Cooking beshbarmak at home. Kazakh cuisine: how to cook beshbarmak How to cook the Kazakh dish beshbarmak

In Kazakhstan, if you haven’t eaten meat, then consider that you left the table hungry,” this is how Aizharkyn Dosumbetova began her story about national cuisine. For 20 years now she has been working in a restaurant at the Kazakh Embassy in Russia. Aizharkyn is a national cuisine chef; she herself no longer remembers when she learned to cook Kazakh traditional dishes. It seems like I have been cooking since childhood. For the last 20 years, she has been feeding embassy staff and also cooking personally for the president and his guests when Nursultan Nazarbayev comes to Moscow. He says that Nursultan Abishevich really loves beshbarmak, small manti with pumpkin and meat and sea bass. And the obligatory baursaks (small donuts fried in boiling oil) at any Kazakh feast must be served without powdered sugar; he doesn’t particularly like sweets. There must also be kumis and shubat on the table. These are traditional drinks made from mare and camel milk.
The main thing is a lot of meat!
Kazakhstani cuisine is distinguished by all the traditional features inherent in the national cuisine of nomadic peoples. This is an abundance of fatty meat dishes, a love for a wide variety of dairy products, such as irimshik, kaymak, kumis, ayran, shubat, katyk, kurt and much more. And a lot of flour products.
Religion imposed some restrictions. For example, for pork, for alcoholic drinks. “We really love meat: horse meat, lamb, beef,” says Aizharkyn. - Meat was always on the table all year round, despite the fact that, of course, there were no refrigerators. But when the cattle were slaughtered, the meat was salted, and then dried and cured. Dishes made from such meat are especially tasty.”
A very popular dish, kazy, is horse meat sausage in the intestines, the meat for which is very fatty and always marinated with garlic, salt and black pepper. And also boiled lamb in large pieces. In the national cuisine of Kazakhstan, meat is usually boiled or stewed. The method of roasting the whole carcass on a spit is also used.
A favorite dish in Kazakhstan is sirne, which is lamb marinated in cream with garlic, salt and pepper. It is simmered in the oven for 6 hours and served with coarsely chopped and fried onions, carrots and sweet peppers. Nowadays, many families serve cheese with potatoes stewed in the same fat.
Another fatty and incredibly tasty dish that is often prepared in Kazakhstan is kuyrdak (lamb entrails fried with potatoes). Analogues of this dish from different types of offal are prepared in all countries of Central Asia. According to some versions, the Russian word “kavardak” comes from the name of this dish. The same mess is in the cauldron, where housewives, having previously melted the fat tail fat and taken out the cracklings, throw small (about 2 by 2 cm) pieces of kidneys, hearts, and lungs. All this is fried for 10-15 minutes. The last thing to go into this mess is the liver. Then you need to take all the offal into the pan, fry the onions in the same fat, add it to the meat, pour broth over everything and simmer for another 10 minutes. Previously, there was nothing else in this dish, now housewives like to add potatoes cut into the same cubes. The main thing is not to overdo it, there shouldn’t be too much of it.
And yet, the most favorite dish, without which a good table is unthinkable, either on holidays or on weekdays, is beshbarmak.
Beshbarmak in Kazakh

Beshbarmak (formed from “besh” and “barmak”) translated from Turkic languages ​​means “five fingers”, since the nomads did not use cutlery when eating. It is eaten with your hands, washed down with surpa, a rich meat broth, from a bowl. This is a rather fatty dish made from lamb or horse meat. Sometimes 4 types of meat are mixed: lamb, beef, horse meat and camel. The boiled hot meat is placed on thin pieces of dough boiled in meat broth (sochni) and flavored with coarsely chopped, slightly stewed onions.
We will need the following products:
Meat (a good fatty piece of horse meat) – 1 kg
Kazy – 1 kg
Tomatoes – 4 pcs.
Onions – 4-5 pcs.
Peppercorns – 5-6 pcs.
Bay leaf – 4 pcs
Salt - to taste
Dough – 1 kg
For the test you will need:
Flour – 500 gr
Water – 250 g
Eggs – 1 piece
Salt - to taste

Let's prepare it like this:
Pour cold water over the meat, bring to a boil, skim off the foam, add salt, peppercorns and bay leaves, cook over low heat for 2 hours. We boil the kazy separately for the same amount of time. Boiled meat and kazy must be removed from the broth and cooled. Then cut into slices of approximately 0.5 cm.

