Knights the old republic компаньоны. SWTOR. Компаньоны. Общее описание. Отношения с Бастилой

This guide will help you better understand which of your class companions and some other companions have returned to you since SWTOR KOTFE and KOTET

With both expansions Bioware created some chaos regarding the class companions, not to mention all the new ones that have been introduced and recruited to the Eternal Alliance. The article may contain minor story spoilers, the links leading to videos and guides sure do contain huge story spoilers:P

Before we begin, I want to point out that this information below is based only on official sources, no data-mining, no guesses, no assumptions. Bioware has confirmed that there are plans for all companions to return in one way or another, but the how and the when cannot be revealed for all of them yet.

The first part is about the Class Companions – who is missing, who has returned and how to get them back into your army. The second half of the guide is about all other companions coming from Alliance Recruitment and other special missions.


The following paragraphs list all of the classic companions for the classes on the Republic side.


T7-01 | recruited , KOTFE
The little droid was one of the very first companions that came back. He appeared in Chapter 3 of Knights of the Fallen Empire and was available to all classes.

Doctor Archiban Kimble (Doc) | MIA, KOTFE, KOTET 5.10
Doc returned to the Jedi Knight on Ossus with . Him and Nadia (Concular’s companion) are featured in the main story. If you are a Jedi Knight, there will be an additional Alliance Alert available for you. You can go speak to Doc and get him to join you back.

Kira Carsen | MIA KOTE | MIA, KOTET | mentioned 2nd time , 5.6 | mentioned
Kira was mentioned by in the recruitment mission for that companion. Later she was mentioned a second time in Update 5.6 by Darth Hexid. In Spring of 2018 Kira was announced as expected to return in the Summer update (July). Later this statement was overruled and now there is no current date for this companion yet. When Doc returned to the Jedi Knight, he briefly mentioned Kira and Scourge. Later, in , a was released, which shows two masked figures watching the Odessen platform from the hills. Both Kira and Scourge return to you at the end of the initial Onslaught 6.0 expansion storyline. Regardless of which side you pick, they have similar conversations and news to share about Tenebrae. The Jedi Knight, obviously, gets a unique cinematic with both Kira and Scourge.

Lord Scourge | MIA KOTET | MIA, KOTET | mentioned 2nd time , 5.6 | mentioned , 5.10 | returning, ONSLAUGHT 6.0
The Emperor’s Wrath was mentioned by both Master Ranos and Darth Hexid. In Spring of 2018 Scourge was announced as expected to return in the Summer update (July) eventually. Later this statement was overruled and now there is no current date for this companion yet. When Doc returned to the Jedi Knight, he briefly mentioned Kira and Scourge. Later, in , a was released, which shows two masked figures watching the Odessen platform from the hills. Both Kira and Scourge return to you at the end of the initial Onslaught 6.0 expansion storyline. Regardless of which side you pick, they have similar conversations and news to share about Tenebrae. The Jedi Knight, obviously, gets a unique cinematic with both Kira and Scourge.

Sargent Fideltan Rusk | recruitable , determinate fate , KOTFE
Rusk returned with the “Bonds of Duty” alliance mission and was available for recruit there during that mission.


Quyzen Fess | recruited , KOTFE
The Lizard returned in Knights of the Fallen Empire with the Stalking the Score allince mission.

Nadia Grell | MIA, KOTFE | MIA, KOTET | , KOTET 5.10
Nadia has been missing since Fallen Empire. She was briefly mentioned in a conversation between the Alliance Commander and Master Ranos. Nadia came back to the Jedi Consular with Game Update 5.10 as part of the main storyline. Her and Doc (Jedi Knight’s companion) were featured in one of the scenes on Ossus. Consulars can reunite with her via an Alliance Alert mission that becomes avaiable after the story.

Felix Iresso | MIA KOTFE | , KOTET 5.9
Felix has returned with a personal class recruitment mission in Update 5.9.

Zenith | MIA, KOTFE
Zenith has been missing since Fallen Empire. He is also , but there is no exact information at this point when or how this may happen. At some point in 2018 it was said that he is the only companion that the studio doesn’t have a plan for his return yet, but this statement has been replaced later with a confirmation that Zenith is coming back. It’s just not known yet when and how exactly – which is the same saying, but with different wording. Zenith was never abandoned.

Tharan Cedrax | MIA , KOTFE | determine fate, ONSLAUGHT 6.0
Tharan appears for all characters from both factions near the end of the story-mode version of the Corellia Flashpoint. He can be recruited or killed. The Jedi Concular gets a unique cinematic with him. Empire characters get a Dark Side option to kill him after he helps them progress through the Flashpoint’s objectives.


Aric Jorgan | recruited , determinate fate , KOTFE
Aric Jorgan was recruited during Chapter 11 of Fallen Empire and his fate could be determinet later on in Chapter 13.

M1-4X | recruitable, KOTFE
The loyal droid was available for recruitment in Fallen Empire via an Alliance Mission.

Tanno Vik | encountered – not recruitable, KOTFE
Tano Vik met the Outlander in Chapter 6 of Fallen Empire, but was not willing to be recruited.

Yuun | recruitable , KOTFE
Yunn was a part of To Find a Findsman recruitment mission after Chapter 9 of Fallen Empire.

Elara Dorne | MIA, mentioned , KOTFE | recruitable , KOTET 5.2
The Trooper’s loyal female companion came back with The War for Iokath storyline in Update 5.2


Corso Riggs | MIA, KOTFE | , KOTET 5.7
Corso came back in Update 5.7 via a personal class mission.

Guss Tano | , KOTFE
Guss Tano was available for recruitment via the alliance recruitment mission Shining in the Darkness

Risha Drayen | MIA, KOTFE | , KOTET 5.7
Risha came back together with Corso in Update 5.7 with the same personal class mission.

Bowdarr | , KOTFE
Bowdar appeared as part of the Eternal Championship mission and was available for recruitment after completing it.

Akaavi Sparr | MIA KOTFE | , KOTET 5.9
Akaavi has returned to the Smuggler player with a personal class mission in Update 5.9.


The following paragraphs list all of the classic companions for the classes on the Empire side.


Vette | , KOTFE | determinate fate , KOTET
Vette was recruited back in Fallen Empire’s Chapter 13 together with Gault. Later in Chapter 8 of Knights of the Eternal Throne the Alliance Commander had to determine her fate – live or die.

Jaesa Willsam | MIA KOTFE | , KOTET | mentioned 2nd time , 5.6 | returning, 5.10
Both Dark and Light Side versions of Jaessa are coming back with , but you cannot get them both, it was also announced in the . An additional Alliance Alert becomes available that allows you to meet Jaesa again and recruit her. If you are playing Dark Side, you can even kill her.

Major Pierce | recruitable, KOTFE
Major Pierce was available for recruitment in Fallen Empire.

Broonmark | recruitable , KOTFE
Broonmark was available for recruitment in his own mission The Last if His Kind.

Captain Malavai Quinn | MIA, KOTFE | determinate fate , KOTET 5.2
Malavai came back in The War for Iokath with Update 5.2 and his fate was left in the hands of the Alliance Commander.


Khem Val | MIA, KOTFE | , KOTET 5.10
Khem Val has been missing since Fallen Empire. For those, who sided with Zash in the Origins Class Story, Khem returned at the end of the and was killed. For those who sided with Khem, he returned with . Only Inquisitors, who sided with him in the origin storyline will be allowed to get him back.

Talos Drellik | recruitable , KOTFE
Talos was available for recruitment in the Fighting Power with Knowledge alliance mission.

Xalek | recruitable , determinate fate , KOTFE
Xalek appeared in Death Before Dishonor alliance mission, where his fate was determined by you.

Andronikos Revel | MIA, KOTFE | returning , KOTET 5.7
Andronikos came back with a personal class mission in Update 5.7.

Ashara Zavros | MIA, KOTFE | , KOTET | MIA, mentioned 2nd time , KOTET 5.6 | returning KOTET 5.8
Ashara has been mentioned by both Master Ranos and Darth Hexid and later came back in Update 5.6 with her own recruitment mission.


Kaliyo Djannis | recruited , determinate fate , KOTFE
Kaliyo came back in Chapter 10 of Fallen Empire. Her fate was determined later in Chapter 13 of the same Expansion.

SCORPIO | recruited , KOTFE | now defunct , KOTET
Scorpio surprised everyone by returning as The Lady of Sorrows in Chapter 7 of Fallen Empire. She is now defunct since Chapter 5 of Eternal Throne.

Doctor Eckard Lokin | recruitable, KOTFE
Doctor Lokin is recrtuitable since Fallen Empire via an alliance mission that can be completed during the Rakghoul Plague Weekly event.

Ensign Reina Temple | recruited , KOTET 5.6
Ensign Reina Temple returned with Update 5.6 during the A Traitor Among the Chiss story on Copero.

Vector Hyllius | MIA KOTFE | KOTET 5.8
Vector has returned via a personal class mission in Update 5.8.


Mako | MIA, mentioned, KOTFE | , KOTET 5.9 – Mako has been mentioned briefly in Fallen Empire, but has finally come back to the Bounty Hunter via a personal class mission in Update 5.9.

Torian Cadera | recruited , KOTFE | determinate fate , KOTET
Torian was recruited during Fallen Empire and his fate was determined later in Chapter 8 of Eternal Throne.

Blizz | , KOTFE
Blizz came back in Fallen Empire with his own mission Little Boss.

Gault Renaow | , KOTFE
Gault appeared together with Vette in Fallen Empire’s Chapter 13 and was recruited to the Alliance there.

Skadge | recruitable , determinate fate , KOTFE
Skadge came back in Fallen Empire via the Alliance Mission Bonds of Duty. At the end of the same mission the Alliance Commander determined his fate.


The following two sections with companions are just to have the list complete. They are side-companions with little to no voice lines and will not contribute to your adventures too much. There are some exceptins, such as the conversations you can get from Hexid and Ranos on missing classic class companions, but not much else. I have split them in Legacy Companions and Alliance-related companions.

The following companions are accompanied by a little more detailed information to help you get up to speed on who they are and what role they play in the story. They are not a part of your character’s origin story (or not as much) and you may not know some of them very well or at all.


Treek | recruited, KOTFE
Treek is an enthusiastic warrior who defied her primitive tribe’s rigid customs to seek adventure among the stars. Dissatisfied with the peaceful and quiet ways of her people, Treek is determined to achieve great things with her life. She travels the galaxy as a mercenary soldier, always on the hunt for new horizons and epic challenges to conquer. Despite hailing from a technologically-archaic planet and species, Treek has adapted quickly to civilized space. Treek is unconcerned with material possessions or personal power. Her only goal is to forge a legacy that will outlive her. In Treek’s mind, the greatest defeat is to be forgotten. She will do whatever it takes to ensure her name and deeds will be celebrated long after she is gone. Likes: Legendary conquests, exploring unknown territory, taking credit for victories Dislikes: Avoiding conflict, talking instead of fighting, secrecy and humility

2V-R8 | recruited, KOTFE
2V-R8 is a Seneschal-series factotum droid outfitted to serve the galaxy’s most dangerous individuals. Due to experiences with previous masters, he knows that any moment of weakness or failure could easily result in his permanent deactivation, and he has therefore created multiple subroutines to reroute all his processing capabilities, maximizing his efficiency when seeing to whatever single task his master has assigned him. Despite the constant fear of destruction hanging over his head, 2V-R8 makes every effort to appear professional and composed. He has activated numerous crisis-management programming modules to assist him with handling the stress on his processors. So far, his power core has overheated only once.

HK-51 | recruited, KOTFE
The droid designated HK-51 is cold, calculating and incredibly lethal. Housed in a sleek body resembling an antique Systech Corporation protocol unit, this HK-series assassination droid lay dormant in the hold of an Imperial vessel for many years. Whatever HK-51’s original programming dictated, he pledged absolute loyalty to his new master upon his reactivation. HK-51 is a model of ruthless efficiency. His assassination protocols deteriorate unless they are put to frequent use. This leads to a constant acquisition, pursuit and permanent removal of qualified targets that would be seen as an obsession in any living being. Beyond expressing pride in successful assassinations, HK-51 has little patience for the trivial emotional problems of organics.

C2-N2 | recruited, KOTFE
C2-N2 is a model of gentlemanly manners and polite efficiency. A Hollis-series steward droid that served one of the Republic’s most famous heroes, he will do everything in his considerable programming power to ensure that his master’s starship always maintains the proper air of respectability. This includes high-powered dusting capabilities, monitoring the crew’s caloric intake and a selection of aromas from across the galaxy to satisfy even the pickiest of noses.


