See how to change the skin in minecraft. Getting to know Minecraft: how to install a skin. Play on servers with launchers that support the skins system

The appearance very often has great importance and many players dislike the fact that all characters in a multiplayer game look the same and differ only in the nicknames that are displayed above their heads. Yes, and in a single player game, sometimes you want to take a beautiful screenshot, but everything spoils appearance a character who is no different from hundreds of others. However, you can fix this by using a different skin that will make your character look very different. This way, you can set yourself apart from the rest and get the opportunity to take vivid pictures that will remind you of the fun time spent in the game. But for this you need to learn how to change the skin in Minecraft.

The simplest way is the licensed version

If you do not want to waste your time and fiddle with how to bypass the protection of the game, then you better buy the licensed version. There you don't even have to learn how to change the skin. This function is available directly in the game menu - all you need to do is select the skin you like and then activate it. But at the same time, remember that if you decide to play on a pirate server, then this skin will not work - it is only suitable for a license. Naturally, the set of skins is limited here, so you may need to make certain concessions, but you don't have to worry about how to get a different look for your character at all. But if you do not want to spend money on buying a game, you will have to suffer and figure out how to change the skin in Minecraft.

Basic way

So, you have a pirate skin and a skin that you would like to apply. But everything is not as simple as it might seem - you have to change something at the root of the game, which is unsafe. Therefore, if you do not know not only but also how to handle system files, then you better not use this method. If you still have basic knowledge, then look for the "Minecraft" system folder, where unpack the minecraft.jar file. There should also be a char.png file - this is the appearance of your character. Change it to the file that you have prepared in advance. And enjoy.

This method, however, has one huge drawback - you can only see your new skin in a single player game, since you changed it only in your Minecraft client - other players on the server this information do not receive, therefore they will see you in a standard guise. Keep this in mind when you use this method - this is how only a single skin is installed in Minecraft. How do I install it in multiplayer mode? There is also an answer to this question.

Using someone else's nickname

There is a universal method that will work on any server. If you want to know what will be visible to other users in multiplayer, then you have to make concessions. In this case, you will have to sacrifice a rather serious element, namely your nickname. There are special databases of skins in which they are associated with one or another nickname, and if you take a specific nickname, you get the skin assigned to it. As a result, you will have the appearance that you liked, but at the same time you will have someone else's name. This is not very pleasant, so this method should only be used if it does not matter to you at all what your character's name is.

Server skins

The best way, if you own a pirated version, is to search for a server that already has a certain database of images uploaded to it. So will you immediately get a skin in it? You don't have to worry about this, you can choose the one you like and use it. But there is a catch here - this can only be done within the limits of this server. If you want to play elsewhere, then you will be disappointed - the appearance you have chosen will not carry over after you. Therefore, carefully choose the servers on which you are going to play, so as not to leave them later, leaving the skin that has actually already become a part of you.

In any case, you should have a skin program for Minecraft at hand so that you can create your own skin and upload it to the server whenever possible - it is always more pleasant to play with the appearance that you have created yourself.

Minecraft is considered a successful project that provides incredible opportunities for its players. There are both official and pirated versions, which practically do not differ in the set of features and functions.

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When the game gets boring with the standard skin, then the question pops up about how to change the skin in Minecraft, taking into account your own preferences. For this purpose, in "Minecraft" there is a function of changing the appearance of the skin, but only in the performance of the licensed version. For pirated versions, you will have to look for workarounds.

The easiest solution would be to purchase a license that will allow you to get a full-fledged game and access to all possible functions. In this version, you can change the skin with just a few mouse clicks, while your skin will be visible on all official servers.

However, we are not looking for easy ways, are we? Therefore, here is a complete instruction for you.

How to change skin in Minecraft 1.5.2

We find the image of interest to us on the Internet, or, as an option, draw the image ourselves. Attention! You should pay attention to expanding the file. The file must be in .png format. This is a prerequisite.

