A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it. A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it. A. Diesterweg Good - teaches her to find

A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it. A. Diesterweg Truly true are the words of Leo Tolstoy that "knowledge is only knowledge when it is acquired by the efforts of one's thought, and not just by memory." "To improve the mind, you need to think more than memorize" R. Descartes

In connection with the transition to federal state educational standards of a new generation, problem-based learning technology is becoming the highest priority in the organization of the educational process, since it does not give ready-made tasks, but actualizes - extracts from the student's mind, stimulates a deeply hidden tendency to personal growth, encourages his research activity, creates conditions for the improvement of education. The goals and objectives of problem-based learning technology fully meet the goals and objectives of education: the ability to become a competent person, ready for effective participation in the social, economic and political life of the country.

Today, problem-based learning is understood as such an organization of training sessions that involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, resulting in a creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of intellectual abilities.

Leads the development of the child, - focuses on the zone of proximal development - ensures the development of cognitive abilities and intellect, - is aimed at the formation of new personality traits; - ensures the development of creative abilities and their application in life.

An educational problem is a contradiction between the knowledge, skills and abilities known to the student and new facts or phenomena, for the understanding and explanation of which the previous knowledge is not enough. Signs of a learning problem: 1. The presence of the unknown, the finding of which leads to the formation of new knowledge; 2. The presence of a certain stock of knowledge to carry out a search in the direction of finding the unknown. For example: why does the blacksmith Arkhip kill his scoundrels, but saves the cat at the risk of his own life? 3. Hypothesis (from the Greek. Hypothesis - foundation, assumption). - an assumption regarding a possible way to solve the problem, which has not yet been confirmed, but not refuted. For example: suppose that Andriy and Ostap met in battle, what would happen next?

In problem-based learning, the teacher creates a problem situation, directs students to solve it, and organizes the search for a solution. Signs of a problem situation: - The need to perform such an action, in which there is a cognitive need for new knowledge. - The presence of the unknown for the student. - Knowledge must be sufficient for the student to independently search. - For example: why, according to L. Tolstoy, are those who live by themselves, their happiness, built on the misfortune of others, insignificant?

A problematic question is an independent form of thought and a problematic statement, as well as an assumption or appeal that requires an answer or explanation. For example: Pechorin does not love Mary, why does he seek her love? Winner or defeated Chatsky? Why can Grinev be called the antipode of Shvabrin? Problem tasks should depend on the age, level of knowledge and life experience of students, should differ in the degree of difficulty, the depth of generalizations.

A creative task is a task in which it is necessary to find a new solution algorithm. Creative tasks allow you to: - generalize, repeat and assimilate educational material; - to develop the creative abilities of students, - to form the skills of teamwork; - establish metasubject connections. When studying the story of M. A. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog", the students were asked the question: "Do we need the Sharikovs?" The lesson was conducted in the form of an interview with Sharikov, assuming that he remained a "human". The students asked a variety of questions. And in the conclusion, a general opinion was expressed: "It's good that Professor Preobrazhensky turned Sharikov into a dog again." Thus, the solved educational problem made it possible to see and understand the problem of social experiments that took place on the scale of our country after the 1917 revolution.

1. Lesson - communication of new knowledge. Types: lesson - lecture, lesson - conversation, lesson - story, lesson in solving cognitive problems, laboratory 2. Lesson - presentation of new material with the formulation of problematic questions. For example: a lesson in the 9th grade on the topic: "Ways of Russian literature of the 20th century." The teacher in the course of an overview lecture poses a problematic question: can a person withdraw from the course of history; what paths should be taken to become better, kinder, more humane?

3. Lesson - solving cognitive problems. The condition uses real facts of social life of the past and present. For example: Why was the manuscript of M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" seized by the OGPU in 1926 and why was the story not published in Russia until 1987? The conditions are formulated in the form of aphoristic, often controversial statements. For example: A. S. Pushkin in a letter to P. A. Vyazemsky wrote: "Chatsky is not at all a smart person." I. A. Goncharov argued the opposite: "Chatsky is not only smarter than all other people, but also positively smart." Which of them is right?