Now let's prepare the juice. From flour, water and eggs, adding a little salt to everything, knead a stiff dough and let it stand for 40 minutes. Then roll it out very thin and cut into pieces. Aizharkyn cuts it into fairly large squares (about the size of half a notebook page). Then we dip these thin pieces of dough into boiling meat broth for a few minutes. When boiled, they become a little thicker. We catch it with a slotted spoon: the juices are ready!

Stew coarsely chopped onions and tomatoes into squares with a small amount of broth. Just before serving, heat the slices of meat and kazy in a small amount of broth: the beshbarmak should be hot!

Place hot juices on a large dish with sides, pieces of meat on top of them, then a layer of kazy slices and, finally, onions and tomatoes. You can sprinkle everything with finely chopped herbs: cilantro, parsley and dill. And straight to the table!
The main thing is not to choke on saliva when you open the lid to spread the beshbarmak. In the Kazakh tradition, it is served on a large flat wooden dish with low sides, combining many servings at once.

Separately in bowls we serve the strong aromatic broth in which the meat was cooked (it is called surpa). In some regions of Kazakhstan, this dish is also served with tuzdyk sauce, made from mashed and then diluted kurt (dry sheep's cottage cheese) with garlic.

The name of the traditional Kazakh dish beshbarmak is translated into Russian as “meat”. It is a dish of boiled meat combined with pasta. Cooking it is not that difficult, and you can get a lot of pleasure from the meal.

Kazakh beshbarmak: how to cook

There are a lot of modern recipes for beshbarmak. After all, many try to adapt this dish to suit themselves and change the composition to their taste. Therefore, despite the fact that beshbarmak is traditionally prepared from meat, you can easily find options for preparing such a dish from chicken.

Kazakh beshbarmak recipe

To prepare beshbarmak you will need:

  • lamb (you can use meat on the bone - the broth will be richer) – 800 g
  • beef – 700 g
  • horse meat pulp – 800 g
  • onions – 5 pcs.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • young garlic greens - a bunch
  • parsley - bunch
  • spices: salt, ground black pepper, cumin
In case you will not use beef, increase the amount of lamb to 1.5 kg

You will also need ingredients to prepare dough for beshbarmak:

  • wheat flour – half a kilogram
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • water – 1/2 cup
  • 1 tsp salt

First of all, when preparing beshbarmak, you need to prepare the meat. Rinse all parts well under running water, get rid of films, veins and other unnecessary parts. In this situation, it is better to leave fat, as this will make the dish more filling. Traditionally, meat is poured with boiling water before cooking. Place a container with meat and water (usually a cauldron is used to prepare beshbarmak) on the fire and wait until the water boils. Carefully and very thoroughly remove all foam that appears. To enhance the taste of the broth, you can add whole carrots and onions to it, this will make the taste of the broth richer. After the broth boils, reduce the heat and leave the meat to cook for another 2 hours.

While the broth is cooking, you can make the noodles. Remember that the noodles for beshbarmak are diamond-shaped. Preparing it is not as difficult as it seems. To do this, mix flour with eggs and salt in a deep bowl. Then pour water into the mixture and stir with a spoon. Then place it on the table and knead the dough thoroughly with your hands until it becomes elastic and tough.

The flour must be sifted to make the noodles more tender and airy.

After kneading, place the dough in a bag and leave to rest for half an hour, after which it must be thoroughly kneaded again and cut into 4 parts. Each part must be rolled out into thin layers of approximately 1–2 mm. Dust them with flour and leave to dry for a while. Then cut the dough into diamonds, which also need to be dried a little.

The meat should already be cooked by this point, so carefully remove the fat from the surface of the broth and set it aside in a separate bowl. You will need it to lubricate the noodles before cooking, thereby preventing them from sticking together.

Add spices to the broth and salt it to taste. Cook for another 15 minutes, then remove all large parts - carrots, onions, garlic and, in fact, meat. It needs to be cut off the bones and cut into slices. Cut another onion into half rings. Place onions in a frying pan, meat on top, then herbs and spices, pour in broth and simmer for 5 minutes.