Choza Raabat | recruitable, KOTFE (Alderaan Star Fortress)
Two years before the Republic and Empire broke the Treaty of Coruscant and resumed open war, Ithorian Jedi Knight Choza Rabaat embarked on a scouting mission into Wild Space. His vessel and astromech droid were destroyed in a crash that Choza barely escaped. He found himself marooned on an uncharted and uninhabited world, where he survived alone for ten long years. Choza would still be there if a patrol ship from Zakuul hadn’t set down to survey the planet. When the crew opened fire on him for the crime of introducing himself and requesting rescue, he was forced to incapacitate them and commandeer their vessel. He returned to the Core Worlds after a lengthy interrogation of his prisoners that caught him up on a decade of history. Now he serves the Alliance to overthrow Emperor Arcann and restore freedom to the galaxy.

“Deadeye” Leyta | recruitable, KOTFE (Tatooine Star Fortress)
Selonians are well known for their strong family ties, but there is a dark side to these tribal bonds. Conflicts between competing tribes can erupt into deadly feuds and terrible violence. The gun-for-hire “Deadeye” Leyta was the unquestioned victor of one such conflict when she single-handedly blasted every member of a rival family that had oppressed hers for years. Given the enormity of the carnage–and the likelihood of reprisals–Leyta left her homeworld of Corellia and settled in the deserts of Tatooine, where she could at least spot potential assassins from a safe distance. Leyta quickly established herself as one of the planet’s best mercenaries, taking jobs from anyone willing to pay. She continues to settle disputes in her own fashion, which usually ensures there’s no one left to make any trouble. The arrival of an Eternal Empire Star Fortress in orbit gave Leyta her biggest target yet, and she jumped at the chance to aid the Alliance Commander in blowing it out of the sky.

Hemdil Tre | recruitable, KOTFE (Hoth Star Fortress)
Sometimes, fate imbues a single individual with an embarrassment of unrelated talents. In the case of Arcona war historian Hemdil Tre, that’s a keen scholar’s mind combined with some of the deadliest gun-fighting accuracy ever witnessed. Those who underestimate him–or, worse, draw their weapons on him–have little time to recognize the error of their ways. He always feels bad about these altercations and apologizes profusely to the smoking remains. Having chronicled the entire history of Arcona warfare, Hemdil now wishes to write the definitive biography of the Commander for the Alliance against the Eternal Empire. He has found a task worthy of both his specialties: Only a skilled blaster combatant has any hope of surviving the Commander’s many battles to write a first-person account. At long last, Hemdil Tre isn’t merely writing history–he’s living it.

K’krohl | recruitable, KOTFE (Belsavis Star Fortress)
Not everyone who walks around with a Czerka BTZ-47 heavy assault cannon is looking for a fight. In a few cases, they’re more interested in opening a mutually beneficial dialogue. The Whiphid self-described “talent scout” known as K’krohl proudly raises his weapon as a calling card to announce that he’s open for business and seeking a few good mercenaries. K’krohl has recruited forces for a diverse array of clients, from the Hutt Cartel’s Territorial Enforcers to Makeb’s InterStellar Regulators and even the Republic SIS’s Saboteur Squads. He believes that every criminal, no matter how despicable, has a hidden talent just waiting to be leveraged for the right cause. These days, his well-paying cause is to gather forces to fight for the Alliance against the Eternal Empire.

Rokuus | recruitable, KOTFE (Voss Star Fortress)
Gormak have battled both Republic and Imperial forces on Voss since the day they made it their business to interfere with the ancient war for control of the planet. While most Gormak still bear a grudge against all outsiders, a few forward-thinking individuals have realized that the new invaders from Zakuul are a far greater threat to Voss. Rokuss is a hardened Gormak warrior who has looked beyond his people’s traditional hatreds and united with old foes to defeat the Eternal Empire. He saw his older brothers fall in battle to the Alliance Commander years before the rise of Emperor Arcann. Where some would swear a blood oath of vengeance, Rokuss took the lesson that not all battles are worth fighting–and his brothers chose their enemy especially poorly. He now offers his services as soldier and bodyguard to the same Commander who killed his kin. In Rokuss’s eyes, helping to defeat the Eternal Empire at the Commander’s side is an honorable way to settle the family debt.

Veeroa Denz | recruitable, KOTFE (Nar Shaddaa Star Fortress)
Many Sith have perished while defending their homeworlds from the Eternal Empire’s forces, but others have taken the opportunity to create new lives elsewhere. One such person is Veeroa Denz, a Nautolan slave whose Force sensitivity saw her thrown into the harsh acolyte training on Korriban. She survived her trials and a cruel overseer only to become a target of Zakuul’s soldiers when they stormed the Sith Academy. She escaped the slaughter with a bit of luck and a well-timed betrayal of her overseer and fled to Nar Shaddaa to start a new life. Veeroa embraced the unlimited freedom of the Smuggler’s Moon, offering help to other fugitives whose Force sensitivity had made them targets of the Eternal Empire’s ruthless advance. Eventually, those armies arrived in orbit around Nar Shaddaa as well, and Veeroa saw her new home become a prison. She has sworn to aid the Alliance only until Zakuul is vanquished, after which she plans to resume her quiet life of freedom in the shadows.

Bey’wan Aygo | recruitable, KOTFE
From his birth, Bey’wan Aygo’s artistic parents nurtured him to follow in their footsteps. But ever since, as a young Bothan, he first spied a space battle through a telescope over his homeworld, the only art Aygo has wanted to practice is that of interstellar combat. Bey’wan first made a name for himself at the Battle of Kuat, and has since impressed his superiors with his fresh, innovative tactics. When Arcann invaded the Core Worlds, Bey’wan was quick to put together a variety of initiatives to counter the Eternal Empire’s assault. His plans were stonewalled by Chancellor Saresh, who was more interested in continuing her war against the Sith. When he protested Saresh’s orders, he was discharged. However, his yelling did attract the attention of Theron Shan, who approached him to become the Alliance military specialist.

Hylo Visz
Hylo Visz is best known as the pilot responsible for breaking the Mandalorian Blockade of Hydian Way. Well-compensated for her efforts, Hylo planned to live a life of luxury with her partner Tyresius Lokai (also known as Gault Rennow). Unfortunately, those plans were wrecked when Lokai stole Hylo’s fortune and left her unable to pay her considerable debts to the Hutt Cartel for funding the operation to break the blockade. Out of options, Hylo was forced to hide in a stasis pod on Belsavis for ten years. Lokai eventually found and freed her, but it was too little, too late. Hylo returned to a life of crime until Theron Shan lured her into working for the Alliance.

Juvard Illip Oggurobb | recruitable as Alliance Specialist, KOTFE
Few engineers can boast to have singlehandedly ignited a war with the power of their genius, but Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb is a Hutt quite unlike any other. A master of engineering, both as a discipline and an art form, it was Dr. Oggurobb who invented the theories and designs behind isotope-5 technology. While his true specialty lies in droid design, Dr. Oggurobb’s brilliance extends to most any technical field, his genius matched only by his boldness of personality, and his passion for “technical artistry.” Dr. Oggurobb is your alliance’s engineering specialist, leading the group’s research and development efforts.

Sana-Rae | recruited as Alliance Specialist, KOTFE
Voss Mystics are powerful Force seers whose visions guide and protect the Voss people. In a society that’s naturally suspicious of “Outsiders,” it’s rare for a Voss citizen to leave their homeworld, and almost unheard of for a Mystic. But Sana-Rae has proven unique even by her people’s standards. While Voss Mystics are normally uninterested in Sith and Jedi philosophies, Sana-Rae joined the Alliance with an open mind. Her vision showed an Enclave of Force users who walk a variety of paths, share knowledge and grow stronger by gaining an understanding from their differences. She knows that she too will change, but has the courage to accept it.

Z0-0M | recruited , KOTFE
Z0-0M is a cheerful droid encountered by HK-55 in the Shroud’s secret base.

Darth Marr | recruited , KOTFE
One of the longest-serving members of the Dark Council, Darth Marr is a terrifying warrior and a true believer in the Sith Code. In the early days of the Great Galactic War, he seized world after world for the expanding Empire and gained a reputation for personally leading charges against Republic defenders. However, once the Empire had established its power and the war began to drag on, Marr found fewer opportunities to directly engage in the fray–a situation that embittered the Sith Lord. Since the demise of Darth Malgus, Marr has become the unofficial leader of the Dark Council. Disgusted by the infighting that plagues the Sith, he’s gone to great lengths to promote pragmatism and even brokered a temporary alliance with the Republic to defeat Revan on Yavin 4. While some Council members may disagree with Marr’s methods, none doubt that his highest priority is the Empire’s best interests.

Gryyzak | recruitable , KOTFE
Gryyzak was a male Wookiee Senator of the Galactic Republic in the aftermath of the Zakuul–Republic treaty. In 3632 BBY his friend Hylo Visz offered him an invitation to ally with the Anti-Zakuul Alliance, but lost his signal in the Alderaan system. On the surface of Alderaan, Gryyzak was supposed to meet with a Talz senator at the Parliament, but the meeting was interrupted by an attack by the ferocious Talz Broonmark, forcing both Senators into protective custody. Broonmark chased the senators and their bodyguards and eventually killed all except Gryyzak. When he was about to finish him off, the Alliance Commander arrived, send by Hylo Visz to check up on Gryyzak. Broonmark explaied that he wanted to kill the Wookiee for his peacekeeping efforts with the Talz, which Broonmark saw as robbing them of their true nature. The Alliance Commander refused to allow an innocent to be killed and Broonmark attacked him, refusing to be spared after being defeated. Gryyzak then expresses his thanks to his rescuer and provided his aid to the Alliance.

Arcann | recruitable , determinate fate , KOTET | romancable , KOTET 5.8
Arcann escaped death during the Battle of Odessen, but you ultimately tracked him down on Zakuul–and destroyed him.

Ak’ghal | , KOTFE – Ak’ghal Usar, the Last Lord of Urkupp, is a being out of time. Seeking vengeance for his fellow Dashade who were eradicated in the Great Sith War, Usar traveled to Yavin 4 in the hope of confronting his people’s killer, only to be trapped in stasis instead. Now, centuries later, his original target is gone, as is the Sith who imprisoned him–Valkorion. Still hungry for vengeance, Ak’ghal Usar is willing to join forces to exact his revenge on the best targets remaining to him: Arcann and the forces of the Eternal Empire.

HK-55 | recruited , defunct , KOTFE
Unlike previous HK units, the HK-55 model was designed to be a loyal bodyguard, not an assassination droid. Created specifically to combat the Eternal Empire during Arcann’s invasion of the Core Worlds, HK-55 was given to Lana Beniko, then head of Sith Intelligence, for her own protection. Although programmed with etiquette protocols to fit Imperial culture, HK-55 still has a few personality-matrix quirks, including an obsession with the term “meatbag” passed down from the HK-47 model. Despite his amiable disposition, it would be a mistake to think HK-55 a less proficient killer than his counterparts.

| recruited , KOTFE
Years before the Sith Empire launched the Great Galactic War, Nico was one of the most celebrated mercenary spacers on the Outer Rim. His deeds were legendary, but so were his debts, leading him to take the most high-risk and even-higher-reward underworld contracts available. Every criminal syndicate from the Hutt Cartel down competed for his services because he always delivered the goods, no matter the odds. Ultimately, that was his undoing. When the Jedi Order assigned astromech droid T7-O1 to an undercover sting operation as Nico’s co-pilot on the Redshifter, events conspired to place everyone on Korriban just in time for the Sith Empire’s devastating return to Republic space. Nico personally saved Satele Shan and fled the Imperial Fleet to warn Coruscant of the danger–and promptly escaped custody never to be seen again… until now.

Theron Shan | recruited , KOTFE | left , KOTET 5.4 | , KOTET 5.9
Some are driven to follow in their parents’ footsteps, while others loathe the very idea. For Theron Shan, it’s a moot point. In keeping with Jedi strictures against attachment, Theron’s mother, Grand Master Satele Shan, sent her infant son to be raised by the Jedi who trained her, Master Ngani Zho. When it became evident that Theron was not Force sensitive, he abandoned any notion of becoming a Jedi. He joined the Strategic Information Service, using his adventurous nature and unique skillset to become a trusted field agent for the Republic. Despite his success against the Revanites, Theron was put on administrative leave after Master Satele and Chancellor Saresh discovered he sent a team of black-ops Jedi to Ziost without their knowledge. Arcann’s invasion of the Core Worlds accelerated his reinstatement into the SIS, but Saresh’s policies frustrated him. When Lana Beniko approached him with a plan to build an alliance against Arcann, Theron was happy to walk away and fight what he considered the real threat to the galaxy.

