and uniting the armies of both countries. During the short four years of his reign, the emperor signed a large number of reform decrees, which were to completely change the position of the people in Russia. However, all his ideas and dreams were not destined to come true. Except for one thing - about building your own castle.

The engineering castle (Mikhailovsky) became his real brainchild, thought out and built in the shortest possible time. By a fatal coincidence, it was this place that became his last refuge, because Paul I met his terrible death within the walls of the castle. It is believed that his spirit remained in the Engineering Castle. Bringing the emperor still wanders within its walls, frightening the museum curators and late visitors.

Brief information note

The engineering castle in St. Petersburg became a museum not so long ago. Only fifteen years ago it was opened to visitors after reconstruction, but only part of the halls has been restored. Moreover, their original decoration has been lost forever, and the masters in the process of reconstruction gave them only a semblance of their former fleeting luxury.

The ideological inspirer of the creation of the Engineering Castle was Emperor Paul I, who entered into his legal rights only at the age of forty-two. His fate is one of the most tragic pages in the history of the Romanov family. The father of the future emperor was killed with the blessing of his wife, Catherine II. This left a serious imprint on the character of the young man, who, perhaps, tried to protect himself by settling behind thick castle walls, separated from the rest of the world by bridges and ditches. Surprisingly, after reaching adulthood, the mother did not transfer power to her son. She still ruled the empire, and he was completely isolated from all state affairs. And only her death returned the rightful heir to the throne.

Surprisingly, the emperor was in a great hurry to rule. He seemed to have a premonition of his death and issued one decree after another. Twenty days after the death of his mother, he had already begun the construction of the castle, where he was able to move with his family four years later. These terms are an unprecedented record for the eighteenth century, and the construction of the Engineering Castle itself cost the treasury six million rubles. In the eighteenth century it was the most expensive building.

What is so special about this castle? Why is he so mysterious and enigmatic? And what kind of evil fate hung over him? Let's figure this out together.

The history of the castle

The decree on the construction of the Engineering Castle in St. Petersburg was issued in the ninety-sixth year of the eighteenth century. The Summer Palace was chosen as the place for it, in which the emperor was born. It is believed that he always spoke of the dream of dying where he was born. Therefore, the building site was not chosen by chance. In addition, the Summer Palace was practically abandoned, its walls dilapidated, and many items were taken to other palaces.

Many contemporaries of Paul I wrote about his mystical inclinations. It was believed that he had a real gift of foresight and was even related to the Order of Malta. Be that as it may, the emperor approached the construction with great enthusiasm. He personally developed the architectural design of the castle, in which he embodied all his ideas. It can be added that the ideas of Freemasonry were initially traced in it. And the signs of this secret order are still clearly read in different parts of the castle. After creating the first draft, Paul I began to make changes, and in the end, there were as many as thirteen projects on his desk, from which he could not choose.

The architect Vasily Bazhenov came to the aid of the sovereign, combining all the ideas into a single project and making an estimate for it. The emperor entrusted Vincenzo Brenna to lead the construction of his offspring, whom he personally controlled.

Interestingly, the Engineering Castle is the second name of the palace. Initially, everyone knew him as Mikhailovsky. And here, too, there were legends. According to them, Archangel Michael himself appeared at night to one of the soldiers at the post and ordered him to go to the sovereign and convey the order to build a temple on the site of the Summer Palace. It was necessary to call him Mikhailovsky by all means. In the morning the warrior went to the emperor and told him about his dream. Surprisingly, Paul I seemed to already be aware of everything. Therefore, in a matter of days, he ordered the construction of a castle and the construction of a temple in honor of St. Michael.

In February of the ninety-seventh year of the eighteenth century, the emperor himself took part in laying the foundation. In addition to coins, which were customary to lay in the foundation of new structures, several bricks of processed jasper were also placed there. No one has ever done this before or since.

Construction features

It is still amazing how quickly a new castle was built in St. Petersburg. The engineering castle was lit up three years after the laying of the first stone, and a year later it opened its doors to the emperor and his family. It's amazing, but in the four years of construction, the workers managed to complete absolutely everything that Paul I had planned. But the price of these efforts of the ball is prohibitively high.

In order to have time to complete the construction on time, the emperor ordered to take materials from other construction sites in the city. Marble intended for temples and cathedrals was brought here, and sometimes ready-made decorations were removed from them. Many townspeople considered this sacrilege and predicted trouble for such an enterprising emperor.

The number of workers was increased to six thousand. Construction did not stop day or night. At night, torches were used for lighting. Many workers could not keep up with such a pace, and therefore the level of injuries was high. Often the injuries were fatal.

Everyone who was forced to live with Paul I in the new castle suffered from unbearable cold and dampness. Due to the haste, the workers did not have enough time to dry the walls and, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses of those events, despite the fire in the fireplace, several centimeters of ice lay on some walls. However, the emperor himself was happy and proudly looked at his offspring from the bedroom window.

Description of the castle

The Mikhailovsky (Engineering) Castle differed significantly from everything that was built in Russia earlier. The building itself had a traditional quadrangular shape, but three whole courtyards were made inside. The largest was made in the form of an octagon. This form is symbolic for Masons, so it is not surprising that the emperor chose it for his courtyard. The other two courts were a triangle and a pentagon.

From all sides, the Engineering Castle in St. Petersburg was surrounded by water, giving the impression that it was on an island. This was facilitated by deep ditches, which could only be crossed by massive drawbridges.

It is interesting that each facade of the castle had a different architecture, but the general idea was traced in them. All of them were decorated with magnificent marble sculptures, many of which were talented copies of the works of Italian masters.

The color of the Engineering Castle (St. Petersburg) still causes a lot of controversy. The fact is that it has an extremely complex color scheme. We can say that this is a mixture of pink, orange and yellow shades. It is quite difficult to reproduce it exactly today. It is believed that for the first time the emperor saw this color, picking up the glove of his favorite Lopukhina, and instantly decided to paint all the walls of his beloved brainchild in it.

Unfortunately, the interior of the castle has not been preserved. After the death of the emperor, everything was plundered, and precious marble, plafonds with paintings and much more were transported to numerous palaces of the city.

The only thing that allows you to get an idea of ​​the former greatness of the Engineering Castle (St. Petersburg) is its front staircase. It is made in a special manner, reminiscent of the struggle of darkness with light or evil with good. Its lower tier seems to be enclosed in a marble vise, there is clearly a lack of light and space. However, the following flights completely change the impression of the stairs. They are flooded and as if permeated with light, and their width is amazing.

The fate of the castle after the death of the emperor

Paul I was not the owner of his castle for a long time. Within its walls, he lived only forty days and was brutally murdered on the night of the eleventh to the twelfth of March. The emperor was not saved by deep ditches, thick walls, guards, and even a secret passage in his chambers. For some reason, on the night of the murder, the door to the secret passage was locked.

