Scientific style presentation in English. Presentation on the topic "scientific style of speech". Scientific style has various kinds of clichés

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Keywords: orthographic warm-up IA TIA, TOLERANCE, ATT ASHE, FEDERATIVE

INTERPRETATION OF THE WORDS CONJUNCTURE - the current situation, the current situation, the temporary situation in any area of ​​public life; EMIGRATION - relocation from one country to another, caused by various reasons (economic, political, religious); REPATRIATION - the return to the homeland of prisoners of war, refugees, migrants; TOLERANCE - tolerance for other people's opinions, beliefs; IMMIGRATION - the entry of foreigners into any country for permanent residence.

THE HISTORY OF THE APPEARANCE OF THE SCIENTIFIC STYLE OF SPEECH THE MIDDLE AGES THE AGE OF FEODALISM "SCIENTIFIED LANGUAGE" LATIN The positive side: scientists from different countries could read each other's works. The negative side: this prevented the formation of a scientific style in each country.

THE FIRST SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL "JOURNAL OF SCIENTISTS" JANUARY 5, 1655 at the French Academy CURRENTLY - more than 50 thousand scientific journals


THE OBJECTIVE OF THE SCIENTIFIC STYLE is to clearly and clearly convey to the reader the reported information. SCOPE OF THE SCIENTIFIC STYLE Special literature Everyday life

GENRES OF SCIENTIFIC SPEECH STYLE Article; Monograph; Textbook; Patent description (description of the invention); Abstract; Annotation; Thesis; Lecture; Instruction



The soil is a special pr..native body. It is formed ... on the surface of the Earth as a result of the interaction of living (organic) and inanimate (inorganic) pr..kind. In ... the most important property of the soil is ... fertility.

1. Form short passive past participles from these verbs: a) lead - b) continue - c) study - d) construct - 2. Determine the syntactic structure of the text by doing exercise. 368, part 2 “Organic chemistry as a science has been formed relatively recently....”

Check yourself No. 1. a) presented b) continued c) studied d) constructed. No. 2. a) complex sentences b) participial and adverbial phrases c) homogeneous members d) introductory words

"SCIENTIFIC SUBSTRATE" is actually scientific (dissertations, monographs, articles of scientific journals, GOSTs, encyclopedias, instructions); popular science (articles in newspapers, popular science magazines, popular science books; speeches on radio, television on scientific topics, specialists in front of a mass audience); scientific and educational (educational literature on subjects, reference books, manuals).

Read the text. Determine what style of speech it belongs to. Indicate the features of the style of speech: from the point of view of constructing the text, lexical morphological syntactic features. Name the terms. What role do they play in the text?

A .. car is itself ... a vehicle designed (n) (nn) th for transporting goods of people and performing special operations. According to their purpose, they distinguish between cargo pa..azhirsky and special According to the type of sha (s) (ss) and a .. cars are divided into frame and (without) frame. Frame cars have as a skeleton a frame to which components and m.. khanisms are attached. (Without) frame (do not) have frames, and the components and m..hanisms m..attach to the body. In this case, the body of a car is called n.. existing.

Choose the correct answer 1. The scientific style of speech is distinguished by: a) generalization a b) stereotype c) standardization 2. Scope of the scientific style of speech: a) speeches at rallies b) personal correspondence c) special literature c 3. Vocabulary features: a) stable combinations b) figurative means c) the unambiguity of the word in 4 , Syntax features: a) complicated simple sentences b) an abundance of complex sentences b

scientific style The main advantage of scientific language is clarity (D.S. Likhachev) Who thinks clearly, expresses clearly (Protagoras)

The scientific style of the Russian literary language is a functional variety of the language, the scope of which is science.

The most important task of the scientific style of speech is to explain the causes of phenomena, to inform, describe the essential features, properties of the subject of scientific knowledge.

Linguistic features of the scientific style are due to extralinguistic features. TO extralinguistic features of the scientific style include:

  • abstraction, abstractness and generalization;
  • accuracy, unambiguity and certainty;
  • logic;
  • lack of imagery and emotion.

These features are expressed by specialized and standardized linguistic means at the lexical, word-formation, morphological and syntactic levels.

Generalization and abstraction the language of scientific prose is dictated by the specifics of scientific thinking. Science interprets concepts, expresses an abstract thought, therefore its language is devoid of concreteness. And in this respect it is opposed to the language of fiction.

However, it would be wrong to think that the language of science is dry, inexpressive. Its expressiveness lies not in external verbal decorations - vivid metaphors, catchy epithets, various rhetorical phrases. The beauty and expressiveness of the language of scientific prose - in brevity and accuracy expression of thought with the maximum informative saturation of the word, in the energy of thought.