Lana Beniko | recruited , KOTFE – With her serene and considerate manner, Lana Beniko might be mistaken for a Jedi. However, she is a Sith Lord of great wisdom and strength who has impressed many of her peers with her keen insights into the nature of the Force. With the Revanite plot thwarted, Darth Marr recognized Lana’s talents and appointed her head of Sith Intelligence. Unfortunately, her first assignment as minister ended in disaster when the Sith Emperor consumed all life on Ziost. Since Arcann’s rise to power, she has been on the run, devising a plan to find the one person who can return order to the galaxy….

Koth Vortena | recruited , KOTFE
Koth Vortena is a former captain in the Zakuulan military who defected with his crew when he was ordered to kill civilians. While on the run from Zakuul Knights, he met Lana Beniko, and the two began plotting to dethrone Emperor Arcann. With Lana’s prowess as a Sith Lord and Koth’s skills in the pilot seat, the two became a formidable thorn in the Eternal Empire’s side–eventually breaking out the legendary Outlander accused of assassinating Valkorion. A proud Zakuulan, Koth has high hopes for the future of his homeworld and longs for the days of peace and prosperity under Valkorion’s reign.

Senya Tirall | recruited , KOTFE
A former Knight of Zakuul, Senya Tirall is a complex individual. Cold and unyielding on the job, kind and empathetic in private, Senya was responsible for hunting Koth Vortena and his crew after they betrayed the Eternal Empire. But Senya eventually came to recognize the same injustices in Arcann’s rule that Koth had, and chose to uphold her ideals over her Emperor. After making contact with Lana Beniko, Senya joined the mission to overthrow Arcann and return peace and justice to the galaxy.

Darth Hexid | recruitable , KOTET 5.6
Darth Hexid is a connoisseur of the dark side. Renowned for her brutal combat prowess and decadent lifestyle, she enjoys the many pleasures of a celebrated Sith, whether savoring exotic feasts held in her honor or hunting down her foes as they flee in a panic. Instead of joining the political infighting of her Sith peers, she amuses herself by watching their rabid power games from the sidelines–lightsaber in one hand, spice wine in the other. Darth Hexid earned infamy following her devastating triumphs in the Great Galactic War, but it was the Sith Order’s crushing defeat at the hands of Zakuul’s conquering army that forever defined her. She now pursues the complete annihilation of the Eternal Empire. Vengeance will be hers, even if it demands a pact with the Outlander’s Alliance.

Master Ranos | , KOTFE 4.6
Master Ranos has always walked her own path, turning her back on the Jedi Council to follow what she calls “the will of the Force.” A true champion of the light side, her journey led her to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, where she used her formidable skills to serve and protect those on the dangerous frontiers of galactic civilization. But now the Force has given her a new purpose: join the Outlander’s Alliance in their battle against the Eternal Empire.

Shae Vizla | recruited , KOTET 5.1
An infamous bounty hunter and deadly warrior, Shae Vizla forged her reputation more than 20 years ago by allying with the Sith Empire against the Jedi and Republic. She reluctantly took up the mantle of leadership for her people after the rise of the Eternal Empire and the death of Mandalore the Vindicated. Declaring herself Mandalore the Avenger, she now works with the Outlander’s Alliance to break Zakuul’s iron grip over the galaxy.

This article was inspired from a comment made by Mitchell Baran on one of my YouTube videos . I have added links in gold letters (and a few other things) to videos and guides that I have created about the recruitment or appearance of some of the companions. If you find any mistakes or missing companions that we have information on, please, contact me and I will update the list ASAP.

Paxton Rall | , KOTET 5.10
This “famous” pirate comes as a on December 15th, 2018. His achievement “ ” leaked into the game months ago, but BioWare kept their mouths shut until recently. Paxton will have a recruitment Alliance mission available, but it is currently unknown when will it become available. If you wish to play with him early, you must be an active Subscriber on the aforementioned date and you will receive an in-game token that will grant you Paxton as a companion.

Gamorrean Guard | reward from the
Short, squat humanoids, Gamorreans are easily identifiable by their greenish skin and porcine features. On their homeworld, they live in clans, where the male boars serve exclusively as warriors while the female sows tend the day-to-day affairs like farming, raising young and crafting weapons. Known for their physical strength and endurance, Gamorreans are generally considered a species of below average intelligence. Unable to speak Basic because of their physiology, most Gamorreans are still able to comprehend it and find a place in the galactic community as soldiers, guards or mercenaries. Due to their reputation for violence and brutality, they are often employed by crime lords, gang leaders and various other criminal elements.

Here is the full companions List for Star Wars: The old republic. Each class will be able to get a total of 5 companions through out the game. Each companion will be able to do different types of damage or play different roles in a group. Each companion will also give different bonuses to your crew skills in swtor.

Pro Tip 1: If you enter your Quest Log, go to Codex then ‘Person of Note’, you can see what your companion likes/dislikes. This way you know what to say on dialogs to get +affection.

Pro Tip 2: Companions use crafting materials that are in your cargo hold, you don’t have to carry crafting materials on you.

Pro Tip 3: If you hit N for crew skills, you can click the individual crew skill next to each companion.
For the longest time I was picking the general “slicing” button at the top of the page and I had to scroll through the character bar on the slicing mission page to select who I wanted to send on that mission. Now I just click the slicing button next to the companion I want to send.

Regarding Same sex relationsh

ips with companions this is what we know so far:

Remember to save our . You will need it when you start playing next month! Have fun.


Aric Jorgan -Ord Mantell – Romance-able

  • Species: male Cathar.
  • Ranged DPS, uses a sniper rifle
  • Heavy armor
  • Starting Kit: Concussion Round
  • Crew Skills: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +2 Diplomacy Critical
  • Primary Stat: Aim
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Primary Weapon: Blaster Cannon
  • Voice Actor: Timothy Omundson

Description via :
Lieutenant Aric Jorgan is a Male Cathar stationed on . He is the first companion a player receives as a Trooper. He is a Ranged DPS type companion. He is a member of Havoc Squad.
Lieutenant Aric Jorgan is described as tough as nails by the book solider. He is loyal to the Republic. His Alignment is heavily leaning Light side and affection system will go up only by doing what he feels is best for the Republic. His Gifts are Military gear although History gifts will increase his Affection.

Elara Dorne -Taris – Romance-able

  • Ranged, Blaster Pistol
  • Heavy Armor
  • Healing Companion
  • Starting Kit: Medpack
  • Crew Skills: +10 Biochem Efficiency, +10 Bioanalysis Efficiency
  • Primary Stat: Aim
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Secondary Weapon: Generator (non-shield)
  • Voice Actor: Moira Quirk

A highly talented field medic, Elara Dorne was born Imperial and served in the Empire’s military for two years before defecting to the Republic. She has since served with distinction as a search-and-rescue squad leader, earning several commendations for aiding wounded men under direct enemy fire. Her operational record is flawless.

What no record can show is that Dorne’s background, combined with her strict adherence to regulations and rigid, uncompromising personality, has made her fairly unpopular with her fellow soldiers. In truth, she’s widely regarded as a cold, asocial killjoy, an unfortunate side effect of her dedication to embodying the laws and ideals of the Republic.

M1-4X -Nar Shaddaa

  • Ranged, Blaster Rifle
  • Heavy Armor/Droid Parts
  • Tank Companion
  • Starting Kit: Flamethrower
  • Primary Stat: Aim
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Voice Actor: Tom Kane

M1-4X is a highly advanced war droid designed and built specifically to serve in Havoc Squad. As such, his engineers programmed him to be a perfect soldier: completely loyal, fervently patriotic, and willing and eager to go to any length or face any risk in order to destroy the Republic’s enemies.

M1-4X’s armor plating, weapons systems and processing power are significantly advanced over typical military droid standards, due in large part to his unusual power core. Constructed by an unknown group or organization, the core was recovered during a classified operation and has output capabilities far beyond conventional models.

Likes: Destroying the Republic’s enemies, pro-Republic messages, courage
Dislikes: Anything against the Republic’s goals

Tanno Vik (male Weequay)

  • Planet:
  • Companion type: Melee Tank (?)
  • Armor: Heavy
  • Armament: Rifle, Suppression, Grenade (?)
  • Special:
  • Starting Kit:
  • Gifts:
  • Note: Demolitions expert.
  • Voice Actor: David Anthony Pizzuto

One of the most talented demolitions experts to ever serve in the Republic military, Tanno Vik is charming, highly skilled, and completely amoral. Born to the lawless streets of Nar Shaddaa, Vik is accustomed to putting his own interests first; enlistment was merely a convenient means of escape after betraying one criminal partner too many. But once he got his hands on the most advanced weapons and explosives in the galaxy, he was hooked.

During training, Vik impressed his instructors with his unprecedented speed at locating structural weaknesses in everything from buildings to vehicles, ensuring that he always planted his explosives where they would do the most damage. He was even considered for entry into Special Forces division, but his belligerent attitude and disregard for authority held him back. Criminal accusations were registered against him throughout his short service career, until he was finally convicted for masterminding a protection racket while defending a Republic outpost on Talay. After his discharge, Vik resorted to mercenary work, and still plies his abilities in the galaxy’s deadliest conflict areas to this day.

Yuun (Gand)

  • Planet:
  • Companion type: Melee Damage
  • Armor: Medium
  • Armament: Electrostaff
  • Starting Kit:
  • Primary Stat: Aim
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Primary Weapon: Electrostaff
  • Secondary Weapon: Generator (non-shield)

Even in an organization as diverse as the Republic Army, Yuun stands out. A member of the Gand species and hailing from the Gand homeworld, Yuun is a Findsman, a type of shamanistic tracker held in very high regard among his people. He applies his unusual training to technical tasks of every kind, resulting in a success record unmatched by any other technician in the military.

As effective as Yuun’s methods are, they rarely meet with understanding or approval from his fellow soldiers. But despite his eccentricities, Yuun’s fighting skill and calm approach to any challenge generally earn at least the grudging respect of the men and women he serves with.

Likes: Mysteries, respect for unusual people/beliefs, patience, self-restraint
Dislikes: Unnecessary violence, chaos, rudeness, recklessness, bragging


Corso Riggs -Ord Mantell – Romance-able

  • Ranged Tank
  • Heavy Armor
  • Uses Blaster Pistols and Blaster Rifles
  • has a Taunt ability
  • Crew Skills: +5 Underworld Trading Efficiency, +5 Armstech Critical
  • Primary Stat: Aim
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol of Blaster Rifle
  • Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
  • Voice Actor: Troy Hall

Description via :
Corso Riggs is the first companion character for the the Smuggler, He is the second person that smuggler meets during their story. Riggs is an employee of Skavak who gives some helpful pointers to the smuggler when first going out into Ord Mantell. Riggs is later betrayed by Skavak, who also steals the smuggler’s ship. Based on his Face paint he may be a Kiffar (unconfirmed)

Riggs is a ranged tank that starts off with a handful of abilities that can create and maintain threat. As he gains levels, he acquires more abilities that enable him to be a better tank, such as an AOE fragmentation grenade and an EMP blast. He also gains a damage mode, so that he can also become a ranged damage dealer. At high levels he also gains numerous support and protection abilities to ensure that his allies make it through the fight.

Bowdaar -Nar Shaddaa (Wookie)

  • -Melee Tank
  • -Heavy Armor,
  • – Crew Skills: +10 Cybertech Efficiency, +10 Scavenging Efficiency
  • – Primary Stat: Strength
  • – Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • – Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
  • -Voice Actor:

Bowdaar is the Wookiee companion character for the Smuggler class.

Bowdaar fights in gladiator arenas across the galaxy. In 108 years of competition, he has never been beaten. Some say that Bowdaar is an immortal being with supernatural powers, but those who have faced him in combat and lived to tell the tale know that he is only the best fighter out there.

Though his fights have made and lost fortunes for countless gamblers, Bowdaar has not profited. He is and has been a slave for all of the time he has been in the arena.

Risha -Alderaan – Romance-able

  • – Ranged Dps
  • – Medium Armor
  • – Uses Rifle, Sniper Rifle
  • – Barrage mode (aoe mode)
  • – Grenade Kit
  • – Primary Stat: Cunning
  • – Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • – Voice Actor: Tara Strong

Petty criminal, starship mechanic, woman of mystery, royal queen: all of these terms apply to Risha, daughter of notorious crimelord Nok Drayen. Considering her upbringing as a violent gangster’s child, it’s a wonder Risha turned out remotely normal. Wise and experienced beyond her years, she has led an adventurous life containing some extremely dark chapters.

Despite her biting sarcasm and general selfishness, one can never shake the feeling that Risha would be a better person if only she knew how. Years spent among the galaxy’s dregs have fostered layers of personal self-defense mechanisms and a cynical shell around her. Only the most persistent friend has any hope of meeting the “real” Risha hiding beneath the surface.