Many believe that Paul I knew about his death. Before that, the spirit of Peter I, his great-grandfather, appeared to him and ordered him to leave the castle. And on the day of the assassination, the emperor saw his reflection in the mirror with a broken neck. However, all this did not force him to leave the Mikhailovsky Castle, and he boldly walked towards his fate.

Immediately after the death of Paul I, the castle was empty. Its inhabitants in a hurry left their chambers. Over the following years, none of the emperors was able to restore life to this place. Everyone bypassed him, believing in the fatal destiny of the castle.

In a few years, all valuables were taken out of it, and gradually it lost part of the wall cladding. As Paul I once did for the construction of his castle, his descendants did not hesitate to dismantle the majestic structure in order to decorate their palaces.

Eighteen years after the death of the emperor, the castle was transferred to the Main Engineering School. Hence its second name, which is used quite often today. For the needs of students, the building was almost completely replanned: the ditches were covered with earth, many halls were repainted, partitions were installed in the rooms. The castle no longer resembled the majestic building that Paul I created.

Legends of the Mikhailovsky Castle

The tragic fate of the emperor left a dark mark on the history of the castle, which was not used for its intended purpose for many years. However, everyone who was in it at least for a while claimed that something strange was going on here. Until now, museum curators talk about slamming doors with closed windows, voices, shuffling feet and even the reflection of Paul I, periodically appearing in wall mirrors.

It was this story that formed the basis of the work "The Ghost in the Engineering Castle" by Leskov. Of course, this is just the author's fantasy, but over the decades there have been too many testimonies of people who themselves saw the spirit of Paul I, sadly wandering around what was once his beloved castle.

Creation of the museum

By the middle of the twentieth century, the castle was badly damaged. After the revolution, there were various Soviet institutions here, for the sake of which halls, rooms and stairs were rebuilt. During the war, a bomb hit one castle wing and it was destroyed. In the middle of the last century, restorers became interested in this place and gradually began to restore it.

However, only in the early nineties of the twentieth century, the Russian Museum was able to buy the Mikhailovsky Castle and begin large-scale restoration work. In 2003, the Three-Span Bridge, several halls and the Resurrection Canal were opened for visitors.

Excursions to the Engineering Castle

Today, the restored premises of the castle are open to the public. This can be done on your own or with a guided tour. If you decide to walk through the halls alone, then the ticket will cost four hundred and fifty rubles. A guided tour costs a little more - six hundred rubles. However, if you want to see the maximum number of expositions and exhibitions in the Engineering Castle, then it is better to walk along it as part of an excursion. Only in this way will the chambers of Paul I and the Church of St. Michael be available to you.

A few words in conclusion

Mikhailovsky Castle is a unique historical monument, which has no equal in Russia. Therefore, it is not surprising that rumors and legends still circulate about him. Some laugh at them, while others retell with bated breath. Everyone has the right to believe in what he wants. But still, museum staff do not advise passing by the windows of the imperial chambers at midnight. It is said that Paul I himself looks out from there and looks for his cold-blooded killers among the faces of passers-by.

In winter, the architecture of the castle is better visible; in summer, its foliage hides. Therefore, I propose to learn its history, and then go around it with me from all sides ... see all the facades in the light of day))) and at the end of the post there are links to the legends of the castle, a story where you can see the sign of the emperor and a walk through the museum floors of the castle.

I will begin the story about the facades of the castle with the history of its construction.

The emperor was in a hurry to build his residence-fortress, as he understood that he would face a serious struggle with England for world spheres of influence. He knew that he was surrounded by many traitors, feared for his life and wanted to have a reliable rear.

The first stone of the new castle was laid on February 26 (March 9), 1797. The castle was built from 1797 to 1801. The final project, taking into account the previous ones, developed by Pavel himself, belonged to the architect V.I. Bazhenov.

By order of the emperor, construction was carried out day and night (by the light of lanterns and torches), as he demanded that the castle be rebuilt in the same year. According to the documents, the number of workers working at the construction site reached 6 thousand people at the same time.

To speed up construction, Pavel ordered to take building materials from other facilities. It can be said that all the forces of St. Petersburg and the surrounding area were thrown at this object.

Decorative stone, columns, friezes and sculptures were delivered from Tsarskoye Selo and the Academy of Arts. Type-setting parquet was delivered from the Tauride Palace. In Tsarskoye Selo, several pavilions were dismantled, and the palace in Pella suffered a similar fate.

From the construction of St. Isaac's Church (then there was no St. Isaac's Cathedral yet) marble, including the frieze, famous for its gloomy prophecy, which was placed above the main gate. I will write about the mystical prophecy when I talk about the "Main Façade".

According to some legends, the future of all the Romanovs was predicted to Pavel ... and by building such a castle, he wanted to protect not only his family, but also all descendants. To build for them an impregnable house-fortress, which would be guarded by both soldiers and cannons and the Lord God himself. Did not work out...

The castle is located at the beginning of the Moika River, which flows from the Fontanka River. This arrangement made it quite easy to turn the territory of the castle into an artificial island. The only way to get inside was through heavily guarded bridges.

THREE YEARS! Only three years of work day and night and the castle was already standing! It really surprises! Especially when you consider that St. Isaac's Cathedral was built for 40 years and the Smolny Cathedral is generally horror for how long ... almost like the Zenith stadium)))

The general territory of the castle, together with various auxiliary buildings, is quite extensive. It starts from Nevsky Prospekt, from Italianskaya Street. There were triple semi-circular gates here, the middle passage of which was intended for members of the imperial family. From the gate to the castle, a wide alley began (now Maple Street), which was delimited on both sides by the buildings of the stables and the arena (exercierhaus - buildings for conducting drill exercises during bad weather).

Next came the three-story pavilions of the guardhouse, and the pre-castle fortifications began. Directly in front of the castle was the Connetable Square (now - Peter the Great Square), where there is a monument to Peter I (about his legends and history of creation below under the link).

Constable Square was also previously surrounded by a moat, through which a wooden drawbridge was thrown in the southern part, on both sides of which there were cannons. This ditch no longer exists. Everything looked like in the photo below (the picture is clickable, the text can be read).

Pavel periodically made refinements and improvements to the initial drafts (13 changes). He was a capricious and power-hungry monarch. But the castle turned out, although we are building, but elegant.

The total cost of the construction of the Mikhailovsky Castle amounted to 6,171,069 rubles. It is believed that this is the most expensive building in the world of the XVIII century.

According to the plan, the castle has the shape of a square with rounded corners and a main entrance from the south side. The so-called "three-part bridge" is thrown to the gates of the castle through the Resurrection Canal, which essentially consists of three bridges converging to the gates.