The intellectual nature of scientific knowledge determines consistency the language of science, expressed in the preliminary thinking of the message, in the monologue nature and strict sequence of presentation. In this respect, scientific style, like some other book styles, is opposed to colloquial speech.

“Management is a complex socio-economic, informational and organizational-technological phenomenon, a process of activity that deals with a change in states, qualities of an object, which implies the presence of certain trends and stages. Hence it is connected with the laws and principles that are the subject of any science. Here and genesis, and evolution, and sharp jumps, and impasses, and goal-setting, and hope. Management includes knowledge, skills, abilities, techniques, operations, procedures, algorithms of influence through motivation, i.e. everything that is included in the concept of social and human technologies”

(Higher education in Russia. 1995. No. 2).

To common vocabulary include the words of a common language that are most often found in scientific texts. For instance: The device works both at high, and at low temperatures. There is no special word here. In any scientific text, such words form the basis of the presentation.

A word in scientific speech usually names not a specific, individually unique object, but a class of homogeneous objects. Therefore, first of all, words with a generalized and abstract meaning are selected, for example:

Chemistry deals only with homogeneous bodies.

Here, almost every word denotes a general concept: chemistry in general, bodies in general.

General scientific vocabulary- the second significant layer of scientific speech. With the help of general scientific words, phenomena and processes in various fields of science and technology are described. These words are assigned to certain concepts, but are not terms, for example: operation, question, task, phenomenon, base, absorb, abstract, acceleration and etc.

Yes, the word question as a general scientific meaning "this or that situation, circumstance as a subject of study and judgment, a task that needs to be solved, a problem." It is used in various branches of science in such contexts: to the question of valency; study the issue; key questions; national question; peasant question.

The third layer of scientific style vocabulary is terminology. This is the core of scientific style. Term can be defined as a word or phrase that accurately and unambiguously names an object, phenomenon or concept of science and reveals its content; the term is based on a scientifically constructed definition (definition, interpretation of the concept).

Due to the fact that the term denotes a scientific concept, it is included in the system of concepts of the science to which it belongs. And often the consistency of terms is formalized by language, word-formation means. So, in medical terminology, using the suffix -it designate inflammatory processes in human organs: appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix; bronchitis - bronchial inflammation.


Single-valued, non-expressive terms

Vocabulary with abstract meaning

Cognitive linguistics, metaphor

Stereotyped expressions

trend, pattern

experience the impact

The predominance of nouns over verbs, a large number of verbal nouns


decrease, dominance

S - second, YKM - language picture of the world,

Stringing cases

The predominance of forms 3 persons present. temp.

Falling growth, setting signs of inflation

Serves, allocates

We have established, we have proven

Active use of forms of imperfective verbs

Derived prepositions

There is a decline

During, in view of,

Phraseology of the scientific style can also include various kinds of speech cliches : constitute, includes, consists of..., applies to (for)..., consists of..., refers to... etc.

The word-forming features of the scientific style are:

the use of a significant number of nouns formed from verbs and adjectives (measurement, division, variable);

the use of abbreviations in texts (PS (software), LC (life cycle).

  • practically no verbs are used in the 1st and 2nd person singular;
  • predominance of present tense verbs predicting ( With irritation of certain places of the cerebral cortex, regularly advancing abbreviations. Carbon is the most important part of the plant); past tense forms are used in describing the history of the issue or the history of the emergence and development of the subject under study; forms of the future tense - when forecasting;
  • uncommon exclamatory particles and interjections.

Significant features differ syntax scientific speech. The need to prove, to argue the expressed thoughts, to discover the causes and consequences of the analyzed phenomena leads to the predominant use of complex sentences, and among the types of complex sentences, complex as the most capacious and typical language form for scientific speech.


Frequent use of passive constructions

Stagnation is characterized, the problem is solved

Widespread use of and dep. revolutions

Exploring this phenomenon, characterizing the state of society

Widespread use of sentences without a subject (impersonal, definitely personal, etc.)

Note the following;

Extensive use of compound sentences

Studying in the laboratory

The prospects for the practical application of the theory will open - the work will acquire a pronounced practical orientation

Thus, the scientific style is one of the most reliable sources of replenishment of the literary language.

Its normalization contributes to the formation of the skills of accurate, clear, understandable, pure speech, which is important for the formation of a linguistic personality.