Likes: Self-interest, profit, secrets and new tech
Dislikes: Unprofessional or emotional behavior, killing innocents, working with the stupid or uneducated

Akavi Spaar (female, Mandalorian) – Romance-able

  • Planet: Balmorra
  • Companion type: Ranged Damage
  • Armor: Heavy Armor
  • Special: Flamethrower move
  • Starting Kit:
  • Primary Stat: Aim
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Primary Weapon: Electrostaff
  • Secondary Weapon: Generator (non-shield)
  • Voice Actor: Stacy Haiduk

Akaavi Spar was born into a respected Mandalorian clan and became one of its finest warriors. She killed her first foe–an abusive Abyssin mercenary–at the age of eight using an improvised flamethrower. This victory earned her the nickname “firehand” among her clan and marked the beginning of an impressive career as an Imperial bounty hunter. Akaavi captured and killed all manner of targets in her youth, from career criminals to Jedi.

When her entire clan was framed for crimes against the Empire and executed, Akaavi alone survived the brutal purge–but her outlook on the galaxy changed forever. With no connection to her Mandalorian heritage, she became a wandering mercenary loyal to no one.

Likes: Combat challenges, profit, irritating authority figures
Dislikes: The Republic, dishonorable acts, mercy

Guss Tuno (Mon Calamari)

  • Planet: Hoth
  • Companion type: Healer
  • Armor: Medium
  • Armament: Blasters
  • Special:
  • Starting Kit:
  • Primary Stat: Cunning
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
  • Secondary Weapon: Scattergun
  • Voice Actor: Gary Schwartz

Guss Tuno prefers the underworld lifestyle’s potential for material riches. In a perfect galaxy, Guss would spend his retirement lounging in a heated swimming pool surrounded by exotic beauties while consuming a steady diet of fresh fish and expensive cocktails.

Although he often speaks before he thinks, Guss has talked his way out of certain death many times. He often uses his minimal knowledge of Jedi–and the lightsaber he stole from his old Master–to fool gullible criminals into leaving him alone. When that fails, Guss reveals he’s a much better shot than anyone would believe.

Likes: Mocking Force users, profit from those who can afford it, a good scam
Dislikes: Killing innocents, risking your neck for nothing

Jedi Consular:

Qyzen-Fess -Typhon (male Trandoshan)

  • Melee Tank
  • Heavy Armor
  • Electrostaff or Vibrosword
  • Toggleable taunt-mode “lightning whip”,
  • +5 BioChem, +15 Archaeology
  • Primary Stat: Aim
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
  • Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
  • Voice Actor:

From :
Qyzen Fess was a male hunter during the time of the Cold War. Unlike many of his kin, he did not become a mercenary, but instead chose the traditional path of a big game hunter, pitting his skills against the deadliest predators the galaxy had to offer. As such, he became a famed hunter and tracker, with his travels taking him from the swamps of Belkadan to the deserts of in search of prey. He lost his right eye during one such hunt, and replaced it with a cybernetic prosthesis. Fess bartered his trophies in exchange for supplies and passage to new hunting grounds, and carried few personal possessions. Instead, he kept hold of only his weapons and a tally of his kills that he offered to the Scorekeeper. His hunting trips occasionally brought him into conflict with other sentient beings, including criminals, Mandalorians and even Jedi Masters, with such experiences making him slow to trust outsiders. However, whenever he did make a friend, Qyzen would defend such individuals with his life.

Theran Cedrex -Nar Shaddaa (male Human) – Romance-able

  • -Ranged Healer
  • -Medium Armor
  • -Pistol
  • -toggleable healing mode
  • +10 Cybertech, +10 Slicing
  • Primary Stat: Cunning
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
  • Secondary Weapon: Scattergun
  • Voice Actor: Jamie Elman

Although not a household name, Tharan Cedrax is well known in several circles. In the casinos of , he is cursed as a card-counting mathematical genius. To the eligible women of the galaxy, he is a famous charmer who sees rejection as an intriguing challenge. Among technologists, he earned accolades for solving a technical paradox that revolutionized computer slicing; despite his achievements, however, Tharan isn’t taken seriously by the galaxy’s scientific community, which looks down on him as a playboy rather than a serious researcher.

In recent years, Tharan has taken an interest in “exo-technology,” an almost unknown field involving esoteric alien sciences, and gone into business making custom gadgets for wealthy clients. Often accompanied by his lovely holographic companion, Holiday, Tharan has spent his credits freely, enjoying the very best Nar Shaddaa has to offer while staying just shy of its dangers.

Likes: Cleverness, logical thinking, aiding scientists and beautiful women, getting something for nothing
Dislikes: Mystical Jedi nonsense, Force Persuade, destroying science, heroism that involves danger

Zenith – (male ) – Romance-able

  • -Ranged DPS
  • -Medium armor
  • -Sniper Rifle
  • -AOE Damage Kit.
  • – Primary Stat: Cunning
  • – Secondary STat: Endurance
  • – Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle
  • – Secondary Weapon: Scattergun
  • -Voice Actor: Troy Baker

“Zenith” is the code name of a Balmorran revolutionary fighter who has made a career out of hurting the Empire. Once a member of a powerful resistance cell broken up by Imperial infiltrators, Zenith has struck out on his own, gathering followers from Balmorra’s oppressed population to launch sneak attacks, raids and bombings against the occupying Imperial forces.

Years spent in hiding and seeing the plight of Balmorran citizens have left Zenith with a deep-seated paranoia and hatred of the Empire–especially Balmorra’s Sith governor, Darth Lachris. Nothing enrages him more than those who collaborate with the oppressors; he has been known to refuse aid to Balmorrans who cooperate with Imperial soldiers. The sacrifices he has endured have also nurtured Zenith’s ambitions–when Balmorra is finally free, someone will have to ensure her new government is strong enough to prevent another occupation.

Likes: Hurting Imperials, standing up for the weak, stubbornness, resolve
Dislikes: Mercy to the Empire, betrayal, second chances for those who do wrong

Lt Iresso (male Human) – Romance-able

  • Planet: Hoth (Awarded at the end of Hoth class storyline)
  • Companion type: Ranged Tank
  • Armament: Blaster rifle
  • Special: Taunt ranged skill
  • Starting Kit:
  • Primary Stat: Aim
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Primary Weapon: Blaster Rifle or Blaster Pistol
  • Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
  • Voice Actor: Dion Graham

The son of refugees made homeless during the Great War, Lieutenant Felix Iresso has been a career soldier for many years. His file shows participation in several notable battles, including the so-called Eight-Hour Invasion of Dubrillion where Republic forces repelled an Imperial invasion force with minimal reinforcements. Since then, Lieutenant Iresso has earned excellent technical scores and commendations for exemplary service.

However, his file also contains some discrepancies. Lieutenant Iresso has one of the highest transfer rates in the Republic military, serving under almost a dozen commanders across the galaxy in two years. The lieutenant has also been overlooked for promotion several times. The only explanation from his superiors is a reference to an incident on Althir where Lieutenant Iresso was captured by the Empire, but no details are given.

Likes: Republic military, leadership, danger for the greater good, honor and mercy
Dislikes: Breaking the law, cruelty

Nadia Grell (female, Jedi) – Romance-able

  • Planet: Belsavis (Misson after completion of Belsavis storyline)
  • Companion type: Melee Damage
  • Armor: Light
  • Armament: Doublebladed Lightsaber
  • Special: AOE Melee Attack
  • Primary Stat: Willpower
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Primary Weapon: Polesaber
  • Secondary Weapon: Focu
  • Voice Actor: Holly Fields

Description via :
Nadia Grell is a female companion of the Jedi Consular. She is a padawan for the Consular and one can have a romantic storyline with her. She wields a polesaber in combat

A native of distant Sarkhai and daughter of Senator Tobas Grell, Nadia Grell is a newcomer not only to the Republic, but to the entire concept of space exploration. Surrounded by new species and strange cultures, Nadia is eager to experience everything she can. She has become interested in the intricacies of galactic diplomacy while traveling alongside her father, and often acts as his assistant during talks.

As she revealed on Attis Station, Nadia is also strong in the Force; unusually strong, in fact. As Force sensitives are relatively unknown on Sarkhai, Nadia’s untrained powers left her shunned and feared by her own people. Senator Grell’s decision to take her with him when he left Sarkhai was motivated by the hope of finding others like her in the Republic, and perhaps discovering some way for her to control her incredible talents.

Jedi Knight:

T7-01 -Typhon (Astromech Droid)

  • -Ranged Tank
  • -Heavy Armor
  • -Blaster Rifle
  • – Primary Stat: Aim
  • – Secondary STat: Endurance
  • – Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol or Blaster Rifle
  • – Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
  • -Voice Actor:

A quirky and surprisingly stubborn astromech droid with a lively personality and strong independent streak, T7-01 serves the Jedi by bravely facing danger on a daily basis. Skilled in high-resolution sensor scans, mechanical repair and starship piloting (along with numerous undocumented talents), the droid’s hard work is responsible for saving dozens, if not hundreds, of lives on Tython alone.

Little is known about T7 before the droid came into the service of the Jedi. Certain features of its construction hint at it being a custom model built some time ago, but there are no official records to substantiate the theory. Despite the uncertainty of its origins, the droid’s enthusiasm and willingness to put itself in harm’s way leave little doubt as to its loyalty.

Kira Carsen -Courscant – Romance-able

  • -Melee DPS
  • -Light Armor,
  • -Doublebladed or single lightsaber
  • -AOE sweep ability
  • -Kira: +5 Synthweaving Critical, +1 Rescarch Critical
  • Primary Stat: Willpower
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Primary Weapon: Polesaber
  • Secondary Weapon: Focus
  • Voice Actor: Laura Bailey

Prone to cynicism and a stubborn independent streak, Kira Carsen is an improbable recruit to the Jedi Order. This is partially excused by the fact that she began her Padawan training as a young adult; Kira had spent most of her life up to that point as a homeless drifter, scraping out a miserable existence on some of the galaxy’s most unpleasant worlds.

Thanks to her hard-luck upbringing, Kira has considerably more life experience than most Jedi–and a world-weary sophisticate’s attitude to match. In the eyes of her peers, Kira is someone who refuses to take anything seriously or fully commit to the Jedi path.

Those who look more closely, however, might detect the glimmer of an optimist peeking through Kira’s sarcastic facade. Despite her insistence on questioning its teachings, she has a deep appreciation for the comfort and relative safety she obtained by joining the Jedi Order.

Likes: Being funny, getting involved, mocking and defeating the Empire
Dislikes: Bullying, acting like a mercenary, cooperating with Sith

Doc -Balmora – Romance-able

  • -Ranged Healer
  • -Pistol
  • -Special skill is healing
  • -Crew Skills: +5 Underworld Tradeing Efficiency, +5 Biochem Critical
  • -Primary Stat: Cunning
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Secondary Weapon: Scattergun
  • -Voice Actor: Andrew Bowen

The brilliant medtech known simply as “Doc” is driven to bring quality health care to underserved star systems. This has led Doc to keep some unusual company: pathosis-riddled crime lord Fashaka Four-Toes, the Red Band Rebels of Cadinth and even the Imperial military during a brief stint impersonating a member of the Imperial Medical Corps on the conquered planet Sullust.

Doc has a talent for using bad people to save good lives–a fact he emphasizes to anyone within earshot. Some characterize Doc as a blowhard and scoundrel, but these individuals have never required his impressive surgical skills. Doc has visited every major galactic battleground over the past five years and saved more lives than even he can count.

Likes: Looking like a hero, romance and flirtation, helping those in need
Dislikes: Looking bad, hurting the innocent, refusing to help

Sargent Rusk -Hoth

  • -Ranged dps
  • -Heavy armor
  • -Sniper rifle
  • -Special is aoe barrage
  • -Crew Skills: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +10 Scavenging Efficiency
  • -Primary Stat: Aim
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Blaster Cannon
  • -Voice Actor: Ron Yuan

Raised by a colony of pacifist Chagrians, Rusk rebelled against his family’s beliefs and enlisted with the Republic military as soon as he could. At first, he proved to be a brilliant soldier and was identified as a rising star in the Republic’s ranks. Somewhere along the way, however, his bravery crossed the line into recklessness.

Although he still accomplished his missions, casualty rates among his squad rose astronomically. Rusk quickly became a pariah among other soldiers, including his superiors. His aggressive pursuit of victory over the Empire at any cost has earned him many medals from politicians, but no promotions from his commanders.