Put the broth back on the fire, add the onion and parsley. When everything comes to a boil, start adding noodles. Stir to avoid sticking. It will take about 5 minutes to cook. Then remove the noodles with a slotted spoon and place on a dish, pour fat over each batch of noodles to prevent sticking, sprinkle with herbs. Then place the meat in a mound on the noodles. Heat the broth in which the noodles were cooked and pour into bowls, serving along with the dish to the table.

This is the number one dish in Kazakh cuisine. Not a single celebration or feast in Kazakhstan can be held without it. Many guests and tourists wonder why Kazakhs consume so much meat, because this leads to excess weight, because they often eat meat that is not lean, plus problems with cholesterol.

I would like to note that meat was the main diet of nomads, due to the fact that nomads led a nomadic lifestyle. Imagine the situation that you need to drive countless herds and other livestock in the winter, and winter on the territory of the nomadic steppe lasted 5-6 months.

Therefore, it was absolutely impossible to live without meat. With the help of this product, this people survived and defended themselves. Now the consumption of meat has certainly decreased, because Kazakhs today lead a sedentary lifestyle and have long been representatives of the culture of urbanization. But the tradition of slaughtering cattle (horse) every year has remained to this day. This is a special process for nomads.

Below we will tell you about the recipe for the main national dish of the Kazakhs - beshbarmak. But before we reveal the secrets of the recipe. I would like to say that the process of choosing meat for beshbarmak is also a great art.

You need to choose a horse that has been fattened, that is, the meat should be fat and not old. When purchasing horse meat, not whole, you should pay attention to the color of the flesh and fat. The pulp should be light red, and the fat should be white, in no case with a yellowish tint. You can prepare delicious beshbarmak from such meat.

Talking about beshbarmak and the process of its preparation, I would like to immediately talk about the time that needs to be spent on its preparation. So, the cooking process lasts more than 3 hours. Therefore, this dish is calculated according to the time interval before the guests arrive.

Every family has a large enough saucepan, at least 20 liters, to prepare this dish. No matter what urbanization occurs and the Kazakhs have long since switched to a sedentary lifestyle for about 200 years, the importance and love for beshbarmak has remained at the same level.

Not a single ultra-modern dish can replace beshbarmak. Now about the meaning of the word “beshbarmak” (besparmak) is translated from Kazakh as 5 fingers; this dish is eaten only with your hands. Just as in Uzbekistan people really eat pilaf with their hands, so they eat beshbarmak only with their hands, this is a national feature.

Now the recipe for this dish and some nuances in preparation. Basically, beshbarmak is prepared only from horse meat, but there are also varieties of this dish with other types of meat.
For example, in the year of the horse, beshbarmak is prepared from poultry, beef and lamb. This is already a trend of the 20th century and astrology.

Place horse meat in a pan of cold water, add 2 tablespoons of salt when boiling, depending on the amount of meat. Well, roughly how much meat is calculated is 500 grams per person. Kazy is prepared from the fatty loin part of the meat; the meat is cut from the rib, but not completely separated; it must literally hang down. The kazy is salted and peppered in advance and you can add a few cloves of garlic.

Wrap in gauze or cling film and let sit for several hours, preferably a day. The map is the large intestine of horse meat, it is washed thoroughly so that there is no specific smell during cooking, for this you need to maintain the temperature balance of the water and contrast washing. Then the card is turned inside out and stuffed with fatty meat, to which salt, pepper, garlic, and onion have been added.

The card is cooked separately, otherwise the broth will acquire an unpleasant specific smell. The stinger is a strip of fatty tenderloin that is cut, salted and peppered. Zhaya is a traditional part of horse meat, in other words, the sirloin part of the carcass. She may weigh from 1 to 6 kilograms. It is advisable to cook Shuzhyk (horse sausage) separately.

When boiling shuzhyk, after boiling, you need to pierce the skin of the sausage so that it does not burst; cook for about 2-2.5 hours after boiling. Zhaya, zhal, kazy, liver are boiled in one pan. The broth turns out rich.

After the meat is cooked, you need to strain it and cook socni (dough) in this broth. The dough is made as follows: add 2 eggs and water and salt, add high-grade flour, mix everything and let it sit for a while. The dough is then rolled out into circles.

A special chic is when the circles turn out to be large and have the correct circle shape. They should be rolled out an hour or two before the feast so that they can dry. Then they are boiled for 20 minutes in broth.

Another tuzdyk (sauce) is prepared for beshbarmak; it consists of onions, which are poured with broth, and more spices are added. It is boiled and then added to the dough so that it does not stick together.