  • Slide 1. Scientific style. Analysis of style features. The scientific style of speech is one of the functional varieties of the literary language, serving the sphere of science and production; it is realized in book specialized texts of different genres.
  • Slide 2. Science and scientific texts. Science is a peculiar sphere of human activity. It is designed to give true information about the world around. And although it is possible to comprehend the patterns of the surrounding world in other (not only scientific) ways, it is science that is turned to the intellect, to logic. Scientific texts are associated with an orientation towards a professional reader. So, the main features of the language of science are accuracy and objectivity.
  • Slide 3. Composition of a scientific text. The composition of a typical scientific text reflects the sequence of phases of scientific research: understanding the problem (question, task) and setting a goal - “introduction”, finding ways to solve the problem, enumerating possible options and putting forward a hypothesis, proving the idea (hypothesis) - “main part”, solving the research tasks, getting an answer - "conclusion".
  • Slide 4. Language tools. In a scientific text in any specialty, one can easily single out the linguistic means by which this logical framework is constructed. These are, for example, verbs: let's designate, set, compose, define, find, choose, consider.
  • Slide 5. Metatext. The scientific text has a complex organization. It can be conditionally divided into two layers in terms of what information the reader receives: factual, directly about the object of study; information about how the author organizes this factual information. Information of the second type (and the elements that introduce it) is usually called metatext. The presence of metatext is one of the essential properties of a scientific text.
  • Slide 6. Objectivity and accuracy. The patterns of using linguistic means in a scientific style are determined by the factors that have already been mentioned - objectivity and accuracy.
  • Slide 7. Objectivity. Objectivity implies that information does not depend on the whim of a particular person, is not the result of his feelings and emotions. In the text of a scientific work, it manifests itself both in the presence of some obligatory components of content, and in form - in the manner of narration.
  • Slide 8. "Objectivity of form" of the scientific style. The “objectivity of the form” of the scientific style implies the rejection of language means that are associated with the transmission of emotions: interjections and particles that convey emotions and feelings, emotionally colored vocabulary and expressive sentence models are not used; a clear preference is given to a neutral word order; exclamatory intonation is not typical for scientific speech, interrogative intonation is used to a limited extent.
  • Slide 9. Accuracy. Accuracy is an important feature of science. The scientific style in the mind of an ordinary person, of course, is primarily associated with terms.
  • Slide 10. Terms. Terms do not exist one by one: establishing connections with each other - by the type of general / particular, genus / species, species / varieties, whole / part, identity, similarity, opposites, etc. - they form terminological systems.
  • Slide 11. Scientific style variations. Depending on how the author defines for himself the capabilities and needs of his "interlocutor", he can use one of the variations of the scientific style: the scientific style itself, the scientific-educational or popular science substyle. The main variety is the actual scientific substyle. On its basis, a lighter version arises, intended for those who are just comprehending a new field of knowledge, a scientific and educational substyle. A small degree of competence of the reader or listener leads to the emergence of a popular science text.
  • Slide 12. The main written genres. In the field of science, the main written genres are abstracts, an article and a monograph, since it is with their help that new scientific information is transmitted, other genres represent either a processing of this information that they provide, presenting information in an adapted, concise form (abstract, abstract), or give it an assessment (review, review).
  • Slide 13. The rigor of the scientific style. The severity of the scientific style reaches its apogee in genres that are a document, and therefore are influenced by the official business style. Strict requirements are imposed on the final student work: the composition of the work is regulated (dividing into chapters or paragraphs, the presence of a plan (table of contents), sections "Introduction", "Conclusion" (or "Conclusions"), "Bibliography", and often "Appendix") , its design (indication on the title page of the details "Scientific supervisor", "Genre" (term paper, thesis, etc.), "Year", "Educational institution".

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Scientific style of speech

Scientific style is a system of speech means serving the sphere of science and education.

Scientific style functions: communication of scientific information, scientific explanation of facts.

Characteristic features: consistency, objectivity, semantic accuracy, unambiguity, standardity, brevity, clarity, rigor, abstraction, generalization, impersonality, non-categorical.

Style features: The use of terms and single-valued words, repetition of key words, direct word order, the predominance of indefinite and impersonal sentences, an abundance of complex sentences, participial and adverbial phrases.

Terms are one of two groups of special vocabulary - words and combinations of words used mainly by people of a certain branch of knowledge, profession. Each science has its own system of terms, called terminology.

There are three sub-styles: proper scientific (monographs, articles, dissertations, speeches in scientific disputes, scientific reports), scientific and educational (textbooks, lectures), popular science (popular science messages, articles, essays).