Likes: Killing Imperials, protecting the Republic, motivating others to fight
Dislikes: Avoiding fights, weakness, disrespecting authority

Lord Scourge -Empires Palace (Sith Pureblood)

  • -Melee dps (tank)
  • -Heavy armor
  • -Shield generator
  • -Speciality tank
  • -Crew Skills: +10 Artifice Efficiency, +10 Archaeology Efficiency
  • -Primary Stat: Strength
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Lightsaber
  • -Voice Actor: Joseph Gatt

As the Sith Emperor’s personal executioner, the grimly fatalistic Lord Scourge has personally killed more than a hundred Jedi–and ten times as many Sith. Even the most powerful members of the Dark Council avoid offending the man bearing the title “the Emperor’s Wrath.”

Lord Scourge has dutifully served the Empire for over three hundred years, his life unnaturally prolonged by perverse technology and his master’s dark side powers. Centuries spent watching his fellow Sith Lords rise and fall has given Lord Scourge a unique perspective on people. He can analyze someone’s flaws after only brief observation, and freely shares his perceptions (whether they’re wanted or not).

Likes: Using power against the weak, power, anger, revenge and spite
Dislikes: Greed, acts of mercy, Jedi and Republic authorities

Bounty Hunter:

Mako -Hutta – Romance-able

  • -Ranged Healer
  • -Medium Armor
  • -Blasters
  • -Crew Skills: +5 Cybertech Efficiency, +15 Slicing Efficiency
  • -Primary Stat: Cunning
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
  • -Secondary Weapon: Vibroknife
  • -Voice Actor: Lacey Chabert

Companion Gifts: Technology, Courting > Underworld Goods > Weapon, Luxury, Trophy, Cultural Artifact

At first glance, Mako’s relationship with Braden seems more like that of a father and daughter than members of a team of professional bounty hunters–and that assessment wouldn’t be too far off the mark.

Orphaned and homeless but with an uncanny instinct for computing, Mako had been living as a freelance slicer in the shadows of Nar Shaddaa’s underbelly… until the day Braden pulled the girl bleeding out of an alley, and paid a street surgeon to patch her blaster burns.

Recognizing talent and trouble when he saw it, Braden took Mako under his wing and has been looking after her as his own ever since. But while Mako loves the old man more than anything, her independent nature is beginning to chafe under Braden’s protectiveness.

Likes: Professionalism, bounty hunters, making money, freedom, kindness
Dislikes: Bullying, cruelty, snobs

Gault -Tattooine

  • -Ranged DPS,
  • -Medium Armor
  • -Riffle
  • – Crew Skills: +10 Underworld Trading Efficiency, +2 Biochem Critical
  • – Primary Stat: Cunning
  • – Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • – Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle
  • – Secondary Weapon: Knife
  • -Voice Actor: Daran Norris

Companion Gifts: Luxury > Underworld Goods > Weapon, Technology, Cultural Artifact

Formerly the notorious smuggler and confidence man Tyresius Lokai, Gault Rennow now enjoys a relatively paranoia-free lifestyle as an unknown gun-for-hire. Still, old habits are hard to shake, and Gault’s cautiousness and duplicity are a constant reminder that the only thing to really change is his name. How long until the crafty Devaronian finds himself climbing up the galaxy’s most wanted list again is anyone’s guess.

Likes: Greed, indulgence, thinking your way through a problem
Dislikes: Fair fights, pain, charity, rules

Torian Cadera -Taris (Mandalorian) – Romance-able

  • -Melee DPS
  • -Heavy Armor,
  • -Ground Slam Kit Default
  • -AOE flame swipe taunt special.
  • -Crew Skills: +10 Research Efficiency, +2 Bioanalysis Critical
  • -Primary Stat: Aim
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Electrostaff
  • -Secondary Weapon: Generator (non-shield)
  • -Voice Actor: Johnny Yong Bosch

Companion Gifts: Trophy > Weapon, Military Gear, Courting > Underworld Goods, Technology, Cultural Artifact

It is the Mandalorian ideal that a warrior be judged by his or her own actions, not by those of his or her ancestors–but reality rarely lives up to ideals.

Torian Cadera has spent his entire short life trying to overcome the stigma of being a traitor’s son–a shame he has seldom been allowed to forget in the company of his peers. But Torian long ago learned to armor himself against contempt, and others’ doubts regarding his loyalty have only driven him to strive harder to prove his worth.

Because of this, Torian adheres to the codes and traditions of the Mandalorians with more devotion than many twice his age. Upholding honor and enduring adversity are the cornerstones of his existence.

Likes: Challenges, honor, Mandalorians, respect
Dislikes: Selling out, cowardice

Blizz -Hoth

  • -Ranged Tank
  • -Heavy Armor,
  • -Suppressive Fire Special (Taunt)
  • -Crew Skill: +15 Armormech Efficiency, +1 Armstech Critical
  • -Primary Stat: Aim
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
  • -Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
  • -Voice Actor:

Companion Gifts: Technology > Weapon, Luxury, Military Gear, Trophy, Cultural Artifact, Republic Memorabilia, Imperial Memorabilia > Underworld Goods

Infinitely curious and adventuresome, Blizz always felt confined on his native Tatooine–the endless rolling dunes and limited selection of scrap leaving him perpetually bored. So when the traveling salvager Slam Streever visited Blizz’s clan to offer Jawas work as “ferrets”–individuals he could send into dangerous and dilapidated areas to scout for salvage treasure–Blizz leapt at the opportunity.

Blizz spent several years with Slam’s crew before the old scrapper made the mistake of selling his services to Hoth’s White Maw pirates. Years of toil under the menacing watch of the White Maw would soon deprive the salvagers of reasons to smile–but first, Slam gave his small friend the nickname “Blizz” after the little Jawa kicked up a snowstorm of excitement during his first encounter with the “white sands.” It’s a name Blizz cherishes; one that reminds him of happier times.

Likes: Adventure, gadgets, attention, praise, friendship
Dislikes: Scary things, extreme violence, people who are mean to him

Skadge – Belsavis

  • -Melee Tank
  • -Vibrosword
  • -Heavy armor
  • -Flamethrower kit
  • -Crew Skills: +10 Scavenging Efficiency, +2 Treasure Hunting Critical
  • -Primary Stat: Aim
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
  • -Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
  • -Voice Actor: Neil Kaplan

Companion Gifts: Weapon, Underworld Goods > — > Luxury, Military Gear, Trophy

A career gangster and psychopath, Skadge had been enjoying a prestigious position at the top of Coruscant’s most wanted list when a joint police, military and SIS task force managed to finally capture him. Deemed impossible to control or reform, the murderous Houk was secretly ushered to the only facility capable of housing him: Belsavis.

Although considered a prime candidate for the prison’s domination experiments, Skadge was removed from the program during his initial evaluation–a period over which he destroyed a gang of armed Kaleesh, every remaining member of his test group, half the observing researchers and three security details… with his bare hands.

Now, with the Imperial invasion of Belsavis, Skadge has been set loose after nearly three years of solitary confinement. He’s ready to settle some grudges.

Imperial Agent:

Kaliyo D’jannis -Hutta – Romance-able

  • -Ranged DPS
  • -Medium Armor,
  • -Dual Wield Pistols
  • -Grenade Kit Default
  • -Crew Skills: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +2 Underworld Trading Critical
  • -Primary Stat: Aim
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
  • -Voice Actor: Tasia Valenza

Companion Gifts: Weapon, Luxury > Underworld Goods > Military Gear, Technology

Multiple contradictory accounts make full background assessment difficult. Subject likely born on Rattatak. Escaped homeworld at a young age. Proceeded to find employment as freelance enforcer and assassin for major criminal syndicates (Exchange, Hutt Cartel) and individual underworld figures (Rholl). Persistent links to Brentaal Four anarchist cells (see Revolutionary Edge Brigade). Minimal activity within Imperial borders.

Kaliyo Djannis prizes her freedom and will lie, murder and blackmail in order to ensure that she is in control of a situation and able to indulge her vices. Known to pursue lengthy vendettas to redress grievances. Possesses a track record of expertly manipulating employers, lovers and associates (agents should not be fooled by attempts at seduction). As with many mercenaries, her loyalty cannot be purchased, but her services can be–if only temporarily.

Likes: Disrespecting authority, casual violence, anarchy for the fun of it
Dislikes: Self-sacrifice for the greater good, sincerity, obedience, patriotic spirit and being taken advantage of.

Vector Hyllis -Alderaan – Romance-able

  • -Melee DPS
  • -Medium Armor,
  • -Vibrostaff
  • -AOE Swipe Mode special
  • -Gound Slam Kit Default
  • -Crew Skills: +5 Bioanalysis Efficiency, +5 Diplomacy Critical
  • -Primary Stat: Willpower
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Electrostaff
  • -Secondary Weapon: Generator (non-shield)
  • -Voice Actor: Ifran Meredith

Companion Gifts: Cultural Artifact > Imperial Memorabilia, Courting > Weapon, Luxury, Trophy

Second-generation Imperial; mother native to Jurio, married Captain Adronik Hyllus after Jurio was granted Imperial governance. Expressed desire to join Diplomatic Service at an early age and displayed appropriate traits. Ranked high academically during training, and soon after graduation was granted (by request) post aboard exploration and first contact vessel (see service record).

Reassigned to Alderaan due to diplomatic manpower needs (see House Thul). Served ably until encounter with Killik species and subsequent “Joiner” transformation. Current status is unclear.

Vector Hyllus has repeatedly expressed admiration for Imperial accomplishments while indicating a desire to spread Imperial influence through diplomatic channels. His attitudes were likely shaped by the Imperial reconstruction of his homeworld and are appropriate for a Diplomatic Service member. Hyllus is obedient, intelligent, charismatic and effective. He is unlikely to advance further within diplomatic or military hierarchies.

Likes: Diplomacy, helping people, exploring alien cultures
Dislikes: Greed, cruelty, prejudice, anti-alien sentiment

Doctor Lokin

  • -MeleeTank
  • -Light Armor
  • -Vibrosword and Shield Generator
  • -Tank Transformation Mode
  • -Ground Slam Kit Default
  • -Crew Skills: +15 Biochem Efficiency, +10 Research Efficiency
  • -Voice Actor: Anthony Cochrane

Companion Gifts: Technology > Luxury, Military Gear > Underworld Goods, Republic Memorabilia, Imperial Memorabilia

Age and surname suggest Lokin was born on Dromund Kaas during the pre-war years. Files acquired during Operation: Freefall reference a “Doctor E. Lokin” working as Science and Medical Advisor to Kaas City military police during this period, but no visual is provided.

First confirmed sighting was during the boarding of Imperial dreadnaught Warhammer–Lokin was one of the two individuals aboard who evaded capture. Interestingly, he was not listed in the crew roster. First identification as Fixer Fifteen came during Operation: Red Cell (see listening post transcripts). Additional sightings and references to the Fixer Fifteen designation uncovered intermittently since.

Likes: Clever solutions, long-term thinking, technology, pragmatism
Dislikes: Ideaology, honesty, selfish actions without clear long-term gain.

Ensign Raina Temple (female Human) – Romance-able

  • -Planet: Quesh (Hut space, Hoth?)
  • -Companion type: Ranged Healer
  • -Armor: Medium
  • -Armament: Pistol(-s?) and Shield Generator
  • -Special:
  • -Starting Kit: Med Pack Kit
  • -Primary Stat: Cunning
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
  • -Voice Actor: Georgia Van Cuylenburg

Companion Gifts: Imperial Memorabilia > Courting > Weapon, Luxury, Republic Memorabilia

Standard searches reveal no Imperial citizenship record for a “Raina Temple,” but the usual caveats apply–our data on the Imperial populace remains sadly incomplete. Temple’s skills and attitude suggest Imperial Army training, but her presence inside the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force is extremely unusual; neither the CEDF nor the Imperial military is known for its transfer programs.

Personable and bright Imperial military cadets don’t end up embedded with aliens at the far edge of the galaxy without good reason. Temple could be a plant, but it’s just as likely she’s been intentionally forced out of the picture. Best-guess personality profile suggests she’s a typically patriotic example of the rank-and-file Imperial military–a true believer in Imperial superiority and duty. No matter how easygoing or empathetic she may be at times, the needs of her nation have to come first.

Scorpio (“female” Droid)

  • Planet: Belsavis
  • Companion type: Ranged Tank
  • Armor: Heavy
  • Armament: Blaster Pistol and Shield generator
  • Special:
  • Starting Kit: Shield Kit
  • Primary Stat: Aim
  • Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • Primary Weapon: Electrostaff
  • Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
  • Voice Actor: Deborah Unger

Companion Gifts: Technology > Weapon > Military Gear, Trophy, Cultural Artifact

Claims to have been designed for heuristic self-improvement by unknown parties. Current chassis is of recent design, suggesting multiple precursor bodies or independent database.

Over a century ago, SCORPIO became involved with the Star Cabal organization and accepted guardianship of Belsavis Megasecurity Ward 23. In return for rare technology, SCORPIO willingly acted as the Star Cabal’s security system until application of control codes by Cipher Nine. Currently unable to directly harm Cipher Nine without provocation or depart Cipher Nine’s presence on a long-term basis.