You can additionally boil the potatoes. Beshbarmak is laid out as follows: a little broth is poured onto a large round dish (tobacco), then the dough is laid out, the meat is laid out on the sochni, and tuzdyk is poured on top. If you boiled potatoes, then spread them along the edges of the dish. Bon appetit.

Everyone who has been to Kazakhstan has tried this dish, because the Kazakhs are very hospitable people.

As a rule, beshbarmak is prepared in honor of receiving dear guests or on major holidays. Every corner of Kazakhstan has its own subtleties in preparing this dish. For example, in the northern regions, in addition to dough, potatoes are also boiled in broth. In the west, instead of meat, large fish is placed in beshbarmak; in the south, the dough is often cut into noodles rather than diamonds.

They eat beshbarmak with their hands from a common dish. Therefore, before a meal, all guests thoroughly wash their hands up to the elbows. Then, sitting comfortably at the dastarkhan, they tear off a small piece from the kulagnan, put the meat on it, flavor it with onions and put it in the mouth. Chew thoroughly and wash down with broth. After such a fatty meal, it is customary to drink tea with milk. And then the respected aksakal or the eldest member of the family reads the bata - a blessing for all those gathered.

How to cook beshbarmak:

    D For this dish, the first step is to cook the meat. Place 2 kg of lamb or horse meat in one piece with bones in a cauldron or thick-walled pan. You can also add a small piece of smoked shuzhuk or kazy here. Fill with cold water and place over high heat. Wait for the broth to boil, skim off the foam and reduce the heat. Leave the meat to simmer for 3 hours. 10-15 minutes before it’s ready, add a couple of bay leaves, a handful of black peppercorns and salt to taste into the broth.

    While the meat is cooking, knead the dough for kulagnan from 1 egg, a glass of water, 1 tsp. salt and flour. It should be very tight. Roll out several round cakes from the dough, 0.1 cm thick and 20-25 cm in diameter. Dry them a little on a towel.

    Once the meat is cooked, transfer it to a bowl. Cut into small portions and cover with a lid or plate. Pour the broth into a small saucepan along with the fattest top part. Cook gravy from it - tuzdyk. Place the surpa on the fire and bring to a boil. Then add one large onion, cut into thin rings, to the saucepan. Cook for a minute, remove from heat, cover and let sit for a while. Prepare kulagnan with the rest of the broth. Dip the dough into boiling surpa and cook for 5-7 minutes until ready.

    Take a large dish and first place the kulagnan on it, the meat on top and generously pour the fatty broth and onions over everything. Bring it to the table immediately. Along with beshbarmak, the broth in which the meat and dough was cooked is often served. Surpa is poured into small bowls, sometimes kurt (dried salted cottage cheese), lemon slices or ayran are added to them.

By and large, all beshbarmak recipes are pieces of boiled meat with noodles. It’s just the subtleties in the cooking technology and the peculiarity of serving the dish, which are unique to it, that distinguish beshbarmak from other similar pasta with meat.

The Kazakh dish beshbarmak is translated as “5 fingers”, as eastern nomadic peoples traditionally eat with their hands. And such a meat and flour dish is inherent in many cuisines of the Turkic peoples: Bashkir, Uzbek, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tatar, Turkmen, Karakalpak, etc.

Of course, any oriental restaurant will offer beshbarmak to its guests. But since it will be prepared at home, no one will treat it anywhere.

Basic principles of preparing beshbarmak

Cooking beshbarmak at home is easy even for a beginner, especially if you understand its essence. This is a composite dish that includes boiled meat and boiled dough.

Moreover, both components are prepared separately and combined only on a plate.

There's no such thing as too much meat

If you eat without meat, it means you are hungry. It is this principle that underlies the preparation of beshbarmak. Therefore, there must be a lot of meat here. In addition, it should not be lean, but fatty. Exactly whose meat will be the basis of the recipe does not matter; perhaps the dish will be prepared from different types.

The main thing is that the meat is cooked very well, becomes soft and gives a strong and fatty broth.