1. The teacher himself poses the problem “In life there is always a place for exploits,” says M. Gorky. What is a feat? Are feats possible in everyday work? Can the readiness to die in the name of an inhuman idea be called a feat? 2. Students are informed of different, even opposing opinions on any issue. When studying A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”, the teacher, introducing the students to the image of Molchalin, says: “Chatsky considers Molchalin a fool. According to V. G. Belinsky, Molchalin is smart as the devil when it comes to his personal benefits.” Who is right? What is your opinion on this matter?

H. Students are offered tasks that require a comparison of literary facts. Comparison can be made between works of art that are close in theme, in terms of the vital material reflected in them, but different in interpretation and evaluation. For example: compare the poems of K. F. Ryleev "Citizen" and the poem of M. Yu. Lermontov "Duma". What common motives do they have? How can you explain the difference in mood in each of these works?

4. A problematic situation can be created by comparing literary works with illustrations to it, or illustrations of several artists to a work, or musical works containing different interpretations of a poetic creation, performance by artists of the same role, etc. For example: compare the image of Manilov in the illustrations P. Boklevsky and A. Laptev. Which of the artists, in your opinion, more accurately reproduces the appearance and character of Manilov?

5. Problem task, the purpose of which is to reveal the ideological content. For example: why did Pushkin's poem "The Prisoner" become a song very popular among the people? 6. Research observation of the language of the work, the repetitions of the development of the action with the aim of a deeper perception of the paintings and characters created by the author. For example: why in the 3rd phenomenon of the II act in N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" the mayor has a lot of remarks "to the side", but Khlestakov does not have them?

7. Research knowledge of the work through the moral assessment of the characters, clarifying the author's attitude towards them and our attitude towards the attitude of the author. For example: The problem of renewal in M. Bulgakov's story "The Heart of a Dog" .. 8. Problem tasks that stimulate the study of the linguistic fabric of the work in various aspects. For example: make a comparative analysis of the style of two passages: Chichikov leaves the county town (ch. 11) and the following lyrical digression “Rus! Russia! I see you…”. How are two different stylistic lines in the narrative connected with the ideological content of the poem?

"Communication attack" (a challenge to problematic communication). The meaning of this technique is to captivate and mobilize students in the initial period of interaction, to give something that would make students instantly “get involved” in the lesson. For example: a fragment of a video recording of a TV program (the lesson is devoted to the work of A. S. Griboyedov). The telecast begins with a huge diamond sparkling on the screen, and the off-screen voice says: “With this diamond, the Shah of Persia paid off the Russian Tsar for the death of the Russian writer Griboyedov, Vazir - Mukhtar ...”.

Modeling the situation. One of the effective methods of productive learning is modeling. “What could happen if…” In order to teach students to think creatively, you can offer them tasks for independent modeling. - If Masha Troekurova left with Dubrovsky ... - What would you do if in a conversation you insulted your country, mother, girlfriend ...

Brainstorming Training (MBS) MBS Technology The group is briefed before the assault. An initial discussion and refinement of the conditions of the problem are being carried out. First stage. Creation of a bank of ideas. The goal is to generate as many possible solutions as possible. Second phase. Analysis of ideas. The goal is to consider each idea and find something useful, rational in each idea. Third stage. Processing of results. How to choose a task for UMS? The problem must have a large number of possible solutions. For example: Suggest the idea of ​​creating an original monument to Mtsyra. (Discussion of ideas will allow once again to recall and analyze the character of the hero, the events of his life) Create a project to help the Tyburtsy family (from the state, Vasya's father, Tyburtsy himself).

Knowledge update. Motivation. Creation of a problem situation. Definition of the research topic. Formulation of research objectives. Putting forward a hypothesis. Interpretation of the received data. Conclusion based on the results of the research work. Application of new knowledge in educational activities. Summing up the lesson. Homework.

From the experience of work, we can conclude that in the course of the systematic application of problem-based learning technology, students are better oriented not only in the content of a single lesson, but in general throughout the entire section under study, are able to independently formulate a topic and highlight the main thing in it, find sources of obtaining the necessary information , build your answer in accordance with the topic: starting with statements, make assumptions based on theory, statement; they are able to plan their activities to test the hypothesis put forward, solve the problem, draw a conclusion by comparing their statements with theoretical material.