Application of Wreyn-Tsatke Cyber-Psychology Scale results in a 9-NIX rating for SCORPIO (level 9 intelligence, non-human, independent, unknown) with 22% accuracy. These preliminary results match anecdotal experience–SCORPIO places no inherent value on biological or cybernetic life and is interested primarily in self-iteration through rapid experience. If given appropriate challenges and upgrade opportunities, SCORPIO may prove cooperative for limited periods. She appears to value others who share her traits–intelligence, amoral self-interest and curiosity.

Similar cybernetic personalities include Mentor (10-NCM) and G0-T9 (8-HSM)–both considered galaxy-level threats. Recommend full application of Wreyn-Tsatke Test at earliest opportunity.

Likes: learning and gaining new tech, selfishness, killing threats.
Dislikes: Self-sacrifice, duty, wastefulness

Sith Inquisitor:

Khem Val – Korriban
-Melee, Vibroblade + Generator
-Heavy Armor
-Tank Companion
-Starting Kit: Shockwave
-+15 Artifice Efficiency, +5 Research Efficiency
-Primary Stat: Strength
-Secondary Stat: Endurance
-Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
-Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
-Voice Actor:

Companion Gifts: Cultural Artifact > Weapon > Trophy, Technology, Imperial Memorabilia

Once a loyal servant of the Sith Lord Tulak Hord, Khem Val was placed in a stasis chamber in the tomb of Naga Sadow centuries ago by his master for safekeeping. Tulak Hord is long dead, but Khem Val lives on; a terrifying nightmare from the ancient past.

Powerful, cunning and ruthless enough to slay even the strongest Force users, Khem Val was trained as an elite assassin. After emerging from his long slumber, the Dashade is the very embodiment of death and destruction; a reminder that there are things even Sith and Jedi must fear.

Although once pledged to a life of service, with his original master gone, it is uncertain where Khem Val’s true loyalties now lie. A near-perfect killing machine, he could prove a valuable weapon for anyone willing to take him on… though he is a weapon that can cut both ways.

Likes: Killing Force users, displays of strength, making foolish people unhappy
Dislikes: Weakness in any form, not killing Force users

Andronikos Revel – Tatooine – Romance-able

  • -Ranged, Dual Blasters
  • -Medium Armor
  • -DPS Companion
  • -Starting Kit: Concussion Round
  • -+2 Slicing Critical, +2 Underworld Trading Critical
  • -Primary Stat: Cunning
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
  • -Secondary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
  • -Voice Actor: Steve Blum

Companion Gifts: Weapon > Underworld Goods, Military Gear > Luxury, Tropy, Courting

For five notorious years, the pirate Andronikos Revel terrorized Republic and Imperial space alike as the captain of the Sky Princess. Known for his sharp temper and sharper flying skills, Revel was one of the few pirate captains to serve as his own pilot.

His piracy career was cut short by a strange mutiny, however, and he was abandoned to the Imperials who had been hunting him since he’d raided a ship carrying valuable artifacts. After a year in Imperial prison, Andronikos Revel was let loose. He has been meticulously hunting and killing the mutineers who betrayed him ever since.

Likes: Action, keeping promises, complications
Dislikes: Authority, betrayal, backing down from a fight

Ashara Zavros – Taris – Romance-able

  • -Melee, Dual Lightsabers
  • -Medium Armor
  • -DPS Companion
  • -Starting Kit: Energy Shield
  • -+10 Synthweaving Efficiency, +10 Diplomacy Efficiency
  • -Primary Stat: Strength
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Lightsaber
  • -Secondary Weapon: Lightsaber
  • -Voice Actor: Azura Skye

Companion Gifts: Republic Memorabilia, Courting > Weapon, Military Gear, Cultural Artifact > Luxury, Underworld Goods, Imperial Memorabilia

A twenty-year-old Togruta Padawan, Ashara Zavros descends from a long line of Force users. From an early age, she has aspired to study the Force and become one of the best Jedi the order has to offer.

Ashara came to Taris to train under Jedi Masters Ryen and Ocera, whose philosophy is that Padawans best learn the travails of using the Force through firsthand experience of the galaxy. In Ashara’s case, the Masters brought her to Taris for two reasons: First, to teach her compassion amidst the destruction that had occurred there and warn against the dangers of pride and the dark side. Second, to complete her trials by helping to drive a dark ghost from the ruins of a Jedi enclave.

Likes: Rational choices, secrets of the Force, fighting bullies
Dislikes: Random cruelty, fighting Jedi

Talos Drellik – Hoth – Romance-able

  • -Ranged, Blaster + Generator
  • -Medium Armor
  • -Heal Companion
  • -Starting Kit: Medkit
  • -+5 Treasure Hunting Efficiency, +5 Archaeology Critical
  • -Primary Stat: Cunning
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
  • -Secondary Weapon: Vibroknife
  • -Voice Actor: Edward Hibbard

Companion Gifts: Technology > Luxury, Republic Memorabilia, Imperial Memorabilia > Courting

Lieutenant Talos Drellik has never excelled as a soldier, and his true passion has always been history and archaeology. To Talos, the Imperial Reclamation Service does an invaluable job, preserving Imperial and Sith history against the onslaught of time.

Unlike many Reclamation Service officers who are career soldiers with only a passing interest in history, Lieutenant Drellik has thrown himself into his work, studying with experts in the field such as the illustrious Professor Auselio Gann and galactic historian Deravon Wells.

Xalek – After Voss

  • -Caster, Lightsaber + Generator
  • -Light Armor
  • -Ranged Tank Companion
  • -Starting Kit: Shockwave
  • -+10 Bioanalysis Efficiency, +2 Scavenging Critical
  • -Primary Stat: Willpower
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Polesaber
  • -Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
  • -Voice Actor: Tony Armatrading

Companion Gifts: Weapon, Military Gear > — > Underworld Goods, Trophy

A Kaleesh warrior who was captured by the Empire in battle and brought to Korriban to train as a Sith, Xalek prefers to let his actions speak in place of words. Before even reaching Korriban, Xalek had killed several of his fellow slaves who were also intended for training–a bold statement by any measure.

Xalek melds his training as a Kaleesh warrior with a firm belief in the Sith Code. He kills without remorse and is an expert student of lightsaber technique and martial combat.

Likes: Following the Sith Code, fighting overwhelming odds, brevity
Dislikes: Mercy, weakness, talking

Sith Warrior:

Vette -Korriban (female Twilek) – Romance-able

  • -Ranged DPS
  • -Medium Armor
  • -Dual Pistols or Blaster Rifel
  • -Default-Kit: Concussion Round
  • Crew Skills: +5 Underwould Trading Efficiency, +5 Treasure Hunting Critical
  • Voice Actor: Catherine Taber

Companion Gifts: Underworld Goods, Courting > Luxury, Cultural Artifact > Weapon, Technology, Republic Memorabilia, Imperial Memorabilia

Description via
Few people have seen as much of the galaxy as Vette and few have had as little control of their destiny. Born a slave on the occupied world of Ryloth, Vette was separated from her family at an early age and sold to a series of minor crime lords. When legendary pirate lord Nok Drayen utterly destroyed her latest owner’s holdings, Vette and the other slaves were given their choice of freedom or joining up with Nok. Vette became a pirate, travelling the known worlds and learning to get in and out of places she wasn’t allowed.

Years later Nok Drayen mysteriously and suddenly released all of his people from service. Vette was left on Nar Shaddaa where she joined up with other young, idealistic Twi’leks and used her criminal abilities to rob and ruin those who exploited Ryloth’s cultural artifacts and people. An unquenchable spark, Vette is older than her years but far from mature, delighting in silly pranks and always ready to laugh at people who think too much of themselves.

Vette’s affection rises quickly if the Sith Warrior pursues light side actions, and periodically jokes (in a friendly manner) with NPCs throughout most conversations. She also likes it when you act insolent with Darth Baras.

Malavi Quinn -Balmora – Romance-able

  • -Ranged Healer
  • -Mediuma Armor
  • -Blaster Pistol and Shield Generator
  • -Default-Kit: Medikit
  • -Crew Skills: +10 Armstech Efficiency, +10 Diplomacy
  • -OfficiencyPrimary Stat: Cunning
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Blaster Pistol
  • -Secondary Weapon: Vibroknife
  • -Voice Actor: Richard Teverson

Companion Gifts: Weapon, Military Gear, Imperial Memorabilia > Luxury, Trophy, Courting

An officer in the Imperial military, Malavai Quinn is loyal to the Empire and everything it stands for: order, the glory of the Sith and the conquest of the Republic. Following his mysterious disgrace at the Battle of Druckenwell, he was stationed on Balmorra where he occasionally carried out small missions for Darth Baras (to whom he owes much of his career’s early success).

Duty-bound and honorable, Quinn is not afraid to express earned admiration for his superiors, but he is neither a bootlicker nor a mindless servant. He values competence alongside loyalty and will do whatever is necessary to thwart the enemies of the Empire as a whole and Darth Baras personally.

Likes: Patriotism to the Empire, rewarding hard work, honor
Dislikes: Selfishness, betrayal, irrational behavior

Jaesa Willsaam -Hutta – Romance-able

  • -Mele DPS
  • -Light Armor
  • -One-Handed or Doublebladed Lightsaber
  • -Default-Kit: Shockwave
  • -Crew Skills: +5 Archaeology Efficiency, +5 Synthweaving Critical
  • -Primary Stat: Willpower
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Polesaber
  • -Secondary Weapon: Focus
  • -Voice Actor: Rachel Leigh Cook

Companion Gifts [ DARK SIDE]: Weapon, Luxury > Trophy > Military Gear, Imperial Memorabilia
Companion Gifts : Cultural Artifact, Republic Memorabilia > Weapon, Military Gear, Trophy, Courting

Once in a millennium, a man or woman is born who expands the frontiers of what Force users can achieve. Proud young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Willsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any being’s true nature and uncover a person’s most secret intentions. Born to a family of servants on Alderaan, she was brought to the Jedi Order and trained by Master Nomen Karr.

But Nomen Karr could only protect and shield his Padawan from the world for so long. Through the machinations of Darth Baras, Jaesa was drawn away from the protection of the order and confronted by Baras’s own apprentice–and with the emotional instability of her Master.

Having finally witnessed the Jedi Order’s weakness and the dark side’s true power, Jaesa embraces the Sith path with reckless abandon. She now knows that the only truth-inducing force in the galaxy is fear.

Likes: Random cruelty, secrets of the Force, murder and chaos
Dislikes: Honor, mercy, helping people

Lieutenant Pierce -Taris – Romance-able

  • -Ranged Tank
  • -Heavy armor
  • -Blasterpistol/Rifel and Shield Generator
  • -Default Kit: Grenade
  • -Crew Skills: +10 Cybertech Efficiency, +2 Research Critical
  • -Primary Stat: Aim
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Blaster Rifle or Blaster Pistol
  • -Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
  • -Voice Actor: Adam Leadbeater

Companion Gifts: Weapon, Military Gear > — > Technology, Republic Memorabilia, Imperial Memorabilia

While few who are not Force sensitive in the Empire have any choice but to join the military, Lieutenant Pierce joined eagerly–not out of a sense of duty but out of a lust for action. In fact, although his soldiering and his bravery are beyond question, Pierce has faced resistance and scrutiny throughout his military career due to his occasionally reckless attitude and his disdain for authority.

Fortunately, Pierce’s years in military black operations groups kept him away from the stuffier elements of the military hierarchy. Very often, Pierce is assigned to the most dangerous and far-flung worlds, where the Empire’s primary goal is destruction–which suits the lieutenant just fine.

Likes: Personal gain, hurting the Republic, danger and laughing at authority
Dislikes: Rules, kissing up, peace

Broonmark -Hoth

  • -Melee Tank
  • -Heavy Armor
  • -Vibroswoard Shield Generator
  • -Default Kit: Energy Shield
  • -Crew Skills: +10 Scavenging Efficiency, +2 Bioanalysis Critical
  • -Primary Stat: Strength
  • -Secondary Stat: Endurance
  • -Primary Weapon: Vibrosword
  • -Secondary Weapon: Shield Generator
  • -Voice Actor:

Companion Gifts: Weapon, Trophy > Technology, Republic Memorabilia > Military Gear, Cultural Artifact, Imperial Memorabilia

Broonmark is a unique creature among the Talz. While his peers spent their youths learning survival skills and playing on the frozen tundra of Alzoc Three, Broonmark developed a fascination with death. As a child, Broonmark watched his father killed by one of Alzoc Three’s predators, and instead of sadness, Broonmark felt only shame at his father’s weakness. Violence became an obsession and point of pride for Broonmark; he started hunting in secret and lived for the rush of a kill.