Have you found a suitable skin? Amazing! Go ahead. We name (if we drew ourselves) or rename (if downloaded from the Internet) the picture to Char.png. This file name is necessary for the skin to be displayed in the game.

The skin for minecraft was found, the file was changed. Go ahead. Now we need to go to the Bin folder. This folder is located inside the folder where you have the game. If during the installation of the game you did not change anything, then, most likely, the game can be found here:

C: Users Username AppData Roaming (if you have Windows 7)

and C: Documents and Settings Username Application DataRoaming (if you have Windows XP).

In the Bin folder, we find a file called minecraft.jar. We need to open this file using an archiver. For this it will be convenient to use, for example, WinRar.
After you have opened the file, the Mob folder appears in front of your eyes. This is exactly what we need. It is in it that we need to place our skin file (Char.png). Copy your file and put it in our folder. Here, the system will ask you whether to replace the old file with a new one. You must confidently answer yes.

After such simple actions, you can go into the game and enjoy your new look.

How to change skin in Minecraft 1.6.2

We are looking for and download on the Internet a suitable skin for minecraft. Well, or create your own individual skin. It is imperative to make sure that the file is in .png format. Be sure to rename the file. We call it Steve. As a result, we have a Steve.png file.

We open the command line. This is very easy to do.
If Windows 7 is installed on your computer, then you need to open the start menu, type the word "run" in the search. The same command line appears. Inside the window, write% appdata%, and press enter.
If you have Windows XP installed, it is even easier there. You can find the "execute" command right in the start menu. Next, we also type% appdata% and press enter.

We find our game folder. It's called minecraft. Inside this folder, follow the following path: Versions - 1.6.2 -1.6.2.jar. Open the file using WinRar.
After the file is open, we go further along the path: After the file is open, we do the following path: assets - minecraft -textures - entity. We save our file Steve.png, when asked whether to replace the file? The answer is yes. That's it, now we open minecraft and enjoy the game.

How to change skin in minecraft 1.7.2

We find a skin that will be close to you, well, or draw it ourselves. A prerequisite for - the file must be in .png format. No other formats will suit us. The skin for minecraft itself must have the name Steve.png.

If Windows 7 is installed on your computer, then you need to open the start menu, type the word "run" in the search. A new window will open in front of you. In this window, you need to write the following:% appdata%, then press enter. If - Windows XP, then the command "execute" can be seen in the start menu itself. Next, we also type% appdata% and press enter - enter.

We search and find on our computer the .minecraft folder. Found it? Moldovans! We go further along this path: Versions -1.7.2 -1.7.2.jar. This file can be opened using, for example, WinRar. Opened a folder? That's good! Quite a bit came out. We follow the following path: -minecraft - textures - entity. Everything! We have reached the folder we need. This is where we put our Steve.png file, of course, replacing the old one.

Here's how easy and simple you can change the skin in minecraft. Good luck!

How to change the skin in Minecraft video

Probably, every Minecrafter wants to stand out from all other players, so the developers once long ago gave the opportunity to change to their own standard skin. But this feature is only available to people who bought the game, but what should the rest of us do? Of course, read this guide - how to install skins in Minecraft using TLauncher.

This is a rewritten article, because what was earlier is no longer comme il faut in modern realities. With the same method, you can change your skin in one click and it will be seen by other users on the servers.

First of all, you need to register with the service with which you will work to install the skin. Follow the link and fill in your data.

After clicking on the "Register" button, if you have entered everything correctly, you will be redirected to the profile page of your account. Here you can do the following: Install skins, remove ads (if any).

After that, using the special buttons (Load skin), you can install your own skin from your computer. And also, you can use the catalog in which you can choose the most beautiful one (It's free!).

Next, you need to launch the launcher (if you do not have it, then download it from our website). The version must be at least 2.0!

In TL Launcher, put a tick next to "Accounts".

Next, go to "Account Settings ..." and find yourself in a menu like this, where you need to enter data from an account that you have recently registered. After successful authorization, the login with the TL icon will appear on the right. Choose from the list a version with a characteristic TL icon (Only with such icons will the skin work) and go into the game.