Step-by-step tips will tell you how to prepare beshbarmak correctly:

  1. Prepare the meat for placing in the pan. All pieces should be washed well, all films and veins should be removed. But there is no need to trim off the fat.
  2. Place the meat in a large saucepan, or preferably a cauldron, and fill it to the top with water.
  3. After the water boils, very carefully and carefully remove all the rising foam with a slotted spoon.
  4. To make the broth more aromatic, you can add whole peeled carrots, garlic and an onion.
  5. After the broth has boiled and all the foam has been removed, reduce the heat to low and leave the meat to cook for 2 hours.
  6. Collect all fat from the surface of the broth into a separate bowl. You will need it to lubricate the dough.
  7. Salt the liquid and add the necessary spices. Let the meat cook for another 15 minutes.
  8. Remove from the cauldron and discard all vegetables.
  9. Select all the meat onto a plate. Let it cool a little.
  10. To serve, all meat must be removed from the bones and divided into pieces. Each recipe has its own cutting method: tear it into fibers with your hands, cut into large pieces or carefully cut into plates.
  11. Place the finished meat on the dough.

An obligatory component and decoration of beshbarmak is sautéed onion.

Cut the head of a large onion into half rings of the required thickness and lightly fry in a frying pan with the addition of butter and a small amount of broth. As a result, the onion should not be fried, but stewed. When it becomes translucent, it is laid out on the meat, distributing it evenly over the entire top, or folded into a mound in the center of the dish.

Homemade dough - handmade

The recipe for beshbarmak dough is very simple. It is usually mixed with eggs and water. In various recipes, either just the yolk or the whole egg can be used.

The dough should not be too salty or even fresh.

  1. Sift flour into a deep bowl. This should definitely be done, then the beshbarmak dough and the finished product will turn out tender and airy.
  2. Beat the required number of eggs or yolks into the flour.
  3. If there is salt in the recipe, add it to the flour at this stage.
  4. Pour the required amount of water into the bowl. It is best if the water is very cold.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly. Knead the dough with your hands until it becomes elastic. If necessary, add a little flour.
  6. Cover the bowl with a towel and let the dough rest for about 30 minutes.
  7. Knead the dough again on a floured board. Divide it into several parts (usually 4).
  8. Roll out each piece of dough thinly into a layer of no more than 2 mm.
  9. Usually in beshbarmak the pieces of dough are diamond-shaped. Therefore, lightly dust a thin layer of dough with flour and cut into strips, which are then cut into diamond shapes.
  10. Let the diamonds sit for a while before cooking. The dough should be boiled in the meat broth left over after cooking the meat.
  11. When the meat is removed, the broth should be seasoned with spices (if the recipe requires it) and brought to a boil. Carefully place the dough diamonds into the boiling liquid. They should be laid one at a time to avoid sticking.
  12. Boil the dough for about 5 minutes. It needs to be stirred periodically.
  13. Use a slotted spoon to remove the finished diamonds and place them on a large flat dish. They are poured with the fat collected from the meat on top.

As you can see, preparing beshbarmak correctly is not so difficult. You just need to prepare for the fact that the process will be lengthy due to the long boiling of the meat. But the end result is worth it!

Cooking recipes in eastern countries

Different nationalities prepare beshbarmak according to their ancient traditions and preferences. The meat can be any, but more often it is beef, horse meat, lamb, and noodles or other flour products (diamonds, squares, pieces of boiled dough) are prepared by hand in the old fashioned way, rather than using store-bought ones.

It is not difficult to prepare beshbarmak at home. Decide on a recipe and go!

Kazakh style with horse meat sausage

The most common and famous is beshbarmak in Kazakh. Each region of the country has its own meat preferences, but the presence of kazy (horse meat sausage) is, as a rule, mandatory. And beshbarmak is prepared in a huge cauldron for the whole large family.


  • Beef - 1 kg;
  • Kazy - 1 kg;
  • Onion - 5 pcs;
  • Peppercorns - 6 pcs;
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Dill optional;
  • Flour - 500 gr;
  • Water - 250 g;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking beshbarmak in Kazakh style:

  1. Prepare meat and kazy in the usual way. Place them in a cauldron, add cold water, and bring to a boil. Remove any foam that has risen, add salt, pepper, and bay leaf to the meat. Turn the heat to low and leave the meat to simmer for 2 hours. During the cooking process, do not forget to remove the foam.
  2. Remove the finished pieces of beef and sausage from the cauldron and cool slightly. Then cut the meat into 0.5 cm pieces. From the total mass of the broth, pour a little to cook the flour base.
  3. For Sochi, you should knead the dough from flour, eggs, water and salt. Let the well-kneaded dough rest for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Roll out the pieces of dough into a thin layer and cut it into large squares. Boil the broth.
  5. Dip the dough sheets into the boiling broth for 3-5 minutes. Then remove with a slotted spoon and place on a large plate.
  6. Chop the onion into large half rings. Place it in a frying pan and simmer until translucent, adding a little broth.
  7. Before serving, pieces of meat should be heated in a small amount of broth. Post them on Sochi. Distribute the onion over the entire surface of the meat. If desired, beshbarmak can be decorated with finely chopped dill.