When the Republic began recruiting Talz for their elite commando units, Broonmark eagerly volunteered for the chance to turn his claws against more challenging prey. But with each kill, Broonmark’s desire for carnage and bloodshed intensified. His clan soon challenged his brutal leadership, and Broonmark watched in anger as the gentle Talz he fought to empower mutinied against him.

Likes: Violence as a solution, testing yourself, protecting those close to you
Dislikes: Betrayal of allies, inaction, talking things out

Каждый герой «Звёздных войн» нуждается в компаньоне. У Хана был Чуи, у Люка - R2-D2, и даже у Джаббы была обезьяноящерица по имени Salacious B. Crumb. Эти персонажи дополняют сильные или слабые стороны игрока и всегда готовы составить вам компанию в ваших эпических походах. Компаньоны сделают ваше путешествие более приятным, кем бы они ни были - соратниками, друзьями, склонными к флирту спутниками или просто весёлыми ребятами.

По ходу ваших странствий по вселенной ММОRPG «Star Wars: The Old Republic» к вам присоединятся самые разные компаньоны. Некоторые сделают это приключений ради, некоторыми движет алчность, а мотивы других вам раскроются лишь по прошествии какого-то времени. Компаньоны в SWTOR могут быть разными: от смышлёных дроидов до экзотических инопланетных созданий, от гордой принцессы до презревшего законы пирата - и у каждого класса в игре есть уникальный «набор» компаньонов.

Во время ваших совместных путешествий по галактике компаньоны будут делать комментарии, давать информацию о местах, в которые вы направляетесь, и так далее - с собственной точки зрения. Компаньоны могут вести себя, как ваша совесть, и пытаться повлиять на ваши решения. В свою очередь, и вы будете оказывать на них влияние и изменять их по мере развития истории. В зависимости от вашего выбора, одни компаньоны станут вам близкими друзьями, другие - возлюбленными, а некоторые могут сделаться врагами.

Уже в самом начале ваших приключений вы познакомитесь со своим первым компаньоном. Но, по мере роста вашего мастерства, к вам присоединятся и другие. Когда вы путешествуете сообща и пытаетесь узнать друг друга получше, компаньоны не просто становятся более сильными - они увлекут вас в свою собственную сюжетную историю с заданиями и наградами. А вы сможете улучшать их характеристики, приобретая для них разнообразную экипировку.

По мере роста и развития вашей команды откроются возможности для новых стратегий и тактик. Например, вы попадаете в «Склеп» на Белсависе: кого вы отправите прикрывать тыл и обеспечивать поддержку остальной группы? Бывалого солдата, который отвлечёт внимание от вашего отряда на себя? Опытного полевого врача, который поможет всем остаться в живых? Верного астромеха, чьи навыки обращения с компьютером могут стать залогом успешного выполнения миссии? И это - лишь некоторые из возможных вариантов выбора, которые вам предстоит сделать во время совместных странствий по галактике «Star Wars: The Old Republic».

JEDI KNIGHT T7-O1, Kira Carsen (RM), Doc (RF), Sergeant Rusk, Lord Scourge
JEDI CONSULAR Qyzen Fess, Tharan Cedrax (RF), Zenith, Lieutenant Iresso (RF), Nadia Grell (RM)
SMUGGLER Corso Riggs (RF), Bowdaar, Risha (RM), Akaavi Spar (RM), Guss Tuno
TROOPER Aric Jorgan (RF), Элара Дорн (RM), Tanno Vik , Yuun, M1-4X
SITH WARRIOR Vette (RM), Malavai Quinn (RF), Jaesa Willsaam (RM), Lieutenant Pierce (RF), Broonmark
SITH INQUISITOR Khem Val, Andronikos Revel (RF), Ashara Zavros (RM), Talos Drellik, Xalek
IMPERIAL AGENT Kaliyo (RM), SCORPIO, Vector (RF), Doctor Lokin, Ensign Temple (RM)
BOUNTY HUNTER Mako (RM), Gault, Torian Cadera (RF), Blizz, Skadge

RF - возможны романтические отношения с персонажами женского пола;
RM - возможны романтические отношения с персонажами мужского пола

В SWTOR компаньоны сопровождают вашего персонажа на протяжении всего геймплея. Первого своего компаньона ваш герой получает на стартовой планете. Каждый класс наделён пятью уникальными компаньонами, а также особым спутником - корабельным дроидом, который не имеет боевых характеристик, однако может быть использован в ремесле.

Компаньоны время от времени вступают с вами в разговор; у каждого из них имеется своя боевая специализация (медик, танк, дамагер), каждый имеет бонусы к определённым ремесленным профессиям (Crew Skills). Ваши отношения с компаньоном отражаются на шкале персонажа под названием «Affection»; изменение этого параметра зависит от того, насколько понравился компаньону ваш выбор во время квестового диалога. К слову, не все компаньоны в SWTOR любят патетические речи и бескорыстие - некоторые предпочитают махровый эгоизм, стяжательство и жестокость. Изменять уровень вашего влияния на компаньона помогут подарки , которые можно приобрести у продавцов на некоторых планетах (в частности, Нар Шаддаа) или получить во время выполнения некоторых ремесленных миссий (Diplomacy, Treasure Hunting, Investigation и Underworld Trading).

Когда компаньоны хотят с вами пообщаться, возле иконки компаньона появляется значок, сообщающий, что ваш спутник хочет поговорить с вами наедине. Обычно это означает, что для разговора нужно отправиться в места для отдыха - в ближайшую кантину или на свой корабль. Каждое общение с компаньоном приносит довольно много очков опыта и изменяет вашу репутацию с ним в ту или иную сторону.

С некоторыми компаньонами возможно завести романтические отношения.

SWTOR: Десять вещей, которые вы должны знать о компаньонах

Для тех из вас, кто никогда ранее не играл в RPG от BioWare (или вообще в любую однопользовательскую RPG), концепция “компаньонов” может поначалу показаться необычной. В конце концов, в MMO мы настолько привыкли отправляться в неизведанное в одиночестве без каких-либо полу-разумных NPC, бегающих за нами по пятам как прилепленные – а здесь игра сообщает нам, что они не только будут у нас, но мы должны будем использовать их все время – что это действительно может показаться странным.

Компаньоны являются одной из давних особенностей RPG от BioWare; они являются одновременно и надежными бойцами, которые помогут сохранить вам жизнь, и персонажами, которых вы неизменно встречаете на своем пути, с которыми развиваете отношения и на которых оказываете влияние значительным образом. В прошлом, компаньоны часто упоминались как наиболее запоминающаяся особенность игр BioWare, от Минска из Baldur’s Gate II до Мордина из Mass Effect 2 (имена двух любимчиков автора статьи).

Тем не менее, в MMO напарники NPC не так распространены, и если вы немного смущены от того, что в игре Star Wars: The Old Republic один из них будет у вас постоянно, то вот вам 10 причин почему компаньоны очень полезны и почему они непременно полюбятся вам.

1. Первого компаньона вы получите не сразу.

Как только вы начинаете играть, изучать своего персонажа (и уж тем более когда впервые заходите в игру), вам приходиться справляться с большим объемом новой информации. Поэтому понятно отчего BioWare не захотела давать спутников тогда, когда вы только-только знакомитесь со своими умениями и способностями и просто пытаетесь понять, что вообще вокруг вас происходит.

Так что не ожидайте, что увидите своего первого компаньона до тех пор, пока немного не продвинетесь по вступительной сюжетной линии вашего класса. Например, когда я играл за Trooper’а это случилось не раньше того момента когда я собирался покинуть свою стартовую планету и сюжетная линия, наконец, дала мне моего первого прислужника. Ну, вы называете их “компаньонами”, я же зову их “прислужниками” и “пушечным мясом”.

Совет: Если вам сложно найти группу, чтобы начать делать ваши героик-квесты на первой планете, которые требуют 2-х или более игроков, просто дождитесь пока не получите своего первого компаньона и вы найдете эти квесты абсолютно выполнимыми.

2. Вы можете приказывать вашим компаньонам какие навыки использовать, а какие нет.

Когда вы получаете компаньонов, вы быстро узнаете, что за их поведение в бою отвечает AI, действия которого не всегда совпадают с вашим стилем боя. Если вас не устраивает как применяет свои способности и умения ваш компаньон, вы можете отключить их автоматическое использование. Это довольно просто: разверните панельку умений компаньона (нажав маленький + на окошке с его портретом) и кликните ПКМ на иконке умения.

Если вы хотите самостоятельно задействовать отключенные способности компаньона, вы можете сделать это вручную на панели быстрого доступа вашего “питомца”. А еще лучше так – перетащите умения на свою собственную панель. Это очень удобно, если нужно приказать компаньону таунтить определенную цель или использовать оглушение в конкретный момент.

3. Компаньон может заниматься... хозяйством!

Вы герой. Вы не обязаны делать всю грязную и скучную работу – ведь для этого есть компаньоны! Ну не только для этого, конечно. Одна из клевых функций “прислужника” состоит в том, что он собирает весь мусор (предметы самого низкого “серого” качества) из вашего инвентаря и бежит продавать их в город. На короткое время компаньон становится недоступным, но таким образом вы можете почистить свои сумки и заработать пару кредитов.

Ваши NPC-“друзья” также становятся недоступными, когда они занимаются сбором, исследованием или созданием вещей – тем, что называется в игре “командные навыки” (профессии или крафтинг по-нашему). В локациях, во время ваших приключений им можно приказать собирать ресурсы, а затем на корабле заставить создавать вещи и даже отправиться на потенциально полезные миссии. Все это можно поручать компаньону и с расстояния, ведь это высокотехнологичная вселенная. У них точно есть мобильники.

Важно отметить, что у каждого напарника есть по 2 бонуса к “командным навыкам”, которые отличатся от компаньона к компаньону. Лучше, разумеется, следить за этим и использовать их бонусы максимально эффективно, а не сваливать всю работу подряд на одного беднягу.

4. Компаньоны предлагают уникальные квесты и миссии.

Если ваш “подчиненный” захочет с вами поговорить, вы увидите соответствующую иконку (speech bubble – пузырь сообщения) на его портрете. Вам надо будет пройти в бар, на корабль или другое уютное местечко, чтобы начать диалог. Посредством таких переговоров вы будете узнавать подробности из жизни компаньонов, строить свои отношения с ними, и даже получать от них уникальные для каждого напарника миссии.

Не забудьте менять время от времени своих компаньонов, чтобы развивать с ними сюжетную линию и получать новые задания.

5. С компаньонами придется понянчиться.

У каждого компаньона есть личный список из всякого рода симпатий и антипатий (лайки и дислайки), особенно это относится к действиям их лидера – то есть к вам. Если ваши действия и выбираемые ответы в диалогах совпадают с тем, что ему “нравится”, то его привязанность к вам будет расти. Если вы будете делать вещи неприятные ему, то он начнет испытывать к вам отвращение.

Высокий уровень влияния очень важен, поскольку это позволяет разблокировать уникальные квесты, специфичные для каждого компаньона, позволяет вам развивать романтические отношения с ними (если это в принципе возможно), и сокращает время которое они тратят на “командные навыки”. При этом вы можете спокойно проигнорировать всю эту систему влияния целиком, однако вы не сможете раскрыть все положительные стороны ваших спутников во время игры.

Тут весь подвох в том, что ни один из ваших компаньонов не будет разделять похожие на других спутников симпатии и антипатии, что, в свою очередь, будет периодически приводить к их недовольству вами (если вы всегда поступаете последовательно, разумеется). Эту проблему можно решить находя, покупая или добывая из миссий особые подарки для компаньонов, которые помогут улучшить их отношение к вам.

6. С некоторыми компаньонами вы сможете даже… заигрывать!

Тили-тили-тесто! Жених и невеста!

Ита-а-ак, пора бы уже и на взрослые темы поговорить, а? Ну что ж. Да, с некоторыми из компаньонов вы сможете развивать романтические отношения. Это одна из стародавних традиций BioWare. Романтика доступна не всем компаньонам и, на сегодняшний момент, “поддерживаются” только разнополые отношения. Любовь с первого взгляда здесь тоже не случается; как и в реальной жизни, все начнется с какого-то поворотного момента, где вы начинаете “сюсюкаться” друг с другом и придумывать дурацкие прозвища для своего единственного и неповторимого существа в галактике.

Если вы решите завести роман с компаньоном, то, зная на зубок все симпатии объекта желания, будет кстати поднять уровень влияния с ним до максимума (см. п. 5) и постоянно искать возможность, чтобы построить друг другу глазки.