The western (church) facade of the castle looks the most elegant. It is decorated with a decorative stucco cornice and allegorical sculptures of Faith and Hope. In place of the windows on the third floor, which were not here under Paul, there were medallions made of white Carrara marble with images of the four evangelists (John, Luke, Matthew and Mark). Now these images are on the inner walls of the temple.

The attic was completed with marble sculptures of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul by P. Triskorn, now installed in front of the main facade of the Lutheran Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul on Nevsky Prospekt.

There is a legend that the color of the castle walls was chosen for the gloves of the emperor's favorite Anna Gagarina (Lopukhina).

In Soviet times, the walls of the castle were brick-red, and it was believed that this was a historical color and that was the color from the very beginning ... especially since it coincided with the colors of the Order of Malta. But during the last restoration, remnants of the original paint were found. And this hard-to-identify color (pinkish-orange-yellow) was very different from the usual colors, confirming the story of the glove. Now the castle has just such an unusual "cheerful", I would even say "female" color.

South or "Main facade" of the castle.

The main entrance to the castle and the Three-Part Bridge across the Resurrection Canal.

Only the emperor and high ambassadors could pass along the central span.

The facade is decorated with a bas-relief "History brings the glory of Russia to its tablets", made by the sculptor P. Staji. Also on this facade was a modified mystical biblical quote (originally referred to God, not to the monarch) -

"Holiness to the Lord is fitting for your house in the length of days"

This inscription with copper letters, by order of Paul, the builders brought from St. Isaac's Church, and for Isaac he was "brought" or, rather, stolen from the Voskresensky Novodevichy Convent.

Perhaps by the sanctity of the test, Paul wanted to remove from himself the "curse" of prediction and death. Or maybe he just gave himself into the hands of God. The inscription is not without mysticism...

There are 47 letters in the inscription, and Paul I was killed precisely at the age of 47.

The bas-reliefs are impressive. Knightly romance, which Paul loved so much.

In the niche of the bridge, a steadfast tin soldier stands on duty day and night.

Some believe that this is Lieutenant Kizhe, a kind of Lieutenant Rzhevsky from the time of Paul I. He will bring good luck if you hit his head with a coin. Then he swears...

The lieutenant is not the only mystical guardian of the Mikhailovsky Castle. They say the ghost of the murdered Emperor Paul still walks at night through the dark corridors. This is no longer a joke, but I will not repeat myself about the legends of the castle, read them under the links above.

Here on one side is the entrance to the museum, and on the other to the library.


Contrary to the current popular belief about the manic closeness of the emperor, this is not so. Any subject of the Russian Empire could enter the castle through the lifting gate and see its architecture.

Councilor Danilevsky, admiring the beauty of the newly built Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg, petitioned Pavel to add "Mikhailovsky" to his surname. And the emperor allowed...

The emperor planned to hold meetings and solemn ceremonies of the knights of Malta in the castle, which was reflected in the decoration of his state apartments. The only ceremonial reception was an audience with the Danish minister Count Levendal, given on February 24 in the Maltese throne room. For those who are interested in the interior of the castle, see the posts under the links below at the end of the post.

I go around the castle on the right. "Eastern facade" faces the Fontanka.

The facade has a semicircular ledge with a dome and a flagpole tower.

Until the middle of the 19th century, a fan-shaped staircase led to the entrance from the east, decorated with decorative vases and statues of Hercules and Flora brought from Italy. None of the sculptural decoration has survived to this day.

Fontanka. Previously, she fed not only fountains with water, but also the moats of the castle.

The eastern and western facades, according to Bazhenov's project, were interpreted as subordinate to the Northern and Southern facades. It is believed that the architect coped with the difficult task entrusted to him and all the facades harmoniously fit into the urban space surrounding the castle.

The name "Mikhailovsky" castle was due to the temple located in it in the name of the Archangel Michael - the heavenly patron of the Romanov dynasty.

Perhaps this is the only case in the history of Russian architecture when a secular architectural building is named after a saint. In addition (according to Wikipedia), the castle is the only palace building in Russia in the style of romantic classicism.

Pavel loved knightly romance, which is why his residence should have been a castle, not a palace. On December 16, 1798, Paul I was elected Grand Master of the Order of Malta, and from that time on he called all his palaces castles.

Paul I was afraid of a palace coup, and therefore did not want to stay in the Winter Palace. There is a legend that a ghost in the form of a beautiful young man surrounded by radiance appeared to one sentry who stood guard at night in the Summer Garden, who ordered him to go to the emperor and convey his will to erect a temple and a house in the name of Archangel Michael.

The sentry told the chief about the vision, he reported above, and so it came to the emperor, who gladly decided to build his castle on this site, which he himself had chosen a long time ago)))

The palace was built urgently and with high quality. This is how they build in Russia only for emperors and Olympiads ...

Simultaneously with the construction, Pavel did not forget to deal with other state affairs. During his reign, he retired 7 field marshals, 333 generals (out of 500) and 2261 staff officers and chief officers. And not Paul's tyranny, but the fight against violation of military discipline, embezzlement, "pulling away" soldiers from regiments and other malfeasances of the commanding staff that were common at that time.

He introduced army regulations, created the world's first large sapper units, forced officers to go not to balls, but along the parade ground. The army raised its combat readiness and learned to fight in a real way, receiving modern weapons and uniforms.

Nobles who did not serve in the army and evade service in elected positions, Paul ordered to bring to justice. If you want to be a nobleman - serve! At the same time, soldiers were rarely punished, their salaries and medical care were increased. And it was all this in the complex that made it possible later to break Napoleon's perfectly equipped and trained army, but let's return to the castle.

After meeting with the monks of the Order of Malta, Paul essentially annexed Malta to Russia, taking it under Russian guardianship and protection. A large garrison and a naval base were planned there.

The emperor was in a hurry to build his residence-fortress, as he understood that he would face a serious struggle with England for world spheres of influence. He knew that he was surrounded by many traitors, feared for his life and wanted to have a reliable rear.

To speed up construction, Pavel ordered to take building materials from other facilities. It can be said that all the forces of St. Petersburg and the surrounding area were thrown at this object.

Decorative stone, columns, friezes and sculptures were delivered from Tsarskoye Selo and the Academy of Arts. Type-setting parquet was delivered from the Tauride Palace. In Tsarskoye Selo, several pavilions were dismantled, and the palace in Pella suffered a similar fate.

From the construction of St. Isaac's Church (then there was no St. Isaac's Cathedral yet) marble, including the frieze, famous for its gloomy prophecy, which was placed above the main gate. You can read about the prophecy under the link at the beginning of the post.

According to some legends, the future of all the Romanovs was predicted to Pavel ... and by building such a castle, he wanted to protect not only his family, but also all descendants. To build for them an impregnable house-fortress, which would be guarded by both soldiers and cannons and the Lord God himself. Did not work out...