Short description

“A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it,” said the great Disterweg. I think he was right. Wisdom is just, which seems to me to answer the questions that a good teacher asks himself. Wisdom says: “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and maybe I won't remember. Engage me and I'll understand." I am sure that the profession of a teacher is one of the most necessary, most difficult and responsible. After all, a real teacher is the person who not only teaches a certain lesson, but he is also a subtle psychologist who helps us to know the world through his subject and become a strong personality. But not every teacher is good! The teacher, in my opinion, should teach students to find the truth in everything, and not give it, as they say, ready-made.

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A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it...

Moreva Ekaterina, 1st year student, group No. 420813

“A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it,” said the great Disterweg. I think he was right. Wisdom is just, which seems to me to answer the questions that a good teacher asks himself. Wisdom says: “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and maybe I won't remember. Engage me and I'll understand." I am sure that the profession of a teacher is one of the most necessary, most difficult and responsible. After all, a real teacher is the person who not only teaches a certain lesson, but he is also a subtle psychologist who helps us to know the world through his subject and become a strong personality. But not every teacher is good! The teacher, in my opinion, should teach students to find the truth in everything, and not give it, as they say, ready-made. That teacher is bad, who only indicates that it is so, they say, and so, and does not explain why? And a good teacher will lead the student through the history of the issue, introduce him to different points of view, opinions, and then ask the student what he thinks, what he thinks, what conclusions he has! And if something happens, then a little, without offending, “will prompt, push” to the right decision, so skillfully that the student will not even notice his participation. So the student gains invaluable experience in the process of fulfilling his tasks and problems. The richer the life experience, the more accurate the truth.

After all, truth is not a meaning received from a teacher, mentor. It is the wisdom gained in the process of finding answers to difficult questions. I think that learning should take place in communication, in interaction, through conversations, deeds, work. The main task of the teacher is not to give an answer to the question, the main thing is to direct the student to the path of independent search for answers. So in the mind there is confidence in their knowledge. The task that a good teacher sets himself is to indicate the direction, and a good student will go his own way. You know dear. The word "school" in Latin means "ladder", on the steps of which we, the students, ascend. And to build this ladder for everyone, it’s gentle for someone, for someone more abruptly, we are helped by good teachers who teach us to find the Truth! What do you think?

Contrary to popular belief, teachers also learn. They also sometimes sit down at their desks and learn from their colleagues. The more events where teachers from different schools can share experiences, the better for us, the better the quality of education in general. Master classes help teachers grow - both those who conduct them and those who watch them.
I remember my teachers very well and I am grateful to them for science, for teaching me not only to answer the questions posed, but also to think and doubt, look for answers and think outside the box.

On Friday, September 4, 2015, on the territory of the Vorobyovy Gory educational complex, the III Congress of Moscow Teachers was held under the auspices of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, the main goal of which is the exchange of experience, knowledge, teaching methods, as well as a discussion of the most important and urgent problems in sphere of education today, its most important task is to position the education system as a social institution that determines the priority areas of the city's social development.

It was the first time I saw so many teachers in one place.

Such projects are necessary to develop additional training of teachers, to determine priority areas for social development and education of the city.

At the congress of teachers, four sections were opened in various areas: "Culture", "National policy, interregional relations and tourism", "Natural management and environmental protection", "Economics and finance" and "Physical culture and sports". More than 15 different master classes were held by laureates and winners of the Moscow Teacher of the Year and Russian Teacher of the Year competitions. All master classes were combined into eight thematic blocks based on fundamental concepts: “question”, “space”, “measurement”, “method”, “alternative”, “dialogue”, “idea” and “environment”.

It is no longer a secret that in recent years Moscow schools, Moscow teachers and students have been working very hard not only in the classroom. The city itself has become an educational space. A huge number of lessons that the guys attend take place in factories, factories, museums, even on the streets of the city.

Therefore, other departments of the Moscow Government were also invited to the event so that they could talk about what makes the city interesting as an educational and scientific development space within the framework of master classes.

The most interesting, the most breakthrough, the most important projects today are projects that allow you to combine knowledge and obtain knowledge that can be used in future real life. So that the children do not say: "I taught this at school, but did not understand why I need it." It is important that all the knowledge gained at school be useful for the future life.

It's no secret that over the past 5 years there have been huge changes in the field of education. Education in the capital gives a lot of opportunities for teachers to develop, share experience, conduct master classes, learn new things for the upbringing and education of children. But for children, the process of education has now become more interesting, exciting and effective.