Для сердечных утех у каждого класса есть по два допустимых компаньона – женщина для персонажа мужского пола и мужчина, если вы играете персонажем женского пола. Существуют дополнительные романтические сюжетные линии, но развивать их вы можете только с одним из своих компаньонов. Решать вам, хотите вы этого или нет.

7. По ходу сюжета вы получите 5 компаньонов.

На самом деле, встретить компаньонов очень просто, вам придется здорово попотеть если вы желаете избежать встреч с ними. Вы получите 5 основных компаньонов по ходу продвижения по главной сюжетной линии класса, начиная с первого “боевого товарища”, которого BioWare посчитала важным всучить вам как можно раньше.

Некоторые компаньоны будут представителями наиболее экзотичных рас вселенной Star Wars, тогда как другие будут гуманоидами или просто людьми. Исходя из моего опыта знакомства с BioWare, я советую вам иметь ввиду, что первое впечатление о ваших компаньонах может быть обманчивым, так как студия печально известна тем, что вечно придумывает страшные тайны, загадочные сюжеты и причудливых персонажей, которые лишь со временем проявляют свою суть.

8. Есть и “бонусные” компаньоны.

В дополнения к вашим основным пяти компаньонам есть еще два, которых вы сможете включить в свою команду (исходя из того, что мы знаем на данном этапе). Вместе с вашим кораблем вы получите дроида (либо 2V-R8 если вы играете за Империю, либо C2-N2 если вы играете за Республику), которого можно использовать как компаньона с одной оговоркой: он не может драться. Хотя он может лечить вас и помогать с крафтингом.

Сейчас будет большой спойлер, так что если вы не хотите читать, то переходите сразу к п. 9.

Последним компаньоном, которого вы сможете взять будет дроид маркированный как HK-51 (похожий на дроида HK-47 из игр серии KotOR). Этот ranged tank/assassin находиться на планете Хот на разбитом корабле. Его обнаружение – это лишь первый этап, далее нужно будет выполнить цепочку заданий, чтобы вправить ему микросхемы и заставить работать.

9. Вы сможете изменять внешний вид компаньона.

Одинаково выглядящие компаньоны у разных игроков несомненно портят эффект погружения в игру, даже если это вполне очевидный и закономерный факт. Чтобы сохранить иллюзию разнообразия BioWare придумала наборы одежды, которые изменяют внений вид ваших последователей, добавляя новые цвета, прически, акссессуары и прочее.

Эти наборы добываются разными способами. Некоторые даются за квесты, другие покупаются и торговцев, а остальные, по слухам, доступны через специальный внутриигровой магазин для владельцев Collector"s Edition версии игры.

Путешествуя по миру и выполняя задания – будьте внимательны, вы сможете найти оружие и обмундирование уникальное для вашего компаньона. Эти вещи однозначно украсят вашего приятеля, ведь они придуманы как раз для него!

10. Компаньоны могут быть членами группы (в крайнем случае).

Когда вам необходимо собрать группу – подумайте о компаньонах как о “заплатке”. Они могут не быть идеальными заменителями живых членов группы, но в качестве массовки и пушечного мяса вполне сойдут. Компаньоны могут выступать в роли запасных на боле боя, если группа потеряет полноценного бойца. Безусловно, они не будут столь же эффективными и живучими как реальный человек, но их наличие поможет продолжить путь, если член группы слинял из вашей компании или вышел из сети.

Есть еще много-много всего касающегося компаньонов в игре. Но эти 10 пунктов должны помочь вам разобраться в основных особенностях ваших маленьких электронных спутников.

Добавлены все неизвестные ранее компаньоны, а также бонусы к навыкам команды.

  • Трупер (Десантник, Trooper):

(1) Aric Jorgan на планете Ord Mantell

Бой на дистанции, снайперская винтовка
-носит тяжелую броню
-Компаньон наносящий урон
-Стартовый набор: Concussion Round
-Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности создания оружия, +2 к шансу критического эффекта Дипломатии
-Подарки: Пояс с боезапасами, Набор выживания, обитый чехол для оружия

(2) Elara Dorne на планете Taris

Бой на дистанции, вооружена бластерным пистолетом
-носит тяжелую броню
-Лечащий компаньон
-Начальный набор: Medpack (Медицинский набор)
-Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности Биохимии, +10 к эффективности Биоанализа
-Подарки: Историческая голограмма Республики и Империи, Библиотека Данных Хаттов, Знамены Республики и Империи

(3) M1-4X на планете Nar Shaddaa

Бой на дистанции, вооружен бластерной винтовкой
-Тяжелая броня и вещи для дроида
-Компаньон Танк
-Начальный набор: Flamethrower (Огнемет)
-Подарки: ??

(4) Tanno Vic на планете Balmora

Мили Танк, Тяжелая Броня,
Заметки: Винтовки, Подавление, Гранаты

(5) Bug Dude на планете Hoth
Мили Дамагер, средняя броня

  • Охотник за Головами (Bounty Hunter):

(1) Mako, на планете Hutta

Хилер на дистанции, Средняя броня,
Носит Бластеры.
Навыки команды: +5 к эффективности Кибертек, +15 к эффективности Сбора

(2) Gault, на планете Tattooine
Носит Винтовки.
Навыки команды +10 к эффективности Подпольной торговли, +2 к криту Биохимии

(3) Torian Caldera, на планете Taris
Мили Танк с тяжелой броней
Заметки: Манадалориан,
Начальный набор: Ground Slam
Специальная способность: Таунт АОЕ напалмом.
Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности Поиска, +2 к криту Бионализа

(4) Blizz, на планете Hoth

Танк на дистанции, носит тяжелую броню
Заметки: Специальный навык таунта подавляющим огнем, Экипировка Jawa
Навыки команды: +15 к эффективности создания брони, +1 к криту создания оружия

(5) Skadge на планете Belsavis
-Мили танк
-вооружен вибро-мечом
-Носит тяжелую броню
-Набор Огнеметчика
Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности Хакерства, +2 к криту Охоты за Сокровищами.

  • Имперский Агент (Imperial ):

(1) Kaliyo Djannis, на планете Hutta

ДПС на дистанции, Средняя броня,
Заметки: носит два пистолета,
Начальный набор: Гранаты (Grenade)
Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности создания оружия, +2 к криту Подпольной торговли

(2) Vector Hyllis, на планете Alderaan
Мили танк с средней броней.
Заметки: Виброножи,
специальный навык АОЕ таунта,
Начальный набор: Ground Slam
Навыки команды: +5 к эффективности биоанализа, +5 к криту Дипломатии

(3) Doctor Lokin- на планете Taris
Мили Танк в Легкой броне.
Носит вибромеч и Генератор Щита.
Специальный навык трансформации Танка.
Начальный набор: Ground Slam.
Навыки команды: +15 к эффективности Биохимии, +10 к эффективности Поиска

(4) Ensign Temple, на планете Quesh
Хилер на дистанции, Средняя броня.
Заметки: Пистолеты, Генератор Щита.
Начальный медицинский набор.
Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности Сбора, + к криту создания брони

(5) Scorpio женщина робот, на планете Belsavis.

Танк на дистанции (к сожалению сейчас не может держать агро)
-Тяжелая броня для дроидов
-Бластерные пистолеты и генератор Щита.
-Начальный набор: Щит

  • Контрабандист (Smuggler):

(1) Corso Riggs, на планете Ord Mantell
Заметки: Носит бластерные пистолеты и винтовки, есть специальная способность таунта.
Навыки команды: +5 к эффективности Подпольной Торговли и +5 к криту создания брони.

(2) Bowdaar, на планете Nar Shaddaa

Мили танк, носит тяжелую бронь
Заметки: Вуки, использует виброножи, мечи
Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности Кибертека, +10 к эффективности Сбора.

(3) Risha на планете Alderaan.
Носит винтовки и снайперские винтовки.
Специальный навык Заграждения(АОЕ)
Начальные Набор: Гранаты.

(4) Akavi Spaar, на планете Balmorra (Республиканская сторона)
ДПС на дистанции, Тяжелая броня,
Мандалориан, с огнеметом.

(5) Guss Tuno на планете Hoth (Mon Calamari)
Хилер, средняя броня
Заметки: носит бластеры

  • Ситх Инквизитор (Sith Inquisitor):

(1) Khem Val, на планете Korriban

Заметки: Мили танк, Da (Пожирает форс-юзеров)
Носит тяжелую броню, вибромечи и генераторы.
Компаньон Танк.
Начальный набор: Shockwave
Навыки команды: +15 к эффективности Исследований, +5 к эффективности Поиска

(2) Andronikus Revel, на планете Tatooine
ДПС на дистанции, средняя броня.
Носит два бластера, компаньон для нанесения урона.
Начальный набор: Conclussion Round
Навыки команды: +2 к криту Хакерства, +2 к криту Подпольной Торговли

(3) Ashara Zavros на планете Taris
Носит два световых меча, мили.
Носит среднюю броню.
Компаньон для нанесения урона.
Начальный набор: Энергетический щит.
Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности Ткачества, +10 к эффективности Дипломатии

(4) Talos Drellik на планете Hoth
Носит бластеры и Генератор, урон на дистанции.
Носит среднюю броню, лечащий компаньон.
Навыки команды: +5 к эффективности Поиска Сокровищ, +5 к криту археологии

(5) Xalek, после планеты Voss.

Раса Kalesh
Кастер, носит световой меч и генератор.
Носит легкую броню.
Танк на дистанции.
Начальный набор: Shockwave.
+10 к эффективности биоанализа, +2 к криту Сбора

  • Джедай Консул (Jedi Consular):

(1) Qyzen-Fess, на планете Typhon

Trandoshan, Мили танк, Тяжелая броня,
Заметки: Переключаемый режим таунта «lightning whip», Электрогаджеты и вибромечи
+5 к Биохимии, +15 к Археологии

(2) Theran Cedrex, на планете Nar Shaddaa
Человек, Хилер/Техник на дистанции, Средняя броня.
Заметки: Пистолеты, переключаемый режим лечения
+10 к Кибернетике, +10 к Хакерству.

(3) Zenith, в конце классовых миссий на Балморре.
Twilek, танк на дистанции с тяжелой броней, снайперская винтовка, набор aoe аммуниции.

(4) Lt Iresso, в конце классовой истории на планете Hoth.
Человек, Танк на дистанции, бластерная винтовка, специальный навык таунта.

(5) Nadia Grell
Мили ДПС, вооружена двухсторонним световым мечом.
Специальная способность: Мили АОЕ.

  • Рыцарь Джедай (Jedi Knight):

(1) T7-01, на планете Typhon

Танк на дистанции, Тяжелая броня
Заметки: астродроид, Бластерная винтовка, Гранаты (AOE урон), Подавление.

(2) Kira на планете Courscant

Мили DPS, Легкая броня
Заметки: Два световых меча, AOE способности, AOE стан способность.
+5 к криту Ткачества, +1 к криту Поиска

(3) Doc на планете Balmora
Хилер на дистанции,
Заметки: носит пистолеты, специальные навыки лечения
Навыки команды: +5 к эффективности подпольной торговли, +5 к криту Биохимии.

(4) Sergeant Rusk на планете Hoth
Танк на дистанции с тяжелой броней.
Заметки: Twilek, снайперская винтовка.
Специальный навык: АОЕ заграждение
Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности создания брони, +10 к эффективности Сбора.

(5) Lord Scourge Чистокровный Ситх из Имперского Дворца
- Мили ДПС (танк), носит тяжелую броню, есть генератор Щита.
-Специальность Танк
-Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности Изобретений, +10 к эффективности археологии.

  • Ситх Воин (Sith Warrior):

(1) Девушка Twilek, Ветте, на планете Korriban

DPS на дистанции, средняя броня
Заметки: Два пистолета и генератор Щита
Начальный набор: Медицинский набор
Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности создания оружия, +10 к эффективности Дипломатии

(2) Malavi Quinn на планете Balmora
Хилер на дистанции, носит среднюю броню.
Вооружен бластерными пистолетами и генератором Щита.
Начальный набор: Медицинский набор
Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности создании брони, +10 к эффективности дипломатии.

(3) Jaessa Willsaam, Hutta.
Мили DPS, Легкая броня.
Обычный световой меч или двухсторонний световой меч.
Начальный набор: Shockwave.
Навыки команды: +5 к эффективности Археологии, +5 к криту Ткачества.

(4) Lieutenant Pierce, Taris.

Танк на дистанции, Тяжелая броня.
Вооружен бластерными пистолетами, винтовками и генератором Щита.
Начальный набор: Гранаты.
Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности Кибертека, +2 к криту Поиска.

(5) Broonmark, Hoth.
Мили танк, Тяжелая броня.
Вооружен вибро-мечом, Генератором Щита.
Начальный набор: Энерго-щит.
Навыки команды: +10 к эффективности сбора, +2 к криту биоанализа.