The castle is located at the beginning of the Moika River, which flows from the Fontanka River. This arrangement made it quite easy to turn the territory of the castle into an artificial island. The only way to get inside was through heavily guarded bridges.

THREE YEARS! Only three years of work day and night and the castle was already standing! It really surprises! Especially when you consider that St. Isaac's Cathedral was built for 40 years.

The eastern façade facing the Fontanka has a semicircular ledge with a dome and a flagpole tower. The standard of the emperor was raised on the flagpole when Paul I was in the castle. Until the middle of the 19th century, a fan-shaped staircase led to the entrance from the east, decorated with decorative vases and statues of Hercules and Flora brought from Italy. None of the sculptural decoration has survived to this day.

The general territory of the castle, together with various auxiliary buildings, is quite extensive. It starts from Nevsky Prospekt, from Italianskaya Street. There were triple semi-circular gates here, the middle passage of which was intended for members of the imperial family. From the gate to the castle, a wide alley began (now Maple Street), which was delimited on both sides by the buildings of the stables and the arena (exercierhaus - buildings for conducting drill exercises during bad weather).

Next came the three-story pavilions of the guardhouse, and the pre-castle fortifications began. Directly in front of the castle was the Connetable Square (now - Peter the Great Square), where there is a monument to Peter I (about his legends and history of creation below under the link).

Constable Square was also previously surrounded by a moat, through which a wooden drawbridge was thrown in the southern part, on both sides of which there were cannons. This ditch no longer exists. Everything looked like in the photo below (the picture is clickable, the text can be read).

Pavel periodically made refinements and improvements to the initial drafts (13 changes). He was a capricious and power-hungry monarch. But the castle turned out, although we are building, but elegant.

Three-part bridge over the Resurrection Canal.

View of the Engineering Square and the equestrian statue of Peter I.

The first stone of the new castle was laid on February 26 (March 9), 1797. The castle was built from 1797 to 1801. The final project, taking into account the previous ones, developed by Pavel himself, belonged to the architect V.I. Bazhenov.

By order of the emperor, construction was carried out day and night (by the light of lanterns and torches), as he demanded that the castle be rebuilt in the same year. According to the documents, the number of workers working at the construction site reached 6 thousand people at the same time.

According to the plan, the castle has the shape of a square with rounded corners and a main entrance from the south side. The so-called "three-part bridge" is thrown to the gates of the castle through the Resurrection Canal, which essentially consists of three bridges converging to the gates.

The middle part of the bridge was intended for entry into the castle of the royal family and foreign ambassadors, the two extreme ones - for all other visitors and guests.

Mikhailovsky Castle was consecrated on the day of St. Michael the Archangel, November 8 (21), 1800.

Work on interior decoration and decoration continued until March 1801, and Paul I and his family moved to the new palace on February 1, 1801.

According to eyewitnesses, at 9:45 a.m., the imperial family began a ceremonial procession from the Winter Palace to the Mikhailovsky Castle. The route was guarded by guards regiments placed in advance, cannons fired and the music of regimental bands sounded.
In the Mikhailovsky Castle, the emperor and his name were already awaited by senior military leaders, foreign ambassadors and ministers.

The total cost of the construction of the Mikhailovsky Castle amounted to 6,171,069 rubles. It is believed that this is the most expensive building of the XVIII century.

There is a legend that the color of the castle walls was chosen for the gloves of the emperor's favorite Anna Gagarina (Lopukhina).

In Soviet times, the walls of the castle were brick-red, and it was believed that this was a historical color and that was the color from the very beginning ... especially since it coincided with the colors of the Order of Malta. But during the last restoration, remnants of the original paint were found. And this hard-to-identify color (pinkish-orange-yellow) was very different from the usual colors, confirming the story of the glove. Now the castle has just such an unusual "cheerful", I would even say "female" color.

Many ambassadors recalled that the castle was "raw". They did not have time to prepare it for the resettlement of the imperial family, but Paul decided to live in it anyway. To slightly reduce dampness, freshly baked hot bread was placed on the windowsills (it was believed that it absorbs moisture well). Can you imagine what the smell was in the castle and how it all looked))) But it was difficult to warm the cold and frozen thick walls of the castle and remove dampness, and even in such large rooms in winter frosts. Almost impossible. Everyone froze, but endured.

Kugelgen von G. (Gerard von Kugelgen) Emperor Paul I with his family.

Only in Pavel's own bedroom (which was finished with white wood) was dry and warm. In all other halls and large rooms there was fog, and at the windows there was even hand-thick frost. Alas, Pavel did not have time to warm it up properly ... read how he was killed

From 1918 to 1941 and from 1945, the castle housed a military engineering school (Leningrad Military Engineering School), and during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) there was a hospital here. During the bombing, a heavy air bomb hit the eastern part of the castle, which destroyed the Main Dining Room and severely damaged the roof.

The front courtyard of the castle is octagonal. From it you can get to four stairs: the front one, and leading to the church, living quarters and a card room.

Monument to Paul I. The first... and the last...

Monument to the sculptor V.E. Gorevoy and architect V.I. Nalivaiko. It appeared 203 years after Paul himself erected a monument to his great-grandfather, Emperor Peter I, in front of the main facade.

This monument deserves a better place than the castle courtyard.

According to legend, a casket with great Christian relics of the Order of Malta, including the Grail, is hidden in the dungeons of the Mikhailovsky Castle.

After the murder of Pavel, his brainchild - the Mikhailovsky Castle, was as if cursed and fell into disrepair.

Alexander I (for a wedding gift), melted down the silver gates of the church into cutlery. This gift was received by his sister Anna Pavlovna, Queen of the Netherlands. I would not like to eat from such cutlery, even in modern anti-religious times.

They say Alexander reproached himself for participating in a conspiracy against his father and for his involvement in his murder. From the looks of it, it doesn't look like it.

Nicholas I ordered the architects to remove marble from the palace for the construction of the New Hermitage.

In 1823, the castle was occupied by the Main Engineering School, from which its second name came. Since February 1823, the castle has officially been called "Engineering".

Classes of the cadets of the Nikolaev Engineering School in St. George's Hall.

In the 1830s, the future stars of Russia - the writers F. M. Dostoevsky, D. V. Grigorovich, the outstanding Russian electrical engineer, the inventor of the arc lamp N. N. Yablochkov, the physiologist I. M. Sechenov and even the composer C. A. Cui . An outstanding Soviet fortifier, General D. M. Karbyshev, Hero of the Soviet Union, was educated here.

For almost two hundred years, military educational institutions were located in the Mikhailovsky Castle, then various Soviet institutions, the planning of the entire ensemble was repeatedly changed, the buildings and interiors that were part of it were rebuilt.
In 1991, the Mikhailovsky Castle became part of the architectural complex of the State Russian Museum.