All this was actively discussed at the open August pedagogical council. Live, on the computer monitor, it was possible to evaluate the results of the 2014/2015 academic year and find out the key areas of development for the new academic year.

And what has changed recently in schools?
First, the classrooms. There were modern computers, boards, furniture. School buildings have also been renovated and new ones built.

Now schoolchildren study in classrooms with modern equipment, and parents monitor the progress of their children using electronic resources. The work of the electronic diary has improved - instant synchronization and a notification system about a new assessment are now implemented. those. already hide the deuce in the child does not work. But parents also learn about the five at the same second, and not after school.

But some schools no longer even have twos and fives, because now there is an opportunity to choose a rating scale. It can be the usual five-point, as well as ten-point, 100-point and even alphabetic. The school chooses its own scale.

And in some schools, electronic textbooks have already appeared.
A pilot project to introduce electronic textbooks started a year ago in six Moscow schools. The results were positive - student performance increased by 10%. And even now, manuals that have no digital analogues are not allowed for some lessons. And in 30 schools, an electronic library has already been created on the basis of electronic textbooks.

Another important point is the appearance of electronic cards of the student. Already 700 schools are actively using this invention. The card not only provides student access to the school premises, but also makes it possible to make cashless payments in school meals.

Teachers, by the way, are also not averse to taking photos on a smartphone.

The city authorities do not plan to cut funding for the education sector in 2016. Mikhail Antontsev, Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Commission on Social Policy and Labor Relations, announced this at the III Congress of Moscow Teachers.

A bad teacher teaches the truth, a good teacher teaches to find it.

School lessons were forgotten, or rather, they were forcibly rejected by me. In the furnace of oblivion found themselves - with my gullibility plunged. I loved all the "marivanovnas", and even now in a low bow. They tried their best, under pressure, oppression and under pressure. We lived together in a crowd: "Give peace!" "Give up the uprising!" And the cry of love for one country was also a schedule item. My "going out into the world" marked the worthlessness of the school "hard years", shredding them - altered the lessons of days, years, centuries. Love the country just because you were forcibly baptized? What swore allegiance to her under the gun? That your family was strengthened in children?
Love is so endless, fraught with a grain of danger ... So a lady, passionately adored, loses her sense of adequacy. Having considered all the cause and effect, I will harness myself to a feasible task - I see inconsistencies in many ways and I will outline some ...

My mind forgives adolescence,
for the lies and burdens of the prologue,
the brighter the bridge is burning behind,
the more visible the road ahead.
There are a lot of books to read
so that the gram is added to the mind.
And to know a lot of women's bowels,
to finally find yours.
You must aim for the heights
even a step of half a millimeter.
The main thing here is not to make a mistake:
books first, not bowels.
The rich man will not steal his wallet,
striving for the best.
The poor man, on the contrary, is always a thief,
lazy and prone to the worst.
I'm in the Bible not often, but to the bottom
and I am strengthened by the wisdom of Jesus:
I separate the seeds from the tares and...
I enjoy the tares to my heart's content.
They want to round them somehow,
but the triangles are sharp...
Or maybe it's better to blunt
angles that prevail?
All dissertations are arrogant
and light as a draft:
so that the essence of treason disappears,
Marriage must first disappear.
In historical rumbling bottoms,
always found work in high esteem:
created man from a monkey.
Holocaust, from a person - a Jew.
Always respectful to gray old age,
but frequent dispute often convinces
that the experience of life, even a great
Alas, it does not replace brains at all.
The essence of honest women is gracious,
there is no self-interest and calculation is alien:
from the honest - everything is free to you.
what the prostitute sells.
When in the forward detachment -
fear of the front is out of hand.
They shoot at the first more often from behind,
arrows are friends ...
Applaud for the celebration
perhaps extremely stupid
because the gain in the life of one -
represents the loss of the other.
Sin will not drag us into the abyss.
All discarding the implants,
life wakes up and rises!
And it will become hard ... on pointe shoes.
Do not take for the lamentations of piit,
not reality is the fault of stress.
My love is open to neighbor!
Just like Achilles' heel...

Full here: https://antialle.livejournal.com/191491.html

Good - teaches her to find.

A. Diesterweg

lesson quality .



So maybe you shouldn't change anything?