After you get into the game, you can go into the single-player game to check it and see your skin.

That's how literally in 5 minutes of settings, you get the opportunity to quickly change skins, see your skin and other advantages. Therefore, installing skins with the site


The most reliable way for you to get the privilege of changing the appearance of your gaming alter-ego as many times as you like is to purchase a licensed copy of Minecraft. With the purchase of an access key to your favorite "sandbox" from Mojang, you have the opportunity to play on any servers you want - and everywhere you will have the skin that you install for your character. Do it in just one click.

Go to any portal where gamers are offered various options for game appearance. Choose the one you like and click next to it on the inscription suggesting its installation on Now you have nothing to worry about - the very first time you enter the game, you will find your chosen skin. Moreover, it will be reviewed by other players, regardless of which resource you are currently on - official or not (the main thing is that it should be "minecraft"). If you get tired of this appearance, change it to a new one just as easily.

When you feel sorry for money even for your favorite Minecraft, and therefore you have a pirated copy of it installed, you will automatically be assigned the default skin on all multiplayer gaming sites - that notorious Steve. However, you have several options for how to change it. In the first case, first, download to your computer a file with the character you like. Then rename it to char.png and copy.

Open minecraft.jar through any archiver program and find a file with the same name as above. Now just replace it with yours. Thus, you will acquire the desired skin. However, you will probably soon notice that only you will be reviewing your new playable appearance. For the rest of the gamers, you're still Steve. By the way, you will see his image on other players who changed their skin in the same way as you.

If this state of affairs does not suit you, you can try another method of changing the game appearance. Select on the Internet (for this, by the way, there are special resources) any skin you like and remember the nickname to which it is attached. When registering on various servers, indicate just such a nickname - and your character will automatically acquire the appropriate appearance.

The undoubted advantage of this way of changing the skin is that other gamers will see it on you. However, in this case, you become hostage to the nickname associated with this game appearance. When the owner of the licensed copy of the game, who owns this skin, wishes to abandon it in favor of something else, everything will automatically be replaced with you. If you do not like the new appearance, you will have to look for a nickname with your favorite appearance of the character and re-register under it on your server. In this case, of course, all your previous achievements in the gameplay will lose their relevance, and you will have to start the game from scratch.

If you play Mine, you should know how to change the skin in Minecraft. This knowledge will be useful in order to show your individuality through a beautiful and unique skin. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to do this in the game.

Since not all players bought a license for themselves, they continue to play pirate. We advise you to buy a license anyway, because pirate delivers a lot of problems when changing skins, or rather with the consequences of this action. We will consider changing the skin to a pirate and a license.

How to change the skin in Minecraft on a pirate

You still haven't bought a license and are playing Minecraft Pirate, but you need to change your skin to some superhero or other character? You have come to the right place. Now I will tell you how this is done.

  1. Let's start by trying to open the minecraft.jar file with any archiver that allows you to do this. For example, WinRar.
  2. You have succeeded and now you need to look at the contents of the archive and find the char.png file, which is the skin.
  3. We delete it and continue on.
  4. Download the skin you like from our site
  5. Unpack the archive and get the char.png file
  6. We put it in the minecraft.jar file instead of the previously deleted char.png
  7. Save minecraft.jar
  8. We are happy to change the skin

The disadvantage of this method is that all players with the default skin will look like you (This is when playing on the server).

How to change the skin in Minecraft for a License

If you have a license, then changing the skin in Minecraft will not be difficult. Everything is really simple here. It is enough to follow the points below and you will succeed.

  1. Find a suitable skin on our website and download it
  2. Unpack the archive and get the char.png file
  3. Go to the official Minecraft website.
  4. Log in to it using your username and password.
  5. Go to the profile section.
  6. Find the form to upload the skin and fill in char.png
  7. Go to the Minecraft game and make sure that the skin has changed

This is not a tricky license-based method that will allow you to change the skin in Minecraft.

Do not forget that on this site there is a huge collection of Minecraft skins for boys and girls that you can download.

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