By the 300th anniversary of the city, the Mikhailovsky (Engineering) Castle was restored, many interiors were restored in the form in which they were under Paul, as well as the inscription on the facade. The castle was transferred to the State Russian Museum.

I will share with you a story about St. Petersburg's Mikhailovsky Castle, which is also called "Engineering".

When we talk about him, the expression immediately comes to mind: "You are heavy, Monomakh's hat."

It was here that the mysterious tragedy of the Romanov family took place - the assassination of Paul I. Perhaps, keeping terrible secrets behind its walls, this building, majestic and pompous, also, according to my feelings, carries some hidden sadness through the centuries.

I think that for all lovers of detective stories and thrillers, visiting it will be especially interesting. Moreover, the castle is shrouded in a veil of legends, about which Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov wrote the wonderful work “Ghost in the Engineering Castle”.

But dispel the gloomy impressions. The castle is beautiful and its interiors are unique! I myself visited it for the first time at a reception among the guests on the occasion of honoring Russian translators - winners of one of the Italian competitions. The building struck me with its solemnity, and the reception and chamber concert arranged after the awards ceremony complemented the atmosphere of imperial times in the best possible way.

But first things first.

History of the castle

I am sure that those who like to trace the mysterious threads connecting any events will be interested in the history of the appearance of the Mikhailovsky Castle.


I'll tell you that it was built on the site of the Summer Palace of the daughter of the Great - Elizabeth. In it, in 1754, Princess Catherine gave birth to the future Sovereign Paul I, and then, during the palace "putsch" of 1762, she herself ascended the Russian throne.

Her son at the beginning of his reign in 1796 ordered to build there for his permanent residence "with haste a new impregnable palace-castle." The sovereign did not want to live in the Winter Palace. I will give you a legend coloring these events. A young man miraculously appeared to the sentinel of the Summer Palace, radiant with heavenly light. He ordered to convey to the emperor that it was necessary to “erect a temple and a house in the name of the Archangel Michael” here.

The warrior hastened to fulfill the will of the Angel. So, allegedly, the place for the construction of the Mikhailovsky Castle was finally approved. I note that this is an exceptional case in Russian palace construction, when the building was given the name not of the alleged owner, but of the saint.

The construction of the palace

I hope you will be interested to know that the Emperor himself was involved in the layout of the building. Paul I entrusted the architect Vasily Ivanovich Bazhenov to make professional adjustments, who instructed the emperor in architectural matters.

After all, Paul began to put his ideas on paper even before he was a monarch - since 1784. For 12 years before the decision on the location of the palace was made, the “collection of Pavlovian projects” included 13 options! The laying of the castle happened in February 1797 in the presence of the Tsar's family. Bazhenov was not there due to illness. In March of the same year, the royal decision was announced on the transfer of construction management to "our architect collegiate adviser Brenne."

This master was willing to work on "in great haste" (what can't you do out of need?). Brenne was only a decorator, not an architect. F. Svinin and K. Rossi were called to help him. Together they corrected the drawings of Paul I “according to the basics and rules of art...” But the tsar still “kept his finger on the pulse.” He ordered an octagonal courtyard to be built, in which he could be seen belonging to the Order of Malta.

Pavel I strenuously urged the builders on. C. Cameron, D. Quarenghi and other architects were allocated to help V. Brenn. The work "roughly" was ordered to be completed by 1797. Construction went on day and night when torches were used. I note that at the whim of the monarch, building materials were used that were previously intended to create other objects. For example, the Tauride Palace.

Duties on overseas items destined for the Pavlovsk castle were abolished. On the frieze of the southeastern facade now it was written: “The Holy Place of the Lord is fitting for your house in the length of days” (modified words from the 92nd psalm of King David).

And again along the way I will offer you a legend. It was said that one holy fool predicted to Paul I that he would die at an age corresponding to the number of letters in this saying. True or false, but in fact it happened. On the tympanum (inner field) of the pediment there was another saying - "History brings the glory of Russia onto its tablets." The Pavlovian mansions were decorated by P. Triscorni, D. Scotti and other then fashionable masters. By the way, please note that the facade of the palace temple, crowned with a spire, is looking at Sadovaya Street.

The area around the palace also changed. The approach to it ran from Italianskaya Street, bypassing the triple gates, the middle passage of which stood out only for the crowned family. Behind the gate ran an alley, on the sides of which there were a stable and an arena building (exercise). She rested on the guardhouse (premises for the guard), behind which were the palace fortifications. Paul I was concerned about personal security.

The castle turned out to be very peculiar. It seemed to rise from the water, being surrounded by ditches and canals, lined with stone (the work of Petrozavodsk merchants Bekrenevs).

In appearance, the building was different from the buildings of that time. It looked more like a medieval fortress, erected in the manner of romantic classicism. But it is this castle that is the brightest symbol of the Pavlovian era. He seems to reveal to us the features of the Sovereign's personality. No wonder contemporaries spoke of palace interiors as a "miracle of luxury and taste."

It combined the imperial splendor and "museum", supported by a mass of curiosities from the Pavlovian collections. Opposite the palace stretched the area of ​​the Constable.

It was planned to hold army exercises and parades beloved by the king. The area was also surrounded by a moat, with a wooden drawbridge flanked by cannons. A majestic monument to Peter I was placed in the center of the space, followed by three more bridges.

The festive consecration of the new castle took place on November 21, the day of the Archangel Michael, in 1800, and already on February 1 of the following year, Paul I migrated to it with the court. I found figures indicating construction costs - more than 6 million rubles! Historians believe that this creation turned out to be the most expensive among the buildings of the 18th century.

Who and where lived

The ground floor housed the son of Paul I - Alexander and his wife.

In the south-west were the chambers of the second sovereign's child - Nikolai, and in the south-eastern part - the chief master of the wheel I. I. Kutaisov. The king himself took a fancy to the northwestern premises to the left of the house church. On the other side of the church lived his third son Konstantin.

From the side of the main courtyard were the rooms of Chief Marshal A. L. Naryshkin.

The Empress was allocated chambers on the second floor.

I will tell you that her rooms included a gallery decorated with carpets with images of paintings by Raphael Santi. In general, there were quite a few paintings by famous artists in the castle. The main staircase surprised with columns made of Siberian marble. Beyond the Throne Room, decorated with green velvet, you would find yourself in the Laocoon Gallery, decorated with tapestries and sculptures. Behind it were the living room and the Marble Hall. The Grand Duchesses settled on the third floor. In a word, there was plenty of space. And everything would be fine. Yes, but Paul I was in such a hurry with the move that he entered the new castle without even waiting for the walls to dry.