So that this question does not remain rhetorical, let us recall one well-known wisdom:

When a lesson is done together by a teacher and a student, when both the teacher and the students are ready for it, we can talk about its effectiveness.

Types of organization of activities in the lesson:

  • lecture
  • discussion
  • role-playing game
  • teleconference
  • Living room
  • Conversation,
  • answers to teacher questions, textbook questions
  • note-taking
  • experiment, experiences
  • work in pairs
  • programming
  • joint activities to achieve the goal of the lesson
  • journey
  • press conference
  • "tic-tac-toe"
  • "sea battle"
  • Text retelling
  • group work
  • Creative tasks
  • Independent work
  • Drawing up a plan, review, synopsis, review, abstract
  • Working with maps, contour maps
  • Didactic material
  • Working with illustrations
  • Compilation of crossword puzzles
  • Study
  • Musical pause
  • Frontal survey
  • Mutual check, self check
  • Auction of ideas
  • Testing
  • Practical activities
  • Compositions
  • fairy tales by subject
  • cards for oral work
  • self-compilation of assignments
  • compiling simulators for oral and independent work
  • tasks for independent work of comrades
  • visual aids
  • figure models, sweeps, graphs
  • reports
  • presentations
  • Compilation of memos
  • publication of books, brochures
  • writing tests, etc.

As a consolidation of new material, the game "Yes" - "No" is successfully used. The question is read once, it is impossible to ask again, during the reading of the question it is necessary to write down the answer “yes” or “no”. The main thing here is to involve even the most passive in learning.

There is no need to spare time for the repeated repetition of digital material, definitions, conclusions, this will pay off with the knowledge of the learner.

It is important to excite the guys, make them think. Students can express their point of view, justify the conclusions, but if they are incorrect, correct them.

Another one that develops the thinking and imagination of students is the following: children are invited to write a text, having previously restored the meaning of each word and sentence as a whole.


Vpya snge. In lseu thio. Mdvdeei zlglaei in brlgeou and sleep. Blkei sdtiya in dplue and grztyu rhoei. Zykai zlzlaei pdo kstuy. Lzye vlkoi bgtoayu op lseu.

In the process of teaching mathematics, it is important to develop in children the ability to observe, compare, analyze, generalize, reason, justify the conclusions that students come to in the process of completing assignments.

The purpose of the didactic game "Logic Domino" is to consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of objects, the development of logical thinking. To play, you will need a set of figures of different colors and sizes. Two students who have a complete set of pieces are playing. The first student puts a figure on the table. The response move of the second student is that he applies to this figure another, which differs from it only in one property: shape or size. The one who is first left without pieces loses. The teacher walks through the rows and directs the game.

The game will help to improve computing skills "Feeding the fish" Visual material, in the form of bright flat images of fish, is prepared for work on a magnetic board. Each fish has an example for addition and subtraction. There are feeders with numbers 5 and 10.

There will be a drawing!

The participants in the game, having solved the examples, place their fish near the feeder, the number of which corresponds to the result of the calculation.

Didactic games for the development of thought processes are also used in the lessons of natural history.

The game "Vegetables fruits" aims to consolidate the ability of children to classify and name vegetables and fruits, to use verbs correctly

"put". The teacher distributes the children into two teams with an equal number of players.

Teams sit on chairs opposite each other. The first children from each team pick up small balls and begin to pass them to their neighbors. Pupils of one team, passing the ball, call vegetables, the other - fruits. Passing the ball is accompanied by a dialogue:

1st student: Put a vegetable in the basket.

2nd student: I put a cucumber. (Turns to a neighbor, passes the ball and says: “Put a vegetable in the basket.”).

3rd student: I put carrots. The one who repeats the name twice or makes a mistake gives the phantom, and at the end of the game redeems it.

The game "For every vegetable its leaves" consists of two sets of cards:

1) with pictures of vegetables;

2) with herbarium leaves of these vegetables.

It is necessary to quickly connect the appropriate vegetable and foliage.

The use of didactic games in the process of teaching younger students activates their interest in learning.

Development goal - "how?"