Self-scientific sub-style Immigration is now becoming one of the most important components of the life of Spanish society. Since the beginning of the new millennium, the country has demonstrated one of the highest growth rates in the world. Since 2000, 500 - 600 thousand people enter Spain annually. Currently, in terms of the influx of immigrants, the country ranks second in the world (after the United States) and first in Europe. According to the Ministry of Labor and Immigration at the beginning of 2008, the number of officially registered immigrants is 4.5 million people, and their total number (together with illegal immigrants) is estimated at 6 million people. At the same time, the share of immigrants in its population reached almost 10%. According to this indicator, Spain also leads among the countries of the European Union. Candidate of Economics, Senior Researcher Center for Iberian Studies I.G. Sinelshchikova Immigration and immigration policy in Spain: solutions, problems

Scientific and educational sub-style In the phonetic literature, one can find mention of 50 orthoepic and orthophonic features of the Leningrad pronunciation related to individual vowels and consonants, combinations of consonants and individual words. 39 of them are features of the Leningrad version of the norm and will be discussed below, 11 are features of the Leningrad vernacular, and therefore will not be analyzed. L.A. Verbitskaya "Let's speak correctly"

Popular science substyle Since the time of A.M. Peshkovsky, our linguistic science has come a long way. Rapidly developing, it aimed mainly at creating rigorous models and theories of language that could be applied in various computer systems for processing texts. But it is precisely this focus on solving applied, not directly related to human goals that has alienated modern linguistics from everyday life, from the interests of the common man. Elsa Florenskaya "On the style of a scientist"

The composition of a typical scientific text reflects the sequence of phases of scientific research:

1. Awareness of the problem (question, task) and goal setting - "introduction"; 2. Finding ways to solve the problem, sorting out possible options and putting forward a hypothesis, proof of an idea (hypothesis) - "the main part"; 3. Solving a research problem, getting an answer - "conclusion", i.e. the type of speech is reasoning.

1. The concept of scientific style.

2. The emergence and development of the scientific style.

3. Linguistic features of the scientific style:

3.1. lexical;

3.2. morphological;

3.3. syntactic.

4. Scientific style text composition rules.

The concept of scientific style.

The scientific style of speech is one of the functional varieties of the literary language, the purpose of which is to convey objective scientific information, to prove its truth, and often novelty and value. Texts of this style are addressed to readers or listeners prepared for the perception of scientific information.

The concept of scientific style.

Sphere of public activity

which the scientific style functions is science. The scientific style is used when writing and discussing projects, scientific reports, reports, articles, monographs, dissertations ... The scientific style, or rather, its educational variety, is also used in higher educational institutions in lectures and practical classes, in textbooks, theses, etc. P.

The concept of scientific style.

Scientific style refers to

called book styles of the Russian language, is used mainly in written form of speech. However, with the development of mass media, with the growing importance of science in modern society, an increase in the number of various kinds of scientific contacts,

such as conferences, symposia,

scientific seminars, the role of oral scientific speech is increasing.

The concept of scientific style

Scientific speech is always prepared, whether it be in written or oral form. The most seemingly simple, easily perceived lecture is carefully prepared by the teacher. And the easier it is to understand a lecture or article that is complex in content, the more attentively the author worked on it. Great scientists repeatedly

said that the most difficult things can be

tell simply. This reflected the well-known truth: "He who thinks clearly, he clearly states."

Requirements for scientific style.

First, in order to understand a complex phenomenon, one needs

logic, a clear sequence of thoughts. Secondly,

Precision is needed - precise concepts, precise definitions. It is consistency and accuracy that make a scientific work clear. The purpose of scientific research is not only the explanation of any single phenomena or facts of reality, but also the identification of that common thing that unites it with similar phenomena or facts or distinguishes it from them. Therefore, the third requirement for scientific style is the generalization of the presentation. Further, scientific papers always talk about the new: or about the absolutely new (discoveries, inventions)

or about relatively new, i.e. new only, for example, for

students (textbooks). In order to convince the reader or listener that he is right, a scientist must be objective, therefore, the subject under study is put forward in the first place, and not the personality of the scientist. As a result, scientific works rarely use words and expressions that speak about the feelings of the author. And, finally, scientific books, articles, reports, as a rule, are concise (conciseness is the conciseness of the form with the saturation of the content).

Linguistic features of the scientific style:

One of the most noticeable linguistic features of the scientific style is the use of numerous terms. Due to the rapid spread of scientific achievements around the world, there are a lot of international terms, for example: analysis, amplitude,

contact. The world is moving towards international

standardization of the language of science.

In the scientific style, compound terms are widely used, i.e. terms formed from several words. Moreover,

The lexical composition of the scientific style includes many complex

words that appear due to the desire of their creators for conciseness. Often in the formation of terms are used

special Russian and international terminological

elements correlative in meaning, for example: two-/bi-, between-/inter-, small-/micro-, etc.

Syntactic features of scientific style

Syntactic features

scientific style of speech are already found in

phrase. As in other bookish styles of speech, phrases from a noun and a verb are common in the scientific style,

partially lost its

lexical meaning: render

influence, produce