Uzbek style with beef

The secret of preparing Uzbek beshbarmak is that there is no secret. The simpler the better. More meat and ordinary beef beshbarmak will seem like a heavenly delight.


  • Beef - 1.3 kg;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • Allspice - 4 pcs;
  • Onion - 2 pcs;
  • Parsley - 1 bunch;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Flour - 600 gr;
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon.

Cooking beshbarmak in Uzbek style:

  1. Rinse a piece of meat on the bone with water, place in a deep bowl and fill with water. Bring the beef to a boil and skim off any foam that has risen. Cook for 1.5 hours, periodically removing the foam. During cooking, add allspice, bay leaf and salt to taste. You can also add peeled carrots and onions to the broth. Continue cooking the meat for another 1.5 hours.
  2. While the beef is cooking, knead the dough. Sift half the flour into a bowl. Beat eggs into it, add salt and add water. Knead the dough well and knead it until it starts to come away from your hands. Roll the dough into a ball and let it “rise” for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Tearing small pieces of dough from a common piece, roll them into thin layers, which are then cut into diamonds.
  4. Remove the finished meat from the broth and let it cool slightly. Strain the broth itself from spices and vegetables. Remove the slightly cooled beef from the bone and disassemble it into small pieces.
  5. Cut both onions into rings. Fry one in a frying pan with the addition of fat from the broth. Cook the onion until transparent. Boil the second onion in a small amount of broth. Once it becomes soft, remove from the pan.
  6. If necessary, add salt and ground pepper to the broth where the onions were cooked. Boil dough diamonds in it.
  7. Remove the finished pieces of dough from the pan and mix with the onions fried in a frying pan.
  8. Place the boiled diamonds with onions in a deep plate, place the beef on top, and place the boiled onions in the center. Beshbarmak can be seasoned with pepper and garnished with chopped parsley.

Kyrgyz style with lamb and offal

Despite the general similarity of dishes, beshbarmak from different countries, and indeed from different regions of the same country, may differ from each other due to various historical reasons. For example, in the south of Kyrgyzstan they prepare not just beshbarmak from lamb, but with the addition of lamb offal.

Want something interesting?


  • Ribs - 1 kg;
  • Heart - 2 pcs;
  • Buds - 5 pcs;
  • Testes - 4 pcs;
  • Onion - 2 pcs;
  • Greens - 1 bunch;
  • Zira or coriander - a pinch.

For the test:

  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Water ¼ cup;
  • Salt - a pinch.

Cooking beshbarmak in Kyrgyz style:

  1. Rinse lamb ribs and offal well. Remove the film from the ribs and cut them into portions.
  2. Cut the hearts in half, wash the inside and remove the part where the vessels are located. Divide the heart halves into 6 parts.
  3. Remove the membranes from the kidneys and cut lengthwise.
  4. Also carefully cut the testes lengthwise and carefully remove the pink flesh from the skin, which is cut into 4 parts.
  5. Place the ribs with hearts in a saucepan and add 3 liters of water. Cook over low heat for about an hour. Do not forget to constantly remove the foam.
  6. Once the ribs and hearts are cooked, remove them from the pan and fry them in a frying pan. When they are covered with a golden brown crust, add the kidneys to the pan and salt everything.
  7. Season the remaining broth with salt to taste and pour half of it into another saucepan. One part - sorpa - will be used as an additive to beshbarmak. and the second is needed for cooking the dough.
  8. And knead the dough from flour, eggs, water and salt. Knead well and thoroughly. Roll out the well-kneaded dough thinly. Cut it into strips 5 cm wide, each of which is cut into squares or diamonds.
  9. Cut the onions into half rings. Place half the onion in the remaining broth that is slowly simmering, and add the other half to the meat for frying.
  10. When the onions in the pan are a little tired, add crushed coriander or winter.
  11. Carefully add the dough to the onion stewed in the broth. It is necessary to constantly ensure that the pieces do not stick together.
  12. While the dough is preparing, place the testicles on the ribs. Gently mix all the contents of the pan. As soon as the testes are browned, you can turn off the heat.
  13. The finished dish is formed a little unusually. The entire contents of the frying pan are laid out in an even layer on the bottom of the plate, i.e. lamb ribs and offal. On top is dough with boiled onions. For beauty, you can sprinkle with chopped herbs. Hot sorpa is served in a separate bowl.