Examples of techniques for implementing student-centered learning

  • Tasks, taking into account the degree of difficulty, should be selected by the teacher, but selected by the students individually, independently, according to their abilities. In this case, differentiation will be carried out not from the teacher, but from the student. Such differentiation can be carried out both during the survey and during the assimilation and consolidation of students' knowledge.
  • self-questioning or self-control
  • To implement a differentiated approach during the survey, two portable stands are used, on which cells-pockets are located in 4 rows. All cells are numbered. For example, the top row is from 1 to 13, the second from the top is from 14 to 27, and so on. Tasks are placed in the cells of the first stand. Usually these are definitions of a term. This term needs to be named. The answer to this question is mainly calculated for recognition. The tasks of the second row are calculated for playback material. For example, give a definition of a concept. In the third row, tasks are given, for example, to find ratios between any event. The fourth row is represented by tasks problematic nature. It is easy to see that the tasks of the I and II series are designed mainly for the work of memory, the tasks of the III and IV series are for the work of thinking, for the ability to reason, to find similarities and differences.

If the student did not cope with the task, then he can exchange it for easier tasks of the lower rows. These tasks in their sum should give the number of points corresponding to the unsolved task.

The students check the correctness of the answers on the self-control board, in which the answers to the tasks are given in the pockets under the same numbers. If the answer is correct, the student puts himself on the piece of paper where he completed the task, the corresponding number of points, if not, he exchanges it for easier tasks. At this time, the teacher can carry out other forms of updating knowledge.

  • Any number of people can work at the self-interrogation stand at the same time.
  • Tasks are prepared not for a specific individual, but for the general mass of students. Differentiation of tasks is carried out by the students themselves. An individual approach is carried out not “on the forehead”, not intrusively, but imperceptibly for the student himself.
  • Usually, when using this differentiated approach, students get good grades. But the mark of the mark is different. And the four received on the tasks of the first row, in the eyes of students, has a completely different value than the four received on the task of the fourth row. This encourages students to take on more complex tasks, but in order to complete them, you need to know the material well, which means you need to be careful when explaining the material, and prepare well at home. Usually, students start with easy tasks, and then move on to more difficult ones, and take the lower row tasks only as a last resort.
  • This approach removes the well-known psychological tension among students before the survey - the tension of expectation: will they call or not call? The fear of the teacher's questions, the possibility of getting a negative mark disappears. This approach allows the student to feel equal with everyone, gives the opportunity for self-improvement. In addition, this approach frees the teacher from the task of selecting assignments designed for a particular student. The main task of the teacher is to stimulate students, he must ensure that students do not stop there, but make constant attempts to move forward.

The student-centered approach presupposes the availability of teaching aids and didactic materials for individualized work (workbooks, task book, textbooks); assignments of varying degrees of difficulty; adapted programs; taking into account the factors that cause academic failure; search for ways to overcome individual shortcomings in knowledge and skills; overcoming the underdevelopment of motivation; a combination of methods of educational work and methods of teaching; individual work with a book, a teacher; independent work at school and at home; free self-education.

In the process of individual-personal learning, the teacher needs to rely on such individual characteristics as the characteristics of perception, thinking, memory, speech, temperament, character, will. The dominant quality of a teacher, in my opinion (in addition to a high qualification level), is an excellent knowledge of both age-related and individual psychology. The development of inclinations and abilities of the individual in different areas depends on individual characteristics, on the ability to introspection, self-esteem, therefore it is very important to find a special approach to each child, to give everyone the opportunity to express themselves. In the process of teaching, the teacher must identify the strengths of the personality of each child, and, relying on them, help him cope with his weaknesses. With each success achieved in studies, it is necessary to praise the student, which will give him an impetus for further success. Education should be based on the needs and interests of the children.

Student - teacher

  • There is a student's question + teacher's answer = repetition of the past and learning of the new.
  • Tasks proposed by students based on their interest = student development.
  • Self and mutual assessment of students + positive from the teacher = development of criticality and desire to work.
  • Monitoring student success + personal approach to teaching = students reaching a creative level.
  • The results of the student's activity for the work of the whole class + reliance on reality = the motivation of the teaching.

teacher - student

Algorithm for constructing lessons on the subject + novelty effect +

+ Positive for each student + freedom of choice of tasks +

+ Encouraging creativity =

Interest, motivation, activity, knowledge!