Forty days of housekeeping in the castle

In my opinion, some kind of mysticism shrouds the fate of this monarch. He was so eager to live in his unique palace, which he called nothing more than a castle! He himself developed construction projects in advance, and then maniacally focused all his efforts on the speedy construction of this building. But in fact? The king enjoyed the fruits of his (and the masses of the people) labors for only forty days. It is through this period that he will be brutally killed in his own bedroom!

I will add that life in those days in the palace was by no means honey. The building, magnificent in appearance, was terribly damp and cold. I will cite the testimony of a contemporary, historian A. Kotzebue. He considered this housing terribly unhealthy. In the halls, even with blazing fireplaces, ice marks could be seen on the walls. True, things were better in the chambers of the emperor and his wife. The walls of their rooms were covered with wood, saving the day. But the rest of the tenants had to "endure cruelly." What can you do? Monarchy will! Maybe the royal rush to move was not only due to phobias or impatience to realize an old dream? It turns out that together with Paul I, his favorite, Anna Lopukhina, also moved to the Mikhailovsky Castle, leaving her husband's house.

The sovereign, through a secret staircase, had access to her chambers. And so, exactly forty days later, on the night of March 11-12, 1801, the monarch was killed. Alexander Pavlovich, who took the throne, had a hard time with this event all his life. Versions of his involvement in parricide are contradictory. But, in any case, knowing how you got the throne was certainly a heavy burden.

I know the version according to which Alexander I, inclined to escape from the bustling world, faked his death. During his trip to the case, they presented it in such a way that the king suddenly died of typhus. At the same time, the corpse of another person was passed off as sovereign. And the former emperor simply lived out his days as a hermit in the Siberian outback under the name of Elder Fyodor Kuzmich.

Remember the "stubbornness" of Paul I when it came to his whims? It is possible that the son, who defeated Napoleon, banned the Masonic lodges in 1822 and in general repeatedly showed hereditary "strong will", eventually also fulfilled his innermost desire.

The subsequent fate of the castle

I told how lightning fast the royal retinue moved into Mikhailovsky Castle. After the murder of Pavel, this whole company fled even faster from those icy mansions. The empty building was overgrown with legends and rumors.

Work on further improvement was mothballed, and valuables began to be transported to other palaces. Only in 1819 (almost 20 years later) the Mikhailovsky Castle was given to the Main Engineering School by the decree of Alexander Pavlovich. The building also has another name - the Engineering Castle. The famous C. Rossi in 1820 re-planned the territory surrounding it. The channels were asleep. It is clear that the educational institution also required redevelopment, which began in 1822.

The administration of the school, unfortunately, was only concerned with the needs of the institution. Agree that usually people "pour water on their mill." This happened here as well. No one was particularly worried about the preservation of the historical appearance of the building. The work was carried out, only taking into account the interests of the school. In addition, remember how Paul I used building materials intended for other objects for his castle? Now the building seemed to have to pay for those royal whims. So, when decorating the New Hermitage in the 1840s, they began to use marble from the chambers of the Mikhailovsky Castle. After the death of Sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich, the patron of the school, since 1855 this institution has been called the Nikolaev Engineering Academy and School.

According to a sketch by K. A. Ukhtomsky, in 1871, in the Front Bedroom, in which the assassination of the tsar took place, the Small School Church was equipped.

ghost legend

I think that everyone is familiar with the names of I. M. Sechenov, F. M. Dostoevsky, D. V. Grigorovich. Many celebrities of Russia were trained in the Mikhailovsky (Engineering) Castle. Talented people, especially in their youth, have a very rich imagination. Perhaps, thanks to the penchant for secrets and adventures, the legend of the ghost, which arose after the tragedy with Paul I, was so much exaggerated within these walls. According to tales, the soul of the murdered emperor walked along the corridors at night.

Rumors about a ghost were exaggerated precisely in the environment of the school (obvious student folklore, which was included in the work of Leskov, already mentioned by me). It is clear that the older students intimidated the younger ones in such a way.

Although, let me tell you that even at the end of the 20th century, our contemporaries from the commission on anomalous phenomena (there is one) at the Russian Geographical Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted their research in the Mikhailovsky Castle. In search of a miracle, they studied the territory with the help of a vine, tried to fix "anomalies" on film. True, they apparently did not dig up anything significant. Otherwise, the yellow press would have already "screamed" sensational news.

Pre-revolutionary events in the castle

On the eve of the First World War, most of the junker engineers went to the front.

By the revolutionary events of the autumn of 1917, only about a hundred junker recruits remained at the Engineering School. On November 11, 1917, students and senior officers of the school organized an uprising against the Bolsheviks. Their headquarters was based in the Mikhailovsky Castle. This action, of course, was suppressed.

After the revolution, the building began to be occupied by various institutions.

I note that the engineering school, transformed into engineering courses (later - the Leningrad Military Engineering School), remained within these walls. During the siege there was a hospital here. During the bombing of Leningrad by the Nazis, the eastern part of the castle was significantly damaged. A number of restoration works were carried out in 1953.

I will add that from 1957 to the present day the Central Naval Library has been located in the castle. Over the years, the Central Bank of Technical Information, GiproNIInemetallorud, Lengiproenergomash and other organizations were located here. And it turned out, as if in the saying "7 nannies have a child without an eye." With an abundance of "owners", the state of the castle by the 1990s turned out to be useless: the halls were blocked off here and there, the wall paintings were painted over, the stucco molding was destroyed ...

Late 20th century to the present day

But bright times have come for this architectural masterpiece. I note that in 1994 it was transferred to the State Russian Museum (except for the rooms of the Navy Library).

The castle was restored for the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Fortunately, most of the interiors have been restored to their original state. The facade inscription was also recreated.

Specialists have fragmentarily reconstructed the Voskresensky Canal and the bridge, which once played a protective role. Today, wonderful expositions are open for you and me in the Mikhailovsky Castle. You can get to know them.

Perhaps some of you will be pleased with the information that lectures, meetings, concerts and even balls are often held in the castle.

We read about them. I have already mentioned that I once had the good fortune to listen to classical music within these walls. Probably, the form creates the content as well as it creates the form. And musical masterpieces are perceived very harmoniously in such an environment. By the way, neither I nor my friends have met a ghost wandering the corridors!

How to get there

You will get here (3) by reaching the Gostiny Dvor (2) or Nevsky Prospekt (1) metro stations.

There is a short walk along the old St. Petersburg streets. Possible routes are indicated by me on the map.