Cooking recipes in European countries

It rarely happens that a dish does not undergo changes under the influence of external factors. And beshbarmak is no exception. Beloved by many, it began to change in composition and method of preparation. Thus, the religion of the Turkic peoples is Islam, according to the laws of which the consumption of pork is prohibited.

But having become widespread among the European part, the preparation of beshbarmak was changed to suit the taste preferences of other peoples, and pork became one of the options for the meat component.

To reduce the cost and speed of cooking meat, they began to make beshbarmak from chicken and ducks. And cooked beshbarmak in a slow cooker has become the norm, because there is no escape from technological progress. Moreover, it is fast and convenient.

With lean pork in a slow cooker

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to stand at the stove for 2 hours and skim the foam from the broth. Oh how I want to eat a hearty meal!

Pork beshbarmak in a slow cooker is a Tatar recipe with potatoes adapted to modern realities.


  • Pork - 300 gr;
  • Onion - 2 pcs;
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Water - ⅓ glass;
  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • Salt, black pepper - 1 pinch.

Cooking pork beshbarmak in a slow cooker:

  1. Cut the lean pork into portions and place on the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Peel medium-sized potatoes and cut into 4 parts. Place it on top of the meat.
  3. Cut the onions into rings and place on top of the potatoes. Salt and pepper everything. Pour about 2 liters of water into the bowl.
  4. Cook in a slow cooker on the “Stew” mode for about 50-60 minutes.
  5. While the meat is cooking, prepare unleavened dough. Mix flour with water and egg. Knead well and roll into a thin layer. Cut the dough into squares. Boil each piece in boiling water for no more than 1.5 minutes.
  6. Place on a large plate in layers: squares of dough, and on top - meat with onions and potatoes.

With poultry meat - chicken or duck

The recipe for beshbarmak at home can be quite simple and quick. Adapting to the frantic rhythm of modern life, the dish undergoes a number of changes, which, fortunately, do not affect its taste. This recipe involves poultry (chicken or duck) and also uses ready-made dough sheets.


  • Poultry - 1-1.5 kg;
  • Onion - 3 pcs;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste;
  • Noodles for beshbarmak - 1 pack.

Cooking beshbarmak from chicken or duck:

  1. Gut the bird and rinse well. Divide the carcass into portions. Place the bird in a saucepan, add water and season to taste with salt and pepper. Cook until done, constantly skimming off the foam. Duck beshbarmak turns out to be richer and fattier. When the bird is ready, remove all pieces from the pan. Separate the meat from the bones and tear or cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel the onions and cut in half. Chop the onion into thin half rings. Place it in a bowl and pour hot broth over it. Cover with a lid and let it brew.
  3. Boil the finished dough sheets in boiling broth for several minutes. Then remove them with a slotted spoon and place them on plates. Place the bird on top and pour the broth and onions over everything. Beshbarmak can be sprinkled with a little herbs.

How to serve beshbarmak correctly

It is very important not only to make beshbarmak correctly, but also to serve it flawlessly.

There are 3 types of serving beshbarmak:

  • Classical. The most common type of serving is when all the ingredients are laid out in layers on a large platter. Traditionally, the sequence is as follows: pieces of dough - meat filling - vegetables, i.e. onion. And a bowl of meat broth is placed next to the guest.
  • Portioned. The basis for this type of presentation is traditional. In a deep portioned plate, beshbarmak is also placed in layers in the same sequence. But at the end the dish is poured with broth on top.
  • Separate. A common type of delivery. Meat, stewed onions, boiled pieces of dough and broth are served in separate plates. Each person present puts the amount of filling he needs on his plate.

Now it became clear how to make beshbarmak. But you need to see how tasty it is by preparing one of the recipes yourself.