The plan for conducting a modern effective lesson

  1. Preparing the teacher for the lesson(lesson planning taking into account different forms of work with students: topic, goal, tasks, visual material, additional literature, preparation of tasks of different levels and taking into account the individual characteristics of students)
  2. During the classes:
  • Organizing time (the teacher checks the readiness of students for the lesson - textbook, notebook, diary, stationery at the teacher i) (1 min.)
  • Checking homework(2 minutes.)
  • oral exercises (solution of examples, tongue twisters, etc. by ear) (3 min.)
  • Card work (tasks of different levels) (5 minutes.)
  • Repetition of the past (the teacher asks questions “What did you learn in the last lesson? Etc.) (3 min.)
  • Physical education minute (at eye exercises) (1 minute.)
  • Learning new material (the topic of the lesson is written on the board; Guys, what is the topic of today's lesson? Set the goals of the lesson for yourself. (for example: Today we use ..., we will do ... Reading texts from ..., we will become even smarter, wiser, etc.); the inclusion of each student in activities to achieve the goal, there should be a degree of novelty, problematic, search, creativity and attractiveness of educational material, with the help of visual aids) (14 min.)
  • Physical education minute (at exercises for arms, back, neck) (2 minutes.)
  • Fixing new material (problem solving, exercises) (11 min.)
  • Homework(1 minute.)
  • Summary of the lesson. Reflection (Guys, what was the topic of our lesson? What was our goal? Were you able to do it? What did you find interesting? What was the most difficult and difficult for you (didn’t like it)? Praise your comrades and yourself for your work in the lesson. I I commend you guys for your work in the lesson. Thank you! Our lesson is over) (2 minutes.)

There is this formula:



Any lesson has a huge potential for solving new problems. But these tasks are often solved by means that cannot lead to the expected positive result.
For both students and the Teacher, a lesson is interesting when it is up-to-date in the broadest sense of the word.

Do we do everything to make our lessons interesting and comfortable for children?

One can argue for a long time about what the lesson should be.

A lesson can be considered modern if three points are traced: the historical aspect of what is being studied, the connection of what is taught with the present, reliance on modernity and access to the future, to the future profession. In other words, the lesson must be vital.

One thing is undeniable: it must be animated by the personality of the teacher.

And in the field outside the outskirts, -

While you're following someone

The road will not be remembered.

But wherever you go

And what a mess

The road that he was looking for

Forever will not be forgotten.

(N. Rylenkov)

Seminar decision:

  1. Class teachers conduct a study of the level and characteristics of the development of various types of memory in schoolchildren - visual, auditory, motor, compile a table with the components of the individual way of teaching students and familiarize all teachers.
  2. Teachers
  • apply the plan for conducting a modern lesson, taking into account the individual characteristics of students.

generalize work experience through a system of open lessons, seminars, teachers' councils.

A bad teacher teaches the truth

Good - teaches her to find.

A. Diesterweg

The main task of each teacher is not only to give students a certain amount of knowledge, but to develop their interest in learning, to teach them how to learn.

The lesson is the main form of organizing the educational process, and the quality of education is, first of all, lesson quality . Can a lesson be called modern if it is conducted without visual and technical teaching aids?

With them, the lesson is richer, brighter, more diverse. With their help, students have an emotional impact, they contribute to a better memorization of the material, increase their interest in the subject, and ensure the strength of knowledge.

Without well-designed teaching methods, it is difficult to organize the assimilation of program material. That is why it is necessary to improve those teaching methods and means that help to involve students in a cognitive search, in the labor of learning: they help to teach students actively, gain knowledge on your own excite their thoughts and develop interest in the subject.

From the analysis of class attendance, several main problems can be identified today:

Most teachers teach traditional.


Yes, because you do not need to prepare for them in advance; prepare some cards, because the cards should not contain tasks that are the same for everyone, but of different levels, while taking into account the individual characteristics of students who are not known; visual aids. What for? You can write everything down on the board. Understand, is it possible to arouse in students some interest in the subject, in knowledge. We also want good discipline in the classroom. And will it be if there is no interest? Naturally, students begin to make noise in the classroom, talk, laugh. And the teacher still may not notice, and continues to teach the lesson, despite everything that happens around him, continues to explain the topic further. We always ask the question, why do children not know how to talk, answer questions correctly, are silent when they are asked? And we give them the opportunity to learn how to do it? We ask questions and we answer them ourselves. Who speaks most of the time in class? Teacher. When will students learn to do this?

With these problems it is impossible to achieve the effectiveness of the lesson.