Opening hours and ticket prices

The Mikhailovsky Castle is the largest architectural monument that completes the history of St. Petersburg architecture of the 18th century. It was erected on the site of the Summer Palace of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna (architect F.-B. Rastrelli, 1740s), dismantled by order of Emperor Paul I immediately after death of his mother - Catherine II. The general idea of ​​​​creating the castle and the first sketches of its layout belonged to Pavel Petrovich himself. Work on the project of his future residence began in 1784. During the design process, which lasted almost 12 years, the Grand Duke turned to various architectural models that he saw during his foreign trip in 1781-1782. Architects were involved in the work on the project at its various stages A.-F.-G. Violier, V. Brenna, V. I. Bazhenov. One of the possible places for the construction of a new palace was called Gatchina.

The son of Catherine II was able to realize the plan of construction only after his accession to the throne in November 1796. On February 28, 1797, the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the castle took place. Its construction was carried out under the guidance of the architect Brenna, who reworked the original design of the palace and created the artistic decoration of its interiors. On November 8, 1800, on the day of St. Michael the Archangel, the castle was solemnly consecrated, but work on its interior decoration continued until March 1801.

The peculiar appearance of this building, which combines conflicting architectural trends and stylistic devices, sets it apart in the general development of Russian classicism. However, it is the Mikhailovsky Castle that is perceived as the most expressive symbol of the Pavlovian era. The artistic tastes and personality of the owner and main creator, Emperor Paul I, were clearly embodied in its appearance. The majestic bulk of the “Palace of St. Michael,” as the castle was called in documents of the 18th century, towered on an island bounded from the north and east by the waters of the Moika and Fontanka rivers. From the western and southern sides, the island was washed by two specially dug channels - Voskresensky and Church. The system of castle fortifications that surrounded the palace and the Constable Square in front of it included canals, semi-bastions, drawbridges and cannons. In the center of the square, a monument to Peter I was erected, cast in 1745-1747. according to the model of B. K. Rastrelli, made during the life of the great great-grandfather Paul I.

Mikhailovsky Castle was the imperial residence only for forty days. On the night of March 11-12, 1801, Emperor Paul I was killed in his bedroom, becoming the victim of a palace conspiracy. Soon after this event, art treasures were taken out of the castle, and its front rooms were adapted for various departmental institutions and distributed as residential apartments.

In the early 1820s. the building was transferred to the Main Engineering School. In February 1823, it received a new name - the Engineer's Castle. After the death of Emperor Nicholas I, the august patron of the school, the educational institutions located within its walls became known as the Nikolaev Engineering Academy and School. Their teachers and graduates were many outstanding figures of Russian history and culture: writers F.M. Dostoevsky and D.V. Grigorovich, scientists I.M. Sechenov and P.N. Yablochkov, composer Ts.A. Cui, hero of Sevastopol E.I. Totleben and many others.

Over the course of two centuries, when military educational institutions were located here, and then various Soviet institutions, changes were repeatedly made in the planning of the entire ensemble, restructuring of its buildings and interiors.

In 1991, the Mikhailovsky Castle became part of the architectural complex of the State Russian Museum.

The Mikhailovsky Castle ensemble includes two pavilions located on Inzhenernaya Street.

The Eastern Pavilion (Engineering Street, 10) houses the Russian Center for Museum Pedagogy and Children's Creativity, a department of the Russian Museum.

In the Western Pavilion (Inzhenernaya st., 8) is located the Multimedia Center of the Russian Museum, the multimedia exhibition "Our Romantic Emperor" is working, pass. The building also houses the coordination center for the international project "Russian Museum: Virtual Branch".

Architecture and interiors

The planned structure of the palace is based on a square with rounded corners, in which the octagon of the inner front yard is inscribed. Each facade has its own “face”, which gives the building a special picturesqueness and allows you to find many viewpoints when reviewing it. Nevertheless, the palace is perceived as an integral volume, since all the facades are united by a granite plinth, a common interfloor cornice and decorative design elements.

The main facade is distinguished by special solemnity and monumentality. Two marble obelisks, decorated with military fittings and gilded monograms of Paul I, sound like a powerful chord in its architecture. In the pediment tympanum there is a bas-relief “History brings the glory of Russia to its tablets”, executed by the Stagi brothers. On the frieze, under the pediment, there is an inscription - “The Holy Place of the Lord in the length of days is fitting for your house”, which is a modified final line of the 92nd biblical psalm.

The northern façade facing the Summer Garden is completely different. The nature of its sculptural decoration, a wide sloping staircase, a colonnade and a balcony are traditional elements of the garden facade, emphasizing its appeal to nature.

The eastern facade of the castle overlooking the Fontanka has a small semicircular ledge in the center, ending with a dome and a turret with a flagpole, on which the imperial standard fluttered during the stay of Paul I in the castle. Its modest design echoes the facades of "particular" houses located on the opposite bank of the Fontanka.

In the decision of the western (church) facade, Brenna's ability to paint his compositions in a picturesque and magnificent manner, which impresses Pavel, especially affected. The volume of the church is indicated by a strongly developed central ledge, and its sculptural decoration speaks of the cult purpose of this part of the building.

Contemporaries called the interiors of the Mikhailovsky Castle "a miracle of luxury and taste." The masters of monumental painting P.K. and J. Scotty, A. Vigi, J. Mettenleiter, sculptors K. Albani, I. P. Prokofiev, P. I. Sokolov, painters I. A. Akimov, A. M. Ivanov and others. Like many aristocratic palaces of that era, the castle combined the functions of the grand residence of the imperial family and the museum of art collections of ancient, Western European and Russian art. The suite of front galleries - the Antique Hall, the Raphael Gallery, the Laocoon Gallery, the Arabesque Gallery - was located around the perimeter of the courtyard and was filled with first-class works of art from the collection of Paul I. Many items of palace decoration were made according to the drawings of Vincenzo Brenna and his young student Carlo Rossi.


Emperor Paul I(09/20/1754 - 03/12/1801), the son of Peter III Fedorovich - the grandson of Peter I (born Karl-Peter-Ulrich of Holstein-Gottorp) and Catherine II Alekseevna (nee Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst). In 1761 he was declared heir to the throne and crown prince, from 1762 - the sovereign duke of Holstein-Gottorp. Having ascended the throne, Catherine II in 1762 appointed Pavel Petrovich colonel of the Cuirassier regiment named after him and general admiral. In 1773, on behalf of her son, under the Treaty of Tsarskoye Selo, she exchanged Schleswig and Holstein for Oldenburg, which belonged to Denmark, in the same year he confirmed the transfer of this possession to his relative, a representative of the younger line of the Holstein house, Bishop Friedrich-August of Lübeck (with the title of Duke of Oldenburg), retaining behind him also the title of duke and the right to dispose of the Oldenburg throne upon the suppression of the sovereign family.

09/29/1773 married Grand Duchess Natalya Alekseevna (06/14/1755 - 04/15/1776), born Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt, who died during an unsuccessful birth. 09/26/1776 entered into a second marriage with Maria Feodorovna (10/14/1759 - 10/24/1828), nee Princess of Württemberg.

Pavel received an excellent education, had extensive knowledge in various sciences, including military affairs and public administration, loved music, theater, architecture, but during the life of Catherine II he was practically excluded from participating in public affairs.

He ascended the throne after the death of Catherine II (11/06/1796). Crowned 04/05/1797 Since 1798 Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem (Maltese). Many of the innovations of Paul I caused discontent in society, and the strengthening of autocratic power was perceived by the nobility as a manifestation of tyranny and an attack on their rights, which became the main reason for the conspiracy against the emperor.

He was killed by conspirators on the night of March 11-12, 1801. in the Mikhailovsky Castle in his bedroom, located in the northwestern part of the mezzanine of the building.

Empress Maria Feodorovna(10/14/1759 - 10/24/1828). The second wife of Pavel Petrovich (since 1776). Born Princess Sophia-Dorotea-Augusta-Louise of Württemberg, daughter of Duke Friedrich-Eugene of Württemberg-Montbeliard and Frederica-Dorotea-Sophia, nee Margraves of Brandenburg-Schwedt. She arrived in Russia in 1776, at the same time she converted to Orthodoxy. Pavel Petrovich gave birth to ten children - four sons (two of them became reigning emperors) and six daughters.

Maria Feodorovna was distinguished by remarkable artistic talents - she drew, carved superbly on stone, bone and amber, was engaged in medal art, played the piano. Botany occupied a special place among her hobbies.

All her life she was engaged in charitable activities, especially in the affairs of orphanages and orphanages. She made a great contribution to the development of women's education in Russia. Demanding to others, she was no less demanding and strict with herself, to the smallest detail she was true to her rules and principles.

Her personal apartments in the Mikhailovsky Castle were located in the northern part of the mezzanine of the building, overlooking the Summer Garden.

Paul's childrenIPetrovich and Maria Feodorovna

Aalexander pavlovich(12/12/1777 - 11/19/1825). Declared heir to the throne on 11/06/1796. From 03/12/1801. - Emperor, crowned 09/15/1801. From 09/28/1793 married with Elizaveta Alekseevna(01/13/1779 - 05/04/1826), born Princess Louise-Maria-August of Baden-Durlach. His personal apartments in the Mikhailovsky Castle occupied the northeast corner of the first floor of the building.

Konstantin Pavlovich(04/27/1779 - 06/15/1831), Grand Duke, Tsarevich. For participation in the Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov (1799) he was appointed inspector general of the cavalry and received the title of crown prince. During the wars with Napoleonic France in 1805 - 1807 and 1812 - 1814 he commanded the guard. Since 1814 he was the commander-in-chief of the Polish army and the de facto governor of the Kingdom of Poland. In 1822 he renounced his rights to the Russian throne.

In the first marriage from 02/15/1796 with Grand Duchess Anna Feodorovna, nee Princess Julia-Henrietta-Ulrika of Saxe-Saalfeld-Coburg (09/11/1781 - 07/31/1860), who left Russia in 1801. Officially divorced on 03/20/1820.

In the second (morganatic) marriage from 05/12/1820 with Joanna (Jeanette) Antonovna Princess Lovich (05/17/1795 - 11/17/1831), nee Countess Grudzinskaya.

In 1806 - 1820. - civil marriage with Josephine, nee Lemercier, by her first marriage Friedrichs, since 1816, after the award of the Russian nobility, called Ulyana Mikhailovna Alexandrova, by her second marriage (1820) - Weiss. She died in 1824. Konstantin's personal apartments in the Mikhailovsky Castle occupied the southeast corner of the mezzanine of the building.

Alexandra Pavlovna(07/29/1783 - 03/04/1801), Grand Duchess, Palatine of Hungary. From October 19, 1799 married to the Archduke of Austria, Palatine of Hungary Joseph-Anton (27.02.1776 - 01.01.1847), Viceroy of the Emperor in Hungary. She died a few days after giving birth.

Elena Pavlovna(12/13/1784–09/12/1803), Grand Duchess, Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. From October 12, 1799 married to Crown Prince Friedrich-Ludwig of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (06/02/1778 - 11/17/1819).

Maria Pavlovna(02/04/1786 - 06/11/1859), Grand Duchess, Grand Duchess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, from 1853 Dowager Grand Duchess, also enjoyed the title of Grand Duchess. From 07/22/1804 married to Duke Karl-Friedrich of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (01/22/1783 - 06/26/1853), Grand Duke since 1828.

Ekaterina Pavlovna(05/10/1788 - 12/29/1818), Grand Duchess. She was granted the title of Grand Duchess. She did not use the title of Duchess of Oldenburg. Since 1816 Queen of Württemberg In the first marriage from 04/18/1809. with Prince Peter-Friedrich-Georg (Georgy Petrovich) of Oldenburg (05/09/1784 - 12/15/1812). She lived with her husband in Russia. In the second marriage from 01/12/1816. with Friedrich Wilhelm, Crown Prince of Württemberg (09/16/1781 - 06/13/1864), who became 10/18/1816. King Friedrich Wilhelm I of Württemberg

Olga Pavlovna(07/11/1792 - 01/15/1795), Grand Duchess.

Anna Pavlovna(01/07/1795 - 02/17/1865), Grand Duchess, from 1840 Queen of the Netherlands, then Queen Dowager. From 09.02.1816 married to William, Prince of Nassau-Oran (12/06/1792 - 03/17/1849), since 1840. Grand Duke of Luxembourg, King of the Netherlands (William II).

Nikolai Pavlovich(06/25/1796 - 02/18/1855), Grand Duke, in 1823. appointed by Alexander I as heir to the throne. On 11/19/1825 he ascended the Russian throne, ruled from 12/14/1825, was crowned on 08/22/1826 in Moscow and on 05/12/1829 in Warsaw.

From 07/01/1817, married to Alexandra Feodorovna, nee Princess Frederick-Louise-Charlotte-Wilhelmine of Prussia (07/01/1798 - 10/20/1860).

Mikhail Pavlovich(01/28/1798 - 08/28/1849), Grand Duke. From birth General Feldzeugmeister; since 1825 inspector general for engineering, commander of the Guards Corps, from 1831. chief commander of the Pages and all land cadet corps, since 1844. Commander-in-Chief of the Guards and Grenadier Corps. He participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1828 - 1829, in the suppression of the Polish uprising of 1830 - 1831. He died during a campaign in Hungary. From 08.02.1824 married to Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, nee Princess Frederick-Charlotte-Mary of Württemberg (12/28/1806 - 01/09/1873).

From November 25, 2019, the Church of the Archangel Michael in the Mikhailovsky Castle will be open to the public, except during church services. Please note that no more than 60 people can be in the Church at the same time, including excursion groups.